Varian's War: The Forgotten Hero (2001) - full transcript

After witnessing the treatment of Jews in Nazi territory made him physically sick, cultured American gentleman Varian Fry starts en emergency rescue commission to raise funds and lobby to help intellectuals and artists, especially Jews, escape from Vichy France -where the Pétain government avoid occupation only by utter collaboration- to the US, and for lack of a better volunteer personally sets out in search of them. First lady Eleanor Roosevelt personally overcomes the reticence of the State Department. In Marseille he finds the people he specifically looked for, such as Marc Chagall, already housed by Harry Bingham, a Jewish US consulate official so he starts screening less obvious candidates and examines with Miriam Davenport and a German social democrat they pass for US clergyman Beamish how some can be rescued legally, others via a clandestine route, while colonel Joubert's State Police is at their trace...

Can I have a knife and fork?

Rifka, the Nazis are coming. Fast.

What are you doing? Why ...

Are you a jew?

I am American.

Yes, Varian, we know
how it has seized you.

We are the Foreign Affairs Council.
- Yes, and you're editor.

You do not determine policy.

Varian, it is very sensitive.

The U.S.A. wants no part
a war in Europe.

Moreover, Hitler
many supporters here.

Because they do not know what's going on.
- Do not be superior.

Our people read the newspaper.

But they do not think that Hitler
all its neighbors annexes.

That they see wrong.

And the Jews in Germany then?

Say it but. What do you want us to do?

Rescue them.

Them to get to America?
Then we sit with them.

We've been here enough Jews.

You stumble over them today.

You stare at me,
but it is government policy.

The south of France is still free.
There they go.

Yes, but it does not help them.
The French offer them.

You're kidding, Karl.
- Yes! Mrs. Fry.

According to Article 1 9
of the Franco-German Treaty ...

must deliver all the French
to ask who the Germans.

My brother Heinrich in Marseille.

If my brother too long ...

increasing the chance
that the French finally arrest him.

This must not happen.
- We can do nothing.

Why not? While the U.S.A. neutral
, we can send someone over.

So you have them out there yet.

And there will be tens of thousands
refugees in Marseille.

No, we can not
save all but a few.

If we now focus again
on a select few?

Especially abhor the Nazis
artists ...

and intellectuals
which they regard as "degenerate" consider.

Your brother Heinrich, a large
novelist, is on their list.

Then we make our own list.

Hannah Arendt wrote from Marseilles.

Her death was a great loss.

Look, there are already two.

We make up a committee
in response to the emergency.

We focus our
rescue efforts to those ...

the soul of our civilization.

The fascists did it picking on them.

We'll send someone over
she smuggles the country.

For travel in Europe
you need permission from BZ.

Only rescue workers get.

The YMCA will accredit me.

Why not?

Even if you get them out of the country,
How do you get them the U.S.A. inside?

We plead our case in Washington.
We have influence.

Lobbying, arranging visas. That costs money.

We organize all together
a fundraiser.

The curator of the Metropolitan
There surely have someone.

Jacques Lipchitz, the sculptor.

Werfel. The Germans hate his work.

And Marc Chagall
has fled from Paris.

We are almost ready, Varian.

You're too quiet, Eileen.
If something is bothering you, say it then.

Raise money for these people
saving: that I support.

What comes next, bothers me.

Someone should bring them out of the country.

You're an intellectual.

A man of ideas.

Those talents
have nothing in occupied France.

Nonsense. I speak
fluent French and German.

And I'm not into occupied France.

The people I want to save
are in the south, in Vichy.

Could be. But you are the designated
person to get them?

No idea. I never thought
about personal courage.

There was no cause.

Maybe I am too weak for,
but no one else wants.

Moreover, this group
I just want money.

Full house, happy mood.
- And hopefully a generous mood.

This is not an audience that is awake
of the Jews in Europe.

You will have their hands full.

Glad you're here, Clifton.
- I am everything.

Can I count on you?
- Forget 't.

I'm an obedient citizen:
nicely neutral.

Moses is not the type to play ...

and the Jews in the desert
Marseille to take.

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.

I wish you all
thank you for coming.

We must ask ourselves ...

I'm a little late.
- Nothing missed.

I now give the floor to the foreman
and founder of the Committee:

Mr. Varian Fry.

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you
you for coming today.

In these difficult times ...

nothing is more important ...

as our response
the disaster in Europe.

A little cheating.

When he so acts,
is it in the past one week.

Our plan includes three steps.

But I think
BZ me that all documents ...

So that's what we
trying to achieve.

Are there any questions?
I would like to remove all doubt.

Suppose you can get there, what then?
There are thousands of refugees.

Yes, but it is the Committee
to the persecuted intellectuals.

Where do they go?
Here they get a visa.

England has no sense.
That's happening.

They arrest you
How do you get them out of the country?

We're all on your side,
but honestly ...

seems it all a bit misguided.

Sure, but what happens when a country
France in 27 days and collapses.

There's not much time to respond.

But we must respond.

How this crisis we
challenges ...

then will
our children judge us.

The darkness that descends on Europe
will perhaps 1000 years.

You ask: why the intellectuals?

Precisely the artists and poets
and writers are at risk.

For they are the guardians
of European civilization.

If their voice is not heard,
Who should then take their place?

You ask me:
How do I get them out of the country?

I know not.

But when I them one by one
the country has to carry ...

I will do that,
because I'm American.

Because my country is great
champion of freedom.

I like those people in the lurch,
I renounce my country and my conscience.

I ask you
order to take up arms?

No, I ask only that you
your wallet gets.

To overcome the excess to be
that America has given you.

Proceeded to save a few ...

whose God-given freedom
for them only a dream.

Be bold with your money,
The Committee will then be brave ...

your spirit of freedom
and human dignity.

We can ...

the torch of freedom.

We can be a light
in darkness.

He remains a dandy, but if he
wants to take his life, my best.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Washington, D.C.

A bad thing.

War is usually
very good for business.

But bad for people,
especially sensitive people.

Your plans are a bad thing.

BZ does not want people
on your own ...

throughout Europe are enjoying
and interfere in everything.

I'm not are enjoying.

But you do interfere with anything.

Is to save
innocent of involvement?

Well, if you plug in your nose
the internal affairs of another country.

Besides, who is innocent
and who does not?

This is determined by their laws,
not be complacent with your opinion.

BZ can no passport
supply for Europe.

Good day, Mr.. Fry.

BZ knows that he is an official
refugee worker?

Apparently, Mrs.

But it's a mess there.
Without a clear policy ...

My husband does the policy
clearly expressed.

The U.S.A. is neutral.

But its citizens must do everything
in order to help the victims.

I will request Mr.. Fry
personally handle.

The president will be happy
when he hears of your helpfulness.

How can I thank you, Mrs.. Roosevelt?
- I must thank you.

That aside.
This is Lion Feuchtwanger.

His satires were in 1930
Hitler kills.

This is the barbed
of a concentration camp.

He was in France,
but Vichy had him deliver.

Vichy collaborates.
This concentration was French.

The situation in Europe is
much worse than you realize.

It was not so crazy
BZ that you refused a passport.

Maybe not.

But I have every faith in you

Take the picture
this brave male.

Trace him and bring him here.

BZ gives him a visa?

The president wants to separate rules
for political refugees.

So make sure you detect them.

Bring them out of the country. If necessary
I watch them with their own papers.

Is that right?
- You bet, ma'am.

Wait for me in the picture.

Where to go?
- Hotel Splendide.

The Splendide is full
and even refuses reservations.

I think the hotel Suisse ...

The Splendide.

I thought this
the Free France.

You say it but.

A room, please.
Best of the house.

Do you know where you are?

Marseille is the busiest city

Anyone looking for a bed.
And this here ...

This is the Splendide.
Better find anywhere.

Better not, you say?

I make it myself, sir.

I am American and
work for Eleanor Roosevelt.

Would you be happy if our government
undermines neutrality? Probably not.

And what would
your German friends think?

I have dollars. I pay cash.

Here is the locker room.

But I thought this room we
Fri kept for P?tain.

This is for them.

And it is yours

My name is Fry.
I come for Mr. Jamison.

Harry Bingham, vice consul.
Call me Harry.

I thought that Hoover
not president anymore.

In the U.S.A. no more, no.

Wait till you see my superior.

For completeness sake, who or what
that salvation of your committee?

A group of Americans who believe
the cultural ties with Europe.

We want to maintain these ties.

All loyal citizens.


And refugees in America
already firmly established ground.


All Americans were once immigrants.
But we are apolitical.

The YMCA is for me.

Nobody doubts
Your honesty and sincerity.

But there is a war, and
there is no place for amateurs.

What are you hoping to accomplish?

To begin ...

This photo is from Eleanor Roosevelt.

She asked me specifically
to be well informed.

The wife of the new president.
- This is already his third term.

And he sets policy, does not it?
- Of course.

So when Mr.. Roosevelt had asked
Feuchtberger to this ...

I can not help you.

Nor stop.
But be careful.

Vichy may be free, she loves
German sensitivities into account.

Like any country after the war
relations with Europe will.

The Nazis win the war.
Is that the government's position?

The official view is more often
behind that of the practitioners.

Harry is the main
our visa section.

Mr. Lay. Fry's out
how it works here, Harry.

Mr. Fry, adopted
you can find these people ...

visas for them and that you can ...

According to Mrs.. Roosevelt
there will be a separate category.

Yes, that's the plan.
But you also need exit visas.

The French report each
visa application to the Gestapo.

Even if the applicant is in Vichy?
- Right then.

It abounds in Marseille
of refugees.

Vichy is required
request to extradite them.

You can see it:
you wait a hopeless task.

But as long as you give us
not embarrass ...

you should go ahead.

Harry will show you the door.

I'm sorry. Nothing to do.
- If you would understand ...

Where are you staying by the way, old man?

Nice. Excellent hotel.

I own a house
Rivet on the Boulevard.

East side, because of the Sun

Sounds very posh.

It was friends of my parents.

Jews. They had went away.

Come along if you're around.
It's always fun.

Very clever. Good evening.

Card. Shows.

Dirty jew, you know that ...
- Will there be what?

Will you do something about?

Is that necessary?

Wait here.

State Police, Jewish affairs department.
Your paper.

I am American.

State Police, Jewish affairs department.
What will you do this?

Do you jew? Are you a jew?

I am American. If you want
know, but to ask the consul.

Be warned.

Obstruction of the State Police
is a very serious offense.

The next time we
not as smooth.

Get out, Yankee. Get lost.

I hear you
have had an exciting noon.

It is not wise
you to engage with officials.

Certainly not with the Police d'Etat.

How do you know? It just happened.

Your passport is registered
the police at this address.

Moreover ...

This is Marseille.
There is no privacy.

Can you recommend a restaurant?

Unfortunately not. The war
Marseille is very different.

Food is scarce and
You have probably not food stamps.

This must be requested by the police.


But even then, I fear, have
Our restaurants have little to offer.

What do they eat?

The ceasefire commission?
No idea. They are ...

Italians. They have their addresses.

How do you know my restaurant?

I followed the Italians.
They know the best restaurants.

That's true.

Do you ration books?

I just got here.
I have not had time.

I have American dollars
and I would eat here every night.

Come inside.

I have a good place for you

What was it his?

A glass of beer.

Do you have a voucher?

A receipt?

For the rationing.

Allow me.

Very kind of you
Want to come sit with me?

- Yes, I have just arrived.

A strange place for a visit.

I'm a journalist.
I wanted it with my own eyes.

You found us very quickly.
Who told you this pub?

Nobody told me about it.

Forgive me. I have been premature.

Sorry. It's the fatigue.
It was a long journey.

I'm sorry that I bothering you.

I know nobody else. I am ...

lost, not knowing where I was,
until I saw the street sign.

Glad to see you, old man.

I was wondering where you were.

Marseille can be quite chilly
if you are alone.

Come inside.

We have much to discuss.

And you should meet my guests.

Lion Feuchtwanger know you, I believe.

Lion, this is the man of whom
I it was. He had your picture with him.

You are ...

Yes, free,
Thanks Marta and Mr.. Bingham.

And this is Marc Chagall.


This is sometimes ...

a practical joke? Afternoon
would you still know nothing.

You've seen Jamison.

He knows u. ..

Guests have?

I do this because I not want, old man.

Not because my bread Mr.
'T important.


Brandy, if you have in your home.

I'm Bella,
the wife of Marc Chagall.

Good evening. I'm Hannah Arendt.

Sit down, old man.

You're all on my list.
- What is that list?

The list of people
I need help ...

to escape to America.

Why would anyone want?

For freedom, of course.

But I am free.

I have some hungry,
but I am a free man.

Germany won the war.
Soon everything will be normal.

But Mr. Chagall, you jew.

Yes, and I live in France,
not in Germany.

I'm safe here.

I have no business in America.
Too much fuss. All those cities.

Sir, throughout Europe, including France,
Only a German province.

Given who you are, is
a fact that you remember.

So I thought
When the last war began.

I was sure that war
was unique in world history.

It was the old, familiar cycle.
That goes for this war.

You are a man of politics.

I am an artist.
The ages should inspire me.

I do not care about the issues of the day.

More that Mr. Hitler.

It was my pleasure.

But it's late and I'm
certainly not the youngest anymore.

You know better. Make it clear
that he was "totally wrong to see.

Is it conceivable that he is right?

No, excluded.

About 1000 years or 1 00 years
Hitler is perhaps unimportant.

But that was then. Now, for our
generation, he is the great danger.

As my husband said earlier:
Of course your vision.

But maybe not ... Chagall

The weapon
that your generation uses.

I admire your words, Mr.. Fry.

The words of a brave man.

Hopefully your actions as courageous.

That remains to be seen.

Now it is hard enough
Chagall to wake up.

They live in a dream world.
- Forgive it them.

Every day
With anti-Jewish laws in.

Some close their eyes before.

Correct it, Mr.. Fry?

Would you like to get to America?

That and I will.
- Your safety is impressive.

Do you doubt me?
- Not your sincerity.

But the Vichy French are
usually just as bad as the Germans.

Yes, exit visas are excluded.

Even with green light from the Gestapo
Vichy does not it.

Not Jewish
Refugees at least.

Again, Mr.. Bingham, my thanks.
But it's late.

Yes, it is time
I even 's step.

I walk with you.

Listen. I need help.

I at least need advice.
I need to talk to you.

Sorry. By giving them shelter,
I already wrote about.

Jamison as it should, I hang.

Any resistance against Germany and Vichy
he sees as contrary to our policy.

On the contrary. What you do for them,
you are a jewel for our country.


Just keep your head down.

I'll see what I can do for you,
within the limits of discretion.

Cheer up, old man.

Have a little patience.

Good morning.
I'm Miriam Davenport.

Miriam Davenport. Right.

A mutual friend
friends offers you shelter.

Holy shit. What time is it?
- Shortly after sunrise.

So we must hurry
if we want breakfast.

And we need people receive.

Have you already found candidates?

They have found you.
Welcome to Marseille, Mr.. Fry.

City of desperate and damned.

Nothing and nobody escapes it,
certainly not a potential savior.

How do they know ...

That's their job:
escape from Vichy.

American Red Cross with a paper
the Splendide. That is really.

I understand t. Give me some time.

What do you know me?
- Only Harry is your friend.

Yes, but I'm not
with him slept.

That's none of my.

I did not shock.

I am an art historian.
Study at Vassar and in Berlin.

I speak fluent French,
German and Serbo-Croatian.

Boyfriend. My current love.
Not really current.

He went back. The resistance.

After the war, I
to him to. Until then ...

I do everything to the Germans and
Vichy their friends to thwart.

If you need me,
I am at your disposal.

You can wait in the room next door?
It is much faster.

The police watch this hotel.

According to Harry, you have
acquainted with them.

They follow me. So the people outside
must make themselves scarce.

No. If they stand in line,
they have valid documents with them.

They bother no one. An appropriate
when they report themselves one by one.

They know you're in 's fascist
able to keep still, Mr.. Fry.

Varian. Because we are colleagues.

What is Varian?
- Varian's my first name.

Delicious elitist.

Varian, you get these people
Never legally in the country.

Artists and intellectuals:
just before they are afraid the Nazis.

They want their silence.

We ought to do it illegally?
- Otherwise it is useless.

But, Miss Davenport ...
- Miriam. We are colleagues.

I miss the power and experience
in the illegal work.

So perhaps you give me
those experiences.

We need to operate outside the law
the people on my list to save.

But then it's important
we also ...

have an above-ground operation.

This allows us
French police deal.

Bingham was right:
You learn really quickly.

We do normal while we
Preparing the illegal operation.

We find a forger.
I know a good one.

He is reliable, I think.
Though I have not slept with him.

Your sexual openness
I find confusing.

And aggressive.
- Aware.

We need these people now receive.
Expect that the French.

The Germans shot at us.

Thousands of refugees.

I have my child never seen again.

You must understand
us with our project ...

Refugees find you
could be described as ...

People who use their work.

I have been a teacher.

Thanks anyway.

Hopefully you
a whole suitcase full of money with you.

You can not everyone
money in hand to stop.

I brought enough money.
What's that?

A precaution. You can not afford
enter without a permit.

Do you want with your spree
the attention of the Gestapo?

Miriam, not so negative.
I think there is something.

Are you okay?

We will have ...
There is work to be done.

I will do my best.

I was a professor in Heidelberg.
Medieval philosophy.

I was coming, but am in 1933
to the Nuremberg laws dismissed.

He was well known.
It is historically important.

Yes, he was known,
but that was years ago.

You must choose.

Stick to people
still future.

If you save artists,
I hear on the list.

I hope the new
generation. A great talent.

Then you give me some
your paintings to show.

Workpieces. When I find good,
You candidate.

Can you judge?
- I am a great critic.

Do you see yourself as an artist?

Yes, some clients of mine
will find it.

I need to America.
I'm pointing. What do I need?

My husband and I were writers.

But we were unsuccessful.
No one can advocate for us.

As a businessman I
supported many artists.

When I was too old,
I was teaching ballet.

Yes, that was my novel.

We were simple people.

I'd be a singer.

How many came qualify?


And you have a power
paid to the rejected.

None of my list was there.
They are apparently in hiding.

And we can
not every day to keep open house.

Go home. We stopped.

Come back tomorrow.

We are now closed.
I can not help you.

I wanted to come help.

How? How do you know
what help we need?

Simple. Tomorrow
Marseille are half on the sidewalk.

The rest is a stamp
in his passport: true intellectual.

You urgently need help.

Let him inside.

The name Albert Hirschmann
and as a Social Democrat ...

I was one of the first Jews to
themselves experienced what the Nazis want.

So I went to Spain
against Franco to fight.

That we lost. I went in France
employed. But they surrendered.

I have collected all sorts of paperwork.
I have a fake birth certificate ...

with the text: "I swear that he
lives, for he is here for me. "

You are very resourceful, but ...

How well do you know Marseille?

Very pretty.

I know how clandestine
money exchange and an office structure.

And I know the streets of Marseilles,
literally and figuratively.

Hirschman's name.
Which should remain among us.

Of course.


On my good friend, Mr.. Beamish,
because of his smile ...

and an Anglican clergyman
that I have ever known.

Invitation to dinner
the German consul.

Interesting, food with the butcher.

The Germans want to see
what kind of meat they have in the cockpit.

Think you can handle it?

Piece of cake.

Welcome, Herr Fry. I am your host.

Hermann Wille
Reich Consul for this region.

You know Mr. Jamison?
- Yes, funny to see you again.


Also funny to see you again.

Colonel Joubert, State Police,
foreign service.

You will be a busy man.
- Indeed. You had 's knowledge.

My wife, Frau Wille.
Madame Joubert.

And the niece of Oberstleutnant
Franken, Franken Fraulein.

Ladies, you look adorable in.
Amazing that you can in wartime.

Oberstleutnant and Franks.

Glad to meet you. Beautiful dress.

You also good night,
Herr Oberstleutnant.

An appetizer?

I have a fine Spanish sherry
or champagne.

A Spanish sherry.

Your coming has
caused quite a stir.

Yes, I totally did not expect.

Really? I thought you at every
an expected street artist.

Marseille is now so. But they
just paint their faces.

The ladies of the night.

Mr. Fry. Or should I say Varian?
- Of course.

Varian, what do you think about Marseille?

A beautiful city, a jewel of
the Mediterranean. But pressure.

This is temporary, because the occupation
of the North. It's over ...

when the arrogant English
have had a spanking.

Perhaps Mr. believes. Fry
not a British defeat.

Mr. Fry's opinion is irrelevant.

Mr. Fry knows nothing about politics.

I love me exclusively
with art and literature.

That's why he is here.

He wants all refugee artists
ship to America.

If it degenerate artists,
You may have them

Apart from the criminals and the Jews.

But that we are soon lost.

What will you do with them?

Most go back
to Germany for trial.

What you accuse a painter?
Poor color choice?

No, because most
Aryan ideals sweep.

In America
that the Southern Democrats.

We take that very seriously.

Right, Colonel Joubert?

Yes, absolutely.

But I can not leave Jews.

They can not move out.
Soon we charge them.

Every escape attempt is futile.

We are at the border and look
each passport with a magnifying glass.

Each stamp. Each entry.

A false passport
means a concentration camp.

For the owner
and the one who delivered it.

Rightly. The law is the law.

But I help needy artists
with a legal exit visa.

And I give them financial support.

Be careful.

Indeed, the import
of money is prohibited.

A foreigner who smuggles money ...

Wait expansion or, if you
unlucky, the concentration camp.

And then u. ..

just disappear.

For myself,
I have private funds.

But almighty, what are we boring.
We talk too much about politics.

I was warned:
one wrong move and we hang.

We start the legal operation.
Maybe someone logs.

While we set sail
behind the illegal operation.

Why here?
- It's safe.

Freier is very careful.
You will 'see it.

Ideal. The only place
the authorities ...

not too sharp
want to keep an eye on.

This is the brave American
who I it was.

Handsome man.

To me you have nothing.

I press my cough
The only way customers.

Walk with me.

Come here. Admire the 's.

Which one is real
and which are false?

Neither of two. Both.

This is true. Sit down.

You'll see ...

In real punch a small
imperfection in the letter R.

On my copy
is exactly replicated.

And this?

Czech. The consul wrong.

He is prepared each passport
to stamp.

You'll need: a stamp
of a country you want.

Unless your face known.
- Like those of our list?

If a man known as Chagall,
Werfel, or Mann Arendt says ...

does the customs
immediately forgery.

By boat to Spain?
- Not without exit visas.

Land does not.

The Pyrenees are very difficult,
especially for such people.

For a young sportsman, even
if he knows his way. We do not.

It will never succeed if we
just think of the obstacles.

I hate those bastards.

Morons who break everything
what they do not understand.

That's all life
beautiful, precious and pure will.

I am a refugee, displaced.
I will stay till the end.

I will help you.

I need blank passports.

I have a dark room
necessary and inks.

We need the rest of
the people on that list.

I need a permit
for an office.

We have a walking
needs of the Pyrenees.

And money.

We have a lot of money.

This property will delight you.

The lift comes from Manchester.

Welcome aboard.

Well. We take 't.

The good stuff is. Now
is it cheap wine and black market.

Do not worry.

Soon everything is back to normal
and we have plenty of brandy.

So was it in the last war.

Suddenly it ended
and everything is back to normal.

But that war we won.

When you take
us to dinner in New York?

It will take some time
before I'm back in town.

But when you take it really does not
long. You must help me.

This is my list.

You know where I
most can be found.

That can be dangerous.

The risk is only justified
if the group is complete.

The Werfel. Hotel L'Esperance?

Hotel Beau Sejour,
in the Arab quarter.

Beyond the Grand Caf?.

There you afternoon
Heinrich Mann usually find.

Alma knows where ...

Get them out of the country?

Yes, but without the others
I do it not to try.

Try and then fail.

That would be cruel to them, old man.

Hit the jew


Draw a number.

Colonel Joubert know me.

You can feel better take seriously.

The Centre Americain Secours.

Who do you want exactly
like to save?

We use the word secours
not in the sense of 'saving'.

But in its more passive
significance of ...


You are ...

You're a funny guy, Mr.. Fry.

So do you at least.

Listen well.

We are not stupid.

Dandy if your behavior is a pose,
are we going quickly.

Germany can be
not deceive the eye rotation.

And France appears
a total occupation ...

the new German
Order to recognize it.

Be warned, Mr.. Fry.

You have been warned.

My husband is executed
as a union activist.

Soon the Germans demand
my extradition.

Me and my son.

Go to this address to the Ney Avenue.

It is the office of
an American union, the AFL.

Ask for Frank Bohn.

He specializes
in cases such as yours

Good luck.


I'm Stravinsk.
- Sit down, sir Stravinsk.

I am ...

I was concertmaster
by the Prague Symphony Orchestra.

I hope that I
is the place to have.

I'll be. I make this a moment.

Do we have a permit?
- Yes, but it was hard.

I'm afraid my pose Joubert
see through. That he hinted.

Please wait.

Beautiful. So far we have ...

half symphony orchestra.

A Department of Physics
Two Nobel Prize winners.

And three first-rate hospitals.

Most can now
the country legally.

Those are the easy. People
that the Gestapo would have ...

ones worried.

How do you go to?

First we send
a group of legal pad?

We use them as bait,
to see if Joubert bites?

Or do we only get one chance?

Should Werfel and Chagall
immediately leave the country ...

and we put all the cards
an escape attempt?

That's up to you, boss.

What you say, we do. You know that.

You must decide.

Veal. How is it so?

The calves have
not to be afraid.

The calves must be fixed
to Germany. Reparations.

spaghetti aglio olio I recommend.

I had hoped for protein:
fish, white meat. What have you at home?

Spaghetti aglio olio.
- Three, then.

Bingham has given me three names.

He advises the upper name.


Rough company, boss.

How to recover the roadmap?
- Fanny and I are working on.

Then the list. If Lipchitz
Mann and cum suis here ...

how can we
they trust us?

Do as I do.

Is everything you wish in your office?

Good evening. These are
my friends and countrymen.

This is Miriam Davenport
from Massachusetts.

Reverend and Beamish
from Mystic, Connecticut.

I hope once s
Massachusetts to come.

It will appeal
especially small towns like Salem.

What a strange name.
Where is Mystic?


In the middle.

We should soon 's food.
- Do we do.

I wish you a pleasant evening.
- You too.

Albert, there's something bothering you.
Do you think we followed?

No one follows us. That's the point.

The police can only Marseille
in association with the gangs.

Marcello is the big boss.
No one follows him.

We are alone in the souk.

Varian Fry. I have an appointment.


Thank you for us to receive.

Take a seat. Do you eat last?

Mr. Fry, I collect shirts.
I have thousands of shirts.

The shirt you're wearing,
is very nice. London?

Boston. From my study.
Less class than yours

This is a Turnbull & Asser,

Study in Boston. Harvard?

I have a grandson at Harvard.
I have many ties with America.

I know. That's why I'm here.

I have a problem bank.

Like many in Marseille.

Too bad, as I
lot of dollars in New York.

That is good for you

But I can not enter.

I am looking for someone in Marseille ...

which has many francs
and she would like to perform.

Someone here
can pay cash ...

for one U.S. dollar transactions
New York.


Mr. Fry, as the Vichy scum
or dirty sleeves ...

would be hearing this conversation,
I turn the cell.

With me in the cell next to it.

If you're a snitch.
- Do I look like a snitch?

No, mon vieux, far from it.

But you.

Participate. The police are here.

The commissioner of the Border Police
was lured here.

He has the map.

Behave as a customer.
Then we imperceptibly upward.

Marcello's account.

Good evening, gentlemen.

You have so many gifts.

Very ingenious.

And then on to Spain.

As they recognize anyone.
- No, the customs folks.

Nobody without a valid
paper dares it, they think.

Certainly not foreigners.
Which are immediately shipped.

Oh, it's worth the risk.

Even if it kills you?
Count on that.

Even then.
Artists are victims.

They are wounded. As a soldier
I deliver them not from the Nazis.

Your bank instructions for New York.


We have our map.

I said it
for rabbit hunting.

I promised him a leg.

So we have it again:
The weak go first.

People like Ernst, Lipchitz
Goldberg and Oscar ...

will later turn.

Here you expect
not someone like Franz Werfel.

We admire 'm.

Nazis see him as the degenerate author
Die Tage des Musa Dagh 40.

Strange that Franks
'M still not found.

They are registered
under a false name.

More or less. It is the name of
one of her former husband.

Madame Gustav Mahler.

Not too bad. She was also
married to Walter Gropius.

A woman to my heart.
If you get married ...

Do it often
and interesting men.

This environment does not do justice
the significance of my husband.

Nor yours,
Madame Mahler Werfel, Madame.

I'm not important, only public.

But Franz Werfel's irreplaceable.

He must himself be locked up
by these bastards?

No. And that's why we're here.

It's our job to you and
your peers to get to America.

So Mr.. Werfel
write freely again.

You mean it undoubtedly good.

France is the German
leash and the Gestapo ...

They are only human
and we are smart.

Open up, Werfel. I am Heinrich.
I hear that the Americans there.

I am Heinrich Mann.
My brother Thomas writes ...

that he is with you my journey
has arranged to America.

Sit down and cry not so.
Later, the police.

I'm not afraid of the French.

Nellie, give him the hand and sit down.
Alma, a glass of wine.

And is also Chagall?
Werfel and, of course. Who else?

First, I'm not saying I go.

And second, not scream.
We do not want attention.

They do nothing to me at my age.
- Not everyone is your age.

So we have to flee.
- As simple as it is not.

But it is dangerous
without exit visas to wish away.

None of you at risk.
Everything is in detail ...

Message from Bingham:
Joubert with his raids started.

Chagall was arrested.
Harry is powerless.

Where is he?
- On the desk.

But they are doing
people loading trucks.

We gotta go.

Please continue
much as possible inside.

Be prepared
a sudden departure.

You there. What should it?

The state makes all the Jewish
Foreigners arrested.

But what will you tell?

I am the director of
the Centre Americain Secours.


Me personally
says agency you do nothing.

I hope that you
Marc Chagall have not been arrested.

Who is this man? A jew?

He is a great artist
and French citizen.

A Russian ?migr?.

And thus might have a Bolshevik
and an enemy of the Reich.

Be warned.
When this great man arrested ...

French citizen just like you,
and extradite him to the Germans ...

it is that tomorrow
the front page of the New York Times.

That will be very bad fall
in my country.

At a time when our neutrality
already under pressure.

An incident that the U.S.A. maybe
the war will involve.

That's bad for your career.

True or not?


Now we are safe.

You must rest.

Everything good?
- Physical well.

But my heart, Monsieur Fry.

I thought France
such a thing would never do.

France does not.

The mother of human rights.

Do you understand it now?
We need to America.

Are there cows in the U.S.A. ?

Of course there are cows,
trees and fields.

It is not just skyscrapers.

In that case ...

Bella and I will try
there happy.

Beamish, stay here with the Chagall
to Miriam and I are gone.

Take them to Harry.

Tomorrow 's start.

You tonight
behave like a hero, Varian.

No, it was a pose.

It was much more than a pose.

You could do 's a great man.

Someone who has the courage to be
go into dangerous situations.

You's you said my ...

sexual candor
aggressive thought.

I told you
that it is a defense.

That's it But not always.

Sometimes' t. ..

From my innermost part.

I want to sleep with you tonight.

That's very kind of you.


I'm really much better. You bet.

Since I have no doubt.

But I'm married.
You know how it is.

Yes, I know, but we're
middle of a war.

We are passers.

And you're a special man.
I collect special men.

Maybe I'm something special.

No, it's a huge compliment.

It's what I thought.

He is not the type of guy,
if you have him call you a man ...

which we have to fear.

I'm not so sure.

Hello, ladies.

What a wonderful place.

Poor baby, your man discharged
seen by those bastards.

It was the worst day of my life.

He now rests. You must also rest.
A woman needs it.

Did you receive our message?
- Of course.

That's why I'm here.

So you go along?

The situation in France
is unacceptable.

Werfel and agree?
- Of course.

He always does what 'm told.
But we take such a large group?

Heinrich Mann, and Nellie, too.

I wish they would travel separately.
He is such an ugly cry.

Are the rules of Mr.. Fry
You understand?

Poor Hannah. Really upset.

Of course I 't.
I'm not stupid.

You take two suitcases.
For each one.

I said I understood Fry's rules
and that I will keep happening.

But I do not feel like an interrogation.

Werfel and I will be there.
We owe it to Fry mandatory.

These should be in my compartment.

Heinrich, you understand French.
What is he saying?

I take my boss there.

Ms. Mahler, Gropius, Werfel ...

Would you like us
have interned?

No, but they have to leave.
- Impossible.

Take a note
and put the rest in a vault.

Franz, make open.

Advance, Franz. Let 's see it.

Yes, the original manuscripts
Gustav Mahler and others.

Even Richard Strauss.
Degenerate art.

If they catch you, that your death.

I know,
but they caught me.

I manipulate men like no other.

I walk really no danger.

I am not allow it.
- You keep me on.

You want to save the soul of Europe.

I have the documentation.

Go away, before the wrong
kind attention.

Do not be afraid.
Should I still caught ...

I will protect you and others.

Finally, a man of authority.

You can probably help me.

Go Search Chagall.
Joubert can not see him.

I want my luggage in my coupe.

They are all clothes,
but I am very attached.

All right. I make
for an exception.

What is your name?

Colonel Joubert. What a surprise.

Will you travel?

My raid has a lot of unrest
causes of refugees.

They fly in all directions,
like cockroaches.

I care that those we missed
have, I do not slip again.

Where are you going?

Just a day away from it.
A walk in the mountains and stuff.

Great idea.
I also really love picnics.

But I have service.

I try to learn from
the efficiency of Colonel Joubert.

But perhaps
you and me lunch.

Very much.

The painter is
locked in the toilet.

He wanted only if Bella was there.

In pairs in such a small bathroom?

If they are caught,
because they hang obscenity.

You were chess. You may not castling.

I have discovered check covered.

My King has not played
and I may therefore castling.

You know each other.

Yes, strangers who play chess.
- Each with its own rules.

This is not a game. If the mission
fails, it ended with us.

This is serious, not a game.

Dear Fry, sometimes slightly
so deadly serious ...

that you do it alone
as a game can access.

Mr. Fry, you look exhausted.
Go take a nap.

Boss right now.

Finally. Soon Spain
and a decent hotel.

I do not feel well.
No, I can not.

My God, he hears me?

Mr. American. Fry was the name?

I'm not going.

There 's too late now.

You have no idea
how French camps.

No idea.

It's like you're killed.

But not yet dead.

Lion, everything will run smoothly.

Tomorrow you're in Spain.

Next week, New York.
There you can story.

But now you must
the past forgotten.

You're a soldier
and you must fight.

The German is in the restoration.

It reminds me
to spring in the Adirondacks.

I think only of the Black Forest.

Do you know?

Yes, the war I
traveled a lot in Germany.

I can imagine that you 't miss.

But I am a soldier
and this is my duty.

But you, what reason
you have to be here?

Humanitarian, I would say.
- Very noble of you

I have not seen you last,

In the Old Port.

In a cafe.

I thought you it was.

Could be.

I make the evenings
a long walk.

It's good for
digestion, they say.

I enjoy it.

I also like long walks.

Maybe we
will meet each other.

Tonight, in Cerbere.

That would be best.

He's still there.

But the gate is locked.
So tonight you're safe.

Where is the artist's legion?
- To bed. Beamish now makes the rounds.

It gets worse.

We both know
what that means cough.

It is probable TB
and it is my death.

But we are in Europe,
under the thumb of Hitler.

There are worse ways
to die.

They are ready for tomorrow.

We also?

Franken holds Varian
still in the holes.

We can not the city.

From the station to here
was the easy part.

It was dark and it was very busy.

During the day ...

We leave the city left.

This is our starting point.

We travel in groups through the field.

On this slope
is an old log cabin.

This is our collection.

We follow the path to the point
where the roadway crosses.

Near the Franco-Spanish border.

If you avoids the French,
do you subscribe to the Spanish border ...

with the perfect passports
Freier of the hand.

And the climb. Can they handle it?

The men are old and weak,
Werfel was a defeatist.

Chagall is undisciplined.
- Not so impressive team.

And everybody knows ...

that the customs
every refugee must shoot.

You said it yourself: there are
worse ways to die.

This is the point.
Here we wait for the others.

Rest. It's still a long way.


Nice and fresh.

Fresh and pure.

Look, Marc.

All those colors as your palette.

Marc, what are you still cross?
We got away unscathed.

My hope for humanity.
- Do not complain so.

Additionally, you
now seen enough cows.

Those skyscrapers
will do you good.

I found them.

Beware, Franz, do not drink.
- It's war.

And she is afraid
that the water is not good.

The road is free. We're alone.

The first battle is within.

A rest.

Hannah, water.

Mr. Fry, I am grateful for
all you have done for us.

But I can not.

Do you really want back, Chagall?

Have you any more in your art?

Marc has a lot to do,
but I am old, now more than ever.

What a self-pity. His whole life
proclaim freedom and work.

That freedom is now at stake
but he would rather have.

Who is talking about surrender?
It was a philosophical comment.

Why always squabble
and embarrass each other?

I climb on. There is no choice.

If it is my death, "be it so.

I let myself by the Nazis
not make a coward.

How far has it yet, do you think?

Even one hour, maybe longer.

And it is steeper.

It's good for your condition.

She's going back.
- I know.

He's gone.
He left early this morning.

For a walk, he said.

Here we go to rest.

A break.

We're almost there. A rest.

Let's see.

We all knew
that it would happen.

I decide what happens.

Beamish and I bring them
to the Spanish border.

You go back to Cerbere.

Take the train to Madrid.

Take luggage. Not contradictory.

Give me the toothpaste.

Ensure that our bank instructions
New York's.

From Marseille, we arrange medical
care for you in Spain.

And if you do not it get?

Then go back to America
and tell you what we wanted to do.

Here we are.

Bending. All on the ground.

Your German friend of the train.
- And Joubert.

They are five minutes from the border.
- And we have ten minutes.

Bring these people to Spain.

And you?
- I am your travel insurance.

So nobody sees you to your
across the border, with luggage.

We are grateful to you all.

Boss, the map.

See you in Marseille.

I fell.

I climbed up and saw you.
I was shocked by the car.

I was just scared.
I lost my jacket.

You drive us
back to Cerbere.