Vavien (2009) - full transcript

A reckless electrician, who is struggling with debt, decides to kill his wife and use her savings as a way out. His plan takes an unexpected twist when his loving wife, comes back from the dead to be with her family.

Damn it!

Are you saying it's done?

Close it.

It seems kind of slow.

Close it.

It's not working right.

It should pop right open.

But it's not.

The money?

I already owe you 50, right?

- 300 in all.

- 300 total.

Aren't you going to pay up?

Not now. Sorry, brother.

- Then why'd you have it done?

- I've got other payments.

- Don't "brother" me!

- See you later, brother.

- When are you going to pay?

- We'll talk later.

What about!

Give me my money.

- Don't work too hard, brother.

- Celal!

When are you going to pay?


Is it for a woman or a man?

A man.

Does it look like

a woman's sweater?


That one's slow too.

- Celal, come with me.

- What's going on?

I've got something to show you.


What till you see

what brother Seyfi's got.

- Really?

- Really.

Have a seat.

Look at this.

How's this one?

This one?

This one?



- This?

- Make that one a little bigger.

- They're all new.

- That one's nice.

- Are you coming tonight?

- Are there any more?

No. Coming tonight?

Your friend will be there.

What friend?


The guy with the jeep?

- What is it?

- You don't know?

- Know what?

- That's he going to give you shit.

- What for?

- Because of...

What's that broad's name?

- Sibel.

- That's it, Sibel.

Just let him try.

You'd think he owned her.

Anyway, got anything else?

Move back.

These just came in, Celal.

Have a look.

- Good day, Cemal.

- Thanks, Sevilay.

- Isn't Celal around?

- He's at the garage.

Is he having

the automatic door done?

But isn't he the one

moaning about money?

So what's this all about?

Does anyone ever know

what he's up to?


Are you going to

party headquarters?

When did he go?

An hour ago.

I'll go to the party meeting

then. See you.


I want to ask you something.

Did Celal mention that

we're going to Samsun tonight?


You know that job

at the high school.

What job?

The contract.

We're going to sort it out.

In the middle of the night?

That's how things work.

Drinks and stuff.

- He didn't tell me.

- He told me.

I won't bother

with dinnerthen.


So you'll be back

in the morning.

It'll take until morning.

- Have a good day.

- Thanks, you too.

That's from giving up smoking.

You making fun of me?

A retirement home has become

an absolute necessity.

With so many families migrating

and never coming back...

...their parents are

in a difficult position.

The elderly

have been left behind...

...with no one to care forthem.

That's why we've got to have

a retirement home built.

So, how do we go about it?

He had an automatic door done.

...?nder Bey, from one of

our city's foremost families.

As you know,

he owns a great deal ofland.

He's donating some land...

As ifhe's using that door

all day.

What's the point?

So, how do we proceed from here?

We need to

set up an organization.

I'm confident

we'll do what's needed.

He pisses me off sometimes.

I hope to discuss the matter

further at tomorrow's meeting.

Over some of Sevilay's

wonderful pide.

Yes, deputy,

I'd be happy to make some.

- With ground meat?

- Yes, in all of them

Understood, deputy.

We'll go to the butcher's

if need be.





Ivana Fukalot.

"Night Mix".

Another one with Ivana Fukalot.




Sign here and here.

300. 400. 500.

You can't trust people

these days.

You'll get those hands broken

one day.

The little jackass.

The little jackass!

Ah! What're you doing?

Did I scare you?

I'm just joking around.

I told you,

I don't like jokes like that.

- Okay, okay. Give it a rest.

- For God's sake.

Enough already.

Son, did you wash your hands?

- I did.

- The hell you did.

Why are you like this?

Why do you do things

behind my back, son?

Why are you messing around with

other people's stuff?

- I didn't do anything like that.

- The hell you didn't!

Back off. If he says

he didn't do it, he didn't.

- Get out of my sight.

- I swear I didn't.

Filthy bugger!

If l catch you one more time...

- Okay, dad.

- Now fuck off!

Go on, boy. Take the bread

and go straight home.

I don't want him touching the

bread with his filthy hands.

Get lost. Dickhead.



They're starting to talk, Cemal.

About us, you know, running off

to Samsun. To clubs and stuff.

Who's talking?

- Fahri is.

- Which Fahri?

You know, "Fahri's Apparel".

Fahri knows

we're going to Samsun tonight.

How does he know?

- Seyfi told him.

- Our Seyfi?


you got some porn too.

Did he say that too?

What kind of guy is that Seyfi?

Some things are

better left unsaid.


You see the problem?

He tells someone, and then they

blab to someone else.

You've got a family.

I'm free to do what I want, but

you'd better watch your step.



If they all find out

about this.

Anyway, you should've seen

how I fooled Fahri.

I really went for it.

Boy was that fun, Celal.

- What'd you do?

- I told him...

...we were going to Samsun

for a tender... do the wiring

for a 40-class high school.

- In Samsun?

- Yeah, in Samsun.


You like the sound of that,

don't you?

I sure do.

It makes you feel rich.

Just one lie,

and suddenly you're rich.

How's my T-shirt?

Like it?

If it works out, we might

open a shop in the city.

Where exactly

is this high school?

Uh... You know...

Where are we right now, exactly?

You know that place...

That big building site?

It's a big job.


Considerthis a loan, okay?

Come on, it's okay.

I mean it, Celal.

It's just a loan. Thanks.

I don't expect a thing.

And I added an extra 200.

You said 800.

I made it 1000.

Get yourself

some perfume or something.

You're good enough to eat.

What a sweetie.

Can I come by tonight?

Tonight's impossible.

I came once

and I've never forgotten.

I know, but not tonight.

I'm trying to

come here once a week.

If we get this

high school job...

- I've got to get ready.

- I'm serious.

No touching or anything.

We'll just talk.

- Stop insisting.

- Just 10 minutes, Sibel. Please.

- I'll pay you back.

- Please Sibel, just 10 minutes.

Dip into my waters.

Oh oh!

- Good evening.

- Yes, father.

- You got the money?

- Yes, father.

Make sure you jot down

all the dates and amounts.

I write it all down, father.

Don't throw away any bank slips.

- I'm keeping them all.

- How's Celal.

- He's fine, father.

- The hell he is.

Really. We've been

getting along good lately.

It's your money he loves.

Don't say that, father.

Celal's not like that.

The hell he's not.

I know his type.

- No, really.

- Don't mention the money.

- I won't.

- He'll do anything for that money.

Please don't say that.

Celal's not like that.

He's a good man

and he helps...

- Keep it short.

- What?

Talk faster.

This is costing money.

- Want to talk to your mother?

- Yes.

You want to talk your daughter?

Your daughter!

By the time

she gets to the phone...

Calling from Germany costs a

fortune. Well?

Give her my love

and kisses and tell mother I...

Is that all?

- Yes, father.

- Bye then.

Good bye.

Go on, I'll catch up.



Damn you!

Get back here, boy.

As foryou girl, shut up.

Little bastard!

What happened, son? Mesut!

I'm telling you, this guy's

a big-shot businessman.

From the time of

the Ko?'s and Sabanc?'s.

You're kidding.

Real old. About to croak.

So he decided to build a school.

It's got 40 classrooms,

and we're doing all the wiring.

- In Samsun?

- In Samsun.

We'll be coming up once a week.

That's great.

Come on, drink up!

Surely, one day,

we two shall meet again.

Things can't go on like this,


Surely, one day, we two shall

meet again.

So tell me, S?leyman,

is a guy like that worth it?

- Just blow it off.

- Ignore him.

I mean, he's not your equal.

The bastard's

getting on my nerves.

Answer me, S?leyman.

Is he your equal?

Just answer me, yes or no?

He's getting on my nerves.

For God's sake, S?leyman.

He's not worth it.

I'm gonna fuck him up good.


Isn't she answering?

I wonder why?

That is it, right here.

- You're sure this is it?

- Yeah.



Go for a ride if you want.

- I'm fine here.

- Okay.

And now, dear listeners,

for some poetry...

With tear-filled eyes...

...closed doors

and wounded hearts...

...we remain apart,

two strangers.

Come, my beloved,

don't make me wait.

My eyes watch the door,

my bell never rings.

My door, never opening;

me, never seeing you.

Where did we go wrong,

my beloved?

Have we become enemies?

Are you my enemy now?

This separation is such...

How'd it go?

Did you sort things out?

Let's get out ofhere.

What happened? Tell me...

Shall we go on a picnic?

- Did you wash your hands?

- Yes, dad.

From now on, I want a report on

whether you washed your hands.

Got it?

- He washed them.

- Don't stick up for him.

What happened to yourface?

Turn round. Let me have a look.

- What happened?

- He fell offhis scooter.

I fell off my scooter.

Good foryou.

Way to go.


All you do is wreck things.

Nothing happened to the scooter.

I'm gonna put a bullet to the

middle of my forehead.

All you do is wreck things.

I'm sick of you all.

You've never made me happy,

not once.


What happened?

- Aren't you eating?

- No.

- Eat a little.

- Sure, let's eat.

Let's eat all day long.

We won't work; we'll just eat.

Come on!

Idiot. Just wait till tomorrow.

- Celal.

- What?

I knitted you a sweater.

With big buttons.

That's all I need right now,

a sweater. Good foryou.

Get going, boy.

Celal. Try it on

and I'll check the sleeves.




I wish you'd been

interested in school.

I'd have done anything for you

to study in Ankara or Istanbul.

But I look at you

and all I see is a dickhead.

A good-for-nothing.

Never does anything right.

Son, you...


Son, why are you so stupid?

Can't I be proud of my boy,

like everyone else?

Won't I ever be able to

brag about you, even once?

I'm doing my best, dad.

The middle ofhis forehead?

If you ask him anything he gets

all jumpy and starts yelling.

And says he'll shoot himself

in the forehead.

He must have

hit his head somewhere.

He said they went to dinner.

Forthat high school job.

- Could he have fallen?

- How do I know?

Did they

get the high school job?

How am I supposed to know?

I can't ask him anything.

The ceiling lamp's fixed.

Thanks, Celal Bey.

And the lamp's working.

The lead was loose, that's all.

Oh, so that's what it was.

Thanks, Celal Bey.

There's one more thing.

We haven't forgotten

the stuffed vine leaves?

No, I'm taking care ofit.

Now, I'm turning on the light.

And going upstairs.

- The light's burning, isn't it?

- Yes, deputy.

So how am I supposed to

turn it off?

Isn't there

a light switch up there?


But it's forthe upstairs light.

- But not the other one?

- No.

And you can't

come down to turn it off.

How many times can I go

up and down the stairs?

Of course,

you can't run down every time.

- You need a "vavien".

- A what?

- A parallel switch.

- What's that?

Look, deputy. You turn the light

on and offhere, right?

- Yes?

- And then you go upstairs?

- Yes?

- And you can't...

...turn off this light, right?

- Yes.

You need a switch up there too.

- Both downstairs and upstairs?

- That's it.

So you can control the light

upstairs and downstairs.

We call that a "vavien".

So you'll install one of those

then, Celal Bey.

To tell you the truth,

I don't know how to put one in.

I've got to check the food.

- If you don't know something...

- I don't know how.

What don't you understand?

I understand,

but what about everyone else.

- I understand all right.

- Just shut your mouth, woman.

You don't understand a thing.

Stop shooting your mouth off.

How can a guy who's been doing

this job for 20 years not know?

So that's what this about.

It's the 20 years.

Is that what

you're trying to say?

That I've been no good for 20

years? Is that what you mean?

If I'm wrong, just say so.

Get out of the car.

Get out.

Get out, I said.

Let me out a

little further along.

Get out!

For God's sake!

I heard he got a business letter

from Philips.



Why do you always talk nonsense?

Are you saying it's not true?

- Someone made that up.

- Everyone's saying it.

Is everyone wrong, Cemal?

It's true.

Don't go and back her up.

They're all lying.

Have you asked him?

I asked him myself.

Did you ask him?

- No, I didn't.

- So?

So everyone's a liar but you.

Are you coming?

No. I'll drop you off, brother.

- Okay.

- Can I make you some tea?

- I'd best go home, Sevilay.

- See you.



Shall we go on a picnic?

What's all this about a picnic?

I've had it. It'll do me good.

Come on, let's go on a picnic.

Get up, we're going on a picnic.


A picnic in weather like this?

Come on, son. Get up.

We're going on a picnic.

Come on.

Have Hanife come too.

And her husband.

We'll all have a picnic.

It looks like rain.

What rain? It's summer.

Come on.

Can Hanife come too?

Hanife, and her husband,

and Cemal. We'll all go.

Hurry up, son. Your dad says

we're going on a picnic.

Mesut, come here, son. Get in.

H?seyin, sit next to him.

Come on, Hanife.

You too, Sevilay.

Put this on.

It might be cold up there.

It's kind of girly looking.

- Girly looking?

- Yes. Come on.

Is it girly?

Is it really?


An American businessman...

...bought a painting

by a famous Turk for 7 million.

7 million?

And it's of a naked woman,

on her side...

...showing her butt to everyone.

He paid 7 million forthat.

He paid 7 million to see

some woman's butt?


Don't you get it, you pimp?

Why do you keep calling her?

Haven't you got any pride left?

Why do you keep calling?

- Uh-huh.

- What "uh-huh"?

If you call Sibel one more time,

I'll tearyou to pieces.

- You hearthat?

- We'll come up on Friday.

What are you talking about?

Don't you understand Turkish?

I'll put a bullet to your head

if you ever call Sibel again.

- Fine, we'll talk later.

- Talk about what?

I've got to go.

I'm hanging up.

Who was that?

You know that job of ours?

In Samsun?

What are you doing?

I'm just kidding around.

You're so jumpy.

I told you to stop doing that.

It's a joke.

I really scared you, huh?

Hand me your plate.


get it next to your husband.

Get in, Sevilay.

It'll start pouring in a minute.

Shut it.

Come on, I'm closing the door.






They'll find her.




What kind of man are you?

What kind of person?

God damn you. You'll get yours.

I'm doing the best I can,


You can't do shit! You couldn't

even look after my daughter!

You lost her! God damn a

worthless son-in-law like you!

Did she mention the money?

What money?

Money. Did she say

anything about money?

- No.

- Nothing?

Not a word.

I don't even have a body

to bury, a grave to pray at.

Damn you to hell.

- Are you going to come, father?

- Don't call me father!

Son, did you wash your hands?


Good foryou, son.

Thanks. Thanks.

No, I don't smoke.


To hell with your cable.

Damn it.

- What happened, brother?

- His wife's missing.

Probably dead.

Let's go.

- I'm so sorry.

- Thanks brother.

- I'm so sorry.

- Thanks, Saadettin.

- I'm sorry, brother.

- Thanks, brother.

- My condolences.

- Thanks, brother.

- Any news, brother?

- We're still waiting.

- Sorry, brother.

- Thanks.

- Sorry, brother.

- Thanks.


- I'm so sorry.

- Thanks.

Is there any news?

No, we're still waiting.

How'd it happen?


They say the doorflew open.

Ah, the automatic door?

How'd it open like that?

- Celal, my condolences.

- Thanks, brother.


Well, we went on a picnic.

And it got dark all of a sudden.

It started raining.

We all went home.

- Did you go to D?den?

- Yes, we went to D?den.

There was a sharp bend

in the road.

I had trouble taking it. The car

shook and the door opened.

- My condolences, Cemal.

- Thanks.

- So that's what happened?

- That's what happened.

So the door

flew open by itself?

Whatever! My condolences, again.

Thanks. Take it easy.

That fuckhead!

What can I say?

She was a good person.

Never had a bad thought.

And such a good cook.

What should

I do about the switch?

I've got to go to Ankara. Get

some rest. We'll do it later.

I'll go to Samsun

in the meantime.

- Forthe tender?

- Yes, forthe tender.

You're holding it in.

That's no good. Let it out.

I'm not holding anything in.

Look, you're holding it in.

That's no good. Don't do it.

That's what causes every

serious illness in the world.

Keeping things inside.

If you need to talk, talk.

If you want to cry, just go

and out and get some air.

Do whateveryou need,

but don't hold it inside!

Yes, but, I'm not

holding anything inside.

Yes, but, I'm not

holding anything inside.

Understand? I'm like a big

brotherto you. I understand.

Don't do it.


Let's go to my place

and drink some rak?.

No, I can't.

Don't refuse me.

Come on.

All right then.

Dad never loved me.

He always said so.

I only had my mother.

Now she's gone

and I haven't got anyone.

What about me, Mesut?

- But...

- You've got me.

Mesut, what are doing?

Stop it!

Mesut, your mother just died!

So I asked the doctor... there no hope?

No, he said.

Celal, I went walking.

For six hours!

I walked

and cried for six hours.

Then I got up one day

and I felt better.


I pulled back the curtains

and made some tea.

It'll come.

Those days will come.

You're crying on the inside,

aren't you?

Strange you were,

yet so enticing, so coy.

My heart seeks you always;

where can you be?

Your honeyed tongue,

smiling face, doe eyes.

My heart seeks you always;

where can you be?

Ah, my honeyed tongue,

beaming face, doe eyes.

My heart seeks you always...



Congratulations, Celal.

Your wife's back.


- Congratulations.

- Thanks, Sadi.

- Congratulations, brother!

- Thanks, brother.

- Celal, congratulations.

- Thanks.

- Congratulations, Celal!

- Thanks, brother.

They say you're wife's back.

Is it true?

Yeah, it's true.

I had no idea

what was happening.

The car shook; the door opened

and I rolled and rolled.

I don't remember

what happened next.

Oh, these stuffed vine leaves!

Enjoy it, deputy.

Then what happened?

I was rescued

by an old man from the village.

The snails

come out afterthe rain.

He was collecting snails,

with a hoe.

He was swinging the hoe and.

...ah, what's that?

The hoe got tangled in a cable.

So he started following the

cable, to see where it led.

Further and further...

A sack tied

to the end of the cable.

And me, lying there unconscious.

As though someone

put the sack there on purpose.

Like St. H?z?r.

Like St. H?z?r.

I'm going to strip all the bed

sheets and blankets tomorrow.

Everything's dirty.

- Celal?

- Yes?

- Don't get angry, but.

- At what?

You promise?

Just tell me.

I'll say it then.

I really wonder.

What did you feel when I died?

- Me?

- Yes.

When you died?

When I died.

What's the first thing you felt?

I really wonder.

Did you cry?

Yeah, I cried.

A lot?

A lot.

What did you say?


That first moment.

What'd I say?

I yelled "Sevilay".

Or was it you who

threw me off the cliff, Celal?

What are you talking about,

for God's sake!

I'm just kidding!

I'm kidding, that's all.

Like you're always doing!

What am I always doing?

Don't you always say "I'd like

to throw you over a cliff!"?

Well, don't you?

Some joke!

Come on, Celal.

I'm just kidding around with you.

Why'd you get up?

Come and sit down.

Celal. I swear

I was only joking. All right?

You and your jokes!

I'm sorry Celal.

I didn't mean anything by it.

Celal, where are you going?

At this time of night?

Did you check the money?

How many times

have I told you? Yes.

- You can't trust that guy.

- Father, don't say that.

Anything else?

No, father.

Give my love to mother.

Come to Germany.

We miss you.

How can I, father?

We're helping the deputy build a

retirement home.

- Celal's got a contract...

- He must be lying.

Don't say that.

If you only knew

how he cried when I died!

Anything else?

- No, father.

- Watch your money! Okay?

- Okay.

- I'm hanging up now.

There are two kinds of people:

Good and bad.

The bad ones always have

all kinds of schemes.

All kinds of plans.

You know what I mean?

But the good ones

aren't like that.

The good ones are good people.

The bad ones are bad.

The good ones are good.

And we're good people.

I startled you. Sorry.

What are doing!

You didn't hear me

overthe dryer.

- What are you doing?

- The laundry.

Okay, go on then.

- Got any dirty clothes?

- No.

What is it?

What are sleeping here?

Come in to bed.

All right.

Good morning, Celal!

Thanks, brother.

- Just kidding around!

- What the hell are you doing?

- Just having some fun.

- What kind of fun is that!

What a scaredy-cat!

- For God's sake!

- What a sissy!

Be scared then!

Get scared when your wife dies.

Then get scared

when she comes back.

I need to talk to you.

Go on.

I'm going to something,

but don't get angry.

I hid some money from you.

Father's been sending me money.

I hid it, and didn't tell you.

Forgive me.

How much?

75,000 Euros.

How much?

75,000 Euros.

75,000 Euros?

Well I'll be damned!

Here we are, scraping by,

our checks bouncing...

...not a shred of pride left.

And you couldn't say,

"Here, have a 100 Euros!"

God damn you, woman!

Why'd you have to come back?

Why didn't you die!

What good have you ever

done anyone but yourself?

- I haven't?

- Have you?

The money's not where I hid it.

- Have you done something, Celal?

- You're asking me?

You're asking me about money

you nevertold me about?

Money you kept secret?

Go ask

whoever you told about it!

Why are you asking me?

I didn't even know about it!

Go ask whoever

you told about it!

- I didn't tell anyone.

- If you didn't, you didn't.

What I'm saying is, go ask

whoever knows about the money.

Why ask me?

I didn't know a thing.

Did you evertell me?

You didn't!

So why come and ask me about it?

Go ask someone else!

Don't ask me!


I'm divorcing you!

Brother, we need to talk.

It's important.

And that's why I had

the automatic car door done.

She'd saved up money. You know

how everything was falling apart.

So I decided to get rid ofher.

And I made herfall out

on the way back from the picnic.

But then she came back!

She keeps scaring me,

like she knows something.

She just asked about the money.

I don't know what to think.

I think she's up to something.

Give me a cigarette.

I don't want anything

to do with this. Okay?


You fucking asshole!


I want to ask you something.

Go on.

Have you ever.

...hidden anything...

...from your husband?

How can anyone do that, Sevilay?

That's not marriage.


should be out in the open.

You can't keep secrets

from your husband.

If you do, he can divorce you.

And you can't say a thing.

Is he still waiting?

I told him to go.

What else can I do?

- What is it, Celal?

- How are you?

What is it that

you don't understand?

It's not that, I just.

Get out ofhere!

You can't talk to me like that!

And what gives you the right

to keep calling me?

I was just asking afteryou.

What's it to you! Just get lost!

I just wanted...

Get out ofhere!

Then what about the money?

There's no money foryou!

- Alaaddin!

- Okay, I got it.

How much was there?

75,000 Euros.

75,000 Euros?

That much!

How much did you spend?

About 1500.

You idiot! If we subtract 1500

that leaves 73,500.

- Have you got the money?

- Yes.

- Where?

- In the car, underthe spare.

Give the money to Sevilay,

and your problems are over.

You know that job in Samsun?

The tender?

Go tell Sevilay that

we got a 75,000 Euro advance.

Go give it all to her and the

subject's closed. Got it?

- All ofit?

- All ofit.

I've got a lot of debts.

What about half?

And what happens if Sevilay goes

to the police and says...

..."My husband threw me off

a cliffbut I survived."...

..."I'm taking him to court."?

You'd get at least thirty years

for attempted murder!

I'll give it all to herthen.

Just get rid ofit.

Let's have a talk.

Sit down.


...thought about what you said,


I haven't been

a good husband to you.

Ifl had, you wouldn't have

asked me those questions.

Don't say that.

It's true.

You know that job in Samsun.

We got an advance.

How much was missing?

How much?


...there's 30,000 here.

We'll make up the rest

when the job's done


Money was the problem,

wasn't it?

Now everything's okay.

It's not money I want, Celal.

I want you.

Without you, what good is money?

I don't want it;

just don't leave me.

You're my everything.

I couldn't live without you.

You're a part of me.

Please, don't go!

I don't want the money;

it's all yours!

Everything I have is yours,

and I've got nothing but you.

Just don't leave me.

But weren't you

the one asking about money?

You asked about it.

There was

no one else for me to ask.

Are you taking the money,

or not?

No, I don't want it.

You don't want it?

I'll ask one more time:

Are you taking it, or not?

You don't want it?

I'm going tell your mother!

You jackass!

- Mom...

- Hush!

?erife, what's going on?

Nothing, Sabri.

What are you

two doing out there?

Come on inside.

Just look at that. Sevilay,

come here for a second.

Look at this.

It's so beautiful, deputy.

Why shouldn't our retirement

home have a room like that?


That would be great, deputy.

It's no trouble at all.

Will the food

be done by evening?

No problem.


Look at these rooms.

Aren't they spacious and airy?

They're beautiful.

Who's doing the electrical work

forthe retirement home, deputy?

I'm not sure.

We haven't reached that stage yet.

What about our guys doing it?

The electrical work?

You know that job in Samsun?

If they can do such a big job

there, why not this one?

Aren't you the one who says,

"Why bring someone in...

...when we've got our own men?"?

How's the Samsun job going?

It's still going on, no problem.

Sevilay may have mentioned the

retirement home we're building.

She did, deputy.

Well, we thought about it,

especially Sevilay...

...and we decided to give you

the contract forthe electrical work.

The thing is, will it conflict

with your job in Samsun?

And I'll have to

speak to the mayor.

But I'm certain he'll agree.

I mean, why not use

our own local tradesmen?

I'll go check on the food.

I'm convinced it's forthe best.

Good foryou!

I've cheered up already.

I wasn't expecting this.

What a surprise.

The TV guy's girl?

Sabri's daughter?

I don't believe it.

The guy who got an offer

from Philips?

That was all a lie.

How about that Mesut!

It's been going on a long time.

Yesterday wasn't the first time.

For a long time, huh?


Just look at

what Mesut's been up to!

What is it?

Are you happy about it?

Tell me.

I'm dying to know.

Just tell me.

So you're on the computer.

- Good foryou, son.

- For what?

Ever since I gave up smoking

I can't sit still.

You're smiling.

Just look at you, Sevilay.

Things must be pretty good

- She didn't want the money?

- Nope.

What did you say to her?

That I wanted a divorce.

- And she didn't want one?

- Nope.

- And?

- I deposited it in the bank.

The bank?

In your own account?

Some guys have all the luck!


Sure, I'll have some.



Everything worked out.

I always knew

this project would work out...

...because we brought together

the right people.

The best ofluck

to our district.

This construction site is

officially opened.

Come here, son.

Sit between us.


Right, off we go.

It's good

you had that door done.