Veealused karid (1959) - full transcript


Written by:

Aadu Hint, Andres Särev.


Viktor Nevezhin.

Director of photography:

Semyon Shkolnikov.

Composer: Boris Kõrver

Art director: Peeter Linzbach.



There's Saaremaa.

- Yes, and there's Tagarand boat.

A beautiful shoreline.

So it is. See that the beauty

doesn't drive into reefs.

Now you're grounded, Tõnis,

and Riina is grounded with you.

Until now, we caught so much fish

the whole country knew.

But now you're the one on the hook.

We, the free bachelors,

lift a mug to your health

and hope that married life

will not drain you completely.


To your health, Riina.

- Thank you.

A man without a wife

is like a ship without a wedge.

Father! - True words, Juhan!

What life did Tõnis have?

For ten years, he's been

raving around: fish, fish, fish!

Head full of fishboats and plans

on how to win the Pammona guys.

As if God had not

put women in this world.

I, an old married man,

vote for the new catching technique

and young women.

Voting for young women!

Yes, try having two wives!

The trawler's here, let's go meet it!

You said a nice new trawler, Sander.

- It's outright shining.

Even old Linkvist didn't have one.

- How could he have?

And who'll be the captain?

- We have already thought of that.

Here you are: captain Tooder,

from Muhu Island.

If the collective farm approves,

he'll move to Tagarand right away.

Of course we approve,

with open arms.

We expected you yesterday.

- The right man at the right time.

If it's a proper party,

the beer should foam to high heavens.

It seems you're having a merry time,

the whole island smells of beer.

A wedding, we're having a wedding!

Well, people of Tagarand,

here's your trawler. You've earned it.

Hurray! Hurray!

Look at Jaagup, the devil.

- Go and fulfil the 7-year plan.

Let's shake hands, chairman.

Here's double congratulations -

you're getting a ship and a wife.

Thank you.

We'd have gone to big seas long ago.

- Big seas for a big ship.

Well, what the heck, let's party!

Cheers! Cheers!

- Saaremaa beer!

Well, old friend and fellow soldier,

here's to your life. - Thanks, mate.

Have a drink, father.

Thank you.

Try our brew.

You're all men from Tagarand.

I, Pammana man, tell you

that we at Pammana have men

who can fight and lift rocks.

We accept the challenge.

Stop suppressing initiative.


Cheers to our king of finance,

our lord of accounting!

There's an empty seat beside me.

- Thank you.


- Hello.

Allow me to congratulate.

Thank you.

From me, from my heart.

- Thank you.

To Captain Artur Linkvist,

the king of Tagarand. Friends.

Out! Get out, you scum!

When the fish is in the bay,

there are no days off.

Yes, Tõnis is stubborn,

he won't drop it.

He saw hardship as a boy.

You, kid, don't remember

what it was like here.

Tõnis did not have a father.

His mother died when he was little.

I took him in.

Worked in the rock quarry,

got hit and was blinded.

In order to survive,

I started making baskets.

The boy went around the village,

trying to sell them.

What's your name?

- Tõnis, what's yours?

Liidia. Would you like to play ball?

- Yes, I would.

Hey, what are you doing here, boy?

Nothing. Nothing at all.

You're a big boy, what are you

doing with these baskets?

I'd work on a ship, but no one

would have me. - You're too small.

Dad, take him onto your ship.

Dad, please take him.

- Well, show me your muscles.

There's a little bit there.

Daddy, please.

- Alright.

Very well, you'll the ship's boy

on my Artur.

You like it?

- Very much.

To Captain Artur Linkvist,

the king of Tagarand. Friends.

And so Tõnis sailed

on Linkvist's sailing ships,

on steamboats, was friends

with Linkvist's daughter Liidia.

Tõnis and Liidia

cared a lot for each other

and hoped to start their own life

with Linkvist's help.

One night, they went to ask Linkvist.

A shipwreck at Kiigari cliff?

We need to go and help them.

- People could die.

I won't have my motorboat

driven in such fog.

You'll crash my motorboat

and get yourselves killed.

Who will feed your wives and kids?

No, friends.

If you don't think about

your children, I'll do it for you.

No boat of mine will leave

Tagarand in such a fog.

Well, sleep in peace tonight,

if your heart permits.

I won't sleep a wink tonight.

- Let's go.

Shards bring luck.

- We need luck, me and Tõnis.

Daddy, we love each other

and we' like...

You'd like what? - For you to give

Tõnis a loan. Tõnis also has a bit.

He'd buy a well boat and

start taking live fish to Sweden.

Damn it, you're the live fish

being caught here.


- Go to you room, you fool!

And you get the hell out of here.

Out, get out!

Get out, you scum!

War started and everything changed.

Linkvist fled with this family.

Linkvist's house stands

like a shadow from the past.

That means he was in love.

Many say we can fulfil plans

only with extensive open sea fishing.

Tagarand collective farm proved

it can be done with coastal fishing.

He tells it true. - That's right.

- Tõnis knows his thing.

Now we'll buy new fishboats

and keep on going. - That's right.

Boy like candy.

- Hey!


- Hello.


- Hello.


Help me.

Did you get hurt?

It'll pass.

Isn't it beautiful?

- Beautiful, but thorny.

I've feared and hated this house

since I was a child.

The house is empty,

there's nothing to fear.

Oh, dear brother,

you've ended up in a backwater place.

There are people and work everywhere.

You've never sunken so low.

You can rise again everywhere.

See, here he comes.

How you doing?

- Not bad at all.


- My sister Liidia.


These are for you.

You're the hero of the day.

That's exactly as I imagined you.

I have a feeling as if we've known

each other for a long time.

Perhaps I remind you of a girl

you were once in love with?

That's how you, men, talk.

We have a request:

let us move to Linkvist's house.

There's not enough room here.

To Linkvist's house?

- Three rooms there are still good.

I haven't been there for years.

Let's go and see.

- Alright, let's.

My god, how boring.

Did they call about fishboats? - Yes.

But I won't buy any, like you said.

That's right. We have enough,

we need two more trawlers.

Foreman Pallas came fussing,

demanded a board meeting.

Well, if the board decides to buy,

the hell with them. We'll see then.

I think we should have one manager.

- Nonsense. - You have no authority.

This house is not worth fixing.

This is where I dreamt one day.

Yes, Indrek, soon we're all

like fish in a tin in this bay.

Yes, there's fewer and fewer fish.

And it's a shame

to catch the little ones.

The open sea,

that's our field to plough.

You always dare to aim high, Tõnis.

How about the new nets?

See, Priit's team...

- We won't buy new fishboats.

We won't fulfil the plan with

old nets. - The trawler will do it.

You think so?

- Oh yes.

Well then. - Strength to your elbow!

- Strength is needed.

How are you doing? - Not bad,

finished soon. - Very good.

All good, go on.

Fare well!

Good bye, let's go!

Well, there they go.

Good luck! - Good bye.

The fish are not stupid enough

to get entangled in rags like these.

There's money for new nets, but...

- Well, what are we waiting for?

Tõnis says coastal fishing is old,

he's counting on the trawler.

Strength to your elbow!

- Strength needed! - Hello.

You're a technician, Riina?

- What's the problem?

The money for new nets.

We're patching rags here.

The accountant won't allow us to buy

a thing without orders from Tõnis.

Foolish to keep bills in a drawer,

when there's fish in the bay.

I must warn you. The chairman does

not like things decided without him.

I take responsibility. - Easy for you.

For me, he is the chairman.

I'll go and pick the nets up myself.

Please keep in mind

that I wish no one ill.

Who's that?

- The chairman's wife.

A beautiful woman.

- A stubborn woman.

The chairman does not tolerate

stubbornness, because he... - Really?

Do you not want to be the one?

Oh, brother dear,

you no longer have any aces.

When I was a fisherman,

I had a big black cat in my motorboat.

Every spring, he came to the boat

and sailed with us through summer.

That's enough now,

or the director will punish us.


Look at this catch. A blow to those

who condemn coastal fishing.

Strength to your elbow.

- Strength needed.

And yet there are people

who dream only of trawler fishing.

Yes, they even try to convince

the Regional Committee.

We can't fulfil the 7-year plan

without coastal fishing. - True.

But we do need a freezer ship.

- The Committee will provide.

Well, we're waiting.

All good to go?

- Yes. - Let's go then.


- Hello.

They say it's hard to get nets,

but Mrs Tagarand here got a full load.

It's a game of honour -

their fish, their nets.

Tõnis knows whom to send.

Alright, good luck. - Thank you.

Keeps coming here to convince me.

They want to transfer me

to the central office.

Tõnis would take my place.

Don't tell him about it.

- Not a word.

Have a nice trip.

Hey, chairman, are we going to

fulfil the 7-year plan in five?

Not every day brings a good catch,

but you have to eat every day.

Let's have a smoke on the open sea.

- The sea...

I'll show everyone that

trawler fishing is the real thing.

I answer to the collective farm,

coastal fishing is obsolete.

We've always fished in coastal seas.

- We have to use all the options.

You can't take women and old people

out to sea. You want us to retire?

To fulfil the plan, we have to fish

in both coastal and open seas.

As long as I'm the chairman

I won't have money spent on fishboats.

In the past 10 days, you didn't fulfil

the contract with the fish factory.

It's too hot for the fish. - There are

more fishers than fish by the coast.

We need to buy another trawler.

- We can catch along the coast.

I've said many times: we should place

the nets at Pikasääre. – Exactly.

If there's a NW storm, we will

lose the nets. - Yes, exactly.

A NW storm would

destroy the nets in any case.

At Pikasääre, we'll lose both the

nets and the fish. - It is risky.

But there's a lot of fish there.

- Pikasääre is swarming with fish.

I vote for Priit's proposal.

- Damn it!

Who has pulled more fish

out of the sea, you two or me?

Perhaps it is you. But why argue,

let the board decide.


The nets will stay in their old place.

I think Priit opposes that.

- Who will be liable for damages?

You don't order a coffin

at the wedding, you know.

We'll live and see,

the chicks are counted in autumn.

Let's vote.

Who's in favour of Priit's proposal?

Five in favour. I'm against.

What about you, Jaakob?

- I... I am impartial.

So, that's it.

You coming soon? Shall I wait?

- No, you go, I'll stay here a bit.

I don't agree with the decision.

The board's decision is the law.

Agree or not, you must fulfil it.

But what if the decision is stupid?

- Stop moaning, people are right.

What do you think?

The one responsible should decide.

- That's what I think.

You're a head taller than

other fishermen, you can see farther.

And that's why you should

decide and direct more yourself.

I may be a head taller,

but not necessarily a head wiser.

How were you elected the chairman

then? - Hell knows.

A ship can only have one captain.

Oh well, we'll see about all that.

Oh yes, I forgot.

My sister asked, and I as well:

Would you come to visit?

To see how we've settled.

I guess I will someday.

You're angry with me.

Listen, Tõnis, several people

at once cannot be wrong.

Believe me, they are right.

It's not about who is right

and who is not.

It's just that suddenly

everyone is very wise.

Who allowed you to go and get

the nets? You want to undermine me?

For ten years they listened to me.

Now a qualified technician turns up

and my orders turn to zero.

Damn it, even Priit yells at me.

And I made him a foreman.

Oh well. Go to sleep.

Morning is wiser than the evening.

It'll be as I decided, I'll revoke the

board's decision. - Have you gone mad?

Turn the light on,

it doesn't bother me.

Alright, sleep.

I's sit for a bit and have a smoke.


Tõnis has an abrupt nature.

In youth, he saw great humiliation

and now clings to every elevation.

Hey guys, a bonus!

- Yes, let's beat the trawler.

Aadu, watch out.

Go on, pull.

Pull, Mihkel. Come on, pull!

- Come on, guys!

I'm pulling, I'm pulling.

Well, what do you say now?

- I will have me some today.

Tõnis told us not to put nets here,

but Riina got her way, good girl.

To the new fishboat and to Riina!

- To Riina's health!

Here you go!

See what Riina's health got you.

- Damn you, Mihkel!

Have you come to visit us?

- Oh, I was just passing.

Well, now that you're here,

come on in. Liidia would be happy.

I have no time.

- Please do come in.

You got the house fixed after all.

Everything's as it was,

like time standing still here.

Yes, the clock has stopped,

but we'll make it show the right time.


No, no, an honorary place

for an honorary guest.

Places do not adorn people,

people adorn places.

A true master must sit

in an armchair like this.

And you are the master

of a millionaire collective farm.

Only I think you're not using your

position. Your respect and renown.

You live for others,

neglecting yourself.


- Hello.

Liidia, you don't know how hard

it was to get the chairman to come in.

There's no time, it's always work.

- Let us drink to our new apartment.

And to strong and manly

Saaremaa fishermen.

Please have a seat.

Liidia, sing us your favourite song.

I so love your stance so bold,

shaped by many vicious storms,

your hair to which the winds of sea

have given such a lovely form.

Do not ask from where I come,

that's all time gone past.

Today, the sun shines again,

shines just for us.

Turn around.

What a catch we had.

But Tõnis didn't believe us.

Damned fish, wears me out.

It's not the fish, it's the

devil's drink. - Devil's drink?

That state vodka, not moonshine.

- Doesn't matter, both are out.

Take your trousers off.

Hurry up.

What are sitting here for, go home.

What a man.

Oh, Tõnis, Tõnis.

That's how you lose authority.

You are a clever man,

a great organiser.

All the paths are open to people

like you, you only need to lead.

What does it mean: to lead?

A leader is someone who

sternly implements his decisions,

without considering anyone else.

Lauer is right, they want to

take everything from me:

respect, authority, renown.

No, I'm the master here

and my will rules above all.

No point in talking to Riina,

she thinks too much of herself.


What are you doing here?

What's the matter with you?

We've been married for half a year,

but you're getting ever gloomier.

You're like a stranger.

Can she really sense

that I'm drawn to another?

You're angry with me for voting

in favour of Priit's proposal.

The nets have been at Pikasääre

for a month and we catch so much.

There have been no accidents,

you just didn't let us set them out.

But you had the party office change

my decision and set the nets out.

It was the board's decision,

we just confirmed it, that was all.

Oh, that was all!

You were also against my decision.

Please try to understand, Tõnis,

no one is against you.

But if you're not right,

others have to correct you.

So all that we've achieved under

my leadership is not thanks to me.

And now Priit and you

pound your chest and shout:

"We're the heroes

who fulfilled the 7-year plan!"

Everyone is working hard, you know.

- We've seen that before.

If I'm not good enough,

elect a new chairman.

You talk about one thing, Tõnis,

but think about another.

You trying to read my thoughts?

- No. I'm not a clairvoyant.

But people talk.

- What do they talk?

Yesterday you went to the head

office again with Liidia. - Nonsense.

I had things to discuss

with the accountant, and Liidia...

Hell knows those women's things.

Well, you yourself must know.

Dear heavens.

There are people out on the sea.

Are you scared for Tõnis?

- I am.

But how about Värdi?

- Oh, stop it.

All at once.

Have you seen Riina?

- She was in Priit's boat.

Crazy woman. - Tiudur came looking

for you, went to see the accountant.

All at once.

Well? - All gone.

Cleared Pikasääre out.

Damn it, what did I say.

- What could we have done?

Where are you going?

- Tiudur is waiting for me. - Tõnis!

Where's Lauer?

- Jesus!

Tiudur came here and

they went looking for you.

Damn it. I was told they were here.

Here, you're soaked through.

I was scared for you.

Scared? For me?


You need dry clothes,

I'll go get some.

Drink hot milk, dear child,

it'll warm you up.

What's keeping Tõnis?

Lauer came by, said that Tiudur came,

guess they're having a meeting.

Father, I'm going.

Where on earth?

That's the majority decision for you.

- Well, what can now be done.

First, a damage report, a letter

explanation for the central office.

Analyse every minute detail of the

poor working style of Tiudur Jõgel

who keeps trying to meddle

in decision-making. - Why Tiudur?

I cannot tolerate stupidity.

One's setting a noose for the other.

And the other wails how hard it must

be for the one setting the noose.

Hell knows. If he was a stranger.

How big do you think the damage is?

- At least 200,000.

If the nets had not been at Pikasääre,

they would all be intact.

No one can predict what the sea does.

The nets were there for over a month

and how much fish did you catch?

We'll get over it. - We'll abide

by law. First, a damage report.

A damage report and that's it.

What else then?

You came looking for the culprit?

I thought there was not culprit.

- And now you think there is?

It was the toughest at Pikasääre.

Why did you not go there?

Who are you even?

A frog on top of a molehill!

Don't evade the question, Tõnis.

You were with the people, and now?

Now I will no longer dance

to the tune of the herd.

The herd?

I've never heard you say that, even

when you were drunk, like tonight.

Oh, the boss comes from the city

and knows who is guilty.

I'll twist you into a goat's horn.

No, you won't twist me,

but you are already twisted.

No point in talking to you tonight.

- What are you offering your hand for.

You're about to use the same hand

to set a noose for me.

And what do you think?

What's there to think.

Who's first, wins.

Who gets the stance right first

is the winner.

What is your issue with the director?

- Keep out of men's business.

Try to understand: Tiudur will be

taken down and who can replace him?

Only Tõnis. That is why

I tell you: keep close to Tõnis.

Tiudur is a nice guy.

Why take him down?

That's not up to us.

Alright, go.

And keep quiet about it.

Someone from the management is

coming. Set some smoked eel aside.

How are things?

- We must go right away, an emergency.

Where is Tõnis?

Well, birthday girl,

where's your Tõnis?

He's been very withdrawn

since you started rowing with Jõgel.

No harm. He'll cheer up

once we get him into Jõgel's place.

If only it went so smoothly.

At the ministry, you dug a hole

for others, but fell in yourself.

A hole? Hah! You're living

in that hole like fish in water.

There's nothing to fear,

men like Tõnis are in now.

He can go far yet,

and we go with him.


It's Värdi.

You must be a diplomat today.

We might still need Värdi.

Greetings to darling birthday girl!

I wish you the best with all my heart.

- Thank you.

Such a thick fog coming in

from the sea, a man could get lost.

Here you go, for the birthday girl.

- Thank you.

And this is directly from over there.

You will like it and so will I.

And these are for you,

my dear old boy.

Our birthday girl does not seem to be

in the mood. - Pay her no mind.

Well, how are things moving?

- What things?

Well, I did write about

our director, Tiudur Jõgel.

Oh, yes, a directive

has been issued, he'll be transferred.

And the replacement?

- Some head of a collective farm.

Tõnis Hoopkaup?

- Yes, it was Hoopkaup.

Ah, hello, Tõnis, director Tõnis.

I's so happy that the chairman

of our farm was appointed director.

What damned director? - My friend

Värdi just brought the big news.

Tiudur Jõgel was removed and

you were appointed to replace him.

Hello, comrade...

- Hoopkaup.

It seems congratulations are in order.

- Oh, Haarald's just babbling.

I can't make any sense of the

paperwork. - You can count on me.

Legal education, 25 years of practice.

I won't let you down.

Where is Liidia?

- In her room.

I'll go find him.

Why did he come?

What does he want?

Tõnis, dear, you're jealous.

Believe me,

I have no business with Värdi.

But we must be diplomatic.

It is also thanks to him

that you'll be the director.

What's this?

- Oh, nothing much.

For me?

Liidia, Tõnis, we're waiting for you.

Let's go.

Today, the sun is shining,

shining just for us.

To the birthday girl!

- Cheers!

The chairman is needed.

- What's your rush?

People could get killed.

- Again, damn it. Who's it now?

Pammona trawler is on the rocks.

- Has Pammona captain gone mad?

We decided to go help with

our trawler. - You decided.

It's not as simple as that,

I have to think.

Run back to the shore,

I'll come.

I'll run alright, just you

don't have a long wedding here.

They can go to hell with the trawler,

that's the rescue crew's business.

Ships have run aground before

and will do so in the future.

Let's drive to town, I've got

everything set there. - A great idea.

A good idea, let's drive to town.

- Cheers!

We must go and help them.

- Without the chairman's permission?

But you're the vice-chairman.

- I'm just a little man.

We need to decide now.

- I'll go where the boss tells me to.

A wheel doesn't know where

the train runs. - A wheel?!

Dear god, you're not a wheel,

you're a human being.

So we were all wrong. Thought him

a human being, but he's a wheel.

Captain, what are you conspiring?

- We want to go help Pammona guys.

In a fog like this?

- People could get killed.

But what if you crash our trawler

and get yourselves killed?

Who will be responsible?

Who will feed your wives and kids?

No, if you won't think about them,

I'll do it for you and say:

my trawler won't go out in this fog.

- Your trawler! How can you say that?

If you won't go, we must still go.

- When I said 'no', no one goes.


- What?

Tõnis, son, it sounds like you,

but these are Linkvist's words.


Complaints about Tiudur Jõgel

are unfounded.

He will be promoted.

But whom shall we appoint

to replace him?

What about Tõnis?

- Tõnis was our first candidate, but...

Yes, I'm listening. Who is this?

What? How?

Forbade? Where is he himself?

Went to town with Lauer?

Right. What did the fishermen decide?

They did the right thing.

That's completely out of control.

Tõnis is against everyone again.

No, we cannot support a man like that.

How about Riina Hoopkaup? She'd

be the best director for the fishery.

True. She's a party candidate

and has a specialised education.

We also considered Riina, a good girl.

But appointing her instead of Tõnis

would tear their marriage up.

That could drive Tõnis

even more to dubious friends.

Tõnis, son, it sounds like you,

but these are Linkvist's words.

But I say:

my trawler won't go out in this fog.

Your trawler? If you won't go,

we must go.

Give me a cigarette.

I didn't give this to you

as a wedding gift for nothing.

All the coastal kings used to have

such cigarette cases.

The golden wheel

stands for a true master.

Haarald, dear, don't sit there,

come and dance.

Tõnis, darling!

You must not be sad, Tõnis!

When you get the new job,

we'll need a nice place like this.

Do not ask from where I...


May I?

They said it was all over between

Värdi and Liidia. But look at them.

Look at how sweetly they dance.

And that's just the beginning.

Do you know Liidia?

- Who in this town doesn't?

I'll open my cards for you,

talk to you quite openly.

Värdi and Lauer, they fly high,

catching tall roubles.

I, however, am modest,

both in income and expenses.

I have sales points

in Riga, Tallinn, Leningrad.

So, if you agree to do business...

I'm very careful, so there's

no risk of being caught.

And I divide like a good Christian,

40 percent of the net profit.

Why would we need Värdi?

And the entire bunch of profiteers?

Do you get it?

- I get it.

I get it perfectly.


Translated by Kati Metsaots

Subtitles by Mardisupp OÜ