Vazante (2017) - full transcript

Vazante, the first solo flight of the award winning director, Daniela Thomas, explores the vicissitudes of the race and gender relations on the violent margins of Colonial Brazil. Black, white, native and newcomers from Africa suffer from the ills arising from the inability to communicate in an area devastated from the predatory exploitation of diamonds in the early nineteenth century.

Diamantina Mountains, Minas, 1821.

Push, push.

Push, push.

Push, push.

Push, push, missus.

Push, push, missus.

Push, push.

Push, push.

So sad, Missus Zizinha. So sad.

What'll become of my mistress?

What, dear Lord?

Manuel! Manuel!

Bring me the linen chest!

Open it.

Damn it. Hell.


Damn it, damn it, damn it.


Joana gets it clean, Master Antonio.

She rubs it on stone, bleaches it

in the sun. The stains will be gone.

No. it must be clean and white

when we get there.

- We'll wash it.

- Sire?

Call the best ones.

André, Benguela, Sebastião.

Whoever won't destroy my son's gowns.

Move it, man!


What's this?

Missus Zizinha! Ma'am!

Get away! I want to go to the veranda.

Away! Naninha, my child!

I'm so happy you're back!

Naninha suffered so waiting for you,

Mr. Antonio.

Go fetch her, Joana.

- She ain't here no more, ma'am.

- Go call her, nigra.

Call her, Joana.

Naninha's gone.

She passed, Manuel.

She and the baby died.

What are you saying, Joana?

Come on in, ma'am. Come, come on in.

Morning, sire. Morning, ma'am.

Where is my mother?

And your master Antonio?

Praised be our Lord, Jesus Christ.

How's my dear mother doing today?

Just as God is served.

How have you been, Mother? Calm?

Very calm.

Your blessing, Grandma.

You, who are you?

Maria Joaquina, Missus Zizinha.

Your granddaughter.


We came to speak to your master, Antonio.

Can you call him?

He ain't here no more, sire.

But he only arrived yesterday.

He did, sire, but he's gone already.

But I saw his trunks in the storehouse...

and the blacks from his caravan.

Did he go alone?

Did he say when he'd be back?

No, sire.

Sire Bartholomeu, Sire Bartholomeu!

What is it, Porfírio?

It's down at the cabins, sire.

Some of the new blacks

stole some mules and ran away.

And the ones in the yard

are getting rowdy, pestering Manuel.

But... what about your master, Antonio?

He ain't come back to the farm no more.


I don't know what you're saying.

I don't know.

My master's coming. My master's coming.


The white man is coming.

What's he saying?

I don't understand you, negro.

Dear Lord. What's that African saying?

I don't know, sir.

It ain't Bantu. I don't know.

Tell him I'm not his master.

His master isn't here.

- Tell him, Manuel.

- Your master ain't here.

- Tell him, Manuel.

- Your master ain't here.

Dear Lord.

Dear Lord.

Where is their master?


Do you see yourself deep in the woods,

fighting off Indians?

Are you out of your mind?

For God's sake.

Do you want to make me a widow?

How else will I support all of you?

What will you eat? What will you sell?

There are no more diamonds, Ondina.

They're all gone. Gone.

I'll take the drover's wares

to the buyers. That's all.

Manuel has done that before.

The caravan can't travel

without a white man.

That's not your problem.

Bartholomeu, let's go to Serro.

Let's leave this cursed farm, this hell.

You want to be a beggar in Serro?

Isaías, you can head to the main house.

God be with you, my child.

Take good care of your mother and sister.

And pray that I may return soon and safe.


Father... take me with you!

I want to go with you.

Not today, my child. God be with you.

- Manuel. Manuel.

- Sire?

Let's stop a bit.

We'll stop here.

Get the guns, get the guns!

Don't shoot!

Don't shoot!

Unchain them!

Unchain them!

The keys, Manuel!

The keys, Manuel!


The keys, Manuel!

Master Antonio, good afternoon.

Good afternoon.


This is the freedman, Jeremias.

At your service, sire.

Is this the planter, Porfírio?

That's him.

Sire, if you allow me...

it's good land you have here.

Not just dry dirt and gravel.

I see.

There's thick bush... good musty soil.

Good soil... but useless.

It might as well be a desert.

Sire, if you allow me...

Nothing grows around here. Nothing.

The only thing the blacks on this farm

know is mining gems. Nothing else.

I don't mean to brag, Mr. Antonio.

But I can change all of this.

And it won't take long.

What's your name again?


I've never found beauty in written words.

God forgive me, but not even in His words.

All these tiny letters,

these little ants...

I saw some beautiful books

in the big house. From your father's time.

It started me thinking.

Now that it's been a month

since Naninha's death...

shouldn't you get a part of the things

that were hers?

No, Ondina.

We have to accept our lot, my wife.

It is your right, Bartholomeu.

I know it is.

My Ondina.

It all went into Naninha's dowry.

All of it.

My father handed over the farm

and everything in it to the drover.

I know. I know. Believe me, I do.

But Naninha died.

You're the only surviving brother.

Just accept it, Ondina.

Accept it.

And be grateful to Antonio

for not claiming the slaves,

the mules, the cargo I lost.

I owe him.

He owes me nothing.

And I thank him every day

for not taking my life as payment.

Or this house, or my family.

Resign yourself, Ondina.

And thank God we are still here.


Forgive me, but I won't die here.

And I will get

your unlucky daughters out of here.


That's it. On the other end too.

Pile up the branches.

Ain't that fire a beauty?


Beautiful fire, ain't it?

- It's not too much?

- No.

We dug around it so the fire don't spread.

Green grass will spring from the ashes.

Fire stirs up the womb of the earth.

What is it?

Oh, my sweet Jesus. it's the drover.

Maria Joaquina, get away from the window.

I'm honored by your unexpected visit,

Mr. Antonio.

Please forgive the humbleness

of our house.

Do come in, please.

Would you care for some liquor?

This is from my father's time.

He always sang its praises.

I hope it pleases you.


Is something the matter, Mr. Antonio?

I don't know. Maybe my shoes.

Or maybe I didn't bring them.

I don't know.

But that's not possible.

It's better this way. Shoes pinch my feet.


When I find the shoes,

I'll have them sent to your house.

No later than today, for sure.

I never wear shoes.Thank you for the meal.

Good day.

What was that about?

I don't know.

Good afternoon, Mr. Antonio.

Just a little discipline.

The miners are finding it hard to adjust.

Can you believe it?

There are chains in the cellar.

Yes, sire. I'll send for them.

Go on. Go on. That's it.


Father, it's the drover. He's at the door.

You devil!



Stop it! Stop it!



Father! Stop it!


Stop it!

Stop it!

Bastiana, get the banana cream

and take it upstairs.

- Where do I put it?

- Over there.


I must tell you something

that pains me to say.

But I have to tell you.

Your wife, my Beatriz,

has not yet had her menses.

Good night, missus.

Good morning, sire.

Good morning, Grandmother.


You may come to the table, Mrs. Beatriz.



Call Porfírio, Sebastião and Jeremias.

We'll take corn and sugarcane

across the river.

If you, sire, can bring some

coffee seedlings, some beans.

They grow good in virgin soil.

Prepare the land. Choose and fence

some pasture for the cattle I'll bring.

Yes, sire.

- Porfírio.

- Yes, master.

You and Joana are in charge of the house.

Make sure that Mrs. Zizinha

and my wife have all they need.

- Don't worry, sire.

- Get my gun.

- What did he say?

- I don't know. it's not Bantu.

Forgive me, sir.

This imbecile needs to be broken.

He's capable and strong,

but he doesn't know his place.

I'll break him.

He'll be chained.

God be with you. Have a safe journey.

Drink it.

Do you speak his language, Mother?

A little.

This is a very brave man.

But to the devils here,

his bravery is of no use.


Come. Come, Virgilio!






Let's go.

How can you leave the girl

looking like this?

She's the lady of the house,

for God's sake.

Where on earth is Mr. Antonio?

What kind of man leaves his wife alone,

just wed?

What will become of this girl, dear Lord?

Look how beautiful, my dear.

The dishes from my wedding to your father.



tell them to load the chest on the cart.

Mrs. Zizinha, may God be with you.

Maria Joaquina, Francisca.

Beatriz, my daughter.

Now you own all this.

All of it.

God bless you.

When we are settled in Serro,

we'll send you news.

God be with you, Mother.

It's just like I taught you.

It's just like I taught you.

Get the stick. Dig. Twirl.

Dig. Twirl.

You do it now.

You with the stick. Go on.

Dig. Twirl.

Do it now!

Children, the porridge!

It is the opposite of mining, you see?

Instead of diggin' to find,

you dig to hide!

It's just like I taught you.


You, devil!

Mother! Mother!


Out, Virgilio.

Out! Get up! Get out!

The bastard didn't give in.

He must be laughing at me from hell.

Get out, Jeremias.

Go home.

You wretched Africans!

Watch out, Feliciana.

No one dies here if I don't say so.

Go home.

No one dies here if I don't say so!




I had never seen a dead man before.

I have. Many deaths here.

I got scared.

Don't be.

I'll take care of you.



Madness! Madman!


- My God!

- Man! Man!

That's your boss' wife.

Let them go!

Let them go!


Let them go, Jeremias!

Let them go!



Jeremias ain't on the farm no more.

I don't know if he'll come back.

Let's get some sleep, folks.

There's work to do in the morning.

He ain't coming back.

He's a coward.

He hurt the missus, man.


Master Antonio can't know about this.

He'll kill us.

Be quiet. I know.


I think I'm bleeding.

And it's all growing without the planter?

Yes, sir.

The blacks from Benguela

are all farming blacks.

They know how to plant.

I see.

And he left without saying

where he was headed? Left without his pay?

He was drunk.

Very, very drunk, Mr. Antonio.

You killed him, Porfírio.

No, sire. We don't kill no one.

God forgive me.

You killed him.


Good day.

Good day.

For Mrs. Beatriz.

I thought you might like it.

Thank you, sire.

Perhaps it no longer interests you.


Mother, wake up.

Get out before the missus wakes up.

Good morning, Grandmother.

Good morning, sire.

Don't be afraid.

Good morning.


It's nothing.

It's nothing. Nothing at all.

Go on milking, Feliciana.

So, get the strongest ones for us to take.

Leave a bull and three cows here.

We'll take the rest.

Yes, sire.

It's just for a few days.

We'll go to Serro to drop off the cattle

and come right back with provisions.

We don't even have salt in this house.

I will never leave this house again,


I won't leave it. I won't.

I won't.

Joana! Bring the liquor from Goyaz.

I'm going to drink till I drop.




Careful, Virgilio.

You'll spill all the milk!

Sorry, Missus Joana. it's hard to carry.

Can I have a cup of water?

Think you're a little master now?

Go get water from the stream!

Please, Joana.


Get out of here, Virgilio.


And send someone else to

bring the milk next time.

Don't you come back here no more.

Not there.

Not there either.


Now I see two.

There's still one more!


A little further. Good.

There is still one in the front

that isn't right.

One... two.

Are you well? Do you need help?

I'll get another needle.

This one's broken.

Ask Joana, Beatriz.

I can do it, Antonio.



Yes, sire.

See what your lady needs.

I'll call Master Antonio.

No, Joana. Stay here.



Yes, sire.

Don't you kill this child.

Don't you kill this woman.

Yes, sire.

- Do you hear me, nigra?

- I do, sire.

Go get Feliciana, go.

Wait, come back here.

Send for her.

Beatriz, keep calm.

The one who knows is on her way.


Domingas has gone to fetch her, sire.

Tell Porfírio to call me when it's born.

After it's born.

But where, sire?

Feliciana's coming.

You wretch! Get out of this house!

Get out of here! Get out!

Where's the little nigger?

Where's that bastard?

Where is he?


Don't kill him. No!

No one gets near them!

No one touches them but the vultures!