Vautrin (1943) - full transcript

Michel Simon vehicle and Balzac adaptation: An escaped convict, putting on priest's garb, manoeuvres his way into 19tn century French society and pressures his young protege to marry for money, not love.

They're moving away...the filthy bastards!

Will they be recaptured?

Can't do much before daylight.

- A pipe?

- Thanks, corporal.

Until then...

we've got the best spot.

So you still refuse to talk?

You were friendly with the convicts

Vautrin and Calvi...

You're sure to know something

about their escape..

So talk!

Speak up!

Ball and chain for these men

from tomorrow...and 20 days in solitary.

Take them away!

This is a nice mess...gentlemen...


It's one thing for Calvi to escape...

but Vautrin...

Vautrin, the most dangerous hoodlum

of our time!

You let him get away!

There were circumstances...

Circumstances!...I am the one responsible

for this penal colony...

in the eyes of His Majesty...

A penal colony that is meant to be


Who was in charge of the watch?

You'll be waiting somewhat longer

for your promotion to captain.

You'll be under close arrest

from tomorrow.

Lieutenant Serbin, take 40 men...

Search the farms,

barns and churches...

Mr de Niron...

alert the police stations right away

in La Rochelle, Cognac and Jonzac.

Unlikely they'd

tell you about their stash!

They probably fooled you.

There are two things

I don't like, Calvi...

That I have to do all the work...

and people?s opinions.

You've nothing to fear from me...

I stopped to rest and I did not know

of your presence...

Besides...I'm alone...

and I'm not armed...

and I'm a priest...

Who are you?

Father Don Carlos Herrera...

He DID come to take a rest.

I've never killed!

It's not a murderer I need...

it's a man!


Go and find us

some fresh horses.

We need to sleep

in Poitiers tonight.

Reverend...we'll need to stop

for a while...

We have to repair the rear axle...

if we're going to get through

on these damn roads!

"Ad augusta per augusta"

my friend.

To a noble destiny by narrow paths... still feels like prison here.

We got through to here...

The hard part's done.

But I'm in the greatest hurry

of any abbot in France!

At your command, Reverend!

Woe to he

who transgresses!

What can I offer you, Reverend?


Bring me...a glass of water.

I'm from a monastery

where alcohol is unknown.

Very well, Reverend.

There you are, Reverend

Thank you, my child.


But that's much too much, sir!

That's it.

Where does it go through there,

my child?

To the river, Reverend...

This is a very poetic place

to drown yourself, sir!

That's my business, Reverend...

I can't see how you

can assume that...

This, my child...

Your tears and this piece of paper...

No need to read it to know

that it's a goodbye...

A symbol of write

to those you leave.

You still deny it?

But I've nothing to deny.

Be on your way, Reverend.

Your comfort is useless to me.

I don't believe in God.

I'm an atheist.

I'm from Spain, sir.

We don't believe in atheists down there.

Tell me why you want to die...

Do you have an incurable illness?

Yes, Father...poverty!

A diamond knows not its value.

Confide your troubles in me, my son.

It is a love affair gone wrong?

What can grieve you...

at your age?

Dishonour, Father.

I fled Paris...deeply in debt.

I owe 15,000 francs

to a moneylender.

15,000 isn't enough

to drown yourself over.

That's not all...

Before the payment date...

I lost my head

and did something wrong...

I forged my brother-in-law's


And as he was unable to pay...

he was thrown into prison.

I've no choice but to die.

You have too much heart

and not enough brains...

Fate is only worth

what we judge it to be...

To you rate yours

at 15,000 francs?

I'm inclined to pay you more.


- Yes, me...

I'll give you proof.

I think it'll hold together

'til Poitiers.

You can rest assured, sir...


There are 30,000 crowns here...

Tonight at Poitiers, I'll give you

what will free your brother....

and give you back

the will to live.

You'd do that for me?

Later this evening...

Why would you do it?

Because I'm interested in you...

As fate would have it...I met you

on the verge of suicide...

Because you moved me...

We can leave, Reverend...

Go on ahead and wait for me!

I was talking to people here...

Calvi let himself be caught.

May God forgive him.

A few minutes walking

doesn't bother you?

Come on...I want to talk to you...


Believe my experience,

you've been very unwise...

Only those who make the laws

get around them...

not those who have to obey them.

The small fry are to serve...

not to be served.

I understand that too well, Father.

We've been chatting a long time

without introducing ourselves...

I'm Abbot Carlos de Herrera,

honorary canon

at Toledo Cathedral...

...on a mission for His Majesty.

My titles are more obscure, Mr Abbot...

My mother is of noble birth...

I might have been a marquis.

My unlucky star didn't want it...

My name's Lucien Chardon.

And you suffer from it, right?

-You're ambitious?

-To die from it...

Better to live...

Would you like to succeed?

I can take you very far

down the way to power.

I saved your life...

Consent to be mine.

I'll make your fortune.

Once again...Why?

Because I'm alone...

One of the most dreadful

sorts of solitude...

That of the soul...

Whether he's a convict or a leper...

infamous or sick...

Man has only one thought... find an accomplice

or companion to his destiny.

Would you be that?

What a strange priest

you are!

Do not be fooled

by appearances...

You've been hunted

out of Paris?

You be back there in your coach

within 6 months...

...with your marquis arms

engraved on the doors.

Obey...and you'll be as great

you were small...

I shall plan, you will execute...

And Paris will belong to us!

Success has a secret

that I don't know.

That's is the secret of success...

...straight to the point

and quick about it!...

I don't have as steady a hand

as you.

I don't want you to hold the gun...

I want you to be the bullet!

Father...I'm yours!

Off we go!

Servants of the Marquis

de Rubempr?...

Servants of the Marquis

de Rubempr?......

Your lordship!

Thank you my friend.


I didn't want to let you leave

without a more personal goodbye..

How do you want me?

Mad as you are...

I'm afraid your father would guess

the reason for your absence.

The duke doesn't think much of me.

But his daughter loves you.

I love you, Lucien.

Don't take offence at my father's distrust...

Think about how far

you've come in 6 months...

You came as Lucien Chardon

and here you are...

Lucien de Rubempr?...

A marquis and now received

in our house...

''Received'' ?

You mean "tolerated".

Come now...

don't be so down...

I bear one of the great names

of France...

Before agreeing

to let me change it...

my father would require


He acts as a father...

So act as a lover!...

If you love me...

Do you have any doubt?

No, because I want to live.

I know I'm not as pretty

as a lot of other women...

but I also know

what I'm worth.

Let ambition make you

love me...

...and I'll bring you

to loving me for love!

I love you Clotilde!

Don't make me too happy...

...lest I have too much regret


- Good night!

-You're leaving so early this evening...

Is Madame de S?risy

so impatient?

Don't be cruel...

My life is suspended

until I see you again...

I'm going home...

I'll see you tomorrow.

A handsome guy...

masked for the opera ball!

He's come to steal us away!

Lucien ! Lucien Chardon !

It's you!

Our Lucien!...

I told you he was in Paris.


Isn't he handsome...well-dressed!


Gentlemen...please excuse me!

Very happy...

to see you in Paris again...

Mr Chardon...

You seem to be right back

in the saddle...


You did very well

in the provinces?

Not everyone takes advantage

of Parisians' gullibility!

You're getting rather testy

Monsieur Chardon...

Monsieur de Rastignac,

call me by my name...

I am Marquis de Rubempr?...

under a royal decree...

I HAD heard that.

You're welcome to repeat it.

So...Long live the king!...

Monsieur de Rubempr?.

He knows how to choose

his gentlemen.

''De Rubempr?'' ?

Little Lucien Chardon has finally

got to use his ancestors.

His noble line is far older

than yours...

Madame Marquise d'Empire!

Wait 'til the gold on your crest is dry

before judging others!

What impertinence!

What a pity I didn't get a chance

to slap him!

This Chardon is making his mark...

and somebody's sponsoring him.

Should he trip up...

I'll crush him!


You'll lose you place in paradise.

And you're wasting your time!

You're not at the Hotel Grandlieu?

I'm on my way.

I came here because...

I was feeling sad.

Clotilde doesn't love you anymore?

She leans on her father...

What's he got against you?

You're a marquis!

A marquis without land.

If I become a landowner...

I get the hand of his daughter!

Which would cost...

600,000 francs.

We'll have to find someone

who's got it!


Do you know who I just left?

The charming Madame de S?risy...

She's waiting for you

in her dressing-room.

That's all I have to say.

Thanks, old man!

Ah, Madame de S?risy !

Very good!...

She loves you, she can be useful...

Off you go, my son!

I took you to be

a trustworthy boy, Lucien...

When Diane saw you...

I refused to believe it!

I'm hoping my eyes

didn't deceive me...

Standing there in your finery?

Is this in our honour?

Apparently not!

Sit down!

Have you already forgotten

about Mademoiselle de Grandlieu?

By the's your affair going?

Has the duke succumbed to your charms?

Somewhat slowly, madame.

He'll come 'round!

Clotilde loves you.

When one has the heart of a place...

the walls tumble down.

You'll soon be

Monsieur Clotilde de Grandlieu.

No fear about that!

You're cruel!...


I have to leave you...

You're already running away?

I'm really forced to...

Tomorrow I have to go hunting...

It's going to be a long day.

Go on're a scoundrel!

Could I see you the day after tomorrow?

There'll be gaming tables...

Isn't it the man who's supposed

to ask such things?

Yes...but none of us

are perfect...are we?

My really are badly in love

with that boy!

Do you mean I don't

love him enough?

You love him too much...

and too obviously!

Hearts only burn well

in uncertainty.

Mine burns enough for two!

My angel!

Esther, my darling!

It really is you, Lucien!

I was so afraid you wouldn't

be able to come!

So afraid!

I've been watching for your signal

since I arrived...

For several minutes

my whole life was on hold.

My angel!

We can't stay here...

20 people have recognized me already.

I've had to smile...

defend myself...lie...

...losing the minutes

I was keeping for you!

We'll have to separate.


We can meet again

at your place.

So what have I got

to complain about?

See you later!

Monsieur de Rastignac?

What do you want with me?

To speak to you as a friend...

Not a friendship I'd like...

Monsieur Masked One!

You don't know my voice?

How about my face?


So you're out of prison?

Yes...Just to recommend

a friend of mine to you!

Who are you talking about?

The Marquis de Rubempr?...

I would like you to like him,

Mr Rastignac...

I like those who please me.

Make him one who pleases you!


I haven't forgotten how you reached

your place in the world!

Monsieur de Rubempr? will be

one of my friends.

Monsieur MARQUIS de Rubempr?!

I stress the difference...

it cost me a lot.


Mademoiselle, I'm confused ...

Pardon me!

How could I have been

so clumsy?

Don't worry...

it doesn't matter at all!



I tore the dress of

the prettiest woman at the ball!

I feel it will take me a lifetime

to make amends...

I'd much rather forgive you

right now!...Goodbye sir!

But, mademoiselle.........

That's a dress that

could cost you dearly, Baron!


Do you know that beauty?

Nothing special about it...

That's the beautiful Esther...

You'll find her at 15 Rue de Langlade...

Knock on the door

with a gold piece!

-A whore?

-Courtesan, Baron!...

An unscrupulous one.

I am rich...

and she is beautiful!...

That's not the first pretty woman

you've looked at!

No...but it's the first one

that looked at me, Rastignac...

Goodbye, Nucingen.

Hey...that was 15 Rue de Langlade

wasn't it?

Thanks my friend...'re so clumsy!

Right now, a badly-tied tie

is hardly relevant! true love...

what are you going to do about it?

I want you to be

as handsome as possible...

Even if it's only the night

and me who sees you...

Remember that pride is a sin!

I'm proud of being yours!

I wonder if a joy like mine

is not a challenge to the heavens.

Six months of happiness...

what have I done to deserve it?

Happiness and deserts are two lords

who often go to war with each other.

Until tomorrow my love.

I'll be counting the hours

that separate us.

The hours, days, your worldly life...

Madame de S?risy the renowned beauty...

Clotilde de Grandlieu

and several others.

You envy them?

I pity them...because it's me

that you love!

Until tomorrow...

Until tomorrow.

Here you are Angel...

here they are!

Who are you?

The Abbot Don Carlos Herrera.

I see that he spoke to you

about me...

Young people have no secrets

from their lovers.

He loves that right?

He told me so.

My happiness depends on

believing it.

A shared hears?

Pointless question, Father...

For six months we've only lived

for each other.

All very well...but...

does he know what you are?

What I was...yes.

He also knows that I've become

a new and decent woman for him.

I've no doubt about that...

but love is a fragile sentiment.

I don't accept that, Father...

nothing can separate the two of us!


Even if he was to kill himself?

Why should he kill himself?

He's happy.

Why is he happy?

I put on the road to fortune...

And I on the road to happiness!

Somebody else might feel that way...

Not him!

He's ambitious...

as you well know.

If that success eludes him...

and he is finished...

It's not your love

that will save him.

Come on now...

Tears have never fixed anything...

We must learn to bow

to the inevitable, my child...

Let's say Lucien loves you and you love him...

But concede that I have

rights over him...

My life is nothing without him...

If you take're taking me.

Who said anything

about taking you two?

I'm only asking for his social life...

his future...

The rest is yours!

But I have to be obeyed...

in his own best interests..

Do you accept that?

Tell me what to do!

I'll obey because I care for him.

Very good my child...

Now you're listening to reason.


You like music, Reverend?

Enough not to have it

abused in my presence!

Went out at 9 o'clock...

He's gone to the Spanish Embassy.

He was accompanied to the door

by the 1st Councillor...

...who seemed to hold him

in high esteem...

Your impression?

There's been mistake...

It's certainly Carlos Herrera.

It's Vautrin !

He managed to fool

the Spanish Embassy...

he doesn't fool me.

I'll send him back

to the dungeons.

Back already, Lucien?

I was thinking of you on the Champs-Elys?es...

I have to speak to you.

I know...


I'm listening.

It is so difficult for you to admit

that you're returning from Esther's?

Had the bird flown the nest?


You know?

You saw us at the Opera!...

Where is she?

Where I put her...

This woman was something between us

that should never have existed...

a lie and a secret!

When I open up the salons

of Grandlieu to you...'s not so you can go wallowing

in the gutter!

bring her back to me...I love her...

Do you want that I should die?...

No...I want you alive... the life you have to have.

And what if I should choose

a different one for myself?

I see that you need the truth...

I war you.. it'll hit you

like a ton of bricks...

We have debts of 60,000 francs...

And I'm not talking about the 600,000

needed for you to marry Clotilde...

That's not all...come...

You see that man there?

He's the most stubborn of mules...

Monsieur de Granville...

state prosecutor...

The police? So he knows?

They suspect...

This imbecile could smell the convict

dressed as a priest.

We're done for!


If you obey me like you

need to obey me!

Don't look back any more...

or your fortune

and our salvation are gone.

And Esther?

I'll tell you where she is...

You'll see her this evening...

She risks nothing

because you love her.

Thank you...I'll do as you say.



You're welcome to share my cab!

It'll save you from having to pay for

another one to follow me!


-Monsieur Abbot...Up you go...

Besides...we're going the same way... the Palais de Justice!

You overwhelm me with reports

about Abbot Carlos Herrera...

in whom you make out that

you recognise Vautrin.

I'm not interested in your hunches...

I want evidence!

Unmask him...

or leave me alone!

It's not easy, sir...

It is very hard.

You're paid to be harder...

Come in!

Agent Contenson

is asking to see you.

That's one of my men!

He's on this case...

he must have news!

Have him come in.

Anything new? Our man?

He's here.

You brought him in? Bravo!

I didn't bring him in...

he came himself...

And what does he want?

Monsieur the Abbot Don Carlos Herrera,

Honorary Canon of Toledo Cathedral.

and envoy to His Majesty

Ferdinand VII...

king of Spain...

...solicits the favour of an interview

with the Prosecutor General.

Very well...

Leave him alone with me.

You have indicated a desire to see me,

Monsieur Abbot...

How can I be of service?

Monsieur Prosecutor,

I'm here to set my soul at rest...

...and you are seriously

jeopardizing that.

Me?...Please explain yourself.

Due to your surrounding my humble person

with so much attention...

you risk making me commit

the sin of Pride...

I would be extremely sorry!

But I don't understand...

What do you want

to talk about?

This bodyguard you have

following me...

A man who would be most useful

doing general duties...

There are so many criminals...


My only concern has been

the protection of your person.

But if that doesn't suit you...

I have a guardian angel

Monsieur Prosecutor...

Very well...

The chief detective will receive

the necessary orders tonight.

I was starting to think the police

suspected me of something!

Nothing surprising in that

by the way...

It's quite easy to claim you're sent

by the Court...

Still...take a look at my credentials...

I'd feel happier...

These are my personal papers.

That abbot's a long time

in the confessional.

Sure is.

That prosecutor could get a confession

out of a pile of rocks.

Thank you for your kindness

Monsieur Prosecutor.

The least I could do,

Monsieur Abbot...

'Pax Domine sit semper nobiscum.'

Fresh water!

Fresh water!

Who wants fresh water?

You can see I'm busy.

80, 90...

Is that all?

It's a real diamond...

It's worth 10 times that.

So it'll be 10 times easier

to pay me...get out!

Hullo my boy!

Hullo Asia!

The others are upstairs...

Don't I even get a 'hullo'?

Good to see you, Boss...

You working for me?

Yes, Europe...

The good and the bad...

I don't like doing everything...

Hullo Paccart...

What's new?

Silky has just finished his time...

He's claiming his money...

7,000 francs

He's claiming or asking?

He'll be paid in two weeks.

Sit down.

I've found you a job.

You'll enter the service of

Madame Esther Van Gobseck...

Funny name...funny idea...

Who's going to look after the shop?


I'm fine with it.

You'll a cook over there...

- And me?

- Chamber maid.

- You'll listen at keyholes.

-And me?

Her coachman.

In the neighbourhood they say

she's a foreigner without much money.

Just enough to live.

I'd say she's a miser.

That's it.

She'll stay at home during the day.

Nights...she'll go out in a carriage.

Her doctor recommends moonlight.

That's right!

Nobody visits her except

Lucien de Rubempr?...

To take her for a walk...


That's all.

Asia will pass on my orders,

if necessary...

-And be good servants.

-Goodbye, Boss.

-On Mademoiselle Esther's orders?...

-And on mine.

What's going on

in that head of yours?

I don't have a cent to my name.

I need 600,000 francs.

Good grief!

You won't find that

on the doorstep!

Any ideas?

Just one...but a good one.

-Baron Nucingen's in love with the kid...

-''Nucingen'' ?

-You're talking millions!

-A real piggy bank ...


So he'll be the fish.

Esther will be the hook.

Lucien will eat the result.

You go to a lot of trouble

for that boy, Jacques...

A lot.

He reminds me of my

unfulfilled ambitions,

my squandered youth...

I feel he can give me

a fresh start...

Basically you're a good guy


A good guy who's been in prison.

Florine, you play wonderfully...

Herr Schubert

is definitely talented!

Herr Schubert may have talent...

but not our beloved Florine.

Go and join your handsome Lucien...

Don't make fun of me,


He's so young and handsome!

Haven't you had

any other lover?

''Any other''?...

Don't be rude!

That's not something

you ask a lady.

Now go...

-Can you follow suit?

-No... -Thanks...

Eight points and three honours.

I'm out...

The gods of whist are against me...

Take my place, Rastignac...

You clean up!

Our friend Lucien

follows the proverb...

''Unlucky in cards...''

Your deal.

Did you know it's full of thieves

at your place?

Did they take something of yours?

Your presence...your smile...

It's unbearable!

I have to put up with

more than that!

Every woman here

is in love with you!

You saw how Madame Espard

was looking at you!?

Forget it!...

I've certainly forgotten it.

You're just saying that

to reassure me...

You find forgetting

too easy!

About anything...

except you!

You are divine...

YOU are a demon!...

I'm lost before I start...

Mademoiselle Clotilde de Grandlieu...!

Off you go...

Don't keep her waiting!

She looks like

she's drowning...

and looking for something

to grab onto.

I adore you!

-Hullo, Clotilde.

-Hullo, my dear.

Oh...I have to leave you...

see you soon.

I'm late, Lucien...

Tell me that you've been worried...

I certainly have...

You are all I worry about!

-Have you spoken to your father?


Unfortunately others

have spoken to him, too...

Have I been well-trampled

into the mud?

There was talk of 100,000 francs

in debts...

...and that you risk

going to prison.

Ridiculous slander!

Who said that?

-Madame d'Espard...

-''Madame d'Espard''?

You can see how

she's looking at us...

What have you done

to that woman?

She hates you...

Since I stopped loving her...

A gentleman doesn't

talk about such things!

You can get our confidence back...

Buy the Rubempr? lands...

and forget all the others!

Clotilde de Grandlieu's husband

shouldn't have enemies.

Monsieur de Rastignac!

Hop in please...I have things

to discuss with you...

What do you want

with me?

How is dear Baron Nucingen

getting along?

How long have you been

interested in HIM?

And I could ask long have you

been interested in HIS WIFE?

The baron is in a bad way...

He doesn't sleep...he doesn't eat...

he's neglecting his affairs.

In short...he's in love.

-You can guess all the rest.

-All of it!

I can even guess that fat fool

will find the beautiful Esther.

He'd pay a fortune

to find where she's hidden.

But we can hope for the best,

my friend...

Hope for the best.

-Anyway...where can I drop you?

-My place.

Coachman...7 Rue d'Artois!

Good morning...

I was told I'd find a certain

Madame de Saint-Est?ve here.

That's me, Baron.

So you know me?

I know all the rich of Paris...

That's my business. seems you may be interested

in our pretty girl...Esther?

Where is she?

Monsieur de Rastignac assured me...

Calm down!...

Between what Rastignac told you

and what I can tell you...

...there is a gap, dear old chap!

A gap of 50,000 francs...

Now let's see how

you jump over it...

You want money?

Of course! I want my money...

The money I loaned

towards securing your passion...

-YOU loaned her 50,000?

-No, no, no...


25 of 50...of course.

You'd understand that...

being a banker.


I'll give you a note

on my bank.

Don't forget the silverware...

while you are at it.

What silverware?...

I have to pay for


It was needed...

by the beautiful one...

I sold it to her.

The heart of a 20 year old can be

a little bit mischievous!

It likes to show off!

How much including the silver?

80,000, in round figures...

I am too great a lady

to be bothered with small change...

And when I hand over 80,000...

I'll get to see her?

Not yet...

- Because of the curtains...

- What curtains?!


Curtains she chose herself...

They're beautiful!

You'll see!

Add 20,000...

and she's in your arms!

But that makes 100,000 all up...

It's robbery!

Will she love me, at least?

You aren't're a bit fat...

you're a bit of a goose...

...but you're rich enough to buy

some semblance of love.

Thank you, pet...

if you'll just follow me...


But where is she?

He'll tell you, Baron...

Who are you?

Your confidant...

...and coachman to the one

of interest to you, sir.

Are you going to

show her to me?!

This very night...

-''This very night''?

-This very night...


That's for you my boy...

Thank you, Baron...

...but I already make

a decent living.

You're an honest man...


I get 1,000 francs a year...

it's a good job...

I'd be happy to risk losing it

to make you happy...

...but it'd take 50 years

to make up for it.

If you work it out...

Work out what?

50 years at 1,000 francs a year...

...makes 50,000 francs.

You'd understand, Baron...

50,000 francs!

This is a swindle!

I've already been relieved of 100,000 francs

for a girl...

That's dear enough!...

You'd be the better judge of that,


And what if your mistress

refuses to receive me?

Mademoiselle is much too honest

not to recognise your merits, sir.

Tonight could be a beautiful night...

if you were willing to trust me, sir.


So be it...I'll pay!

Where will I see her?

At a place called "Three Ways"

in the Fausses-Reposes woods.

You'll soon see if I'm lying, Baron.

Give me a pen.

- Mademoiselle?

- Is that Lucien?

Lucien won't be coming

this evening.

Why not?

Has something happened

to him?

Yes, an order...

The advice I gave him...

A trial separation

seemed necessary to me.

And he accepted it?

With difficulty...

you'll be glad to hear...

He even said nasty things

to me...

...though flattering for you.

What harm are you

planning for us now?

Why would I want to harm him?

You're mistaken...

I love him as much as you do.


I'd give my life for him!

The beautiful affair that

makes life worth living!...

Better to show him how intelligent

you are...and make him happy.

I am his happiness...

and he's mine!...

That's all we ask for.

You really are all woman...

You don't see further than

your bed...

That will help him

to a great career.

I decided he'd be

my masterpiece.

And if that should lead

to my death?

It's astonishing...the mania women have

about wanting to die!

It'd be easier than living

without him.

Be reasonable.

He needs both of us.

-Lucien is in a most serious situation!


Would you like to help me

save him?

What a question!

So just sign these papers.


What's it all about?

That you owe 150,000 francs

to Baron de Paccart...

To my coachman?

I've made you coachman a baron.

So, sign!...


Paccart must obtain

a judgment against you...

-But who's going to pay?


That love that has inspired

Baron de Nucingen.

Nucingen?...who's that?


- Who's that?

The least noble, but the richest

gentleman in Paris.

I don't know the man at all.

That won't deter him.

But you'll get acquainted

in 2 or 3 days...

-He dreams of ruining himself for you...


I won't do it!

You have to!

It's the only way of saving

Lucien from prison...

I'll save him.

I was thinking that my darling

had a fatal illness...

It's essential he knows nothing

about this.

It would be the same as

shooting him in the head.

Good night.

-What's the time, Georges ?

-Midnight, sir.

But I don't see anybody.

A midnight rendezvous...

deep in the woods!...

I must be completely mad!

Maybe she'll never come.

You shouldn't linger around here.

Shut up!

I see that you have

trusted me, Baron!

If you'd like to follow me


And what do see there, Baron?

Oh, my God! She's wonderful!

Let me go to her!

-Are you joking, Baron?

-Of course not!

I want to talk to her!

-That's not possible, Baron

-How dare you!

In the best interests

of yourself, Baron...

Mademoiselle would not allow

a stranger to pounce on her.

-It needs time...

-''TIME'' !

You thief!

You promised me...

that this would be a beautiful night.

Haven't you been able to see

the woman you love, Baron?

You can't catch butterflies

by firing a pistol.

If you could be patient

for three days...'ll be received in a bedroom.

-In HER bedroom?

-In 3 days.

You'll receive a confirmation note.

Three days...

Through here...Baron, sir...

Gosh!...Nice apartment!...

Your mistress has better lodgings

than my wife!

Every jewel has to have its case...

Everything here is chosen

to serve the beauty of Mademoiselle...

The marbles...the silver...

the curtains...

-I know! I know!...You're telling me!

Where's your mistress?

Has she been told about me?

At length, Baron.

More than once...

But she doesn't want to listen...

But I highlighted your merits...

your fortune...

I'm the biggest banker in Paris!

''The biggest'', yes...

That's what upsets her...

She doesn't like big and fat...

In the end, she's let me decide

...if you might please her or not.


What have you decided?

You see me hesitating...

If I make a mistake...I lose my job...

A job worth 1000 francs a year...

It would take me 10 years

to match it...

So you too!?

You're all thieves!

This is blackmail!

I refuse to pay...

That's a pity...

There's the door that'll bring you

within a hair's breadth of happiness.

So be it...10,000 you said.

20 000, Baron...

10,000 for my job...

10,000 for my conscience.

You rogue!

The Baron de Nucingen! see before you

the happiest of men approaching you!

Yet most miserable...

because he sees you crying...

Don't let my tears upset you...

They're not because of you...

neither can you make them go...

You are unhappy, though?

Allow me a place in your life...

I'll make you the most envied

woman in Paris!


Come and sit next to me!


I love you, Esther.

Can one be in love with

something one buys?

I only pay your debts...

Do you have others?

I'll pay them, too!

All I ask is one thing...

let me be close to you.

Sounds like fun, Baron...

but I think you're jumping the gun!

Should you get to crumple my dress

after just 5 minutes of wooing?

Let's drink to your health...

Everything in good time!

You are charming my child!

Your ''child''?

I'd like to be...but then

you must love me like a father!

Though not really like a father!

Come on now...

drink...drink up!

Come and sit next to me!


To the loves of

Baron de Nucingen!

Yes, old girl...I'm nervous!

I'm gambling everything on this.

The cards are marked...

and your opponents are blind!


Tomorrow you'll go to the bank

to cash the Baron's note.

If our girl knows

how to play her role...

Lucien will marry Clotilde.

I'll send an announcement

to that idiot agent Contenson.

- So...?

-All going well, boss...

Grandpa is in Mademoiselle's bedroom...

Love made him so stupid...

I took him for 20,000.

He's got so much...

He'll hardly notice it.

This time I've got you!

I've got you!...

You terror of a girl!...

What a nasty man...

who won't drink my health!...

I feel... I feel...

I feel sick...

Don't leave me...

my treasure...

Don't leave me...

my little heart-throb...

Easy...easy now...

Rest for a while...

close your eyes...

You've got all night

ahead of you!

You go and keep him amused.

Is that how we hang onto a good catch

that pays our debts?

Shut up!

You are not good at doing this...

and you're too full of yourself...

We find a millionaire...

and you turn up your nose...

Get out!

Through here, gentlemen...

What's this about?

Are you Esther Gobseck?


-Officer Dherville...

...bailiff of the Paris court...

...acting on a judgement

obtained against you... Baron Paccart...

to whom you owe 150,000 francs.

I'm here to seize

your furniture.

My furniture?

Do you recognize

these documents?

Is that not your signature ?

Yes, but...

Are you able to pay?


Get to it!...

Following complaint be Baron Paccart...

I'm arresting you

for default of payment...

What are you people

doing here?

They're here to seize the furniture...

and throw her in

the debtor's prison!

Please save her, Baron!

What...even more debts?

Show me the details.


That seems to be in order...

Do you know who I am?

Do you wish to pay it

perhaps ?

150,000 francs.

One could argue...

the devil...!...

It's either paid...

or justice takes its course...


This man is going to let you

go to prison for 150,000 francs!

Take my savings!

Shut up you little slut!

I know where 20,000 francs

of your savings come from!

I'll pay.

-We only accept payment in cash...

-That's right...

I am Baron de Nucingen!

Well...that changes everything!

Your signature

will suffice, Baron!

Thank you, Baron!

Everybody out!...

Through here, gentlemen!

Here we go, my treasure!

Cheer up...

You've been extravagant...

Like all pretty women...

Go away!

You can't mean it!

You've already cost me

more than 300 000 francs!

Be reasonable,

my treasure!

Let me go, I say!

Let you go...let you go!...

I've been doing that for 4 days!

Now I'm going to

get what I paid for!

You brute!

You whore!

Filthy thief!

Isn't that it?...

I cough up 320,000 francs

in return for a slap?

Well...that's not on!

You'll soon be getting a bit of news

from Baron Nucingen!

Good work, my child!


If that oaf gets too angry...

Lucien is lost!

He'll go straight to prison.

It was beyond me...

I couldn't...

I couldn't...

I'll never be able to...


So this great love has only served

to speed up his demise!


I love Lucien and you're asking me

to love somebody else...

Show me the woman

who would submit to that!

Probably none....

Too bad...But he's young enough to

endure a few years in prison...

No...not him!

I couldn't bear it!


His life or death simply depend

on a gesture from you, Esther!

Tell me what I have to do...

I shall have to find the strength

not to defend myself from him.

Write a nice not to the baron...

he'll come back....

He's the sort that

easily forgets a slap.

That will be the end

of my love.

You deserve to be happy...

but life is cruel, my pet.

I ask you one last effort

for 300,000 francs.

After can slap

every baron on the planet.

Cheer up!...

We've got 320,000 francs!...

Half your marquis estate...

Where did the money

come from?

What you don't know

won't hurt you.


Excuse me Marquis...

there's a man wishing to see you.

Does he have a name?

He said that was irrelevant...

But he insists.

-Damn him...I'm in a hurry. him in.

If he hides his name, he may have

something of interest.

You want something?

Yes, Marquis...

100,000 francs.

That's a lot of money.

And on what basis, may I ask?

On the basis of discretion.

I presume it's yours

you're sneak?

Only to connoisseurs, Marquis!

I wonder at which key hole

our dear abbot has his ear...

but it doesn't really matter.

Let's talk business...

You're counting on marrying

Mademoiselle de Grandlieu...

...once you come up with

600,000 francs...


- You'll need 100,000 more.

- Otherwise?...

Otherwise I talk.

I tell the duke what I know...

...and I know sufficient... put him right off any marquis

of your type.

There are two possibilities...

...either you know nothing

and I give you nothing...

...or you know something...

and if I give you money...

you blackmail me forever.

The young often speak

without thinking...

So think about it, Marquis...

I'll walk down the stairs slowly...

You may decide to call me back

before I reach the street door.

Certainly not!

In that're lost...

Monsieur de Rubempr?.


-You heard him?

This man will betray us!

No...I don't think so.

Why give away information

he still hopes to sell?

We have to get ahead of him.

Get over to Grandlieu's and

make your request as soon as tonight ...

Madame de S?risy

is expecting me at the opera.

You can join her later...

And when can I see Esther again?

Why do I have to be separated from her?

Where is she?

That girl doesn't matter

to me just now...

When the fire's in the castle...

you don't worry about the stables.


-I'm one is here.

-What!?...What do you mean?

-There's no one here.

Are you mad?

I repeat...sir...

there is nobody here.

There is nobody here to receive

the Marquis de Rubempr?.



-Clotilde!...what's going on?

-Come with me!

My father gave orders

that you aren't to be admitted.


A policeman came

to talk to him.


He spoke very badly about you...

He said your money comes from

your mistress's bedroom activities...

The wretch!

And you father believed it?

As for me...I believe in you...

I know you're a decent man!

Clear yourself of these slanders...

I beg of you!

-You'll do it...won't you?

-I swear

My father wants me

to leave Paris for a few days...

I'll obey...but not before

I've seen you again.

Be at the entrance to Fontainebleau forest

tomorrow morning at 8...

at the Belecroix crossroads...

You know it?

But now you must leave...

Go quickly!

-'Til tomorrow, Clotilde!

-'Til tomorrow!


Esther, my treasure...

look at me...

-Why are you so mean?


Come now!...I'm taking care of you...

Because of indigestion...

one shouldn't court a woman

right after a meal.

Aren't I kind to you?...

I've paid all your debts...

Don't I wear your livery?

We are the perfect couple.

The whore and the thief...

fit very well together.

I've been waiting for you

for half an hour...

I had things to do.

You're rather uncouth this evening...

Punctuality is not only

the courtesy of kings...

What are you up to...

are you crazy?

But you wrote me

to come back...

With 300,000 francs.

Where is it?

If I get it for you...

...what would you do for me

in return?

-You know what I'm talking about?


So...fair exchange?


I'll send instructions

to my cashier.

I have just one word to say to you...



I'm leaving you

to your new conquest.


He's what you need.

You don't deserve anything else!...

You're nothing but a whore!

-Lucien!...quiet down...

-You can't deny it!

I saw him look at you...

I saw you smile!

Am I lying?

Do you belong to him?'re destroying things

for yourself!...

I'm totally destroyed anyway! treasure!

You're crying?


-It's nothing.

Come on!...

let's get out of here...

Go on...give us a smile!...

Who's upsetting you?

If it's a woman...

she'll be dying of jealousy...

If it's a man...I'll throw so much wealth

in between you...

that you'll forget him.

I don't want to forget him.

That would be like

losing him again.

Ah! That'll be my cashier...

You've finally learned how

to talk to women, Baron!

Shut up you slut!

-Thank you for that...

-At your service, sir.

This way, sir...

See you again soon...

I hope!

Esther...this money is yours!

I kept my word!

It's a deal, then...

In 10 minutes...

come into my bedroom...

Allow me this last delay...

it's to make myself beautiful.

Come in...

What do you want?


Your marquis is here...

He wants to see you.

I know what it's like in love...

But be quick!

Why have you come?

I wanted to see you.

Tell me that I've been wrong...

that I've been unjust...cruel...

Tell me that it isn't true.

It isn't true!


Now you must go.

Don't ask me any questions.

Tomorrow, I'll be free...

and nothing will be able to touch me.

Go, my angel...go!

Until tomorrow, my love!



Esther ?

Esther !



What is it?



My 300,000 francs!

Where are my...

Where are my 300,000 francs?

My money's been stolen...

My money's been stolen!

My money's been stolen!


Softly, Baron...

we don't want a scandal!

Calm down...

you need to stop and think!

I want my money!

This could go badly for us.

Let me witch!

I want my money!...

I have to get my 300 000 francs back!

Calm down!...

we'll get you back your money.

Time to scram!

My 300,000 francs!

Save yourself...

we're all done for!

The police are here.


-What happened?

The kid killed herself...

I wasn't expecting that.

Save yourself...there's a body...

they'll get you!

Paccart and Europe

have run off like rats!

The scum!

Open in the name of the king!

Don't move or I'll shoot!

Forgive them Lord...

for they know not what they do.

Thanks for stopping...

What would you expect?

I have company...

let's not stay here.

I swear to be nothing

but your wife...

I'm more prepared to believe YOU

than my father...

He has sworn to me

that you're a dishonest man.

You're a better person than I am,


Maybe I love you more

when you don't love ME.

But now I must go back!

Never fear!

What's the matter?

You must be Lucien Chardon?


-I'm arresting you in the name of the king!

Open the window a bit...

it's stuffy in here....


Here already, Monsieur Camusot ?

Something came...

Leave us please, Am?lie...

...something extraordinary!


I'm in a lather of excitement.

This Vautrin-Rubempr? affair

will make our fortune...

I'm lucky to have been in charge...

-Guess what turned up?

-Tell me.

Madame Maufrigneuse has asked me

to come to her place this morning...

He's interested in our methods.

-Do you know who she is?

-A duchess.

Beside the point...Importantly,

she's a friend of Madame de S?risy...

Do you know who

Madame de S?risy is?

A countess.

You don't understand anything.

Madame de S?risy is a cousin

of the Attorney General!...

who's responsible for my promotion.

Understand now?

Better yet, dear husband...

I'm finding out about you.

A taste for intrigue may come late,

but is no less for that.

You can work twice as hard.

I do believe I will, my dear...

I really do.

-Excuse me, madame...

-Just a moment, Am?lie...

Monsieur de Granville...

Don't expect anything

from the duchess!...

...and test the wind carefully...

...with intelligence and tact...

I'd hate to finish up

still a magistrate's wife.

Rest assured my dear...

The opportunity is too good.

-What is it?

-A coach is waiting for you Madame...

The Countess d'Espard

has sent it...

She wants you to drop everything

and come over to her place.

Madame d'Espard?!


My linen jacket, my gray dress!

Madame d'Espard is the intimate friend

of the Minister of Justice.

Quick...hurry up!

This time...

the Camusot fortune IS made!

In here, sir...

Ah, it's you!

-As you requested, Madame...

-Come closer Monsieur Camusot...

It's regarding a small matter.

An order was made to arrest

Monsieur de Rubempr?...

You were in charge of that matter?

Yes, Madame...

He must be the victim

of a misunderstanding...

I guarantee his innocence...

He should be released within 24 hours.


I am faithful to those

who serve me...Monsieur Camusot...

I think you'd make a charming

Counsellor to the Court...

What do you think about that?

Goodness gracious!


That is also the opinion

of Madame de S?risy...

The Attorney General would soon

come around to our views.

He likes magistrates

who are quick thinkers.

-Au revoir, Monsieur Camusot.

-My respects, Madame.

Camusot !

What are you doing here?

I've just come from Madame d'Espard,

the friend of the Minister of Justice.

She used to be...

If you send de Rubempr?

to prison or the gallows...

you'll become Counsellor to the Court...

and I'll be able to have the gas

installed at our place.

Now we're between two lines of fire...

The Minister of Justice on one side...

and the Attorney General on the other!

The A.G. wants to save him?

That was what was

made clear to me!

My goodness...

what are you going to do?

My duty...a desperate solution...

but the only one left to me.

So which way does

your duty take you?

You have about as much spirit

pile of bricks!

Leave me alone my dear...

and good night!

Magistrate Camusot

awaits you for questioning.

Father!... the hands of justice!

It's sacrilege!

The errors of men

are temporary.

Have no fear!

At least bless me Father!

Go now! not be afraid...

God will recognize his own.

-Here's the accused.


Come forward!

You have been arrested...

on charges of fraud

with respect to Baron Nucingen...

and concerning the murder

of Mademoiselle Esther Gobseck.

First question...!

The Abbot Carlos Herrera, sir...

Honorary Canon of Toledo

and secret envoy to Ferdinand VII.

At least, that is what

you claim to be!

It is always possible

to get false papers.

I suppose one has to accept

the opinion of a magistrate.

No sarcastic remarks, thank you!

I have reason to believe

you are Jacques Collin...

known as Vautrin...a convict

who escaped from Rochefort.


Me, Magistrate? A convict!?

May God forgive you

for such a mistake!

Stop grieving,

we'll get Lucien

out of this mess...

He's got enough connections

to get out!

Him! prison!

Oh God...I'm so miserable!

We need to know

what happened to our letters...

I've written to him in the past...

You've been writing to him.

Clotilde would have, too.

Pretty scandalous

if the police sniff them out.

What is it?

A woman who insists

on seeing you...

She has news of

Monsieur de Rubempr?...

Show her in.

Very well, madame.

Have you been with him?

Have you seen him?

Who are you, anyhow?

A friend...a casual acquaintance.

This business may end badly

both for him and for you...



...the police will search his papers...

That may be inconvenient...

particularly for a duchess!

Monsieur Camusot's interrogation

could have him charged...

Something must be done...

or he'll be up in the criminal court!

''The criminal court'' ?

Dear God!

There's not a minute to lose!...

Pull yourself together, madame!

Why did you try to run away

when Contenson turned up?

An innocent man

doesn't fear the police.


So explain how come you were found

in the residence of a courtesan!


Strange place for an abbot!

Why should that be?...

There was a soul to be saved.

Come in!

I found a witness...

He knew this man previously.

Thank you Inspector.

-Baron de Rastignac.

-Come in, sir.

How can I help you, Magistrate.

Do you know this man?


Clerk...make note!

Who is he?

The Abbot Carlos Herrera...

there's no doubt about it!

How are you

my dear Abbot?

-Do you need me anymore?

-No, you may go.

This is unconscionable.

I insist that this is

the convict Vautrin!

I give you my word on that!

So what am I supposed

to do about it?!

You're Chief of Security...

maybe you can be a witness.

Then I demand the "brand test".

Go ahead!

Did you hear that?

Do what's required.

Remove your coat

and take off your shirt!

Do you understand?

Not at all sir...

Please forgive me...

I'm accustomed to monastery rules...

not those of prison...

Every convict is branded

on entering the prison...

These scars are indelible...

Drawing blood to the skin

makes them appear...

So we'll see.

Do it!

This is the final humiliation.

Might I say, Magistrate...

that you have a strange method

of treating diplomatic envoys.

There...look...that's the mark!

I can't make out anything

in that mass of scars...

The scars have nothing to do

with a prison brand.

Where do they come from?

I took the word of God to the

Indians of North America...

They whipped me until I bled.

You looked for a scar...

I have the glory and the regret

to have had several to show you.

Are you satisfied?

Reverend...I face the facts...

and I apologize.

The police reports were wrong

about you...

To err is human.

You will be free tomorrow...

We'll fix the dismissal of the charges...

and to prepare your discharge.

I hope you won't hold

too much against me!

Your mission is to punish...

mine is to forgive.

I leave the task to God

of judging the judge.


Tell the prosecutor we're here...

and make be quick about it!

Why have I been arrested?...

What am I supposed to have done?

Monsieur de Rubempr?, you are here

under two charges...

...of theft and of murder...


of one Esther Gobseck...

your mistress.


Esther is dead?


As there is no reason

to consider suicide...

we are obliged to regard it

as murder...

and to find the culprit.

Police officer Contenson...

who had been watching you...

has seen you enter

this woman's home...

around the time of the murder.

The same evening, you had a violent

argument with her at the Opera.

She was in the company of

Baron de Nucingen...

who was widely known

to be keeping her.

So...extract yourself from all that

if you are able.

You must be mad!...

Me! anything at all

to Esther?!


I was in love with her!

She was all I loved.

One can very well

kill for love...

You wouldn't be the first.

You've been living in grand style these

last months...Monsieur de Rubempr?!

No doubt your expenses...

exhausted the generosity

of Mademoiselle Esther...

Her change of heart

was not to your liking.


What are you saying!?

You're lying!

Where have you been getting

all your money?

You don't have any

personal fortune.


See who it is!

Where do you think

you're going?

I had to see you right away!

I've just come from Poitiers

where I arrested Esther's coachman.

Who ordered that?

The Attorney General...

Monsieur de Granville.

Oh? Well...good...So?

I've retrieved Baron de Nucingen's

300,000 francs...

and also found this letter...

Read it.

It proves the innocence of

Monsieur de Rubempr?...absolutely.

[Esther's suicide note to Lucien]

You may go, Contenson.


I owe you an apology...

i thought you were guilty..

and you were only a it.

Forgive me, my love...

And I dared to accuse her!

It was undoubtedly

a fashionable error!

The other one did everything...

Did you read it?

He's the guilty one!

-The abbot Herrera ?

''Abbot''?...come off it!...

Do abbots murder?

He's no more than a runaway convict...

What are you saying?

Wait there a moment!...


Write it idiot!

Then you assert that

the abbot Carlos Herrera...

Is none other than the convict Vautrin...

who escaped from Rochefort prison?

I'm giving him up to you...

because Esther must be revenged!

Then you can do nothing?

Nothing...absolutely nothing

my dear cousin.

Camusot is totally in charge

of this affair...

All we can do is rely on

his intelligence.

But Lucien is innocent!

Such an attractive boy in prison...

there's no justice anymore!

When I think of some petty constable

reading our letters!

I gave orders accordingly...

I hope they've been carried out.


-Monsieur Camusot wants to see you.

-Show him in.

My apologies sir...

-I'm disturbing you...

-Not at all my friend!

Where are we up to in our affair?

Victory, sir...

Victory in every respect.

I have just exposed the most

famous criminal of our time!

Here is the statement

signed by Rubempr?.

Vautrin is ours!

You're right, madame...

De Rubempr? isn't guilty

of either theft or murder...

...but he has confessed to a crime

even bigger than those.

Which crime?

He acknowledged that an escapee

was his mentor and companion.

In this account

his innocence is no help.

Vautrin will face the criminal court...

and de Rubempr? will be shown

to have been the friend of this man.

Isn't that so,

Monsieur Camusot?

Never!...I'd rather die

than see that man!...

shown to be a convict's friend.

I shall make myself heard

by His Majesty!

The king hasn't the slightest power

over the most stupid of magistrates...

That's the greatness

of our liberal institutions...

For Monsieur Camusot it's just

a matter of conscience.

So you'll just have to try to fall in with

Monsieur Camusot's conscience.

Your masterpiece my friend!

Well done!

I hope the prosecutor

doesn't commit the folly...

of parting with such a

clever magistrate as yourself!

Am I to understand that here

is where I shall spend my life?

You suddenly catch on very quickly...

Why did you leave it so late?

Show me this stupid document...

Is this your only proof?

The only one. The only copy.

-Perfect! haven't the right!

I protest...I order you...

Oh, you...

You've assaulted a magistrate!

Other magistrates

would have loved it!

It's a crime against justice!...

I shall complain!...

Come...come...take it easy!

These cries are not worthy

of a Counsellor to the Court!

''Counsellor to the Court!...''

As soon as a position

becomes vacant of course.


Anything new, ladies?

I think everything's worked out

for the best.

The abbot Carlos Herrera has been

the victim of a judicial error.

Monsieur Camusot has fixed it

with his usual finesse.

I congratulate you in

resisting outside influence...

and only obeyed

your own good sense!

You will be a great magistrate.

There's nothing to stop me

seeing Lucien now!

Of course!...

Bring him into my office. him. are a criminal.

You escaped our justice...

but will not escape that of God!

You will receive your punishment

and I pity will be terrible!



de Rubempr? is dead.


Dead?...It can't be true!

How? Who killed him?

You did...

He hanged himself in his cell

because his mistress was dead...

and her death was all your fault.

Might I get some gesture

of pity from you?

You'll see it...

We'll take you to him...

Thanks for thinking of it.

Would you excuse me please,


but it looks as though the Countess

is getting her colour back!

You're right...

L?ontine, my dear... poor love!

You may go...thanks!

Cry your eyes out!'s the best way

of washing your grief away.


She won't die from grief.

She looks pretty when she's suffering.

Any news about our letters?

The searches have yielded nothing.

They've probably been hidden...

A tough character, this Vautrin...

With these letters signed by

L?ontine, Clotilde et Diane...

he's more powerful locked in his cell

than you and the police.

If ever those wretched letters

ceased to be a secret...

There's nothing like the wind of scandal

to ruffle the hair of kings...

You can take him.

Let's not beat about the bush...

you have a trump card...

You have letters from three of

the grand dames of the kingdom...

Cards on the table...

what do you want in exchange?

Nothing...Monsieur Attorney General...

I'd been counting on the letters

as my ultimate defence...

but now there's nothing

to defend.

Your freedom perhaps?

What good

would that do me?

You'll have those letters

within the hour...

Do what you want with me.

What gave you the idea

I'm generous?

No matter...For 20 years, I've seen

another side to the world...

it's lower's cellars...

Because I despised it, I thought

that it was right, for those

smart enough, to take from it...

But no...Above all of us,

there is still something...



Providence has come down on me

in one fell swoop.

But even in prison...I can be free.

You are a free man.

You might even make

a useful man...

if you show the inclination.

The throne is trembling

on its foundations.

It's better to have at its service

the abilities of an adventurer...

than the conscience of an imbecile.

You'll find out that doing good

is not as easy as doing evil...

and if you are willing to be put

in the service of His majesty...

the liberty which I grant

in his yours.

On your way, Monsieur.

Subtitles by FatPlank [RLB] for KG