Vehicle for Revenge (2016) - full transcript

The morning after Trudy, a law school student, unsuspectingly steps into what she believes to be a "NetCar" black sedan, she wakes up confused and alone in a seedy motel-the victim of a roofie and sexual assault. Frustrated by the slow pace of the justice system, she takes matters into her own hands. Becoming NetCar driver herself, Trudy goes on a crusade to find and stop the serial rapist to whom she fell victim.

♪ I got the Cadillac

♪ I got the routine

♪ I got the girlfriend,

you know what I mean ♪

♪ I'm on the boulevard,

she be on my arm ♪

♪ And when the night falls,

I'll be back in my car ♪

♪ I own the streets

and you best be beat ♪

♪ Or I'll bury you

with a sleepless sleep ♪

♪ By the trashcans

and the alley cats ♪

♪ She wears her jewels

and I tip my hat ♪

♪ I got the routine,

I got the Cadillac ♪

♪ I got the girlfriend,

I got on the right track ♪

♪ I'm on the boulevard,

or in your back yard ♪

♪ And when the night falls,

I'll be back in my car ♪

♪ In my car

♪ My wheels spin fast

collecting my brand ♪

♪ Every corner deal

that's up in my hand ♪

♪ And I need you,

leave no escape ♪

♪ I take what's mine,

that's my fate ♪

♪ I got the Cadillac,

I got the routine ♪

♪ I got the girlfriend,

I got the cash machine ♪

♪ I'm on the boulevard,

she be on my arm ♪

♪ And when the night falls,

I'll be back in my car ♪

♪ I got the routine,

I got the Cadillac ♪

♪ I got the girlfriend,

I got the laptop ♪

♪ I'm on the boulevard,

up in your back yard ♪

♪ And when the night falls,

I'll be back in my car ♪

♪ Back in my car


Hey, Trudy!

I thought that might be you.

I didn't know

you drove a NetCar.

I do. Hop in.

So where are we headed tonight?

I'm headed to Tatnuck Square.

Corner of Pleasant

and Copperfield.

You know, I don't

normally splurge

on a black car,

but this is really nice.

So, working late?

Yeah, this Criminology

class is kicking my butt.

Look, I can help

you if you want.


Okay, don't get all defensive,

it's just an offer.

Do you feel safe?

How so?

You know, letting strange

people into your car.

I mean, you're bound

to get some crazies.

You know, my mother

always told me,

don't pick up hitchhikers

or get into strangers cars.

Well, I know more

about you than you


Trudy O'Donnell,

four point seven stars.


Someone didn't give me a "five".

Clearly. You ticked them off pretty

bad if they only gave you a "four".

Ah, clearly.

No, I feel safe enough, though.

Plus, I don't have to

deal with any cash.

Mmm. That's true.

You know what, Charles,

just go a little further up.

Um, I'm on the right, 92.

See you later.

Thanks, Charles.

You are so welcome.

Hey, I'll see you

in class, okay?

- Yes, you will.

- All right.

Hey, Trudy...

you just earned

yourself five stars.

Oh, back at you!

♪ Hey, hey

♪ Hey baby why you always

get so high? ♪

♪ Thought we'd have asiago,

drink some wine ♪

♪ Don't leave me all here

by my lonesome self ♪

♪ You know a troubled soul

needs some help ♪

♪ Face against a painting,

mind off the wall ♪

♪ Hear a voice echo,

I swear I know it all ♪

♪ Like why gold glitters

and diamonds shine ♪

♪ but I still choose

ice cream every time ♪

♪ Finders keepers

♪ Finders keepers

Hey, what time is it?

A little before 2:00.

Did I wake you?

No, I had to pee.

You look exhausted.

I'm fine.

You're not fine!

You've got bags under your eyes.

You're too skinny

and you haven't

showered in three days.


Three! I'm counting.

Yeah, well, I'm busy.

Oh, that's bull!

You're hiding.

Hiding from what?

Real life.

Yeah, real life

starts next year.

Oh, what?

When you work 90 hours a week

as a lackey in some high-powered

law firm?

Yeah, well, it's what I want.

Yoow what?

We're going to go out.

- Gretch...

- No, shh! Stop.

We're going out.

You need it.

Yeah, like a hole in the head.

I am so sick of seeing you

moping around,

trying not to think

of that damn ex of yours.

We're going out.

We're not going out!

The classical theory

of criminal justice

revolves around the idea

that a person who breaks

the law

does so with rational free will

and that society therefore

should design a punishment

of equal severity to the crime.

Miss O'Donnell.

But a pre-requisite

for the classical philosophy

is that all humans

are hedonists.

That we prefer pleasure

over pain and are therefore

deterred from committing crimes

by the threat of

uncomfortable circumstances.

I'm not sure I buy that.

So you are more

of a positivist then?

Well, yes.

Like Comte, I think that

our criminal justice system

should work to improve

society, not cater to

its most base instinct.

The problem is,

is that our penal system

is absolutely classical

in its theory and design.

Okay, is it really

classical by design?

Or is that just in practice?

The forces that push

people into criminal


whether it's social

or psychological,

I mean, even biological,

those are the same forces

that push our penal system

back to that classical way

of thinking.

That is a frightening thought.

So you're saying

that people would rather

retaliate than rehabilitate?


I mean, it is

human nature, right?

Eye for an eye? Hammurabi.

Society tries, but they

can't seem to reign in

that innate aggression.

Hence the debate

behind the western philosophy

of legalism.

Thank you both so very much,

we're out of time for today.

Bring it back here

next time when we discuss

the vital importance

of an uncontaminated

crime scene

in the forensic examination

of trace evidence.

Don't come in here

if you don't do

the reading.

Hey, you know, I think where

the classical theory breaks down

is with the assumption that

the criminal mind is rational.

I mean, it's not.

Do you want to grab

a coffee and discuss it?

Nice try.

What? Did I say

something wrong?

I'm not interested, Charles.

I told you a million times.

Thanks again for the ride.

It's just coffee.

There are so many

things I should be


Hey, you know what?

For someone who looks

as hot as you do right now,

you complain a lot.

Okay, I need you

to do me a favor.

Change your attitude,

and have fun with me

tonight, please?

Come on.

Hi, Steve!

Good to see you.

- Come on. Thank you.

- Thanks.

I did not need

that last Fireball shot.

That wasn't the last one.

We're about to get another

round for those guys.

Oh, no, no, no, no.

I am going home.

You're such a lightweight.

The night's just

getting started.

Really? Okay.

I'm having fun, I am.

But I have so much

to do tomorrow,

and I just need to go home

before it gets ugly.

Oh, come on,

that guy is so cute.

Ugh, I know,

that's why I need to leave.

Okay, honestly,

I'm not ready

to go yet.

Just stay then.

I'll take a NetCar.

- One more shot.

- Gretch.

- Okay, I love you.

- Bye. Love you.

♪ Chinese lanterns

♪ Strung over

downtown Los Angeles ♪

♪ Glow softly

♪ Makes the bums

seem at the party ♪

♪ Sooner or later,

sooner or later ♪

♪ Sooner or later

it all belongs to them ♪

♪ But, for this moment,

for this moment ♪

♪ It belongs to us

♪ And I remember

♪ What you told me

♪ Your night is wide

92, Pleasant.

♪ Your night is wide open

There's water back

there if you want.

♪ Get in the van

♪ The moon is pounding

Thank you, I needed that.

♪ I'm not in the mood

♪ For this ride

♪ Jon's got a buzz on

♪ In the back

♪ That's when your words

♪ Came shining through

911 dispatch,

what is your emergency?


- 911 dispatch,

how may I help you?

I... I think I've been raped.

Okay, Trudy.

Now I need to do

a speculum exam,

which mean I need to do

an internal vaginal

and anal swab.

Would you like me to continue?


This is an emergency


and a clinic where

you can have an HIV test.


That rape kit exam is not easy,

but it is crucial in gathering

the evidence we need to find,

try and convict this guy.

When will we get the results?

That can take several weeks.

Several weeks?

Trudy, this is a long

and difficult process.

But you've taken the hardest

step in reporting your assault.

Now you just need to be

patient and let us do

our job.

In the meantime,

what can you tell me

about what happened?

That's the thing,

I don't remember.

It's like it was

all just erased.

Sounds like Rohypnol.

A roofie?

Were you drinking last night?


It's really easy

to slip into a drink.

Plus, combined with alcohol,

it can cause memory impairment.

The tox screen will

confirm the results,

but for now it's a good

bet that it's Rohypnol.

Who had access to your

drinks last night?

I don't know, the bartender...

Uh, the guys we were

dancing with,

they bought us shots.


- Gretchen.

- My gosh!

I was so worried about you.

Are you okay?


Here, let's get you home.

I've brought you clothes.

We can continue this later.

- Go home.

- Thank you.

That's the thing...

I don't remember.

I remember getting

into the NetCar...

and then waking up

in a motel room naked.

I shouldn't have

made you come out.

And I shouldn't have

let you leave alone.

I'm just glad you're okay.

-I mean, those two

guys, I thought...


What? No, those two

guys were harmless.

Who was your driver?

I never thought about that.

I got a "no show".

What does that mean?

It means my car showed up

and I wasn't there.

- Then who drove you?

- Exactly.

God, I'm such an idiot.

I mean,

I just hopped into a black car

and assumed it was my ride.

Trud, it was an honest mistake.

Okay? I would've

done the same thing.

- It's not your fault.

- No.

It's my fault.

- Hi, I'm Detective Jackson.

- Hi.

Westchester PD.

Were you on duty

the night of May 14th.

Uh, yeah.

Are you aware that a rape

occurred in room 106.

Yeah, my boss

had told me

about it.

I understand that the man

who rented that room paid

in cash.

Yeah, if that's what

it says in the ledger,

then yeah, I suppose.

And you didn't ask him for ID?

Or have him fill out

an information card?

Hey, lady, look,

most of the people

that stay here,

they like to stay anonymous,

you know what I mean?

So it's your policy

not to ask for ID?

If they pay in cash.

Did you see what he was driving?

Black town car, maybe?

Something boxy, dark.

License plate?

You serious?

I'm going to need to see

your security camera footage

from that night.

Good luck with that.

Do you think this is funny?

It's $9.99 online.

Put a double A battery

right in there,

and it makes that

little red light go.

Looks pretty convincing, huh?

It fooled you, detective, so...

All right, so what

can you tell me

about this guy?

Pretty average.

5'10" or so.

A little heavy set.

How was he dressed?

Not bad.

Pretty sharp for somebody

that would stay here at least.

Would you be willing

to work with one of our

sketch artists?

Yeah, yeah, I mean...

If you want

to talk to my boss,

sort it out, so...

Okay, thank you for your time.

- Yeah, sure.

- I'll be in touch.

Look forward to it.


Not going to class today?

No, I don't feel up for it.

Uh, do you want me

to stay with you today?

- No.

- You sure?


All right, well...

get outside.

Get some exercise or something.

I will.

- Seriously.

- I will.

It sounds like a good idea.


You're gonna be okay.

Am I?

Of course, you are.

You are a strong, angry woman

who can make a difference.

Yeah, but how?


that's something you're

gonna have to figure out.

- Bye.

- Bye.

- Love you.

- Love you, too.




What's wrong?

Trudy, come in.

I was just about to call you.

The results of your

tox screen have come back.


You tested positive

for the drug Flunitrazepam.

Rohypnol, as we suspected.

What about the rest

of my rape kit?

Well, none of the forensic

diagnostics have been done yet.

Unfortunately, there's

a backlog of these.

But the lab technician

did tell me that there

was vaginal swelling

consistent with intercourse,

and that she was able

to identify a small piece

of latex and a semen sample.

Great. So he raped me

and the condom broke.

Yes, but that does

give us an advantage.

He doesn't necessarily

know this and now we have

a DNA sample.

I mean, did you

learn anything else?

Anything at the motel?

Did anyone at the club

see anything?

No. Unfortunately not.

He knew what he was doing,

and he covered his tracks

pretty well.

Did this case fit any other MO?

Any other case that

you might be looking into?

We cross-referenced his methods,

the car, the motel,

but until we get forensic

evidence back from the lab,

it's just too early to tell.

Just out of curiosity,

how many of these cases

do you actually solve?

I don't know, it's hard to say.

Educated guess?

20 to 30 percent.

I actually looked into it.

And nationally, only 32%

of all rape cases are reported.

That sounds about right.

7% of those lead to an arrest

and only 2% are convicted.


That means that 98%

of all rapists are walking

the streets free.

Not very good odds.


I'm afraid not.

Hi, Charles.

Trudy, hi!

Did you change your mind

about that coffee?

I want to learn

to drive a NetCar.


Wait, so you know

how the app works?


You get an alert when

you're in the vicinity

of a fare.

Seriously, pay attention

to that star rating.

You do not have to pick up

anybody that you are not

comfortable with, okay?

- Okay.

- Okay.

You upgraded your insurance?


Do you have a case

of water in the trunk?

- I get it, I get it.

- You got it? You got it? Okay.

Really, you're gonna

be awesome, okay?

Call me if you have

any questions.

Thanks, Charles,

I really appreciate it.

You're welcome.

You know, you never

did exactly tell me,

why're you doing this anyway?

A little extra cash,

just like you.


Something more to it

though, isn't there?

Yeah, okay.

I got it.

Listen, good luck.

You're gonna be great, okay?


I can't believe

you told him you were

from Sweden.


Wasn't I convincing?

No, not even close.

Okay, we're going

to 14 Schuster Road.

"Vit Logn"

is a little white lie.

I tell you a little vit logn.

You are the most

handsome man I see today.

And he goes, "really?"


You girls go to Becker?

Yeah, one more year.

Nice. I got my undergrad there.

Really? And now

you're driving NetCar?

It's really encouraging.

Sorry, just kidding.

You know, you don't

know anything about me.

Sorry, I was just kidding.

I didn't mean anything by it.

Like, seriously,

you don't know

anything about me

and you just hopped

right into my car

and gave me your home address.

You should be more careful.

I saw you arriving on my phone.

Driver Trudy, grey Corolla.

- What? That's not you?

- No, that's me.

But people aren't always

who they say they are.


- Hi.

- Hi.

So how long have you

been using the NetCar

service for?

Oh, couple of years now.

Couple of years

and you still have five

stars, that's impressive.

Well, let me tell you,

a little courtesy goes

a long way.

Oh, isn't that the truth.

God, I just snapped

at a customer...

cost me about half a star.


Eh, what happened?

It... It doesn't matter.

Just having a tough

couple of weeks.

Worst chapter

of my life, really.

Oh, well, I'm not

having a great week


My girlfriend broke up with me.

I'm sorry.

That's all right.

It's not your fault.

I should've seen it coming.

Let me ask you this,

when a woman says,

"it's not you, it's me."

Like, should I believe that?

- Honestly?

- Yeah.

No, she's just

softening the blow.

Well, thank you

for the ego boost.

I mean, it maybe

her feelings that

have changed,

but, I mean, it's you

she fell in love with.

Are you okay?

- Hmm?

- You okay?

Oh! Oh, yeah.


Better to face these

things head on, huh?

- That's what I always say.

- That's right.

-Still... Still stings though.


This looks good right here.

That's great.


Uh... look, I'm sorry

for emotionally unloading

on you like that.

No problem.

You know, if I ever

need another ride,

is there a way that

I could just request you?

Uh, well, you have my work

phone number in your cell.

So if I'm available

I'd be happy

to pick you up.

Well... that's not

what I meant.

What did you mean?

I meant I want

to call you.

You know?

Call you-call you.

I don't think

that's a good idea.

No, you're right, that's stupid.


Well, you have

a good night,

all right?

- You, too.

- Okay.

Any experienced

crime scene officer

is going to tell you,

that the most important thing

they can do to ensure that

any evidence that they find

stands up in court...

is to control and secure

that crime scene.

So we're talking

about a large perimeter.

We're talking about

essential personnel only.

What about the victim?

Victims get attended to.

Attended to?

Dr. Bell...

every TV crime drama I've ever

seen is hammered home the idea

of a clean crime scene,

but shouldn't the rights

of the victim and her

well-being come first?


Not at the expense

of evidence that's going

to convict a perpetrator.

Really? So...

a rape victim for example,

who is just been violated

and assaulted,

and can't shower

has to sit through five hours

of a de-humanizing rape kit


before anybody asks her

if she's okay.

I think the majority of our

crime scene officers and our

law enforcement personnel

are more compassionate

than that, Miss O'Donnell.

Which way did he come from?

That way.

I mean, he was waiting

for someone like you.

He might've already

been watching.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

He was parked right there.

Perfect view

to the entrance

of the club.

I mean, he was just waiting

for a single girl to come out

who looked like she was

going to get a NetCar.

I was a sitting duck.

- Hi.

- Hi.


Do you mind if we take

a look at room 106?

I'm not really supposed

to just to let you into a room.

You know what?

It's fine. It's fine.

You just make sure

that nobody's in there.


You, uh...

You don't mind if I ask you

what this is all about, do you?

Did you work the night

of May 14th?

Uh, yeah, I did

as a matter of fact.

But, the cops already came

and I told them

everything I know. So...

Yeah, I was the girl.


That's messed up.

I'm sorry.

Is this you? Mark?

Uh, no, no.

Mark's the manager here.

I'm Roger.

Oh, um...

Give me the pen.

Roger what?

Uh, Roger Dennison.



Oh, sorry, it's...

- It's the silver one.

- I'll bring it right back.

Take your time.

Gosh, this place is a dump.

What do you remember?

I woke up right here.

It just doesn't make sense.

I mean, it's his face...

It's bizarre.

It's okay. It's okay,

don't force it.

I put up a fight.

I remember that.

Is this helping?


I want to get inside his head.

Find the flaws in the system.

I've been thinking

about it 24/7 anyway.

Might as well feel like

I'm actively answering


And the cops still have nothing?


All right. Well,

don't work too late.

- I won't.

- All right. Um...

before I forget.

What is this?

It's pepper spray.

If I could buy you

a gun, I would, but...

just in case.

Be careful.

Hey, Gretch.

Thanks for everything.

Detective Jackson.

Uh, it's, uh...

It's Trudy O'Donnell.

I thought about something.

He knows where I live.

Okay, it's all right.

How does he know your


I told him.

When I got in the car,

I told him my address.

I'm usually so careful

to just give them

the cross streets.

Has he been there?

Have you noticed

anything suspicious?


I can't believe I gave

him my address.

Trudy, the crime he committed

against you was not personal.

It was violent and intimate,

but not personal.

Nothing you did

caused the attack.

You were just in the wrong

place at the wrong time.

Do they ever go after

the same person twice?

I can't say that

it never happens,

but it is rare.

These kind of crimes

are opportunistic.

It's not your fault.

Do you understand me?

No, I don't.


Hey, you look like

you could use one.

- Hey, Charles.

- Hey.

Yeah, I could actually

use a coffee. Is there

cream in it?

Cream and one equal.

Just how you like it.

Thank you.

How do you know that?

I pay attention.


how is the NetCar driving going?

You never warned me

that I'd have to become

a therapist.

People do tell you

their problems,

don't they?

Oh, my God, do they ever?

Vanderbilt rape case?

Yeah, what do you know about it?

Well, they were idiots.

I mean, not that

it's any less atrocious,

but they didn't go out

that night planning

to rape that girl.

Circumstances just took a dark

turn when they brought her back

to the dorm passed out.

Do you know the prosecutors

knew that because the boys

kissed her?



Like she was their girlfriend.

And like,

she might be

turned on.

Like, there might be consent.

But of course, there wasn't.

She was unconscious.


what does a kiss mean to you?

I mean, do you

want me to show you?


Okay, all right.


But a kiss can be

even more intimate

than intercourse.


Hey, baby, how are we

doing tonight?

Where are you headed?

Oh, oh, oh, why so cold?

What's a smoke show like you

doing working for NetCar?

I'm not your baby.

Oh, I don't know about that.

I do know you're smoking hot.

I'd do you in a heartbeat.

Get out. Get out.

Get out of my car.

- Get out of my car.

- Hey!

There ain't no point

in making a scene.

He was just messing with you.

He didn't mean nothing by it.

Come on, can we just

all get back in and

go where we need to go?

No! Get out

of my goddamn car.

Oh, hey, look.

I'm sorry about what I said.

It was wrong. It won't happen


Listen, it's not worth

a bad customer rating.


Really. I'm sorry.

Come on, Trudy, me and my boy

Carlos here, we're not looking

for any trouble.

We just want to go out

and have a little fun.


Where are you going?

Ah, what's that strip club

down on Southbridge Street.

Sweaty Betty's.

Typhoon Betty's, really?

Oh, yeah! No doubt.

You know it?

Come on, I'll be good,

I promise.

No hard feelings.


One more crack and you're out.

I like your fight, girl.

Yeah, get in the car.

Hey, Carlos' sister,

she's a dancer down

at Sweaty Betty's.

We just going to keep

an eye on her.

No, seriously, yeah?

Carlos and me, we get all

the tail we want. We don't need

to go hang out at no strip bar.

All right. Okay, yeah, I know.

"Watch my language."

I'll shut up!

You know, it's not about

the language. It's about

respecting women.

Oh, I respect Carlos' sister.


Oh, she is a dime piece.

Oh, yeah.

See? That. That right there.

You immediately

sexually objectified her.

No, I respect her beauty.

Oh! Do you? Or do you

just want to have sex

with her?


Maybe. But, you know,

she's Carlos' sister.

He'd probably like,

straight up kill me,

right, Carlos?

No doubt.

Hey, so...

what's the deal?

You don't like guys

or something?

Are you a lesbian?

Okay, just stop talking, okay?

And I will get you

to Sweaty Betty's.

Fine. Whatever.

Hey, I don't know

if you believe me,

but no means no with me.

I take that stuff

really serious.

It's Manuel.

Uh, hey, Trudy.

Change of plans, pull over here.

Stay in the car!

End our ride.

But you're not getting out.

Please, I freaking respect you.

Now just do what I told you

and end our ride.

No! Not if you're not

getting out of the car.

Oh, my! Oh, my God. Okay.


I ended it.

What do you want?

I don't have any cash.

Give me five stars.

There! Okay, fine.

I gave you five stars.

Now turn off your phone.

You're going on break.

God, please don't hurt me.

There, it's off.

Good. Turn around.


We're going to get Manuel.

Okay, look...

Look, I'll cooperate,

but you're making me

really nervous with that

gun in my face, okay?

Can you please put it away?

Yeah. Sorry.

But if you try anything

it comes right back out.


Okay. Okay.

Okay, fine.

Thank you.

Where are you taking me?

It doesn't matter.

Take a right up ahead.

Ay, ay, ay! There he is.

You guys!

Is he... Is he okay?

Guys, we need to take

him to a hospital!

Shut the hell up!

We gotta get him

to Doc Espinoza.

No, no, no.

He needs an ambulance.

No ambulance!

- Get in the car.

- No!

- Get in the car.

- No!

- Mira.

- Okay.

Let's go.

It's okay. It's okay.

Memorial Hospital.

It's the closest.

No, no, I told you,

no hospitals. We have

to get him to the doc.

He needs a hospital.

Listen, the hospital

will call the cops.

Now go to Winter and Harding,

behind the metal shop.

Carlos, check his pockets.

He got anything on?

- You got anything?

- Nothing.

Ah, Manuel,

I told you to keep

it simple.

Why'd you have to go

mess up like this?

Now you're shot!

Yeah, I know, it hurts.

I know. It's okay.

I'm gonna get you to the doctor.

Don't you...

Don't you think

about dying on me.

Don't you die!

Don't you die!

What are you

looking at? Drive!

It's okay.

Hey! You're not going

to tell anybody about

this, right?

- No.

- Okay.

Seriously, don't tell the cops.

-You know,

you're good, right?


We didn't hurt you

or nothing. Okay?

Good. I owe you one.

Trud, what do you mean,

a drug dealer got shotshotd

bled all over your back seat?

Trud, why didn't you wake me up?

- Did you call the police?

- No.

Okay, one had a gun

and made me promise

not to tell the police.

He threatened you with a gun?

Trud! Stop!

Talk to me.

I was so scared.

I never had a gun

pointed at me before.

Let's go inside, okay?

Have you had anything you eat?

No? I'll make

breakfast, all right?


-Let's go inside.

We'll worry about this later.

I didn't sleep

at all last night.

I bet.

Look, I really don't

want to tell the police.

Why not?

I just don't.

Trud, he had a gun to your head.

I honestly don't think

Juan was going to hurt me.

He and I kind of bonded.

You bonded with a gang banger?

They could've killed you.

Those guys are criminals.

They need to be put behind bars.

They're only trying to survive

the only way they know how.

I mean, do you really want

to clog the courts with

a couple of dope dealers

when there are serial

rapists out there?

- Howdy, stranger!

- Hey, hey!


-How'd you know I was

in the neighborhood?

I didn't. I didn't.

I guess it's my lucky day.

Get in.


What's going on this evening?

Just meeting some

clients for some drinks.

I got an idea.

Why don't you join me?

- With your clients?

- Yeah.

Well, they're clients,

but they're friends of mine.

It actually sounds

like a lot of fun.

I wish I could.

Come on. What time's

your shift end?


What do you do, by the way?

We kind of skipped over

this small talk last time.

Investment management.

Super dull.

But, pays the bills.

I imagine it pays

'em quite adequately.

Yeah, I suppose it does.

Look, why don't you call

whoever you have to call

and just tell 'em

you're clocking out.

You don't want to bring

your NetCar driver to

have drinks with your clients.

Oh, but I do.

I do.

Oh, wait, hold on.

Is that a smile?

That's a smile. Yeah.

Maybe you're finally turning

the page on the worst chapter

of your life.

I actually just got

held up at gunpoint

to go pick up a drug dealing

gun-shot victim in an alley.

Come on.

Are you kidding?

New chapter.

- Better.

- Yeah.

I'm sorry.

The last thing

you need right now

is an overly emotional woman

breaking down on you.

Mmm. Yeah.

Kidding. I'm kidding.

Listen, no, there's no where

else I'd rather be than right

here with you right now.

Yeah, what about your clients?

They can wait.

Do you want to talk about it?



I don't want to trouble

you with my problems, okay?

You don't even know me.

Well, honestly,

I'd like to get

to know you.

- Are you flirting with me?

- Yes.


Sorry. Was that

inappropriately honest?


Should I have denied that

I was flirting with you?


Okay. Well, yeah.

Honesty is one

of my faults.

I'm not sorry.

You shouldn't be.

It's refreshing.

It's not really

the best circumstance

for flirting.

Well, that's not really

your call to make now,

is it?

I'm damaged goods.

We're all damaged goods.

Why didn't you

go out for drinks with him?

He is just some guy

I met in my NetCar. No.

That is not the way

I want to meet somebody.

He's smart.

Attractive. He has money.

I mean, what more do you want?

I don't know.

I broke down. I mean...

I cried like a baby

and I don't even know him.

I guess I just want

a little more romance.

Ugh, I hate feeling desperate.

That is so romantic!

Are you kidding me?

Look, he stumbled

into my life twice.

If it's meant to be...

he'll stumble in again.

That's a positive

way of thinking.

Gretchen. Gretch!

Holy crap!

Is that him?

Here. Write this down.

-Ready? Mass plate...

Are you ready?

-Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Go. Go.


N-K-3. Got it.

I mean, should we call the cops?

Not, yet. He hasn't

done anything.

I mean it might be

a legit NetCar.

I mean, what do you want

to do? You just want to

sit here and wait

to see if he maybe

rapes someone?

Well, hopefully we can

call the cops before

something happens,

but yes, okay,

we need to find

something incriminating.

-Gretch! Gretch! Gretch!

Wake up! Wake up!

-Oh, my gosh, what?

Look, look, look.

She just requested a NetCar.

How do you know?

Do you think he's monitoring

the NetCar system, too?

I imagine it's possible.

Oh, my gosh, look,

he's pulling up.

He's not a NetCar.

He's not on the GPS.

What do you want to do?

We're gonna follow him.

- Oh, my gosh.

- Put your seatbelt on.

Don't you think

we should call the cops?


Well, now you have

something to report.

Oh, my God.


It's him.

- Who?

- Donovan.



- Trudy...

- I...

Trudy, are you there?

Give it. Hi. Hi,

I'm Trudy's roommate.

Look, we're at the

Slumber Haven Motel.

He's here.

He's got another

girl with him.

Wait, slow down.

What is your name?

My name is Gretchen Healy.

I am Trudy's roommate.

Is Trudy there with you?

- Yeah.

- Is she okay?

Yeah, she's fine. I'm fine.

We're in the car.

We followed him here.

Okay, do not go in there.

Stay away from the motel.

I'll send a unit right over.

Okay. Okay.

Thank you.

- They're on their way.

- He was in my car.

He was in my car!

He gave me coffee.

He had to know it was me.

Maybe he didn't.

God, I'm so stupid.

Oh, God!

- I thought I liked him.

- Hey, hey, hey.

You were smart, okay?

You followed your instinct.

You didn't have drinks with him.

But I wanted to!

Do not do this to yourself.


What is he...

Hold on.

God, she's wasted.

Let me see.

Let me see.

I need to help her.

- The cops are on their way.

- We gotta get her out of there.

Detective Jackson said

to wait in the car.

No, I don't care. Okay?

Uh, just a second.

Hang on!

Police. Open up please.

Hey, sorry,

I was just in the shower.

- Are you alone?

- Yeah.


-We're investigating

a possible kidnapping.

We got a report of suspicious

activity here at the motel.


-Mind if we take

a look around?

I'm pretty sure you need

a warrant, but no, you know,

help yourself. Go ahead.

You, uh...

notice anything

out of the ordinary?

Mmm. Like what?

Loud guests.

Screaming, arguing?


It's been a pretty

quiet night actually.

All right.

Thank you for your time.

- Of course.

- Good night.


You two put yourselves into

a very dangerous situation


I sat with him

right here

in this diner.

He has ridden in my car.

But can you positively

identify him from the night

of your assault.

God dammit, no!

Do you recognize this man?


It's an artist's sketch

based on the motel clerk's

description of your assailant.

-That doesn't make any sense.

He wasn't...


is our best lead right now.

Where was the girl?

Trudy, you know the law.

There was absolutely

nothing wrong in that

motel room tonight.

Nothing suspicious.

No victim. No arrest.

We saw him take her in there.

But you can't identify him.

And the man in that motel room

doesn't even remotely resemble

this drawing.

I need you two to back off

and let us do our police work.

You have no idea

what I've been through.

I can't just sit

around and wait.


I do know what

you've been through.

I've been through it myself.

This is a victim's advocate.

She works with social services

and I think she could be a big

help to you right now.

She'll help you navigate this

system and give you some place

to vent your frustrations.

In the meantime,

you need to go home.

Let me do my job.

We're gonna get his guy.

We're not going home.

What is he still doing in there?

Probably sleeping.

Trud, it's 4:00 in the morning.

He's not our guy.

Can we please just go?

No. He's not sleeping.

Then what is he doing?

- She's not even in there.

- Yeah, where did she go?

She has to be.

We saw him bring

her in there.

I don't know.

Maybe he got...

adjoining rooms or something.


Duck. Duck. Duck.

- Put your seatbelt on.

- Oh, my gosh. What's happening?

Just duck.

What are you doing?

I'm so confused.

I'll come talk to her later.

Let's let her sleep it off.

- What are you doing here?

- Hi.

My name is Trudy O'Donnell.

I'm not selling anything.

I think we had similar


What are you talking about?

A couple of weeks ago

I got into a black NetCar

and I was raped by my driver.

Do you remember how

you got home last night?

Um... What?

What? I think you

better go away.

- No, no, no. Please, just...

- Go or I'll call the police.

Let me talk, please.

Please? Okay?

I just want to help.

I know who the man was,

and I don't think

he assaulted you.

Well, how did you find me?

I followed you home

from the motel.

What motel?

How much do you...

know about what happened...

last night?


Okay, just... Let me get dressed.


Do you feel like

you've been...

sexually assaulted?

I mean, do you feel

like you've had sex?


I don't think so.

I think I would know.

Good. Good.

That's what

I thought.

He's too smart

to go through

with it.

Oh, my God.

- What the hell happened?

- It's not your fault.

He's not a NetCar driver.

He just pulls up

in a nice black car

and we unsuspectingly get in.

And he raped you?


Oh, my God.

I have to go to the police.

Would you?

I was hoping you'd say that.

This could really help my case.

Yeah. Of course.

I'm so sorry.


Thank you for coming in.

Am I under arrest?


I just wanted to talk to you

about what happened at the motel

the other night.

Okay, well, then you're aware

that I'm here completely

at my own prerogative.

And I can leave at any time.

I'm not accusing

you of anything.

I just wanted to tell you

what we know

and see if maybe you could

fill in a few holes for us.

We have a witness that saw you

pickup Elise Steele in front of

the Paladium last Friday night.

Did you know Miss Steele

before she got into your


We also know that she had

Rohypnol in her system

the following day.

That same witness...

saw you drop Miss Steele off

in front of her home just

a few hours later.


I'm just asking

for a little

cooperation here.

Listen, detective...

I know my rights.

I know how this works.

I don't mean to be obstinate...

but I'd prefer to share

any information I do

or do not know

in a court of law.

If and when that should occur.

Oh, oh! And by the way...

your officer who didn't

have a warrant

did a completely

illegal search

of my premises...

and I'll press

charges if I need to.

Okay then.

I'm going to leave now.

Oh, and thank you for your

service to our community,


Hi, Trudy.

What are you doing here?

I was in the neighborhood.


How do you know where I live?

Let's not play games

here with each other,


I know you followed me

to the motel.

- May I come in?

- No.

I don't want you to.

Why would you follow me?

I don't know what

you're talking about.

No, I think you do.

You're afraid of me, aren't you?

You should be.

- I'll scream.

- No, you won't.

You know...

I really thought that

we had a connection.

I felt it.

Didn't you?

You have nothing.

Do you understand?


It's your word against mine.

You don't have a shred

of real evidence, so...

unless you want

to live your life

in fear...

how about you get off

this little vigilante

crusade of yours...

and just go back

to living your pretty

little life.



Go ahead!


What the hell happened?

- He was here.

- Who?


He saw us at the motel.

My God, did he hurt you?


But I know it was him.

Are you sure? You're not just

wanting him to be the guy?

No, I'm sure.

It has to be.

Okay, you need

to call Detective Jackson.

So she can tell me

the same thing

you just did?

That I'm projecting

my memories...

that the witness' sketch

doesn't even match his


That damn motel clerk.

Yeah, I did a little

research on him.

Several arrests.

Did a little time for B&E

and cocaine possession.

Maybe he's working with Donovan.

Yeah, my thoughts exactly.

I have a plan.

But I'm going to need your help.

Only if you're willing.

- Hello?

- Okay, he's in place.

Take a shot for courage.


Love your guts.

Love you more.

Uh, can I have

a shot of bourbon,


Okay, we're on route.

Remember the crime scene.

Do not leave a trace.

I have some water

back there if you want.

Thank you.

You all right back there?


Yeah, I'm just sleepy.

You know what they say...

water's the best thing for you.


- How're you doing?

- Good.

- Can I get a room?

- Yeah.

45 bucks for the night.

I'll need you to fill in

these out for me.

Hey, where the hell

is Green Street?

It's, um, downtown.

Canal district.


Okay, yeah.

How long does it

take him to get here?

This time of night, probably

about 15 to 20 minutes.

Okay. Thank you.

- Car trouble.

- Mmm-hmm.

So we all good here or what?


Listen to me,

this is the last

goddamn time.

Hey, mira.

Here we go.

So, Manuel's on his way,

but it's going to take him

like 20 minutes to get here.

The guy inside, he says

he's coming down

Canal District way.

Come on.

Had too much to drink.

Come on.

I got a picture

of you taking $200

from that douchebag.


I know what you did.

So why don't you

give me the master key

and I won't tell

the cops what I know.

Whatever you want, bro.


Why don't you go have

a chat with your boy


Carlos and me,

we've got some

work to do.

Thanks, Juan.

Hey, Trudy.

I told you, I owe you one.

Hello, Roger.

I'm Trudy.

Remember me?

Why don't you tell me

about that sketch?

What the hell?

Where did he go?

Check the bathroom.

Check the bathroom.

It's locked.

Whoa, whoa.

What the hell?

Hey, who are you?

Drop it. Drop it.

Just the wrong room, man.

Just the wrong room.

Call the police.

Easy, man. Easy, easy.

I checked. This is

the wrong room. I know.

But Roger, he told me

to come down to 105.

You know, that's it.

That's all I was doing.

- Shut up.

- Hey, what's going on in there?

Hey, is she okay?

Yeah. She's fine.

All right, looks like...

Get off her!

Hey, get off her.

Get off her!

Get up!

- What took you so long?

- I'm sorry.

What took you so long?

They're brothers.

They're brothers.

They're freaking brothers!

Take off the mask!

Take it off!

Hi, Trudy.

You're brothers?

- Trudy...

- How could you?


I trusted you.

God, I cared about you.

You violated me!

You breached me!

I'm going to make sure that

they put you away for a long,

long time.

But you know they won't.

I'll see you in five years?

Free on good behavior.

I'll be waiting.

Are you okay?

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

You won't believe

what they said.

When they thought

I was unconscious.

Don't tell me.


All I know is I got

in the wrong car that night.

Okay, well. We're going

to stick to the plan.

You have to get out of here.

Okay. You have

the pepper spray?


I guess it came in handy.


I love your guts.

I love you more.

You got the DNA sample?

That's my girl.

♪ I saw him in the city,

oh how I feel for ya ♪

♪ Drapin all over,

it wasn't pretty ♪

♪ You thought it'd never happen,

well who ya kiddin? ♪

♪ It's time to let it go,

let it go ♪'

♪ Unless there's

something goofy ♪

♪ Like in the movies like

perhaps a body double,

a doppleganger ♪

♪ He called you from her car

while his hands were on her ♪

♪ What an animal, animal

♪ Loud, say it loud and clear

♪ Something you don't

♪ You don't want to hear

♪ Well, devil's got

your boyfriend ♪

♪ He's got the one who said

he'd always love you ♪

♪ He'd never leave you

♪ The devil's got

your boyfriend ♪

♪ He's got your boy

and he'll never let go ♪

♪ Then at Tippitina's,

you wont believe it ♪

♪ I heard it from another,

a New Orleanian ♪

♪ Well anything can happen,

maybe his sister? ♪

♪ But he said she lived

in Bend, Oregon ♪

♪ That slip was

something Freudian ♪

♪ And once you notice its like

peeling up an onion ♪

♪ Layer by layer

♪ And lair by liar

it gets later and later ♪

♪ And you haven't done a thing

done a thing ♪

♪ Loud, say it loud and clear

♪ Something you don't

♪ You don't want to hear

♪ Well, devil's got

your boyfriend ♪

♪ He's got the one who said

he'd always love you

he'd never leave you ♪

♪ Devil's got your boyfriend

♪ He's got the one

and he'll never let go ♪