Vegas High Stakes (1996) - full transcript
Two Vegas strippers witness two gangsters murder one of their boyfriends in the parking lot at the end of their shift. The gangsters want to silence them, so they flee town... with the gangsters in chase.
ANNOUNCER: There they are, the two finest ladies in Las Vegas,
dancing and taking it all off for your pleasure, Lust
and Desire.
Fuck you, boss.
What are you doing here?
Turn that thing off.
Only if you turn me on.
You can't enough of me, Johnny, can you?
Baby, I'm in love.
Cut the crap, Johnny.
You wouldn't know love if it sat on your face.
Yeah, you know what?
I'm a sensitive guy.
Yeah, below the belt.
And what's your problem tonight?
I'm tired of this bullshit.
I'm tired of stripping and taking my clothes
off for a bunch of drunks.
It's a living.
Yeah, well, I deserve better, and I should be doing better.
Consider it a stepping stone.
I think I slipped on it.
Come on, baby, things aren't all that bad.
I'm not in the mood, Johnny.
You know, you always say that.
But all you got to do is push a couple of little buttons,
and you change your mind.
What are you doing here anyway?
I'm here on business.
At the club?
What business?
None of your business.
But I thought I'd mix a little business
with a little pleasure.
What are you doing?
What am I doing? You know what?
Let me tell you something else.
You're one hell of a woman, you know?
Yeah, better than you deserve.
You're right. You're right.
I'm a masochist.
What can I say?
Don't tell me you two are starting again.
What are you talking about?
What are you even doing here?
I'm not leaving.
Nothing's going to happen.
Come on, baby, a little, OK? Come on.
Johnny, you're a man of few words.
The problem is you keep repeating them.
Lust, I have these feelings for you, only for you.
Not now, Johnny.
Chill out, will you?
Just let Johnny take control.
Just relax.
I've got another show to do.
You've got plenty of time.
Yeah, that's it.
Just relax.
I'm not leaving this time.
Fuck you.
Fuck off.
You are the best!
Now time to change in that game you're playing.
Now listen, girl, to what I'm saying.
Up and down and if I look around and see what you see.
Up and down [INAUDIBLE].
[INAUDIBLE] things just don't seem the same.
Now time to change [INAUDIBLE].
Listen, girl, to what I'm singing to you.
Listen to what I'm saying.
JOHNNY: Relax, I want the fucking money.
Man, take it easy.
Take it easy, guys, man, I'll get the money.
Listen, you've had enough time.
Your time is up.
You better have the money right now.
Gamble, you lose, you pay.
Hey, I'm quite aware that, man.
Listen, give us what you've got in your pocket right now.
We want what's in your pockets.
Empty your pockets! - I don't--
Then we'll go for a ride to the fucking ATM, motherfucker.
It's useless, man, I'm broke.
What you got in here, huh?
Get a fucking lawyer, man.
Shouldn't we do something?
Yeah, we should get out of here.
But they'll see us.
All right, all right, we'll stay here until they leave.
You know, your boyfriend really isn't very nice.
You ever have a nice boyfriend?
Well, no.
He's got a gun, man.
They shot him.
OK, it looks that way.
You think he's dead?
Do you think he's dead?
Well, he's dead.
It looks like it.
I can't believe they shot Elvis.
What's that?
Two babes over there.
All right, get in the car.
I know those bitches.
Wait, they saw us.
They're getting away.
Oh, no they're not.
They're not going anywhere.
Let's go get them.
- What about Elvis? - [INAUDIBLE].
You want to drive?
Yeah, yeah.
All right, let's check in.
Don't you think we should get out of Vegas?
Not now.
Johnny and that other schmuck are looking for us.
I'm sure they're cruising the streets as we sit here.
Well, what's your plan?
Oh, I don't know.
We'll stay here the night, and we'll ease
our way out in the morning.
Where are we going to go?
Um, Take the back roads and ease our way out of Nevada.
Look, they killed Elvis, and now they're going to want us dead.
You'd think they would kill us?
In a New York minute.
Life is cheap.
Where have you been?
LUST: You got any money?
That $300 the club still owes us.
Fat chance.
We can't go back there.
I don't understand this.
If Johnny loves you, why would he kill you?
There's only three things that I require in a man.
He's got to be handsome, ruthless, and stupid.
And Johnny is all of those.
Then he doesn't really care about you.
There's only one thing that Johnny does care about,
and that's himself.
Do you have any money?
No, I gave that schmuck $100.
We'll hit the ATM in the morning.
You gave him money?
All right, let's check in.
I got to jump in the shower, OK?
There's nothing on the news about Elvis.
Desire, honey, it's time for a reality check.
We're in trouble.
I know.
Look, I'm going to take care of you,
and I'm going to make sure that nothing happens to you.
I feel responsible for this.
It was just a coincidence.
Well, I believe in fate, and I believe
that people can be in the right place or the wrong place
at the right time.
You can't predict time.
No, but I believe accidents cause fate.
What did you do that for?
Didn't you like it?
I always wished you would kiss me.
So where are we going?
Well, they figured we go to LA, work the clubs.
We're city girls.
We're going to go the other way towards Salt Lake City.
I've never been to Utah.
First time for everything.
I guess so.
Oh, shit!
They're here.
They found us.
I can't outrun them in this, and they're gaining.
And we're in the middle of nowhere.
Hold on.
Shh, there they go!
Get them!
What are you doing?
Trust me.
DESIRE: They're coming straight for us.
We almost got killed.
They weren't going to hit us.
They're chicken shits.
Damn! Damn!
You drive, and move up slowly.
Do you know the name of this road?
Hell, it's not even on the map.
Ah, Mother Nature.
Hey, let's take a swim.
What about those guys following us?
We're never going to see them again, OK?
Well, OK.
I don't care how you do it.
JOHNNY: My car is overheated.
We're in the middle of nowhere.
BOSS: Call the auto club.
I did. [CRASH]
We should be on the road soon.
I don't know how the hell we're going to find them.
But I'll start looking.
Any more news?
I haven't seen or heard anything.
Just get rid of those witnesses.
Maybe nobody cares about this Elvis guy.
BOSS: He's dead, isn't he?
Maybe there's nothing to worry about, boss.
Do whatever you have to do.
Don't call me back unless you've got some good news.
JOHNNY: OK, boss.
What the hell are you doing?
This is private property.
I didn't see any fences.
We don't need any fences around here.
Get your ass, and get out of here.
- Hey, girls. - Shut up, Tom.
Hi, Tom.
My name's Lust.
And this is Desire.
Those names sound like my feelings.
They're our stage names.
You girls are actresses?
Oh, sort of.
Shut up, Tom.
You know Uncle Erle doesn't like strangers.
Yeah, but Uncle Erle likes girls though.
Turn around, and let them get dressed.
Get in your car, and get out of here.
Yeah, and who's going to make me?
I'm telling you to fucking get.
Now, go!
OK, maybe we better leave.
Maybe I don't like taking orders from some hick.
Get your fat asses out of here.
I don't think they're so fat, do you, Tom?
Looks pretty damn good to me.
Shut up.
Get in your car, and head down the road they same way
you came in.
Maybe I will.
Maybe I won't.
Could you hand us our tops, Tom?
Gosh, take it easy.
Get your hands off of her, Tom.
He's just being a gentlemen.
Get your fucking hands off of him.
Oh, I'm sorry.
My hand accidentally rubbed up against his dick.
Yeah, right.
That's it.
I'm ready to go.
What the hell are you looking at?
I'm just admiring the scenery, and boy.
Pretty fancy clothes.
I bet it cost a lot of money to look that cheap.
Do you have any nice clothes, honey?
I bet you haven't even been off the farm.
Fuck you!
I don't think so.
Ah, you bitch!
Just get off my property.
Aren't you going to do something?
LUST: I wasn't even going to hurt you,
but now you pissed me off.
Oh, oh, OK.
So you want me to hit you again, you bitch?
Look it, now, stop it, that both of you.
Come on.
No, I want more.
Come on, country girl.
[INAUDIBLE], cunt for short.
Fuck you!
All right, all right, all right, all right.
Look, we didn't need anything.
We didn't mean anything by coming on your property.
We're just lost.
We took a wrong turn off the highway.
That's all.
A wrong turn?
The main road is out there.
Look it, Daisy, maybe we should--
maybe we should be a little bit more hospitable.
Maybe they want to meet Uncle Erle.
I don't think so.
Sure we would.
I bet he's good country folk.
He's crippled.
Well, I am kind of thirsty.
Well then come on down.
No way.
Billy Boy, you smell funny.
I told you stay away from the pigs.
I ain't going near the damn pigs no more.
Don't you lie to me, Billy Boy.
I may not be able to walk anymore,
but I have the possession of my faculties,
and I smell what I smell.
Yeah, well, those who smelt it dealt it.
What you say?
I said I don't smell.
When is the last time you-- you took yourself a shower?
Heck, I don't remember.
Billy Boy, you've got to keep yourself clean, OK?
You understand?
You never know when you go--
We got ourselves some company, some strangers.
Oh, it's girls.
Can I have one, Uncle Erle, can I?
Shh, shh, shh.
Get out of the car, Tom.
Uncle Erle, we got some company.
Who's with you there, Tom?
This ain't no Hollywood here.
Well, come on all in.
Have yourselves a seat.
Oh, I think we'll stand.
Well, where are you girls from, huh?
LUST: We're a lounge act from Vegas.
We're Lust and Desire.
UNCLE ERLE: You sure are.
Lost, eh?
We must have made a wrong turn.
UNCLE ERLE: Well, fuck me.
There you go, and here you are.
What is this, a chicken farm?
I've met the pig.
What else you got here?
Well, my name's Erle.
And this here is my place.
What a dump.
Well, I kind of like it here.
This is my nephew's, Billy Boy, and Tom, and my niece Daisy.
Ain't she something?
She must be beautiful, on the inside.
You got a sense of humor on you.
I've also got a sense of smell.
Something stinks.
It's Billy Boy.
I keep telling him to stay away from the pigs.
BILLY BOY: Hello, ladies.
He's cute.
You better put your contact lenses in.
Well, so now, uh, ladies, what do you, uh, do y'all want?
What do you got, geezer?
You've got a mouth on you.
And a few other spare parts.
Ah, well-oiled, I hope.
Got anything to drink?
Well, in inside the trailer, we got ourselves some whiskey.
You're asking for trouble, Uncle Erle.
Now, Daisy, you mind your own business.
We don't-- we don't get company like this out here too often.
I wouldn't mind a shot of rotgut.
I'm going to go look around, Lust.
Oh, Miss Desire, wait a minute.
I'll show you.
Um, are you really an actress?
In Las Vegas, I'm a star.
They're hookers.
You mind your tongue, girl.
Now, let's, uh, let's all go inside.
Help me out, Tom.
You've got to get a motor on that thing, Uncle Erle.
Why when I got myself a big strong boy like you to help?
I ain't sharing a drink with her.
You will.
Be sociable.
Politeness is a tradition in our family.
Women should seen and not heard.
You crack me up.
I'd love to shut up her crack.
Daisy, you are just the spitting image of--
LUST: Get real, Daisy.
She don't know what real is.
Maybe she's a little--
OK, maybe I owe you an apology.
You don't even know us.
You don't know us well enough to give us an apology.
But you are trespassing on my property.
I didn't see any signs.
You didn't look for one.
This used to be the old swimming hole.
It's all dried up, and Uncle Erle
stopped pumping water into it.
Well, how come?
It's too much, you know?
Oh, goddamn it.
Hey, hey, hey.
Not so rough!
I'm sorry.
I just don't see many girls.
What are you doing?
Billy Boy, that's not foreplay.
You have to be easy.
Start by kissing like this.
I didn't know that.
I could teach you a lot of things.
Oh, jeez, I like that.
You have to be gentle with a woman.
Desire, I love you.
Billy, you don't love me.
We just met.
Oh, I still love you.
I love you too, Billy.
I guess it was love at first sight.
Yeah, you know, I'm not as dumb as you think I am.
Billy, I never said you were dumb.
Oh, but I reckoned you was thinking it.
Oh, Billy.
Oh, my.
Goodness gracious.
Umm, oh, that's it, Billy.
That's it.
What you got under here?
You want to see?
Let's make a toast.
Let's not.
To two beautiful strangers.
Are you using your eyesight, Tom?
To the future, if there is one.
So what brings you girls out this way, eh?
LUST: We're on our way to Utah.
A little bit off the main road, aren't you here?
Yeah, we are.
Funny how that happened.
Hey, do you have a TV here?
Too far away to pick up the signal.
LUST: Radio?
It's busted.
I bet you don't get a newspaper out here, huh?
Oh, you don't read.
We don't need much of an education
for what we're doing out here.
What are you doing?
We've got the pigs, and I'm pretty handy at fixing things,
and Daisy over there, she runs the house, and Uncle Erle,
he takes care of all of us with his disability check.
LUST: What about the one with the long hair?
Billy Boy?
Oh, he's strong.
He does everything.
Do you have another way out of here, I mean,
to another highway?
Oh, out the back way.
It leads out to the interstate.
You got gas?
What are you girls doing stuck out
here in the middle of nowhere?
We got dumped.
Someone left you out here?
It was kind of an argument.
Can we give you a lift?
So, can you guys take us to Vegas?
How indirectly?
Well, you see, we're looking for a couple of girls.
Well, uh, we're a couple of girls.
You're not the girls we're looking for.
What's wrong with us?
We have cute faces and big tits.
Yeah, and nice, firm asses.
I'm sure there's nothing wrong with you,
but you're just not the girls we're looking for.
Look, we've got to get to Vegas without any side trips,
and you guys have got the wheels.
So what will it take for you two guys to take us there?
We can't do it.
What if we blow you guys?
Yeah, it sounds good to me.
We can't do it, Johnny.
We've got business to take care of.
You mean to say if we suck you off,
you still wouldn't take us to Vegas?
FRANK: No, we won't. We'll take you as far as we can.
Maybe they're gay.
No, were not gay.
I guess they're just not horny.
No, let me tell-- let me tell you something.
If we had the time, we would fuck you so hard--
So hard, what?
So hard you couldn't walk.
Oh, yeah?
Well, we'd fuck you so hard you couldn't see, baby.
Yeah, well, we'd fuck you so fucking hard
you'd be begging God for mercy, bitch.
Oh, yeah, we would fuck you so hard,
you wouldn't be able to drive the damn car for two days.
Look, there's going to be no fucking going on here.
We'll take you to the first sign of civilization, and that's it.
That's no use, Dixie.
They're totally not interested, and we need to find
another way to get Vegas.
Oh, well, maybe you can take the bus.
DIXIE: Fuck the bus.
I've got an idea, Annie, let's give them a show.
Johnny, check those out.
Holy shit.
Don't wreck the car.
Those are some big tits.
Just touch them.
Look at those pussies.
Man, I see your pussies.
Oh, man, we got to go [INAUDIBLE]..
Well, why don't we give it a shot?
Yeah, quick?
Damn, Daisy, give me some more whiskey.
Haven't you had enough?
What does that mean?
My glass is half full, and my glass is half empty.
Do as I say, girl.
She minds pretty good, Erle.
Yeah, they are good to me, waiting for me to die.
I'm half gone already.
You are only half a man?
Not completely, just my legs, middle leg is in good condition
Uncle Erle always was a ladies' man.
That's how I lost my legs was over a woman.
How did that happen?
He won't talk about it.
Makes my blood boil.
Where is that whiskey!
So you think we can fuck me again?
Billy Boy, get up, and get your shirt on, right now.
Now, Daisy, I'm having a good time here.
Get away from him, you slut.
Who are you, a cop?
Stop fucking around on my property.
Hey, this place belongs to Uncle Erle.
Shut up, Billy Boy.
You know, you have been nothing
but nasty to these nice girls ever since they got here.
They're troublemakers.
I like Billy Boy.
DAISY: You don't know the half of it.
Billy Boy here is a little slow minded,
if you understand what I mean.
But he's strong, very strong.
And he might hurt you.
You fucker!
If you can't say something nice about someone,
don't say nothing at all.
Don't hurt her.
She's stupid.
She wants to have her man for herself.
So that's what it's all about.
Well, yeah, she was married once,
scared the poor guy so bad, he ran half way to Utah.
There she is always sitting on the road, watching for him.
He ain't never coming back.
You don't know that.
It's the truth.
DESTINY: You made her cry.
Now, Daisy, now Daisy, I didn't mean to have you cry.
And what the hell are you going to do that for?
You better be nice to me.
Let me see that.
Oh, yeah.
FRANK: Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah.
FRANK: Oh, yeah.
Here's your fucking whiskey.
Where are you going?
To pee.
She must be on the rag.
No, she's not.
How do you know?
What do you guys do around here for fun besides drink?
Chase rats.
- Race my car. - I like cars.
That's strong.
Fucking A, that's why we drink.
Is it a hot rod?
No, just an average car, but I souped it up.
See, there ain't no speed limits around here.
I'll race you.
I've got a fast one.
I'll take my chances.
Come on, Tom, let's see who's the fastest.
Yeah, this is good.
LUST: Let's go.
Yeah, all right, I'll race you.
You never know what's going to happen around here.
Well, we're still walking.
Would you guys excuse us for one minute,
you know, we have girl stuff we need to do.
Yeah, go ahead.
Yeah, no problem.
Mine had the biggest chichis I'd ever seen.
Yeah, mine had--
Hey, what are they running for?
You leave-- you leave the key to the car?
No, yes, I did. Fuck!
You stupid bastard.
Hey, hey, that got my fucking wallet too.
Now what the fuck we do?
We're fucked.
They got my fucking wallet.
Bitch has got mine too.
Any ideas?
What's your fucking bright idea?
Never leave home without it.
What's going on here?
It's a race.
Oh, another stupid thing.
What the hell do you got under here?
It's all in how you do the driving, Tom.
Look, that ain't fair.
You got to give me another chance.
It's too hot, Tom.
Come in the house.
Daisy, would you shut up?
Something is going on here today.
Yeah, you're acting dumb.
Don't you think we should be getting out here?
You know, Frank and Johnny are still looking for us.
They're probably chasing their tail somewhere.
Either that, or they're on their way back to Vegas.
Well, I've had my fun with Billy Boy.
But I'm ready to go.
You fucked him?
Well, was he any good?
Big time, except Daisy the bitch caught us.
In the middle of it?
Doing it?
No, afterwards, but she was really pissed.
It seems to be her permanent nature.
Yeah, you know, he's just a country boy,
but he's got a big dick.
Listen, I think I'm going to let Tom win this one, kind
of crush his ego.
Don't worry, babe, they're not going to find us here.
Are you sure?
Trust me.
Uncle Erle, Tom, let's go!
Whip her out, boy!
Where the hell is she going?
What the hell is going on?
Maybe the race isn't over yet.
The hell it isn't.
Oh, go get her, Billy Boy, bring her back,
before she gets bit by a snake.
Oh, Uncle Erle, why don't you just let her
make a damn fool of herself.
Billy Boy, just go get her and bring her back before you
know what's good for you.
All right.
Young lady, maybe you could take me along inside.
I got something I need some help with.
Well, I'm worried about my girlfriend.
Oh, I think she can just, uh, take care of herself.
I think she can take care of Tom too.
Come on.
You won.
Yeah, but why did you keep driving?
I had to get away from the farm for a while,
and I wanted to talk to you.
Why do you stay here?
I don't know.
I like it.
It's my home.
I don't want to leave, uh, Uncle Erle takes care of all of us.
He owns it free and clear.
I don't have to pay any rent.
No rent?
TOM: That's right.
Just live off the fat of the land?
Yeah, well, there ain't too much fat around here.
We all live off of his disability check.
LUST: So why do you stay here?
I don't know.
I'm not in no hurry to leave.
I guess, uh, I'm not like you.
I don't like the bright lights and the big city.
Yeah, well, I just kind of drifted that way,
you know, like a moth to a flame.
What do you do in a lounge act?
Oh, I'm a dancer.
A dancer?
That sounds glamorous.
Beats working.
Where are you from?
I don't know.
What kind of music do you like?
LUST: Just about everything.
Hey, you like Elvis?
What about Elvis?
I don't know, you like him?
What do you know about him?
Nothing, just that he's dead.
Oh, shit.
Is this new news?
He's been dead 18 years.
Um, no, I just thought you were talking about something
I was thinking of.
How would I know what you're thinking about?
You're right, you wouldn't.
That's the beauty of the mind, don't you think?
I don't know.
I never really thought about it.
I didn't think you would.
Tell me more about yourself.
There's nothing to tell.
Ah, come on, two girls, fine looking,
I might add, out in the middle of this land, nowhere.
Well, I've always wondered where the middle of nowhere
was, and well, I guess I found it.
Kind of pretty out here.
You didn't answer my question.
Look, I'm a pretty up-front person, Tom.
What you see is what you get.
Is your real name Lust?
Lust is my name, and sex is my game.
Let me spell it out for you.
Oh, yeah.
You go ahead, and pour yourself a whiskey there.
That sounds good.
While you're at it, yeah, pour me one there too.
That's got a kick to it.
It sure does, yeah.
Would you do me a little favor there, girl, huh?
What do you want?
I can't move around and reach up real high up there
in the cabinet in the shelves up there, way,
way up the top there, I can't reach.
There's a cookie jar.
Maybe you could get that for me, yeah?
Cookies and whiskey?
Is that what you want?
They go real good together.
There you go, yeah, look around over there,
a little more to your left, yeah, uh-huh,
yeah, you're getting close.
You're getting warm.
Oh, you're getting real warm, yeah.
Reach way up on your tip toes.
It feels kind of light.
Are you sure there are cookies in here?
Oh, it's fine, yeah, can you just bring it along over here?
Yeah, I can't reach so good, you know, the way I move and all.
No, no, why don't you come up, and sit
yourself right down here on the-- on the edge, yeah.
There you go, and hold it in your lap for me,
and make it easy for old Uncle Erle.
Thatta girl.
I'm going to want a view nice and firm.
Why don't you hold it to your legs?
You know, it's hard for me, old Uncle Erle,
to do any good reaching.
Like this?
That's-- I think that's just about perfect.
What are you doing?
I'm reaching for a cookie.
You've got a a hole in this jar.
Well, I'll be damn.
Will you look at that?
And that's not a cookie you've got.
That's my panties.
Oh, and I do feel like they're kind of moist, aren't they?
Well, it's hot.
Desire, I've been--
I've been hoping that you and I can maybe be alone together.
Oh, sorry, I've got some place to go.
Now, now, my legs may be a little shot, but my arms--
my arms are nice and strong, and my tongue,
yeah, the tongue is good.
Oh, it smells nice.
Better than a cookie?
It isn't something I get to enjoy too much of.
You don't get it very often, do you, Erle?
Sorry, show me some mercy.
Here, let me take these off.
Desire, beautiful, the most beautiful legs I ever seen.
Why don't you have a little taste?
Damn you.
Let go of me!
Just where the hell do you think you're going?
That bitch rode right off with Tom.
No they're not.
They're just riding around in the cars.
She wants to fuck him.
Why are you always thinking the worst of everything?
Let go of me!
Let go of me!
Put me down!
Put me down!
Look, Tom, what just happened back there,
let's keep that between you and me, OK?
My lips are sealed.
I hope not permanently.
Where the hell have you been?
We've just been racing around the desert.
The race was over.
We just extended the course.
Maybe we took a little bit too far.
Don't you ever calm down?
I ought to put you out of your misery, bury you in a pig sty.
Who's miserable?
Look, just calm down.
I'll calm down all right.
What the hell?
That's just a helicopter.
We get 'em here from time to time.
You never know what they're looking for.
Coming here.
I knew those two would bring trouble.
You know anybody in a helicopter?
No, but somebody is looking for us.
- Is this serious? - Dead serious.
I think they spotted my car.
What can we do?
Get the gun.
In the house.
Are you nuts!
Don't give her a gun.
Shut up, Daisy.
Don't touch me like that, Tom.
- Shut up, and let's go. - Let go of me.
Fuck Tom.
LUST: Desire!
Come on, let's go.
We got to get out of here.
Uncle Erle, what the hell is going on?
Get the hell out of here.
Everybody get up.
The boys are here.
- Frank and Johnny? - In person.
- We can outrun them. - No, we can't.
They're not in a car.
They're in a helicopter.
They found us with the sky.
Uncle Erle, I can't believe you
would have sex with this woman in our home.
Where the hell else would I do it?
The scumbags you're looking for are in there.
Careful, they have guns.
Go around the back.
Go around the back.
TOM: What's going on there, stranger?
Hey, how you doing, mister?
I come for the girls.
Well, maybe they like it here just fine.
Maybe they ain't going anywhere.
Well, you know what?
You know what?
Maybe you don't have a choice.
We didn't see anything, Johnny.
Is that why you're talking?
You saw something.
Otherwise, you wouldn't be running.
We were scared.
We just wanted to get out of Vegas.
You never would have seen us again.
And the moon is Swiss fucking cheese.
It is?
Johnny, can't we negotiate this?
JOHNNY: You know me better than that.
I thought I'd try.
JOHNNY: Now, mister hick, you be a good little boy,
and drop your gun.
The name's Tom.
OK, Tom, let me break it down to you.
You see, you don't run in the same social circles as I do.
The chance of you talking to someone is slim to none.
So if you value your life and your little hick family lives,
you just let the girls go, and we'll leave in peace.
Fuck you!
I really don't like you doing that.
Don't talk to me that way!
I'm not a gentleman.
I'm a hick, remember, mister asshole?
Frank has to be with him.
Check the house.
Drop the gun.
Hurry up, get down.
Hey, hold it there.
Hold it.
Get my cuffs.
Take it easy.
We're going to leave.
Nobody's going to get hurt.
Move it!
We'll go.
We've caused you enough trouble.
You can say that again.
Go on, girls.
DAISY: Well, go!
No one will cause you no harm.
JOHNNY: Get in the car, and shut up.
Stay right there. - We won't cause you any harm.
JOHNNY: Get in the car.
Don't do it.
Shut up!
You shut up, boy.
Want me to drive?
Yeah, yeah, drive.
And I want you [INAUDIBLE] forget all about us.
You never seen us.
If you ever say anything, you're dead meat,
dead motherfucking meat.
What the hell?
- No, go! - What the hell is wrong?
We ain't moving.
FRANK: No, it won't move.
JOHNNY: What the fuck [INAUDIBLE]??
Hey, let go.
Hey, we'll take another car. - Shoot him.
I can't.
He's a fucking idiot, man. Look at him.
Shoot him.
He's an idiot. Let's take another car.
Get out, girls.
Out of the car.
Get in, girls.
I am tired of this bullshit.
Who do you fuckers think you are coming to my private property
and giving orders?
No, I am the boss, and I want to know what the fuck is going on.
Stand up, and say that.
You're more stubborn than I thought you were, Johnny.
Coming from you, that's a compliment.
I thought you'd say that.
Here's the deal, Uncle Erle, since you want to know,
and you should.
Desire and I are strippers in some cheap club in Vegas.
Yeah, we got our names up in lights all right, Desire
and Lust, taking it off for your pleasure, a lesbian strip show.
You know, we're only faking it to make
the customers think we are.
Sometimes, we're really doing it.
Anyway, one night these two jokers
show up at the club to shake down our Elvis impersonator
for some back gambling debts.
Suddenly, a fight broke out, Elvis pulled out a gun,
and Frank shot him.
He killed him.
And guess who was there and saw the whole thing?
Lust and Desire, famed performers, now,
material witnesses to murder.
They did it, and we watched.
And that's what happened.
Boy, he's got a big mouth.
What is he laughing at?
What's so funny?
You boys ever read the newspaper?
"Elvis Lives.
The entertainer thought dead was in a 24-hour coma.
He's in prison hospital ward accused
of cheating at gambling.
And he was in a fight and then told police
he accidentally shot himself."
The sucker lived.
But he didn't fake on us.
So that's it.
Not so easy, Johnny.
What about us?
What about you?
You gave us a bad time.
That's part of the game.
Are we still playing this game?
Yeah, we won, so it's over.
Yeah, you're right.
It's all over.
I hate to see you girls leave.
It was a short but pleasant stay.
Well, maybe I could see you again.
If I ever get out this way.
It doesn't seem likely.
You never know what can happen.
We'll see you soon!
UNCLE ERLE: Bye, girls.
Yeah, we'll miss you.
Bye, girls.
Don't come back.
What's wrong now?
My panties, I can't find my panties.
Well, they've got to be around here somewhere.
Look for them.