Vedha (2022) - full transcript

Vedha and his daughter Kanaka are on a killing spree. They are being chased by a cop Rama, but they always manage to escape in the nick of time. Can Rama stop the killings?




I love you!


You must love me!

I love you!

You must love...

I won't be going to work from

tomorrow, Grandma.

Why? What's wrong, dear?


can you get me a cup of coffee?

Sure, Madam.

- Add enough sugar.

Make sure it isn't bland.

Okay, Madam.

Please don't get angry.

Let me get it for you.

What's the point in reading

such good-for-nothing books?

What book is useful any way?

You mean those old books?

Let me know if you're not

interested in reading it out.

I'll read it out for you.

Care to listen?


Father told me that you wrote these

books when you were still in service.

Is that true?

Is this the one, Grandma?

Or is it this one?

Is this the one?

Which one is it, Grandma?

This one?


Is this the one?




Incinerating every

breath of relief from within.

Enduring the grains of exploitation

by taking a bite of it.

Caressing wounds with pain.

Don't you burn and blister

in the darkness of impurity.

Don't you evade the sword,

only to succumb to the flowers.

When you are capable of swimming

against the tides of the ocean

...don't you drown in your

tear of misery and suffer.

The moment you've been waiting for,

is finally here.

Get going!

Bring it over.

I'll read it for you.

Compassion isn't for the imbeciles.

Forgiveness isn't for the unworthy.

You are a weapon that was

created for mass-destruction.

You are the animal growling

in the eye of the hunter.

Become the cleaver in

the hand of a butcher.

Become a roar that will

slit through hearts.

Become the instrument of death.

Death is the ultimate

judgement for the evil.

There you go, Grandma.

Grandma, what is this story called?

Wait! Look over there!

Stop everyone!

Do you want another one, Sir?

- No need, dear.

How long do you plan to make a living out

of performing acrobatics on the streets?

Come along with me.

I'll make you my keep.

Sir! Please let us go.


Before Seena stacks up everyone

in the truck, accept my offer.

Get them inside.

How many are there?

- Four of them, Sir.

Make sure you get more

people the next time.

Sure, Sir. I shall leave.

- Keep moving.

How many are there?

One.. Two.. Three.. Four.

Get more women the next time.

Expecting vile things to happen

to vicious people is foolishness.

In today's world,

it's the sinners who're ruling the roost.


- What?

Take this charity cow along.

Feel free to keep

the calf with you.

Instead of taking me to my mother's

place, why did you bring me here?

My dear cupcake!

They're here to take good care

of you during your pregnancy.

Sir! Keep this wretched

woman as a slave...

Get lost!

Instead, give me some money.

Get her in the vehicle.

No way! I'm not coming.

How could you send me

as a bonded labourer?!

I'm not going.

You drunkard!

It is against Giriayya's principle to

force someone into becoming a labourer.

If you need money,

get your wife to agree.

Accept it!

Look at them buy and sell

humans out in the open, if they're

dealing with livestock.

Looks like there's no man alive to put

an end to Giriayya's atrocities.

Oh no!

Please don't mind my words.

I was cursing the dimwit

men of our village.

You're an outsider.

How could I blame you?

I wonder who'll

finish Giriayya.

Ten years ago, he was a mere supervisor

who hired labourers for construction work.

He hired ruffians and bought

people for change money.

He would send them to coffee estates

and quarries as bonded labourers.

He minted loads of money.

Today, he's a different man altogether.

That savage has bought the law.

Yet, I've never seen the man

bravely wander the streets.

Lingi, go on and sing a

sonnet praising my bravery.

Brother, I beg you.

We are the Children of God.

- Really?

We can't sing sonnets about humans.

The Lord would get upset with us.

Please! Let us go!

I'll kick you right in your guts.

Brother! Please let us go.

Agree to it!

Brother, please let him go.

- Lingi?

Just accept it!

No! Don't do this!

- Get up now!

Come along now!

♪ Who is he, O’ Almighty? ♪

♪ Where did he come

from, O’ Almighty? ♪

♪ He’s the one who

crossed the seven hills ♪

♪ He’s the Almighty, Shiva ♪

♪ Who is he, O’ Almighty? ♪

♪ Where did he come

from, O’ Almighty? ♪

♪ He’s the one who

crossed the seven hills ♪

♪ He’s the Almighty, Shiva ♪

♪ Who is he, O’ Almighty? ♪

♪ Where did he come

from, O’ Almighty? ♪

♪ He’s the one who

crossed the seven hills ♪

♪ He’s the Almighty, Shiva ♪

♪ Bones have turned into

dust, O’ Almighty, ♪

♪ Skin has been scraped to the

bone, O’ Almighty ♪

♪ Nerves have been

slashed, O’ Almighty ♪

♪ Who is he, O’ Almighty? ♪

♪ Where did he come

from, O’ Almighty? ♪

♪ He’s the one who

crossed the seven hills ♪

♪ He’s the Almighty, Shiva ♪

♪ When he opens his eyes, My God ♪

♪ Embers shower

mighty and high ♪

♪ He stares and glares,

the resident of Kailasa ♪

♪ He punches with his

knuckles, My God ♪

♪ He slams with rage and force ♪

♪ The bones have turned into

garlands, O’ Shiva ♪

♪ The stick doesn’t know yet,

for the bruises have formed ♪

♪ For the blood

will not sprinkle ♪

♪ He will keep whamming and ramming,

paying no heed to the enemy’s cries ♪

♪ Until they go into a

frenzy, O' Almighty ♪

♪ Who is he, O’ Almighty? ♪

♪ Where did he come

from, O’ Almighty? ♪

♪ He’s the one who

crossed the seven hills ♪

♪ He’s the Almighty, Shiva ♪

♪ Who is he, O’ Almighty? ♪

♪ Where did he come

from, O’ Almighty? ♪

♪ He’s the one who

crossed the seven hills ♪

♪ He’s the Almighty, Shiva ♪

Brother, please don't harm him.

Let him go!

I fold my hands and beg you.

Spare him!


The power of risking her own life to give

birth to another, lies only with a woman.

Without her...

The world will neither

procreate nor radiate.

The pride with which you claim to be a man,

comes only because of a woman's existence.

Yet, you're out displaying

your machismo to such a woman.

If a woman's silent,

it doesn't mean that she's weak.

Because if she retaliates

just like Goddess Ganga did,

...her force is unstoppable,

even for Lord Shivappa.

Please don't.

Come on now!

Ramaa Madam!

Please! Let him go!

He'll die right here.

Listen to me, Madam!

What do you want me to do

instead of slaughtering

...these scoundrels who

force people into slavery?!

If you want to end this,

kill Giriayya first.

Listen to me, Ramaa Madam!

Madam, before we arrived.

It was he who thrashed them all.

Who are you?

What's your name, girl?


Who is he?

Who is this man?

He refuses to

mingle with others.

He's a lone tusker who

walked out of the herd!

His madness and wrath

are uncontrollable.

He's my father, Vedha.

What's in that sack?

What have you kept this for?

Is this to beat up

someone who troubles you?

No matter who troubles you...

Without giving it a second thought,

feel free to use it against them.

Where to, brother?

- Please drop me by the old tree.

Get in.

Somebody save me!

Don't do this!

I will not spare you!

Get up!

I shall not spare you!

I will kill you!

Sir, there's a power cut.

It might take a while

for the power to return.

Oh God! Sir!

The shop's on fire.

Go and take a look at it!

Okay, sir.

Come on guys!


Who are you?

What did you want?

Looks like you've lost your way.

Speak up.

What do you want?

You want me, huh?

Are you here all alone?



He's dead.

He's finally dead!

The news that you

both killed Rudra...

Has caught the attention

of the entire village.

What a monstrosity

they've committed!

Who did this?

- A girl!

A girl.

He was with her.

- Who was it?

He was..

He was nothing short

of a blistering cannon!

I was scared to blink

worrying that he would kill me.

Those eyes!

The anger burning bright.

The hunt those two carried out...



How can you be so

sure that it was them?

Before that stone turned into a weapon,

I'd already gotten familiar with it.

Without giving it a second thought,

feel free to use it against them.

They should not get past this village.

Your work in this

village is done.

Shirli's next.


Is that Girija Madam?!

Greetings Madam!

Madam, Criminal lawyer Girija is coming.

- Who?

Lawyer Girija is an

undefeated mistress.

Thank you for the introduction.

The undefeated mistress.

Years ago,

I was drowning in failure.

Today, victory stands

guard at my doors.

Madam, the thing is...

- Govindayya.

Okay, Madam.

What did the man lying inside

say, Ramaa?

A lot of questions

remain unanswered.

I will not spare the guilty.

I'll show them what the

Police are capable of.

If they managed to barge into the

Police station and slaughter him...

It's time you learn about them.

I already do.

I also know that you're here

because you already know them.

Vedha... He's my client.

Sorry. He was my client.

But now.. The hunt has begun.

None of you can stop him.

Peace is an illusion.

Violence is the reality.

Not even God can alter their fate.

Because time has

yearned for this war.

Therefore, time stands by this war.


He knows no fear.

He knows not how to forgive.

♪ The sheep we

rear are beautiful ♪

♪ As delicate and

alluring as the flowers ♪

♪ In the shed,

awaits a lamb adorable than them all. ♪

♪ In the shed, awaits a lamb adorable

than them all, Lord Rangayya ♪

♪ There’s inexplicable joy

in playing with the lamb ♪

♪ O’ elder sister,

let us fetch Lord Junjappa ♪

♪ O’ younger sister, come along,

let’s invite him to join us ♪

♪ Hey! Elder sister,

let us fetch Lord Junjappa ♪

♪ O’ younger sister,

let’s invite him to join us ♪

♪ Adorning the Kaasi attire,

donning a head gear ♪

♪ Twirling his moustache in anger,

there lived a heroic Emperor ♪

♪ Celebrated across the country ♪

♪ Come along, hey! ♪

♪ Come along, ho! ♪

♪ O’ elder sister,

let us fetch Lord Junjappa ♪

♪ O’ younger sister,

let’s invite him to join us ♪

♪ Move! ♪

♪ Move your feet! ♪

♪ Move your feet! ♪

♪ Get moving! ♪

♪ Dance on! ♪

♪ Tying up a string

of tiny jasmine ♪

♪ Hoisting curled

jasmine on the top ♪

♪ With a garland of herbs ♪

♪ Decorate the

Maduvaalayya's gathering ♪

♪ Come along, hey! ♪

♪ Come along, ho! ♪

♪ O’ elder sister,

let us fetch Lord Junjappa ♪

♪ O’ younger sister,

let’s invite him to join us ♪

Held captive in a shed,

fastened with iron-like ropes

♪ Atop the ridge of a hillock ♪

♪ He called the bull to break free ♪

♪ Come along sisters, ho! ♪

♪ O’ elder sister,

let us fetch Lord Junjappa ♪

♪ O’ younger sister, come along,

let’s invite him to join us ♪

♪ Ensuring the clouds

don't float towards east ♪

♪ Ensuring the lightning

doesn't strike ♪

♪ Turning it all into smog ♪

♪ The Lord awaits

us by the lake ♪

♪ O’ elder sister,

let us fetch Lord Junjappa ♪

♪ O’ younger sister,

let’s invite him to join us ♪

♪ O’ Goddess Gourasandra

Maaramma, let’s go on ♪

♪ O’ elder sister,

let us fetch Lord Junjappa ♪

♪ O’ younger sister,

let’s invite him to join us ♪

Stop the cart!

- Yeah?

Isn't that Beera?

What's he doing with the keys

to the temple at this hour?

Shouldn't it be with the priest?

What is he doing with it?

Let's go!

Vedha, I highly commend your act.

Every village needs

a commander like you.

You tell us now.

What should we do

with this crook?

Sinners like him

shouldn't be spared.

His head should be shaved and he should

be paraded across the village on a donkey.

What rubbish!

What sin did the donkey commit to

carry the weight of this sinner?

His stealing hands should be chopped off.

- You're right.

Son of a gun!

So, it was you who was looting

from all the villages around, eh?

What is it?!

- Ay!

What's with the attitude?

You couldn't capture

a blockhead like him.

Instead, you chose to accuse my villagers

of stealing and caused a rampage here.

What kind of a mix-breed

wimp must you be?!

Sire here didn't give a damn about

the women or the aged or the kids.

He bossed over us just because

he has power in his hands.

I should've been in the

village on that day.

This village would've been your

place of death in your biography.

Apologise to the entire village.

Why should I?!

All those who have

wronged must apologise.


- Sir, don't confront him.

You don't know him.

You need to live today,

to see another day.

Apologise. Quickly.

Fine then.

I apologize.

Don't dish out your

garbage in front of me.

Fold your damn

hands and bow down!

Sir, just do it.

I wasn't in my senses.

I apologise.

Get lost!

Keep walking! Clearly you woke

up facing the wrong direction.

Go tell your wife

to pray for you!

Get in the jeep!

- Oh no!

Please let him go!

- Oh god!

Please don't take our boy.

- Let him go, Sir.

What wrong did he do?

- What did you get into?

Please don't take him.

You guys have ruined my

granddaughter's life!

How could you get the groom

arrested on the day of his marriage?

His wedding?!

- May you all be destroyed!

You will suffer!

Lady! Why are you

screaming your lungs out?!

He's facing the

consequences of his action!

Did we just ruin a woman's life?

Apparently a woman's curse will

linger on until we're buried.

Considering how we messed up...

It doesn't look like you'll

get married in this lifetime.


- Nope.

None of you will prosper!

- Quit shrieking like a donkey!



Look over there!

Everyone! Look!


- Dear God!

Sankari! Stop!


Stop right there!

Everyone! Behave!

Quit quarrelling!

Let's sit down and sort it out!

No task is big when

discussed patiently.

If someone from my village tied the knots

with your daughter. Would you spare him?

The wives of the crooks

are destined to be widows!

If that girl had married

Beera, the thief.

Her life would be in ruins.

The chief has reigned

the wild donkeys!

What can't Vedha do?

He toils hard in the fields.

Every year, he grows Jasmine

in ten acres of land.

No matter how hard you pry,

you won't find a vice in him.

He is a gem of a person who believes

and lives by the principle of loyalty!

Your girl must be lucky to

have married him. Remember!

The entire village is praising you

while you're standing like a scare crow.

What do you have to say?

Will you take good

care of our daughter?

I.. I.. I will.

- There you go.


A stutterer!

Pushpa, you're doomed!

You've got a stutterer for a husband!

Vedha! I feel like ripping

this oldie's throat apart!

Ay! What's wrong with my boy?!

Fine! When he's angry or nervous,

his speech takes a while to buffer!

That is all. Rest of the times.

He's perfect to go.

What's done is done.

Whether he bickers or stutters,

it can't be undone now.

Do you accept this alliance?

My fate has ruined me! I accept!

Listen everyone,

as per our traditions...

Come to our village.

Complete the rituals and take

your daughter-in-law home.

What's up, Vedha Sir?

Heading in this direction?

Heard you tied the knots.

I'd thought really high of you!

You're a dimwit too!

Hey toothpick!

Why would you say that?

Tell me this, Daya.

Just because a dessert tastes good,

would anyone take up a job at the bakery?

Eventually the smell of the

dessert will make you nauseous!

If it's good,

you take another bite of it.

Why would you start

working at the store?

I hope a mongrel

feeds on your face!

Do you think our brother here is a stray

cow to graze into others' pastures?!

Shut your trap and cut

four tickets to Neerghatta!

Give me the money.

Like I care! Deal with it yourself.

Well well well...

Welcome home, Instant Son-in-law!

What a huge mob you're here with!


- Vedha...

They're putting us in our

place the moment we stepped in.

Whatever happened to him being

the dear son of your village?!

Yet in all glory,

I only see four of you.

The presence of us four is as good

as the entire village being here.


What if you four conk off?!

Does that mean the entire

village has conked off?!

I have a long life ahead.

- Where are you running to?

Quiet now.

All the worms in our stomach died after

we kept them hungry, waiting for you.

Freshen up and hurry!

Have your lunch.

Vedha, let's not do this.

- Shush! Come on.

Sankari. Eat!


- Why?

How do we trust them?

What if they've

poisoned the food?

To hell with your words!

Instead of chanting the God's name at this

age, you're thinking of the Satan.

We're not a vicious clan

that poisons its guests.

I can't trust you.

- Yeah, right!

A stray dog will only

sniff through garbage!

Our family is eating

the same food as yours.

Aren't they humans?

Pipe down and eat!

You eat!

- Sankari.

Why are you ruining our reputation?

Eat your food.

No need. I'll stay hungry.

I still have a long way to live!

- God knows how much longer that is!

Shut up and eat!

Sankari, let's not do this.

Son-in-law, it's your first night.

Rock it!

We'll talk in the morning.

Son-in-law, the snacks are kept

only because it's a custom.

Instead of getting to work,

don't end up snacking on them.

Finally! It's your first night, Vedha!

Go ahead and win it

like a brave warrior!

Are you sending him to war?

- Bonehead!

This is also like a war too.

You think sleeping next to

your wife is a cakewalk?

It's like climbing up and

down two coconut trees.

Sankari, I'm scared.

This chapter can't be taught.

How's that possible?

- That is how it is.

Only if you dive into the

water, can you swim in it.

Our Vedha has never taken a

dip, has he?

That's why he's nervous.

Also, don't you go in front

of your wife and stutter.

Don't let go of a man's pride.

Go on!

Walk in sticking your chest out!

Look at him! Walking in like a

warrior waiting to show his valour!

Where is my darling?

Oh! There she is!

Are you shy?

After all,

you are indeed a woman.

P.. P.. Pushpa.

Why is she giving me the death stare?

What sort of a mendicant

do you think you are?


You harebrained nutter!

Do I look like a pawn

you can play around with?

What the heck! Murderer!

You stood like a

porcelain doll yesterday.

Have the ghosts taken over you?

Just 'cause you found an easy bait, you

thought of doing some funny business, huh?

You nutter case!

- Stop right there!

Cross your limits and...

- And what?

And.. That was it.

And you're supposed be my man.

Should I wash your feet, get you some

water, massage your legs and warm you up?

When did I ask for that?

I've given you a

new lease of life.

Woah! Look at you!

I was begging you at your door,

asking you for a new life, wasn't I?

A husband is like God.

Let me prepare some

delicious offerings then!

Don't come any closer!

I'll break a coconut. Come on now!

Scared out of your wits, eh?

Not really.

I'm Vedha.

Looks like you're

sweating all over.

The windows and doors are

closed, right?

Thought of romancing with me, eh?

Not at all.

- Then?

Thought of seeing you.

- Saw what you came for?


- Get out of here then.

Vedha? Are you done already?

Did you climb and get down

the coconut trees already?

She's a poor girl, Mitku.

One glance of me and she

began to tear up out of fear.

If sister-in-law was crying,

why are you sweating your pants off?

I lost my cool, right? So...

You lost your coconuts!

I saw what a mighty warrior you

turned out to be, through the windows.

Saw it all?

Yes, my boy. We all saw it.

Your warrior-like skills.

You guys did too?!


She's no woman.

She's an mud-eating demon!

The sister of Mahishasura!

If I'd stayed any longer,

I would've lost my head.

Men shouldn't sob like this.

Calm down my son.

- How do I?

If the village finds out about this,

my reputation will go to the dogs.

That is only if we tell someone, right?

You want me to trust you both?

- Yep.

May Lord have mercy!

Heyya Son-in-law!

What is it?!

Heard you were dripping

sweat last night.


- How did it go?!

Did you morons tell...?


- Yes?

Heard you were almost on the

verge of tearing up, last night?

Keep walking old man!

- I didn't tell him anything!

Sankari! How could you?!

Come on dear.

Vedha, sister-in-law's here.

That two-faced witch!

Look at her acting all naive now!

At a very young age,

she lost her parents.

Just like a man would, Pushpa took

up the responsibility of the family.

Hope you take good care

of her in the future.

I.. I.. I will.

Good lord! I finally got my

girl married to this stutterer!

I can't handle this

Cleopatra any more.

I'm dying to bite her neck off!

You stutterer! Listen...


- Yeah?

Can you come in for a moment?

- Why dear?

I'll tell you. Come on.


I've been watching

you since yesterday.

Quit making a public

announcement that he stutters.

Say another word about my husband and

I'll punch in the old guts of yours.

Your husband?!

- Of course!

Once he's tied the knot, whether he's

a duffer or a good man, he's my God.

We'll fight all we

want within four walls.

If a third person tries to meddle with

my life, I'll stab you with a dagger.

Get off and move it!

Move it!


- Huh?

Your wife is capable of thrashing

the wits out of everyone!

Dear Son-in-law?

- 'Dear'?!

Take good care of

my granddaughter.

Of course, we will.

Go on now.

You'll be late for the bus.

Woah! Vedha Sir!

Looks like you've grabbed a sack of ghee-laden Mysuru Pak with both of your hands!

You naughty man!

- Ay! Shut it!


Why are there so many

people on the street?

Slow down and stop.

Stop the bus now!

Get in everyone!

- What is this, Vedha?

How could you marry without

informing any of us?

Are we not your own?

- You're right.

It happened in a rush.

Lord, kindly get in the bus

and continue with your debate.

Shush! What are the

rest of you staring at?

Everyone else, get down!

- Why should they?

Vedha and sister-in-law

should have a special entry.

The rest of you.

Off the bus now.

What are you all waiting for?

Load the bus.

With what?

Gifts for Vedha's wedding.

Make a note.

What?! You want me to?!

Yes. Write it down and

give the list to Daya later.

They've turned public carrier

into a personal gift carrier!

Sister-in-law, are you watching

my brother's reputation?

He's an important man in

all the villages around.


Bushy liquorice,

flowery jasmin'...

Compared to you,

your wifey's more charmin'!

Yeah right!

Like our boy's any less.

Won't sway from his course.

Show affection and he'll

shower you with love.

He's Lord Sri Ramachandra!

Does that make me the

demoness Shurpanaki?!

Woah! Your old birdie's here!


How could you ignore this

maiden for a maid like her?

What does that tell about you?

- Ay!

Quit fanning the fire.

Get lost!

Sister-in-law, a lot of anonymous

letters without stamps would drop in.

My brother's a gentleman!

Neither did he open them,

nor did he read them.

Fine! Take good care of my boy!


Vedha! Take care.

We shall leave now.

Dame, wait by the canal.

I'll come back for you.

Oy! People will be

waiting for Vedha.

Make sure you stop the

bus in every village.

They've turned my bus

into a damn gift carrier!

Make a note!

I mean, make a move!

Driver, don't stop anywhere.

Keep driving!

Take care brother!

I'll shove your good byes up my..


Vedha, I've hidden all the knives

and machete from that devil of yours.

My left eye keeps fluttering.

Let's not to do it today.

- Ay!

Are you a man?!

Go show her!

Show her what?!

- Your valour!

What if she goes bonkers?!

Instead, you drive her crazy!

How about you come inside with me?

Do you wish to see me

under the lamp light?

How about we do this?

Wait by the door maybe?

Am I a dog to you?!

Go in you fiery young man!

Every man should

have a classy gait!

That is what distinguishes him!

Make sure you tie a huge noose

in that crooked nose of hers!

You know how you should walk in?

Walk in sticking your chest out!

Stick it out like this and walk in!

Shall I?

- Go ahead!

Our Vedha is now a man!

Come what may today, I'll deal with it!

Here I come!


I still have a long way to live!

I still have a long way to go.

Sankari! Let me also come!


Listen to me!

Want me to sleep outside, eh?

A proud enchantress!

A flirtatious woman with a sway!

This tender moment is an

exquisite festival of lights

Your heart is indeed beautiful

Pushpa, were you up all night?

It was your first night

together, right?

Wait! Yuck! That's not what I meant.

Well.. Erm.

I mean, it's a new place, right?

You might not have

been able to sleep.


Wake up!

Wake up Vedha!

Look at him hibernating like a bear!

Wake the heck up!

- God!

Did you come to

check if I was alive?

Not at all.

It's not that at all.

Your wife is pretty street smart!

She got her own machete from home!

What's up, Scaredy pants?

Did you get a good night's sleep?

Sister-in-law, are you sweeping?

Didn't see you.

You're unfit to be married.

Why are you sleeping outside again?

No tricks will work on that woman.

Come morning and she

shines like a sunflower.

Come night and she turns

into a touch-me-not plant.

I have no idea how to tame her.

Will fruits drop from a

tree because you scolded it?

Didn't I tell you to

stand your ground?!

I got it, Vedha!

I know it now.

- What do you know?!

How do they tie

down an elephant?

With shackles.

What?! You want him to use shackles

and tie down our sister-in-law?

You bonehead!

Did I tell him to

use actual shackles?

I'm telling you use

shackles made of flowers.

When the hearts unite,

a golden shower will fall.

When a man loses to his wife,

there's immense pleasure in it, my son.


- Yep.

She's going in.

There's a story this

village believes in.

After Goddess Chamundi killed

Mahishasura, the demon.

She shed her violent avatar,

turned peaceful and was meditating.

During that period...

Shirli, a tribal woman

was serving the Goddess.

Impressed by Shirli's devotion, the Goddess

fulfilled her wish of staying back in her village.

Ever since, the village was named Shirli.

The village had a priest named Nanjappa.

Shirli's people loved and prayed both

to the Goddess and their Chief.

The Chief has an eight-year-old daughter

who was developmentally disabled.

Nobody steps into that village

fearing the Goddess' presence.

None of these villagers,

have ever approached the law.

They tie the accused to a sacrificial

pole, light a camphor

...and request the Goddess

to resolve their dispute.

With your permission,

I now place the plea at your feet.

If he has indeed committed the

murder, may this camphor stop burning.

If it is a lie...

Let this camphor burn completely

and may his innocence be proven.

If the camphor burns completely, the accused

is considered innocent and is let go.

However, if the camphor dies in between,

they subject the suspect to a sentence.

Death sentence.

A wrongdoer will never be able

to escape from the Goddess.

Our hunt will now move to Shirli.

The priest of the Goddess...


Bhagya dear...

Enough feeding the cat.

It's late already. Go inside.

Nah! I won't.


What's wrong, Madam?

Where's Bhagya?

- She just went inside.

I can't find her.

Is Bhagya inside?

- No.

Did you look properly?

- She was playing with the cat right here.

I wonder where the child went.

Look over there.

- I'll look in this direction.

Bhagya dear?!

- Bhagya!

Did you see Bhagya?

- Sister, is Bhagya here?


Bhagya dear!



Let's go over there.

Bhagya? Why did you come here?

Who got you here?!

Don't cry dear. I'm here.

Come closer. Don't be scared.

I'm here for you.

You scoundrel!

How dare you touch Bhagya?!

No, wait!

- Come outside!

Come on dear.

- Slow down Malla!

Chief! Madam! Rush here! Now!

Our darling is right here.

- What's wrong, Bhagya?

What happened, dear?

What happened?

This priest was

caressing Bhagya's body.

I saw it with my own eyes.

Don't spare this wretched man!

How dare you!

Stop blabbering nonsense, you dimwit!

You keep quiet, Chief!

Look at that child suffering in silence!

This man was inappropriately

touching her!

What are you even saying?!

I'm a devotee of the Goddess.

Would I commit a heinous

act of touching this child?!

Enough! I've witnessed your

atrocity through my own eyes.

Don't worry priest.

Don't let this imbecile bother you.

Don't we know you?

He would never commit a mistake.

He's a godly man.

Quit blabbering nonsense, Maadevi.

Why the heck would Malla lie?

Pay attention to

whatever he has to say.

Ever since Bhagya was born, he's taken better

care of her than her own parents have.

Are you trying to accuse

me of committing this act?!

We don't doubt you, Sir.

Please don't mistake us.

Who left this child with you?

Exactly! Ask him about it!

How did the child get here?

Doubting me is the same as

doubting the Goddess' greatness.

If I have erred,

let it be decided right away.

Come on now!

Ask the Goddess yourself.

Let's resolve this in the morning.

Take the child and go home.

No way!

This has to resolved now!

How do I face the Goddess with such

a horrendous accusation on my back?!

If I've really erred,

let the Goddess punish me.

Let's go then!

The Goddess will punish the guilty.

Place our plea with the Goddess.

With your permission,

I now place the plea at your feet.

May injustice be destroyed

and let the truth prevail!

If the girl has indeed

been wronged by Nanjappa...

O' mother,

deliver the justice instantly!

Light the camphor.

All these years I religiously lit

the incense sticks and the camphor,

...yet in the end,

you deceived me.

You are nothing but a lie.

Your prowess is a big fat lie!


How dare you call the

Goddess' prowess a lie!


All these years, we considered

you to be the God's reflection.

You wretched man!

Everybody stone this traitor to death!

Stop everyone!

Stop right there!

Everybody burn him right

in front of the Goddess.



Forgive me, Vedha!

If we'd finished you in your

home, it would've been a murder.

Your facade has been

stripped, right in front of

...the very people of Shirli

who made you a God here.

We will now sacrifice you right in front

of the very Goddess you worshipped.

Now, this won't be

considered as a murder.

This is.. Annihilation!

Madam, this is not a murder.

This is a local tradition.

This is the punishment for wrongdoers.

We don't know where those

two people came form.

Two of them?

Yes. Two of them.

They slashed Nanjappa,

right in front of the Goddess.

Didn't any of you stop them?

- We didn't feel like it.

The anger in his eyes and the rage

in her made it seem like the Goddess

...gave them the opportunity to avenge

the sin committed by this sinner!

Madam, if we let them roam around, I

wonder how many more will be slaughtered.

Let there be no doubt.

Their hunt is still not over.

Fine! Come with me.

Sukanya, who's this

attention seeking woman?

We've never seen her all these days.

She's a promiscuous

lady who roams all over.

Settling down and making a life for

herself, isn't her style at all.

Shall we go?

What's up, Grandpa?

Looks like you'll satiate

your desire with your eyes?

Would sniffing the sugar

help you decide the taste?

Ready to go?

- Are we going to hell, Grandpa?

Grandpa? Who do you

think you're talking to?

Fine! Tell me young lad!

What's your rate?

- Fifty bucks!

Fifty bucks will get me two dairy cows.

But you won't get me, will you?

No need then.

Keep walking.

Feel free to milk the cows.


She is gorgeous.

Fine! I'll let the cows go this time.

Come on then.

I'll pay you fifty bucks.

Hundred bucks it is.

- What?!

We can't find clients for a meagre

twenty and she wants a hundred?

Hundred bucks will get

me four cents of land.

Feel free to go and

sleep in your land.

Didn't you quote fifty bucks at first?

My body. My rules.

You're an uncouth woman.

Exactly why I'm on the streets.

If I was pious like you

wanted, I would've been

...a married woman taking

care of her family at home.

Bugger off moron!

- Get lost!

Am I a fool to lose

four cents of land?

Just like you asked,

we'll give you a hundred bucks.

Will you come with us?

I won't.

- I knew it!

We'll give you fifty more bucks.

Will you come?

I won't.

- Why is that?

No matter what you pay me,

I'm not the type who sleeps with two men.

Ay! Who the heck am I?!

I'm the son of this village's chief.

I'm the King who

doesn't wear a crown.

Ay! Kings like you have come

to me and pledged their crowns.

Please consider!

- Get the heck out of here!

Let's go, man.

Convey my regards to your father!

- What?!


Did I my father pledge his crown?


Despite the public prosecutor

Girija trying very hard prove Beera's theft,

it was a futile effort.

Because Lawyer Gunashekara

was a genius who could

...argue in the court and

turn a lie into truth.

Gunashekara turned the case around falsely

accusing Vedha of desiring for Pushpa.

He claimed that Vedha had a

personal vendetta against Beera and

...and got him arrested on

his wedding day for the same.

Thus Beera was freed from the

theft charges and released.

Our inspector is also

involved in this, Vedha.

He didn't follow the procedure while

filing the FIR making it easy for him.

Beera, don't forget the remaining amount.

Ay! Vedha, don't.

We're in a court.


do you fancy the jasmine flower?

Tell your husband.

He'll shower you

with the flowers.

Hey Pushpa!

Let's go home.

- I'm not coming.

I'm your mother's brother.

Just a namesake

relationship won't do.

One needs to honour it.

If you did have it, you wouldn't have

gone stealing on the eve of the wedding.

The law itself has

declared me innocent.

I'm no thief.

Now get on my bike.

Didn't you promise my mother,

your sister, on her death bed?

"Your daughter's my responsibility.

I shall marry her."

Why didn't you keep the promise?

Come with me and I shall marry

you at the Chowdamma temple.

This is no illicit relationship

to let go at my will!

Once a woman's neck has a thread with

three knots around it. It's over.

Whether she's happy or suffering, her

death is destined in her husband's home.

Even if I have to live only on porridge,

I will not leave my husband's side.

Nor will I give up on him.

- Listen, you'll repent marrying him.

Curse all you want.

- Pushpa!

Don't ever step back

in to his village.

My husband is eccentric.

Sankari, give me a beedi.

Nobody here cares for me.

Vedha! Look over there!

Call her out loudly!

Call her name!

P.. Pushpa!

- Damn you!

Stop clucking a damn rooster.

Sing a song for her.

Who can beat you when it comes

to dancing one's heart out?!

Sing a song and make her yours.

You think she'll become mine?

- Of course she will!

♪ Pushpa! Pushpa! ♪

♪ P.. P.. Pushpa! ♪

♪ Pushpa! Pushpa! ♪

♪ P.. P.. Pushpa! ♪

♪ Look here, Pushpa ♪

♪ Say a few words, Pushpa ♪

♪ My dear Pushpa ♪

♪ Hey Pushpa! Pushpa! ♪

♪ My wife Pushpa ♪

♪ When I see you Pushpa ♪

♪ In my heart, Pushpa ♪

♪ Blooms a Pushpa (Flower) ♪

♪ You elucidate the array of

Jasmine out in the world ♪

♪ When in anger, you turn red ♪

♪ You my darling, are gorgeous ♪

♪ Look here, Pushpa ♪

♪ Say a few words, Pushpa ♪

♪ My dear Pushpa ♪

♪ Hey Pushpa! Pushpa! ♪

♪ My wife Pushpa ♪

♪ When I see you Pushpa ♪

♪ In my heart, Pushpa ♪

♪ Blooms a Pushpa (Flower) ♪

♪ The day you entered my life

with your right foot forward ♪

♪ This abode of mine

turned shiny bright ♪

♪ My heart is a tender

flower, look here ♪

♪ For it is now, yours ♪

♪ I chant your name all day

long, Pushpa ♪

♪ Why make excuses any more?

Accept me, Pushpa ♪

♪ If I’m wrong,

you tell me right, Pushpa ♪

♪ I’m not really

unpleasant, am I Pushpa? ♪

♪ Shall I offer my prayers and a break a coconut

for you, in front of the local Goddess? ♪

♪ Whether it was the moment you

stepped in or you become one of us ♪

♪ The fields are now filled

in abundance with Ragi ♪

♪ My honey bunch sugar

pie, Pushpa ♪

♪ She’s the drizzle and dribble

of the precious shower ♪

♪ O’ my, O’ my,

She’s a cracker Pushpa ♪

♪ Make sure you keep

an eye on me, Pushpa ♪

The Lord himself has approved

your husband and your pairing

Where did she go at this hour?

Did she get tired of me,

pack her bags and go back home?

Where do I look for her

at this ungodly hour?

Oy! Who's that savage?!

How dare you light fire in my field?!

Wait! Let me take you task!

Chicken and booze?!

P.. Pushpa!

Come to me! My darling!

My dear husband!

My supreme love!

Pushpa, how could you

leave without telling me?

Ay! Just come here!

Come sit here!

Will you drink some?

- Nope.

Did you get worried that

I ran away from home?

How could I not?

Who are you?

- What in the heck!

I'm your husband, P.. P.. Pushpa..

- I know! Shut up!

Why did you come into my life?

Not once did I dream

about my husband.

Right when I was put into a cradle,

it was decided that I was to marry Beera.

Why are you thinking all this now?


Want some drink?

- No dear.

P.. P.. Pushpa.

I troubled you all the time.

Yet you kept mum.

I threw your bed out,

yet you didn't complain.

As if I was possessed by a spirit,

I threw the damn machete at you.

I uttered so many

unspeakable things to you.

Let it be...

- Ay!

Aren't you my lawfully

wedded husband?!

Shouldn't you have

taken me to task?

You should've said, "Quit being a

dominating witch!" and whacked me!

That is wrong, Pushpa.

One shouldn't raise their

hands against women.

There is nothing manly about it.

God! Calm down!

What a gentleman you are!

Place your hand on

your chest and tell me.

Have you never gotten angry with me?

- Never.

You are a gem of a person.

I don't deserve you!

Come on, Pushpa.

Let it be now.

Ay! Just come here!

You think I'm drunk on toddy

and blabbering nonsense?!


Let me tell you the truth.

I've spilled all the embers burning

in my heart until now in front of you.

You're an extremely good man.

As pure as milk.

Why do you have so

much affection for me?

Do you like me...?

P.. Pushpa.


Holds a machete in

her hand when sober.

Stomps my chest

when she's drunk.

God knows what he's doing with me.

Pushpa! What happened?


You talking to me?

Good lord! Heavens!

The woman's finally in her senses.

Sankari! Anyone?!

Time to unleash my valour in there!

If you leave town,

you don't think we'll find you again?

You think you could go into

hiding and escape from me?

Sir, please don't!

Cowards! You guys left the labourers

behind fearing for your lives!

How dare you go into

hiding, fearing someone?!

He came in blazing like

forest fire and burnt it all!

His roar sent our men

running in all directions.

Do you know what

Giriayya's men should be like?!

Unlike others,

you need to walk the talk!

If someone stands in the way,

you need to bury them right there!

Oh God!

- Silence!

Once I summon someone, everyone

quivers and pipes their heads down.


What are you guys staring at?!

What is it?

- The blazing forest fire.

Who are they?

He'd borrowed money and

had gone absconding.

Our boys looked everywhere and finally

managed to nab the father-daughter duo.

Take them in as labourers and pay me.

Take it. Keep bringing us more.

Get in, girl!

This vehicle will directly

go to Giriayya's den.

This is your only opportunity.

Don't spare him at any cost.

Who are they?!

The Almighty, Shiva!

Oy! Who are these people?

Sit down.

Mr. Braveheart!

Look at the massive chunk of meat!

One glance of him, a poisonous viper

would drink its own poison and kill itself.

You both are nothing.

Sit down quietly.

Sit down, you morons!

Sister, he told you to sit.

Not to slit a coconut.


Who the hell are you?!



Forgive me, Vedha!


What's wrong?

Why did you stop?

What happened after that?


won't you complete the story?

Come on now!

Tell me what happened after that!


Veda, listen to me.

Get out of here and

I'll find them for you.

Let my daughter

Kanaka get out first.

After that,

their hunt shall begin.

What are you reading, Neela?

It's nothing, Grandma.

- Can't wait any more is it?

Give me the book.

I'll read it.


What's wrong?

I've seen a father-daughter

share love and affection.

I've seen them fight in anger.

But I've never seen a father-daughter

duo go to war together.

Every man who stood twirling his

moustache, were slaughtered one by one.

I shall never forget their

anger and fury until I'm alive.

Who were they?

Before Giriayya died,

his last words were -

"Forgive me, Vedha."

You're God-sent, brother.

You've done me a great favour.

Take this.

No need.

May you always keep your cool.

Rathna! Paari!


Pushpa! Let's get going.

- Okay.

If we don't get back home before the sun

sets down, Vedha will throw a tantrum.

Good Lord! Quit panicking.

She's right behind you.

Hey Pushpa!

Any way you're here,

why don't you stay back?

We can start a new

family together.

Oy! You barbaric chimp!

Is this how you talk to others' wives?!


Beera! Is this how you

talk to a married woman?


I very well know that you're holding

your nose and bearing this marriage.

Ay! I'm not in a marriage

that I don't want.

I love him too.

I've built a temple for him

in here and worship him.

Put him in his place!

Our love is now blossoming in

the form of a child in my womb.

Oh my god!

- Really?!

Is this true?

My darling!

How could you hide this from

me, Pushpa?



Sankari, my wife's wailing in pain.

How can you be out here panicking?

Get inside.

I can't do this.

I still have a long life to live.

Being a woman,

how can you be scared?

I can't witness

someone in labour pain.

I can't hear them screaming either.

I feel like I'll end up dying.

I still need to

live a long life.

A long one ahead.

Fearing labour pain,

I never married someone.


- Shush!

Don't tell anyone.

They'll make a mockery out of me.

I still have a long way to go.

You're not the one

to die any soon.

Sankari, will it be a boy or a girl?

It'll be a girl.

Just like how I was with you since you were

a kid, she'll always be there for you too.

She'll be a shoulder

for you to cry on.

Just like how I was there sharing

your emotions, she'll be there too.

May all your words come true.


Sankari's no more!

What?! Sankari's gone?!



Wake up, Sankari!

You kept chanting that

you have a long way to go.

Yet you abandoned me midway and

left, didn't you?

How could you leave

me behind and fool me?

Get up, Sankari!

Wake up!


It's a girl, Vedha!

♪ My darling ♪

♪ My dear one ♪

♪ Listen to this song ♪

♪ It’s a great bequest

to beget a daughter ♪

♪ When the luck strikes,

even a poor father becomes an emperor ♪

♪ A gesture befitting

all three spheres ♪

♪ Hush-hush ♪

♪ Rock-a-bye, O’ Goddess ♪

♪ Hush-hush ♪

♪ Rock-a-bye, O’ Goddess ♪

♪ My darling ♪

♪ My dear one ♪

♪ This is the heart’s song ♪

♪ You are a fragrance

derived from me ♪

♪ A wonder standing in

the form of a daughter ♪

♪ To express love

through words ♪

♪ Is an unknown art to any

father, my child ♪

♪ Your father shall guard

you like the eyelashes ♪

♪ Your father is the kindred

to flow in your blood ♪

♪ My darling ♪

♪ Come climb atop my back ♪

♪ Hush-hush ♪

♪ Rock-a-bye, O’ Goddess ♪

♪ Hush-hush ♪

♪ Rock-a-bye, O’ Goddess ♪

He cheated his own brothers.

Didn't give them their

share in the property.

He gobbled up five acres and is now living

with his wife and child in the farm house.

His wife's Basavi.

She's always desperate

and dying for money.

He has an eight-year-old daughter.

Her name's Poovi.

Since four years, he's lost sense below

his waist and is now a sitting duck.

Since then,

he's never gotten out of his house.

Vedha, don't spare Kalleshi!

Come along now!

He'll be happy to see you!

Look over here.

I thought your relatives were cunning foxes

waiting to gobble our share of wealth.

Only today, did I find out that your

family has such great human beings too.

In Yochihalli, your ancestors

apparently have five acres of land.

They're looking to sell it.

Next Friday, if we head there and

consent to it. They'll give us money.

Who told you this?

- That great human being.

Your relative, Vedha.



Don't feel shy.

Please eat your tummy's fill.

You probably last

ate in the morning.

Today, the society waits to

grab others' belongings.

Yet, you've come

home looking for us.

Look! A stone!

Why do you have a stone with

you, Sister?

When one's out to do something good,

an even number won't serve well.

Odd number is lucky.

So, they've decided to even out the

odds with a stone by their side.

Put it back in their bag, dear.

Both of you stay back tonight.

You can leave first

thing in the morning.


Basavi, where did they go?

They must have left in the morning.

Why would they leave without

doing what they came for?


Basavi, where's my daughter?!

She must be playing outside.

- What?! Poovi!


- Quit screaming!

I'll find her!

Squat your bum and wait!



Did you see my daughter?

No, Madam.

I don't think I saw her around here.

Listen! I don't see her around.

Oh God! No!

I knew this was going to happen!

I knew it!

What are you talking?!

- They won't spare us!

They will kill you and my daughter!

Why will they kill my daughter?!

Do we owe them anything?!

What have we even done to them?!

What has my daughter done to them?

You both haven't done anything.

It's me! I've committed the sin!



Look here! I've got Guava!

Why are you sitting here, mother?!

Father, why are you crying?

Is your hip hurting?

Mother, I like sister a lot!

Also, Uncle is such a good man!

When I told sister that my father

has never carried me on his back,

...she picked me up herself and carried

from the farms till the way home.

Do you hear her?!

Your daughter's addressing him as uncle!


What's wrong, Father?

Why are you crying?!

Mother! What's wrong with Father?

Why is he behaving like that?

Father! Why are you closing the door?



Ask father to open the door!




What did you do?!

Tell us!

Forgive us!

A stone?

Madam, this is them.

The father-daughter duo.

The father-daughter

came in as guests.

They made tall claims about

a share in a property and

...ended up pushing Kalleshi

to burn himself to death.

And that girl?!

Before she left, she kept that stone on

Kalleshi's chest and walked away, Madam!

You're finally here, eh?

She's inside. Careful.

She's not a good woman. Let's go.

Who is it? A customer?

Has that wretched woman sent someone

even after telling her not to?

I'm not in the mood. Find someone else.

I'm talking to you, moron! Get lost!

Who the hell are you?!


What a hapless guy you must be!

The light went off the

moment you stepped in.

I wonder where this useless

woman left the match box.

Even if a bandicoot goes out of

town, he'll never stop digging.

After freeing himself from the

theft case in which Vedha caught

...him red-handed,

Beera is back to showing his true colours.

He went to Puradamma's fair

and has robbed four houses.

Those villagers have

approached the court.

They're asking us to join them.

If we go ahead as witnesses,

that crook will be punished.

What say?

It's all in our imagination.

Until rotten souls who shield

and eat shit for money exist,

...crooks and thieves like

Beera will never be punished.

The Lord sitting up there

will not watch in silence.

Righteousness and Karma

still exists in this world.

It might.

But this is their headache.

Why are we meddling with it?

When our neighbour's office is on

fire and if we sit watching it...

It only means that we took

the side of the culprits.

Well said, Vedha!

We have to punish

that son of a gun!

What say everyone?!

- Yes!

It's decided then.

Wake up early morning and catch the

first bus going towards the court.

What say, Chief?

- Just like you said it.

Instead of minding your business, you're

trying to straighten a dog's crooked tail.

Beera is someone who boils his rice from

a burning house. Why meddle with him?

Heard her, buttercup?

Your mother was

mad for her uncle.

Look at her address him in singular.

Uncle?! To hell with him!

Me and him parted

ways, eons ago.

You're the one following

him like a chimp.

Fine then! Don't lose your cool.

After appearing as witness in the court, I'll pack

our bag of past and throw it in the Ganges, okay??

I'm a fool for trying to

put some sense into you.

It's your fate.

- Fine. Get Kanaka inside.

Let's go.

- Mother...

Is it true that during the initial

days of marriage, you bought a machete

...from your home to ensure that father

never entered the house. Is that true?

Oy! Why are you telling such

false stories to that young child?

False stories?!

I kept mum because

I'm a good man.

Any other man would've knocked on

others' doors to play hide and seek.

Want to play hide and seek, eh?

Don't come near me!

- Try playing! Let me see!

If I pick up the machete...

- Don't you dare.

I've hidden it,

there's no way you'll find it!

Look at you teaming

up with your father.

Let me get my hands on you both.

Stop right there!

- Father, run!

Despite orders from the

court to arrest the culprit,

...the police haven't performed their

duty, your honour.

Why didn't you arrest, Beera?

Your honour, Beera is absconding.

Despite going to his house multiple times to hand

over the summons, he's returned empty-handed.

It's a lie, Madam.

- Listen.

Whatever it is that you want to

tell, come to the witness stand.


Your name?

- Vedha.

Tell me.

- That crook, Beera...

He's roaming around freely.

This man is uttering lies

after failing to nab him.

This is the effect of the bribe

Beera has put in their pockets.

Objection your honour.

He's blabbering nonsense

without any proof to back it.

Mister, we drive away people who

eat shit for money, in a jiffy.


Stick to the matter.

- Apologies.

If I grab Beera and get

him, will you punish me?


Protecting the law isn't

just the Police force's duty.

It requires the public's co-operation too.

Only when two hands join,

does it sound a clap.

Sure, Madam.

Where are you off to?

To sound a clap.

Wait a minute. Let me get Beera.


This is not a village council.

This is a court.

Judgement has to be pronounced

within the stipulated time.

Fine! I get that!

Patience my dear lawyer.

Don't get excited.

You'll struggle to breathe.

Let me get him.

Get up now!


- Dear Lawyer!

What the hell is this?!

- That's our Veda.

One whack and the man broke!


What do you think of the court?

Doesn't your client know that it

is violation to carry a weapon?

How could you manhandle him?

- Madam!

My soul and body are

already in tatters, Madam!

Save me, Madam!

The court directs that the

accused Beera be treated a Government

Hospital for his injuries.

Also, Vedha who inhumanely attacked Beera,

will need to pay a fine of fifty bucks

...and will be imprisoned

for three days.

Let's go.

Fine. Let us go.

Officer, where's my husband?

Quit roasting me by the door.

Get inside.

When God himself has stayed away,

what help can law do?

No matter what I tell you,

you won't stop being a dolt, will you?

Are you the only goddamn

hero in this village?!

Are you here to

see me or scold me?

The hyacinth beans curry

you've got smells damn good!

Don't forget to hand it in.

Don't piss me off now!

Do you even remember that there are

two women waiting for you at home?

Tell me buttercup.

Is your mother losing it because her uncle's

free or is it because she's pissed with me?

Don't start with your nonsense!

Your father's right where

he's supposed to be.

Let's go!

- My curry?!

Vedhanna, your wife's burning

bright without any fire?

She loves me a lot.

Quit fibbing!

- You fool.

When I got her a saree

for the Maaralaami fair,

...she threw it in a corner

claiming that it was washed-out.

Today, she's worn the

same saree to meet me.

What say now?



- Father!

What's up, buttercup?

- I've now learnt to trap fireflies.


I'm glad I thought you how to.

Why did you come back?

Quit wailing for your father.

Just 'cause there's no

elder at home to put you in place,'re playing

it by your rules.

Come home and I'll get

hold of your reigns!

Why are you giggling,

you mashed-radish face!

The saree from the Maaralaami

fair looks great on you, sister.

Did this bugger tell you?

If he chooses an idiot's company, who'll

bear with the stupidity that'll follow?

So, I decided to give him a visit.

There's no love here!

Buttercup, your mum's glowing just

like a fire fly in this saree.

No need for this sweet talk.

Let's go.

- Father, come home soon.

He will. Come along.

- Sure dear.

P.. P.. Pushpa!

What is it?

Just felt like getting

another glance.

Why don't I come in there?

- Wouldn't that be great?

My evil eyes will harm you.

Go home and get rid of it, okay?

I don't get it, brother.

Your wife got you food, yet she turned

her back on you without handing it in?


don't I know the quirks of my lover?

Here, these are father's clothes.

- Okay.

Officer, even if you eat a grain of

this, you'll end up shitting your pants.

I won't eat it.

Also, he loves the

hyacinth bean curry.

Make sure he eats on time, okay?

I'll feed him the morsels myself.

Will that do?

You go now.


Don't forget to give him water.

If need be,

I'll feed him the water myself.

You leave now!

God! This woman!

Don't you dare eat a grain of it.

- Like you would let me.

You'll curse me into

getting a stomach ache!

The amount of love she

has for her husband.

Take care of him, please!

- Fine!

The entire town's heading to Yadatti fair.

Won't you be coming?

My man's still in prison.

I'll go to the temple

and offer prayers again.

At least send Kanaka along.

This one's a prancing pony.

It won't stay in one place.

How will you pay attention

to her during the prayers?

You guys carry on.

- Okay, Pushpa.

Take care.

Kanaka, I'll get you

something from the fair.

Where are you off to now?

Let me catch some fireflies.

Your father taught you this

and I've to bear the brunt.

Get back soon.

- Fine, mother.

This wound couldn't have

happened from a fall.

Looks like somebody hit you.

- No one did.

I really did fall.

What happened?

She's no good woman, Madam.

If only she was minding her business...

- Tch!

Doctor, what happened?

She's been stabbed in the

stomach, twice.

Her life's not in danger.

She would've messed with her

client or asked for more money.

Would've ended in a fight and he

must have escaped after stabbing.

Madam, you think the curse of all the wives

who would've lost their homes spare her?

Children who...

- Govindayya!

What happened?

Don't be afraid.

Who did this?

This isn't only about yesterday's attack.

It all began over eight years ago.


Come on in, Vedha.

I was waiting for you.

Hey Darling!

There he is.

Is our guest here?

Pour some more water.

Useless moron!

If you dispose the body in a

lousy manner like last time

...and make it a meal for

the vultures and dogs,

I'll break you bones

and give them to you.

Pick it up and move!

Kempa! Bring more firewood.

Looks like we have

two more guests.

Wondering about him?

He kept countering me.

I hit him once with the machete.

He conked off.

You don't worry.

I won't be slashing

you both like this.

Something else awaits you.

You've come all the way here to kill him.

What grave crime did

my husband commit?

Fine! I agree.

He was into small-time

robbery and looting long ago.

It was only after he came to my house

to loot, did he develop a bond with me.

All these are age-old tales.

He's no more into

such petty crimes.

We've put our past behind and are now

leading the life of a King and Queen.

Listen, Vedha!

Share your woe with me.

It'll take a while for

the bodies to be burnt.

While the smog from the

burning wood takes over,

...let me listen to your sob

stories and sob along with you.

What did my husband do to you?

I thought you were bringing a

damsel to roll the dices with.

Instead of sending the labourers to the

coffee estate, I came running in this state.

And here I see that you're getting the

job done with local toddy and meat, Beera.

I sent my arch-enemy Vedha to the

prison, instead of me.

Shouldn't we celebrating this festival?!

I've sent Kalleshi to

get us a sexy siren.

Be a little patient, Mr. Hurry!

Beera, couldn't you find anyone

other than that imbecile?!

You might think that

he's an imbecile.

Someone's coming.

I didn't get any ordinary siren.

I've got the most colourful

siren from around.

Come on, darling.

How's she?

Despicable nitwit!

You spoke of one person and

here there are four of them.

What do you think of me?

Why are you screaming

your lungs out for that?

I'll throw you as much

money as you want.

Even if you shower me

with gems and jewels,

I'm not a rotten woman

to sleep with four men.

Ay doll face!

Sex workers who's

acting all pious, eh?

Who's asking you to sleep with us?

We will have you by force.

You cheeky scoundrels!

Do I look like a lamb

to force yourself upon?

If you've got the balls...

If your mother indeed gave birth to

real men, try touching my body.

How dare you curse me?

Come on now!

How dare you hit me!

If a woman's a Goddess, you worship

her, request her to take care of you.

But when a woman's a human being, is she

equivalent to the dust at your feet?!

Speak up!

How dare you touch her

without her permission?!

Shame on your manliness!

I will...

I won't spare you!

You will not get away this.

I will come looking for you!

I will not let you be!

No matter who you are!

You scoundrel Kalleshi!

How could a street rat

trounce us this hard?!

I don't know what

you're going to do.

I need someone! Right away!

So do I, Beera!

I want a woman! At any cost!

I will not spare you!

No matter where you are!

I will find you!

I will not spare you!

I will find her at any cost!


Guys, it's just a kid.

She knows that.

But we don't know that, do we?


- Buttercup!

What's wrong, Vedhanna?

I felt like my daughter

called out for me.

You really love your daughter.

You keep reminiscing

her every other minute.

I'm feeling uneasy inside.

You'll be out in the morning.

Get some peaceful sleep now.

Let me go!

Father! Help!






See for it yourself!


- What happened?!

What's wrong, Daya?

Look what happened!

- Kanaka!

What happened?!

Speak up!

What are you even saying?!

Where the hell were you?!

Wake up!

Wake up now!

My dear, wake up!

Wake up now!

I will not spare any of those mongrels!

If I don't separate their necks of

their bodies and feed the dogs...

Wake up, my daughter!

Get up now!

Tell me who those mongrels were?!

I'm with you. Tell me the truth.

Tell me now!


- Come with me now!

I will not spare any of them.


Wait! Don't go!

Ay Nanjappa!

- Disgusting!

You impotents!

How dare you ruin my

innocent daughter's life?!


Is she your daughter?!

This is what one

calls as sheer luck!

Didn't you humiliate

me in front of others?

Just like how we tore your daughter

apart, we'll pick and eat you up!

I curse you!

I'll make you all spit out

every drop of your mother's milk

...and offer you as game

to Goddess Maariamma!

Give me two minutes, dear.

I will snap their heads

right in front of you!

Come fight me!

You touched my daughter with these

very hands, didn't you?! There you go!

Pushpa! Let him go!

Son of a b***h!

Pushpa! Don't do this!

If you men like you,

who are born out of wedlocks are forgiven.

A lot of women's lives will be ruined.

The hearts of mothers

like me will melt.

You shouldn't live.

Your breath shouldn't brush

anywhere near the bodies of women.

I will pump out your blood

and cleanse my daughter.


Oh God! No!

Hell no!

We killed her!

Beera, Nanjappa, Giriayya!

A tragedy has occurred!

Not only did we

assault the child.

We also killed the mother.

What do we do now?


If somebody finds out!

What do we do?

Beera! The child is still alive!


Stop shouting! Shut up!

I know whom to call now!

Get him here quickly.

Beera, can't believed you

killed your own niece!

Sir! Please!

Do something and save us, Sir!

Don't tell me that you can't do this.

We've committed another mistake.

The four of them..

Together have...

You guys have messed up big time!

The reward will be big too.

Well then...

This will be a trivial

matter to cover up.

P.. P.. Pushpa!


Ay Daya!

Where's my daughter?

K.. K.. Kanaka.

Your honour...

This was not an act done with intention.

This was an accident that

happened due to foolishness.

To tell us about the truth behind the incident,

we have the witness Chowdappa with us.


Explain the complete

truth to the judge.

Don't be afraid.

Pushpa and I are from the same village.

We both had an affair

together, since a long time.

After she got married,

I learnt that Vedha was a hooligan,

...and cut off my

contact with her in fear.

Objection, your honour.

- Have some patience, please.

Give him a chance

to speak the truth.

Objection overruled.

Let the examination continue.

Yesterday, Pushpa invited me home saying

that her husband was behind the bars.

When we were spending time together at

home, this child ended up seeing us.

Even though we requested

her not to tell anyone,

...she began to throw a fit

that she'll tell her father.

Pushpa began to heat

a ladle on the stove,

...trying to scare her that

she would cauterise her.

In a moment of panic, the child picked up the

coconut scraper and bashed Pushpa's nape.

The impact of the

hit was so much that

...Pushpa fell on the stove

and her body caught on fire.

Before I could douse

the fire and save her,

...Pushpa had died from the

impact of her daughter's hit.

Neither the child,

nor I were at fault here.

Madam, you have to save me from Vedha.

Objection your honour.

The defence lawyer is using arguments

to twist the incident entirely.

Pushpa was brutally murdered

and this child was gang-raped.

How could anyone rape a

child as young as her?

Beera and his friends did.

The investigating officer of this

case, Inspector Rudra is here.

Let's hear the truth from him.

Chowdappa's statement is

true, your honour.

I'd personally inspected

the crime scene.

The hit on the nape caused severe bleeding

and the victim had lost her life at home.

In order to ascertain the truth, we need to

conduct a medical examination on the child.

Please go ahead.

Let the investigation continue.

The guilty should be punished.

To have killed her own mother,

the child must be beyond devastated.

The child must have gone

through extreme mental agony.

This child's mistake

was to have been born to

...a characterless mother like Pushpa

and an irresponsible father like Vedha.

Your honour,

I have a request to make.

Until the investigation is over, I request you to allot

judicial custody to the child and protect the law.

After analysing the arguments...

In order to ascertain whether there has

been sexual assault on Kanaka or not,

...a medical examination needs to be

conducted under the police supervision.

Before the next hearing, the court orders

that further evidence be furnished.

The court is adjourned.

♪ The jasmine that never blossomed,

sheds a tears in silence ♪

♪ Is there no retribution for

the hands that nipped the bud ♪

♪ Without stepping

into the temple ♪

♪ Without making it till

the crown of the idol ♪

♪ The pious jasmine has

reached the graveyard ♪

♪ To the barbaric barrage that

was carried out mercilessly ♪

♪ The garden of dreams has now

turned into a garbage dumb ♪

♪ Atop the tree sits the

parrots and its younglings ♪

♪ Could the arrival of an eagle

mean the death of these birds? ♪

♪ Has the world gone blind? ♪

♪ Did the pods of unbloomed

jasmine turn impure? ♪

♪ The unaware pods now

shed tears in silence ♪

♪ The creator wrote the fate of

some with his bloodied hands ♪

♪ Masked as a famished tiger, God wiped

out the smiles hidden amidst the sky ♪

♪ The roots of life

are now charred ♪

♪ Who will now guard them? ♪

♪ The tears in the eyes await

to gallop in full force ♪

♪ Cry and shed tears until the

hiccups of the heart escape ♪

♪ Did the pods of unbloomed

jasmine turn impure? ♪

♪ The unaware pods now

shed tears in silence ♪

After carefully considering the arguments,

It has been ascertained that no

solid evidence has been found confirm that the

child was sexually assaulted.

However, evidence strongly suggests that

the child murdered her own mother, Pushpa.

Therefore, until Kanaka reaches adulthood,

she will serve a sentence in the juvenile prison.

Her father apparently killed two people in front of the

court and is absconding after stabbing a police officer.


Is that all?

You're raking up a decade old matter and are here

with your mature daughter to avenge your past.

What kind of an

irresponsible father are you?

Couldn't you have found a fool

for her and married her off?

Don't we wash a day-old plate and

eat food in it again the next day?

This is exactly the same.

Lust has no eyes.

Listen to me.

A couple of decades from today,

the world will get worse.

Every day,

every hour and every minute,

...someone or the other will

keep sexually assaulting a woman.

Does that mean every girl should stand

up with a machete and seek blood?

A woman should be careful.

What say?!


This woman here...

Is a disgrace to the race of women.

Don't spare her.

Finish her.

Slash her down!

Okay, father.

You think you'll slash me?!

If a woman is touched

without her permission,

...every woman out there will

wield a machete and slaughter you.

Isn't that true?

If he isn't afraid to touch you,

why are you scared to slash him?

Pick up a machete and hack them.


Ramaa Madam! He'll kill them.

Let's stop him.


Forgive me, Vedha.

I made a mistake.

Forgive me, Vedha.

You want forgivance?

When a daughter is born...

A father believes that Goddess

Lakshmi herself has come home.

He cradles the daughter on his

chest and showers her with love.

Yet, men like you lie

down on her forcefully...

Should I forgive you for that?!

When you sexually assault a

woman, the law

...let's you go after punishing

you for ten to fifteen years.

What about the girl?

What about her family?

Without having done anything wrong,

they'll go through living hell.

Is there forgivance for that?!

To satiate your desires, you destroy

a woman's dreams of a good life.

Can that be forgiven?!

Regretting for having been born as a woman,

they spend their life in agony and cursing men.

Can that be forgiven?

Do you think a woman's a

goddamn sandalwood billet to

...smear yourself with or burn

it according to your fancy?!

This isn't only about

ruining a woman's honour...

Even if you stare at a

woman with ill-intentions,

...your head and your lineage

will roll from my blows!


Are you wondering why I never

arrested you all this while?!

The day I met Lawyer

Girija, I learnt your truth.

As a police officer, arresting you

and imprisoning you wasn't a big deal.

But when I think of this as a woman...

My conscience didn't let me.


I waited for your

daughter to finish them.

Now that you're done, shouldn't your

hardened heart be free and dance in joy?

Shouldn't your stone-like

heart melt into a flower?

Shouldn't a tear should

roll down your eyes, Kanaka?

Why isn't that happening?

Because you're not aware

of the truth that I know.

Bring her down.

Tell them what happened, Paari.

I won't spare you!

I will come looking for you.

I won't spare you!

No matter where you are!

I got worried that those beasts

would come back to get me.

I decided to hide in

the sugarcane field.

Even after a while, nobody came for me.

When I came out to check

why they went silent.

Let me go!

You wicked brutes!

How could you do this to a child?!

Vedha, it didn't end here.

What followed next

was even more gory.

Bring him here.

Standing by your side,

this rascal deceived you.

Whenever Paari tried to reach

you, he kept stopping her.

He even tried to kill

her, but wasn't able to.

If you both make it alive,

Paari would've revealed his true colours.

He informed Beera about your

coming to ensure that he kills you.

Tell them what happened!


Aye! Stop right there!

Run guys!

How could you do this to a

child, you scoundrels!


Those rascals raped our Kanaka!

Kanaka, wake up!


You impotent mongrel!

She's just a child!

You wouldn't even spare a dog if

it was covered in a saree, would you?!

The one who doesn't treat

a woman as his sister or

...a daughter,

and tries to violate her is no man!

He's called a pervert!

I will not...

Forgive me, Vedha.

When I saw them both on that day...

For the first time, I felt upholding humanity

was more important than performing my duty.

Ten-year-old Kanaka lost her

mother right in front of her eyes.

She was separated from her father.

She suffered the punishment

for no mistake of hers.

She spent her entire

childhood in prison.

But she was never afraid.

When she was released,

she didn't forgive them either.

They raped my daughter!

You guys will suffer!

You will be ruined!

Don't fear.

Don't forgive.

Where can we find them?