Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe (2016) - full transcript

In 2013, biologist Dr. Brian Hooker received a call from a Senior Scientist at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) who led the agency's 2004 study on the Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) vaccine and its link to autism. The scientist, Dr. William Thompson, confessed that the CDC had omitted crucial data in their final report that revealed a causal relationship between the MMR vaccine and autism. Over several months, Dr. Hooker records the phone calls made to him by Dr. Thompson who provides the confidential data destroyed by his colleagues at the CDC. Dr. Hooker enlists the help of Andrew Wakefield, the British gastroenterologist falsely accused of starting the anti-vax movement when he first reported in 1998 that the MMR vaccine may cause autism. In his ongoing effort to advocate for children's health, Wakefield directs this documentary examining the evidence behind an appalling cover-up committed by the government agency charged with protecting the health of American citizens. Interviews with pharmaceutical insiders, doctors, politicians, and parents of vaccine-injured children reveal an alarming deception that has contributed to the skyrocketing increase of autism and potentially the most catastrophic epidemic of our lifetime.

In California, the

worst measles outbreak

in 15 years is spreading.

The virus is roaring back

into the headlines tonight.

An outbreak, somehow traced to...

Someone who had probably

caught measles abroad visited

Disneyland and may have sneezed.

Measles on the

march in America.

This outbreak is

showing no signs of letting

up there are already more cases

this year than there were...

The number tripled

to 644 measles cases

reported in 27 states.

I mean, is this all

basically because of the

anti-vaccination movement?

Because parents aren't

vaccinating their kids?

Yeah, you know, I think so.

A bill that would

ban exemptions

from childhood vaccines

is advancing

through the California


We are offering legislation

that will abolish the

personal belief exemption.

I think you're

starting to see why it is

that mandates are so important.

There has been some

inaccurate information

circulating about

vaccines, mostly stemming

from a British study

linking vaccines to autism.

Still continued here,

the vaccine caused autism,

even though that

has been debunked.

Repeatedly and

thoroughly debunked.

You may have heard

vaccination causes autism

in one out of 110 children.

Fuck that.

Total bullshit.

It doesn't.

The bill requiring children

to be vaccinated has passed

with bipartisan support.

Every child must meet

immunization standards

before joining public schools,

private schools and daycares.

I would strongly encourage

everybody, look at the science,

look at the facts, CDC, the

Center for Disease Control,

can give you good information.

Get your children vaccinated.


I was sitting at

my desk where I teach

at Simpson University.

My phone rings.

It's Dr. William Thompson.

Brian, you and I don't

know each other very well.

I don't know how this is

all going to play out.

You have a son with autism,

and I have great shame now,

when I meet families

with kids with autism.

Because I have been

part of the problem.

My son Steven was

born in February of 1998.

Steve, what does the cow say?


Tweet, tweet.




Two weeks after his 15 month

vaccines, he lost all language.

He lost all eye contact.

We pick him up and he

would just hang limp.

This is a time where

CDC was just starting

to do these studies on

vaccines and autism.

As a scientist, I

have over 60 technical

and scientific publications

in major international

scientific journals,

and I was contacting the CDC

and was deeply critical

of their studies.

And so the CDC decided that

the scientist who was going

to interface with me at that

time was Dr. William Thompson.

Because I was on his

back, because he didn't

like what I was saying about the

statistics, I received a letter

from a CDC attorney

in 2004 saying

that I was no longer

permitted to contact the CDC.

Fast forwarding to 2014,

Thompson said to me,

"Brian if you listen to me, and

if you do what I tell you to do,

I can guarantee you will be

able to access a treasure trove

of data, and I would like to

guide you through these steps.

So I wanted to be a resource,

I wanted to be valuable to you.

I want you to have

someone in the system...

For years, I had been trying

to crack this edifice

of the CDC.

And just getting little

glimpses of what was not right.

The CDC has put the

research 10 years behind.

Because the CDC has

not been transparent,

we've missed 10 years of

research because the CDC

is so paralyzed right now by

anything related to autism.

I am a licensed

clinical psychologist

and a board certified

behavior analyst.

In 1978, I want to say the

prevalence of autism was

about 1 in 15,000 children.

It was a very rare disorder.

I was working at

a clinic at UCLA,

which was pretty much

the only known center

for treating children with

autism, and we had maybe 6

to 10 children we

were working with.

Somewhere around the early 90s,

shortly after I opened card,

the growth of autism has

been so high and so rapid

that I've never felt like I

could ever catch up anymore.

From an official

diagnostic perspective,

the way that we define

autism, we were looking

at deficits in two areas.

The first is social


and social interaction.

And in that area we require

three specific symptoms

to be present.

Symptoms such as no social

emotional reciprocity.

No nonverbal communication.

That means eye contact,

for instance.

Or no development

of relationships.

The second required area

of deficit is the presence

of stereotypic repetitive

restricted behaviors.

And these are things like

hand flapping, body rocking,

insistence on routines

being the same.

One of the new additions

is the presence

of a sensory dysregulation.

If a child has an inability

to sense things correctly,

not necessarily hearing

things the way we do,

that could be classified

as a symptom of autism.

So you have five

symptoms, two in the area

of repetitive behaviors,

and three in the area

of social communication deficit,

then you will get

a classification

of what is called autism

spectrum disorder, ASD.

We begin though, as

always, keeping them honest.

Breaking news tonight,

just hours ago,

the British Medical

Journal, the BMJ,

did something extremely rare

for a scientific journal.

It accused a researcher, Andrew

Wakefield, of outright fraud.

I got a call on

the 19th of May 1995

from a mother telling me

the story of her child,

his regression into

autism following a vaccine,

and I said "How can I help you?

I know nothing about autism.

You've come through

the wrong number."

And she said, "No, doctor,

my child has terrible

gastrointestinal issues,

and no one will take

them seriously."

I was an academic

gastroenterologist doing

research with a particular

interest in Crohn's disease,

ulcerative colitis,

inflammatory bowel disease.

I knew nothing whatsoever

about autism.

When I was at medical

school it was

so rare we weren't

taught about it.

We heard a succession of stories

which were very, very similar.

Medicine is about

pattern recognition,

and there was a clear

pattern emerging.

So we decided, a group of us,

including the world's leading

pediatric gastroenterologist

at the time, led by

professor John Walker Smith,

decided that these children

merited thorough investigation.

Well Dr. Wakefield

has been shown

to use absolutely fraudulent

data, created a fake paper,

the journal allowed it to run.

All the other studies were done,

showed no connection whatsoever

again and again and again,

so it's an absolute lie that

has killed thousands of kids.

What we discovered

and reported

for the first time was this

link between what appeared

to be a novel type of

intestinal inflammation,

and autistic regression

in previously developmentally

normal children.

And among those, the

majority had regressed

into autism according to their

parents following the measles,

mumps, rubella vaccine.

It wasn't our place

to censor that story,

because it may be

uncomfortable for public health.

Our job was to report

that story accurately,

in order that it might lead

to further investigation

and the paper explicitly said,

this paper does not prove an

association between MMR vaccine

and the syndrome described.

More work is needed

to resolve this issue.

That was the conclusion

of the paper.

As an investigative

medical journalist,

I've spent the last 7

years working on one

of the best medical

talk shows in the world.

We know in medicine that

there have been many,

many studies proving that

vaccines do not cause autism.

But the problem I have always

had with that is that thousands

and thousands of parents

all telling the same story.

My child got a vaccine.

Usually the MMR vaccine.

And then that night

or the next day broke

out in a fever

and then when they came

out of the fever, lost speech

, lost the ability

to walk, basically

regressed into what we know

as autism, and never came back.

Doctors used to be told to

listen to their patient.

That was the cornerstone

of medicine as we know it.

But something has

changed recently

where the patient doesn't know

what they're talking about,

and these parents, with their

story of their children,

have just been written off

as if they have no idea

what is really going

on with their child.

I have two kids.

And anyone that has

children knows

that when we first have

babies, we are overly sensitive

to every little hiccup,

every cough, every sniffle.

So to say that a

parent was just unaware

that their child had issues,

and suddenly they

realized one year later

that oh they have autism,

that doesn't make sense to me.

And so I wanted to look

into this story and find

out what is this

disconnect between medicine,

science, and real parents?

I couldn't wait to be a mom.

I remembered specifically,

before we even got married,

talking about how important

children would be in our lives.

I wanted a daughter

first, and I wanted a son,

and we were planning on

having four children.

We were going to be

the most perfect parents

that we could be.

Bella was born, and that

was a wonderful experience.

Bella was just this

angelic, perfect child,

she hit all her milestones.

I got pregnant with

Billy quite quickly.

Bella, say hello to Billy.


We've now got a beautiful

girl and a beautiful boy,

and life was just amazing.

So at 2, 4 and 6 months, Billy

had his normal baby vaccines.

A little bit sniffly,


after the last one, so me...

in my perfect mother mode,

rushed to the doctor.

You know, is he okay?

Do I need to give him anything?

Yes, you need to

give him antibiotics,

just to make sure there is

not an infection in there.

It didn't clear up.

Brought him back to the doctor,

had even more antibiotics,

let's just keep this

going in him.

And I remember my

mother calling up,

my mother is a homeopathic


and called up saying

what are you doing?

In chucking those antibiotics

down your son's throat...

for what?

And I'm saying to her

mum, with all due respect,

you're an artist, and they're

doctors, so they know best.

He was due his MMR

vaccination at 12 months.

So the morning, exactly to the

day, my friend, she said to me,

"Listen, I've heard that

there may be a problem

with this vaccine you're about

to take Billy in for, the MMR."

I said "Are you crazy?

What is the matter with you?

If there was a problem with

the vaccination it would be

headline news.

The doctor would be calling me

up saying do not bother coming

in, this is not a safe vaccine.

None of that is happening.

You're being negative.

You're being careless,

and you're listening

to what some rumor that

you heard somewhere,

Billy could become deaf

if I don't take him

in now and get him this MMR.

You know, most of the

evidence linking measles

with autism has kind of

settled down, and most doctors

and scientists agree that it

probably isn't the major cause.

I've been working in

pediatrics for almost 20 years.

I think most pediatricians

view vaccines

as they are the number one

thing they do for kids.

Okay there we go.


All right.

That was really good.

I'm young enough to not

remember the days of kids

in an iron lung, because

they were battling polio.

You know, polio has

essentially been eradicated

from this country.

In 98 the Wakefield

study had come out,

my son had just been born.

That study kind of pointed

a finger at the MMR.

As a parent, I was scared

to give the MMR to my son,

and as a matter of fact, we... I

didn't give it to him on time.

Because I wanted to see.

I wanted to see what

additional studies would show.

And over time, additional

studies did show

that no, it's safe.

So he did get the vaccine.

You know, if everybody

stopped vaccinating,

we would be going

back to the dark ages.

When a CDC scientist, who

had been there, at that time,

17 years, tells you this

is how you access data,

it didn't take me very

long to realize oh,

I'd better do what he says.

Because he knows what

he's talking about.

I just want to

tell you one thing.

Right now, I'm sitting at a

very pretty position in terms

of providing you a

lot of information.

He asked me what data sets

are you going to request?

And I said, well I'm going

to request two of the studies

that you've done on Thimerosal,

the mercury-containing

preservative that is used

in some of the vaccines.

And he said well that's

fine, but I want you

to request the MMR data set

first, and this is the study

by Frank DeStefano and

his colleagues in 2004.

It was the one study

where we could end

up creating a mess while

the CDC tried to, you know,

tried to sort out something

they couldn't understand.

The day Billy got the

MMR was a living nightmare,

worst day of my life,

to be honest with you.

I came in and I saw him

lying in his cot, listless.

He started this uncontrollable


Uncontrollable shaking.

Imagine coming out

of a frozen pond.

His eyes were doing this,

and he was shaking, like this.

And I remember she grasped

him and held him really tight.

To her chest.

There's immediate fear

in Jon, and immediate,

mommy this is not

going to happen,

I don't know what

is wrong with you,

but this is not going to happen.

And we get to hospital, we rush

him in, doctors are coming in,

looking at him, that's when

they said he's had a reaction,

he's had a seizure, this

is normal, this is common,

for many, many children

who have this vaccination,

it's absolutely okay,

he's going to be fine.

Nobody ever told me that there

would be any side effect to any

of the vaccinations

my children had.

Following his

febrile convulsion

that he had the same

day of the MMR,

we were told to take him home.

He slept in the bed

with us for the night,

he seemed just very,

very sleepy.

In fact, he didn't

ever really wake

up to the Billy that

we had before.

For me, it became really

necessary to start looking

at what types of medical

issues are these children

going through?

What are the other factors

that have affected them,

that have brought

them to this level

of symptomatology

that we call autism.

This is now probably

the mid-90s.

I came to notice that there

was A, a very high use

of antibiotics amongst

these children, but B,

what became pretty interesting

was seeing the number

of families who were reporting

that their child had

a regressive type

of behavior occur right

after their vaccinations.

A lot of these parents

were showing me footage

of their children who had been

completely developing normally

until 18 months, and then all

of a sudden, post-vaccination,

developed incredible regression.

Children who had speech anywhere

close to 50 to 100 words,

and had completely lost

all of their words.

Children who were extremely

attached and interactive

with their parents had

suddenly become isolated,

no longer responding

to their own name.

This was all happening right

after their MMR vaccines.

My oldest son, Ian, was born

normal, developing normally.

He was this beautiful

boy, and we ended

up at our 12-month visit,

which is his one year,

then they gave him

multiple vaccines at once,

and within 7 days,

he had a 104 fever,

and a rash all over his body.

He had previously been noted,

and in our videos, home videos,

that he was walking, and

actually running at that point.

Seven days after the vaccine, he

was no longer able to do that.

He was falling down.

He became a really

sick, sick little boy.

So the question for those

of us investigating autism,

is age of exposure to

MMR, a risk for autism.

And in order to understand

why that might be,

you have to understand something

of the history of MMR vaccine.

In 1987, there was an MMR

vaccine that was being used

in Canada, produced by


and that vaccine

caused meningitis.

It was recognized quickly,

and that vaccine was

withdrawn in Canada.

However, in the same month that

it was withdrawn in Ontario,

it was licensed in the U.K.,

the name was simply changed

from Trivirix, to Pluserix,

in the U.K. it was used

for four years, and likewise,

caused meningitis and had

to be rapidly withdrawn.

There was a public outcry.

There was an acute loss of

confidence by the public

in vaccine policy makers,

and the vaccine should

at that point have

been destroyed.

It wasn't.

It was then shipped to

developing countries

like Brazil, where it was used

in a mass vaccination campaign,

and there was an

epidemic of meningitis,

which was entirely predictable.

Now scientists studied that

epidemic, and what they found is

that the risk for meningitis was

associated with age of exposure.

The younger you got

the MMR vaccine,

the greater the risk

for meningitis.

For people like me

investigating autism,

the question was is there

a similar risk in autism?

Is age of exposure to MMR

a risk for autism just

as it was for meningitis?

We shared with the U.S. Congress

and the CDC the hypothesis.

The story as told to us, and

which we have an obligation

to report is that the majority

of children regressed following

a period of normal development

in the face of an

MMR vaccination.

That does not mean it is

the cause of the disease.

The Institute of Medicine

is a body of scientists

and physicians that review the

available data on vaccine safety

and then advise our government

on vaccine research policy.

Well, because Andy Wakefield

had put forth this theory

that the age at which you

receive the MMR may increase

your risk of autism, the

IOM looked to the CDC

to do that very study.

It was a study about timing.

Does the earlier you receive the

MMR vaccine increase the risk

of autism?

When we talk about

the MMR study,

nobody had ever requested

those data,

because it was a big

secret that you could do it.

Thompson told me to email

such and such a person,

and then on the inside,

I also found out that one

of the people preparing

these data sets

for me was Bill Thompson.

They don't really

want people to know

that this data exists,

again, you know?

I just can't believe we

actually got you that data.

Thompson couldn't send

these documents directly

to Brian Hooker, because

that would have been illegal.

What Thompson identified was a

legal loophole that is referred

to as a citizen's request.

That allowed Thompson to deliver

to Brian Hooker potentially

classified information

in a legal way.

You get checked in England,

with your babies,

at certain times.

Health, by health visitors.

So nine months Billy

had his full blown check

and there was no

parental concerns,

baby laughing, babbling,


So we passed that

with flying colors.

Eighteen months is when they

next come in, and by this time,

we know there is something

seriously wrong with Billy.

Probably within

five or six days,

the first signs really

was this vacancy.

He wasn't the same smiley

little baby that he was before.

He had a blank expression.

Then the diarrhea kicked in.

His tummy started to get

bigger and bigger, bloated.

Rock hard bloated tummy.

He would start to

walk on tiptoes.

His hair fell out, and this

dreadful, high-pitched scream,

sort of whiny scream

developed from him,

and then came the head banging.

The constant banging

against his crib.

The constant banging against

the floor or a wall or anything

that he could find

to bang his head on,

he would thrash it,

and thrash it.

Jon and I would lie in bed

at night just listening

to this thud, thud,



There's nothing... now not

even noticing his sister he used

to play with.

Jon comes through the front

door after work, no recognition

that we were his parents, or

that this child even belonged

to us, nothing, nothing.


I mean, that was the

time where, our boy changed

from what he was, to a real

tragic, tragic case of a child

who regressed into this autistic

state, and lost everything.

Lost everything.

The CDC, the way that

they do research studies is

very reactionary.

They look at something

that is creating the press,

and creating a buzz, that could

actually lower vaccination

rates, and that's

what they study.

They don't study

vaccines proactively.

So if Andy had never done

his original study and gotten

that published in The Lancet,

would have never

created the uproar

that rightfully it

should have created,

then the CDC would have

never studied this.

The press conference for

The Lancet paper was called

by the Dean of the medical

school, who was the Chairman

of the Media Committee.

I had done an

extensive research

into measles vaccine safety

and MMR vaccine safety

in the pre-licensing phase.

In other words, what safety

studies had been done before

these vaccines were put onto

the market and into children?

The 250 page report

was compiled by me,

showing that the vaccine

safety studies for MMR

in particular, were lamentable.

They were lamentable.

Many, many assumptions have

been made about the safety

of this vaccine, and

there had been problems

which had been airbrushed.

So I wrote to my

colleagues, and the Dean,

and I said going forward there

are going to be questions

about what parents

should do next.

I cannot in due conscience

support continued use

of the MMR vaccine,

having done this research.

I said, I will continue to

vigorously support the use

of the single vaccine.

But can no longer support the

use of the triple MMR vaccine.

So the dean, the chairman

of that committee,

had three choices.

He could have not had

a press conference.

He could have banned me

from the press conference,

or when the question came

up, as inevitably it would,

what do parents do next about

vaccinating their children?

He knew what my response

would be.

He could deflect the

question to someone else.

When the question

came up on the day,

he directed it straight to me.

All I recommended at

that press conference was

that parents opt for the

use of the single vaccines.

Single measles, single

mumps, single rubella,

until the issue had been

resolved scientifically.

What happened when I

made that recommendation,

unilateral decisions were made

by the government in the U.K.

to withdraw the importation

license for the single vaccines,

Merck opting in the U.S.

to cease the production

of the single vaccines,

giving parents no option.

I said to a senior

representative to the Department

of Health, why, if your

objective is to protect children

against serious infectious


why would you take away the

option of how parents do that?

And she said "because if

we allow parents the choice

of single vaccines, it would

destroy our MMR program."

In other words, the concern

was for the protection

of the program, over and above

the protection of children.

No one's career

has ever been advanced

in the medical industrial

complex by being outwardly

and openly critical of

the vaccine industry.

I'm Mark Blaxill, father

of a daughter diagnosed

with autism back in 1998.

I've written two books that have

come out of the autism movement,

that have been projected into

autism advocacy ever since.

Michaela was born typical.

Everything was fine.

She was developing normally

through her first birthday.

We had vivid memories of,

you know, early language,

joined attention, lots of play.

She was adorable,

beautiful, cute.

And then somewhere in the months

after she began to slip away,

and she lost language,

and she began to retreat

into a world of her own.

And at 2 years, 9 months,

we got a formal diagnosis

of a full syndrome autism.

It was a hopeless,

pessimistic future

that was laid out

in front of us.

She was going to be disabled

for the rest of her life,

likely to be non-vocal,

in an institution,

and that the best thing we could

do was to accept the inevitable.

Part of the story we heard

from the Harvard experts was

that autism was genetic,

it was low

and relatively constant


The more I learned,

the more clear was

that that whole orthodox

view was false.

Completely false.

Revolutions only

happen in science

when there is an anomaly.

An anomaly that the old

orthodoxy can't explain.

With autism, the anomaly

was the explosion in cases,

which meant that what people

were trying to describe

as a genetic, neurologically

based condition couldn't

be genetic.

It could only be environmental.

It could only be

some set of things

that happened to children.

And you had to ask the question

what might it have been?

One of my personal training

clients was the Director

of Programs for LWT

London Weekend Television.

And this guy said why

don't you do a program,

and people out there,

there may be someone

out there with this condition.

He said this is going to

be an unbelievable story.

And we thought we've got

nothing to lose, right now,

this child is either going to

kill himself because he's going

to smash his head to pieces,

or we're going to go insane,

because everybody

here is miserable.

That program was aired, and

we received 250,000 email hits.

Computers were

kind of new then,

the whole internet

computer thing.

Ours crashed.

We set up a Billy website, you

know, just in case somebody...

one person, might

be able to help us.

Crashed. The television

station's computers crashed.

They had never seen

anything like this before.

The parents had exactly

the same story as us.

Antibiotics, some with

chicken pox, a lot vaccine.

Bang, the symptoms all the same.

The diarrhea, the constipation,

the high-pitched scream,

the banging of the head,

we've all lived through it.

It was the same story.

And it was Polly's idea to

put all of this stuff together

in a magazine called

The Autism File.

They all ask the questions,

and maybe someone can help.

These questions from these

parents were not being answered

by the doctors that

they went to see.

They came to us out

of desperation,

and we had 45,000

subscribers within four months.

When I originally

got the MMR autism data,

I came up with my own

analysis plan, and I stepped

through logically

and systematically how the data

should have been approached.

I looked first of all

at males versus females.

Then I looked at black

males, the relative risk

of them receiving an autism

diagnosis was astronomical,

and it was highly

statistically significant.

I really had to scratch my

head and say I know nothing

about the MMR vaccine.

And so that's when I

originally called Andy.

Wow, really?

After everything

that had happened,

everything that we

had all been through,

everything the families had

suffered for the last 15 years,

and the CDC had known all along

there was this MMR autism risk.

As I started to divulge

more of the conversations,

and I think it really hit him,

that this was a major crack

in the wall of the CDC.

The first thing that Thompson

did was to plot a graph.

A graph of percentage of

children vaccinated against age

at first MMR vaccination.

The children with autism are

represented by the pink line.

The children without

autism by the blue line.

Now, if there's no link

between early MMR and autism,

those two lines should

track together,

whatever the age at first MMR.

And they do track again.

Until they get to 15

months, then they separate,

then they continue to

separate thereafter.

This was their first indication

that MMR vaccine

was causing autism.

And that finding alone rocked

Thompson back on his heels.

This was a huge

issue for Andy.

So I said to Brian,

Brian are you recording

these conversations?

Recording phone conversations

was not really palatable to me.

Almost seemed cruel.

Whistle blowers can disappear

as easily as they came.

They're like a fish on

a hook, and your job is

to get them into the boat.

Temple walked at 12

months, so he had been walking

for an entire month

before we went

in for the next set

of vaccinations.

The minute we walked into

the pediatric office,

Lou, his twin, she is

screaming her head off,

I mean she knows

what's going on.

She doesn't want the

doctor touching her.

I look up, and there's she's

got the shots lined up,

three for him, three for her.

By the second shot, Lucinda

had flipped herself over,

so I had to stop looking

at what I was doing,

unstrap her, get her out.

Well, the minute I get

her out and I calm her

down a little bit, and I

look over, he's screaming,

I look at the shots,

and I notice

that one of hers was gone.

There are only two

shots left for her.

And I asked the nurse

practitioner, I said,

what happened to

that other shot?

She says "Oh, oh my

goodness, I gave it to him."

I said which one was it?

She said it was the other MMR.

I said call the doctor.

This baby is screaming

his head off.

You've given him an extra shot.

I don't know what the effect

of that is going to be.

We're leaving.

And I left.

So she never got her shots.

I go home, this baby

cried, cried, cried.

I put him down on

his little blanket,

he starts banging his

head on the floor,

banging his head on the floor.

The next morning, I go in

his room, and he's staring

into space, and he's

looking around like this.

As if, you know,

he's a bit paralyzed.

Not the baby who was always

doing this every morning,

smiling for me to

get him out of bed.

And I pick him up,

and he does this.

And I said, what has

happened to my baby?

So I call the clinic.

And I said I think my child

has had an adverse reaction

to those shots yesterday.

She says "No, no, no.

I'm waiting for the

representative from Merck.

I don't think it's

a reaction to that."

Bill Thompson looked

at African Americans,

he saw that those African

Americans that got the MMR

on time were 2.64

times more likely

to get an autism diagnosis

than those African Americans

that receive the MMR

after three years of age.

So what Bill is suggesting

is that among the blacks,

the ones that were getting

vaccinated earlier were more

likely to have autism.

At that point, the group of

researchers that was working

on this particular study they

were having weekly meetings.

Coleen Boyle, who was the head

of developmental

disabilities branch

and Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsop,

who was one of Thompson's

direct supervisors.

Frank DeStefano,

who was the head

of the Immunization

Safety Office,

and a post-doctoral research

associate named Tanya Bhasin.

In that meeting, Thompson

brought up the fact

that African Americans were

showing a highly statistically

significant risk of autism

if they got the MMR on time.

What is said in these

closed door meetings?

I mean, do people say well

oh, this is unacceptable,

or is it just do they always

say oh this can't be right?


I'm not going to lie.

But I also don't want to

say things to you right now

that aren't, that

aren't some written form.


The analysis regarding the

African Americans was the 8

on the Richter scale earthquake

that just shook through the CDC.

I take him to see the

pediatrician that I know.

And she looks at me, she closes

the door, and she whispers.

She says, "Sheila, I

believe he has autism."

I said, "What?

Like Rainman?"

She says, "Something like that.

I'm going to refer

y'all to a neurologist."

And we go see the

neurologist the next week.

He says he has every

classical symptom of autism.

I do not believe this.

I was angry.

When he explained it

to me what autism is,

he told me he was born that way.

I said, no he wasn't.

Clearly, there was a

very high risk of autism

in African American children.

Here's the thing.

We know that autism is four

times more common in boys.

And so to see that

effect mirrored

in the African American children

was a compelling finding.

When I looked at

African American males only,

the relative risk was 3.36.

It just blew my mind.

And that's when I wanted to

call Bill Thompson on the phone.

And his statement to me was "Oh!

You found it."

It appears in the final

publication is that race

in general is downplayed.

Of course it is!

Temple's twin is amazing.

She is fluent in

three languages.

She speaks French like a native.

She is an A student.

She plays classical piano.

With all of the guilt

that I feel from that day,

one of the best decisions I

made for her was to walk out of

that office without

her being vaccinated.

At the end of this journey,

I don't want to be one

of those mothers standing there

saying I wish, I would have,

could have, should have done.

I want to be able to say I

gave it everything that I had.

I gave it my best shot.

His twin is going into the

11th grade and for someone

who still can't manage

to cross the street.

Now, am I grateful he's here?

You bet. I'm grateful

my son lived ,

I was so naïve that he

would live a fulfilling life.

He would end up being

a happy man.

Having a family.

My dreams for him.

And every year that goes

by, the older my son gets,

the further that

dream seems to be.

All about vaccines!

So what do vaccines do?

Vaccines build up

your immune system

and make you stronger

to fight off disease.

Are vaccines safe?

Yes. The studies

involving millions

of children have

shown no connection

between vaccines and autism.

Stick to the schedule.

The CDC's own vaccine

schedule, which we are required

to adhere to as parents

in America recommends

that our children get the

MMR between 12 and 18 months.

But in this hidden

data, provided to us

by William Thompson, it is clear

that for African Americans,

this is actually the

most dangerous time

to deliver the MMR.

The CDC in my

opinion is one of the-

where I go to if

I need information

about an infectious disease.

I probably either

go on their website,

or open one of the

reference books every day.

That building is filled

with a lot of scientists

that are smarter than me.

The analysis plan is one

of the most important parts

of the scientific study.

It's the laws or the rules by

which the scientist will adhere

to while doing the study.

And this analysis

plan is put together

by the scientists themselves.

Sometimes their superior's

way in.

But once they've locked

that analysis plan.

They said this is how we

are going to use the data.

And you can't deviate

from that analysis plan,

or you're at risk for fraud.

Scientific fraud.

Did they deviate from

the analysis plan

after seeing something

they didn't like?

If they did, we have

a real problem.

Thompson not only

played a major role

in developing the analysis

plan, he was the numbers guy.

He was responsible for

collecting the data,

analyzing the data, and

presenting the results,

and by November 2001,

the results were in.

Now with the MMR

autism one, the-

we had an analysis plan that

we were supposed to execute,

and it was written,

and you know,

I'm going to be sharing

these draft analysis plans

that we had.

And you can see whether we

did what we were going to do.

That analysis plan

had been agreed upon,

not only by the co-authors,

but also by CDC superiors.

In order to conceal the

effect of the MMR, what they had

to do was reduce the number of

children in the study in order

to reduce what is referred

to as the statistical power.

That is, the ability of the

study to detect a difference

if one genuinely exists.

In the analysis plan,

they had agreed

to use two sources

of information.

The first was the

children's school records,

and the second was the

children's Georgia birth

certificate records.

So while every child in the

study had a school record,

only half of the children

in the study had a Georgia

birth certificate record,

because the other half had

been born in other states.

So the analysis plan

was explicit.

Information on a

child's race was to come

from their school record.

But when confronted by data

that revealed an increased risk

of autism in African American

children, they deviated

from their analysis plan.

They chose to get the race data

not from the school record,

but from the Georgia

birth certificate record.

Instead of having 3,000

individuals in the study,

it went down to about 1,800.

The relative risk went

down from 2.64 to 1.8,

but more importantly,

that relative risk was no longer

statistically significant.

And I'll ask you to step

forward to receive your prize

from the hands of His

Majesty, the King.

I am Luc Montangier, M.D.

Shortly after Julie

Gerberding became head

of the CDC,

I began to communicate with her

and ask her to come

to my office.

There didn't seem to be

objective research going on.

There was the CDC trying

to promote vaccination

for children, and then

they were doing the safety

research themselves.

In CDC's judgment,

the best public policy is

to continue vaccination


while aggressively working

to try to identify causes

of developmental disabilities.

The CDC, I just thought,

was institutionally conflicted.

The CDC can't take

money directly from pharma,

but they can set

up a foundation,

and the foundation

can attract donations

from commercial interests,

and does.

Merck, Glaxo-Smith-Kline,

now Pfizer, Sanofi Aventis,

have huge, multi-billion

dollar vaccine businesses.

They're profitable.

They promote them because some

of these new high-tech vaccines,

that are patented, that are

high priced, get protected

by this little cocoon of

regulatory capture in HHS.

And are guaranteed

multi-billion dollar franchises.

When I was working at Merck,

I was a sales rep for Vioxx.

The whole scandal started

when it was discovered

that Merck had manipulated

data and covered up the fact

that Vioxx actually caused twice

the amount of heart attacks

and strokes than the placebo.

What I learned from

that experience,

just because things are

on the market does not

mean they are safe.

I think we get into a

very dangerous territory

with vaccinations.

If a drug company gets just one

vaccine added to the schedule,

they can make upwards of

$30 billion in one year.

It's no secret.

I think they've published their

intention, which is they want

to create an environment

of constant vaccination

from cradle to grave.

They want infant vaccines

they expanded flu shots,

DTAP boosters, Gardasil

shots, meningococcal shots,

they want adult vaccines, you

know, they want you and me

to come in and get a

constant barrage of shots,

and then they want

vaccines for the elderly.

We have highly

profitable product,

because the safety

testing isn't as rigorous

as a normal pharmaceutical drug.

The gold standard

is double blind,

placebo-based long-term study.

And that just isn't

done with vaccines,

because they're classified

in a different way

as a public health measure,

and they haven't been tested

in combination with other

vaccines, yet doctors give six

to nine doses per visit.

It's insane.

If a pharmaceutical drug

was tested like this,

it wouldn't be on the market.

But because it's a vaccine,

and the safety testing

is less rigorous,

our children are

being experimented on.

I don't like to

look at autism

from a behavioral perspective.

I look at it more from what

causes it in each child.

When I want to define autism, I

have to say it's the inability

to detoxify the way

you're supposed to,

at the rate you're supposed

to, and it all has to do

with this toxic overload.

These children are

not detoxifying

from the vaccinations.

Same thing with GMO products,

the pesticides in our food.

If I can prevent the child from

being exposed to more toxins,

then when I'm teaching

the child,

at least the child

is getting better,

and not continuously

getting worse.

Without a doubt,

what's happened

to Billy has changed his life.

I did it!

There you go,

you got a strike!

What I have on my hands

now a 19-year-old man,

he's 6 foot 2, he is volatile.

On good days, Billy is

as brilliant as an angel.

On bad days the slightest thing

can trigger him, and he's scary.

I'm going to go downstairs

and get daddy right now.

No, you need to

stay up here, okay?

I'm going to kill

daddy right now!

Bill, listen to me.

I'm going to stay up here,

we're going to calm down okay?

The reason they become

aggressive, and dangerous

in some cases, is because they

have no ability to communicate.

Because mummy asked Kent,

but Kent bring the sweet corn,

then bring in the chickens here.

Here, this is your fault, mummy.

If you're not able to

express your needs, your wants,

your desires, your happiness

and sadness and so on,

you would become aggressive.

That's often when we see

the worst part of autism.

We have to occupy his room

and use his video player,

and of course, that is a

massive intrusion in his space,

and he got very upset.

Where else in this

house can we play a video?

Remember? Listen, Bill

reduce the stress level.

No! Don't hurt Daddy.

Out there, there's millions

of me's, there's millions

of Polly Tommey's with

vaccine damaged children.

I'm telling you this,

because I do not want you

to live the life that I've led.

I don't want you to

go through the pain.

I do not want to see you

suffer, or your family suffer.

That is why I'm telling you.

I've no other reason

to tell you about it.

It's not my concern, my

kid's already damaged.

I am a senior research

scientist here at MIT,

in the computer science

and artificial intelligence


I have a Bachelor's

degree in biology from MIT,

and I have MSEE and PhD

degrees, also from MIT

in electrical engineering

and computer science.

I became interested in

autism a long time ago

when my best friend at the time

had a son who was diagnosed

with autism following

a DPT shot.

He had a high fever after the

shot, seizures a week later,

and was later diagnosed

with autism.

We have to accept the

fact that autism is new.

That before 1930,

the rate of autism

in the world was

effectively zero.

And then for a long

time it was 1 in 10,000.

I got interested in

studying autism eight years ago

when I saw the numbers go

up, and I was quite alarmed,

because I could see that the

trend was exponential growth.

And exponential growth

is extremely scary.

Since really the

mid-to late 80s,

we've gone from this

low-prevalence environment

to a rate of increase where

the trend is still vertical.

We have not seen a

flattening in trend.

Every couple of years,

the CDC provides a number

of what percentage of kids

are diagnosed with autism.

And you've got the dots going

all the way back to 1975.

You draw the line, it is a

perfect exponential curve.

If we assume that things are

going to continue as they have,

for the past 30 years, into

the future, we can predict

that by 2032, 80% of

the boys born will end

up on the autism spectrum.

Half the children,

80% of the boys.

If you think the

vaccine is only a problem

for African American kids

like me, you're wrong.

There's an even

bigger problem.

One that puts all kids at risk,

and it's called isolated autism.

When the CDC researchers

set out to do this study,

they asked themselves

the question

if early MMR vaccine

causes autism,

in which children would we be

most likely to find this effect?

Their answer is children with

no developmental concerns

for the first year of life.

Children who were

perfectly healthy

until they received

their MMR vaccine.

They called this

group isolated autism.

Now, this does not refer to

an isolated cause of autism,

or an isolated group

with autism.

They isolated autism out,

so children who had no

co-morbid conditions apart

from their autism.

No cerebral palsy.

No mental retardation.

No visual or hearing impairment.

No epilepsy, and

no birth defects.

This risk group includes

essentially every healthy child

in the world.

I'm a single father.

Raising a 15-year-old

severely autistic,

non-verbal teenaged daughter.

When she was 15 months old, she

received a round of vaccines

which included the MMR and DTAP.

She developed a high fever,

the fever broke,

she lost everything.

My daughter was six

weeks old when I took her

in for her vaccination.

Two hours later, she had a five

minute seizure, and two hours

after that, she had

another five minute seizure.

Mama's here.

Come on. Come on.

Come on, you're okay.

You're okay.

Come on baby.

Come on babe, you can do it.

Come on babe.

Come on out.

Come on. Come on baby.

Come on, keep breathing.

Come on, come on... The

vaccination gave her severe

brain damage, and she had

seizures every day for the rest

of her life until she died

in my arms at the age of 15.

There is no good reason to

choose not to get a vaccine.

He got his MMR,

and he got his DTP,

and within days,

he stopped talking.

Projectile vomiting,


He went blind

in his left eye.

Vaccines took our healthy,

happy baby and made him unwell.

She lost all acquired speech.

He lost his speech,

he lost his eye contact,

like the flick of a switch.

If vaccines were unsafe,

I think this would

be an interesting

and reasonable discussion.

Obviously some minority

get hurt by this stuff.

I don't understand why

this is controversial.

Vaccines are safe.

Get vaccinated.

It's like, you know what?

Shut the fuck up and let me take

every vaccine that Merck wants

to shove down my throat.

Autism is not a

side effect of vaccine,

or to say it another way,

because some people

don't hear this well,

vaccines do not cause autism.

Hear this well.

Hear this well.

Please hear this well.

Here this well.

Vaccines can and

do cause autism.

My granddaughter Lilly...

My daughter...

My son was fully vaccinated.

My son, Jackson.

I had a healthy,

typically developing boy.

Please, hear this well.

Vaccines cause autism.

One day, everyone will

know the truth about vaccines.

Hear this well.

I honestly think the most

interesting results are the

elevated ones, for the isolated,

ones that don't have other

co-morbid conditions.

The effect is where you

think it would happen.

In isolated autism, he saw

a very, very strong effect,

specific to those kids

that got the MMR on time.

When Bill Thompson

ran those numbers,

he saw an astronomical effect.

Some of the numbers

were actually...

the relative risks were as

high as 7 or 8 times higher

with these kids that

were diagnosed

with just isolated

autism, no other diagnosis,

versus those controls.

Isolated autism is confusing,

because it sounds small,

but it really is a big problem.

Because all healthy children no

matter what race, are at risk.

For example, my sister is 18

months old, and she is supposed

to get her MMR shot right now.

But if she does, she is seven

times more likely to get autism

than if my parents wait

until after 3 years old.

So I hope my parents

don't do it.

Here's what's really scary.

When we look at isolated

autism, we see that there is

up to a seven-fold increase

in the incidence of autism

between those that receive

the vaccine between 12

and 18 months, versus those

that got it after 3 years old.

But let's be perfectly clear.

Every child in the study had

received the MMR vaccine.

What would the numbers be

if you compared children

who got the vaccine between 12

and 18 months versus children

that never got the

vaccine at all.

This is often referred to

as the vax vs. unvax study.

CDC refuses to do this study.

Even though every drug

that we take has been

through this exact study.

There is a group who take the

drug, then they compare it

with a group who do

not take the drug,

and they see there are more

side effects and complications

with the group that

takes the drug.

So why does the CDC refuse to

do the vax vs. unvax study?

Probably because when we look

at the results of this study,

we realize that the risk would

be astronomical, and is likely

to be one of the major reasons

we're seeing this skyrocketing

increase of autism, worldwide.

Just like the African

American children,

they went into the room, and

they sliced and diced the data,

in an effort to get

rid of that effect.

This is Coleen Boyle's

meeting notes, how they planned

to present the data by these

age groups, that after the fact,

when the data she

writes reformats.

And then she puts

in new age groups.

Even this failed to

achieve the desired effect,

since in the end, they simply

omitted the relevant findings

from the paper altogether.

I was just looking at

that, I'm like, oh my god,

I cannot believe

we did what we did.

But we did.


So it's all there.

It's all there.

And you in the health field,

you who run our health agencies

in this country are sitting here

today, you have an obligation

to these kids that you just

saw there, to make sure

that these studies are

complete, thorough,

so that everybody knows

that we have all the facts,

and you don't have that.

One of the things

we did because this was

such an important topic was

to have them be sworn in.

So they were under oath.

And if they were doctoring

the results of a study,

and they did it deliberately,

they committed a felony.

It used to be 1 in 10,000.

And now it's 1 in more than

250 kids that are being damaged

in this country,

that are autistic.

Now those kids are

going to grow up.

They aren't going to die.

It's not like a lot of diseases

where they get infected,

and they drop dead.

They're going to live

to be 50, 60 years old.

Now, who do you think is

going to take care of them?

It's going to be us.

All of us.

The taxpayers.

And it's going to cost, I think

as you said Ms. Maloney,

trillions of dollars.

So we can't let the

pharmaceutical companies

and our government cover

this mess up today,

because it ain't

going to go away.

And it's going to cost the

taxpayers trillions more

if we wait around on it.

And or our FDA and HHS and the

health agencies to continue

to hide behind this façade

that there have been studies

that conclusively prove

otherwise, it's just wrong too.

So the CDC wasn't just doing

the study inside of a bubble.

In fact, it was the

exact opposite.

They were under fire.

You had Congressman

Dan Burton in front

of the Congress demanding

answers about mercury

and the MMR, and

vaccine studies,

and the connection to autism.

Dave Weldon, Congressman

from Florida,

is reaching out to

Julie Gerberding

with serious complaints

on how he thinks this entire

issue has been handled.

On top of that, the Department

of Justice is requesting files

and data from the CBC because

of a previous study called the

Verstraeton study, that

had so may anomalies,

it looked like scientific

fraud was taking place.

So they were suspicious.

So then you look at the emails

that Thompson provided to us,

and you see that he is reaching

out to his line manager,

Dr. Melinda Wharton, throwing up

red flags, saying "I first spoke

with you in September of 2002

regarding the sensitive results

we have been struggling with

in the MMR autism study."

How do you struggle

with scientific results?

I mean, facts are facts.

Data are data.

That doesn't make any sense.

So you've got Dan Burton

breathing down their necks.

The Department of Justice

is requesting files,

and William Thompson finds out

that Coleen Boyle has brought

in a lawyer to help her decide

what materials are too sensitive

to provide to the

Department of Justice.

This obviously freaks William

Thompson out, because later

in the email to Wharton, he says

"I will be hiring my

own personal attorney."

And it's extremely unfortunate

that we need to be concerned

that our own legal rights are

covered when participating

in a study such as this.

I mean, what's going on here?

We have government

scientists, lawyering up,

over a children's safety study.

Clearly this does not sit

well at all with Dr. Thompson.

Because at the end

of this email,

he makes what looks

to be a clear threat.

"My level of concern

has also caused me

to seriously consider

removing myself as an author

on the draft manuscript."

So then a few days later,

Thompson writes directly

to Dr. Walter Orenstein, head

of The National Immunization


saying "I am not interested in

taking all of the political heat

that will go along

with that study."

Thompson has gone all the way

to the top of his department.

I mean, we don't ever get a

response from Walter Orenstein,

but Thompson is very clear

on what happened next.

The higher ups wanted

to do certain things,

and I went along with it.

In terms of chain of command,

I was number four out of five.

Dr. Thompson talked about

destruction of documents,

and that in Fall of

2002, there was a meeting

with the trash can rolled in,

and they selected

documents to be destroyed.

I led all the analyses

with the DeStefano thing,

literally everyone else got

rid of all their documents,

so the only documents

that exist right now

from that study are mine.

These documents were

no doubt federal records.

They were very important


because they showed a

very strong statistically

significant effect.

He felt that quite

rightly it would be illegal

to destroy those documents.

And so in his office, he kept

not only the hard copies,

but the computerized

files for that study.

There was a dramatically

different result presented

before and after the time

frame that Thompson alleged

that these data were destroyed.

If I never had the

documents before October 2002,

there would be nothing

that would show

that they actually had

the results in hand,

and they decided to

destroy those results.

I filed a formal complaint to

the Office of Research Integrity

and the Department of

Health and Human Services.

I heard back not long after

the complaint was filed,

and the letter basically

stated that every co-author,

except for Dr. Thompson,

denied that any

such meeting was scheduled,

they denied that any material

was destroyed or thrown away.

They were calling

Dr. Thompson a liar.

It was their word against his.

Dr. Thompson predicted

that this would happen.

There are things I

haven't even shared with you

because I can't prove it, and

that's what I struggle with.

I don't want to share things

with you that I can't prove.

That there aren't hard records

of, because I am worried

that the other four

people will collude

and say no that's not true.

Dr. Thompson provided

meeting notes to me

for precisely the time where

the co-authors are claiming

that no meeting took place.

That's what I keep seeing

again and again and again.

Where these senior people just

do completely unethical vile

things, and no one

holds them accountable.

So look.

Once you have the data,

a scientific study

like this is a relatively

simple process.

You just run the data,

you get the results,

and then you publish

those results in a paper.

In their own analysis plan,

this study was only

supposed to take six months.

From May 2001 to December 2001.

So if they weren't

destroying data,

why did this study end

up taking four years?

The question everybody needs

to be asking the CDC is

what the heck happened

between October 2002

and February of 2004?

The reason you don't see

anything else circulating

on this study, it

was five of us,

behind closed doors,

for two years.


So after two years of secret

meetings behind closed doors,

DeStefano emerges with the

final draft of the MMR study,

and they're going to present it

to the Institute of Medicine.

People on the IOM move from

industry, government, academia,

government, industry,

and they bounce around.

It's all the same people,

and there wasn't a really

good policeman in all of this,

to really make sure that the

vaccine safety studies are done

properly and that

they're done objectively.

It just didn't seem to me

like we were running a

system that was credible.

I had written to Julie

Gerberding, and I asked her

to postpone the February 9th

Institute of Medicine meeting.

This report, the Institute

of Medicine Report I wanted

to postpone because my concern

that this was not an exercise

in discovering the truth,

but was instead a meeting

being driven by a desire

to short-circuit

important research

and draw premature conclusions.

The problem is, William

Thompson being the lead

scientist, he is going to have

to present their findings.

And he's not happy about it.

In fact, he's so upset, that

he goes above the lead author,

DeStefano, above

Walter Orenstein,

all the way to the Head of

the CDC, Dr. Julie Gerberding.

And in an email he says,

basically saying "I'm not

going to continue this lie.

If you put me up there, I'm

going to tell the truth."

Thompson was originally

scheduled to provide a briefing,

because he basically

told Director Gerberding

that he would have to say that

there is a causal association.

He was switched at the last

minute with Frank DeStefano,

who was able to report

to the IOM falsely

that we have found

no association

between MMR and autism.

The IOM was the

point of no return.

And so deprived of the truth,

the IOM declared

MMR vaccine safe.

It was a rush to judgment,

to shut the door, permanently

and completely, on

the MMR autism link.

It is absolutely appalling

that much of what I said turned

out exactly to be true.

They were trying to

short-circuit the research.

It's the lowest, you know,

the lowest point in my career,

that I went along

with that paper.

After their brilliant work

on the MMR study, DeStefano

and his team received an

award from the Department

of Health and Human Services.

And then several years later,

Dr. Julie Gerberding

received an award of her own.

A high paid job as head of

the vaccine division at Merck.

Clearly, Merck appreciated the

work she had done investigating

their vaccine.

Just to let you know, I wrote

a paper on my results on MMR.


And it will include

something that I got from you.

Brian was about to

publish a paper using data

that could only have come

from an inside source

in the CDC, a whistle-blower.

And from that point forward,

William Thompson

was a marked man.

Andy approached

me and said it's time

to publicize the

CDC whistle-blower.

Ironically 12 years later,

while Thompson is bearing

his soul to Brian Hooker,

in front of Congress Coleen

Boyle is just peddling the same

old CDC fraud.

But this time, it's

to a new player.

And that is Congressman

Bill Posey from Florida.

I wonder if the

CDC has conducted

or facilitated a study

comparing vaccinated children

with unvaccinated children yet?

Have you done that?

We have actually done a

number of studies looking

at the relationship between

Thiomerisol vaccines and autism,

and other developmental


The lies from the

CDC were still the same.

The difference now is

we had William Thompson.

Vaccines and their components

did not increase the risk

for autism.

But my time is very limited

here, so clearly, definitely,

unequivocally, you have studied

vaccinated versus unvaccinated?

We have not studied


versus unvaccinated, as you...

Never mind, that

is just not there,

that is the meaning

of my question.

You've wasted two

minutes of my time.

Brian had also

submitted a related paper

to a journal called

Nature Neuroscience.

And in that paper, he

had specifically referred

to an unnamed source at the CDC.

And my worst fears were

realized, when a journalist

from Nature Neuroscience

contacted the CDC,

contacted Walter

Orenstein, the message went

on to Frank DeStefano, who sent

it out to the co-authors saying,

"Keep your heads down.

This may be coming your way."

The fear was all of a

sudden we'd be dredging a river

for Bill Thompson.

So I said to him, Brian,

we've got to do three things.

We have got to get Thompson

a whistle-blower lawyer.

We have got to make sure that

his documents are with Posey,

and we've got to

reveal his name.

Whistle-blowers are in danger

only as long as the only people

who know their identity

are their enemies.

Do vaccines cause autism?

In the last 30 years,

the childhood vaccine

schedule has tripled,

while the U.S. autism

rate has skyrocketed

from 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 50.

Dozens of published research

papers show that yes, vaccines

and autism are linked.

Yet, the debate rages on,

in part because of a 1986

National Childhood Vaccine

Injury Act, passed by

Congress, as the result

of pharmaceutical lobbying.

It shields drug companies

from liability for injuries

and deaths caused by the

vaccines they manufacture.

Vaccines that the federal

government admits are

unavoidably unsafe.

Instead of suing the

pharmaceutical company directly,

parents are forced to petition

the Department of Health

and Human Services,

and if federal officials

oppose compensation,

the case is argued

before a special master

in the U.S. Claims Court.

Many refer to this

as vaccine court.

Here are some shocking facts

about the so-called

vaccine court.

Pharmaceutical companies

do not have to participate

in the proceedings at all.

Taxpayers pay for all damages.

The U.S. Department of Justice

acts as a government's lawyer,

with taxpayers footing the

bill for their defense.

Beginning in 2002, there

were already thousands

of cases accumulating

in vaccine court,

and the average compensation

for an autistic child is

in the range of $5 million

dollars, so just do the math.

The government was facing

several hundred billion,

possibly a trillion

dollars in liability

as the autism epidemic grew.

They had to develop a fraudulent

study that would exonerate MMR

to deliberately defeat the

cases in vaccine court,

to avoid paying the

trillion dollars.

So the thousands of autism

petitioners were denied their

fair day in court by a corrupt

and deliberate obstruction

of justice.

It's one of the most unethical

medical decisions of all time,

because it was made

with knowledge

to sacrifice these

children as a direct affront

to the Congressional Mandate

that they all be compensated.

In the fall of last

year, I got a call

from an inside source, who

told me that in two weeks,

there's going to be a whistle

blower from the CDC who is going

to come out and say that

the CDC had committed fraud

on the MMR study

and that they knew

that vaccines were

actually causing autism.

I mean, that's a huge story.

Unfortunately it was a story

I would not be able to tell

on a medical talk show, because

a lot of our funding was coming

from the pharmaceutical


and we were also very

good friends with the CDC,

who had appeared on

our show many times.

But I knew that once this

story broke, two weeks later,

that the mainstream news

media would pick it up.

Fox would be on it.

CNN would be on it.

MSNBC, and we're talking about

the biggest medical story

in the last decade

or two at least.

So that two weeks came.

I saw the video that was

posted by Andrew Wakefield

and Brian Hooker,

and I heard the words

of William Thompson

and his confession.

Oh my god, I cannot

believe we did what we did.

But we did.

It's all there.

It's all there.

And I watched the Blogosphere

go crazy, tweets, Facebook,

social media, everybody

talking about it.

But not one mainstream media

source went anywhere near

the story.

In fact, on CNN someone

put the story

up on iReport, and

CNN took it down.

And at that moment, I

realized wait a minute.

Not only is my medical

talk show being produced

by the pharmaceutical

industry, all of television is.

We were never going

to get this story.

But we certainly

did get a story.

A highly contagious

measles outbreak.

Major outbreak.

Measles outbreaks.

Measles on the

march in America.

This outbreak is showing

no signs of letting up.

But in 2014, the

number tripled,

to 644 measles cases

reported in 27 states.

It's really amazing to

consider the number of cases

of autism every year,

and to contrast

that to let's say the number of

children who acquired measles

by going to Disneyland.

It's a tiny number of

children who acquired measles,

and it's a vast number of

children who are being diagnosed

with autism every day.

We don't know

what causes autism.

I mean, that's fair to say.

We are not sure

in the scientific

community what causes autism,

but we know that

vaccines do not.

Now, I'm not saying that

Sanjay Gupta is a bad guy.

In fact, I think that he

tries to do a lot of good.

Just like many doctors do.

But if they're being lied

to by the scientific body

that provides them

with their information,

what happens to all of us?

What happens if a good doctor

sees the same data that I saw?

So you're a scientist,


So you're studying this.

And you feel 100% confident,

you even said you have kids,

so you're a family person.


You would feel very...

How long have

you been a doctor,

and sort of what is

your area of specialty?

Sure, I've been a

family medical physician

for over 10 years now,

in treating families,

everyone from newborns

all the way

up to my oldest patient is 96.

So do you administer

vaccines as part of that?

Yes I do administer vaccines.

In our clinic, we follow

the CDC recommendations,

and we give that

information to our patients,

and we give them a schedule of

when their children are going

to need to be vaccinated,

and so on and so forth.

There's something

I want to show you.

This is the formal complaint

about what they've been given

by William Thompson,

as well the CDC.

Okay? There's all sorts

of reference materials

in here and things like that.

I'm just going to give

you time to look at it,

study it as long

as you want, okay?

When you feel like you have

a grasp of it, you are going

to know, it's going

to take some time,

appreciate you taking the time.

All right.

All right?


So I have sent you what

William Thompson has said is the

fraud at the CDC.

All of that data

that was missing.

Did you get a chance

to really look it over?

It's really unbelievable.

How blatantly the data

was switched around.

It made me question whether

or not this organization

that has been mandating

how I practice medicine

for the past 10 years, if

they're lying about this,

they're leaving data out

about this particular study...

what else am I being

lied to about?

I'm still trying

to digest it.

Because this study,

which was used to kind

of give the definitive answer

to us pediatricians, that oh,

the MMR is not related

to autism,

I kind of feel

like I've been lied to.

When they set out to do the

study, they wanted to look

at the data, and interpret the

data, but then there is a piece

of data that they

chose to ignore.

The data they excluded was

really, really significant.

Think about it.

It is a big deal.

It is a big deal for a physician

to have to deal with the fact

that for the past 10, 20 years,

we've been potentially

destroying the brains

of children.

Everything I've been

telling my patients

for the last 10 years has been

based on a lie and a cover up.

Parents making decisions

about their children's

health deserve

to have the best

information available to them.

They should be able to

count on federal agencies

to tell them the truth.

Once Brian and I had

outed Bill Thompson,

he got himself a whistle-blower

lawyer, he provided all

of his documents on the

fraudulent CDC study

to Congressman Posey, who

then went before the Congress.

Considering the nature of

the whistle blower's documents,

as well as the involvement

of the CDC, a hearing

and a thorough investigation

is warranted.

So I ask Mr. Speaker, I

beg, I implore my colleagues

on the Appropriations

Committees to please,

please take such action.

Thank you Mr. Speaker,

I yield back.

It's now been 7 months

since Congressman Bill

Posey urged the Congress

to subpoena Bill Thompson,

and they have done nothing.

Bill Thompson wants to

be subpoenaed by Congress.

As a CDC employee from

the federal government,

he cannot speak voluntarily

because of the threat

of jail time.

Absolutely, William Thompson

needs to go before Congress.

He needs to go before

the whole nation.

Everybody needs to see

what he has to say.

He needs to be

deposed in front

of a committee in Congress.

And Julie Gerberding has to

be brought in and deposed.

Because this is a very, very,

very disturbing revelation.

For this researcher to come

forward and be saying now

that they were indeed

deliberately concealing critical

information about

an MMR autism link...

horrible, horrible development.

Deviation from

an analysis plan.

Omission of crucial data.

Destruction of documents.

Obstruction of justice.

Misleading the Congress.

Grievous harm to

innocent children.

This has to be investigated.

You and I are in agreement.

Vaccine safety should

not be in the CDC.


You would end up with an agency

like the National

Transportation Safety Board.

The next thing they need

to do is somebody needs

to reintroduce the

Weldon-Maloney Bill.

It needs to be very, very

quickly enacted, and you need

to take all of the vaccine

safety responsibilities

out of the CDC.

These children have

been maimed by the actions

of Coleen Boyle,

Frank DeStefano,

Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsop,

and Tanya Bhasin.

My son has been debilitated

for 17 years.

I think jail time is too

good for these individuals

who have perpetrated such fraud.

The notion of vaccinating

children, protecting children

against serious infectious

disease with vaccines

that are safe and

effective is laudable.

You hear about measles

outbreaks in Disneyland,

and then they try

and sell you MMR.

We didn't see autism being

reported as a consequence

of the single vaccine,

only of the triple vaccine.

So my feeling is that we need

to review vaccination

policy across the board.

But in the first instance,

I do believe we can make

the problem far less

if we separate those vaccines

out into their single

measles, mumps and rubella.

I just cannot

imagine what it will be

like if we really

do face a future

in which half the children born

end up on the autism spectrum.

I mean, it will be so

disruptive of the school system.

There will be so little

money to be able to spend

on the normal children to

help them to bring them

up and to educate them.

We're just going to have

extremely sick children.

And parents that will be so

distracted by the challenge

of bringing up these

children that are so sick

that our society will not be

able to focus on anything else.

The implications of

that for our country,

for our competitiveness

as a nation,

for our economy, are massive.

They must know, and

they do know,

that there is a national


I mean this is going to

be a complete catastrophe

if we just let it happen.

What will you say the next

time a mother sitting there

with her baby in her

hands says Dr. Rachel,

is the MMR vaccine safe?

Hm... I'm going to tell her.

I'm going to say, you know,

honestly I'm not going

to give the MMR vaccine to

my babies, and here's why.