Viduthalai: Part 1 (2023) - full transcript
A police officer is recruited to capture the leader of a separatist group.
This movie is a work of fiction.
All characters, names, places and other entities
appearing in this work are fictitious.
Any resemblance to real persons, dead or alive, or other
real-life entities, past or present, is purely coincidental.
This is purely a work of fiction.
[Narrator V/O] Tamil People's Army.
An organisation on an armed rebellion
against the state government in the 1980s.
They operated largely out of the three
most backward and poverty-stricken districts.
And so the government
couldn't open new factories...
or initiate development drives there.
Due to militant activity...
even existing factory owners
moved out of those districts.
Two years ago...
the government granted license to
a private mining corporation...
to extract minerals from the
mountains of Arumapuri District.
In a district that hadn't seen
growth or opportunities until then...
the people were assured 10,000 new jobs
directly or indirectly...
by the government through the
setting up of this corporation.
The People's Army opposed it.
This resulted in repeated clashes
between the government and People's Army.
Both sides suffered loss of life.
To curb People's Army, the police set up
a special force in Arumapuri District...
and posted hundreds of policemen
along the mountains of the district.
By setting up checkposts
along the mountains...
and camps at the villages
on the foothills...
the special forces prevented People's Army
from roaming free in the region.
To defend the mountain village
of Selliyamman Durgam...
E-Company, a special task force,
was posted there eight months ago.
After they set base there...
the People's Army's activity
noticeably decreased in the region.
Deciding that the opening of mines
will no longer incite trouble...
the govertment announced
a commencement date for the project.
The next day...
[Radio] Railway Authorities have announced that
the express train set to arrive this morning...
from Capital City to Arumapuri
has crashed on a bridge.
A railway authority has confirmed that
the railway coaches fell into the river...
and that several lives
were lost in this accident.
--our news correspondent reported that
rescue operations are underway...
and that further information is awaited.
The Railway Minister and senior officials
from Delhi have arrived at the spot now.
The State Welfare Minister Ilavarasu
has arrived at the spot as well.
Hello, sir.
- Yes.
Good morning, sir.
The area has been secured.
We've called for additional forces...
and requested emergency medical support.
Sir, please.
Sir, my son is gone!
- Ma'am, please...
Please, make way.
Shoo him away.
My child is gone!
Look at my son, sir!
My son and husband are gone!
Shoo that guy away!
Sir, this way.
Sir, this way.
Send that photographer away.
I told you to leave.
- I am only clicking photos!
He had tattooed your party's emblem
on his arm! Look at him now...
Oh, he was so young.
No photographs.
- Hands off me.
Don't order me around.
I am a journalist.
Let me do my job.
Fine, I won't take photos.
Let me be.
My son has lost his leg...
We need help out here.
Hey! Don't do it.
Don't jump!
Listen to me!
- The coach is shaky...
The Fire Service is on the way.
- There are more people inside!
Are you mad?
Told you not to jump...
He just jumped!
- Get a stretcher. Quick!
Hurry up.
Yes, get some water.
Drink up...
It's alright...
Minister : The coach is unstable.
Evacuate those people immediately.
The coach could collapse any second.
Clear the area.
Take them to the hospital
in my car. Quick!
Get them in the boss's car.
Ambulances from neighbouring towns?
- On the way, sir.
We've laid the bodies there.
- Over there?
Minister : Careful, careful...
Careful, okay?
The engine and five coaches
were derailed, sir.
The Railway Department
evacuated the other coaches.
The Fire Brigade has arrived too.
Sir, this way.
Sir, the Collector is here.
Sir, what is this?
This is the work of whoever doesn't want
the mining corporation here.
They've claimed responsibility in the poster.
- That's not conclusive evidence.
Anybody could have used their name.
So we know nothing?
- Sir, they had planted two bombs.
One of the bombs exploded.
Thankfully the other one
didn't go off.
Had it exploded too, the damage
would have been far worse.
The forensic department has
secured that bomb.
They will analyse it to see if
a similar one has been used before.
Then we can identify who is
behind the attack.
Please remain calm...
Remain calm.
Who else but the People's Army
opposes the mining corporation?
They've clearly stated their intent
in that poster.
Who else but them?
Just tell them to confirm it was
the People's Army.
We'll issue a press statement.
Brother, please save her.
She is losing so much blood.
Please come here.
Mary, look at me.
What will I tell your parents?
- Careful.
I've got this, Comrade.
Careful, sir.
Comrade, tell all our men
to get here as soon as possible.
Several injured people in there.
Hurry up, Comrade.
It's going to be okay.
Be careful.
Hey! Hey!
Hurry up here.
This baby is wounded.
Photographer, come here.
Hold on!
I'm coming.
Just wait.
- Hurry up here, sir.
Hurry, sir!
This baby is hurt.
Carry her to the ambulance.
Hurry up.
- Here.
It's okay.
I've got her.
My baby...
- I'm coming.
It's okay, your baby is fine.
Raja, pass me the rope.
Hold this.
Wait, don't do anything.
Just stay put.
Sir, please help my family.
They're trapped inside.
Policeman... policeman!
Policeman, come here.
Come here.
Help me lift him.
Watch the leg.
Sir, please stop.
Sir, this is a major accident.
Why aren't you doing anything?
The collector and SP have arrived
within an hour of the incident.
I'm here... so many cops,
railway police, doctors are all here.
Stop politicising everything!
So many people are fighting
for their lives.
Is now the time to prove that
we're not doing our jobs?
But that is a fact, sir.
Hold this, man.
Get down here.
This saw is blunt.
Can't cut shit with it.
Look, his hand is hanging.
Hold it.
Can't cut it loose.
Sir, it hurts...
Cop: Don't engage with him, Minister.
Photographer: Don't talk to me that way.
Minister: You've come to play detective now?
Photographer: This is a huge tragedy.
You owe me answers.
Why are those people shouting?
What's going on?
Oh, no.
Get back. Back!
What's going on?
Oh, no.
Everybody, get back.
I hope there's no one inside...
[Radio] The injured have been admitted
to government and private hospitals.
Since several of the injured
are in critical state...
it is feared that the death toll
may rise.
The Railway Bridge bombing was carried out
to destroy the sovereignty of our nation...
by the People's Army.
Sir, that is obvious from
the posters on the bridge.
What have you done
to catch them?
I have--
- See.
It's not about what we have done.
It's time to address
what all of us must do.
When journalists write about
this organisation and its leaders...
--not all journalists,
but some of you...
it feels like you are glorifying them.
Please avoid it.
So what if a few reporters
write in their favour?
What one reporter writes is
read by thousands.
Even if a handful of readers...
were to look up to that criminal as
a mentor or a revolutionary...
then even the neutrals will
start switching to their side.
So please write responsibly.
There is this guy called Perumal.
You call him "Vaathiyaar", a mentor.
Or "Ghost".
You refer to this other guy as T.A.
Refer to those involved in
terror activities as terrorists.
Don't turn them into heroes.
A journalist's job is not to
follow your instructions.
We exist to question the government.
Please go ahead and question us.
No one is stopping you.
But ask the right questions.
Twenty-five people have died.
Over a hundred are critically injured
and fighting for their lives.
How could you justify such an act?
No one is trying to justify anything.
Of course, they should be punished.
They used a detonator to blast the bridge
from 100 metres away.
How did you fail to collect
any evidence from the spot?
When jewellery gets stolen
from a wealthy household...
you rush to the spot with sniffer dogs.
But not at such a major accident site?
You get away with writing
conspiracy theories with no proof.
But a government can't work that way.
Talk to the engine driver
who survived the blast.
He'll tell you what happened.
- We already spoke to him, sir.
You three are with the opposition, huh?
- You say that anytime we speak the truth.
Truth? What truth?
Your government is inefficient.
- Leave my government out of this!
Don't run your mouth.
- How dare you!
Calm down.
- Be quiet.
Calm down.
Please, please...
Please listen to us.
Keep quiet.
A horrific attack of unprecedented
proportions has taken place in the state.
To eliminate the terror outfit behind it...
and to arrest the leaders
of the People's Army....
and to discuss the source of their funds...
is the point of this press meet.
So let's stick to that.
The first-level leaders of People's Army
TA, Engineer Ramesh...
Murthy and their Mastermind Perumal.
Our target is to catch them.
Dead or alive.
You can't even capture Perumal in a photo.
How will you catch the guy?
This is no laughing matter.
Until now, anti-terrorism laws were used
only against members of the People's Army.
But henceforth, anyone who helps them,
even in a small way...
or conceals information about them...
and please make a special note of this...
anybody who writes in support of them...
will be charged and arrested under TADA -
Terrorists and Destructive Activities Prevention Act.
This operation is to arrest Perumal.
Some of you refer to him as "Ghost".
We have decided to call this...
Operation Ghost Hunt.
Part - I
♪ Praise thee, Great Divinity
Praise thee, Great Beauty ♪
♪ Thou art manifestation of energy
O Divine Omniscient Light ♪
♪ Praise thee, Great Divinity
Praise thee, Great Beauty ♪
♪ Thou art manifestation of supreme energy
O Divine Omniscient Light ♪
♪ O Divine Omniscient Light ♪
♪ O Unique Infinite Mercy ♪
♪ O Divine Omniscient Light ♪
Young man...
I'm going to spit.
Are you new to town?
Never seen you around before.
- It's my first time here.
My daughter-in-law fought with my son,
took my grandkid, and went to her folks'.
I'm going to bring her back.
Why, what happened?
- You seem nice, so I'll tell you.
My son and his friends stole
a motor pump from a grove.
The police kept coming home
to arrest him.
She felt humiliated
and left for her mother's.
I am going there to mollify
and bring her back.
A man and wife may have their issues,
but I miss my grandson.
"Grandpa" was his first word.
- Pull over...
Get down.
This is a police checking.
Get out of the back door.
But why?
- Just get down.
Should I take my bag, sir?
- Leave it there.
Saravanan, check inside the bus.
- Okay, sir.
Check him, sir.
- Back off!
Hiding anything in your waist?
- No, sir.
Ladies to this side.
Form a line.
One after another.
Why are they checking everyone?
- I don't know.
This way, lady.
I am getting late.
- Five minutes.
Sir, E-Company--
Sir, I'm a cop too--
- Move it, man.
Check him thoroughly.
Please hear me out--
- Shut your mouth or I'll shut it for you.
Whose trunk is that? The locked one?
- Mine, brother.
Come open it.
Bring that guy down here.
Open it.
Come here.
Stop! Don't run!
Catch the guy!
I was just going home.
Let me go.
Aravind, catch him!
Hey, you're a policeman?
Yes, brother.
I am here to report to TNSF E-Company.
(V/O)The sight of a man, who was on the bus
with me just moments ago, now lying dead...
instilled in me the fear that, anything could
happen to anyone anytime out here, Ma.
I've come to join duty.
- Go meet the officer.
(V/O) To not scare you at the time,
I only wrote that I was safe and joined duty.
Go meet the OC.
Had we caught him alive, we'd have
figured why he was carrying explosives.
If you'd at least seized the map
before he tore it, we'd know their plan.
Handing guns to the likes of you...
what else can we expect?
Sir, I aimed for his leg
but he tripped and fell--
Excuses, excuses.
And the other fellow who ran?
Sir, we've detained him
and his family members.
We've started the interrogation.
- They shot my company driver and got away.
I ordered the raid to catch them,
not shoot--
That's the new driver, Kumaresan.
Velmurugan, ask SI Ramasamy to give him
the border checkpost supplies.
You show him the way
to all checkposts.
Let him begin tomorrow.
Do you have experience
driving on hilly terrains?
Yes, sir. I used to drive trucks
carrying cardamom in Kerala.
Which route?
Devaram - Sakkulaturmedu - Ramakkalmedu route.
No wonder they recruited you
as a driver to this company.
This is the first checkpost to enter
into the forest.
What's new in the village?
Azhagesan's daughter has attained puberty.
Her maternal uncle has come for the ritual.
Make sure they're gone by night.
- But the ceremony is at dawn.
You let them in everytime and
I'm the one getting screwed!
I will remand any outsider
who stays the night.
Then it's all on you.
All eight checkposts on this route
are guarded by the E-Company police.
Who is he?
- He was cutting fire wood in the forest.
Where are you from?
- Selliyamman Durgai, sir.
My knife...
- Give me those biscuit packets.
You can take the wood.
He is our company's new driver.
He will bring your food
on time from tomorrow.
Don't hunt wild animals for food
and upset your tummies. - Okay, sir.
This is the last checkpost on the road.
Give him a turn-out.
Slope arms.
1, 2, 3.
1, 2, 3.
One. Salute!
Hand this to the guy.
Respect your superior officers.
Okay, sir.
- Things won't always be this way.
I don't need to go, sir.
You carry on.
This is the way. Come on.
Nothing, sir.
I'm right here.
Be careful.
These rocks are covered in moss.
A short walk into the forest and
we have a checkpost on the state border.
Sir, I can't get over the way you
chased after the man and shot him dead.
How are you able to
casually discuss other things?
It wasn't my intention to kill him.
But then I am not sad that he's dead.
Everytime I lost one of my colleagues...
my heart grew numb from weeping.
Six months here, and even you'll begin to feel
there's nothing wrong in killing these people.
There is a stream down the slope.
Don't look.
I feel dizzy, sir.
Exactly why I asked you
not to look.
"Short walk to the checkpost", you said.
Is there a long way to go still?
Did the driver before me quit because
he couldn't climb these mountains?
He's gone.
- Right behind you, sir.
Only slopes from here.
Climbing down slopes is easy enough.
I'll be the judge of that, sir.
Sir? Yes, sir?
The bags are heavy.
Come and get it.
Coming, sir.
Sir, do I need to come all the way here
to deliver food everyday?
Whoever is on duty
brings supplies once a week.
You may have to bring them
once in a while.
Give it to me.
Kumaresan, there's flour in the bag.
Knead some dough for chapathis.
Brother, there's no water
to knead the dough.
Where are you from?
- Chinnapudur.
What do your parents do?
I don't have a father.
Just mother.
How many siblings?
- It's just me.
This is no place
for an only child.
Why, brother?
- You will see.
Go down that path.
Are there North Indian officers here?
Why do you ask?
You seem to have splashed dye
and celebrated Holi.
You think that's dye?
- Yeah.
It's blood.
That's the uniform of the driver
who was here before you.
(V/O) That's when I found out, Ma, what the SI meant
when he said, "He is gone."
I was scared. Who would take care of you
if that were to happen to me?
What's the procedure to get transferred
to a different location?
You've barely started. Thinking
about transfer already?
Get to work.
Why are you chopping so much gourd?
Don't use up 3 days' worth of ration
on a single meal. Come on, Sankar!
It's not sufficient for 60 people.
Don't I know that?
Do as you're told.
Periyasami, don't let the rice get mushy.
No more than three scoops of rice.
Not too much gravy.
Yes, sir.
(V/O) Though it's dangerous to drive in the forests
I was happy to be delivering food to everyone.
We've been eating whenever
the locals gave us food.
We'll get to eat on time now.
I'll make sure your food reaches you
on time, brother.
Mahesh, the food is here.
There's pickle in the jar.
Greetings, Head Constable sir!
Gourd again?
Yes, sir. We've got sackfuls of it.
We'd be eating gourd
for another three weeks.
Three weeks is fine. He's been feeding us
the same crap for months now.
What kind of food are you
feeding us? Gourd all the time!
Don't ask me!
Take it up with your higher ups.
What do you mean?
It's our money.
You should cook whatever we want.
Who is on night duty today?
The OC will be on rounds tonight.
Don't get into trouble.
As the Mess-in-Charge,
it's your bloody duty to feed us.
What kind of shit are you feeding us?
Throw those sacks of chayotes outside.
They are feeding us gourd
all the time!
Sir, the food isn't edible at all.
1230, Go in.
Take it back inside.
Kalidas tried reasoning with the
Mess-in-Charge, but he was so arrogant.
I understand,
but what can he do?
He is only following orders.
Take it back inside.
Take it inside.
Go on.
If you have a problem,
come up to me or the OC.
This isn't done.
If he finds out,
all of you will pay the price.
Clean it up.
Listen up.
This stays here.
This mustn't reach Ramasamy's ears, okay?
- Okay, sir.
Sir, they are only trying to
cut down on costs.
They don't care about
serving us good food.
Fine, let's do something
in the next mess elections.
Where are you, child?
- I am right here, Grandma.
Please hold my hand, child.
I will.
I will...
What happened?
I'm talking to you.
What happened?
Bear attack. We are taking her
to the hospital.
Bear attack? You won't make it
on foot!
Put her down.
Come here.
Hurry up!
Unload the boxes.
Wait a second.
Give that to me.
So much blood!
Lift her up.
Don't cry.
Your grandma is going to be fine.
Get her into the jeep.
Get her in.
Two of you, get in with her.
Hurry up!
Fold her legs when I shut the door.
Please hand over the food
at the next checkpost, brother.
I don't want to leave you
alone in this world.
I wish I'd gotten you married.
Then you must get well and
get me married.
I've left your food by the twin rocks.
A local will bring it to you.
Please collect it from him.
An old lady was bitten by a bear,
I'll just drop her at the hospital.
The OC asked you to leave her here
and report to the base.
I'll just drop her at the hospital.
It's the OC's orders.
I'll just be back.
- You'll get into trouble.
He will understand.
- You don't know him!
Don't do this.
Sir, please hurry up.
Come here.
(V/O) I was glad I got an opportunity to be
a good policeman on my very first day.
But I learnt on the same day that
being a policeman wasn't only about that.
Why'd you slap me, sir?
What's more important
than following a bloody order?
Sir, the poor woman was
fighting for her life.
She would have died if I hadn't
taken her to the hospital.
What if the villagers, out of hatred
for the police, had poisoned our food?
But that didn't happen--
Don't talk back to the OC!
Would you have taken responsibility?
Put him on punishment duty.
- Sir.
The food is so bad.
I can't stand to eat it.
They take money from us...
but only the officers
get good food.
He's new to the job,
he got carried away.
Forgive him, sir.
A policeman from my company defied my order
heard by everyone over the radio!
You want me to forgive him and carry on?
Shouldn't he be punished
for my humiliation?
Don't get angry while you eat.
Eat, sir.
I want everyone in the company to see
what happens when my orders are defied.
About turn.
High port arms.
Right finger, ground touch.
Rotate, rotate, rotate.
About turn.
Double march.
Rifle down.
Frog jump position.
Jump right.
Jump about turn!
Stand up.
Squad halt!
For the first time in the eight months
our company has been at this camp site...
in an act of bravery like never before,
PC 1563 has saved a villager's life.
A round of applause.
As punishment for defying orders,
he'll be cleaning our toilets from now.
Another round of applause.
- As you command, sir.
The OC uses that toilet.
Scrub it till it's nice and sparkly.
Make it so shiny he can see his reflection.
Then his anger will melt away.
Look, you missed a stain there.
Scrub the inner parts.
Mr. Gourd!
Gourd Ramasamy!
Mr. Gourd!
Who was that?
Who said that?
Pretending to be asleep, huh?
If I find out who it was
and complain to the OC...
you will be done for!
Bala already tried to
antagonize me...
and now he is on punishment duty
at the border checkpost.
The same fate awaits all of you.
Was it you?
Was it you?
I make sure all of you get food on time.
No wonder you are so arrogant!
Don't insult the hand
that feeds you.
You will never prosper!
I put in so much effort
into preparing every meal for you.
Ungrateful people!
He is coming!
All of you are stuck here
in this company.
Some day, I will catch you.
On that day,
I'll make you pay for this.
Taunting me, huh?
We created a lot of publicity
for "Ghost Hunt"...
But in the last two months...
you've arrested only 4-5 members of People's Army
with explosives or electronic devices.
But they're just mules.
- Yes, sir.
The Chief Secretary is asking for results.
We have intel that Perumal and TA have been
spotted in Selliyamman Durgam forest region.
Raghavendar, increase the patrol.
- Yes, sir.
Arrest anybody suspicious.
(V/O) I deliver food to checkposts all day...
and then I get tower duty thrice a week
to keep me from getting sleep.
That night, I halted to catch some sleep,
and that just changed everything.
Who's that?
Comrade, it's the police.
Stay calm.
Comrade Ramesh, the police knows your face.
You step back.
Comrade Nagaraj, only you talk to him.
Why are you out at this hour?
- Returning from Selliyamman Durgam.
You don't have the body of mountain-folk.
We are just visiting.
They came to ask for
my sister's hand in marriage.
We were hoping to catch the last bus.
Okay, get in.
I'll drop you at the junction.
No, we will go by foot.
Why trouble visitors? Get in.
Don't bother yourself, sir.
It's the sight of other policemen
that bothers me.
Are you new to the job?
Yes, brother.
How did you know?
You still wish to help people.
Brother, many of us policemen
live to serve the people.
Why are you coughing?
Would you like water?
We'll get down here, sir.
- Here?
We'll walk past the holy rock.
But that path will be
slippery from the drizzle.
Go past the checkpost and
you'll hit the main road in one furlong.
Why take inexperienced folk
down this path?
I know this path well, sir.
I'll guide them.
Be careful.
[Radio] According to latest intel reports,
the police say...
terrorists from the People's Army have
infiltrated three districts in the state...
and are planning to carry out
major terror attacks there.
- Yes, brother?
A woman was waiting by the gate
all day to meet you.
To meet me?
The old lady you admitted to the hospital?
Her granddaughter.
Her grandmother has been discharged.
She wished to speak to you.
Okay, brother.
Ramu, hurry up.
Give this to the chief.
Hello, sir. Welcome.
This is great timing,
just like in movies.
Keep this inside.
Welcome, young man.
Have a seat.
- Hello, Grandma.
How are you?
- I'm well, all thanks to you.
What's special?
The child is getting engaged.
We'll get him to hand the garland?
- Oh yes, you must!
No, there are so many elders around.
We owe this happy moment to you.
You saved my life.
She agreed to get married
only because I pleaded then.
It is only right that
you hand her the garland.
We'll fix the date next week.
So, child.
Has the wedding date been fixed?
That's the last thing I need.
What happened?
I only said 'yes' so Grandma would
agree to go to the hospital.
But she went ahead and fixed a date!
- Buy me tea...
Get yourself a tea.
I will pay for it.
So then you should get married.
Who'd take care of Grandma
when I'm married?
Offer me a better price.
One moment.
This is my best price.
I need to speak to you in private.
I heard you were punished at the workshop
for taking Grandma to the hospital.
Who told you?
Not at all.
The man who cooks at your workshop,
Periyasamy, has married into our village.
She told us about it.
You got into trouble for helping us.
It's no trouble.
Don't dwell on any of that.
Listen to your Grandma and
get married to that man from your family.
I don't even know whom to call "family".
They say they spent a lot of money
to raise me.
So now they want a large dowry
to marry me.
Should I call them my family
for being related by blood?
On the other hand, a total stranger...
who's in trouble for helping us out...
It was no trouble!
...refuses to speak a word
about his troubles...
and asks me to get married,
lead a happy life.
Should I call him my family?
If not for your timely help that day...
I'd be all alone now,
with no one to call family.
They've increased it to
70 rupees from next month.
No way.
I am not paying.
- Brother?
We are on tower duty tonight.
It can't be.
I was on duty last night.
Go see the chart.
I'll talk to the SI.
What is it?
- Sir...
I've been on tower duty
three nights in a row.
There's been a mistake,
my name's on it again...
There's no mistake. I was asked to assign you
to tower duty till OC says otherwise.
But I'm on tower duty everyday!
Give me some important task, sir.
Every task is important
in the police force.
If you didn't deliver food on time,
our men won't have the energy to work.
I'm good at firing, sir. Give me a chance,
and I can help capture the People's Army.
That's the reason
I joined our company, sir.
You think everyone here is an idiot
and that you're the only one with talent?
First, a policeman must learn obedience.
Go away.
As you command, sir.
- Sir?
You don't know him.
He expects an apology from you.
Just apologise and be done with it.
But that old lady--
- You did save her life.
Would it kill you to apologise?
No, sir. I haven't done anything wrong...
Not 5 days, you'll be on tower duty
even after 50 days.
You're unfit to be a policeman.
Go away.
When he summons you tomorrow,
beg for forgiveness.
Or you're a dead man.
Kumaresan, the OC summoned you.
Coming, brother.
Don't walk, run. Or he'll punish you for it.
- Okay, brother.
Do you get it now?
That it was wrong to disobey
your superior's orders?
Yes, it is wrong.
But in that situation,
it was the right thing to do.
A policeman's job is to save
people's lives.
How could that be wrong?
Why should I apologise for it?
Is he actually naive,
or is he pretending?
What's so funny?
Finish your meal and get to work.
Mr. Gourd is pissed.
Good morning, sir.
Who cares, man?
A new recruit's done what
none of us could.
He's the man.
Don't hype him up, guys.
It's all fun and games for us.
A memo for defying orders.
Should we just issue a warning?
Did I ask your opinion?
Reply within 24 hours.
So Ramasamy...
What's for lunch today?
- I've asked them to make snail.
Sir, will I get into trouble?
I'll ask Chandran to draft your reply.
It will be fine.
You've been slapped with a memo for taking
money to drive villagers to the hospital.
But I never took money.
I know that.
What do you want me to write?
It's the duty of the police
to help people in trouble.
Why should I be served with
a memo for that?
That's wrong.
Should I just write that?
No, sir.
Don't write that.
Word it in a manner that would
make sense to them, sir.
You know best.
You fool!
Sign here.
Just sign it.
It's for your own good.
Hold on to your job.
People in high places
have their eye on you.
They say it's good to have men
with a conscience around here.
I'll meet the OC.
Meet me there in 10 minutes.
To, the Officer-In-Charge,
E-Company, Pudur base camp.
Sir, on 06-04-1987...
I was assigned to deliver food to the policemen
from Kollam Road to Selliyamman Durgai check-posts.
During duty, an old lady from Selliyamman Durgai
was attacked by a bear...
and I took her to the hospital.
Later, the senior officers told me
this could have led to dangerous consequences.
I kindly request you to forgive my mistake
and allow me to continue my service.
(V/O) If I'd just handed him that letter,
the OC would have forgiven me.
And I could have worked freely at that camp
like all the other policemen.
But I'd never have forgiven
myself for admitting as a mistake...
something that I knew in my heart
to be right, all because it's convenient.
The boys will pay 75 bucks a month for
canteen if they're asked to.
It's Amudan goading them.
He tells them, "They don't give us
good food for 50 rupees, why pay 75?"
He speaks ill of you to the boys, too.
Just the sight of the guy irritates me.
He's not worth it, sir.
I'm the OC here!
He is the last PC in my company.
He just performs every punishment task.
And then he performs
the next task.
He won't even reply to the memo?
What does he think of himself?
What would you have done
in his position?
Tell me. What would you have done?
Wouldn't you have apologised?
- Yes, promptly touched your feet.
But he won't!
He's new.
He's just afraid.
I'll make him.
I'll make him apologise to you
within three days.
Why so late?
- I just got done with duty, sir.
You should have informed me.
I'd have set aside some food.
Is there no food, sir?
Look, we've washed and drained
all the vessels.
Report to your tower duty.
Wake up. You are supposed to
relieve the guy on tower duty.
I can't be waking you up!
Hurry up, he's getting annoyed.
Are you returning from the market?
- Yes.
How's Grandma doing?
- She's upset.
Because you refused to marry?
The moment I refused to pay dowry...
they hurriedly arranged the guy's
wedding with another girl.
Grandma's feeling bad.
But I'm happy.
Unload this for me.
What's wrong?
Are you not eating well?
Everyone's got problems.
But don't starve yourself.
Here, eat this.
I've got food at the camp.
You only eat gourd everyday at the camp.
Eat a home-cooked meal.
It will do you good.
The basket won't load itself.
I'll see you.
- Okay.
Don't just stand there gawking.
Let me know if you like it.
I'll bring you food everyday.
Kumaresan, what are you gawking at?
Go and ask for
the price of gourds.
How much?
We've got sacks of gourd.
We can't keep eating that.
Give me beetroot and potatoes.
Three rupees for a dozen.
That's expensive!
- It's my best price.
You want the red ones?
- The policeman is here, you leave.
Give me all the gourd.
Got a sack?
You people are the reason
gourd sells so well.
Nobody suffers a loss.
You never said if you liked the food.
It was great.
Do I have to ask?
I was going to,
when I returned the container.
I'll pay you 75 paise more.
Give me the green bangles - No.
That's the cost of 5 brooms!
- No, Miss.
Fine, we'll go to another shop.
This is the only bangle shop
in the whole district...
Which one did she want?
- This one right here.
How much?
- Three rupees.
Child, your container.
Look, the policeman is calling you.
Why would policemen want to talk to us?
Why would you talk to me
in front of everyone?
It's looked down upon
to talk to policemen in my village.
Okay, don't be mad.
I didn't know.
I came to return your container.
The food was great.
I am a good cook.
Nothing new.
There's something new in there.
You'd like it.
I'll see.
♪ Jasmine blossom all along my path ♪
♪ But no one pays it attention ♪
♪ Bloomed into this wilderness
Just for me ♪
♪ Will it, oh, will it
come home to me? ♪
♪ The forests turn fragrant with its scent ♪
♪ How it infuses with my soul ♪
♪ Jasmine blossom all along my path ♪
♪ Jasmine blossom all along my path ♪
♪ But I can't seem to pay it any thought ♪
What are you staring at?
It's getting late.
Let's go.
♪ I have no clue when it bloomed
Undaunted, I would wait for you ♪
♪ The scent of flowers feels so fresh ♪
♪ My heart tastes sweet as sugarcane ♪
♪ Jasmine blossom all along my path ♪
Kumaresan, only you can be so cheerful
in the face of such hardship.
I'm cheerful as I'm meeting someone.
- Who?
Someone special.
♪ I haven't dreamt this dream before ♪
Why so late, brother?
Don't be mad...
- We can't be late!
♪ I promise, this is no dream ♪
♪ What transpired like a dream
That was not life ♪
♪ What I thought was life
I wasn't living at all ♪
♪ Like a fog lifting in my mind
Memories pass me by ♪
Why did you stop?
- Keep going, I'll come.
♪ There's something asleep inside me ♪
Wait, let me walk ahead.
♪ Truth will unfold
At the end of the slumber ♪
Kaliamma! Kaliamma!
I'm talking to you,
don't keep walking.
You told me to keep walking.
- Get lost.
♪ Jasmine blossom all along my path ♪
♪ But I can't seem to pay it any thought ♪
♪ The forests turn fragrant with its scent ♪
♪ How it infuses with my soul ♪
No, we'll go when the rain stops.
Doesn't look like it will stop.
Get in, I'll drop you.
See you.
Don't send all of the money home.
You have to treat us.
Company rules.
Okay, I'll hold on to some money.
♪ When I want you to draw closer
Why do you walk away? ♪
'Murukku' for you.
- I didn't buy any.
♪ When I hold you in my heart
There's no drifting apart ♪
♪ Somewhere in a corner ♪
Which house?
- I'll tell you.
How are you, Grandma?
- I'm fine, son.
♪ Of a dense forest ♪
When is the next doctor's visit?
- Next week.
You've turned into one of us, huh?
I wish to.
♪ The forest bears testimony
It knows ♪
♪ The wind that blows
In this forest knows ♪
Are you going to the camp?
Can you deliver this for me?
Brother, you've got a letter.
♪ Bloomed into this wilderness
Just for me ♪
Shall we get married?
Why are you asking me?
Ask an elder from your family
to come and talk to Grandma.
I told my mother.
She said she'd come.
I wanted to check with you first.
♪ Jasmine blossom all along my path ♪
Grandma, I like him.
He is a good man.
He said he'd bring his mother
and talk to you.
Even if he's a good man,
he's a policeman.
When he finds out about your uncle,
think he'll let it slide?
They kill our people at that workshop
just for talking to the men in the forest.
Why'd we move into your mother's
instead of living at our place?
So no one would find out
about your uncle.
Now, if you marry a policeman
and he finds out the truth?
If these villagers find out
who were are...
we won't be able to live here.
Forget him, child.
Mannaiputhur checkpost to E-Company.
Hello, sir.
E-Company receiving.
I found three suspicious men loitering
with guns and gelatin sticks.
I'm holding them at the checkpost.
Inform the OC.
Sir, message received.
Inform the SP's office.
Let's take them wherever
the SP says.
Get down.
You work at the camp.
You come here.
Start the vehicle.
Get out of the jeep.
Guns down!
Comrade, go over there.
Out of the jeep!
Don't hurt us.
Let's talk.
Drop your guns.
Comrade, take their guns.
Drop your gun.
I said, drop it!
Hands up!
You can bring your massive armies...
Comrades, get down.
...and imprison people in their homes
under the guise of protection...
but we won't allow your
government to gift away...
our resources, from our hills
to that corporation.
You should go too, Comrade.
After them!
- Sir!
Oh, no. Raghu...
I'll take care of him.
They just fired and ran.
Go get them!
Comrades, run in different directions.
I hear gunshots up there.
The OC is alone.
Hurry up.
They're shooting up there!
It hurts so bad.
You are losing so much blood.
I am here for you, man.
I am going to die.
- Don't say that!
You are going to be fine.
Thinking about my Kamachi...
in my last moments...
I am here for you.
You are going to be fine.
Please take care
of my kid--
Don't say that!
You will return home and
play with your child.
You will be fine.
Sir, his heart rate is dropping.
What do we do?
[Radio] All India Radio State News.
Read by Vijaya.
Three men arrested on suspected terror links
near Arumapuri forests...
while on their way to interrogation...
were intercepted by members of
the People's Army with guns...
who fled with the suspects.
In the shootout that ensued,
the terrorists shot a policeman to death.
The police have launched a hunt
in the surrounding forests and villages...
to find the escaped terrorists.
There's no one inside, sir.
Keep looking, they must be around.
No one in here either, sir.
There are a dozen houses here,
and all of them empty?
They must be around,
keep looking.
You two, look in the forest.
Check thoroughly.
Don't make a sound.
They will be gone soon.
Be quiet...
Sir! Over here.
Who gave you the order to shoot?
Couldn't you see
it was a child?
Why would she run?
She's one of them.
You don't know that.
Stop shouting.
What if it was one of them
and they'd shot us?
His intention was to save our lives.
Can't you tell a terrorist
and civilian apart?
Fools like him can't be trusted with
such operations.
He was doing his duty.
I don't care. You're the officer.
You'll be questioned.
All of us will be questioned.
- I'll say he shot her.
Oh, my poor child... her blood...
Don't touch her!
Just make sure
we don't face an enquiry.
Sir, he shot her with a .303 rifle.
File a non-incriminating report.
- How?
"An elephant trampled over her."
Or "Wild buffalo attacked her."
Easy for you to say!
I will get fired.
Didn't you fabricate the report
when you fired by accident?
But he was a criminal, sir.
This is not the same.
Bloody tramp, you're cursing us?
Sir, let's interrogate her.
We'll find the three men.
Don't trust the local police.
Let's not leave the body behind.
It's a problem if the villagers find it.
Just leave, sir.
We'll burn the body.
Kumaresan, bring two sacks of sugar
from the canteen.
(V/O) The mother's curse stills rings
in my ears to this day.
(V/O) All of her dreams for her daughter...
turned to ashes that day, Ma.
What is happening to
Operation Ghost Hunt?
Our special team raided Selliyamman Durgam
village in Arumapuri district.
There was a civilian casualty
during the firing.
It was a teenage scheduled caste girl.
They claim the OC and officers
of E-Company burned her body.
The public are protesting,
demanding the officer's arrest.
The OC is a relative of SP Nataraj.
What action have you taken?
I have initiated a police enquiry, sir.
No, no, no.
Why would anyone trust an enquiry where
your department investigates your relative?
It has to be a proper 145 PSO.
Initiate a very transparent RDO enquiry.
They want permission to protest.
- Who?
Opposition party.
- Where?
All district capitals.
Let me check with the super-boss.
He'd just say,
"Go ahead with the protests."
But we'll have to deal with the stress!
Recommend against it
at least in the Capital City, sir.
An intelligence report says they're
planning to instigate a riot here.
When the opposition stages a protest,
there will be problems.
But the affected people will feel comforted
that someone's speaking up for them.
If we obstruct that...
they will get irritated, and harbour
resentment against the government.
Gradually they will start gravitating
towards terror outfits like People's Army.
We'd end up helping them recruit.
We've made no significant progress
in the case.
In fact, we still don't know
what Perumal looks like.
Look, the boss's deadline
is about to end.
For the mining company to come here,
we have to catch Perumal.
Or they will stop their funding.
But what is the benefit is that...
we have a valid reason not to go
after Perumal for some time.
Due to these protests.
Whatever happens, it should happen between
the ruling party and the opposition.
Within the ambit of the constitution.
So allowing the opposition to stage
such protests is to our advantage.
At the same time, it's a problem if the
people believe that the opposition is right.
So, to strike a balance...
Sunil Menon, who has successfully executed
anti-terror operations in Bengal and Andhra...
has been appointed as the head
of Operation Ghost Hunt.
Sunil is a charming officer.
He knows how to handle the press.
And he can get ruthless
when he wants to.
So the press will have a
constant supply of good stories.
Duty Parties - Attention!
Sir, thirty-two present.
Five officers.
Fifty-five on guard duty.
Fifteen absentees, sir.
They bought 100 kg of rice
at the mill...
...claiming there was a feast
at home.
Upon enquiry, we found there was no feast.
He was distributing
anti-state flyers on a bus.
We've brought his family in
for interrogation.
It's likely he knows Perumal's whereabouts.
If we interrogate the women,
he will talk.
Have you given them anything
to eat or drink?
Sir, they are refusing to eat
until they are released.
You can leave if you just
answer their questions.
Sir, we don't even understand
their questions.
He is a senior official.
You can talk to him.
Just tell them to give us our clothes.
Officer, return their clothes to them.
These people will co-operate
only if they're treated this way.
We can't get one word out of them
if we give them clothes.
Don't misuse power
to suit your perversions.
Do as I say.
Sir, we don't even let them go outside
to use the toilet.
We treat them without humanity.
Is this how your company
operates, Raghavendar?
Sir, two men from our company have been
killed in the last three months.
And four in the hospital.
Our boys watch these terrorists shoot
their colleagues and get away.
And the locals help them.
It's only natural for our boys
to feel angry.
This is how they vent their anger.
How could I stop them?
No, Raghavendar. My question is...
why aren't the locals giving us their support?
Sir, well...
they are scared, sir.
They don't support us
out of fear of People's Army.
Out of fear of them?
Or us?
Yes, sir.
It's us they fear.
If we participate in their day-to-day lives,
they will stop fearing us.
Then they will co-operate.
- Sir...
Tell me.
- Sir...
They organised a kabbadi tournament
in the village three months back.
I sponsored the prize money.
I attended the prize distribution too.
The boy who organized it
can be of help to us.
The temple festival is coming up
in two weeks.
Let us--
- Toll their bells for them?
Sorry, sir. To them, a rock under a tree
is a temple.
No, he is right.
Let me know what they need
for the festival.
We will support them.
Is everyone doing good?
I've arranged for your village to
always be well-lit, the way it is now.
I've spoken to the Electricity Board.
They're setting up a transformer here.
But there is a catch.
What is it, sir?
I'll tell you.
There isn't a single school in any of the
11 villages in the vicinity.
You walk all the way
to the town to attend school.
The government has agreed to build
a middle school here.
But again, there is a catch.
What is it, sir?
An old woman was bitten by a bear
last month.
Her life was saved by a policeman
who took her to the hospital.
We know...
But just yesterday, a woman died
from snake bite.
She could have been saved
if you had a hospital here.
The government has also agreed
to build a hospital here.
And yet again, there is a catch.
What is it, sir?
People's Army.
Some of you believe that they are
doing good for the people.
But that's not true.
They are funded from outside
the country.
Their goal is to divide this country.
They've killed hundreds of
innocent people like you.
Don't trust the People's Army.
Trust your government.
Trust your Chief Minister.
Trust the people who work
on his behalf.
You saw the movie, didn't you?
- Yes, sir.
Hasn't he done a lot of good?
- Yes, sir.
We're ready to solve all your problems.
We only ask for one thing.
Perumal, TA, Engineer Ramesh,
and others from the People's Army...
come and share any information
you have about any of them.
Whoever comes forward
with correct information...
will be rewarded 10,000 rupees
of my personal money.
Jai Hind.
Brooms for sale!
Brooms for sale...
I was hoping to talk to you last night
after everyone left, but you were gone.
I've been driving in and out of the forest.
But you were nowhere to be seen.
Grandma created a scene at home.
I'll tell you about it later.
Grandma, do you know who he is?
- I know.
You made him carry your basket?
Yeah, he is a load-man.
He was loading vegetables
onto the police truck.
I asked him to help and he agreed.
Is this how you treat a policeman for
wanting to help the elderly?
But you don't look like a
policeman at all.
Definitely not when I'm carrying
your basket.
Which house?
It's right there.
- That one?
Yes, this house.
You can leave it here.
Shall I offer you some water, young man?
- No, Grandma.
I'll see you, Grandma--
Brother, how are you doing?
Maybe he's forgotten.
Who are you?
Have we met?
You've forgotten too?
I gave you all a ride the night
of your sister's engagement.
And you got off
before the checkpost, remember?
I am the only child.
I don't have a sister.
You've mistaken me for someone else.
But I was sure it was you.
We don't have the right clothes
to wear in the forest.
They can spot our khaki uniforms
from miles away.
We tire our boys out
in the name of parades.
They don't get nutritious food.
We only feed them gourd.
For six months now, they've been
sleeping under tarpaulin sheets.
Most of our weapons don't work.
We, too, can perform well
if you could fix these for us, sir.
We're working on it.
I've asked the government to provide us
with the same gear...
that the Assam and West Bengal
police force use.
You'll receive it soon.
Meanwhile, we'll have to manage.
See, this is our last checkpost.
This is the state border.
Why haven't we set-up new checkposts
in the last six months?
Sir, the elephants are a real menace
in these forests.
We can't even enter.
These elephants didn't stop
the People's Army. Just the police?
Sir, they've got support
from the locals.
We get no help from the Forest Department.
I dislike people who make excuses.
Don't ever point fingers
at others again.
Your company has arrested over
a 100 people in the last ten months.
And yet they managed to
bomb the train.
How is that possible?
Sir, may I?
We've only captured
grassroots level workers.
Vaathiyaar, 'the mentor',
is the actual leader.
Sir, he radicalises youngsters.
Unless and until we get hold of him...
we won't be able to curb
the growth of People's Army.
Unfortunately, we don't have
any intel on Vaathiyaar.
The department has been after him for 25 years,
but we don't even have his photograph.
No one knows about his movements.
He operates like a ghost.
Sir, Vaathiyaar's anonymity is--
Stop calling him that.
He is not our ***, is he?
No, sir.
He is an actual teacher.
Are you being cocky with me?
Sir, he used to teach at a school.
That's why everyone calls him Vaathiyaar.
Does he not have a name?
Refer to him as Perumal.
Being policemen,
you call him "Vaathiyaar"?
That's not good.
Since we don't have an image
to his name...
Perumal will continue
being a mentor, a ghost, a deity.
To change that,
we need to put a face to his name.
Unless we make the locals realise he is
a mere mortal, just like us...
they won't cooperate.
Interrogate everyone you suspect
might have seen him.
Get them to describe him.
Sir, please let me go.
Kumaresan, bring that file.
- Yes, sir.
I want every company and local station
to gather information and bring them to me.
Using the common features,
we'll try to get a face for Perumal.
It hurts so bad, sir.
Hurts when I pluck your nail out?
Didn't think about pain
before bombing the train?
Hold him still.
I only have one question for you.
The man who bombed
the railway bridge...
and killed countless people...
Tell me what he looks like,
and you can go.
I promise I don't even know him, sir.
My daughter-in-law is...
Are you interrogating
his daughter-in-law?
Yes, sir.
Bring her down here.
We'll strip her naked
before him.
Please, sir...
If he sticks to his story,
let them go.
Sir, E-Company, G-Company...
and SI Chelladurai, SI Velmurugan
who head the local stations...
have all submitted reports
with descriptions of Perumal.
Sketches are being made
based on them.
I've told the SP we can do
a press release in a week's time.
But of course, we need to
get approvals first.
Let's go.
Sir, I've seen a man
who looks exactly like him.
Like whom?
The man in the sketch.
I've seen about a hundred men
who look like him too.
But I don't go around
claiming to have seen Perumal.
No, I'm sure it was him.
Just can't place him yet.
Remember when SP asked us to
strengthen manpower at checkposts?
That night, I dropped this guy and
four others, thinking they were locals.
And about 3 days back, I helped an old lady
carry her bags home from Kilaamparai market...
I saw the same gang
in a house next to hers.
They pretended to not recognise me.
I didn't understand then...
Where are you going?
I'm going to tell the DSP.
Will you never learn?
The OC is already mad at you.
If you tell the DSP now,
the OC won't spare you!
I'll tell the OC then.
Yes, good.
I'll let you know back at the camp
when the OC is in a good mood.
Come and tell him there.
Then he will stop being mad at you.
Kumaresan, we joined the police force
to fight poverty.
Without the monthly salary,
we can't afford our children's tuition.
Or our parents' medical expenses.
Without us, our families would be
out on the streets.
But aren't we here to
serve the people?
They are murderers.
I saw them in the flesh...
TA and Vaathiyaar.
Get your guns!
Hurry up!
Hide the lock-up keys.
Open up!
Open up!
Look for the keys.
Find the keys!
Where are you holding Muthuvel?
I don't know.
- Check inside.
Comrade, check if they are inside.
- Where are the keys?
I don't have the keys.
- Where is it?
Truly, I don't have them.
- Tell me!
The Inspector is not here. He has the keys.
- Lie to me, and I'll slit your throat!
I'm warning you, don't lay your hands
on a policeman.
We will hunt you down.
Where are the keys?
Thought you could
get away with anything?
Oh, so now you found the keys?
Check if anyone's in there.
- Is he there, Comrade?
Thank you.
- Go, go, go, go, go.
Go, go, go.
Are they holding anyone else?
Who else is there?
Who else is there?
Check inside.
Comrade, look in the back.
Go, go, go.
Are you holding anyone else?
Tell me the truth.
Give them up and nobody gets hurt.
- Are you holding someone elsewhere?
Is anyone else being held here?
- No.
Take him and leave.
I'll handle it.
Comrade, bring the cycle.
Please don't hurt me.
I am going to have a baby next week.
After 17 long years of prayers,
I'm going to be a father.
Go ahead and slaughter me.
But the news of my death will
kill my wife.
Please spare my life now for the sake
of my wife and my unborn child.
Please don't kill me.
Comrade, why are you even
letting him talk?
Your child will be better off
with you dead.
Though I have seen Perumal,
I claim to not remember his face.
Because they will mercilessly slaughter
anybody who speaks against them.
If you identify him now,
not just you...
they will find and kill your mother too.
Why risk your life over this job?
But sir... to endanger so many lives
just to protect my own--
Fine! You clearly won't listen.
I'll tell you once the OC comes
this evening.
Tell him then.
- Okay, sir.
I'll get a cup of tea.
One tea, please.
He's in Kilampaarai?
Our company driver saw his sketch
and promptly identified him.
Tell him to shift base immediately.
But the driver would identify him
no matter where he goes.
We can't let him live.
- Have some tea.
Note down two teas on my tab.
He is our company's driver.
Remember what I said?
He'll be coming often.
Take a good look at him.
Sir, we processed all the information
and shortlisted these sketches.
That guy Sunil is good, huh?
- Yes, sir.
Once you get the CM's approval,
we can publish these, sir.
We should plaster his image
in every nook and corner of the state.
Only then will it be of use.
- Sure, sir.
When the mining corporation delegates
arrives here...
the posters would give them the impression
that the state's only priority is to arrest him.
When they visit, we're planning
something like...
"Development today
Hope for tomorrow"
An uplifting poster campaign
all over the state.
We're going to make our state
look like the safest place to invest.
Just till the mining corporation
delegation is here...
we'll hold back this image.
I shall inform the super-boss that
we have a face for Perumal.
He won't leave until he's stopped
the mining corporation from being set up here.
And now a policeman
claims to know his location.
We must annihilate him
even if Comrade Perumal forbids it.
Because his life is invaluable.
If we kill a policeman now,
the government won't spare us.
Comrade, that's only
if we kill a top-ranking officer.
What government cares about
an ordinary policeman?
Moreover, why make it look like a murder?
We will make it look like an accident.
Let's kill the policeman tomorrow
near the holy rock.
Sir, can I meet the OC now?
He left for Mayilagundu with the DSP
this morning.
It'll be a while before he returns.
Meet him in the evening after
delivering food to the checkposts.
Sir, they could get away by then.
Don't you trust me to act
in your best interests?
Yes, sir.
Then leave now.
Kumaresan, which route will you
be taking?
Through the twin rocks, sir.
I heard a lone elephant is roaming there.
Take the the holy rock route instead.
Kaliamma, going to the village?
Get in.
She wanted to talk to you
about something important.
You are to meet her near the
banyan temple tomorrow morning.
Obviously, his posters would
make the investors anxious--
Don't talk like them.
Those sitting in air-conditioned rooms
don't know the struggles of ground workers.
We know Perumal is in the district.
If we publish his photo now,
we can definitely catch him.
Just to create a false image
of development--
Stop the car!
Get them!
Don't spare them.
Go after them.
Go after them.
Don't let them get away.
I know this terrain well.
Why risk it?
Let's get out of here.
Convince me this is an accident,
and we will go back.
This is to keep you from
interacting with the villagers--
Then that's exactly what we'll do.
What happened, sir?
They've pushed this rock down...
and blocked the route to the village
to keep the DSP from visiting.
Now he wants to walk 8 km.
- Yeah?
I can drive over the rock--
He says he can drive the jeep over this.
You can't even do the job
assigned to you. Now this too?
Sir, we can drive the left wheel
over the rock and--
You don't need to do shit.
Just do your job.
- Sorry, sir.
You go ahead.
Give it a shot.
Very well, sir.
Can you really do it?
I drive through this path everyday, sir.
Watch it.
Keep going, keep going...
A little to the left...
keep going!
Go, go, go...
Great! You're stuck.
"Drive over the rock" he said.
Don't switch gears, man.
Stick to first gear.
Just back up.
Reverse the car.
Sir, please give me a moment
so I can do my job.
The tyre is off the ground!
Push, push, push...
Keep going...
He's done it!
This needs to be cleared
by the time I'm back.
Okay, sir.
What's your name?
Kumaresan, sir.
That's acceptable on off-duty hours!
Can't hold it against them.
Did they sneak into the woods?
- Shut up!
Head Constable, thanks a lot.
What happened?
Something good happened
thanks to you.
The People's Army rolled down rocks
to kill the DSP.
Oh, no. What happened?
Everyone's fine. The DSP was on the way
to the village festival in Mayilagundu...
their road was blocked,
and they were stuck.
I drove the jeep over the rocks.
Head Constable? Sir?
The DSP said "good".
Shall we discuss our thing
with the OC then?
He'll stop being mad at me then.
What's that?
- No, you see--
Let's tell the OC first.
He will tell you.
[Radio] DSP Sunil Menon while on his usual rounds
was subject to attack by unidentified terrorists.
They tried to kill a DSP.
We can't take this lightly, Sunil.
Sir, if we retaliate now
we might be able to kill 10-15 of them.
That will create a negative image
among the public.
We need the public to trust us.
We need their support.
Let's work towards that.
How many men have we got?
- I've arranged for ten men.
They're all youngsters
who came for police selection.
These men have quit the People's Army...
turned in their weapons,
and surrendered to the police.
They will be given a light sentence
for their involvement with the People's Army.
At the end of their sentences,
the government will make arrangements...
to facilitate their rehabilitation and
help find jobs best suited for their skills.
Sir, you are on their hit-list.
They have already made
an attempt on your life.
Why aren't you taking
strict action against them?
Should we turn into killers like them?
The job of the police
is to reform criminals.
Let me use this opportunity to make
a request to the leaders of People's Army.
The weapons you use to carry out
your terrorist activities...
please don't forget we've had formal
education about those weapons.
The outcome of trying to fight us
with weapons is fairly obvious.
Don't betray the youngsters
who believe in you.
The best way you can serve your people
is to lay down your weapons and surrender.
I request the public to come forward
with information about the People's Army.
[Radio] He requested people's co-operation
to catch the terrorists...
Brother, I must tell you
something important.
Tell me.
I know Vaathiyaar's hideout.
I was about to tell you the other day.
The sketch they drew at the DSP's office...
I've seen that man.
I asked Chandran sir
to tell the OC.
He told me to wait for the right time.
But what if they get away by then?
Should the two of us
go and tell the OC about it?
We can't tell the officers
unless we know for sure.
The number of people here
who've been punished for bad intel...
And that's for obedient policemen like me.
People like you with memos
to their name...
will get sacked and sent back home.
I want to have nothing
to do with this.
[Radio] the District Collector's
office yesterday.
They discussed utilisation of
lucrative opportunities...
to improve the district's infrastructure
and employment opportunities.
Workers' associations and mining contractors
who spoke at the event...
noted that DSP Sunil Menon's efforts
to curb terrorist activity gave them hope...
You wish to apologise?
No, sir. I must tell you
something important.
How dare you approach me directly?
Come here!
- Coming.
Get out!
But sir...
- Get out!
I know Vaathiyaar's--
- Shut up!
Sir, near the checkpost--
Didn't I tell you he can't
talk to me except to apologise?
What have you done!
- Sir, Vaathiyaar--
I said I'd tell you
when the timing is right.
What was the tearing hurry?
The more we delay, Vaathiyaar is likely
to get away.
It's true that catching Vaathiyaar is crucial.
But you can't do it
if you get fired.
The OC is looking to get you
suspended because of your memo.
You won't get to talk to him
unless you apologise.
Tell me you'll apologise,
and I'll take you to him right now.
Take him out of the picture soon.
I can't keep a watch on him
round the clock.
Our district committee did
attempt to take him out.
But we were mistaken for
attempting to kill the DSP.
So the leadership has forbidden us
from targeting any policeman.
They absolutely forbid us
from annihilating the driver.
Comrade Perumal has seen him twice.
I guess he--
- Brother, tea.
I guess he felt something for the guy.
He has ordered us to do nothing.
The government is stepping up efforts to
start the mining corporation's operations.
To convince the Central Government that
the locals back this initiative...
they've started laying roads.
They will kill anybody who
gets in the way.
Ask Vaathiyaar to watch out.
We've told him countless times.
He said, "I went underground
to serve the people."
"My goal is not to go on living
by remaining underground".
He's valuable, not just to your movement...
but to anybody with a conscience.
Don't let your guard down.
Make sure Kumaresan doesn't talk.
I'll handle the rest.
Tomorrow, the Collector will be coming
to the spot where we burned her body.
If it's proved in the enquiry
that we burned her body...
all our careers will be in trouble.
I request everyone from our company
who will be at the enquiry tomorrow...
just give your statements
as I told you to.
Everyone charged in the complaint
is here? - Attention!
- Sir!
- Sir!
- He is on sick leave.
Sir, there are a lot of leeches here.
- It's okay.
What are they saying?
- I'm just getting their statements, sir.
How many of you
burned her body together?
Sir, our company has nothing
to do with this crime.
Are you telling me the dead woman
walked here, lied down...
poured sugar, and burned herself?
Speak up!
The guy who filed the report
was very clear.
That it was done by the police.
Sir, there are 1500 policemen
posted in this forest.
This forest is under your company's control.
Who else is going to come in here?
It could have been someone
from the local police station.
You tell me, how many of you
burned her to death?
- Sir?
I wasn't talking to you.
You can go.
You, stop.
Tell me the truth,
and your job is safe.
I don't know anything, sir.
Enquiries are just an eye wash.
Whatever happens, I'll handle it.
No matter how they question you,
don't admit to anything.
You can go.
He admitted that all of you
burned her to death.
What do you have to say?
Sir, we had nothing to do
with this.
We have proof that you were
the mastermind behind this.
Sir, I swear on my mother...
I have nothing to do with this.
- Kumaresan...
One of them admitted to shooting her.
Another admitted to burning her body.
What role did you play?
I will make sure your job is safe.
Speak up.
Sir, none of them will speak up.
Take them to the office one-by-one
and get individual statements.
Roll call, attention.
Roll call, stand-at-ease.
SI Ramasamy has been performing well as the
Mess-in-Charge for our company these past few months.
He wants to continue this month too.
Those in agreement,
raise your hands.
Looks like all of you
need a change.
If not Ramaswamy, who else?
Sir, I will be in charge
of the mess this month.
Those in agreement of SI Amudhan
being Mess-in-Charge...
Hands down.
Amudhan, you are in charge.
- Okay, sir.
You have unpaid dues at the grocery shop,
vegetable shop, and the meat shop!
Of course, sir.
It costs money to cook three meals
for so many people!
You aren't providing us free meals.
We pay 50 rupees every month.
Bala, I know what you are upto.
If you continue doing this,
you won't be a cop for long.
Why are you taking it out on him?
All of them pay 50 rupees
out of their salary.
They have the right to ask why you haven't
settled dues in four months.
- What is it?
Sir, they are only serving curd rice.
Not even vegetables or stew.
Tell them to put up with it
for one day.
A new officer has taken charge.
Tell them he will throw
them a feast from tomorrow!
There is no point blaming you.
You won't be doing this
without your higher officer's support.
Are you saying the OC
is in on this?
I never said that.
You just admitted to it.
Watch your tongue, sir.
It's not good for you.
I've seen it all.
If you don't settle accounts
within a week...
I'll do what needs to be done.
I saw it on my way up.
It was pretty.
Why do you like me?
I don't understand.
You must have met several women
before you came here.
Of all the women, why choose a girl from
a mountain-village controlled by police?
I don't know how to answer that.
Whenever I am upset...
I thought only my mother could tell,
even without my saying anything.
The food you gave me...
that felt like mother's love.
Whenever the job gets overwhelming,
I wish to just run away.
But then I wouldn't be able to see you.
That's harder than any
punishment they could assign.
Which is why I complete
all their tasks.
Why do you look so sad?
Today's my father's death anniversary.
It's been 13 years since he died.
My father worked out of town
and brought home 50 kilos of rice.
Detaining him for carrying 50 kg of rice
for a family of three...
they took him to the station
for interrogation.
My mother went to the station
to look for him.
We didn't hear anything
for the next three days.
The People's Army were conducting a
medical camp in the neighbouring village...
my uncles took me along
and met them.
Sir, I'm from Theembarai.
My brother-in-law was taken in
for questioning three days back.
They think nobody can question them.
We will give them a punishment that
makes these men...
in positions of authority, who harass
women in the guise of interrogation...
live in perpetual fear of retribution.
where is your wife?
Take him.
- Okay.
It's okay, Comrade.
Let's go.
It's okay.
It's okay.
Don't be scared.
Don't be scared.
It's alright.
Look here.
It's over.
It's over...
No one can hurt you anymore.
It's over.
Let's go home.
You can go home to your baby...
Muthu, you, and the baby
can live happily.
Muthu, you are okay.
Don't worry.
I am having a baby next week.
I'm going to be a father after
17 long years of prayers.
Let me see my child's face just once.
Then do whatever you want.
News of my death would
kill my poor wife.
Please spare my life for the sake
of my wife and child.
Please don't kill me.
Comrade, what's the point of
talking to him?
Your child is better off
with you dead.
My father fell really sick
from the police beating.
Six months later...
he passed away.
Oh, no!
After my mother returned
from the station...
every time she went out...
she'd take off her clothes and ask people,
"Are you a cop?" and start hitting them.
So Grandma kept her chained at home.
One time, when Grandma had gone to
my uncle's place...
my mother looked at me with tears in her eyes
and said, "Am I not okay now?"
"Why have you chained me
like an animal?" she wept.
She seemed fine.
So I unchained her.
She even saw me off
when I left for farm work.
When I returned home that evening...
mother was missing.
In a neighbouring village, we found
her saree, petticoat and blouse.
Nobody knows what's happened to her.
- Please don't cry.
After that, whenever the police take in
women for questioning...
they never detain women
in the station overnight.
Because they're afraid of Vaathiyaar
or People's Army turning up.
The fear that People's Army
inspired in the police...
gave hope to youngsters like my uncle.
They started working with
People's Army full-time.
Your uncle is part of People's Army?
To keep me and Grandma
out of trouble...
he stopped coming home.
It's been about eight years
since we last saw him.
Why didn't you tell me
your uncle was a terrorist?
I just told you my mother and father
were killed by the police....
but you're more bothered by the fact
that I didn't tell you about my uncle?
That's not what I meant.
Your uncle is with the People's Army.
I'm a policeman.
I fear that us being together
will lead to problems.
By revealing this information...
I don't even know the repercussions
or damages I would could cause.
I am so confused.
It's clogged.
Let's go into the forest instead.
Don't just stand there.
Step aside if you don't want to go.
Sakthi, three idlies in a box.
Everyone's complaining that
the food is not sufficient.
The boss already yells at me
for spending too much.
Periyasamy, pack everything.
(V/O) For someone who believed what the press and
the department said about the People's Army...
the moment I got to know why
those two policemen were killed, Ma...
I understood that we shouldn't believe
everything we read in the papers.
Oh, no!
Tower 2! Kumaresan!
- Brother?
Catch her.
What happened?
- Please let me go...
Just let me go...
- I won't hurt you. What happened?
They killed my baby!
Four of them.
Open the door.
- My daughter-in-law.
Back to your tower.
These things happen.
Get to work.
What happened?
For three days, she'd been whining
about feeding her baby.
She bolted when the SI took her cuffs off.
- You can't even outrun a woman?
Look, our company made it
to the news!
With names?
- Oh yes, even the OC's photo!
Read this aloud.
Special task force kills terrorists
and foil plan to murder minister.
During search operations,
policemen headed by Inspector Raghavendar...
were shot at by terrorists
hiding inside a house.
The police retaliated bravely and two members
of the group were shot dead.
(V/O) A news like that, right before
the minister's visit...
would inspire his trust in
the policemen who worked there.
So the senior officers didn't even bother
to verify the news, Ma.
I was warned, "Don't come here.
There's a threat to your life."
Our leader fed us courage
and raised us.
Are you well, brother?
- Yes, I am well.
I didn't come into politics
to lead a safe life.
There are countless ridges
under our mountains.
And countless mineral resources
inside these ridges.
We decided to dig up a mine.
Not the kind of digging one does
with our ploughs and shovels.
Kumaresan wants to say something
to you.
He's said enough.
I don't know, go talk to him.
I don't want to.
I took a flight to America, sat them down.
Table talk. One to one.
The land is ours. The mine is ours.
Only the equipments belong to Americans.
You may ask, "Fine, sir. How will we
benefit from these mines?"
You have every right to ask.
Just talk to the poor guy.
Isn't that why you voted us
into power?
The mine will create at least
10,000 new jobs.
Brother, I'll be right back.
Okay, hurry back.
The leader said, my people should have
a world class school without asking for it.
We'll build you homes,
we'll give you jobs...
What do you have to say?
I must go back.
I can tell you don't
wish to speak to me.
Why would I be here then?
I knew you'd come as the minister's
security detail. That's why I even came.
I grew up without a father.
I can imagine how horrible it must be
to not have both parents.
If such a thing had happened to my parents,
I'd never forgive any policeman.
But you agreed to marry me,
a policeman. I--
You have so much faith in humanity.
As we all should.
I don't possess such love and faith.
Or I wouldn't have walked away...
when you shared your sorrow with me.
I was selfish.
I was confused.
I will never leave you that way,
ever again.
I was wrong.
I only wanted to apologise.
Grandma would worry.
You should go.
I told her I was going home.
Walk me home?
I will.
Is this going to be a problem?
- No, no.
They'd look for me only to drive
in hilly terrains.
All of these policemen
can drive in tar roads.
Let's go.
Is that your name? "Child?"
No, it's Tamizharasi.
That's a nice name.
My grandmother told me
not to tell my name to cops.
But now you have.
You're not just a cop anymore.
♪ When I walk with you ♪
♪ This rocky forest... ♪
♪ When I walk with you ♪
♪ This rocky forest
Turns into a blooming flower garden ♪
♪ The path that you tread
With your soft-as-flower feet ♪
♪ Turns into a trail of gold ♪
♪ When I walk with you ♪
♪ This rocky forest
Turns into a blooming flower garden ♪
♪ The path that you tread
With your soft-as-flower feet ♪
♪ Turns into a trail of gold ♪
♪ My dearest
The skies dawn because of you ♪
♪ Softly, my heart blooms ♪
♪ My dearest
The skies dawn because of you ♪
♪ Softly, my heart blooms ♪
♪ Unspoken miracles
Unfold in your presence ♪
♪ When I walk with you ♪
♪ This rocky forest
Turns into a blooming flower garden ♪
♪ Like dirt in the breeze
This village carries us ♪
♪ When we’re sullen with sadness
It tries to uplift us ♪
♪ Where's the hurdle?
Don’t look back, let's keep moving ♪
♪ I will be your companion, you will be mine
This will never change ♪
♪ Our day will come
The village will shower us with wishes ♪
♪ Our dawn will come
Distress and darkness will be chased away ♪
♪ This rocky forest ♪
♪ When I walk with you
Turns into a blooming flower garden ♪
♪ Turns into a blooming flower garden ♪
This is where I last saw my mother.
I sit here whenever I miss her.
I hope someday when I come here,
she would be waiting for me.
Never felt like sharing this
with anybody before.
But now I felt like telling you.
I'm sure she's safe.
She will definitely return one day.
♪ I lit many lamps in prayer
But none of the Gods paid heed ♪
♪ I bottled up all my dreams
With no one to make them come true ♪
♪ Unstoppable as it is
Time will keep going forward ♪
♪ This will never change ♪
♪ Everybody will get their turn to rise
There won’t be any dearth of it ♪
♪ To those who believe
There is a future ♪
♪ Forever and for always
Happiness will come gushing in our lives ♪
♪ This rocky forest ♪
♪ When I walk with you
Turns into a blooming flower garden ♪
♪ My dearest
The skies dawn because of you ♪
♪ Softly, my heart blooms ♪
♪ My dearest
The skies dawn because of you ♪
♪ Softly, my heart blooms ♪
I'll see you.
♪ Unspoken miracles
Unfold in your presence ♪
♪ When I walk with you ♪
♪ This rocky forest
Turns into a blooming flower garden ♪
♪ Turns into a blooming flower garden ♪
...firing due to negligence
on the part of the cadre...
...and deliberate acts on the part
of the officer in charge...
...and others to cover and
burn the dead body. - Natraj...
Both of you, come to eat.
Two men from your company
have given clear statements.
Amudhan and Kumaresan.
If not for me...
- You can go.
Why don't you eat too?
I've already eaten.
Raghavendar, I can only
save your job.
Forget about any promotion
for the next 10 years.
- Water.
Give me one chance.
I'll redeem myself.
The next enquiry
is in a month.
If they don't change their statements,
you are done.
Amudhan is ambitious about
climbing the ranks in the department.
If we promise him something,
he will obey us.
But, it's that constable.
I don't understand him...
I already signed his suspension order
this morning.
I received it, sir.
- Then what's the problem?
Give him the order
and send him away.
Tell him you will revoke his suspension
if he gives a statement in your favour.
When I told him I'd spare him
if he just apologised to me...
he chose to be on punishment duty
rather than apologise to me.
Suspending him isn't going to
solve my problem.
The only solution to my problem is...
while he is on duty
at the company--
Stop, don't be telling me all this!
Do what needs to be done
to save yourself.
Shift Aari from checkpost duty
to tower duty tonight.
Sir, he is an ex-serviceman.
How can we put him on tower duty?
Just do as I say.
Tell him to come drunk tonight.
Put Aari on one tower...
and Kumaresan on the other.
I don't get it, sir.
If Kumaresan dies due to a misfire
while on night duty...
they will suspend Amudhan
for putting a drunk man on duty.
Neither of them will be around during
the next enquiry to speak against us.
The OC is here.
Fall in.
Are you preparing the duty chart?
- Yes, sir.
Who is on tower duty?
Nagarajan and Kumaresan.
The OC wanted Aari on tower duty.
Sir, he is an ex-serviceman.
How can I put him on tower duty?
Moreover, he is crazy.
We can't put him
as a loaded guard.
He is so unpredictable.
Just follow the OC's orders.
Don't overthink it.
Kumaresan, aren't you on
tower duty tonight?
Amudhan Sir told me to
get some sleep tonight.
Who fired the shot?
Sir, it was me.
I fired because someone jumped
past the walls into our compound.
There is no response from the other tower.
Hurry up and check on him.
- Sir?
What's the issue?
Sir, Aari fired because someone apparently
jumped in from behind Tower Two.
What happened to Kumaresan?
Kumaresan is fine.
Ganesan got injured.
What was Ganesan doing up there?
The duty chart says Kumaresan
has been assigned tower duty.
Sir, he was very tired because
he was on tower duty all week.
So I changed it.
How can you change duty?
Don't do this without my approval.
- Okay, sir.
Take him to the hospital.
- Okay, sir.
Tell Aari to get down.
Bring him.
Hurry up.
Put him inside.
It was so foggy,
so I couldn't identify him.
If you weren't sure if it was Kumaresan,
you shouldn't have shot.
Sir, I'll get it done tonight.
If there are two misfires
in my company on consecutive days...
they will enquire me too.
I am trying to close
the existing enquiry against me.
And you are trying to
add an enquiry against me?
I'll tell you what to do,
and when to do.
Come in.
There are six sacks, sir.
The records say 8 sacks.
But there are only 6 sacks here.
There are only 6 sacks, sir.
What he is asking is,
why aren't there 8 sacks here?
Answer me.
Ramaswamy Sir asked me to
write it that way.
There are so many worms
in the pulses.
These guys work day and night
and give you their hard earned money.
How can you steal from them?
These problems can never be fixed
unless we have our own union.
The OC wants to see you.
They say PC Ganesh's leg
has to be amputated.
How could you put a drunk man
on duty as a loaded guard?
Sir, he wasn't drunk
when I assigned duty to him.
He got drunk after that.
You can enquire him, sir.
An enquiry isn't going to
replace his lost leg.
You should have checked him properly
before assigning duty.
I can't give this as an excuse
to the SP.
If I say that, he will
threaten me with a suspension.
What do you suggest we do?
Anything you say, sir.
A sincere officer isn't someone
who is honest...
and joins hands with those under him
and fights for an union.
He is someone who obeys
his immediate senior officer.
I know the SP really well.
But that doesn't mean I would sidestep
the DSP and talk directly to him.
The other day, you sidestepped me
and spoke to the DSP directly.
Sir, higher ups don't know
some of the things that happen.
I just brought it to your attention.
The top brass knows that
we killed that girl and burned her.
The SP enquired me about this and
expressed anger at our lack of unity.
You are a sincere officer.
Reaching the rank of an SI
is a remarkable feat for you people.
If you continuewithout a black mark,
you could even become an inspector soon.
If you reach a good position,
you can pull up a few of your men with you.
Looks like that won't happen.
They've responded to your willingness
for the BDDS course and called for you.
Why don't you take it up?
If you move there,
there won't be any enquiry for the misfire.
Okay, sir.
I'll grant you leave for a week.
Go home.
When they call you for the enquiry,
give the statement as I ask you to.
Okay, sir.
You are the only officer who supports us.
Who is going to be there for us
after you are gone?
Are you saying the rest of us
are torturing you?
Lay off him.
He is just getting emotional.
Sir, I've packed your books and clothes.
What else?
Pack this transistor
and the torch.
Okay, sir.
You didn't take up this job because you knew
SI Amudhan would protect you.
In this profession, every policeman
is out there on his own.
Today, the OC is in charge.
So he is sending me away.
As long as I continue following orders
and doing my job...
one day I shall have that authority too.
On that day,
I will show them who I truly am.
The authority that comes with
being a policeman is really powerful.
Instead of being stubborn
and serving a suspension at home...
if you apologise
and stick around here...
you can atleast do good
to a few people.
We should factor all of this
into account before making any decisions.
It's officers like you who give me hope that
I can be a good policeman too.
Or I'd have fled this place
a long time ago.
Every policeman will have his moment.
We will have to wait for ours
and grab the opportunity when it comes up.
[Radio] A voice recording of the terrorist
T.A, "In the name of development..."
Don't be negligent that
it's just guard duty.
Laying roads is a crucial step
towards curbing People's Army.
T.A has sent a tape to the SP's office
challenging us, saying...
"Bring on your entire army to lay roads,
and we will drive them all away."
If he does manage to stop us,
it's an insult to the whole police force.
Keep that in mind.
Command fall out.
Squad! Fall out. One.
Two, three, one.
Who brings them their food?
PC Ramesh.
Send Kumaresan instead.
Sir, we need him to take food
to the checkposts in the hills.
This can be done by anyone.
Understood, sir.
Kumaresan, why'd you bring food?
SI Ramasamy told me to.
- Sir?
Go and eat. - Why did you bring lunch?
I said I'll take care of it here.
Sir, he told me to--
If you come here, who is going to
take food to the checkposts?
You think I can't arrange
food for the men here?
But sir, he told me to--
- What "But sir"?
I've arranged for 'biryani' through
the contractor.
Why did they send you?
Go and eat.
Policemen, drop your guns
and walk away.
Stop the vehicle.
Get down.
We've surrounded the hills.
If any of you fire a shot,
none of you will get out alive.
Comrade, tell everyone with bombs
to be careful. It might go off.
A forest village inhabited with
just over a hundred families...
is not getting a 100ft road
for the welfare of the people.
It's to loot the natural resources
that are rightfully yours.
Everywhere in the world, whenever
a fascist government lays big roads...
they snatch away people's rights, and loot
people's resources for the super-rich.
We must protect our forests.
Only the people of the region
must utilise it.
We must not let outsiders
to loot it.
No government has a right to destroy
a natural resource.
Drop the gun.
It belongs only to the people.
We must conserve it and
pass it on to future generations.
This one time, you will only suffer
loss of materials.
I won't do this again.
Comrade, burn the vehicles.
- Okay, Comrade.
Arumapuri SP office to all companies,
checkposts and police stations.
Kindly note this down.
Four of our district's policemen have been
martyred in a terrorist attack.
The district supervisor has ordered a minute's
silence to mourn their passing at 6pm.
How many?
Four, sir.
Wait, let me cover it.
How am I going to gather these parts
and send them home... I don't know.
A mother waiting for her son
to return an officer.
A child waiting for his father
to return home for holidays.
How do we toss severed limbs to them
and tell them it's their son or father?
We'll make them pay for these four lives
with forty of theirs.
They're asking us to wait
until the elections, Sunil.
Their deaths will translate into votes.
So they will give us a free hand then.
These men laid their lives
for politicians to govern in peace.
They didn't die over
personal reasons.
If we don't hit back, cops will be terrified
to point their guns at People's Army.
They will hesitate to stand behind me.
I cannot allow that, sir.
People's Army, their allies...
the allies' allies, anyone who ever
collaborated with them...
let's kill them all.
What's your name?
Arrest anybody suspicious.
If they resist,
kill them.
But sir...
Kill them!
- Do as I say.
Are you Murthy?
Get up!
Sir, please...
- Get up!
Sir, I quit the movement.
I don't belong to any organisation.
Go away or I'll run you over.
- My poor wife...
Don't be afraid.
I'll be back.
I know you have nothing
to do with People's Army.
We will let you go if you point us
to their armoury.
I don't know.
Talk! Where is their armoury?
Tell us.
Interrogate the other two now.
They will talk.
Clean up this mess.
A message from Q-Branch
district office to the DSP's office.
We've received information that Perumal
and few other leaders...
are hiding in the hill settlements of
Kilampaarai and Kamboor.
Sir, message received.
We've received information that Perumal
and other important leaders...
are hiding in the hill settlements of
Kilampaarai and Kamboor.
Should I alert E-Company?
Order G-Company to investigate.
Our company has been camped here
for 11 months now.
We've toiled to curb the People's Army
without basic facilities.
We even lost four men.
Looks like the DSP will use G-Company
to catch Perumal, TA 'Engineer' Ramesh.
The point is to catch them.
It's a good thing if they're caught, right?
It is.
But better still if our company
does it, right?
We're waiting, hoping for awards, rewards
and medals when the operation is over.
What are we supposed to do?
If only we had a
solid lead for the DSP--
Sir, our station has received
new information.
One of the main leader's family
lives in Selliyamman Durgam.
We can detain the whole village--
Will he just surrender upon knowing
they're being tortured?
Of course not.
Let's detain the whole village
and kill some of them.
He will come to see the bodies.
We can capture him then and
pass on the intel to DSP.
They're planning to capture families
of the main leaders.
You do know what the DSP will do
when he gets wind of it? - Yes, sir.
Is there someone in your village?
- Yes, under my control.
Ask the family to go away
for a few days.
- Go.
Why do you want to
skip town overnight?
The police know about us.
We could be taken to
the workshop any minute.
I told you not to mix with the cop.
He has nothing to do with this.
Leave him out of it.
Where are you
going at this hour?
Grandpa, our uncle--
We're just taking a walk.
Don't tell anybody where we're going.
Let me try and get our
chit-fund money from Rani.
Wait here.
- Why are you going alone?
No, child. It will rouse suspicion
if we go together.
Wait here.
I'll be back.
You like being the policeman's wife
when you go to the cinema or temple, right?
But you mind my night shifts?
Go to bed, I'll see you.
Who are you, woman?
Why are you sneaking around?
I came to collect my chit-fund money.
At this hour?
Which village are you from?
- Selliyamman Durgam, sir.
Selliyamman Durgam?
Boys, what the hell are you
doing over there? Come here.
Take her in, let's question her.
A police jeep crossed me
when I was waiting at the bus stop.
That worries me.
- Ramu, come here!
Ramu, come here.
- Brother?
Come here.
What happened, brother?
I don't know what happened.
She was lying at the junction.
They've passed electricity through her
breasts and private parts.
You promised me you'd come back.
What will I do now?
I couldn't stand to be parted from you
even for night, you know?
What will I do now?
You've left me forever.
You told me it's not safe
for me to be alone here.
You told me not to trust anyone.
You told me you'd never
leave me alone.
Grandma, wake up.
Wake up.
Let's go home.
Come, Grandma.
Come, Grandma.
They've done this to three people
in the last six months, Comrade.
This is the fourth instance.
They must pay for this death.
Or let's take matters
into our own hands.
Why is the policeman here?
You mean the driver who
delivers food to checkposts?
Young man, please leave.
Let me be here for a while.
There's talk amidst the villagers that
the police have done this.
If they see you here, the wretched men
might just hurt you.
Uncle, who has a problem
with him being here?
Listen to me, dear...
- No, don't say anything.
Nobody in this family respects me.
Don't think you're alone.
I'll always be there for you.
I'll be your everything.
Duty parties, attention.
The whole strength has assembled
in their uniforms, sir.
You were right.
One of the main leaders' family lives
in Selliyamman Durgam...
- Thank you, sir. informer said.
This is big.
But we don't know which family exactly.
Detain the whole village.
We know everything.
Come out.
My baby is asleep.
- Just come.
Sir, please let me go.
I beg you.
Leave nobody.
Arrest everyone.
Get in the van!
Venkatesh, let the children go.
Take in all the men and women.
I said, come.
Get them down.
Get down.
Hurry up.
Go, go, go.
- Don't hit me!
I'll kill you!
Don't hit me.
Keep moving.
Don't stop.
If anyone stops, hit them.
Don't stop.
Keep running.
Get down, everyone.
What are you gawking at?
Get down.
Come on.
Move it.
Brother, why are you detaining them?
Someone from the village is related
to a leader of the People's Army.
But if the family has nothing to do
with the People's Army, why detain them?
All these people are as good as
members of the People's Army.
Come on.
Move it.
Hurry up.
If they really are innocent,
they'd just identify the family.
But they won't.
Policemen like Raghu die because
they help the People's Army.
They deserve no mercy.
Women, come this way.
Men to this side.
Sir, detain the men all you want.
Please let our women go.
Telling me what to do?
Hit the guy!
Sir, please.
Sir, our kids are alone at home.
They haven't eaten.
Sir, I beg you.
Please let us go.
♪ Should I run?
Or should I look for you? ♪
♪ Should I let my heart get crushed? ♪
♪ Oh, my precious ♪
♪ Should I run? ♪
Sir, they've rounded up all the villagers
in the name of interrogation.
Why are you getting worked up?
This is nothing new.
We do it all the time.
They've rounded them up
to find Vaathiyaar's location, right?
Sir, didn't I tell you? That I saw him
while carrying an old lady's bags?
If we share the information now,
won't they let these people go?
But you can't be sure
it was him.
What if it turns out to be
wrong information?
You're in deep trouble already.
One more strike and
you'll be in serious trouble.
They will interrogate everyone,
detain only those with information...
and set the others free.
I've seen the things our men do
during interrogation.
No, sir.
Just be grateful your sisters,
mothers, or aunts aren't in there.
There's a girl I know...
I understand.
But there is no place for emotions
in our job.
She's a good person, sir.
Walk faster. Faster.
Women to this side.
Move it!
Get inside.
Step back.
Do I need to say twice?
Go back!
Please release the pregnant lady.
The rest of us will remain here.
Who the hell was that?
Who said that?
Step forward.
What's your name?
No wonder she's got a big mouth.
Hit her.
How dare you talk back
at a police officer?
How dare you?
How dare you?
How dare you?
Try talking to him.
The OC listens to him.
The Chief Secretary is at
the Traveller's Bungalow...
and the Collector and SP are there
to meet him.
Sir, SI Ramasamy here.
Message received.
The DSP has ordered E-Company
to provide them with food.
I'll inform the OC
and have it organised.
Bring it on time.
What now?
Sir, they've detained someone I know.
Please put in a word to the OC?
You want me to get gutted by him?
Strip! Strip!
Off with your clothes.
You must strip!
Come forward...
I said, come forward!
Come forward!
Hiding, are you?
She is a good girl.
Without their clothes on,
they all seem like good girls.
This... is different, sir.
Different how?
Is hers made of gold?
Oh, you're getting pissed?
Yes, sir.
So you'll hit me?
I will, sir.
I won't commit the sin of
snatching away your nuptial threads.
Do it yourselves.
Take it off.
Come on, take it off.
Take it off.
I said, take it off.
If you don't take it off,
I'll rip it out.
Can't keep telling you.
Saravana, look at that girl.
Sir, forgive me.
I spoke in haste...
she is such a good girl.
She has given me food,
helped me.
So, please...
If they get Vaathiyaar's location,
will everyone be released?
Yeah, what use are these people
if we get him?
We will set all of them free.
I will arrange for it, sir.
♪ Through thickets and thorns
I ran and ran, looking for you ♪
♪ My life hangs on thin line ♪
Hands up, everybody.
Sir, I know Vaathiyaar's hideout.
If we can catch him,
we can send them away!
I already told Chandran.
Turn around.
- That I knew his location.
He told me to wait.
Just give me ten policemen.
I will--
Go to the canteen and
get chilli powder.
Cover their faces.
Sir, that woman is pregnant--
Shut up and do it.
- Come here.
If you don't obey him,
he will take it out on the women.
I know Perumal's hideout.
If you can send 10 men with me--
Get out of here.
- I know Perumal's hideout.
The situation is tense here.
- I know, just give me ten men--
I'll go and catch him--
Shut up.
Go! You will get into trouble.
Get out.
Sir, this is so wrong.
Get the hell out of here.
Go and meet the DSP.
Get out.
I went to the DSP's his office
and they said he was here.
You can't see him.
Leave now.
Hold on!
Come here.
- Sir...
Where are you going?
- I need to see the DSP.
I'll only need a minute, sir.
- I said, leave!
The Collector and SP are here
and you aren't in uniform.
Come back in your uniform.
Leave now.
"They are preventing us
from building roads and factories..."
Sir, it's very urgent.
These excuses just won't fly.
Come back in your uniform.
What does it matter
that I'm not in uniform?
Get out of here!
Sir, I know Vaathiyaar's whereabouts.
Just give me ten policemen,
I can capture him right away.
Aren't you a constable at E-Company?
Yes, sir.
The day your jeep was blocked
when you came for the festival?
I drove the jeep that day.
- Yes, sir.
Sir, I do know Vaathiyaar's whereabouts.
They are torturing the poor villagers
rather than catch him.
Leave now. The authorities are here.
Let's talk tomorrow.
Sir, can you give orders
over radio right away?
They are torturing the villagers, sir.
Someone you know is in there?
- Yes, sir.
Okay, go now.
I'll have them release just her.
But they are treating everyone badly, sir.
Where did you see him?
- Kilampaarai.
Didn't you tell your OC?
- Sir...
You told him?
Yes, sir.
- Sir?
Go with him.
Take whoever is available here.
I'll send backup if necessary.
- Okay, sir.
Sir, up there.
Come, sir.
This way...
It's the last house.
This way... there's another way too.
Don't go!
You are not armed.
Listen to me.
Don't risk it.
Which house?
Over there...
It's the last house, sir.
You see that window?
Cover, cover, cover.
Why did you shoot that woman?
- Sir...
No, sir...
I thought it was one of them.
Sir, she is gone--
Sir, there's heavy firing.
So he was right.
One of their main leaders must be there.
Maybe even Perumal.
Go after him.
Sir, we've got two men down already.
Surround their hideout.
I'll send backup immediately.
- Okay, sir.
Cover me.
You don't have a rifle.
Don't go to the front.
Surround the house.
Back, back, back.
Sir, it's Vaathiyaar we're after.
Why are we running after these men?
He is trying to escape
by diverting our attention.
Should I go up and have a look?
- Fine, go.
Cover me.
Hold, hold.
There is a man up there.
Sir! Where are the police?
Sir! Police!
They're going that way.
Comrade, the driver is the one
leading them to Perumal.
Sir! Police!
Sir, that way...
Sir, he went that way...
Kumaresan, I can't keep up!
Brother, you stay here.
Let me go and look.
Send them to the other room.
Start the treatment on others.
Go in.
Kids, don't play here.
Go away.
There are kids there.
Run away, kids.
Comrade, go.
We'll handle this.
Keep going.
Take off in different directions.
I will take care of myself.
No villager shall be harmed.
They are protecting us.
There he is!
Which direction?
Make sure no one is harmed.
Right there, right there...
- Tell the people to go inside.
They'll disappear into the forest
if we don't get them...
They are getting away.
- Where?
Which of you is related to Engineer Ramesh?
I know you're here.
I'll only need one bullet
if you step forward.
If not... six.
Not much of a difference to me.
But to you, it's six lives.
So, one...?
or six?
Which is it going to be?
Just surrender, sir.
Sir, they are torturing
the villagers because of you.
Sir, please don't try to escape.
Come with me.
Police! Please come here.
I caught him.
Sir, I can't leave without you.
Please come with me.
That way!
I'm going to count to five.
If you don't speak up,
all of you will...
Sir, the DSP is on the radio.
He needs to speak to you.
Drag her out.
Can I come in?
- Of course, sir. Come in.
Close the door.
Let me go, ma'am.
- Don't go out.
They'll kill you.
- I'll be fine...
All of you will be in trouble
if I stay.
Come here!
Come here.
Please listen...
do not step out.
I'll be fine.
I can take care of myself.
Don't go.
Please step aside, ma'am.
Step aside!
You'll get hurt.
Don't harm anyone.
I am coming out.
Please let me go.
They won't harm me.
I will take care of myself.
Please don't go...
That was superb.
You caught him all alone!
Thank you, brother.
Go inside.
Kumaresan, you will surely get a medal.
Get inside!
Go in.
(V/O) Vaathiyaar was caught.
Tamizharasi and the villagers
won't be harassed anymore.
The policemen won't have to
fear for their lives anymore.
They will return home to their
families. That's what I thought, Ma.
But I didn't realise then...
that capturing Vaathiyaar
would cause countless problems...
and that my life would
take a whole new turn.
'UP NEXT...'
the OC summoned you.
Where are all the women
who were detained here?
For your act of insubordination...
and for failing to respond to the memo...
here's your suspension order.
I'll ensure that you get
no credit for Perumal's arrest.
Get out.
The people are not politically literate.
But the moment their linguistic
or cultural identity is threatened...
...they will fight back
on their own accord.
A long time before inequalities like
caste, religion, class came to be...
people were bound together, in one land,
on the basis of language.
Sir, when do you lock in
on the headlines?
Can you please hold on for a bit?
Looks like they've arrested Perumal.
I've also got photos of the atrocities committed by
police under the guise of interrogation.
You are right...
I am getting old.
If you'd said this to me
ten years ago...
I'd have cut your head off
before you could say the word "deal".
Now, we'll talk?
You finally feel like my equal after
getting your men to hit and strip me?
Let's talk.
You derailed a train with a bomb.
The 28 people who died
weren't people to you?
You are hunting us down because you've got
one version of the Rail Bridge bombing.
Let me tell you another.
We can put him in jail,
but he won't stay put!
He will write his autobiography.
And they will smuggle it out
and publish it.
Through the text...
they will inject their ideology
into the next ten generations.
Ten generations down the line,
if someone resonates with his words...
it would mean that the system
still hasn't fixed today's problems.
Whose fault would that be?
Men like Perumal?
Or the youth who read them?
Is this the truth, sir?
You knew some facts
about the bombing.
And now I've told you
something else.
It's upto you to discover the truth
for yourself.
Vaathiyaar will escape somehow.
We have a man in the OC's team.
None of you will make it alive
out of here.
Violence is not our language.
But we can speak that language too.
We will respond to you
in the language of your choice.
If people start fighting for their rights,
they can topple the most powerful of governments.
No authority will match up to
a spontaneous insurgence of the people.