Veer (2010) - full transcript

In early twentieth-century British India, the Pindari leader Prithvi Singh narrates his story to a reporter from the London Times - a story of betrayal and deceit at the hands of the British and Madhavgarh's Raja Gyanendra Singh, which led to the massacre of 4500 Pindaris.

This story belongs to the

fearless Pindaris (warriors)..

..whose saga of

bravey was not considered..

But they could not stop

them from becoming a legend.

All passengers travelling to Madhavgarh,

Shyamgarh, Ratanpur...

please get down here.

All passengers travelling to Madhavgarh,

Shyamgarh, Ratanpur...

please get down here.

All passengers travelling to Madhavgarh,

Shyamgarh, Ratanpur...

please get down here.

'Justice. Fraternity. Equality#

'That's why the sun never

sets on the British Empire#

Are you from London Times?

- Yes, London Times.

Ram Singh, you've been with king

Prithvi Singh for a long time. - Yes.

Tell me something.

At a time when the entire

county is following Gandhi..

Eveyone talks about non-violence..

..but Your Highness Prithvi Singh.. preaching violence.


And why does he hate us so much?

Why doesn't he have

faith in the British Empire?


Faith leads to betrayal.

'Year 1862, when Chandangarh

attacked Madhavgarh#

Hail the prince.

We can't wait any longer.

Chandangarh's army is

overpowering our army.

Order the reserve troops

to march fo_ard.

lt's not necessary that wars

are always won with might.

They'll be here soon.

You're putting the lives of your troops

at stake for those Pindaris

They must be drunk with their local brew..

..and must be wading in a pile of muck.

Though you know that Pindaris..

..are men of their word,

you still do not believe that they..

These inebriated Pindaris might be..

..loudmouths and uncivilised.

But once they are astride their

horses wielding their swords..

Now, the reserve force

will be useful to us.

Chief. The crown prince has invited you

for a drink to celebrate the victoy.

The chief of Pindaris Hyder Ali..

..only drinks with the kings.


- Yes, Chief.


Magan, Chaman.

- Yes, Chief.

Naunihal. - Yes, Chief.

- Bhairav. - Yes.

All of you go along with him.

And get our lands back from him.

- Come on

Victory be to Guru's Khalsa.


- Calm down.

lt needs to be dealt with calmly.

Didn't Hyder Ali come along?

Prince, even your

father king Sangram Singh..

..wouldn't address Pindari

chief Hyder Ali by just his name.

Save your attitude for the enemies.

At the moment, l want to

conquer the entire province.

Of course. But we made a

pact only for this battle.

And, in return, you

..return us our lands.

- l surely will.

But first, let me

introduce you to my friends.

Your father said that the British..

..are in favour of Chandangarh.

Prithvi. Prithvi. Prithvi.

This is politics,

and it's beyond your knowledge.

You just enjoy the English liquor.

Bring it forth.

We drink only the

blood of these British.

What era are you living in, Prithvi?

We should only befriend the rulers of

half the world

..and not take up enmities.


- Naunihal!

Are you done?

Return us our lands,

and get lost from here.

Land? Where do you want your lands?


Do you want it there? There?


Or below the stairs of our palace?

Where you'll always get

to witness my progress..

..even aRer you're dead.

And as far as your

companions are concerned..

Take a look.


Prithvi, we'll deal with them later.

We need to save our

Pindari brothers first.

Let's get down there. Quickly.


Kill them.

Prithvi, get out of here. Be quick.

But Chief.. - Go. Don't think.

Go. We've been deceived.

Don't let them escape.

Hail Lord Shiva.

Come on.

lt is our mistake.

We trusted the wrong man.

The king.

l'm the only one

entitled to be punished.

That's why l've decided..

- What've you decided, Chief?

Haven't we lost enough men..

..that we should lose another one?

We'll leave our homes.

Burn down our fields.

We'll spread in different directions.. rebellious farmers and warriors.

And then we won't just get our lands back

..but drive the king

and the British out..

..and conquer Madhavgarh.

We won't drive them out!

We'll behead them.

Because we'll avenge the

death of 4500 Pindaris.. massacring that rogue king..

..and each of his British friends.

Then l give you my word.

l'll behead the king and

each of his British friends.

Or die myself in the effort.

''..they'll cause only grief.''

Prithvi, our power was unmatched.

But what could we do?

No, Prithvi.

We're illiterates

and ignorant people.

How will we ever think

cunningly like the British?

lt's a boy.

Congratulations, Chief.

- Congratulations, Chief.

Chief, it's raining.

The child will get drenched.

Where are you going?

He has to keep going.

He has to keep going.

He has to travel a great distance.

He's my Veer. Rain or

storm holds no meaning for him.


Veer. My Veer.


Get up, Veer.

Father, watch my move now.

Oh, God.- Pick him up!

Oh, he's picked me up.

Come on, Veer.

Father, one day, l'll

throw you in the water as well.


Veer, learn to control your anger.

The future expects a lot from you.

Look out, Veer.

Pindaris are coming.

Prepare to fire.

Princess. The Pindaris are here

to loot the train.

Let's go.

The dacoits are here.

Put in some more coal.

Bravo, Veer.

Go, Veer.

Lousy Pindari.

Whichever part l get hold off,

l rip off five kilos of flesh.

Tell me.. treasure.. India.

From here to London.

There is no treasure.

Veer, there's a

royal coach here as well.

No, there isn't anyone here.

There's no treasure here.

This is the ladies coach.

There's no one here.

l've heard that the Pindaris..

..always protect women and children.

There's only the princess here.

l swear on Lord Ram.

Let's go.

Listen. Take this jewelley.

But please return that toy.

That's her mother's last memorabilia.

Veer is back. Veer is back.

Veer and Punya are back.

Eveyone is back. Look.




- Come on.

Your Punya has

robbed an entire train.

Are you telling the truth?

- Yes. l did it all.

Go tell father that

he can go ahead, and.. as many weapons as he

wants to attack Madhavgarh.

Where is Veer?

Father. Where's father?

lf l get hold of you, l

will pin you down today.

Go ahead.

Why are you _o fighting again?

Why did you get them educated

if this is what you wanted them to do?

Yes, l did get him educated.

And l wanted to get

him educated further.

Stop it.

He nudged me. He nudged me.

Father, someday, l'll

surely throw you in this water.

l'll be waiting for that day.

See that. They're my sons.

And, me?

This is sacrilege.

This is sacrilege.

This is sacrilege.

When we've forgotten the

true meaning of this custom..

How can we commit

sacrilege against it?

The mothers of these lambs

raised us by giving us milk.. shall we kill their lambs?

Only cowards use

their force on the weak.

My father's sword is meant

only to behead the British.

Only to behead the British.

Only to behead the British.


lt took four years.

- Veer.

But your father's long

persuasion finally bore fruit.

Now, you both are going to London.

Right, leR. Gentlemen.

- Bravo.


Veer. The land of

fair women, London.

You go, l don't want to go.

l want to look for her.

We don't know anything about her.

Where will you look for her?

Father is coming.

Think of some excuse.

Don't you want to go to London?


- London. Of course, l want to.

Father. You talk about

beheading those British..

..and now you're

sending us to their county.

Their strength is

their devious mind.

There should be someone amongst us..

..who knows how they plot ruses.

You're going to London, that's it.

Oh, God. Bless London.

Veer. London is such

a beautiful place.

Look. Queen Victoria's

palace is so beautiful.

The tombs in our

county are better than that.

Haven't you seen the Taj Mahal?

Be careful. - Watch where

you're going? - Sory, sir.

Veer, why are you walking so rigidly?

Now that we're here..

..why don't you adjust yourself?

lt's just a matter of _o years.

Two years? Anything can

happen in _o moments.

What if she gets married

within these _o years?

l wonder what's wrong with father.

He sent us here to learn

the tactics of these British.

He should've sent us to Madhavgarh.

Within six months,

l would've talked sense into everyone.

Veer. Stop, Veer!

How dare you?

Excuse me.

l apologise on his behalf.

l'm sory.

Please take this.

Veer. Veer. Get up.

l can see that lady that

displays on her face..''

When will l ever get over her?

Come on, Brother.

Let's go back to India.

You don't get

handkerchiefs in dreams.


She smiled.

Come on. Hey,

Charioteer, stop there!

Veer! Catch it!

Veer, slowly. l'll fall!


What are you doing?

- Veer!

Excuse me.

Veer! Veer.

My ice-cream.

My ice-cream.

My ice-cream.

- Don't scream, madam. Don't scream.

No, my ice-cream.

My ice-cream.

Your ice-cream.


l'm sory. Apologies. l'm sory.

lt's okay. Don't wory.

lt's okay. Sure?

Let me help then.

- No.

Yes, my son.

London is absolutely stunning,

Veer. Everyone knows English here.

The same as eveyone

knows Hindi in India.

Stand properly.



All right, sit.

Do you know what is

good about London?

There's no dirt even on the streets.

Not a single one of

deserves to be here.

But thanks to Lord Macaulay..

..and his new education policy.

And the kindness of

Her Majesty, the queen.. are here.

They think that barbaric and

uncivilised natives like you..

..can be transformed.

l don't agree.

But now is your chance

to prove me wrong.

Now, these tribal clothes,

the tribal haircuts..

..won't work here.

l don't want the

British and royal students.. feel uncomfortable,

because of you.

So, evemhing has been

arranged on the campus.. make you men.

Sir, clothes don't make a man.

Man makes clothes.

Something like that..

Something like that was quoted.. your Lord Bernard Shaw.

Don't you get smart with me, son.

You people call yourself men.

l've seen how you live.

l've seen your India.

How you people live,

the way your county is.

Sweat. Smell.

Dirt. Filth. Muck.

Flies, lousy pigs, cows..


Dirt. Dirt. Dirt.

Hey, Teacher.

Punya, hold on to this.

lf our county is so dim..

filled with dirt, filth and muck..

..cows, buffaloes, flies,

smell and sweat..

..then what've you been

doing for the past 140 years?

Cleaning up?

My father sent me here to study.

Only to study.

Othe_ise, l would've taught

you today.

Rogues, you betray your

own benefactor.

Don't talk about my motherland.

Don't talk about my county.

Four sticks.

The punishment will commence..

..and will not cease

until four sticks are broken.

Your hands on the table please.

Great, Mr. Gajendra.

What a shot!

You're a good player

as well, Sujan Singh.

So, what were you saying,


Brother, l've found out..

..that the boy

wasn't at fault at all.

The management was

unfair to him.

We should talk to them.

Yasho, why are you like this?

Just because a barbarian returned

to you a piece of your brooch.. feel these

barbarians have a heart.

You're right, Gajendra Singh.

You absolutely right.

lt's the generosity of the British..

..that they just publicly

caned him and let him go.

Had it been Ratangarh..

No, no. Expelling him is not

the right thing to do here.

We're not running a school,

we're running a county.

But, my lord. l smell of

revolution in all ofthem.

We've come here today.. request you to call off

this new education policy.

My dear principal, we entice

these barbaric fools here.. educate them.

Mislead them into our way

of thinking and our culture.

Get them indebted by

doing small favours.

Enslave them, rule them and

rule their county forever.

This is the beginning of

a new England in India.

ln fact, my friends,

it's the end of India.

These British are absolutely right.

Our county is filled

But what's the reason behind it?

The reason is that all

the kings aren't united.

Whose fault is it?

Ours or the British?

lnitially, only 187

British came to our county.

Then 2000.

Then 10000.

And then 100,OOO.

And these 100,OOO British..

..ruled over 300 million Indians.

'Do you know how?'

'Father, because they

only know how to divide us#

'Under the pretext of hunger,

greed, language#

'And we know only how to

form different sects#

'ln the name of religion,

caste, kingdom and the king#

'And you know, Father.#

'..there's a ruse behind

their education policy as well#

'They want to corrupt our

minds with British culture.

To know their thinking, and

their cunningness better..

..we brothers have slightly

adapted ourselves like them.

Bless me.


- Yes.

Don't forget to write to father..

..that you've fallen in

Iove with London. - Fine.

l will.

Veer, this is a royal pam.

You've bright chances

of meeting her here.

Don't be scared.

l'm with you, okay.

Where are you going?

Remember what father said.

To understand these British..'s important for me to

understand the British ladies.


Hello, girls.

- Hello.

How are you doing?

- Good, how are you?

That's funny..

- Yasho.


- Look.

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Assume that she gets trapped if

she smiles. - What's he doing?

Excuse me.

Excuse me.


l want to talk to Yashodhara,

and not you.

Don't you have any manners

or shame?

Just because you

travelled to a foreign land.. forgot the difference.

God knows what these

British saw in them..

..that they let them

come to the royal club.

We know what these

British saw in us.

But you were born to rule.

So, what did you see

in these British..

..that you let them enslave you?

Hey, come here.

Yes, My Lord.


Take a look.

This is how they stand before us.


- He was calling us a slave.


- He was just joking..

Brother, don't get so angy.

lt was only a trivial joke.


- Yes.

Allow me to crack a

trivial joke as well.

Of course.

- Come.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Veer, love isn't your

cup of tea. Forget it.

Why do you want to

get yourself killed?


You've been lying on this

bed for the past ten days.

You still have three months to go.

Your love stoy has come to an end.


Give me the shoes.

- Shoes?

You couldn't even wear your socks.

You think you can wear the shoes.

Here, wear them. Wear it.

- Chest. Chest. - What?

Place it on the chest.

- On the chest.

Here. Here.

Shall l push harder?

Shall l push harder?


What are you saying?

l don't understand English and you

are talking in some other language.

Where is she?

Did you see her hat?

- What hat?

Yes, l think l did.

lt was quite weird.

Mr. Veer Pratap.



- Yes

Excuse me.

Have you started studying..

How is your leg now?

- It's better now.

So, have you forgiven my brother?

- No.

Actually, you tend to get

hurt in games.

lt's not his fault.

Thank you.

Thank you? What for?

l'm grateful to you.

Take care of your leg.

- Of course.

Listen. Look aRer yourself.

- Yes.

You will, won't you?

- Yes

Subtitle by Dede Ferdinand


Subtitle by Dede Ferdinand


And now, a folk dance

from Czechoslovakia.

Lady. Lady, that can

wait for a while. Please.

Let us entertain ourselves.

For now..

Veer will pe_orm for India.

Sory folks.

And now,

Veer will pe_orm for India.

Only Veer can pe_orm for India.

Gajendra Singh, thank you vey much

for this favour once again.

Do you want to double

the entertainment? - Yes.

Then l want an Indian partner

to dance with me.

Yes. Yes.

Come on.

- Yes.

Yashodhara, l believe you sing

and dance vey well.

Would you be kind enough

to join my brother on stage?

How can l?

- Yes, yes.- No.

Hold on. Hold on.

She cannot dance like a commoner.

ARer all, she's a royal.

And we royals have a protocol.

l'm sory.

We all understand protocols.

But music doesn't

understand any protocol.

So, eveyone hold

on to their hearts.

Othe_ise, my voice

might stir up your hearts.

And royalty is compelled

to dance with commoners.

So, shall we begin?

- Yes.

lf my voice managed

to entice your heart..

..then why didn't you

dance with me in there?


l don't know.

You thought, if you dance with me

then l'll dance vigorously.

And my leg will be

injured more seriously.

But l can clear your


With your permission.


Your Highness, l hope you

had a pleasant trip.

Would you excuse me?

My love. Long time.

Anything special.

l'll talk to you about it later.

What about the Pindaris?

They plunder in one state

and escape to another.

lt's vey difficult to catch them.

l think we'll need to get

all the six kings together.

Greetings, king.

Unite and fight them back.

My sons are working on the plan.

And soon..

Father, l want you to

meet someone special.

He's here.

Ask him to take a seat.

- Yes.

Like l was saying, my son..

He's there.

What are you doing?

All the guests here are rich.

And l knew that you won't dance

with me here in front of eveyone.

That's right.

We can't break the Protocol.

And l can't get my legs

broken eveyday as well.

lf breaking can unite someone..

..then is it really called breaking?

So, why does your father

want to see me?

Because he's the king?

Which is his kingdom? Shikarpur?

- No.

He's the king of..


He's here to see the queen.

This time around, he'll make all

arrangements to annihilate the Pindaris.

You know, Veer,

they're barbaric.

Once, they looted the

train l was travelling in.

Did they harm you?

- No. They severed father's hand.

Thank God, his head

wasn't severed.

l heard that he deceitFully..

..led thousands of

Pindaris to their death.

That's wrong.

We just want to make them civilised.

By throwing them out of their houses.

The Pindaris have only one motive.


How can you say that?

Princess of Madhavgarh.

Your mother's last memorabilia.


You have to leave, Veer.

Brother has found

out who you really are.

He's gone to the hostel to look for you.



How dare you?

Tried to mingle with the likes of us.

And with my sister..


lt's rightly said, sons have to fulfill

their father's incomplete deeds.

Where is your brother?

Thankfully, he isn't here.

Whichever part l get hold of..

..l'll rip off five kilos of flesh.



Let him go.

Let him go.

Forgive him, Veer.

- No.

He's Yashodhara's brother.

We don't have any enmity

with him, but his father.

We do! We do! We do!

We do! We do!

We do! We do!

Brother, no!

No, no.

Go away from here.

Go, Veer. Go from here.

Promise me, Veer.

You won't ever come to Madhavgarh.

l promise..

That l will come to Madhavgarh.

With father's permission..

l will mary you

amidst the fire or..

..l will torch Madhavgarh.

We'll meet again.

'l, princess Yashodhara.#

'ln the presence of my mother,

all the Gods, and.#

' ancestors of the Mihir clan,

accept the post of crown princess#

'l promise, in my line of duty.#

'..l'll never stagger

'And l'll pe_orm my royal duties

with utmost honesty#

'l pledge that my subjects

and their happiness..

..will be my first priority#

'l pledge, today onwards

the friends of Madhavgarh..

..will be my friends too#

'And the enemies of Madhavgarh..

..will be my enemy#

Crown princess Yashodhara.

- Gloy to her.

Crown princess Yashodhara.

- Gloy to her.

Crown princess Yashodhara.

- Gloy to her.

Crown princess Yashodhara.

- Gloy to her.

The prince..

The way you supported me in front of

Britain's queen aRer the prince's demise..

You fulfilled your duty by saving..

..the 700-year-old

Mihir clan from extinction.

l'm proud of you.

But some of our guest kings and

political agent Steve have a question.

The pledge that you've taken

to annihilate the enemies.. will you fulfill it? Whereas..