Victim of Desire (1995) - full transcript
Investigator Pete Starky is hot on the trail of $70 million in embezzled cash. The trail leads to Leeland Duvall, a wealthy white collar killer. But when Duvall dies in a mysterious car accident, the victim's sexy wife Carla, becomes the prime suspect. Just as Starky becomes romantically involved with Carla, evidence points to him as her accomplice in the murder. Is he innocent, or just a victim of desire?
looking for something in particular no I
think I've already found it
I'm probably about five Starkey Peter
Starkey I'm here to see mr. Duvall do
you have business with my husband
I'm with the Securities and Exchange
Commission on me and investigating
thanks des Leyland in some sort of
trouble I just have a couple questions I
like to ask fun and you won't be needing
me no
you a friend of the Duval's
I'm not interested in hearing any more
your bullshit Leland what do you think I
am some two-bit shareholders up and I'm
your goddamn VP I need to know what I am
up against can you finish yeah I'll tell
you what you're up against you're gonna
be up against the goddamn wall with your
legs spread if you don't learn to
control your temper
you're threatening me now live for
Christ's sakes Richard you're panicking
you're gonna bring this whole thing down
on both of us you did it didn't you
Richard who's to say that you didn't
embezzle the 70 million dollars huh
you are crazy you know that certifiable
but I'm not taking the fall for you this
time Leland you owe me one already
remember from shredding those product
safety memos this is not my fault Leland
not a bit of it you're the one who
ordered the material changes remember do
you know what my job is my job is to
make money for the stockholders okay now
if making electric blankets with fire
retardant material is gonna net this
company 17 percent or if using recycled
fiber is gonna make them 22 percent then
you bet your ass I'm gonna use recycled
fiber over 100 people died in fires
caused by those products just like the
safety memos warned for Christ's sakes
Richard over a hundred people die every
night in LA
besides you shredded all the memos that
was a good job yeah except I could go to
jail for that one Richard you're
probably gonna go to jail for
embezzlement over your dead body Leland
go get Richard bastard wants me to go to
prison for him do you believe that did
he take the money the money you know
you're as bad as he is this all you can
think about the money why don't you just
run off together sweetheart you deserve
each other you can't leave me here
Richard you watch me
mr. duvall yes
I'm Peter Starkey with the Securities
and Exchange Commission am i under
no I just came to ask you a couple
questions well should I have my lawyer
oh no I think we can do this without him
I couldn't help but notice that you and
mr. Jordan seemed to be having some sort
of disagreement ah well your CEOs and
corporate VP's so you see eye to eye on
anything yeah well especially when the
company's just been hit with a big class
action and wrongful death suit at the
same time the seventy million dollars in
assets are unaccounted for excuse me sir
you come here to accuse me of
embezzlement is that it not yet did you
come here for a bribe mr. Starkey you're
offering me one no that'd be unethical
wouldn't it yeah yeah look I want to
wish you a lot of luck on your
investigation here but uh I don't think
you'll find it well like oh yeah
by the way this seventy million dollars
in missing assets it you know could have
been transferred to an offshore bank and
if that's the case could you do me a
favor don't leave town right right I
can't believe he just drove off and left
me here what an ass
I'm sorry Leland's the same way business
business why don't you stay here with me
I'll find you a change of clothes and
you can use the guest room okay thanks
you know what I wish
I wish we could have all the power and
the money without these men we can
hello Richard my name excellent I just
know he took that money see how
suspicious he acted it's probably
already transferred to a secret offshore
account in Bimini the 70 million is in a
foreign bank and only Duval knows which
one what do you want me to do I want you
to find out which bank what account
number and what the password is it gets
us access and just how am I supposed to
do that by any means necessary angel
hmm that kind of sounds like fun yeah
well don't have too much fun I'm
trusting it Linda
yes lover my Friday will be in Bimini
you got it
marv Riker what happened somebody robbed
you know kill somebody because if you
did with that suit you're not the only
damn your white collar topper yeah I'm a
Peter Stark in with the SEC I'm in town
for an investigation and I just thought
I'd drop by and pay courtesy calling
that bump us for some information what
yeah all right who's your part
his name's Duval Leland Duval I'm gonna
have to run a surveillance on
you've got to be kidding me this guy's
clean and virgins drawers not even a
speeding ticket I don't know why you
wasted your time just fine outstanding
when you got a load of badasses shooting
penny rolls and drag Vice I don't have
to explain to you the difference between
blue-collar and white-collar crime do I
mean the perp sure after pull a trigger
and kill one guy the perp I'm after cuts
corners and manufacturing kills 105
people with shoddy material suspected
yeah right now he's on his way out of
the country with 70 million dollars in
embezzled cash 70 million dollars is
paperwork probably to wait just let me
get clearance sure hi would you happen /
riper went oh yeah he's right in over
there Oh what can you tell them I left
is for him if he can find it stop
consider me a partner partner of course
so you finally made it she's a little
hard for me to be quiet
you know how vocal I am mother
Oh am i I want to know that guy was here
SEC cop no big deal
is he gonna create problems rest darlin
I got a plan I always have a plan
and what about the 70 million it's
tucked away in a bank in Bimini just
waiting to be picked up bingo and how do
you go about getting that money there is
the quick pass where maybe maybe not
I bet I can make you I'm on it no baby I
dr. me Richard yeah I love her what do
you have for me hmm you know what I have
for you but you're gonna have to wait
till after we get the money but he does
have it's in a National Bank of Bimini
I'm gonna find that account number
tomorrow after he leaves good girl okay
so I'm flying to memory tomorrow
afternoon tickets from the airport so
we're gonna meet in the hotel get the
money and disappear together seventy
million dollars and I'm getting excited
just thinking about it
how excited very excited well hold that
thought number there's still a lot of
work we have to do before we get that
money in our hands we need to get that
account number and then Duval secret
password I already know the password oh
yeah the password is desire
what happened huh a roll turn but
development the gas tank ruptured the
car explode you bar we're gonna have a
hell of a time keeping the shadow media
I guess thus ends your investigation oh
no no not like there's still 70 million
bucks in embezzled cash out there
somewhere I kind of like to find it what
you need to search for it at the ball
house he's probably got it stashed in
some offshore bank someplace he had it I
mean the man is in no condition to make
any kind of bank transactions now sir
why I think I got something
what do you got all right Rock sir
recent ones got McBain come up here take
some 3d photos of these right
hey Ryker I got some footprints over
here let's take a look so pretty hard
too tough to see that one's a small heel
could be a man in a woman yeah well a
guy in drag that McBain take some
snapshots of that toe all right what are
you thinking I'm thinking I'd like to
speak to the victim's wife
I got a judge will grant me wiretap and
residential books great give me a now
I'll get the warrants I'll meet you at
the station
hey Oh H get the warrant piece of cake
what's up well here she comes
mrs. Duvall
this is detective morrow breaker huh
the body was badly but it's not gonna be
that I think bad this way mrs. Duvall
your husband's fingerprints are on file
at the SEC and we've faxed them for them
but with the condition that his body's
in it's gonna take a little while before
we can make the match and I'm you sure
you're up to this
yeah I think so
unidentified male number 27 coming up
glasha shit right to the flesh yeah come
Riker give it a rest cover it up cover
it up let me see that stuff
this is Devon mrs. Devon do you
recognize any of this it's Lee woods we
have a match
carded Leland Devon why don't you let me
see that you get home okay all right
just wait in the office while I get
changed her so tell me about this guy
he's dead yeah like I didn't know that
for myself having any details sorry to
tell what a crispy critter
you saw him hello Hickory sauce or some
red beans there you go for your family
of five listen this could be a homicide
I'm looking for cause of death
do you have a clue no he burned up
pretty bad
there's no signs of pre-mortem
drama-like fractured bones was he alive
before the cop caught fire open up his
mouth looked on his Pro first big it was
dead before the fire but it was black
there was smoke inhalation oh you are
rip I got plenty of them I'll pass up do
you think you could have an autopsy
report for me by tomorrow noon no
great look at this door
thank you very much oh I appreciate ya
you know I know this is a bad bad time
but I do have a couple of questions that
I'd like to ask you they're just just
routine ah okay look but if you don't
mind I'd like to change into something
more comfortable
I'll be right back thanks sure make
yourself at home
yeah I'll uh I'll wait for you how long
have you and your husband been married
seven years we met at a party in Los
Angeles a bunch of manufacturing sectors
trying to impress each other he was the
most impressive man in the room though
he was fine act casual Leland just sort
of exuded this power why were you at the
party and CEO thought I'd add a little
glamour to the evening so he invited me
along I think it was trying to get him
in pants though we figured that the
accident took place around 3:00 a.m. why
was he out so late we got a phone call
who was it
no no I mean a man or a woman uh man I
think you think Whelan was having an
affair I don't know why what do you
think someone's possible combos now
always a faithful husband but then I
wasn't always a perfect wife either
what uh what did you do after he left
I was just admiring your antiques I
guess they're mine now yeah well you
know I I I know you said that he wasn't
always faithful to you did you have a
fair student well I can try I had a
couple nothing serious
I loved my husband mr. Starkey
do you like a drink sure bourbon alright
yeah nice either
what accepting a drink while on duty
isn't that against the rules isn't local
well I've been known to break the rules
before No
what did you do after your husband got
his call uh I went back to sleep miss
Hammond was in the guest room
there's not much of an alibi is it oh do
you think you need an alibi isn't that
what this is all about did I or didn't I
kill my husband for 70 million dollars
did you I'm sorry that's uncalled for
and currently your husband's death is
classified as an accident I know I hope
you don't think I'm ready but would you
be offended if I asked you to leave I
really need some time alone
no oh I'm sorry
all right there in tell me something
what do you got going with the widow me
talking about uh were you two a Griffin
edge down at the morgue but just
wondering not deep your investigation
went before I showed up I had to give
her a sympathetic shoulder to cry on so
I could get in the house and plant the
bugs pretty smooth huh
you got bugs in every room with the
kitchen thank God pilot transcribe and
recipes alright physical surveillance
you want day or night I'll take nights
so you can coop listen I sleep on my own
time all right all right
you are so tense he thinks like he'll
Leyland oh come on
that's impossible how are you I take a
couple of alien relax and give you a
massage let's work that tenseness right
out of your body there that's it now
you're starting to relax I hope you have
some money put aside just in case this
state gets tied up in probate uh-huh I
have a checking account I didn't learn
to have a will yeah do you know where it
probably with his insurance papers
safety deposit box at the bank did he
have any place else he kept his
important papers I mean I don't know
thank Carla I'm trying to help you well
he kept his business papers in a desk
are you sure he didn't have a secret
hidden wall safe
well if it's a secret I can't tell you
can't you can tell me Carla I'm your
what are you doing in here I'm just
looking for a phone but I want to take a
cab and go home try looking under the
phone Thanks have you tried calling
Richard at home it's not there that's
I don't know where he would have gone he
usually needs some time to cool off but
this is
I'm coming
gommi that that autopsy report
oh yeah just finish it this morning oh I
was up late last night on a rush order
found all these body parts up by the
peewee golf course wanted me to put them
back together and find out how many
victims there were they brought in bags
or arms and legs I couldn't believe it
you know I was up half the night trying
to figure out what to do with his spare
legs I put all these people back
together and I had a leg leftover I
mixed the mess humble this one in that I
still had a leg left over but you know
what I figured out one of the victims
was bill funny enjoy your chicken
she's been home all day Jordans
girlfriend left this afternoon who's
that it's my pitch ja I'm stuck here all
hope I don't have to take a dump yield
me both got a call from the tower yes
the cause of death the war cranial
damage wrong three bullets one right to
the pump what kind of gun we looking for
38 caliber what's the price the vows
death was no match somebody shouting
three times before crashing his car well
she said she was home all night the
night of the murder victim's wife 68% at
a time somebody gets killed
it's the girlfriend the mom or the wife
yo-oh well is she still in there yeah I
could still hear the shout going oh I
wish we had a camera in there that
budged up one hell of a body on come on
she's a suspect that's still slip with a
salami take it down for the ice rink and
have a right on my Zamboni whatever she
does behind closed doors is none of our
business unless is something criminal
excuse me what do you win expert on
bedroom window ethics I mean I say if a
girl's gonna think I'm from clothes with
the curtains open she wants you to see
don't follow her stay here cover for me
wait a minute we don't have a wallet for
that yeah we got a warrant to plant bugs
and implant this one yet if I go in the
house and find a place for it and while
I'm poking around happen to come across
the murder gun huh hugged if she comes I
can't be right back okay
Riker I'm in your soundcheck honk your
horn if anybody comes near this place I
don't want to get caught in here
okay Riker bedrooms done
hello oh look at it's not a very good
time no the police have been here okay
right I'll talk to you later
what's your dope steak for Tina I know
she almost caught me and I didn't find
the murder gun either it's there I feel
it that broad I still husband if we
follow us sooner or later she'll lead us
to the evidence she and I picked up his
appointment book maybe we could find out
where he was going the night of the
oh oh go back Linda century Hilton Linda
Lowe Santa Monica looks like you had
something going with Jordans girlfriend
doesn't in him maybe we ought to ask her
a couple questions come on
how well did you know mr. do wrong miss
Richards boss so you didn't know him
intimately what do you mean by that uh
sexually of course not
yeah so there'd be no reason for you to
go to a hotel with him like the century
Hilton or anything you want to know if
you were banging your boy who's boss I'm
gonna tell us our meetings were strictly
mr. Duvall was concerned that Richard
was gonna turn state's evidence he
wanted to know what his frame of mind
was see if maybe I could help influence
him a little all right why would you
help Duvall because he paid me
so you want to school in Duvall I told
you no the first time you asked that
question didn't I what was your
relationship with mrs. Duvall I guess
you could say we were friends while the
men discussed business we discussed the
men we'd like to question your boyfriend
well he's out of the country on a
business trip
Wendy expect them back early next week
when did he leave Tuesday night I think
the night of the murder as a matter of
fact it was
okay Riker what do you think I think she
and the victim was screwing like bunny
top but I still say a wife pulled the
trigger we should follow her guarantee
to lead us to the evidence she pulled a
trigger for sure
can I give you a hand
I didn't kill my husband did I ask him
they were going to I wanted somebody
safe and he was becoming dangerous but
you're the best of both worlds
yeah an honest man who's Justin well
good dangerous did you ever feel like
you were in danger I guess when a
threatening calls started coming in from
a citizens group that was suing Layla's
company threatening calls death threats
yeah let's not talk about that now you
know like I gotta go I gotta go
either you come back tomorrow night
please I need you
I can't believe this so neat how could
you live like this you're late
hey bite my ear stop looking at the
secondary suspects anything good today
no no she she she was out of it yeah but
what about the guy that made the phone
call while you were searching for the
gun in the house it could be our
well you know we don't know that she did
it I mean I never found the gun yeah but
you didn't get to look everyplace did
you for my boat I don't want place you
look in the panty drawer anything good
in there you know I'm gonna take this
home and transcribe this tonight why
don't you take this tape recorder and go
on get out of here now okay does that
mean that you tell me the story about
the pain yeah I'm tired I'm gonna get
some sleep going out of here all right
oh and by the way we got the lab report
back on those tire tracks we're looking
for those SR 70 radial 15s those big 15
inches well yeah see so it couldn't have
in her car now we're looking for a
four-door American sedan something like
I couldn't kill my husband oh did I ask
him we want to race already erased come
on yeah
my word was a word
I get this guy
Oh fritz right there
she Isis /alright sucker I got a picture
you anyway so anything happened last
night she had a visitor last night I
chased them ripped my pants well what'd
he get away yeah but there's the first
good break we got in this case so far
why is that come on Stocki husband gets
murdered wife gets laid you tell me that
doesn't make this guy a prime suspect
you have any idea who this guy is
yeah who what's the matter with you
you're acting weird
you're jealous but someone's getting a
piece of that yeah I took a picture of
him it was kind of talk I don't forgot
much but I also got some hot evidence
what I got his voice on tape
he said don't talk we can make a voice
print to match him up with the guy who
called her what he was searching the
house did you recognize the voice
no but the analyzer will you should have
heard him you've got to get me that tape
from yesterday so I could bring it down
to the lab yeah sure yeah let's uh let's
check out this Allred guy first okay
which one is it looks like this one here
reminds me my aunt's place in Jersey mob
writer I'm a sight its feet of stock yes
you see uh man if we ask you a few
questions there miss for bird wondering
how long it would take you guys to find
me it's about Leland Duval's little
accident somebody shot him three times
what do you want me to say I'm sorry
he's dead I'm not a bastard killed my
son his company did it maybe they
weren't beaten safety standards there
are internal memos from an engineer but
making a safe product but a cut profits
so they'll have 105 people die this is
all I have left a kitty now the Duval
got off easy
he should have been burned alive like my
son I'm a hundred and four other people
had killed where were you Wednesday
night between 12:00 and 2:00 a.m. in bed
you can ask my wife anyone else verify
that how do you mean by that
look I'm glad the pastor's dead but I
didn't kill it whoever did it ought to
be given a reward
hell I'd pay my share the son would kill
him that bastard was a community service
thanks thanks for your time hey you
should have been burned a lot thanks
very much I appreciate Thanks
when that guy's a loose cannon but that
he killed the buff and as he did he's
not hiding his motive very well and his
alibis sucks for a minute there I
thought he was gonna confess yeah he's
just type of guy who would have killed
the vow with a pie Ryan then dial
nine-one-one typical fine upstanding I
still favored a victim's wife she killed
the husband stalked the picture if you
said it gonna nail her accomplice I bet
she's even got the murder gone hidden
somewhere in the house just wait to use
it on this guy
what the hell's going on
yeah mr. Bob Hope and wait you what do
you want
look at me ma franca homicide that's why
you expect the company do I look like
I'm expecting company
fast follow things look what do you want
just uh looking around folks you don't
have a warrant on it defiantly totally
just have a nice little friendly chat
but uh if you'd like me to get a warrant
I think that would be appropriate
just a minute mr. Riker mr. Riker you
can't go up here break the door is this
way see anything you want
yeah I just got all mixed up
now you can assure your security here
though yes ma'am you do what you like by
the way you recognize this man
Molly look at the photo no I've never
seen him before in my life
hmm that's funny you were stuck with the
mole last night thank you for your time
miss just about your early yeah well I
thought you might like to listen to this
it's a tape of a phone conversation with
a mystery man I almost had a
face-to-face yeah is you're there right
I went over knocked on a door she got
disturbed their morning screw fig I'd
see him face-to-face get a good look at
him but he hid in the bedroom like a
milkman yeah well maybe maybe you can
figure out something from the tape yeah
all right I'll see you later
yeah good luck
here we go
how soon before you can get that
comparison made oh my get started right
now I have this afternoon
are you bout through with that gun oh
yeah sure but I thought maybe you'd we
take that test-fired from you know just
for fun oh no that's okay I think I've
had plenty of fun thanks charlie I
thought you'd do me a favor
I'd like you to compare the voice on
this telephone tape with the voice on a
special paper maybe we get lucky get a
match okay you'll be able to see the
voices on a spectroscope right there
okay if the two voices seem to be
hitting in the same range I'll switch
them over to the same scope see if we
have a perfect match that doesn't work
they've got plenty more tapes for you
hopefully we'll get lucky on the first
tape keep your eye on the scope it's not
a match see how the lines here and here
too high to correspond to anything on
this tape it's two different people well
play around with somebody's here because
they've been getting from voice match a
couple of walk holes inside the usual
suspects you know the doctor the lawyer
a few of our friends that's it I'll get
right on it
Thanks see you later
no no no wait wait I'm a police officer
don't put don't put me on hold
hey good news mr. Starkey looks like
your family made the perfect bitch what
a perfect match 47 points
you found a murder gun
the hell are you doing here aren't you
supposed to be out on a stakeout yeah I
was but uh I got an idea you said that
the mystery man was supposed to be in
the house with mrs. Duvall yeah so I
wrote down the license plates of all the
cars that were parked out there and ran
a make on them see if I could get a lead
on this guy
great what are you got I'll take care of
baby could save me some work looking at
spending a half a day you know soundly
listening to tapes I'll get back to ya
the perfect match who which I don't know
I can play the tape when I run out of
the speaker's know what do it voice one
Riker I'm in this is your sound check
honk your horn if anybody comes near
this place I don't want to get caught in
here voice 2 no word don't say a word
you been acting want me to log it into
evidence no I'll take Kevin
Peter hi uh something wrong we have to
talk no no I I don't think we should be
seeing each other anymore
like not fight on something wrong I
don't know
but she'd tell me if you did it wouldn't
if I said yes would that make any
difference Peter that change your
feelings for me it wouldn't change what
we've done I opened myself up to you
like I never had before I trusted you
and I cared for you did you ever feel
the same for me with it all an act and I
want to know I care for you but I've got
a job
fuck your job
do you own a 38 caliber Smith & Wesson
is there a 38 caliber Smith & Wesson
revolver on these premises
is this a gun
what you can't hear for meet her it's
not good
that's what you want so what you want
and want it you want it
I would you have it
Jordan gave me the gun the night of the
murder he said he'd talk to Leland
didn't wanted me to hide it they were
afraid the SEC would search Jordan's
apartment and find the gun
it was unregistered and turn had had a
few brushes with the law why didn't you
tell me you had the gun after your
husband been killed because you would
have thought I was involved Jordan
called me the next day he threatened to
name me as an accomplice if I told the
police anything you were there when I
got the call remember have you have you
talked to Jordan 'since no I think he
and Linda left the country I trust you
you've got to believe I'm not involved
in this
please but I wanted to end I don't want
to end it all
see I'll come back tomorrow I'll think
about it a card
alright alright take it easy I'll give
you whatever you want what do you want
you owe me for a pair of slacks loverboy
Riker oh right was it worth it stocky
what's the word killing the husband
we're talking about seventy million
dollars remember don't let me have to
shoot you what is with you Ryker
what are you out of your mind let's look
at the facts top the fat was alive
before you got here how do I know you
and the wife didn't hook up and plan the
murders together why would I do that
my 70 million bucks right that's why and
the babe ain't buried come on like your
spoon or now I got a picture you leave
in a house you got the murder gun with
your fingerprints all off come on if I
help Carla kill her husband why would I
ask you in on it to throw off the murder
investigation which is exactly what
you've been doing why would I find the
murder gun and have a test fired I don't
know but what I do know is you tampered
with evidence you we caught it over a
tape come on I had to she said my name
is that all how do I know you didn't
plan the whole murder cover-up all right
look I had an affair with a prime
suspect which is wrong and I admit it
okay but I didn't want to tell you about
it because I thought you'd jump to the
wrong conclusion so you were working
undercover I don't believe your sake I
mean you screwing a woman I might have
killed her husband in cold blood how you
know you're not the next victim because
I don't have any money come up will you
put your gun away many nervous I don't
know what the DA's gonna make this mess
you know she's liable to walk though she
was thinking with your dick yeah I'm
telling you she didn't kill her husband
oh no she just happened to have the
murder gun that you don't think we did
thick again stocky she told me Jordan
came by the night of the murder gave her
the gun asked her to hide it why because
he thought we'd toss his place and find
it you know gun isn't registered here to
read the rest of the ballistics report
did you
guns registered to Richard John well why
would he lie to her tell her it was hot
maybe just maybe he felt her to hide the
gun she hides it we find out the hubby
was shot
search the house bingo murder gone al
fingerprints all Jordan Fraser what do
we know about this guy Jordan that's
it's like he's home wait
great 70s outfit things match you kid
this car was parked at the crime scene
same tire tread wears in the photos
looks like you off to hope stocky unless
you're having a failure Jordan no very
nice we go and ask him what about his
girl Linda yeah I think she went with
them oh all right thanks all right I
think we tossed for place and we find
anything good we got a warrant
yeah what Jordan comes back don't worry
well tell him we got a search warrant
show him some papers I've done it before
what do we have here this guy was riding
on a horse with no name this guy Jordan
a look at this place kind of what if I
was making five times my salary chopped
a beer Raipur hey Ryker right there look
it's he's no chunky not that big hey
let's go check the bedrooms okay
looks like he's cleared out all his
clothes are gone wonder why he didn't
take the picture of his girlfriend maybe
he took her with him hey stop
check this shop more ammo for the murder
gun he's got the gun licenses the permit
to carry NATO yeah look what I got here
airline ticket receipts two first-class
tickets to Bimini made out to Richard
Jordan and Linda Hammond well well
take notice he left the day after the
murder she left two days yeah yeah the
day we questioned I got an informant
over at the airport maybe you recognize
these two oh you recognize these people
hanging around the airport there yeah I
have seen her I tried to help her with
the bags but she refused she left Friday
night about 9:00 or so blue hair Jamaica
I'm not sure about this gentleman oh
yeah I did see a man in the airport that
looked like this very early Wednesday
morning but he looks older in this
picture well where'd he go
he knows the coincidence he also flew
Air Jamaica hmm
wellis I owe you one all right don't be
mr. Riker don't worry
take care you gotta get an international
APB out on Easter not yet
why not not yet Stocki she's still a
suspect you got it I'm gonna find out
where she got that going anyway
I'll break them Thomas I got a few
questions for you miss just about what
kind of questions just one thing
Stocki tells me that your husband's
business associate Richard Jordan gave
you a 38 caliber revolver to hide from
is that true
what's this about answer the question
yes Jordan gave me the gun he was afraid
Starkey would get a warrant and search
his home when did he give you this gun
Tuesday the ethanol at night what time
9:00 10:00 o'clock 2:00 a.m. so it was
Wednesday yes detective Riker
technically that would be Wednesday yes
was Jordan in the habit of dropping by
your house at that hour the morning what
the hell kind of question is that
just answer the question mrs. Duvall was
Jordan in the habit of seeing you at
2:00 a.m. no you admitted to sake that
you weren't faithful t oz while he was
alive were you having an affair with
Jordan I don't have to answer that come
on Lady
you just gonna stand there answer the
question were you doing Jordan no he hit
on me a couple of times I turned him
down flat it was my husband's employee
for Christ's sake his girlfriend was in
the house that night
fine but you must have had some kind of
relationship with him oh he wouldn't
have come here at 2:00 a.m. and given
you the murder gun he said he talked to
Leland Leland agreed to hide the gun I
said I would take care of it I put it in
a cabinet somewhere until Leland got
home but he never came home if you think
Jordan and I killed Leland for 70
million dollars then why am i standing
here answering questions for you and him
and that bimbo are often Bimini
somewhere I don't have any more
questions for you mr. valve thank you
for your time sorry
you just stood there and let him talk to
me like that this is just routine
routine I really thought we had
something but you never care about
anything but your job you used me Peter
like I was some sort of whore you used
me to get that 70 million dollars but I
am NOT the whore Peter you are never see
you again
get out
good very good
I I see Oscars Academy Award performance
thank you mmm you should have seen his
face I thought he was gonna cry
well I think you got him to believe you
and why wouldn't he
I'm great I was afraid he would search
the house and end up finding you we're
gonna be sad
so Lissa said a gun in your balls
I'm happy oh really happy
we got a talk look Peter it's over
please no no we're talking knock knock
Jordan wrong darlin once you take the
gun from them
now my Friday I'm a shy I like to put
out an APB on a Richard Jordan 52 male
Caucasian brown and blue all right I'll
send you down a photo mm-hmm
oh here again in now yeah
mr. Jordan is supposed to be in Bimini
so he can't kill you what about a kite
no no no that's too suspicious besides
the cafe that come back here sooner late
okay I have a great idea I've got that
final autopsy of all case lab sent it
over a few days ago but you haven't been
yeah just put it on top of the pile
there I'll get to it when I get to it I
see really the flowers a chunky
each one
no children was the diabetic Rock Lumia
babe get beat stocky right away
tell him to get in touch with me
okay when to hit that body and when to
put in Jordan's condo then we're going
to shoot him and kill him with his own
gun then I'm gonna take his Medic Alert
bracelet and put it in his hand and when
Linda gets so sick and tired of being in
Bimini she's gonna come home right and
she's gonna find the body and she's
gonna assume that Jordan did it I'll try
to cover it out absolutely implicating
herself in the process very good darling
Jesus is another cop
alright you stay here you watch him if
he moves you kill him
he's get his jollies off I'll kill
Oh God alright okay okay I'll make a
move up blow your head off wet stop
upstairs let's go
dead dead well you may got a real big
mistake pal you made a mistake I don't
think so okay what do we do now I don't
know what we're gonna do all right
good I'll get the car all right thank
sweetheart where you go
I love you
hi oops empty any last words
just three go to hell
you want me to read you your rights is
that really necessary my husband killed
detective Ryker
you killed my husband that couldn't be
what about the money Peter there's 70
million dollars waiting for us somewhere
my husband ate it let's say you spend of
two weeks looking for it and give up and
then we meet and split it
you wouldn't have to split it we could
share it No Deal