Vaxxed II: The People's Truth (2019) - full transcript
An exploration into a possible link between various vaccinations and illness, injury, and death.
The People's Truth
Actor Robert de Niro
has reversed course
in a highly controversial
documentary film.
His prestigious
Tribeca Film Festival
will no longer feature
a film called Vaxxed.
De Niro initially defended the decision
to screen the film at Tribeca.
But after mounting pressure
over the weekend,
the decision was made
to cancel the screening.
I have nothing but respect for
Robert De Niro and Tribeca.
I can't imagine what type
of pressure came down
that would make them pull a movie
that they were obviously
behind in the beginning.
If Vaxxed would had been
quietly screened at Tribeca
and been summarily ignored,
I don't know what would've happened,
but instead news outlets
were covering the fact
that Robert De Niro
himself had pulled Vaxxed
from the Tribeca Film Festival.
That was a bad moment.
That was a really, really bad moment.
Working on Vaxxed was
extremely stressful.
It was interviewing lots of
parents and hearing their stories.
So, when we heard that
we got into Tribeca,
I was so excited
on behalf of them and us
that our stories finally would
be heard around the world.
When we got pulled from Tribeca,
it was just like
a massive punch in the gut.
The parents yet again have no voice.
Those were the worst
three days of my life until...
until early the following week.
There was a bit of controversy.
Some headlines at the beginning
of this year's festival,
when it was announced
that this film called
Vaxxed would be screened.
All I wanted was the
movie to be seen.
People can make their own judgement,
but you must see it.
With this controversy, probably
more people will see this movie.
Yeah, as they should,
as they should.
It was an extraordinary moment and
it really brings home
how censorship works
or doesn't work for the other side.
They've never confronted
anything like this before.
They'd never had to deal
with a film like this,
and they censored it and the
censorship caused it to explode.
Everybody is now wondering
about this movie
that nobody wants you to see.
Everybody learned about Vaxxed
and everybody wanted to see Vaxxed.
We get a call from
Angelika Film Center
that said, "We want to screen
your film this Friday."
We're like, "This Friday? We...
We weren't even screening at Tribeca
till, like, three weeks from now.
Can we at least go with
the same screening date
that we're planning on for Tribeca?"
And they said, "No,
you're the biggest social
media story in the world today.
We don't know how long
that's gonna last
and that's why we're offering
you this opportunity."
We've got no money,
we've got no posters,
we've got no publicity,
we've got nothing,
but we've been given
three days to decide
whether we want to take the
Angelika Theatre in New York.
We said, "Yes."
5:45, Vaxxed.
cease the production
of a single vaccine,
giving parents no option.
The experience at the
Angelika was astonishing.
People came in their hundreds
and hundreds of hundreds
and packed that
theater out for weeks.
When the Angelika
theater picked it up,
the theaters were packed.
People couldn't stop talking about it
and the amount of notoriety,
this was a real game-changer.
The reception for the
film was astonishing
and it just caught fire
from that point forward.
From that moment on,
we were on tour.
Flying from one venue to another,
Stories are coming from
the people of America.
...premieres in each city.
What was obvious very,
very, very early on,
with the amount of parents
that have watched Vaxxed
and then, afterwards, wanted to
come up and tell their story.
They'd say,
"I identified with your story,"
and they wanted to say,
"This happened to me. "
And the line for these parents
with their stories got bigger,
and bigger, and bigger, and bigger.
So I said to Andy and Del,
"You do the whistleblower
and answer the questions
on the science side
and how you made the film
and I'll take
the parents' stories. "
There wasn't enough hours in the
day to be able to get these stories.
It was obvious that we
had a way bigger problem
than we ever anticipated.
Thank God for Periscope.
Periscope. The most
amazing thing that happened
as we traveled around was Periscope,
because what it meant was
the world could join in.
As long as there's a hashtag,
and for this it was #Vaxxed,
people from all over the
world could find that hashtag.
They can press a button that said
they wanted to follow it every day.
And that's what happened.
We knew that there were all
these vaccine-injured families
like myself and so many other people
that hardly ever get
to get out of their homes.
So we knew that there was a
real solid group of people
that would be very
interested in this movement,
allowing people to feel like
they were there at the event.
Our community grew and
grew and grew and grew
because of Periscope.
It provided the opportunity
for people to be there.
We were live, live to the world.
While we were hearing the story,
the world was hearing the story,
and that encouraged
everybody to have hope
and to keep going and
to tell their story.
We were exhausted.
I mean, it just didn't stop.
We were on planes every other day
going to a new theater, a new city.
I remember Polly was
sitting there and she said,
"We need a bus. "
Getting a bus of some kind
to travel on the ground.
To be with the people on the ground
was the way to go forward,
because we were missing
so many stories and
so much time wasted
just sitting in airports.
In usual Polly form,
I think it was like 14 hours later,
she was like, "I found a bus. "
Vaxxed has just bought
- an RV.
- Woo-hoo!
You know, we were sitting
there and she was like,
"If we painted Vaxxed
on the side of it,
everywhere we went,
there would be a billboard
that the world would
see about our film.
Since no one will advertise,
no one will give us any advertising,
let's get a bus. "
The Vaxxed van,
the Vaxxed RV is coming.
Once I went live on
Periscope and said
"We're gonna get this bus,"
Del called me,
"You haven't checked it.
Did you check it out?"
"Polly, did a mechanic go through
it before you bought it?"
I was like, "No, I just, you know.
I just bought a bus. "
You know, it's kind of
the way it all had to be.
The main thing that mattered
was it had a good engine
and it only had 10,000 miles on it.
And at this point, remember,
we're only thinking
of just traveling around
and getting a few stories.
We're never gonna do the big
nationwide tour that we have now done.
We're really grateful to you guys.
Well, we're grateful for
what y'all are doing.
I'm a mother and a grandmother
and I know somebody
that this affected.
I watched it happen
with my own two eyes.
She was a perfect,
normal little girl
and the next day,
a totally different child.
We need to hear these stories,
that's what we're doing.
I wanna hear from every person.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
The Vaxxed bus is arriving.
Billy is about to sign
the back of the bus.
Every single child,
every person in America
who has been injured by a
vaccine in any shape or form,
whatever vaccine it is,
should sign this bus.
Thank you, I've done that.
So one of the most interesting people
that we worked with on the bus,
in fact,
this person worked with
me from the beginning
right to the end was Anu.
Anu came to us,
but when he came to us,
he didn't really believe
that vaccines were the
problem that we were seeing.
I hadn't seen Vaxxed,
the movie, yet.
The first thing that I
really said to the team was,
"Listen, I understand what's
going on with this film
and the MMR vaccine and its
possible link to regressive autism.
But I'm not sure if I'm
completely on board with you
with this idea that vaccines
cause other damage. "
When we set out on the
road to record stories,
I think in the back
of my mind I thought
I was gonna get thousands
of autism MMR stories.
And it wasn't long, day two,
that we hit our first big
eye-opening experience,
which is Hannah Robinson.
Yeah, I had all three Gardasil shots.
I was... on Christmas day, I woke up
and I threw up every 30
minutes for an entire day.
And I never knew why
until looking back.
And she kept complaining with
her neck hurting severely
and at school,
she would be texting me
that her heart was racing,
and when she climbed
the stairs at school
that she was like out of breath.
After I started getting
sick and really...
we really started pressing them,
"We need to figure out
what's wrong, "
they pretty much told us,
"Do not come back. " longer a patient...
we can't see you anymore...
find another doctor...
She single-handedly changed
the mindset of the whole crew
because she could talk,
unlike Billie who can't
explain his injuries.
She went through exactly
what happened to her.
Step-by-step, what happened to her?
It started clicking in my brain,
wait a minute,
there's something really wrong here.
So here we had in front
of us a young girl,
a beautiful,
young girl in a wheelchair
talking about how she had
this Gardasil HPV vaccine.
And the images of her
really affected all of us.
Her story really did change
a lot of our mindsets.
By the end of that story,
I was like,
"Oh my God. I really don't
know what's going on.
There's something more to this. "
At that point, going forward,
we were in for way more
than we bargained for.
We were about to have an education
that you just couldn't buy.
When we started out on tour,
we were full of ideas.
We're gonna have these
lovely chairs and tables
and when we get an interview,
we just sit outside the bus.
But what happened very, very quickly
is the lines got bigger
and bigger and bigger
and noise of people
coming to see the bus
wanting to tell their story,
and so we moved everything inside.
And that became the iconic place
for the stories to be told.
Every day in our life was a party.
Every single day,
they were holding hands,
and smiling, and laughing,
and looking at each other,
engaging in each other,
and we brought them in
at nine months and four days to do...
We were doing one vaccine at a time.
On June 25th, 2007, we brought
them in for the pneumococcal shot.
- So just that shot...
- One shot.
My daughter still has the
mark on her leg from the shot.
She was the first one to get it,
and she screamed
and never really stopped
screaming after that.
But we continued... we didn't know.
We did the boys as well.
By noon, Claire shut completely off.
- Claire.
- Claire.
Our daughter shut out first.
It was as if she was blind and deaf
and complete failure to thrive.
From super, super happy,
smiley girl to...
This is a picture of her.
She had full-blown eye contact.
She was super lovely
and she shut right down,
and all she did at that moment
was stare at the ceiling fan.
So that was at noon.
We had the shot at 10:00 a.m.
2:00 o'clock,
we watch Richie shut off.
All his raspberry blowing
and "mama, dada, "
and the furniture
walking and everything,
just... they just shut off,
all the giggles, all the smiles.
Again, failure to thrive.
They lost all their reflexes.
I'm an educational audiologist.
I actually did the test
for the stapedial reflex,
which is a little
muscle in the middle ear,
just to see if a muscle
they can't control
was still working and it didn't.
The stapedial reflex dampens sound,
so your ears don't hurt
from a really loud sound
and both of them had
no stapedial reflex.
They stopped blinking,
stop yawning,
stopped coughing,
stopped sneezing.
You could go towards their eyes
and they wouldn't even faze.
Nothing would faze them.
They lost their startle reflex.
I threw a telephone book on the
floor behind them and no startle.
Nobody even looked
to see what it was.
But, so, that was 2 o'clock.
We watched Richie shut down,
and I couldn't breathe.
But... here we go.
The worst was when we saw
the final one shut down.
Robbie, he looked like
he was hit by a bus.
Robbie, from that moment on,
had a stunned look on his face.
If you asked or said his name,
he still acted deaf
and acted like he couldn't hear.
Although they did have normal
hearing, I had it all tested.
But he lost his happiness.
This is a first, first year picture.
- First birthday.
- Three months after the shot.
Three months after the shot.
They were no longer engaged
in anything or anyone.
They lost their smiles.
They... they just were...
in their own little separate worlds.
They never held hands again.
They never looked
at each other again.
(indistinct chatter)
My name is Niko Lahood,
I'm a daddy, I'm a husband,
I'm a former District Attorney
of Bayer County,
and I'm a current private lawyer.
The vaccine issue
wasn't an issue with us.
Davi, my wife, was from Mexico,
so vaccines had the perception
of doing something good.
And for me, I just...
you don't question a doctor.
And so our first two children
followed the schedule,
and so Mia was no different.
We were excited to
have our first child.
She was vaccinated on day one.
Around her six-month vaccines,
she got...
she was following the schedule
and her body broke
out in these hives.
I mean, it was... it was just...
it was very alarming.
First-time parents,
we were scared out of our mind.
We go to the doctor
and nobody told us
it even could potentially
be vaccines.
We had no wisdom to ask
to look at the insert.
What was told to us, actually,
and I can't even
believe I'm saying this,
was that Mia was allergic...
hear me...
to Davi's breast milk.
And nobody gave us a medical reason.
Nobody gave us a medical explanation
why our daughter broke out in hives
immediately after a six month vaccine.
(singing in foreign language)
Michael's characteristics
were awesome
and we had a video and picture
of him making eye contact.
He was responding to his name,
smiling, pretending to read.
You could keep his attention.
He was goo-goo gagaing.
Davi said it, I think,
best when she said,
"Man, this kid won't be quiet.
I mean, he's gonna talk.
He's gonna be...
he's gonna be a vocal kid. "
The irony of that statement
is he is nonverbal.
I've never had a conversation
with my nine-year-old son.
I will tell you for sure
that he was not born
on the spectrum of autism.
He was engaging.
He was responding.
He was meeting his milestones
until... until the
16-month to 18-month round
of that MMR, big dose of vaccines.
In a negative way, we're
trained not to ask questions,
not to be litigators
for our children.
That's what I do for a living.
I fight for people.
I'm a legal bodyguard,
and I had to deal
with this for years,
that I was not a good
lawyer for my son.
Every lawyer in America
should be going absolutely
apeshit over this issue.
Think about what I'm gonna tell you.
No double-blind placebo study,
meaning no safety studies.
A crapload of injuries,
no accountability.
What lawyer would be okay with that?
Even if you don't believe
the claim that vaccines
could be causing
these injuries to our children,
you can't be happy with that system,
you can't.
You know, I'm the one
that looks at my son
and I can see him when
he's having his meltdowns.
I can see him trapped
in the prism of autism.
I can see him screaming
and yelling at me
and like saying, like, "Pop,
how do I get out of here?
What do I do to get out of here?
I didn't do anything to get in here.
Can you help me get out of here? "
I'm the one... we're the ones
that has to deal with that,
and the one thing
I will not tell my son
is that, "I'm too much of a
chicken shit to tell your story.
That I promise you.
That I'm too scared to
tell your story, Michael.
Since you can't talk for yourself,
since someone's greed and deception
took away your ability
to tell your story,
I'm gonna tell your story. "
(singing in foreign language)
Te amo! Te amo!
My son was healthy at birth.
He was healthy.
So, at 18 months,
he had already had his measles,
mumps, rubella vaccine,
at which point the
damage became so apparent
that Zachy just
completely disappeared.
He just left,
and we were left with this shell
that we're still dealing with.
He had such a horrible bout
of falls from the seizures
that we would go... we were going
to the emergency room so often,
the doctor gave my husband a stapler
and a staple remover
to do it at home.
I mean, is that... is that
better than a week of measles?
My son would have
been a football player
and instead...
he wears diapers.
He uses a pacifier.
He's nonverbal.
He has extreme rages
where I think he's in
some kind of a pain,
and no doctor will take him as
a patient here in Las Vegas.
I used to have a column and I
was looking for a doctor then
and I'm looking for a doctor still.
Because of his constant seizures and
having to check on him,
or if I hear him get up,
I know to run in
there before he falls
- against the wall.
- Where is his room?
I... I... upstairs.
I sleep upstairs.
My husband and I don't even get
to sleep in the same room anymore.
You know, living in a 2-story house,
in the mornings,
I'm pretty much trapped.
I have to stay up there until
I know he's up and about
and, you know, not going to have one
because he's had far too
many seizures on our stairs.
And, you know, people say,
"Well, you should move
to a one-story house.
Well, you know, yeah,
that'd be great.
Who's gonna come renovate this house?
The one thing that really
just breaks my heart
and that we can cry about it is...
who's gonna...
who's gonna take care of her
one day when we're gone?
It's so stressful to think about,
you know?
He was hitting all of his milestones.
Oh, she was perfect.
Adorable, sweet, beautiful.
Enjoyed being cuddled.
Sure. You know, talking
and walking at an early age,
doing everything, just excelled.
Had been saying "dada,"
he had been pointing.
Ethan could look me in the eye
before that and he could laugh.
Jamie was having fevers,
really high fevers.
He started having seizures.
He's almost died on me
several times.
Violent vomiting.
He vomited.
Projectile vomiting, diarrhea.
She was always crying.
No medical solutions.
- Crying.
- Crying hysterically.
- Screaming.
- Screaming.
The type of scream
that I'll never forget.
- She stopped talking.
- She completely shut down.
(indistinct chatter)
Let me tell you what a
day in our life is like.
So you got, say, a six- or seven-
or eight-year-old child
who's not potty-trained.
And a two or three or four
o'clock in the morning
they filled their diaper.
Well, you assume that's pretty
uncomfortable, so they take it off.
Pretty soon...
pretty soon it's all over them.
It's all over the bed.
In short order, it's all over me,
it's all over her.
I'm snapping at her,
she's snapping at me.
We're both snapping at the kid
who is the only innocent party
in the whole scenario.
And the one thing that's
conspicuously absent
from that scenario
is anybody that told
you that shot was safe.
They're all asleep in their bed.
What brought you out here today?
We are... well, we're traveling
around America in this RV bus,
listening to the parents,
listening to the parents'
stories of vaccine injury.
And we are so tired
of doctors telling us
that vaccines are
safe and effective,
and people like myself,
who believed them,
now have a damaged child.
So what we're doing
is what the government
and the pediatricians, the doctors,
the medical profession
should have done
right from the beginning and
that's listen to the parents.
So everything on this bus,
all the stories is from the people,
from the people of America.
But when I look at the
vaccine damage that I see,
there's almost a pattern
that goes like this:
HILARY BUTLER - researcher, author
Damage as early as possible,
damage as often as possible.
Deny the damage could
possibly be anything
other than a coincidence.
Denigrate the damaged
when they point it out.
Describe the parents
of the damaged children
as deluded or delusional,
and then demonize those parents,
and then divide society
so that pro-vaccine
then demonize parents
who once were pro-vaccine,
but vaccinated their
children who became damaged.
My name is Dr. Suzanne Humphries.
I am primarily educated
with a BA in physics,
and then I went on to medical school
and studied internal medicine
and specialized in nephrology.
What made me realize there
might be a problem with vaccines
was one of my own patients
telling me that they were fine
until they had that vaccine.
So I investigated and found out
that his kidney function
was perfectly normal
before he was given a vaccine
and he was requiring dialysis
within a month afterward.
I just felt like
I needed to know the truth.
And if the truth was
that vaccines were safe
and effective and
doing what they said,
then I would have been a
primary proponent for vaccines.
I'd be... I'd be marching
to the drum of vaccinations.
I just needed to know were
vaccines actually causing
problems in my patients
or weren't they?
I couldn't stop myself
from researching after that,
because there was
just so much evidence
and there were so many
things that I was discovering
while I was looking into
the safety of vaccination
that really blew my mind.
And in a kind of a morbid way,
I found it fascinating
because history was being
rewritten in my brain
from what I was
programmed to believe.
So we were honored to have Dr.
Suzanne Humphreis come on the bus.
All we ever hear is, "Polly,
you can't be doing what you're doing
because you don't have
a medical degree. "
And here is Dr. Suzanne
with a medical degree.
A great doctor coming on the bus.
Everything fits in place.
We have the perfect team now.
There are so many more
professionals out there
that understand there's a problem
and they want to know more.
And they hear the
stories from the bus
or they read books here and there
and they feel that they can't
go on the way they used to.
Yeah, what about
the medical professionals,
the nurses, the doctors who have
come forward to tell their story?
Their realization that
actually the parents' story
was right all along.
My name is Lisa Rankin.
I'm a family physician.
I'm Dr. Judy Mikovits.
My name is Dr. Patricia Ryan.
So I'm Paul Thomas.
I'm a professor of medicine at West
Virginia University School of Medicine.
I'm Cornelia Franz.
And you are pediatric doctor.
I am a pediatric doctor.
And how long have you been
practicing as a pediatrician?
A really long time.
Over 30 years.
- I'm Kamie Benton.
- Jane Orient.
I am an internist
in Tucson, Arizona.
I'm dr. Beaumont Ramos.
I'm a pediatrician here
in Savannah, Georgia.
I'm an emergency room physician.
My name is James Newenschwander.
I'm a physician
in Hanover, Michigan.
My name is Dr. Sherri Tenpenny.
I'm from Cleveland, Ohio.
I've been researching problems
associated with vaccines
since September of 2000.
I put well over 20,000
hours of my own time
into researching these
problems with vaccines.
Dr. Bob Sajak, I'm a
board-certified pediatrician.
My name is Tetyana Obukhavich.
My qualifications,
first of all, I'm a mom
and I believe that's my most
important qualification.
And I just happen to have a PhD
in immunology in addition to that.
We couldn't believe
the medical profession as they
started to come to the bus.
It took a lot for those
people to stand up and talk.
I mean, they've seen
what happens to doctors
and scientists who've
taken this issue on
and who've been destroyed.
Doctors, nurses,
people with the top of the top
qualifications in the medical world.
And the story they've been
told by their colleagues,
by public health,
by the pharmaceutical industry
sponsored medical education was,
in fact, a grand lie.
So when you first started
out to be a doctor,
what kind of training
did you get on vaccines?
Honestly, I don't remember
very much conversation at all.
We were just taught that
they help prevent disease.
We were told on our rotations
that vaccines were
safe and effective.
Here's a schedule.
We are not taught what's
in those vaccines.
We were just taught what
the schedule is like.
Safe and effective and they've
saved millions of lives.
We learned the schedule.
We did not learn what was in them.
It was more philosophically vaccines
than the science buying,
I guess, if you will.
As you know, medical doctors don't
have a lot of training in vaccines.
If you are one of those people
who knows more than doctors,
that's fine, no vaccinations,
but you're not allowed to go
to the doctor anymore, okay?
Why would you even
want to go to a doctor
who knows less than you do?
It's amazing, but they
didn't teach us very much.
Very little, very little.
And and what you got,
basically, was told,
"These are the things that you
need to give to your patients. "
It was just more about
administration of the vaccines
rather than the real
effects and risks
associated with them.
Here's the schedule.
These are the saviors of mankind,
they're safe,
and you need to make sure
everybody is vaccinated.
In the field of vaccines,
everything is great.
Everything is safe and effective.
Everything has been determined.
There is no need to go
back and look at it again.
Just like everybody else,
I have to go to the insert
and look what's in it, I don't
know what they put in vaccines.
And so I kind of thought
that they were saline water
and like, bits of viruses in it,
you know, super safe.
Yeah, you learn about adjuvants
and you learn about the immune
system and how it works.
But as far as what the
vaccine actually does...
And you never heard
about the negative...
the negative effects
of a vaccine, never.
Zero. None.
The whole argument of your doctor
has done all this research.
Well, if they've done
it on their own, maybe...
Well, since there was no discussion
of there being anything
bad about vaccines,
and unless you spend
some time on your own,
you know, investigating,
you have the presumption
that vaccines are good
and that everyone should get them
and that you should make sure that
every child coming into your office
is getting them on schedule
or they're gonna have
some horrible illness.
So, there wasn't any training.
There wasn't any
looking at side-effects.
There wasn't any of that.
So, nothing. Nothing.
Would an immunologist be,
probably, out of all the
medical professions,
someone that is near
to being an expert?
I'd say no one is an
expert in vaccines.
- Absolutely no one, because...
- Parents are, by the way.
Yes, because no one is being
taught about vaccines in schools.
And so, basically, to...
in vaccine field,
you really have to be
a self-taught expert.
If doctors don't know about vaccines
because they've had no training,
then who are you gonna trust?
You have to trust the parents.
You have to listen to the parents.
Wow, this is amazing.
What are you gonna do with
this bus when you're done?
Well, whatever happens,
the parents are gonna
take back their freedom.
That's right.
Parents are now in control.
The right people.
That's right.
See all those hearts?
See those right there?
- Yeah.
- They are all for you.
All for me?
All of those hearts.
Look at all the different
colors coming up now.
The colors are coming up.
Every single one of those is for you.
- Cool, isn't it?
- Yeah.
That's how much people love you.
- They love me too.
- They really do.
Yeah, baby, people love you.
They love you a lot.
"I predict that Gardasil will become
the greatest medical
scandal of all times
because, at some point in time,
the evidence will add up to prove
that this vaccine has
absolutely no effect
on cervical cancer
and that the very
many adverse effects
which destroy lives and even kill,
serve no other purpose
than to generate profit
for the manufacturers. "
Former Merck physician.
What I understood about
human papilloma virus
is that it's an infection
that comes and goes,
and it's been around
for a long time,
and it's in many animals,
including lizards and primates.
It's not just in humans
that babies are born with it.
So I was really surprised
that here's this virus
that's been around and so prevalent
and it's being blamed on
giving cancers to people.
And then what I found out
was that those cancers
are not necessarily solely
attributed to this virus,
but yet, this virus was
being targeted by a vaccine.
There's so many brilliant
interviews that were done
during the Vaxxed tour.
But I will say that
one of the memories
that really stands out to me
is the moment we pulled into Utah
and... and Polly interviewed
Colton Barrett and his mother.
So tell us,
tell us what happened to him.
Colton was a 13-year-old healthy,
strong boy.
He loved baseball, motorcycle.
Anything that has to do
with an adrenaline rush.
He was gonna go to scout camp.
For scout camp,
you have to have a physical.
So we went to the doctor's office
and the doctor says,
"Hey, he's the age
that you should
get the HPV vaccine. "
I said, "Okay. How come? "
"Well, it can help prevent cancer. "
And even if he's not promiscuous,
he can still give it to his
wife when he gets married.
I said, "Oh, that sounds like
a pretty good thing then. "
So, he was administered
with the vaccine.
And on the third round,
two weeks after, he started
having a really bad neck ache.
The next day, he went
motorcycle riding with his dad.
And that day he came home,
he was pale.
Starting to feel nauseous,
really sore neck.
He didn't feel good.
He went to bed.
And the next day,
I checked on him.
He still didn't want
to get out of bed.
I just thought, "Man, you're
just really weak and exhausted. "
And that evening, when he sat
up to take a drink of water,
he said, "Mom, can you... can you
give that to me in my left hand?
I can't use my right arm very good.
It's like it's weak. "
And he tried to lift up and,
all of a sudden,
he just flopped back and his
head just hit the pillow,
and I went,
"Do you have spinal meningitis? "
You know, it was my first
like really bad fear.
So my husband took him in
to Instacare Monday morning,
February 17th, 2014,
holding his head for him
because he couldn't get out of bed.
The paralysis just went down,
down, down.
After the first four, five days
where he was completely
paralyzed from the neck down,
had no movement at all.
Colton, give me your eyebrows.
You were doing it better
than that the other night.
There you go.
Show me yes, show me yes.
Show me no.
But you have to have this breathing
apparatus with you the whole time.
Yeah, it's like...
it's about 15 pounds,
so I always have to have someone
with me to carry it to get around.
It's a literal ball
and chain for him.
The whole time watching
this box on his side
with his hose going to his throat,
breathing for him:
(inhaling sharply)
And then he could speak,
waiting for that breath
to come from that box,
and it was a realization
that changed my life forever.
I remember staring at this
and watching this interview go on
and watching this box, and thinking,
"We say we got rid
of the iron lung. "
His right arm is
completely paralyzed.
His left arm only has
minimal function now,
and he's lucky he's regained
his legs and his core strength.
So, the people who
gave you this vaccine,
where are they now,
what do they say?
Our doctor is actually...
he's the doctor that delivered him.
he's just a family practice doctor.
I... I still...
I still like him.
I... I am upset that he still
wants to give the vaccine.
But, you know,
he will not give it to boys anymore.
He's cautioning on girls,
to give to girls, but...
So, he's not gonna give
the HPV vaccine to boys?
- Correct.
- Colton, do you just realize
how many boys that you've just saved?
Yeah, it's good he's at
least not doing it to boys,
but lots of girls
can still get hurt.
All right, so let's start by talking
about your life before Gardasil.
I was more artistic,
I wasn't into sports,
although I did like to go jogging,
do exercises whenever
the weather was nice.
Yeah, I was a competitive
club soccer player.
I was, like,
I was trying out for ODP
which is like playing
for the state and stuff.
- Soccer.
- Yes.
She played year-round.
And on top of that,
right around that time
she was running track,
the 400, 800, and long jump.
Prior to the Gardasil shot,
Corinne was academic excellence,
you know, always great grades.
I was athletic,
straight A's in school.
Really no health issues before.
- What sport did you play?
- Volleyball.
- Volleyball?
- Big volleyball player.
Basketball was my favorite.
I played that from kindergarten up
to my senior year of high school.
And then I would play
softball and volleyball.
Top honors in her high school.
Graduated top in her class.
Top of that, she was a head
cheerleader for three years.
Captain of the cheerleaders.
Won a national competition.
I did karate.
I was almost a black belt
that could take down a
40-year-old black belt
who used to spar with me.
We got the shots.
She was into... accepted that summer
into a high, high ballet school
at the University of Irvine
and could not dance.
Ballet, tap, jazz, hip-hop.
Pretty much everything
I could possibly do, I did.
I mean, she was doing
really well in school
and she was really popular.
And she actually had
auditioned with Disney
and they wanted to fly
her out to California.
And she was, I mean,
she had a very promising future.
Yeah, I was really active.
I started going to the gym with
her probably age, like, 13.
Went five times a week,
played volleyball.
So, sleeping for a couple of days
- was out of character.
- Completely.
She was playing basketball.
She was doing track.
She made varsity wrestling
her freshman year
and had a grip of friends.
And her freshman year,
that's when she got that HPV vaccine
and everything changed for her.
She was a straight-A student.
Everything she was doing
was for scholarships.
Everything was... she was college bound.
That's where she was going.
And this destroyed that for her.
I had never seen a vaccine
cause so much devastation
as I had with the HPV vaccines.
The Gardasil vaccine is among
the most injurious
of any vaccination
that's ever been manufactured
in the United States.
Be it anecdotal or not,
way too many cases
and complaints of having
neurological insults
soon after that vaccine is given,
even with the first dose.
Gardasil is probably
the single worst mass vaccine
that we've ever seen.
So, what we were seeing
was these really
high-functioning teenagers
ending up in wheelchairs
and some of them actually ending
up dying or killing themselves.
And I don't think you
can ever justify that
for a... an infection
that comes and goes,
that causes very little
disease in and of itself.
And something where pap smears
were doing such a good job,
it really just didn't
make any sense to me.
This vaccine targets millions
of pre-teens and teens
for whom the risk of dying
from cervical cancer is zero.
They started talking
to me about the...
get my HPV shot, get my HPV shot,
and I turned them down
about one or two times.
This doctor sat down and
badgered us for 45 minutes.
They started showing me photos
and saying that I'm gonna get this
and that I need to take this shot.
- Photos of what?
- Photos of cervical cancer
and just what will happen
if you don't get the shot,
blisters and different things.
And it scared me. I was scared.
I didn't want that.
Every single time I went in,
she was like, practically
shoving it down my throat.
The doctor literally scared
me into taking this vaccine.
I had said no twice before
because it was too new.
You know, nobody in their right mind
would ever take this
vaccine if they...
if they actually read
the clinical literature.
She pushed my buttons just enough
trying to make me
feel like a bad mother
if I didn't give Kaitlyn the shot.
You know, "Do you want your
daughter to get cervical cancer? "
Who wants their child to get cancer?
You need to get this,
you need to get this vaccine.
What's gonna happen when you
get cervical cancer and die?
Well, "cancer" is a scary word,
so, of course, I started to listen.
"Oh, wow. Oh, my gosh, sign me up.
I don't ever wanna have cancer. "
I was just afraid
of the word "cancer".
So I thought, "Oh my God,
I have to go get this. It's free. "
You know, I was young.
I didn't know anything about this.
So I just was like, okay,
and just agreed to it.
The death rates in
the Gardasil trials
were 37 times the death
rates for cervical cancer.
Children who take that vaccine,
the Gardasil vaccine,
are 37 times more likely
to die from the vaccine
than they are to die
from cervical cancer.
I really wasn't educated
about Gardasil at the time,
so I allowed the vaccination.
The biggest mistake of my life.
So I go and get the first shot.
And from what I was
told by my doctor,
I immediately went into a seizure.
I was on the floor, seizing,
and then I just passed out cold.
So she had a baseline physical,
but it was also the same day
she got her second vaccination
of Gardasil.
The doctor detected
a heart arrhythmia.
In all of her 20 years,
there had never been
any heart arrhythmia.
She never had any symptoms
or any indication of any difficulty.
No one in the family
ever had a heart problem.
So we were really surprised.
I started having severe leg pain.
I couldn't move,
I couldn't get up out of bed.
Could not move my arms...
My leg joints would feel like...
like my leg was about to come out
and it would be, like,
excruciating pain.
Moments where I
couldn't move my legs.
She just matter-of-factly says,
"I can't walk. "
I went like,
"What are you talking about? "
She's like, my legs don't work.
Her legs in particular hurt really,
really bad.
Her hips and her knee joints
were very, very painful.
It would be like feeling paralyzed.
Sometimes it was one leg.
Sometimes it was both legs.
And that was it.
He never regained his
ability to fully walk.
We would go out.
He would walk very, very little.
And I would see his legs just start
to collapse like an accordion.
She had lost the ability to walk.
She couldn't see very well.
Her vision was doubled.
"I'm blurred, "
she couldn't read anymore.
She began to regress.
She became like a 9-year-old child.
They gave me my shots
in my left thigh
and the last one hurt really bad.
It felt like...
they were injecting fire in my leg.
She got the third shot.
Within two weeks,
she was hospitalized
and she remained hospitalized
for eight solid months.
She's been hospitalized
9 times in 26 months.
And hospitalized for what?
For extreme pain that
is uncontrollable.
Where is your pain when you have it?
Absolutely everywhere.
Her first major symptom
was excruciating head pain,
like the worst migraine you
could ever have times 10.
My joints, my spine.
My head, especially.
As she became light sensitive,
she became sound sensitive,
she had to be in a dark room.
Really, really bad
migraines and dizzy spells
and fatigue that was so severe
that she couldn't even
get out of bed that day.
At first they started off slow
and then I started to get
them like every day and
they would start in the back
and work their way forward,
very intense and distracting.
Like, I couldn't really
think straight.
I got my period for the first time
and then it went away forever,
like it never came back.
So she was diagnosed
with a very rare disease
called post histal plasmosis
fibrosis mediastinitis.
In her right mediastinum,
she has a 10 centimeter tissue mass.
It's inoperable.
She has this... I'm sorry...
we're just...
we're just hoping it won't grow.
We don't know.
I mean, we're taking it day by day.
It's by all her vitals,
so, they cannot do any operations
to try to take it out.
She came down with pneumonia,
bronchitis, two ear infections,
a sinus infection, a throat
infection and constant thrush.
So much pain, right, even now.
And, you know, I just wish
someone would reach in my back
and rip out my spine.
I cannot take this anymore.
This is an NJ (nasojejunal) tube.
What it is is basically,
it goes up my nose
and down my throat
and it goes past my
stomach into my duodenum,
or the first part of
the small intestine,
because my stomach is
completely paralyzed.
- Your stomach is paralyzed.
- Yes.
The NGT wouldn't work
and we had to be put on
a port for nutrition,
which she was on for three years.
Three years.
The child never ate a
meal for three years...
and if that wasn't bad enough
and she hadn't suffered enough pain,
she had this excruciating
long-bone pain in her legs
and we would have to ice her
legs down to give her relief,
and she was miserable.
She was just miserable.
And she would say to me,
she'd say, "I want to go home. "
And she would be in this
house and she would say,
"I want to go home. "
And she was talking about
to be with the Lord.
I went in for a
gynecologist appointment,
got a Pap smear, and they
told me it came back abnormal.
And I immediately started freaking out
because I've never had one abnormal.
Very few doctors have
ever heard of it.
Nobody knows how to treat it.
Anything they prescribe,
she's a guinea pig.
She's the initial guinea pig.
So they put her on a
immunosuppressant and Itraconazole,
which is an anti-fungal medication.
I'll dump some of 'em out.
This is what it looks
like to be on Gardasil.
That's the aftermath of it.
And this is just one bag.
We've got about 15 more at home.
I said, okay, I said,
"So, what does that mean
about the abnormal cells? "
And she said,
"Well, they're precancerous. "
And I said, "Cancerous for what? "
And she said cervical cancer.
So we have to worry
the rest of her life
if the inflammation in her body is
gonna make that mass grow again.
I should have never got those shots
because in my mind I knew that
they were what gave me HPV.
So, the problem with Gardasil,
like most vaccines,
is it was never tested against a
true placebo, an inert placebo.
And CDC and HHS say
if you don't test it against a
true placebo, it's not science.
A placebo is just
an inert substance,
that doesn't cause any damage,
that they give one
group of individuals
in a particular clinical study.
And then they give the drug.
That's the experimental group.
They give that to another
set of individuals.
The people that were supposed to be
"the control group, "
they got aluminum.
And when they did that,
out of every 100 patients,
they had at least two
severe autoimmune events.
You have no way of gauging
whether the injuries
you're seeing from the product
are being caused by that product
or whether they're just bad,
sad coincidences.
The CDC knew about this.
Merck, the manufacturer
of the Gardasil vaccine,
knew about this.
It's as plain as the
nose on your face.
All you have to do is look
at the clinical trial data.
The entity that is actually
performing this study
and paying for this study is Merck.
Merck got to decide which injuries
were being caused by Gardasil
and which were just
bad coincidences.
And because it had that power,
it just wrote them all
off as bad coincidences.
You can do that when
there's no placebo,
because the injuries they were
seeing in the control group,
which... where the girls were
getting aluminum neurotoxins,
were identical to the injuries they
were getting in the Gardasil group,
so they said, well, we don't have to
report any of these as vaccine injuries.
They were able to license something
that is insanely dangerous.
After all the struggles and fights,
and we thought she was finally
getting a little better,
she went to sleep, she wasn't
feeling good during the day.
And I went in to check on her,
and she looked like
she was very still,
she was in her bed,
and she had passed away.
And I tried to revive her,
but she was gone.
I loved her so much.
I would have given my life for hers.
She was just a good kid and
her mom made a bad choice.
The last hug I gave her, I was
standing on the step hugging her
and I wanted her to stay longer,
and she said,
"No, Mom, I'm, " you know,
"I want to get back to school. "
"Okay, I'll see you
in a couple weeks. "
But in the interim,
the police came to
our door one night.
So I said to them,
"Is this about my daughter? "
And they said yes.
And I said, "Was she in an accident? "
and they said no.
They said they found her
dead in her bed at school
and that they didn't
know what happened.
so, you know,
I don't know if anyone's
ever had somebody...
Christina Tarsel died from an autoimmune
response to Gardasil, the HPV vaccine.
In 2018, the U.S. government awarded
the maximum compensation of $250,000.
I think if there was one vaccine
that should be eliminated
out the schedule immediately
and there would be no,
absolutely no ramifications,
no problems with diseases
cropping up, people dying,
that one, that vaccine has to go.
So tell us from your point of view.
Well, it does suck, like, not
being able to play sports anymore.
'Cause I did.
I did do a lot of sports,
it was my favorite.
You were awesome at sports
Yeah, I have to sit on the sideline
and just watch everybody,
getting used to it,
so it's not as bad anymore.
The one thing about Colton
is he does always smile,
and, you know, he's...
he's an awesome kid that way.
He doesn't complain, he...
You're good, huh?
Yeah, I guess.
On January 5th, 2018,
Colton Berret, feeling helpless
and a burden to others, decided
to leave this earthly life...
We're doing this broadcast
in memory of these babies,
babies who have passed away.
And so, as we traveled
on and on and on,
we then met parents
who would tell us
that they would
vaccinate their babies
and then their babies would die.
I walked up to kiss him goodnight.
It's 12:06 in the morning,
and I kissed his cheek and
it was like an ice cube
and I just started screaming
to Bryce, "He's dead. He's dead. "
And everything that I knew,
I know how to do CPR.
I'm certified in this.
I just stepped back and
screamed and Bryce walked in
and just grabbed him and ran.
I grab him and I get in the car.
I tried to do CPR while I'm driving.
It's raining.
And I just pulled up
to the emergency room
and ran in and said that he's dead.
And they started working on him,
They gave him all these shots
and his body was just swollen
from all the medicine they're trying
to give him to get him going again.
There was never anything again.
(baby cooing, baby talk)
Infant Mortality Rate
A measured of infant death in the first year of life
The infant mortality rate study
that was conducted by the Centers
for Disease Control in 2014.
And they looked at the
incidence of infant mortality
in 34 developed nations
and the United States placed last.
We were 34th out of all of
these developed nations.
We give the most vaccines
during the first year of life.
He got his hep B,
he got his vitamin K...
At two months, and I think at four
months, and then at six months.
She had the hep B and she
had the vitamin K injection.
He got his hepatitis B.
- Polio.
- Prevnar.
One in each leg,
one in the arm, and one oral.
Rotavirus, which was oral.
The DTaP.
*(diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis)
- DTaP.
- DTaP.
When we went to get him vaccinated,
he had just been hospitalized for RSV,
and when he went in, I said,
*(RSV=respiratory syncytial virus)
"I don't feel comfortable
with him being vaccinated
because he's just been so sick.
I think that we need to wait. "
And the pediatrician looked
at Bryce and I and said,
"If you don't vaccinate your son,
who was born at 35 weeks
and is a premature baby,
you're signing his death certificate
for this whooping cough. "
Well, that's when the doctor told me
he was gonna ahead and vaccinate
her, being she was there.
And I did ask him, you know,
because it was two weeks early,
if it was okay.
He said,
"Yeah, it would be no problem. "
This is the day that
she had the vaccines.
This is before we left
to go to the doctor.
- So you're just about to go.
- Yeah.
And this is her the very next day
where she started
running the high fevers.
I mean, we could see there...
there was something not right.
I never...
I never second-guessed it,
that I...
I shouldn't vaccinate them.
But at that appointment
that morning,
as I was laying him on the
table to get him vaccinated...
Then the nurse is going...
to stick the needle
in his right thigh...
Just something screamed in me:
"No! Don't! Wait! "
But at that point,
the moment had passed.
He's just not sleeping. I can't
do anything to make him happy.
When she wasn't sleeping,
she was very irritable.
If she wasn't crying,
she was real lethargic.
We used to do this thing where
we would cradle her in our arms.
And then we'd lift her little
arm up and we'd eat her ribs!
And she... she loved it.
But she didn't love that anymore.
She cried and screamed.
He started screaming...
23 hours a day.
He was so dazed.
He wasn't there.
He just kind of
looked at the ceiling,
and any time you tried
to get in his way,
he would just look around you.
He told me she had a little cold,
just a cold.
So I gave her the
smallest dose of Tylenol,
which is what the
doctor told me to do,
and I put her to bed.
And then, as I left for my shift,
I went to give him a kiss.
And I just remember
the look on his face,
he was just so sad.
He never... he doesn't get sad,
because he isn't sad.
His dad was with him,
he was with his sister,
he could play with her.
But it was almost like
I was leaving him for the
last time and he knew it.
Good Friday, two days before Easter,
she passed away
in her sleep.
That was last time I kissed
his alive, warm cheek,
was the last time that I held him,
was the las t time that I
told him that I loved him
when he was alive.
Well, I went to go lay him down
and I went to load the dishwasher.
And when I went to go check on him,
he was already gone.
I remember holding him like this.
His head was just drooping
and his arms were just limp
like he was...
like he was already gone.
I left her just to
take the trash out
and came back and she was
arched back and not breathing.
I started CPR,
I called for my husband.
He came and continued.
When the first responders came,
the first person I saw was
someone I had grown up with,
and he came running down
the driveway and I thought
"Oh, good, like, he'll make sure
that she's fine, " you know?
So they came in and
couldn't get her breathing...
And when I heard them call
for the second epi pen,
I knew that she wasn't
going to respond.
Just couldn't save her.
...that he finally called
her time of death.
It was on July 4th,
2015, at 7:01 a.m.
So they let us go in
there where she was
and I held her and I held her
and I just prayed for
her to start breathing.
She's been through a lot.
She lost her innocence that night.
'Cause we had to tell her in
the ER to say goodbye to Freddie
'cause he's going to live with Jesus
and you won't see him again.
And the sparkle just left her eye,
you could see it. She was happy.
She didn't understand
that she was losing
her best friend that night.
Brave girl.
You will see your brother again.
We leave the hospital,
we get home with my parents
trying to talk about
funeral arrangements
and cops come knock on my door.
The police wouldn't let
us go home without them.
They had to escort us home.
Child Protective Services,
whenever something like this happens,
they're automatically there.
What are you all trying to say?
Y'all trying to say
I did something to my baby?
They took our son's crib and
mattress out of the house.
They took pictures and took her
dose of Tylenol that I gave her.
Took her last feeding that she had.
Looked in every cabinet,
woke up our other kids,
asked them questions.
They treated us like we...
we did it,
like we killed her.
And that hurts.
They couldn't find nothing
and they labeled it SIDS.
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
(SIDS) is the unexplained death,
usually during sleep, of a seemingly
healthy baby less than a year old.
You know, these infants don't
need to be dying like this.
The diseases are not coming
at them at such a rate
that we have to protect them
at all cost with a vaccine.
You know, when people tell me vaccines
are making children healthier,
really, I look at the
hepatitis B vaccine.
Hepatitis B for a newborn
whose mother doesn't have hep B
makes no sense.
Drives me insane.
Why is that a vaccine
for young children?
It's just no reason
whatsoever that a newborn
a one month old, a six month old
should be vaccinated
against a disease
that is basically
sexually transmitted.
So then I asked, how long does
a hepatitis B vaccine last?
He said, "Well,
we hope it lasts about 12 years. "
So just, you know,
this just does not make sense.
This has actually been
proven that these vaccines
cause cardiovascular
instability in these infants.
And so all that aluminum
that you've just given
in these killed bacterial
or viral vaccines
is having a profound
inflammatory effect
that's killing them.
You look at the packet insert.
You even look at the literature,
the National Vaccine Injury
Compensation Program.
They compensate for death due to
encephalopathy and encephalitis.
It causes death and they admit it.
But you don't vaccinate
in the first year.
- Right.
- Have you had any SIDS?
- Bam.
- Wow.
The second Mason was vaccinated,
his life changed and ended.
And with Oliver who is our son
that was born two years later,
he actually got whooping cough.
- But he's still here today.
- Right.
We are so sorry!
Mason Bubba Bundy 10/22/10 - 3/5/11
Whoever knew that you
could die from a vaccine?
I had no idea you could
die from a vaccine.
There was death everywhere.
The dead babies.
The toddlers.
The young children.
The teenagers, the adults,
the old age people.
Every day, we would have a
death story in every location.
I found it really
difficult to be on the bus
and even listening to the stories.
We were utterly mentally exhausted
and our hearts were breaking
and it felt like our souls
were being ripped from us
listening to the utter devastation.
I actually had to
tune out some of it
because my heart
couldn't hold all of it.
It was just too difficult to
carry these stories around
in my head and my heart.
This is our memorial to those
who have been unseen and unheard.
A public health emergency is in
effect in New York City this morning
in response to the rapidly
growing measles outbreak.
Measles outbreaks are rattling regions
of the country again this year.
I've studied measles
since 1990 intensively.
It's a fascinating subject.
And measles was becoming a
dramatically milder disease
in a very, very short space of time.
During the 1920s,
it was a major killer of children.
1,200 per million during epidemics.
And that fell precipitously
beyond that point
to the point where even the
single vaccine was introduced,
there'd been a 99.6% reduction
in case fatality rate.
It was becoming dramatically milder.
That was natural herd immunity,
and it worked extremely well
and what natural herd immunity
did was to constrain
the age of infection to childhood,
when measles is a mild disease.
And that worked in two ways.
One, exposure to measles as
child led to lifelong immunity.
So you didn't get it
when you were an adult,
when measles is a
more severe disease,
so exposure protected you.
And the second part
of it is that mothers
who'd had natural measles
gave very, very good
trans placental immunity
to their fetus,
their growing fetus,
and through breastfeeding
to their babies.
So babies were protected
against measles
during the first year of life.
The measles vaccine has diminished
the number of measles
cases in this country,
okay, nobody can deny that.
The problem is that it's skewed
the immunity in the population
into a place where
the most vulnerable
are now not protected.
So what has vaccination done?
Firstly, it doesn't work.
So it doesn't produce
immunity for life.
The vaccine fails and you become
susceptible to measles again
when you're more vulnerable to
a severe infection as an adult.
The second end of... the infants,
mothers who've had
the measles vaccine
don't give good immunity
to their babies.
So babies are no longer protected
during the first year of life.
So vaccination has in fact
destroyed natural herd immunity.
If we were to stop
vaccinating today for measles,
what we would have is a
resurgence of measles.
Most people would get it and be fine
and recover from it. Even adults.
People think you're going to die
if you get measles as an adult.
You're not.
But if you had more circulating
virus in the population,
then those newborn babies,
which were formerly protected by
the mothers, are now susceptible.
So we've really been put in a
pickle by this vaccine program.
It's also led to renewed concerns
about pockets of unvaccinated
children there and across the country.
An unvaccinated community
is an at risk community.
It places all of us at risk.
The idea that these children
are somehow a threat
to the vaccinated...
Well, if the vaccines work,
they wouldn't be a threat at all.
But of course, they don't work.
So that's one problem
that public health has.
The aim is to force
everybody to be vaccinated.
And the primary reason for that
is to get rid of the
unvaccinated control group
so that nobody can see how
healthy unvaccinated children are
in comparison with
vaccinated children.
They're not a source of infection.
They're the healthiest
children you could ever meet.
So this whole notion as
I said of herd immunity,
of community immunity,
whatever that means,
is based upon a
complete fabrication.
It's a lie.
Do we blame the anti-vax
movement for that?
Well, yes. Unfortunately,
these outbreaks are due to
the anti-vaccine movement.
Our media is trying
to make people hate
unvaccinated families,
unvaccinated children.
Making you terrified of the measles
and the reason the
measles are spreading
is those people that
aren't using the vaccines.
But what's scary is the language.
The language to hate children,
to hate people.
To say that they are
putting us all at risk.
We have had multi-generational
indoctrination with fear,
because people don't understand
that measles is a fever,
a cough, a rash,
and maybe some diarrhea
in the vast majority of people.
And autism really is a disease,
because it is something that's
permanent, life-changing,
and lasts a really long time.
So would you rather
have a cold or a flu,
or would we rather have
a lifelong travesty
because you're so afraid
of getting an infection?
LETTER TO THE EDITOR re: Compulsory Vaccination
A child of mine was healthy, strong,
and full of life before vaccination,
but very shortly afterwards,
it became dull and pale,
and soon sickness
made its appearance...
it just escaped death.
I believe, sir,
we can go so far as to say
children that have been vaccinated
can be picked out from
those who are not.
A parent.
December 31st, 1894.
You've never met a parent who
regretted not vaccinating,
but you meet hundreds
and thousands who do.
So, we took a break
after the first leg.
And we all had time to reflect
on what had just happened
with this amazing amount of people
turning up to tell their stories.
And that's when we suddenly realized
the unvaccinated people
were there for a reason.
We need to start the second
leg interviewing them as well.
They're not doing vaccinated
versus unvaccinated studies
because they're
frightened of the results.
If you did a vaccinated
versus unvaccinated study,
we know what's gonna happen.
The entire vaccine program
would come into question.
They won't do the
vaxxed/unvaxxed study.
We the people are gonna go out
there and see for ourselves
what are the unvaccinated like.
We know what the injured are like.
Let's now look into the world
of the unvaccinated.
Look at all these unvaccinated
children that are alive.
- Hi guys.
- Hi!
All right. So, is there anybody
here that's had a vaccination?
Mommy and Daddy have had a vaccine,
but none of you children, not one.
I mean, they have amazing immune
systems when they get sick.
We got over in one day.
Both of my kids are really,
really healthy.
Healthwise, she's insanely healthy.
I mean, she never gets sick.
They're both insanely
intelligent, they're...
Their health is ridiculous.
They recover fast from things.
My kids are super healthy.
They are very healthy kids.
They have traveled to many places.
My kids have gone to Nicaragua.
You can't get more Third World
country than that, trust me...
- With no vaccines.
- With no vaccines.
I have super healthy,
great unvaccinated kids.
How is all your health?
Well, we're all healthy and
we've never been to a
doctor for any reason,
except a broken arm and
a neuromuscular injury.
I have three grown children.
All grown-up.
And did you vaccinate your children?
No, I did not.
They're all completely unvaccinated.
I can probably count on
one hand how many times
they've had to go to the
doctor in their entire life.
I have...
15 or 16, I can't keep track,
15 or 16 nieces, nephews,
and none of them have
received vaccines.
And they're all very
healthy kids as well.
Ten grandchildren,
four great-grandchildren.
Fifth one on the way who will
not be vaccinated either.
They're all extremely healthy.
They're all so healthy.
It's like they don't have asthma.
It's like they don't have...
they're not sick all the time.
They get a cold and
they get over it.
Every time we've been
in a situation where
my kids have the same thing
that the kid next door has,
their symptoms are night and day.
They fare so much better
and heal so much quicker.
I've probably been sick once this
year and it was just a cold.
I had a stuffy nose and it
lasted for like two days.
Even his friends who
are partially vaccinated
are sicker in general.
My kid has missed like
maybe a handful of days,
from kindergarten to sixth grade.
My other friend, who has a
daughter who is also unvaccinated,
I saw her at school.
And so I kind of whispered to her,
I'm like,
"So how many days of school
has your child missed? "
And she went...
And I said, "Mine too. "
It was so blatant
that these children were super,
super healthy.
I had never seen health like that.
I didn't know that health
like that was even possible.
Not needing antibiotics
in one's entire life.
I've never had an
antibiotic in my life.
- 48.
- 48 years old,
never had an antibiotic, ever.
He's 16 years old.
No allergies, no rashes,
no ear infection,
no colics, no antibiotics.
She's never had an over-the-counter
medication, not once.
Neither one has ever had a shot.
Tylenol, aspirin, antibiotic.
No antibiotic.
Neither of them, apart from that,
have had any antibiotics or any meds.
She has never had an antibiotic.
My daughter had an infected toe.
She had antibiotics once for that,
but that's been it.
People that I know that do vaccinate,
I know their kids have more...
seems to me, more health problems.
I mean, my kids don't
really have any... like,
definitely no chronic
health problems.
We don't take... they've
never been on pharmaceuticals,
they've never needed, you know...
they've gone to the
doctor for broken bones,
which is why...
it's one thing I like doctors for.
The totally unvaccinated kids
are always the most healthy ones.
So my daughter also had
like three ear infections
before she was 6 months old.
After that six-month
appointment and we stopped,
she hasn't had one since then.
She was perfectly healthy.
- Robust health.
- Yeah.
She's never had an ear infection.
Neither of them have, actually.
- What about ear infections?
- No.
'Cause you're 14, you must have had at
least one ear infection in your life.
My daughter is now 12 and has
never had one single ear infection.
Ear infections?
No, none of my kids have
had ear infections at all.
- Ever?
- No, none of them.
To see the number of children in
these unvaccinated populations
that have never even
had an ear infection.
I mean, I can't imagine that.
My son was a walking ear infection.
All we did was toss
antibiotics down his throat
in order to keep the
ear infections at bay.
And now you have these
children who are unvaccinated
and the significant large,
large proportion of them
have never,
never seen an ear infection.
That is just nigh unto incredible.
I mean, our expectation
was that these children
were gonna be constantly sick,
that their immune systems
were just not supported.
The reality was completely
the opposite of that.
You have no vaccines at all.
Never, never. I'm in my 60s.
I've never been
vaccinated for anything.
- Anything at all?
- No, and then I had two kids
that are now 28 and 30 and
they were never vaccinated.
This is Palmer. He's six.
He's been sick maybe four
days his entire life.
Never had any mumps,
measles, chickenpox.
Eczema, asthma, ear infection.
- No, ma'am.
- Autism, ADD, ADHD.
- No.
Peanut allergy.
Nothing, nothing.
Does he have eczema, allergies...
ear infection?
Just big strong muscles
and a really smart brain.
I could see the difference in kids.
I used to be a kindergarten teacher,
so I know what kids,
you know, should look like
and what they are
looking like today.
Both of my boys were
reading by the age of four.
My family thinks it's like voodoo,
like we're crazy people, you know?
How could you not vaccinate?
But then every time they
see our kids, they're like,
- it's unbelievable.
- They just seem so ahead of the curve,
by 18 months, she's singing songs.
She can have conversation.
He's a very bright boy.
He's three years old and
he's learning Mandarin.
He knows Spanish.
He knows English.
- He's a bilingual child.
- He knows sign language.
He knows sign language.
He's a very bright child.
She does sign language.
She speaks Spanish.
We teach him Spanish.
- Too.
- Too, yep.
- He's speaking three languages.
- Yeah.
So he's English, Spanish,
and sign language.
They're very smart.
And it's it's actually a
challenge to challenge them
with reading and math.
And they're just...
they're beyond their level.
They're all highly intelligent,
bright-eyed, healthy children.
He's three months old
and he is so strong.
He's super strong.
He's super healthy, he's happy,
smiling all the time.
I can't get over this, this...
This four month child like
is basically standing up.
I'm, I'm, I'm,
I'm just supporting her.
She is alert. She's so strong.
This is the best therapy ever.
Grab an unvaccinated
baby and cuddle it.
- Sorry!
- It's perfect.
Guys, you know, I'm sorry
to report you. It's the truth.
It's what we're seeing out here,
we're not making this up.
This is the people of
America reporting to us
there are children that
are vaccinated and injured
and there are children that are
unvaccinated and perfectly fine.
Everything suddenly became lighter.
The minute we invited the
unvaccinated into our lives,
everything went up like that.
So you could do a SIDS story,
which broke our hearts,
and then in would come
an unvaccinated family.
And it was not long
before we could see
that their story is the same,
over and over and over again.
Just like the vaccine injured
is the same over and over again.
Doing this for 15 years now.
I'll share with you that the
vaccinated kids are the sickest,
the partially vaccinated
kids are not as sick,
and the unvaccinated
kids are the healthiest.
I've been in practice long enough
that I can actually tell you
that the unvaxxed
kids are healthier.
I can also tell you that if the
unvaxxed kids are a problem,
then according to what's out there,
there should be a lot
of hospital admissions
for my unvaxxed kids
getting those things.
And I'm seeing the opposite.
The most interesting
stories that we did were
the first child was injured.
Or maybe the second.
And they go on to
have more children
and decide not to vaccinate because
of the horrors of what's happened.
And the difference between
their unvaccinated child...
same parents, same everything,
is that their unvaccinated
child is 100% healthy.
Yeah, I've quite a few
patients in my practice
who have two children and
those are great controls
because most of them didn't
figure out right away.
So their child got some vaccines,
but they all stopped it
fairly early on.
And there's a huge difference
between the two children
and the level of how
they were affected.
But I mean,
if you start looking and pulling in
all those people who have
that same experience,
I think you're gonna see the
same thing across the board.
The level of that second child
and how they're affected
is going to be much less if at all,
compared to the first child
who was completely vaccinated.
Now, did you work this out
in time for your next child?
Oh, yeah, she's not vaccinated.
- At all.
- No, absolutely not.
Not vitamin K, nothing. I know
that's not a vaccine, but nothing.
So how is she?
Fantastic. She is...
she's completely typical, beautiful.
Smart, caring for her brother.
She's never... she's been on
one antibiotic her whole life.
She's a picture of health.
So your other four
children have no vaccines.
- No.
- At all.
- None.
- Wow.
And how would you describe them?
Compared to the vaccinated child.
They're much healthier
than the oldest one.
They fight disease faster.
My four unvaxxed kids are far
healthier than my vaccinated child.
She... when she gets sick,
she gets sicker than the rest of them
and more often than the rest of them.
She's down for longer
than the rest of them.
Whether that's vaccine
related or not, I don't know.
But it seems to be
an awful coincidence.
I was in the ER with
my oldest all the time
and these two are never sick.
When my boys were little,
we also had a lot of asthma
and breathing treatments
and antibiotics over
and over and over.
No ear infections,
but all of those other things.
- And these girls don't get...
- And these girls? No.
She's never needed anything
and she's two years old.
By this time, this child had
already been at the hospital.
He had, you know,
had dozens of antibiotics.
Lucas is the only one
that's completely unvaxxed.
And it's interesting.
He's our healthiest child.
He has never been sick,
never even so much as had a cold.
She's always the last one to get
sick and the first one to get better.
His left ear,
it was so significant,
they actually had to kind of
rebuild his eardrum from it.
And that to me, that's one
of the stark contrasts I see
is our 13-month-old has had
not a single ear infection.
Riley has had none.
So Caden, he gets strep throat
about three times a year.
He also has allergies and ADHD.
But we still love you.
You're still very smart.
Don't worry.
Riley has been sick once.
My first is the sickest
child that I have.
She will... she gets sick.
She'll be sick the longest.
She'll be sick the hardest.
Actually, I mean,
I guess that she'll feel a worst pain
or more symptoms
then my other three.
They'll be sick maybe a
day and less than 24 hours.
And they're done and they're fine.
Their body really learn...
knows how to fight...
whatever disease they
come in contact with.
He is compensated through the
Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.
My oldest three suffer with eczema,
suffer with allergies,
and they're the first ones
to get sick.
The only time he has gone
to a doctor for check-ups
is because he's asked to go
and wanted to see what it was
like to go to the doctor's office.
You wanted to go to see a doctor?
- Mm-hm.
- Okay, yeah, right.
So... well, 'cause Keenan
has to go so often.
And so he wanted to see
what it was like to go.
Do your unvaccinated children
have all the injuries that we see
so commonly in the vaccinated?
Do they have the ear
infections and the antibiotics
and the eczema, asthma, allergies?
- Nothing.
- No.
So the results of your studies,
the unvaxxed are supersonic
healthy and the vaccinated are not.
Yes, right.
So the conclusion of the
vaxxed/unvaxxed study
in your house is what?
That the unvaxxed kids
are far healthier.
I don't worry about measles,
I don't worried about polio.
I don't worry about
these things with her
because she has a
strong immune system.
I worry about it with my
son who is fully vaccinated
because he would not be
able to survive any of that
even though he was
vaccinated for it.
It hurts me
to watch the development,
honestly, of my son
because I see what my daughter
could have done.
And I feel an imense
guilt for vaccinating her.
So in our scenario, we've got,
you know, a control
for a lot of different variables.
Same genetics, same mother
and father, same environment,
all three children.
And the key discriminator that
makes these children different
is the presence or degree
to which they're vaccinated.
Have a look at these
families which are
controlled for genetics.
They're controlled
for their food intake,
their environment
and everything else.
And consistently,
we're seeing the unvaccinated,
never vaccinated children
are far healthier.
It's all we ever hear:
ear infections, antibiotics,
high-pitched scream
from the vaccinated;
unvaccinated, none of the above.
And that became
probably the most exciting
revelation of the whole tour.
Now that I've seen so much of it
and seen so many
family members with the same thread,
it's undeniable that
an unvaccinated
child's immune system
is going to be that
much more functional,
that their brains
actually function better.
And when you understand
how vaccines work
and what the components of vaccines,
including aluminum and all of
the inflammation do to anybody,
no matter what your age, it makes
complete sense that in the long run
that child is going to
be much more functional
and much healthier
and able to do battle
against any disease
that comes along,
the majority of which
have no matching vaccine.
When you get out into the population
and you start to meet people who,
because they've
heard of our stories,
have not vaccinated their children
and you see these wonderful,
happy, robust children,
then it just makes all the
difference in the world.
And these are the
children that actually
now we need to protect
above all others,
not force them to be
vaccinated by rule of law,
but to protect them because
they're going to be looking after
the damaged children in the future.
There's no question
about what we saw,
what we all collectively
saw was the same thing.
Health, health, health
with the unvaccinated;
injury, injury, injury,
with the vaccinated.
Same story.
That doesn't mean they're
never gonna get anything.
You know, the only thing it says to me,
my kids are vaccine free.
My kids will never, ever,
ever be injured, ever,
with a 100% certainty.
They'll never be injured.
I mean, if I was a new parent
listening to these unvaccinated
stories over and over again,
it would be game over for me,
I'm going away.
Yeah. I don't understand
why you wouldn't, you know,
if you're seeing an
unvaccinated child,
completely healthy, thriving, alert.
And then you see all these sick kids
that are constantly
going to the doctor
and on antibiotics
and vaccinated and
see all the eczema that they
have or asthma, allergies.
All these different things
that kids are affected with.
Choosing a healthy child
versus an unhealthy child,
that's really your choice.
When I heard about the bus,
I just... I was over the moon,
and when we finally were
able to see the bus directly
and sign Steve's name on the bus,
it was...
it was such an emotional moment.
You saw the emotion in the
person that was either injured
or the parents of the
injured or dead child
as they wrote their name.
It was like a relief for them
to write the name on the bus.
That someone is hearing them,
someone is saying,
"Yes, you're not alone.
Yes, this did happen. "
It gave a voice to
the voiceless people
who are cooped up in their homes
taking care of vaccine
injured children
and vaccine injured adults.
And I knew that people
would come out in droves.
The people are everything.
So once the people started talking,
which they did in fact,
and this is going to get
bigger and bigger and bigger.
It's the other side that has to
wave the white flag now, it's over.
It's not like we're gaining
anything by speaking out,
you know, losing friends
and family members.
People won't talk to us,
you're getting kicked
out of mommy groups,
you're getting kicked
out of doctors' offices.
It's not to our benefit
to speak out.
But if my story or
if any of our stories
will help save one child
from being injured or dying,
then it's worth it.
Because you can't... you can't
walk away from something like this
and know the truth
and not say anything.
You can't.
What have we done
to all these people?
We've taken their lives
as they should have been.
We've destroyed the brains of
countless people around the world.
It can change and it will change
and we will win this battle
if that's what it is.
And we will win it through
the parents' stories.
We will win it through the
parents telling their truth,
will win it through the
doctors and nurses standing up
and saying,
"This is what I know to be true. "
If I had seen that
vaccines can cause injury,
outside of autism,
injury beyond belief,
if I heard that the doctors,
the medical professionals
had no training in vaccines,
and if I had seen the
health of the unvaccinated,
there is no way I would
have feared measles, mumps,
rubella, chickenpox,
all these things
that we vaccinate our children for.
I wouldn't have feared them.
Vaxxed, the film, will
get a lot of credit,
but the greatest credit,
I really believe,
to this movement and the
change we will one day see
will be owed to those
parents out there,
to those that told
of their injuries,
that were no longer afraid.
Those that brought their
unvaccinated children
and their stories forward,
those who were brave
enough to tell their story,
that moved others to come
and tell their story.
And now all over the world,
people telling their stories.
That is the movement.
That is what really happened.
That bus, this tour,
the people's story is what
has changed the climate
and the discussion around vaccines.
And we'll look back at this
experience in ten years' time
and we'll say,
"What were they thinking? "
So the bus can go on and on.
We've only scratched the surface.
To date, there are 7,044
names signed on the bus.
The Vaxxed team toured
45 states in the USA,
and visited Canada, Scotland,
Ireland, Australia and New Zealand.
Everywhere we went,
the stories were the same...
Transcription and corrections:
Tio Beto from Brazil
...=Peace Through Anarchy=...