Vehicle 19 (2013) - full transcript
In Johannesburg, an American parole breaker unknowingly picks up a rental car that will tie him to a web of corrupt local police.
[ Static, overlapping radio transmissions ]
[ Siren ]
[ Engine accelerating ]
[ Muffled car horn passes ]
[ Tires screech ]
[ car horn honking ]
[ Horn blares ]
[ horn blares ]
[ tires screech ]
[ tires screech ]
[ second siren ]
[ Tires screech ]
[ truck horn honks ]
[ Truck horn honks ]
[ Truck horn honks ]
[ Airplane takes off ]
ANGELICA: [ on cell phone ]
It's late.
I know. I'm sorry.
Is everything okay?
MICHAEL: No, no, there was
this mechanical issue with the plane,
and we were delayed,
and then customs,
it just--it took forever.
ANGELICA: This is hard, Michael.
There's history.
You know I want this to work.
It's just you coming. I don't know.
Angie, just listen to me.
I'm here, okay?
And it's gonna be different this time,
I promise.
I want to believe that.
You know, I really do.
Just please don't
let me down again, okay?
I'll be waiting.
I'll see you in twenty minutes.
[ Cell phone beeps I
[ alarm chirps, doors unlock ]
[ Sighs ]
[ Dialing ]
Hertz Rental, Sandy speaking.
How may I help you?
Yeah, this is Michael Woods.
I was just in there a moment ago.
- Oh, yes, the American.
- Mm-hmm.
Is everything okay, Mr. Woods?
No, actually, uh this is a minivan.
I ordered a sedan.
SANDY: Um, well, why don't you
just come back on in,
and we'll see if we can't
find out what the problem is.
I'm sure my manager
will be back any time.
You can't sort this out?
SANDY: No, sir. I'm afraid
I'm not that good with a computer,
but my manager will be back
anytime soon now.
You know what?
This is gonna be fine.
- No, no, no, sir.
- Yeah.
- SANDY: I'm sorry to say--
- Unfortunately, I'm running late.
Somebody's waiting for me,
and we'll just sort it out
when I come back, all right?
SANDY: No, sir. I'm afraid
you don't understand--
MICHAEL: Thank you. Bye.
This is weird.
[ Horn honks, tires screech ]
They drive on the left.
[ "Go Away" by Teargas playing ]
[ Man shouting ]
[ Cell phone beeps ]
[ child laughing ]
[ Car horn honks ]
[ Many cars honking ]
- [thud ]
- MAN: Hey!
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, man!
Better wake up!
Stay out of trouble, Michael.
Stay out of trouble.
Stay out of trouble,
stay out of trouble.
[ line ringing ]
Where are you?
I'm...I'm stuck in a traffic jam.
There must be an accident
or something,
and then I ran into an issue
with the rental car company, too.
ANGELICA: Michael, you know
what security is like here.
Just to get this little bit of time,
I have to go
through a whole procedure.
No, I know, I know,
but, I mean, it's not my fault.
What am I supposed to do?
I can't control
the air flow or the traffic.
I mean,
can't you just wait for a little bit?
I've been waiting
for eighteen months.
All right, and I'm here now.
ANGELICA: When the parole board
approved your travel,
I thought this could be
like a new start for us,
[ crying ]
but now I'm scared that...
Wait, why are you crying?
No more stories, Michael.
- I can't get hurt again.
- What...
I can't.
What stories?
Did you stop at the liquor store?
No, come on, I told you.
I'm stuck in a traffic jam.
Angie, just give me
this one chance, all right?
I promise you
I'm not gonna screw it up.
Okay, call me when you get here.
[ Beep ]
[ Panting ]
[ Sighs ]
[ Cell phone chiming ]
[ Chiming ]
[ Horns start to honk ]
[ horn blares ]
[ horns honking ]
Hey, you'll get there, buddy!
[ Tapping ]
Hello, my friend.
I'm selling chargers, my friend.
Yeah, I don't need a charger.
No, my friend.
Take a charger, my friend
No, I just bought one
at the airport, though.
Oh, come on, those are cheap.
They break all the time, my friend.
- I don't need one.
- No, my friend. Look at me.
I'm the cutest boy in town.
Yeah, I'm sure you are.
Which one do you use,
my friend?
Hey, hey, what are you do--
Hey, what are you doing?
They just stole my glasses.
on Eyewitness News today
is the disappearance
of the lead prosecutor
in the case against
the Chief of Police, Ben Rose.
Rachel Shabangu has been missing
for the past 24 hours,
and her family and the NPA
have been pointing fingers
at those implicated in the case
she was to provide evidence against.
Alex, this is the third time
that this kind of thing
has happened
in a case
against the Chief of Police.
Well, the prosecutors here,
they've seen this sort of thing
occurring on a regular basis.
It seems like
a blatant disregard for the law
by the very people
who are meant to uphold it.
[ Men laughing ]
[ Stops engine ]
[ Dog barking ]
[ Cell phone ringing ]
[ Ringing ]
[ Ringing ]
[ Stops ]
[ Ringing ]
[ Ringing ]
MAN: You were meant to
acknowledge receipt of the message.
Hello, who is this?
Can you tell me
what's going on here?
How did you get this phone? was in the glove box.
[ stammers ] I...
I picked up this car
from the rental car company.
They screwed up the car and...
[ beep ]
Why is this gun in my car?!
[ Dog barking ]
To hell with this.
I'm outta here.
[ Ringing ]
[ Ringing ]
[ Ringing ]
[ Ringing ]
- Hey.
- MAN: Hello, Michael.
Yeah, I just thought
you should know,
I'm not playing your stupid game.
I'm outta here.
I left your van,
your gun, your phone.
- Michael...
- You can have it all, buddy.
My name is Detective Smith.
Look, we're in the middle
of a covert operation at the airport.
There was a mix-up.
That car was meant
to be picked up
by one of our undercover
police officers.
We appreciate that this
was just a random mistake
and that you are
an innocent party in this.
That's good. That's good news.
SMITH: You're not to blame here.
We know what happened.
You have no idea.
Yeah, well, sorry about that.
We've got another car for you,
so we'll send you the address,
and we can swap it over, okay?
Okay, great.
That's a relief. I got to...
[ beep ]
[ Chimes ]
[ Starts engine ]
Guess I'm not walking after all.
Uh, Smuts Street, please.
I have over 57 in the directory, sir.
Uh, I don't know. I'm American.
I'm not from here.
OPERATOR: Unfortunately, I cannot help
unless you have more information.
[ Beep ]
[ Man shouting ]
[ Man and woman
conversing in Zulu ]
Excuse me. Excuse me.
Could you tell me
where Smuts Street is?
[ Speaking Zulu ]
Right. Uh-huh.
Could have seen that one coming.
[ "Stand Up" by Perfecto playing ]
Smuts Street.
[ Song continues ]
Excuse me.
Uh, it's all right.
Never mind. Thank you.
[ Song ends ]
I got to turn around.
[ Thud ]
[ Engine revving ]
[ Stops engine ]
[ Dialing ]
[ line ringing ]
[ Ringing ]
What's going on?
You're half an hour late.
Yeah, I got...
I got lost, and now I'm stuck.
Where are you?
I turned off, uh...
Crane Street.
ANGELICA: Crane Street?
What are you doing on Crane Street?
There was a mess-up--
There was a mess-up
with the rental car, and this...
ANGELICA: The wrong car?
I don't understand.
[ Sighs ]
Angie, do you love me?
- What?
- You heard me.
Michael, what's going on?
Because if you really love me,
I need you to tell me
how to get to Smuts Street,
and then I need you
to not ask me any more questions.
And, please,
just give me twenty more--
Twenty more minutes,
and if I'm not there
within twenty minutes,
you don't ever have
to talk to me again, okay?
ANGELICA: Go back.
Go back on Crane,
take a right on Gull,
and then the third left
at the light is Smuts.
All right.
All right, I love you.
[ Beep ]
[ Starts engine ]
[ Engine revving ]
[ Tires spinning ]
[ Thud, seat back falls ]
I'm not gonna hurt you.
I swear to God.
I'm gonna take this gag off, okay?
Are you all right?
[ Whispers I Water.
- Water.
- Yeah.
Can you untie me?
Oh, sh--!
[ Gasping ]
Are you crazy?
They wouldn't have left this
to some random guy,
so don't play the innocent man.
You just sit back, all right?
I don't know what the hell
you're talking about,
and I don't really care.
You just sit there,
and you shut up.
Just sit in your seat!
Just stay there.
This is crazy!
Oh, God.
[ Van rattles ]
MICHAEL: I'm gone.
Turn the car around.
Turn the car around.
I don't want to hear it.
WOMAN: Listen to what I say,
and you won't get hurt.
I don't have anything
to do with this, all right?
Not a thing.
I don't have any involvement in this.
You're driving too fast.
Slow down.
I said slow down!
[ Woman grunts ]
[ Bullet whistles ]
Okay, okay, okay, okay.
Okay. Okay. Okay.
Okay. Okay.
- [ Wind whooshes ]
- [ woman grunts ]
What are you doing?
[ Horn blaring ]
Stay in the car!
You stay in the car!
You don't know
what you're doing.
Sit down!
- You just don't--
- [ cell phone ringing ]
You're late, Michael Woods.
Yeah, I know. I'm sorry.
SMITH: You got
out of jail only ten days ago.
I checked your record.
Already broken your parole condition
by leaving the country,
an ex-wife at the embassy.
Is that where you're going?
No, no, I'm on my way
to you right now.
SMITH: Do you want to go
back to jail, Mr. Woods?
- No.
- Five minutes,
or we're coming for you.
I'm coming.
There's a woman--
- There's a woman tied up in the back.
- [ beep ]
Just stay in your seat, please!
Just stay in your seat, all right?
Just stay there.
Don't move, nothing!
Just stay there.
You don't know
what's going on, do you?
I think I need to explain
the situation you find yourself in.
You're talking to the wrong person.
My name is Rachel Shabangu.
I work for
the National Prosecuting Authority.
I've recently uncovered information
implicating a very powerful man
named Ben Rose
on various counts
of international sex trafficking.
The last thing I remember
is going home,
opening my front door,
then waking up
in this minivan with you.
I have reason to believe
I have been kidnapped
to prevent this information
from coming to light.
You know, I don't want
to hear any of this.
All right?
I don't want to hear any of it.
You have to do the right thing.
You know, just save it, all right?
You just save it for the police.
When we get there,
- you can tell them all about your story.
- Ben Rose is the Chief of Police.
It's the police that want me dead.
Look, I don't know how you got
involved in this, but you are.
This is my reality,
and it's just become yours.
No, it hasn't become my reality!
- You may not like it.
- This isn't my reality!
Sometimes life
doesn't give us a choice!
- I got to do what I got to do!
- You're in this situation for a reason!
I just got to stay
out of trouble right now!
- You just shut up!
- You have to do the right thing!
No, I don't! You shut up!
Don't you get it?
You cannot cut this out!
- I can't think straight! Aah!
- You cannot--
[ Wings fluttering ]
I guess this is right.
[ Gunshot ]
Go! Go! Go!
Why are they shooting at us?
Just get the hell out of here!
Go, go, go!
I'm going, I'm going, I'm going!
[ Tires screech I
Get back onto the main road!
Go, go, go, go, go!
I'm going! I'm going!
Give me the gun.
These people are going to kill us!
[ Gunshots ]
Will you give me the gun?
[ Gunshots ]
[ Glass breaking, bullet ricochets ]
Shoot them! Shoot them!
Go faster! Go!
- I'm going! I'm going.
- You have to go!
- Go!
- I'm going!
Okay. Hey, hey!
When I say you get inside,
you get inside, all right?
- When I say duck inside...
- What?
You duck inside!
RACHEL: There's a wall!
I know! When I say duck inside,
you get inside!
[ Man singing somber song indistinctly ]
I know someone.
Someone who can help.
[ Indistinct conversation
and laughter ]
[ Children laughing ]
Where are we?
It's a township.
Just keep going further down.
All right, turn right here.
This is it. Wait here.
[ No audible dialogue ]
[ Person whistling ]
Can you just talk to him?
MICHAEL: What's going on?
We're gonna have
to try someone else.
There he is, there.
MICHAEL: Hey, Benji!
- Okay, go around.
- He's ignoring us.
Go around.
RACHEL: There.
[ Speaks Zulu ]
They kidnapped me.
They tried to kill us.
[ Speaking Zulu ]
Benji... [ speaking Zulu ]
RACHEL: Benji!
They threatened my son
at his school.
You know what I'm saying?
At his school.
He's only eight.
Please leave me alone.
They threatened his son.
That means they're
gonna go after my wife.
She's at the embassy.
RACHEL: Call her.
Whatever happens,
she must stay where she is.
[ Dialing ]
[ line ringing ]
Hey, it's Angie.
You know what to do.
[ Beep ]
Angie, listen,
I need you to stay put.
I don't want you to move.
I want you to stay
right where you're at.
There's some guys that--
Listen, just stay
where you are, all right?
I'm on my way.
I'm coming to get you right now.
You can't go there.
I have to go there.
You can't.
That's exactly where they're headed.
These people are dangerous,
and they will kill us.
She's safe.
They can't get her at the embassy.
I don't care. I'm going.
Give me the phone.
What department
at the embassy?
Uh, Diplomatic, uh...
- Hey.
- It's on the phone.
Look on the phone.
It's gonna be okay.
She's safe there as long
as she stays inside.
[ Dialing ]
[ line ringing ]
American Embassy.
Yes, hi, can I have
Diplomatic Affairs, please?
Not a problem, ma'am.
Who would you like to speak to?
I'm looking for Angelica...
Moore, Angelica Moore.
Angelica Moore, please.
WOMAN: I'm sorry.
She just stepped out.
How long ago?
- [ Indistinct reply ]
- What?
There was someone to see her.
Put on your seatbelt.
It's only a block away off Nicol.
[ Tires screech ]
RACHEL: It's red.
It's red!
[ Tires screech ]
RACHEL.: It's just there.
Those are his men!
Wait, there she is!
- There she is! Get back inside!
- [ honking horn ]
- Angie!
- Michael!
[ Tires screech ]
[ gunshots ]
[ Rachel groans ]
RACHEL.: [ gasping ]
You've been shot?
Where's--We got
to get you to a hospital!
No, no doctors.
No hospitals.
They'll find us.
Turn...Turn here.
Left here?
Turn left.
Go to that--that
underground parking sign.
There. There. Right there.
We can't just stay down here.
Okay, go down to the bottom level.
Find a place out of sight,
where they can't see us.
Okay. All right.
I have to take this off.
I need you...
I need you...
Help me get this off.
I need to see the wound.
All right.
[ Groans ]
This is it. Stop it.
All right.
You're gonna...okay.
You're gonna have to push harder.
- Just do it, push.
- I'm pushing.
- Push harder.
- I'm pushing.
[ Whimpering ]
[ Michael grunts ]
It's not stopping.
Come on.
I'm not gonna make it.
There's too much blood.
There's too much blood.
It's not gonna happen.
- No, you're gonna be fine.
- It's not gonna happen.
- No, you're gonna be fine.
- No.
- Come on.
- There's too much.
- Watch out.
- There's too much.
It's not gonna...
- You hang in there.
- I can't.
Give me your phone.
Get your phone.
It records?
Turn it on.
All right, just tap that.
- Hit that button.
- Push it.
- Push it?
- Mm-hmm.
My name is Rachel Shabangu.
Today, October 12, 2011...
I have been shot.
In the event that I don't survive,
this will serve as testimony
for my prosecution.
On September 17, 2011...
I uncovered a sex trafficking ring
out of Johannesburg...
It's okay.
And a tail that led back to
Chief of Police.. Ben Rose.
When I re--
Realized how deep not only he,
but other--other high-ranking
officers were involved,
I tried--I tried to contact
Judge James Mzuka...
but then found myself...
my testimony...
witnessed by...
Michael, Michael Woods.
Michael... Woods.
No, open your eyes.
Open your eyes.
Hey, open your eyes.
I want you to stay with me, okay?
I don't want this on my shoulders.
You're gonna stay with me,
so I want you just to breathe.
Take it to...
the courthouse.
- No, I'm not--
- To the courthouse.
I'm not gonna deal
with the police, okay?
I'm not even supposed to be here.
You're gonna stay with me.
He's the only one
you can trust.
- No, I'm not...
- To the courthouse.
You stay with me.
Just stay--Just--
He's the only one you can trust,
no one else.
No, I'm not trusting anybody.
You understand?
You're gonna stay
right here, okay?
You're gonna take it
to the judge.
You're gonna do this.
You're gonna be fine.
You're gonna be fine, okay?
You're gonna be fine.
I want you to say it, just say it.
It rests on you.
No, this doesn't rest on me.
This rests on you.
You stay with me.
Look at me. Look at me.
Look at me.
Look at me.
This is yours.
This isn't on me.
This isn't on me!
God damn it!
I can't do this!
[ Flies buzzing ]
[ No audible dialogue ]
[ Dialing ]
[ line ringing ]
[ Ringing ]
[ Ringing ]
Hey, it's Angie.
You know what to do.
[ Beep ]
[ Speaking Zulu ]
Give me your wallet.
I said give me your wallet!
Get out of here.
Listen here,
give me your wallet
or I'll stick you, man.
Hey! Hey! Are you deaf?
Get out of here.
This is your chance. Now go.
[ Cell phone ringing ]
[ Ringing ]
[ Ringing ]
[ Beep ]
We just picked up a call to 911
about a dead woman
in a parking garage.
Caller sounded distressed.
You feeling any better now?
So how much did our friend,
Rachel Shabangu,
tell you before she died?
You killed her.
SMITH: Hey, hey, hey,
easy there, big boy.
[ Speaking Afrikaans ]
Look, Michael, I'm not the one
just out of jail for hit and run, okay?
It was an accident,
and I paid my dues.
You don't know me.
SMITH: You do seem to have
a bit of a knack
at being in the wrong place
at the wrong time,
don't you, Mr. Woods?
Anyway, here's the situation.
You've broken
your parole conditions,
making you a wanted felon.
You're alone in a city
you've never been to before,
whereas I, on the other hand,
have access
to the entire police force here.
I know the car you're in.
I know its color, its plates.
I also have people waiting
for your ex-wife
to take one step
out of that embassy.
One step, and she's mine.
So what are you gonna do?
[ Chuckles ]
There is one more thing
I thought might help you
make the right choice here.
Why don't you
turn on your radio?
...and have released his picture
and name to the media.
American Michael Woods
is wanted for the murder
of National Prosecutor
Rachel Shabangu...
[ Smith laughing ]
So let's say you make
the enlightened choice here
and just stay
out of my way, okay?
[ laughs ]
Cookie boy.
SMITH: What?
That's what my father used to
always call me, Cookie boy.
Said I'd always crack
under pressure.
Said I'd always crumble
like a cookie.
He was a mean bastard.
SMITH: Tough life, huh?
[ Chuckles ]
You know, that chuckle of yours,
it reminds me of him,
'cause he had one just like it,
a sadistic-ass chuckle.
And, you know,
even though he's dead,
every time I screw up,
I can still hear it.
Are you a mean bastard,
Detective Smith?
Be very, very careful here.
"Cause you know
what's more powerful
than a mean bastard
with too much power?
You're playing with fire.
A man with nothing to lose,
Detective Smith.
SMITH: I will kill you.
So you asked me to choose.
I choose.
I choose fuck you.
[ Beep ]
[ Phone hits ground ]
[ Starts engine ]
[ Recording fast forwarding ]
RACHEL.: trafficking ring--
[ Fast forwards ]
The Chief of Police--
I tried to--
- [ Fast forwards ]
- Judge James Mzuka.
[ Rewinding ]
James Mzuka.
Judge James...
MALE OPERATOR: Afrikom Information,
how may I help you?
Yeah, I need the phone number
for Judge James Mzuka.
Ah, here we go.
Would you like me
to connect you?
- Yes.
- Please hold.
Hi, this is
Judge James Mzuka.
- Hey.
- Please leave a message after the tone.
[ Beep ]
My name is Michael Woods.
I have Rachel Shabangu's
recorded testimony.
They killed her,
and they tried to kill me.
I'm coming in.
I'm gonna bring it
to the courthouse.
[ Beep ]
[ Tires screech ]
[ siren ]
[ Sirens ]
[ Tires screech ]
[ distant sirens ]
[ dog yapping ]
[ Siren approaching ]
[ Cell phone beeping ]
[ Sirens ]
[ Machinery whirring ]
[ Dialing ]
[ line ringing ]
[ Ringing ]
[ Ringing ]
Hey, it's Angie.
You know what to do.
[ Beep ]
Remember that night
when you had on
that yellow dress...
the new one,
and it was raining?
And I was running around,
trying to catch
all the raindrops
to keep you from getting wet?
We were laughing so hard,
our stomachs hurt.
[ Chuckles ]
Yeah, you and me,
we used to have some...
some good times, Angie.
Uh, these people...
These people are gonna
tell you things.
I don't know exactly what
they're gonna tell you,
but I know
they're gonna tell you
that I killed somebody,
but it's not true.
And I'm gonna prove that to you.
I'm gonna prove that to everybody,
even if it kills me.
I'm just trying to make up right now
for every wrong turn I've ever made.
I'm just trying
to do the right thing,
and right now, unfortunately,
my only chance
of getting back to you,
my only chance of ever
even seeing you again
is to clear my name.
This is the only way.
Yeah, it's the only way,
so just know that I'm sorry.
I hope you understand, and...
and I love you forever.
[ Beep ]
[ Machinery stops ]
[ Speaks Zulu ]
You lost something?
I need my car sprayed.
You've got this look,
doesn't quite fit
your pretty face, huh?
That's the look of a man on fire.
Are you on fire,
Mr. A-merican in a minivan?
I don't have any money.
[ laughs ]
You're right out there, huh?
Just burning up.
You see, when a man
is on fire like you,
usually everything
seems perfectly clear.
But you don't have clarity, huh?
"Cause you seem to have
mistaken me for Mother Teresa.
[ Speaks Zulu ]
You know how much
a can of spray costs?
This is knock-off, man.
You get this in a cereal box.
That's all I got, man.
I don't need a pro job,
just change the color.
Ride on back.
[ "This Year" by Teargas playing ]
[ Whistles ]
[ Speaks Zulu ]
[ Song ends ]
All right, I gotta get out of here.
Places to go, things to do.
I get you, man.
Now, boys, come on,
wrap it up, huh?
Man on a mission, got to go!
Yeah, I got to go. Come on.
[ Starts engine ]
Come on, boys! Come on!
SECOND MAN: [ speaks Zulu ]
[ tape peeling ]
Hey, how do I get
to the courthouse?
Just off Diagonal,
third right, you'll see the big steps.
Thank you.
[ Cell phone rings ]
[ Rings ]
MAN: Hello. Am I speaking
with Michael Woods?
You called me?
Yeah, who is this?
My name is Judge Mzuka.
There was a message
about Rachel.
Yeah, yeah, I have her, uh...
I have her testimony.
She recorded it before she died.
MZUKA: Listen, what you have
in your possession
is the best chance we're ever going
to have of convicting him.
It's the only chance we've got.
- I need that...
- Yeah.
And I need it now.
Yeah, I'm on my way
to the courthouse right now.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
They'll kill you on sight.
Well, they won't know, though,
'cause I had my van--
I had the whole thing sprayed,
and they won't be able to tell I got--
You don't understand.
There's a shoot on sight order
out on you.
There are police everywhere.
The courthouse is the worst place
you could possibly go.
That's exactly where
they're expecting you to go.
I have to.
That's suicide, Mr. Woods.
I promised her.
Look, I can come to you.
- [ Siren ]
- Just tell me where you are.
[ Siren whoops I
[ tapping ]
Talking on your cell phone
and operating a vehicle is illegal.
You do realize that.
May I see your license, please?
Can I see your license, sir?
[ Distant sounding ]
Sir, I need to see your license.
Step out of the car, sir.
Sir, step out of the car!
- [ Horn honks ]
- [ men shouting indistinctly ]
[ Spray paint cans clang on car ]
You, stay put!
[ Siren ]
[ line ringing ]
What happened?
Aw, just--
It was a cop, but he's gone now.
He left.
Michael, listen to me.
It's too dangerous.
Do not go anywhere now.
I'm going to send someone.
Just tell me where you are.
[ Beep]
Michael, can you hear me?
Yeah, yeah, um...
MZUKA: Where are you?
- I'm on, uh...
- [ beep ]
I need to know where you are.
Yeah, my phone battery's
going dead.
I'm on. This is, uh...
- Michael?
- Bertha Street.
Yeah, Ber--Hello?
[ Beep ]
Hello? Can you hear me?
Oh, God.
Where is it?
Come on!
Come on, please,
please, please, please.
No, not now.
I can't have this!
I can't have--
I swear to God, come on.
[ Beep beep ]
No, come on!
Damn it!
Damn it all! Come on! Work!
Burn it all away.
I'm going in.
I'm going in.
[ Sirens ]
[ Tires screech ]
[ horns blaring ]
- Aah!
- Get out of the way!
Get out of the way!
[ Cell phone beeps ]
- [ beep ]
- It's working.
It's working.
Judge. Judge, I lost them.
And the courthouse--
The courthouse is right here.
[ Tires screeching ]
[ Sirens ]
I'm going the wrong way.
[ Truck horn honks ]
[ Truck horn honks ]
[ Truck horn honks ]
[ Gunshots ]
[ Tires squeal ]
[ Subdued music ]
[ Muted sirens ]
Michael Woods,
get out of the car
with your hands on your head.
Do it now.
Get out of the car.
Get out of the car
with your hands on your head.
Get out of the car.
[ Reporter gasping ]
- Hey, hey, hey, drop your weapon!
- Stay back!
- Drop your weapon!
- Stay back!
Drop your weapon!
You get me Judge Mzuka,
and you get him now,
or I'm gonna blow his brains out.
I'm gonna shoot him.
- Listen.
- I'm gonna pull this trigger!
- We'll get you whatever you need.
- You listen to me.
But you have to
lay down your weapon.
You listen to me.
Just drop your weapon!
- [ Gunshot ]
- [ reporter screams ]
Are you gonna
listen to me! Huh?
Are you gonna listen to me?
Get out of here!
Get out of here!
Get them out of here!
Listen, man, you have to give me
a chance here, okay?
We can work something out.
I said get the judge!
Get the judge now!
Go get Judge Mzuka now!
Hold it, hold it.
Hello, Mr. Woods.
This man is a fugitive from the law.
Nobody is getting him anything.
And who the hell are you?
Detective Smith.
This is a DT matter.
I'll take it from here.
I'll blow his head off!
- SMITH: No, you won't.
- Yes, I will.
Now, you get the judge,
and you get him now,
or this guy dies, I swear to God.
This guy's gonna die if you don't
get me the judge right now.
Not gonna happen.
Don't you push me.
Don't you push me!
Haven't you screwed up enough
for one life, Mr. Woods?
Right now, you're dead center
in the crosshairs
of at least two Class A snipers.
I give the word, and you're dead.
Don't you push me.
I swear to God,
I'm gonna kill him.
I will kill him.
Now, you get the judge
or somebody dies.
[ Microphone feedback whistles ]
That thing on?
This thing--This thing on?
- Huh?
Yes. The camera's running over there.
Make no mistake,
I will shoot you.
- He's got a hostage! You can't--
- Back off!
On my word, you're a dead man.
Hey, there's protocol here!
Unless threatened,
you have no right to fire!
I need the judge.
SMITH: He's got a gun
aimed to kill someone.
Don't tell me how to do my job.
- What's going on here?
- Just stay out of this!
Tell me, man.
What's going on?
- Stay out of this!
- You step back! I've got this!
Drop your weapon now!
- Step back! I've got this, okay?
- I need the judge now!
- Okay. Step back!
- Stay out of this!
- Tell me, what's going on here, man?
- I need the judge.
Drop your weapon now!
I need backup! I need backup!
You step back!
No one fires! No one fires!
I need the judge.
I have evidence, okay?
Don't you say another word!
Rachel Shabangu's testimony.
- He's got a bomb!
- No!
- [ Crowd screams ]
- No! No one fires!
No one fires!
No one fires! Step back!
[ Gasping ]
[ On recording ]
My name is Rachel Shabangu.
SMITH: Cut the feed!
October 12, 2011,
- [ both shouting indistinctly ]
- I have been shot.
In the event that I don't survive,
this will serve as testimony.
- On September 17th...
- Cut that feed now!
2011, I uncovered
a sex trafficking ring...
[ panting ]
Out of Johannesburg...
And a tail that led back to...
Chief of Police.. Ben Rose.
in Johannesburg Central Hospital,
the American tourist, Michael Woods,
was praised as a hero
by President Jacob Zuma,
who called him
"a courageous defender of justice.”
At his bedside,
his ex-wife Angelica Moore
spoke with us earlier today.
We've had difficult times,
but somehow I always knew
that he's got it in him.
When it really mattered,
he'd pull through,
and I will always
love him for that.
and several other high-ranking officers
and members of court
were arrested late last Tuesday
after a dramatic showdown
on Constitution Hill.
Shabangu's testimony
and the body of evidence
found in Justice James Mzuka's
possession ultimately led to...
[ woman reporting story in German ]
[ Woman reporting story
in foreign language ]
who violated parole in the United States
by coming to South Africa,
has been granted permission
to return home for further treatment
while his case
will be reconsidered...
[ news reports
in several languages overlapping ]
A state funeral will be held Saturday
for Rachel Shabangu,
whose final words
have been dominating
the headlines in South Africa...
♪ Check my nuwe flippin' Pumas ♪
♪ Grab your phone take a picture ♪
♪ When you see
Yo-Landi, Visser, and the Ninja ♪
♪ Life's tough ♪
♪ Hard times can kill ♪
♪ Sometimes I grab
the microphone and go ballistig ♪
♪ Sometimes I grab
the mic and skop it like a chill ♪
♪ This one's going out
to all my gangsters ♪
♪ Dik getinte vensters ♪
♪ Kwaai spoilers ♪
♪ Gedropte suspensions ♪
♪ Spiff rims
en kak gevaarlike engines ♪
♪ All I wanna do is
Zoom zoom zoom ♪
♪ Met'n poes
every doem doem doem ♪
♪ Die Antwoord's
a heavy brain strain soos die Matrix ♪
♪ Have goose bumps
from the bass kicks ♪
♪ Hello al my liewe maatjes ♪
♪ I see the clouds get so deep ♪
♪ Die [ scratching ] Antwoord
het jou lief ♪
♪ Al my gangsters,
al my laaties ♪
♪ Al my blacks,
all my coloreds, all my whities ♪
♪ What's up, bru?
I got the good stuff ♪
♪ I can get you hooked up ♪
♪ My lullabies float
like a butterfly ♪
♪ Sting like a poesklap ♪
♪ There's a heavy calm ♪
♪ In the middle of my storm ♪
♪ Geen flippin' skaam ♪
♪ Skrik vir niks soos die flippin' son ♪
♪ DK flippin' gees ♪
♪ Die Ninja moves free ♪
♪ From the Zef side
to the overseas ♪
♪ Skop ek kak gevaarlike poetry ♪
♪ This world is dark ♪
♪ But light reveals the shape ♪
♪ Of things at night ♪
♪ Hello al my liewe maatjes ♪
♪ I see the clouds get so deep ♪
♪ Die [ scratching ] Antwoord
het jou lief ♪
♪ Al my gangsters,
al my laaties ♪
♪ Al my blacks,
all my coloreds, all my whities ♪
[ Song ends ]
[ Instrumental music ]