Veleno (2017) - full transcript
In the countryside around Caserta, a 44 years old man and his wife raise buffaloes. Local Mob needs their land to increase business.
You found it on the satnav?
I tried, but it doesn't show.
But I know where it is.
I got drunk, I swear.
- Best wishes again, Rosaria.
- Thank you, Ezio.
I'm so happy.
- See you at home.
- Let's go, the kids have to sleep.
No one congratulates me?
Best wishes to you, and to me?
Why should they?
- "Best wishes, Rosaria", and not me?
- Of course!
- I'm the mother!
- And aren't I the father?
- I said no!
- Why not?
- Didn't you hear the gynecologist?
- What did he say?
"Especially in a case like yours,
it's a delicate phase..."
So, we'll do it delicately.
You sleep, I won't even wake you up.
Cut it out!
For the next nine months, forget it,
I'd rather you go with whores!
Roll that joint, we're here.
Got the passes for the club?
I got 'em, you ditz!
- I told you we'd find it.
- You're sure, Tammariello?
Because I love you
Because I love you and you...
- Don't be such an idiot!
- Give me a kiss.
I dedicated a song to you.
Because I love you so much
I'm so happy, Cosimo.
I don't want to risk it.
After ten years of therapy, tries,
with all we've been through.
Good heavens!
Turn off that music.
C'mon, let's do this barbecue,
I gotta go dancin'.
I was kidnapped by a flying saucer
and put on a small metal bed
that my body didn't touch.
I remember I was in suspension,
about this far off the bed,
there were three or four creatures
all around me,
I was really scared
and they said, "Don't move."
How did they tell you this?
We talked telepathically.
They even made a video for Uncle Donato.
Come here, babe, make it quick,
I'm going to the market.
They look like Vikings.
There's no hard on, sir.
Will you wait a second?
You're the one in a hurry.
It's revolting, those poor animals!
Just looking makes me sick.
They're using thugs, you know?
Cosimo, let's leave this land too.
I have three young kids
and your Rosaria's expecting.
We'll sell the corn for the buffalo
to Bastiano and we'll plant broccoli.
Broccoli? Vegetables have lost
all value at the market!
To get by, while we get the barn in order.
Get the barn in order...
How long will that take?
It's not dangerous, Pasquale.
Rino Caradonna fears no one,
not even Bocchetti.
I take his votes,
but then I do what I want.
I give mandates to the people I want,
make the reforms, you'll see.
How do you think it's going with Lucia?
The relationship's over by now,
we both know that.
She wants to save this marriage, but...
As I was saying, Donatino,
we need a person in City Hall
who works in a certain way.
Give me a try.
- Hello, Mr. Bocchetti.
- Hello.
I raised him.
He's a good kid, I know what I'm saying.
I have to think about it.
Then if I'm unable...
Okay, go to the office,
we'll talk about it later.
Lauricella's creating tons of problems.
Elegant dresser, clean...
You can see he's a decent kid,
but something still doesn't convince me.
Waste management is a problem
all over Italy...
Is she ready?
She went on her bike,
school starts at 8 a.m.
I got here late.
Will you be here for lunch?
Help me with this jacket.
Look what you're wearing!
What time will you get to school today?
Let her play! Auntie likes good girls.
You play with this.
Should I say Daddy's barn burned down?
To justify being late.
Think he should say that?
Adele, can we hide a burned barn?
Let's color.
Biagino, take the bike and go.
Color all inside the lines.
- Take your time, Cardone.
- I'm sorry, teacher.
So, what was I saying?
Oh yes, I was talking
about migrating birds.
There are bad things here too,
but that's true everywhere,
but let's not forget the nice things.
Children, take pictures,
there will be prizes for you in September,
even cell phones.
Cheap or expensive ones?
Read the contest announcement
but the prizes will be nice.
The police report is done,
pictures included.
What a loss!
I'll bounce back, Gervasio, somehow.
We'll start the procedure,
but I'd suggest you get a lawyer,
this is no small deal.
Who has experience in these things?
Caradonna, it's his specialty.
He did me this dirt!
It's his shit uncle, Donato Fasino.
They're enlarging the dump
near your house.
He's the only one
who can get you the insurance money.
Others won't get mixed up in this.
Think he'd do it for me?
Yeah, it's not a matter of money for them.
Just don't spend it on livestock.
He's at the market every morning.
It costs 100 euros
if you go to his office.
Go talk to this lawyer.
An ignorant brat, a novice.
Lawyer... he's no fucking lawyer!
See there?
Dad died hoeing that field,
have you forgotten?
He broke his back to leave the land to us.
But we're doing our part too, aren't we?
Jesus Sasà ,
do you have these girls on tap?
Good morning.
- Basilio, everything okay?
- Yeah, fine.
- A pleasure, Tonino.
- My pleasure.
Is this all yours?
Two hectares are Tonino's,
another two belong to
a hospitalized elderly sister.
This is no man's land.
- See you at the office.
- As you like.
Doctor, we've always served
your clinics well, haven't we?
We're not stopping anything.
No need to talk to my uncle,
I'm right here.
- We can't unseal the old dump.
- Good morning, Counselor.
Is Uncle Donato in his office?
I'll go say hello.
I'll be right there.
The quarries? Absolutely no way!
Go see Grillo, he's got your pay slips.
Thank you, Donato.
Tammariello, I'll give you
another gift myself.
What did you want to prove?
That you're a man?
- I was careless.
- Careless?
You go screwing sluts in the clubrooms?
- It won't happen again.
- It won't happen again.
What's going on?
We'd be starving, but for
your wife's uncle, you know that?
Now you're getting rich
and you want a divorce?
Don't dishonor your wife.
Basilio has to receive a gift.
- Is it resolved?
- The fuck it is!
But while we wait for the enlargement
at least we don't lose the loads.
Going home from school?
- Yes, Uncle Donato.
- Why the bike?
Just sometimes, for a little exercise.
Good girl, exercise is good,
but be careful you don't
get muscular legs like boys.
See you, beautiful!
Listen. "Go Rino, you're the
winning choice, we're with you."
"Everyone's saying it,
at the club, in town..."
The winning choice?
The therapist told you too.
You started with the quarries
and you're still 35.
What else do you want?
The quarries feed us and the therapist.
And so?
Thanks to you, your ability.
Lucia, our business is garbage,
but our circuit's still small.
If these ignorant farmers
would just let me...
Because I have contacts, capability,
these idiots don't.
One step at a time.
Like Uncle Mario always says,
not just anyone can become mayor so young.
Not just anyone.
Bocchetti said he's not convinced,
he has to think.
Let him think!
Are you really serious?
If you don't become mayor, who will?
One of the dimwits on these lands?
- Is everything okay at school?
- Yes.
Sorry about this morning,
I was involved in work.
No problem.
Wash your hands, lunch is ready.
Wait, I'll go with you.
Soon Adele and I will go to town.
We'll look at material for baby clothes
without buying anything,
it brings bad luck.
Just to have a little fun.
That's nice, Rosaria.
We suffered a serious loss, I know,
the buffaloes died, but a baby's coming.
That's right.
I'd slit their throats.
Never say that, okay?
Actually, we should make a church offering
to give thanks for this thing.
Not eating?
Do you hear yourself
when you talk, Rosaria?
One hundred buffaloes are dead
and we should give thanks?
I'm not hungry.
Hi, Ezio.
How's your Dad?
Better, he'll be home in a couple of days.
I'm glad. Have you seen
Counselor Caradonna?
He was with Lelluccio 30 minutes ago,
but maybe he's gone now.
I'll go see.
Please, say hello to your father.
Hello, Counselor.
- Rino Caradonna.
- Ezio Cardano.
I know who you are.
You might not believe me
but I'm sorry for what happened.
I've never agreed with certain methods.
But you have to get off that land.
I'm just a lawyer
handling the managerial part,
but do you know who owns that dump?
Do you know my wife's family?
I know, but...
speaking also for my brother Cosimo,
the insurance policy...
Then maybe you don't understand.
They'll pay well for that land.
Counselor, if it were up to me,
I'd change line of work,
but my brother Cosimo won't leave,
what can I do?
Think about it,
because you two are creating problems.
About the insurance, bring me
the papers and I'll start the procedure.
- The consultant?
- Gervasio.
Come with me to the exit, I've got to go.
I'm going into politics,
you know that, don't you?
If I'm mayor, lots of things will change.
If people vote for you,
if they think you're on the ball,
that you'll institute reforms,
with the people's approval,
the Mafia, the Camorra are nothing.
I intend to carry out reforms
for agriculture, for the territory,
for children, especially
for taking them off the streets.
Unfortunately there's a dinner
at Rino's mother's house.
Too bad, Salvatore even got a rubber raft.
Can't you put it off?
If it were up to me, I'd come running.
But we missed last Sunday too.
Heaven forbid, there'd be a war!
- That woman even makes me iron!
- Really?
She has two maids,
the custodian and still...
It's him.
Rino, I was about to call you.
Will you come by the club?
We'll eat here,
Rita and Salvatore want to say hi.
I see.
Do as you like.
I'll have a bite to eat here.
Yessir, this evening at home.
Do you think I can ever divorce?
Have you already been to your mother's?
Not yet.
The train comes in less than an hour.
I know.
Don't forget to give Sagliocco
a thousand euro more.
I know, he got a raise.
Can I divorce or not?
I know Lucia's a nice girl, but...
I have other abilities,
besides she and I are not...
It's not to your benefit.
Forget my benefit.
Lucia's family feeds you.
Why don't we eat too?
Be quiet!
Want some omelet?
Later, I want
to take a few pictures first.
I don't see any flamingoes though.
Throw some omelet in the lake,
let's see if they come.
Virgin most venerable.
Pray for us.
Virgin most powerful.
Pray for us.
Virgin most merciful.
Pray for us.
Rosaria, the land is sick.
What do you want? Who are you?
I'm Anna Busiello,
a seer, a fortune-teller.
I don't know you.
I don't believe that stuff,
I believe in the church.
Listen, there's evil where you live,
But you can defeat it.
The buffaloes will come back.
You're pregnant with a baby girl,
leave her on her birthright land.
Let's talk now, Rosaria is in church.
We're broke.
Caradonna's handling our insurance.
So? You're working for him?
This land's contaminated,
it's all poisoned.
We took core samples, did tests,
it's fine.
There's a dump three kms away,
in two or three years...
We'll talk about it then,
now it's all okay.
Our land's good, are you a scientist?
They do what they want in there,
why shouldn't we make money too?
So, that's it!
But not with my land.
He pays 5,000 euro for four hours of work.
I have three young kids
and my wife's scared of staying here.
When you have a baby too,
you'll understand.
Ezio, do what you want,
but tell Counselor Caradonna for me
to forget my land.
Want war with these people?
Not me, I don't have your guts!
Shhh, here's Rosaria!
I don't want war with anyone,
but my son has to be born here.
Hey, Cosimo! Ezio, you're here?
Tell Adele I booked
a trip to Montevergine,
for the second Sunday of next month,
lunch included.
Okay, I'll tell her.
- To give thanks for the pregnancy.
- Okay, we'll organize.
We promised Biagino
we'd go to the beach on Sunday.
Not this Sunday, it's next month.
It's for her pregnancy.
She might be offended.
We're obliged to go.
So, let's go.
Five thousand euros
for half a day's work.
- He'll really pay that?
- He's not kidding!
Ezio, you're hurting me.
Go easy!
Turn the TV off.
Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven,
give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our debts,
as we forgive our debtors
and lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Cosimo, c'mon!
It's just spite,
don't listen to that venom.
You're sure?
People in town
are saying something different.
Turn that phone off!
Drop it, Lucia's in there
with our little girl.
It's envy. You're 35, a lawyer,
and you've got more money than anybody.
They shot your father when you were one,
if not for Donato, where would you be?
Enzo and Ruggiero caught all this?
Yeah, they fished a lot,
it's a big crowd for dinner.
If they don't eat it, we'll take it home.
We could have gone to Capri with Rita
and Salvatore, treated royally!
Lucky them, I still haven't got
the boat in the water.
Right, why did we buy
the fucking boat anyway?
I have to clean fish
at your mother's house... why?
That's how it is here.
Two hundred euros for products
and manicures tomorrow.
So, go get a manicure,
you've got fuck-all to do!
I don't want to convince anyone.
Many women won't believe
what I'm about to say,
but this innovative system...
- Dad!
- What is it?
- My phone's dead.
- What did I tell you?
There's no electricity here,
wait till we get home.
I bought that blender last year,
it's a piece of junk.
It's complicated.
Maybe the toaster oven, huh?
I swore to Mom, I'd never seen her before.
Forget her.
You know her?
Anna Busiello, sure.
Some say she talks to the dead,
heals people.
The truth? I've always stayed clear.
We'll probably have to sell the land
but that's another thing.
Since they burned the barn down,
I wake up every night.
Me too.
And you're pregnant.
This yokel's really stubborn.
Why did they send you?
Your dad's in a meeting,
your mom has a tournament at the club
and asked me to come.
Try it again.
- Dead.
- It's the coil.
Has to be changed tomorrow.
If Luciano doesn't have one,
we go to Caserta.
Will you go?
We'll see.
I made two runs to the dump.
Caradonna gave me ten thousand euros
in packs of thousands.
Why keep coming down to the field?
Meaning? We're brothers,
we both suffered the loss.
Stop coming down, Ezio, do me this favor.
What's that mean, Cosimo?
I'm not going to the field tomorrow.
I'm going to Caserta.
The coil for the tractor...
and other things to do.
Come close, Rosaria.
I miss it too, you know?
The gynecologist said we could,
but I'm not at ease.
I think a wrong movement, anything,
I don't know...
But come close and hug me.
- Turn the light out.
- Without doing anything.
Just kisses.
Without doing anything.
Hug me, Rosaria.
It's strange not to see you
in the field this morning.
You're always there
when I look out the window.
Not even Ezio and Adele are here,
they went out early.
I even cried this morning.
Don't spend any money,
we've got expenses now.
No, c'mon!
Stomach cancer, Mr. Cardano.
As things stand,
an operation is unthinkable,
so, we need to start
chemo and radiation therapies.
We'll do a first cycle,
see the reaction, then evaluate.
No predictions.
Once operated,
the tumor might return or not,
it's hard to say.
How old are you, Mr. Cardano?
Stomach cancer, Mr. Cardano...
How old are you?
It could be months or even years.
No predictions, so many variables...
Can I help you?
For a gift.
I still don't know if it's a boy or girl.
I need something suitable.
People usually wait,
but maybe something for the bassinet,
some crib sheets
or a good-luck baby tee
which is always good.
A good-luck baby tee.
That's fine.
- A baby tee is fine.
- Over here.
- Here.
- This is it?
- Yes.
- It's pretty.
- Okay.
- It's okay?
Counselor, as I said on the phone,
we'd like to sell, it's useless to stay.
Over and above all family interests
and in your situation,
it's the most logical solution.
I've been saying it for a long time,
if we can get
an interesting amount, why not?
Women are always more practical.
Here are all the documents,
the papers and notary deeds.
Leave it all with me
and I'll let you know shortly.
Thank you again.
To oppose all the negativism.
- It's real gold?
- Genuine, 24 karats.
Thank you.
Adele wanted it for you
and besides, it's gold!
It can only increase in value.
It protects us too.
What lovely flowers!
Cosimo went to Caserta for
the tractor coil and brought these back.
Caserta? I said I'd get it from Luciano.
We got our signals crossed,
take the coil back to Luciano.
Let's go, Biagino is alone with the girls.
Thank you, you shouldn't have.
Goodbye, Ezio.
This thing's really ugly, isn't it?
You're angry, I can tell.
He can do what he likes,
we'll stick to our own business,
like always.
But it's not right.
He burned the barn down,
and you go to work for him?
They're one family, we're another.
Don't say anything, no comments.
Even with Adele,
it's their business.
I'll go do a wash.
Yes, we fell in love here
but why are we here now?
Did you buy me jewelry? I'll get mad...
What is it?
I have a tumor.
I don't know how long I have:
two months, two years.
We're here because we got engaged here.
It began here, and here it ends.
You're right to cry.
Last night I cried too.
But you can't take that liberty
anymore, understand?
It's all in your hands now.
My son's in your belly,
so, what do you do?
Make him suffer?
It's not right.
Those have to be washed.
Don't set a place for me, I'm not hungry.
C'mon, Cosimo.
Maybe later.
We have to be realistic.
You're having a baby,
you can't stay here alone.
You're going to Reggio Emilia.
What do I do in Reggio Emilia all alone?
Your brother Pino's there,
your mother, she can help you.
With the money from the land,
you can open a business, a cafe.
Listen here!
I don't care about
a cafe or the land, okay?
Who'll be following your therapy?
Do we know his name?
I'll talk to the doctors,
no incompetent's going to treat you,
that's for sure!
I'll fight...
like a tiger.
I swear.
I know.
I know.
You can't leave me all alone, hear me?
You can't leave me all alone.
Take me with you,
wherever you go, take me with you.
I'm staying here.
I'm staying here.
I'm staying here, I'm staying here.
Don't leave me all alone.
I'm worried, Rino.
Why? Her grades are high.
Not about the grades.
The quality of education, jobs,
the future of these kids.
I don't mean Irene in particular,
but in general.
We each build our own future,
that's the simple truth.
With capability, you win.
Last night there was a TV documentary
about the disadvantages of these kids...
Wait, I'll be right back.
I need to see to a friend.
I didn't know our kids
were in school together.
It's his last day of grade school,
so I came for him.
He has a serious illness
and his wife's pregnant.
I'm sorry.
Good doctors, therapies,
whatever you need...
Okay, I'll talk to his wife
and let you know, thank you.
You have my number, we'll do what we can.
The kids are coming out.
- Let's hope for the best.
- Goodbye, Counselor.
Let's hope not, son.
But it's the worst disease there is
and there's not much we can do.
Should I visit him?
Not now, we'll get Isabella
and Margot at Aunt Maria's.
I'll tell you when it's time.
- We going to the beach tomorrow?
- I don't know.
Let's see how things develop
and then we'll decide.
It's bad for the baby,
you tell her too?
Tell her it's bad for the baby?
C'mon, Rosaria!
- Calm down!
- Go away! Don't touch me!
You're in cahoots with those guys,
get out!
What are you doing?
It's your fault too and this shitty land
that's brought just sickness and poverty!
Knock it off!
Calm down,
acting like this is bad for you.
Sit down, settle down.
I'll call Father Riccardo, okay?
I don't want anyone.
For some comfort.
I want some time alone.
- Where are you going?
- I need five minutes!
Our kids don't have a thing,
all they have is the parish.
It's not right.
So, I've decided to do something,
open a soccer school,
and the underprivileged
will participate at no cost.
Who else organizes
these things around here? Good, Rino!
And, as team manager...
Come here, Coach.
Coach Luciano Ucciero,
a local soccer glory,
but also a guarantee of quality
for these kids.
Those who know me can say
I'm a man of few words,
I'm a man of action.
It's one thing to make promises
and another to keep them.
But I've decided to make
a serious commitment for my town
and for these kids
who often have no future or prospects.
A soccer school is a small step,
but from small things,
important things are born.
And, Coach, we hope these fields
will make champions that are
positive examples for our kids.
Good, Rino!
Release those balloons.
unfortunately, the therapy
isn't giving the expected result.
What can we do, doctor?
First, we hospitalize him immediately,
to prevent risk of dehydration,
then we change the therapy,
hoping for different results.
I understand.
we're doing everything possible,
but you mustn't give up,
it's not the time, okay?
I understand.
Put those papers aside, let's go to bed.
I'll be right there.
Spread your legs.
Like it, you slut?
Was she angry with you?
Apparently not,
she said, "I'll go alone,
I want to learn to care for Cosimo".
She's weird sometimes, you know that.
Sorry, this has no storage closet.
But it has a balcony
and there are lots of shops down there.
And a new superstore
is opening about 200 meters away.
Is the price negotiable?
Maybe slightly, but very slightly.
- Excuse us a moment?
- Of course, as you like.
- We'll be going soon.
- Take your time.
We have to see what we get for the land,
and what the insurance pays.
I know, Ezio.
It was to get an idea,
to see the real estate prices.
And if we wanted to open
a dry goods store, a business,
it wouldn't be bad.
Sure, even a boutique.
We have to think it over well.
It's a girl.
It's certain.
She's growing well, thank God.
Anna, like your mom, rest her soul.
Isn't that what we said?
If you don't like it anymore,
you can give her another name.
Anna it's old-fashioned,
it isn't used anymore.
Are you kidding?
She has to protect her.
She'd be displeased,
you know how she was...
Did you vomit again?
I'll change the sheets,
give you fresh ones.
Don't put the towels there,
they go in the brown bag.
Now they'll change his therapy,
he'll be feeling better.
How are you feeling?
Are you better than yesterday?
Can you feel the improvement?
The new therapy
is starting to take effect.
It will take time to get better,
that's logical.
And the baby...
How's the baby?
Maybe it's suggestion,
but I felt her, I felt her moving.
I can't explain it,
it was like she wanted to hug me.
Maybe you dreamed it.
Cosimo, a buffalo came back!
I found her in the barn this morning.
I was shocked when I saw her, it's a sign.
Just like the lady in church said.
What lady?
She said, "It's your land,
the buffaloes will return, stay there".
Don't listen to those gypsy witches.
- Cosimo, let's not sell.
- Stop it!
It's not true that at Lido Azzurro
everything started and ended.
- Cut it out!
- Our whole lives are on that farm.
- And it's time to move on.
- I'm not moving anywhere, okay?
Nothing's finished yet.
Anna's going to be born.
She's giving us the strength,
we're still fighting.
I have to go.
I need the pharmacy before it closes.
Nice property!
- You've always been here?
- Yes, my husband was born here.
But especially, it's huge...
Move on, this is private property.
I was just showing the property
for verification.
There's nothing to verify here.
We were just trying to see...
I know you and what you do,
don't come back here while I'm alive.
What manners!
Do as you like, but this part is Cosimo's
and you have to leave!
We were leaving, right? Go on.
Don't worry.
Go away, Counselor,
I don't need your money.
Rosaria, that's going too far.
I'm sorry, my sister-in-law
is in a delicate period.
Counselor, I'm mortified.
I know, don't worry.
This is no good.
All the understanding you want,
but not this.
"I'll handle it my way,
the brother's in the bag..."
They think they'll get more money?
That land is worthless.
If I may...
Those folks are dense, words are useless.
I agree with Tammariello, good for you.
The brother who resists selling is dying,
that leaves his wife.
Think she won't leave?
You're convinced?
I wouldn't trust those folks.
Bocchetti doesn't really
like you much, you know that?
Giordano can no longer give us extensions.
We have to put seals on it,
stop it, understand?
We won't stop anything at all.
Tammariello, take care of it.
They have to get out,
they have to get out of there.
Okay, Donna Amelia.
Don't do it,
you know it's the wrong strategy.
You say it's the wrong strategy?
Hunting boars is nice,
but this isn't the area.
But you should try, it's really nice.
I've never done it,
but I know you need the right dogs.
And I've got them,
from Bernardino, the cripple.
We can organize it whenever you like.
Let me know, even just once.
I'd like that.
This message
is not for commercial purposes.
We want to thank all our customers.
We wouldn't be here without them.
It's my duty to help you on your way
to get you a nice house
with high quality furniture
and a nice life,
with our support for life.
Sorry to have bothered you
and once again, thank you very much.
I have to go to the hospital.
Only two or three days,
they want to put me under observation.
They think I might have a contusion,
but maybe not.
And Anna?
How is she?
The baby's fine, everything's alright.
Take it easy.
Like that.
I have to talk to you!
Cosimo, wait for me here a moment.
What is it?
With all respect for Cosimo's misfortune,
and everything else,
but that's no way to be.
This land's worth nothing anymore,
it's worth nothing.
And there's a lawyer
who'll help us sell it well.
What do you want to do?
Want to stay alone under the bombing?
I'm scared.
I have three young children!
- And yours is on the way.
- Don't speak of my pregnancy!
Ever again!
My husband has metastases.
Do what you want with your land.
Understand? I have him to care for.
Now, get out!
Make some room for me?
I'll lie down beside you.
So I can rest.
It's so nice being in bed together.
What is it, Rosaria?
Want to make love?
Want to make love?
Let's make love, it's been so long.
Touch me.
Touch me, Cosimo.
Touch me, Cosimo.
Touch me.
Touch me!
Go away!
Go away!
Go away, I don't want you anymore!
I don't want you anymore.
Why didn't you call me first?
They're mad because your
sister-in-law won't sell the land.
She's losing her husband,
it's just things people say.
But she'll leave,
what can she do all alone?
Her relatives are in Reggio Emilia,
she's expecting, we're leaving.
Who do you think you're talking to?
Do you know who we are?
What we do and how we work?
How much was that tractor worth anyway?
It's not the tractor,
it was old, my father bought it.
It's more for Cosimo, it hurts him.
I'll buy you another one,
just don't tell anyone.
We don't need one anymore, Counselor.
It's the wrong time.
We have to come at dawn
for the flamingoes.
At dawn, the hunters will shoot us.
We have to run risks if we want to win.
- Irene was right to stay home.
- Are you sorry?
You're more sorry than me,
I already have a girlfriend.
To the beach?
The first wheel to touch the sea, wins!
- It's a bet!
- Let's go.
These kids' games...
I'm not playing.
Rino, did you buy Irene this phone?
The one I found on her desk.
Well then, who gave it to her?
It's what Loredana bought
for a thousand euros.
Our list is at Cafiero's,
it can't be a party gift.
I'll call her.
Yes, I'll call her.
I'll let you know.
Talk to you later, bye.
You're really a nice little girl.
Actually, young girl.
We say "young girl" after grade school,
did you know that?
- Sorry, Counselor.
- Come here!
- Are you Graziano's boy?
- Yes.
- What position do you play?
- Forward.
Go! Go play with your friends!
Go back to sleep, it's early.
I can't get this thought out of my mind.
If it was a gift in good faith,
why didn't he tell us?
He probably forgot.
But it's not correct.
Is it?
After all, it's just a phone, right?
I know.
It must be like you say.
Uncle Donato was a father to you,
not to me.
So, if you say it's okay, then it's okay.
It's okay.
- Now go back to sleep.
- Give me a kiss.
You heard, right?
Bocchetti doesn't want you!
He says Renato's better,
even with all his legal trouble.
It's for the best,
I might make mayor
with honest people's votes.
I made sure you studied.
I spent money,
but you're just third string,
that's the truth.
I spent time and money.
I'm old now,
I don't like to waste time anymore.
Take this thing back.
So what?
I gave your daughter a gift, so what?
Is the phone that problem?
It's not appropriate?
I gave you little gifts too,
but maybe you were too young,
you don't remember.
Sure, I remember.
I took what I wanted.
You're a fucking nothing!
You've never decided anything
in your whole life!
Not even the woman you married.
Now let me go hunting.
Remember you have to take
the papers to the station.
Why don't we change these phones?
Afterwards, c'mon.
Let's take a look around
to see what's here.
Thank the lawyer for me.
Yes, two hours before at this number.
Thank you, goodbye.
Take a seat.
They say you talk to the dead,
is that true?
Of course.
Then let me talk with my deceased.
Grip my hands, Rosaria.
Pray with me.
Our Father who art in heaven,
hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven,
give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our debts
as we forgive our debtors
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.