Vegas: Based on a True Story (2008) - full transcript
The film takes place away from the glittering strip of mega casinos, but the greed of Sin City is just as pervasive on the desert outskirts. This is where a happy family learns of a forgotten fortune that may be buried beneath their home. Their lives are turned upside down. A sophisticated study of just how far people are able and willing to go if faced with the tempting prospect of easily acquired wealth.
Subtitles by explosiveskull
Sorry about that, John.
There you go.
Honey, she's still on
her break, I'll get her.
I'll take your order over.
Bye guys, thanks!
Alright, how was everything?
TRACY: Yeah.
See that two top back
there in the corner?
You mean my two top in the corner?
Yeah, your two top in the corner.
I bet you five dollars
they only leave you
one dollar for a tip.
You're on.
Sure about that?
In nickels.
I'll take that.
Oh you two, you're at it again.
Come on, you in?
No, I'm not in it today, no.
Kathy, you in on this one?
KATHY: No, I'm tired
of keeping you girls...
Come on, you're always in.
Come here.
Don't bite the other
birdie, bad birdie, bite me.
It's okay.
Hello birdie, hello birdie.
Hey Trace, I'm gonna be a little late.
No, I just wanna check out this new gym.
I don't know, that's why
I'm gonna go check it out.
I'll pick you up on time, don't worry,
I'm not gonna keep you and Mitch waiting.
Okay beautiful, alright, bye bye sweetie.
TRACY: So how was that gym?
BLONDE MAN: It was a little shady.
So beat up outside, I
didn't even bother going in.
I'm not gonna join.
TRACY: Where was it?
BLONDE MAN: Downtown.
That's alright, we really
can't afford it anyway.
BLONDE MAN: Probably not.
TRACY: Not probably, we can't.
You cheat today?
BLONDE MAN: No, I just put five dollars
in the slots, nothin' else.
That's it, I didn't put
anything else on slots,
just five bucks, I promise.
You lose?
BLONDE MAN: Yeah, I lost.
How about you?
You play?
TRACY: Yeah, my whole fiver.
BLONDE MAN: You win?
Doris and I have been
passing that same five bucks
back and forth for the past two years.
Five bucks and a cigarette,
one little cigarette,
and we're on our way to recovery.
BLONDE MAN: One cigarette.
That's our deal, don't push it.
Not again, could you hold this please?
I just want you to talk to Mitch
about leaving his bike
in front of the steps.
I'm tired of picking this up.
BLONDE MAN: I'll talk to 'em.
He's not gonna get a
new bike for his birthday
if he keeps doing this.
I'll talk to him.
Well, at least he watered it.
Yeah you know, that water's costin' us.
Didn't you see the last water bill?
We're wasting money on
all this grass, Tracy.
TRACY: It's worth it.
I'm gonna get some tomatoes for dinner.
BLONDE MAN: You know
you could buy tomatoes
at the market.
I can't believe you said that to me.
My tomatoes are better,
and they taste better
than the market tomatoes,
and they're better for you.
BLONDE MAN: I don't know,
I mean, a tomato's a tomato.
Take your shoes off in the house.
Hello babies.
Boy, that's a big one.
Look at this, you are growing so nicely.
Eddie, the light.
MITCH: Hey mom, look.
What is it?
(LAUGHING) Wow, that is great, Mitch,
that's an A plus, I'm so proud of you!
This school is so good.
Mom, stop.
Right on the refrigerator.
Hey Mitchell.
Can you, not leave your
bike on the stairs, please?
TRACY: Here.
MITCH: Mom, I hate vegetables.
Too bad.
So are we going to spring break?
Don't talk with your mouth full, okay?
You never answered my question.
EDDIE: I'll take you
surfing one day, buddy.
TRACY: You know we can't afford it.
Can you help me set the table please?
Alright man, I'm outta here.
Dude, man, you leavin' already?
It's like five o'clock, come on.
You gonna tell Harry?
I thought you could
close up for me, okay.
Well uh, I'm meetin'
Frisco at The Nugget.
Oh man.
Listen, it ain't my
turn to close, Eddie.
EDDIE: I've been doing this
shift jobs all week, Bennie.
And you owe Frisco and
me money all week too,
You know, there's like
eight people who work here.
Someone else could close.
Yeah but, you know the rules, Eddie.
- He who owes,
- He who owes,
- has got to close.
- got to close.
- Alright.
- Okay thanks, I gotta change.
EDDIE: That's strange.
Has he been there since
you came home from school?
MITCH: Yeah, he's
just been sittin' there.
Did that guy say anything to you?
MITCH: No, he just was sittin' there.
Alright, stay here.
Eddie, just don't do anything crazy.
Can I help you, pal?
I'm not really sure.
My name is Brian Watson,
United States Marines.
EDDIE: That supposed
to mean somethin' to me?
Listen, I know this might seem strange.
Yeah it's strange, you're sittin' here
staring at my family in your car.
I'm sorry.
My family and I used
to live in this house.
I grew up here.
Our house?
This exact house.
Except, it didn't have a backyard then,
it was all desert.
I didn't mean to startle you folks.
Everything's just been a blur
since my father's funeral, and...
Oh, I'm sorry.
One minute I'm in
Baghdad burying a friend,
and the next I'm in San
Diego, burying my father.
When I first got here, I called my mother
and told her where I was.
She asked before I leave
that I take a photo
of the last place my family
was together, and happy.
I have a camera in my vehicle, if I may.
EDDIE: Yeah, yeah go get it.
Thank you.
Your family moved to
San Diego from Vegas,
why did they move there?
Well, in actuality it
could've been any city.
We just had to get away
from the casinos, and uh,
see, my dad kinda got sucked in,
and he wouldn't quit gambling
while we were there so,
mom gave him the ultimatum,
and California looked good.
Did it work?
He quit gambling, if
that's what you're asking.
But San Diego wasn't home, not like Vegas.
You were stationed in Iraq, right?
Did you ever have to shoot anybody?
Mitch, don't ask someone
that kinda question.
That's okay, Tracy.
But Mitch, your mother is right.
You should never ask a
soldier that question.
Is there anything I can help with?
No, you're fine.
Thank you.
Brian, is there any way I
could get a picture with you?
BRIAN: Of course, if it's
alright with your parents.
I guess it's okay.
EDDIE: Boss says okay, it's okay.
TRACY: One, two, three.
(LAUGHS) That's great.
What do you think about Brian?
Cool guy.
A little sad.
I know, his father dies and...
His friend died.
Think we'll ever get that photo from him?
Yeah, I think so.
Seems likes an honest guy.
BRIAN: Ooh, okay, don't
tell your mom I hit the plant.
TRACY: Is that Brian?
EDDIE: Yeah, I don't
know any other Marines.
MITCH: Hey mom, look what Brian got me.
BRIAN: Mr. Parker, Mrs. Parker.
TRACY: It's cute.
Brian, you didn't have to go and do that.
BRIAN: I wanted to do
something nice before I left.
EDDIE: I don't know,
I think he's just here
for some of your meatloaf.
When did Brian get here?
MITCH: I don't know, when
I was watering the grass.
Take your ball into your room please.
No bouncing the ball in the house.
Think about it for a day or two.
Talk to your wife.
I don't know.
This is sorta comin' outta the blue.
I understand.
Think about it.
I gotta get goin'.
What did Brian want?
Our house.
Brian's mom wants to buy our house.
150 grand, cash.
150,000 dollars?
150,000 is just the starting price.
He wants us to name our price,
come back to him with another offer.
He said his mom's got money or somethin'
from his dad's insurance policy.
TRACY: We're not selling our home.
EDDIE: Tracy...
No, that's my garden out there, okay?
EDDIE: I know.
Our yard, we've done a
lot of work here, I'm sorry.
I hear you.
This is our home.
I hear you.
Our life, Eddie.
EDDIE: But 150 grand
sure does sound good.
I don't care, our life is not for sale.
What if it's a lotta money?
I don't care Eddie, no.
I sad no, Eddie.
That's it, end of discussion.
Mitch, come set the table.
I can't believe you just
sit in here all the time.
It's just comfortable for me.
GIRL: Yeah.
Where did you used to sleep?
Right over there.
Where did your parents sleep?
Right over there.
Sorta small for two
people, don't you think?
I don't know.
When I was a baby, my mom used
to lay me down right here,
to go to sleep, on this table.
GIRL: Really?
GIRL: I saw your
pictures the other day.
You think maybe I could have one?
Yeah, ask my mom that.
I love that car, it's cute.
Yeah, it's my dads.
Which one of your
parents do you like better?
Steph, what are you trying
to do, make me go crazy?
No, I was just trying
to change your mood.
I should just go, sorry for bothering you.
Beverly, you want some more coffee?
No, I'm going now.
I'll be right back with your check.
Thank you.
Ladies, I'll be right with you, okay?
There's a Marine out
there asking about you.
Right out front here.
Mrs. Parker.
TRACY: I thought you
were on your way to Iraq?
I was, they extended
my leave a couple days
so I could help with my mother's things.
How did you know where I worked?
I asked down at the church.
Hope I didn't surprise you by showing up.
I wanted to ask if you and
Eddie had discussed my offer.
Yeah, we talked about it.
So you came up with a price?
We're not interested
Brian, and that's that.
I feel kinda embarrassed.
Maybe you should just go find
a nice realtor or something.
Well my mom wants to live in the house
where she raised her family.
I mean, she's willing to pay for it.
I wanna raise my family in my house too.
But the church said you've
only lived there two years.
Doesn't matter if it's
two years or two months,
that's my house, my family.
What does Eddie want?
Looks like you gotta new friend.
Check it out.
What the fuck is he doing here, man?
Look, I told you already,
I don't wanna sell,
so just back the fuck off, okay?
I don't need any more
problems, Brian, I'm sorry.
Hey, the last thing I
wanna do is cause problems,
especially for nice folks
like you and your family.
It's my mom, she...
She doesn't give up so easily.
But hey, I'm sorry, and
I'll leave you guys alone.
I'll head out.
Too bad we couldn't get that drink, huh?
But, if you change your
mind about selling,
you can find me down at Ace's Bar.
I didn't mention it earlier cause,
I didn't think it'd make a difference but,
mom told me to raise the offer by 30,000,
just something to think about, okay?
BENNIE: So what's up Eddie?
That guy just upped his offer 30 grand.
Do you believe that?
For your house?
Hey Eddie, if you get rich,
don't forget your friends, man.
Frisco, I don't even
know who this guy is, man.
He pops in my life, he's
offerin' me all this money
for my house.
I mean if you want some
information on the guy,
I got this friend, a computer geek,
I don't know, he can find
out anything about anybody.
Yeah, this guys real good man,
he helped me get dirt on
a neighbor friend of mine
who was trying to screw me.
Okay yeah, I mean...
I don't know, this guy drives me crazy,
I don't know what it is.
Well, what's that guy's name again?
Fuckin' Brian Watson.
Used to live at your place, right?
Well I'm on it.
Well Eddie, if he offers
you a lotta money man,
just take it.
Yeah, I know but, Tracy...
What are you doing?
I can't sleep.
TRACY: Where are you going?
I'm gonna watch TV.
TRACY: Well don't have it up too loud,
Mitch is sleeping.
TRACY: Don't have a beer or cigarette.
Alright, I know.
Don't stay up too late.
No Brian Watson or Watson family
ever lived in your house
on 900 East Street.
Plenty of Watsons lived in Las Vegas,
but not on East Street,
not in the last 40 years.
Son of a bitch.
There's more.
Had Davy look up
Brian's military records.
Okay, there's two Brian
Watsons that went to Iraq,
one of 'em, is a black
guy in the Air Force.
The other guy, 33 year old Marine,
killed in Fallujah last year.
Hi, excuse me, do you know Brian Watson?
I don't know a Brian Watson,
but there's a Brian Smith in the back.
Back here, Eddie.
Take a seat.
Sit down, Eddie.
Your house is worth more than you think.
You're Brian?
How's that, Brian?
You ever hear of the sands heist of '65?
Gibson gang?
Oh please, every kid in
Vegas heard that story,
we all thought the money
was in our back yard.
It's in someone's backyard.
Las Vegas, 1965.
It's a developers map.
Logic says, you stick with what you know.
Lloyd Pinkus woulda known
where every development
was gonna be put.
See the address?
Well there's a million
dollars in that suitcase.
You find it, we can be partners.
50/50 is fine by me, Eddie.
This is just a down payment.
Think about it, Eddie.
Do the smart thing.
What would you say, if I told you
that the Gibson millions
were right in our yard,
waiting to be dug up?
TRACY: We're not
digging up our yard, Eddie.
I don't give a damn what
that crook said to you.
Think about it, Tracy,
why does the guy wanna buy the house?
We're not digging up the yard.
Tracy, if the money's
there, it's worth it.
Come on, think about it.
You don't know...
MITCH: What money?
I'm sorry Mitch, but
Brian lied to you, to us.
And then he told your
father some ridiculous story
about money being buried under the house.
It's not buried under the
house, it's in the yard.
The house, the yard,
the washing machine,
I don't care, whatever.
MITCH: How much money?
A lot.
MITCH: Under our yard?
- No.
- Yeah.
Yes, yes.
Why would the guy offer us all that money
if it wasn't true?
You know what, maybe he
sells shovels or something.
You know, it's just a ridiculous story,
a repeated story, a story
you hear all the time,
over and over.
Tracy, the story is true.
The story, look, Mitch,
you've heard of the Gibson gang, right?
MITCH: Yeah, the crooks that got away
with a bunch of money,
but I think they spent it
on hookers and blow.
Mm mm.
TRACY: 'Scuse me?
MITCH: I mean, Russ said that, not me.
TRACY: There's no money
buried here, alright?
EDDIE: You didn't see
the photos these guys had.
TRACY: Oh please, photos.
I'm sure it was all documented, right?
EDDIE: Come on, it could be here.
The money's gotta be somewhere.
TRACY: Eddie, you're nuts.
You're fucking nuts!
This is a fucking stupid story
and I'm not gonna dig up this yard!
TRACY: Thank you, I'll
let you know Ruth, thanks.
I gotta run, but I just wanted to say hi.
You look so good!
WOMAN IN GREEN: Thank you so much.
Say by the way, where's Ed?
TRACY: He just didn't, you know,
he just couldn't make it today.
TRACY: But I'll talk to you guys later.
Good seeing you, sweetheart.
- You too.
- Bye.
Hi Mrs. Parker
Hi Stephanie.
You ready to go, Mitch?
Yeah, see ya in class.
Just tell your parents, I'm
sorry I had to run off, okay?
Okay, thanks, I'll let 'em know.
Bye Mitch.
You know, I don't want
you talking to Stephanie
or any of your friends about
what's going on at home, okay?
Cool, a metal detector!
Let me see it.
No, back up, back up, it's not a toy.
Mitch, move back please.
Mitch, move back.
MITCH: I just wanna see it.
What the hell is this?
EDDIE: Shhhh.
Don't shush me!
You've got to listen to this.
It's definitely a hot spot.
Tracy, look at this thing!
I don't care what kind of noise
your stupid little toy
is making, take it back.
Mitch, here, take this.
Go over here, sweep over there.
What'd you pawn this time, Eddie, huh?
Now come back over here.
Mitch, don't play with the buttons.
Who do we owe money to, Eddie?
Tracy, there is something
buried under our lawn.
You're being thick, just
listen for a second.
I'm being thick?
Yeah, right over here.
MITCH: Yeah, come on mom.
This is definitely a hot spot, Tracy.
The machine goes crazy when its over here.
Look, we'll just dig right
here, right in the hollow spot.
All we gotta do is dig right here, Tracy.
How do you like it?
- Good.
- Good.
Five bucks, come on, come on.
Not today.
Guy over there with the hat.
I won't do it anymore, Doris.
Come on, give me a chance
to win back my five bucks.
I'm serious.
You are serious.
Are you okay?
I'll be alright.
You sure?
COOK: Doris, order up.
DORIS: Coming.
I can't believe this.
See what you started?
Well go talk to him.
I'm not touchin' this.
You're taking it back after dinner.
Honey, wanna tell me
what this is all about?
I know it's crazy, but I,
there has to be something
buried, right here.
TRACY: You know, I don't wanna
get into this conversation again.
Your father's taking it back after dinner,
and stop using it or we're not gonna get
as much money for it.
MITCH: But mom.
Mitch, what happened at school today?
Nothing happened at school today.
I'm gonna work in the garden a bit.
Does anybody wanna help?
Mitch, you gonna sit here all night
like your dog got shot, or are
you gonna help your mother?
Okay dad.
I'll get the dishes, Tracy.
Thank you.
Get your jacket on please.
Well I think giving them the fish oil
will make them grow even better,
just like the flowers,
don't you think, Mitch?
What's wrong?
MITCH: Me and dad do every
single little tiny detail
that you want us to do,
and all we wanna do is dig
a little bit in the yard.
But there's nothing here.
So what if there's nothing here?
Is it too terrible for
us just to wanna try?
I just don't want you
to be disappointed, honey.
We'll just dig one hole.
Right there, just, and it's
not even near the flowers.
We won't even touch the flowers,
and when we're done, we'll
just fill in the hole
with the dirt, and
little patch of grass on,
and it'll be good as new.
Just one hole.
Thanks mom.
Just one hole, okay?
It's getting late.
Okay, just one hole.
That's it.
Get that bottle of fish oil for me please.
MITCH: Okay.
How much was it?
EDDIE: It was nothing, I borrowed it.
From who?
EDDIE: New guy at work.
Well it looks expensive.
EDDIE: Yeah, I wouldn't know.
Exciting, huh?
Guys, what a mess.
Hi Athena.
Top soil was an easy
thing to get through but,
stupid clay stuff is tough.
You two comin' in for dinner?
MITCH: Whaddya make?
Herb roasted chicken with
potatoes and a tomato salad.
Sounds good, Tracy.
Look, I'll just warm mine up later.
I wanna take a few more
inches before I take a break.
- Me too.
- Watch my flowers.
Always, yeah.
I wanna stay out here too.
No, Mitch, I want you to
come in and have dinner.
Let's go.
- But mom.
- Let me have this.
It's Friday night.
I understand it's Friday.
You need to eat and start your homework.
Let's go.
- Mom, but...
- Mitchell.
I gotta help my dad.
Let's go, you can help him tomorrow.
You did enough, let's go superman.
You need strength.
Come on, Mitch.
What did I say?
- Mom.
- Get in the house.
I don't want to, I'm not hungry.
Yes you are.
MITCH: No I'm not.
TRACY: Eddie.
EDDIE: It's not here.
TRACY: I know.
EDDIE: Fucking pipe.
All that fighting and worrying and digging
for a fucking pipe.
Okay honey, we're gonna get going.
We should be back around four.
Are you sure you don't
wanna come to the barbecue?
Doris would love to see you.
Another time.
Think I'll get going on
fillin' up that hole.
Wow dad, you dug like
five feet out there.
Are you gonna keep going?
No, no, there's nothing there.
Well, I guess he was
full of it after all.
Yep, Brian was full of it.
Okay, I don't wanna hear
anymore of this, okay?
Why don't you go get your jacket and,
we have to stop by and pick
up a present for Jordan.
All of his friends are so dorky.
Hey, I don't wanna hear that.
Why do we even have to go?
Because I said so.
Can I at least bring Stephanie?
Yeah, sure, you can invite her.
We'll stop by on the way over there, okay?
MITCH: At least it
won't be a total bore.
I don't wanna hear that talk from you.
You oughta talk to him about that.
Since I'm takin' the truck,
you sure you have a way of taking this
over to the pawn shop?
Yeah, I'll walk.
MITCH: See ya later dad.
Later Mitch.
Don't eat too much.
I'm making something
special for dinner, okay?
Okay, looking forward to it.
And don't be so sad.
At least things are back to normal.
Thanks sweetie.
TRACY: See ya later.
Hey, you're not driving.
Come on, move over, sweetie.
Come on, we gotta get going, let's go.
Get your seat belt on please.
Take your jacket.
Hey, I said there's enough of that talk.
Put your seat belt on.
Hey Eddie, how's it going?
Hey Kelly, lemme get a
pack of cigarettes, please?
Here you go honey, it's four dollars.
Outta 10.
Here you go.
Thank you.
Boy, what happened to you today?
Ah, you wouldn't
believe me if I told you.
- That bad of a day, huh?
- Yeah.
Uh oh.
Can I get ya somethin' else?
- Sorry about that.
- Sorry, my bad.
Thank you.
You know what time it is?
It's 1:10.
EDDIE: Lemme get a beer.
You wanna beer?
Yeah, please.
Here you go, two dollars sweetie.
Here you go, thank you.
Thank you.
Do me a favor, um, just
don't tell Tracy I was in here.
You got it, I promise.
There you go, sweetie.
Thank you.
Alright, have a good one.
You kids seemed like
you were having fun.
You were all like singin' away at the uh,
at the corner of the park there.
What were you guys singing?
Nothing, just a rap song.
Just what was it?
You and Stephanie were
like dancing, and singing.
Stephanie was dancing to
the Hips Don't Lie song.
Oh, okay, yeah but you
guys were dancing together
and you guys were just all singing.
You know, your father used to sing to me.
Used to.
You know that Elvis song you
guys were joking around with?
♪ Bright lights, big city
♪ I'm gonna set my soul
♪ I'm gonna set my soul on fire
Yeah, yeah.
You don't remember, but he used to sing
all those Elvis songs.
Definitely an old suitcase handle.
I knew it.
That must be the handle from the suitcase
the Gibson gang stole.
I know it.
That's it, I've had enough.
Where is it?
We just gotta dig a little wider,
maybe a little deeper.
It's gotta be right here.
If we dig for like 20
minutes, we'll find it.
MITCH: Yeah, come on mom,
it must've been separated
by erosion or ground water or something.
Come on, just a few more feet.
Don't you remember what
happened last night, Eddie?
EDDIE: Oh please, come
on, we've already started.
What have we got to lose?
Our house, for one.
EDDIE: Tracy, if we find this suitcase,
we'll buy 10 houses.
That's just great.
Why don't we just add that to the list?
'Cause you keep losing money.
I'm tired of apologizing, Tracy.
It's been two years since I gambled.
Seven years since our last bad binge,
and you were worse than me back then.
Oh that's right, I'm not
allowed to talk about
how she used to gamble,
but she can talk about me
all she wants.
TRACY: Doris? Hi.
Listen, can I ask you a question?
Is it alright if I crash with you tonight?
Yeah, right.
Alright, thanks, see you soon, bye.
MAN: What was it
you were interested in?
TRACY: It's a story
about the Gibson Gang.
I don't think you'll have
time to get through this
but uh, I'll show you what we have here.
Thank you, I really appreciate it.
The file's pretty big, it has...
there's information in this,
got tapes of the transcripts
and the depositions there,
and there's the court records,
and here's notes at the trial,
and I've got microfiches
of the newspaper articles,
and these are copies of
newspaper articles here,
so, see if you find anything interesting.
There's photos here too,
there's a file of photos.
So, have at it.
I don't have much time so please...
Get through it as quickly as you can.
I will, I will, thank you so much.
I'll be up at the desk.
Okay, thank you.
Well there's enough stuff
here to keep ya busy for days.
Did ya find something you can use?
Well I'm not sure but,
can I get copies of these?
Dad, dad, wake up!
Dad, wake up, wake up, dad.
Mitch, what is it?
Geez, you two.
Where'd you get this, Tracy?
Where'd you get this?
It doesn't matter.
But if that's the
handle of that suitcase,
the rest of it has to be
around here somewhere, huh?
MITCH: I love you, mom.
I know.
MITCH: I'm glad you're back, mom.
Well go make some coffee, huh?
Not too strong.
What about church?
We don't have to be ready
for another hour or so.
MITCH: Here you go.
Thanks buddy.
Thank you sweetheart.
MITCH: Mmhmm.
Hey, that's good.
It's strong.
Here, let me get over there.
Mitch, Mitch, Mitch, if
you're gonna use that thing,
don't play around, okay?
Slow sweeping.
You got it on two tone?
TRACY: Look for a new spot, honey.
EDDIE: You heard what your mother said,
look for a new spot.
Suitcase could be anywhere.
That's the sound you're lookin' for.
Don't just rush over it if you hear that.
Maybe he should mark it with something.
Use the paper towels for napkins.
There's something here and here.
That's a strong one.
Okay, so, one, two, three.
Where first?
You can start here, but
don't touch my flowers.
Don't touch the flowers, I got it.
If you touch the flowers, I'll kill ya.
I know.
I got it.
What's the matter?
TRACY: Damn it, goddamn it!
EDDIE: What, Tracy?
TRACY: Look, a friggin'
pipe there, right?
What's this?
Another friggin' pipe.
Can't keep doing this, Eddie.
EDDIE: Alright, alright,
let's look over here.
TRACY: Look at this fucking thing.
It's a pipe.
EDDIE: Alright, alright, let's do the...
TRACY: That's a pipe,
that's all we've dug up, are pipes.
EDDIE: There are pipes
in the ground, fuck.
Let's just dig over here, okay?
The hot spot, come on, give me that.
TRACY: That was a
hot spot too, remember?
EDDIE: Alright, don't
get discouraged, come on.
I'm gonna go around this
way, stay outta the way.
Mitch, snap out of it.
Stay out of the way of the ax.
I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to...
Good morning to you too.
I know you're tired, you
don't gotta be so grouchy.
Can we go?
Yes ma'am.
Most minerals are mined
for a particular reason,
some of them for gems, some of them
for things we have to use.
We also have this particular black one,
that is used for iron.
Now, we've looked at the colors.
TEACHER: Now we also see a luster.
Does it shine, is it
dull, does it look like
a piece of metal, does it
look like a piece of glass?
WAITRESS: Alright, how was everything?
Good, glad you enjoyed it.
BOY IN BLACK: Hey virgin
boy, get your ass out here.
BOY IN BLUE PLAID: Hey virgin boy,
I saw your bike, thought
we'd come to pay you a visit.
BOY IN BLACK: Yeah come on,
get your virgin ass out here.
Come on asshole.
BOY IN BLUE PLAID: You know what,
considering you're little
virgin bitches in here,
I think I'll take
advantage of the situation
and steal your bike.
ALL BOYS: Yeah, come on.
Touch my bike, I'll fucking kill you.
BOY IN BLUE PLAID: That so, Mitch?
MITCH: Well I'd like to see you try.
Do something.
BOY IN BLUE PLAID: Real fuckin' scared.
MITCH: I'm gonna kill you, Russ.
Oh, what's the matter, huh?
Is that all you can do, is call names?
What, you need your mama to come?
I guess you did grow some balls.
Hey what's the matter,
you know we're joking.
You're one of us.
You grew up with us.
Yeah, come on, same
frickin' trailer park.
Come on.
You know we're just kiddin' with ya.
Dude, come back, hang out with us.
What's the matter?
Fuck you.
Oh come on, don't be so cold.
Come on, we grew up together.
RUSS: Come on, Mitch.
Go around.
EDDIE: Hey Mitch.
Here take these, take 'em.
I'll be right back.
Here's 12 bucks.
Get me a pack of
cigarettes, and a six pack
and some matches, and bring me the change.
Dad, I'm 12.
Don't be such a pussy, Mitch.
This is Las Vegas, okay?
You got money, you can
buy whatever you want.
Where am I supposed to
get a pack of cigarettes
and a beer that'll sell it to me?
Right, like you don't know.
Go to the trailer park, talk
to Russ and his pals, okay?
Get me a pack of
cigarettes and a six pack.
Hurry up.
So, what am I supposed
to do about these birds?
Just give 'em a little food and water,
they'll be fine.
I gotta go, my dad wants
me to go to the store.
STEPHANIE: Can't you at
least tell me their names,
if you ever decided on names?
MITCH: They don't have any names.
Just, name 'em whatever you want.
Morning mom.
TRACY: Morning, who, who is that?
Right there.
It's not Brian, is it?
No, no.
Can I help you?
MAN IN SUIT: Excuse me,
is this the Parker residence?
You know it is.
Mrs. Parker, Detective Quinn,
Metropolitan Police Department.
May I have a word with you inside please?
I'm sorry Detective Quinn.
Mitch, go get your father.
I'm sorry I've come so early
this morning, Mrs. Parker,
but I wanted to catch you
before you went off to work.
Did our neighbors
complain about the noise?
No, it has nothing to
do with the noise at all,
I can promise you that, okay?
I don't understand.
EDDIE: Yeah.
Mr. Parker, Detective Quinn,
Metropolitan Police Department.
Good morning, Detective.
Pleasure to meet you, sir.
Sorry about my appearance,
I was working all last night in the yard.
Is there a problem, Detective?
No, it has nothing to do with any
of what you guys have done.
I've been looking around
the house, though,
and based on what I see,
I'm in the right place.
I see, what's that supposed to mean?
It means you've met
the suspect, Mr. Parker,
Brian Mendel.
Do you know him?
I see.
You familiar with Reality Gambling?
No? It's when people
bet large sums of money
on what they think other
people are gonna do,
whether they go shopping,
whether they fight
with one another, or will
they dig up their yard
looking for buried money.
Mitch, when you made your first dig son,
there was a lot of money
wagered and exchanged,
and Mrs. Parker, when you were researching
that suitcase handle,
there were a lot of bets
there as well.
Mr. Parker, I'm sorry to tell you,
but there's no money in your yard, sir.
You've been the victims of
a vicious and mean scam.
It's nothing to be ashamed of,
but I'm gonna need statements
from each one of you
as to what's been going on around here
the last couple of weeks.
I'm sorry?
I said no, get off my property.
TRACY: Eddie.
just trying to help you.
You wanna help me, leave.
- Fine, I'll go.
- Good, go.
- I'll go.
- You'll go.
Okay, son, here's my card.
Have your parents give me a call
when they finally come to their senses.
Mr. Parker, I'm just
trying to help you, sir.
Think about it.
Oh I'm thinkin' real
hard, Detective Quinn.
MITCH: What?
Don't you see?
Brian sent him 'cause he
knows we're gettin' close.
Eddie, he has photos of us.
Anybody coulda taken these photos.
MITCH: He has a badge, dad.
So what, he got it at a costume shop.
The guy's a fake, I knew
it in the first minute.
There's no money here,
there's no money here!
Tracy, Brian is
panicking because he knows
that we're close.
When we were digging under the tree,
that's the right spot, we know it now.
(SIGHING) I gotta go to
school, I'm gonna be late.
Alright, see ya.
Watch out for the fake cops.
Detective Quinn.
Wonder where they came up with that name?
I don't wanna be late,
don't wanna lose my job.
Alright, well hopefully
this is the last day
you'll ever have to work.
EDDIE: Get outta the way.
Dad, what are you doing?
We've gotta level everything out,
otherwise this machine is gonna tip over.
But what are you doing?
Just leveling everything out
so we can dig deeper everywhere.
Get outta the way.
Get outta the mother fuckin' way, alright?
Ow, stop it!
This is the place, this is it.
MITCH: What are you,
dad, what are you doing?
I'm taking it down.
Dad, this is mom's greenhouse.
You can't do that.
Mitch, there's a suitcase
with a million dollars
under there, I'm taking it down.
Get outta the way.
Mom is gonna kill you
if you take that down.
Dad, stop, stop.
EDDIE: Get outta there!
Watch out, get the fuck outta the way.
Go get the flowers, now.
MITCH: I'm not gonna do the flowers.
MITCH: I'm not doing the flowers.
Listen, stop being a pussy
under your mother's thumb,
Kill those flowers.
It's probably right under there.
Stop it, go!
Hey dad, wake up.
What are you doing?
Did she say where she was going?
She did talk about her
family a lot though.
How'd you get here, again?
Snuck outta the hotel room last night.
I left her a note, though.
What'd it say?
MITCH: Said I wanted to see my dad.
So what, did ya hitch hike?
MITCH: No I, I took some
money out of mom's purse.
Just enough for a bus
ticket and some chips.
I said I was sorry in the note.
Any change?
So Mitch,
how come you're really back here, huh?
Come on, was she with some
other guy, something like that?
MITCH: No, you know mom,
she would never do that.
Oh yeah I know mom.
That's why I'm asking.
Yeah, right.
She'd never do that, fuck.
What, what's the matter?
Wanna cigarette?
Turn on the TV.
check in with Mark Saunders,
our friend who was up early,
but he's run into some trouble.
He's now all in with pocket nines,
and the flop, he gets another nine.
Saunders feeling good about that,
now the turn card is a ten.
Though Saunders will double up.
You didn't just ask for a king, did you?
You did!
Hey, guess what?
MITCH: What?
I finally named your birds.
MITCH: Really?
MITCH: What'd ya name 'em?
Blue Two, and Lady Green.
MITCH: That's weird.
MITCH: So how are they doing?
STEPHANIE: They're doing good.
They sing a lot.
My sister and my mom and my whole family
are like in love with them.
Do you miss them?
MITCH: No, I don't
miss anything these days.
MITCH: I need some money.
RUSS: You got collateral?
I got this bike.
I don't want your bike, but,
you can always pay me back
by workin' for me sometime.
MITCH: What kinda work?
Just like the rest of us.
Hand out nudey cards to whoever wants 'em.
MITCH: Can I just have the money?
I'm sure you'll pay me back
once your dad digs up
that fuckin' treasure.
I don't wanna talk about it.
Can I have the money?
Alright, alright, but we're friends now.
I don't wanna fuck that up,
but tell me if you change your mind.
I won't change my mind.
But you will get your money.
Hey, cigarettes.
MITCH: Yeah, just one second.
Okay, hurry it up.
Hey Mitch.
EDDIE: When you're done
with whatever you're doing inside,
hurry up and give me a hand
out here, I need you here.
MITCH: Nah, I gotta
lot of homework to do.
I'm really behind.
EDDIE: 'Scuse me?
I said no, I gotta
lot of homework to do,
I'm really behind.
EDDIE: Come here.
Come here.
Come here.
When I fucking tell you something,
you fuckin' say, yes
dad, you understand me?
Say, yes dad.
No more.
I don't care about your stupid fuckin'
money in the ground.
I don't care about your
Gibson Gang suitcase.
Don't pay for one more
penny of my stuff, okay?
Just take that money and
shove it up your ass.
I'll get a scholarship
for college or somethin'.
EDDIE: Hey, fuck you.
Fuck you too.
EDDIE: Fuck me too?
Say that to my face!
That's right, run you little faggot.
Run to your fuckin' mother.
Fucking whore.
What a fucking, (BANGING) fucking whore.
Subtitles by explosiveskull