Varg Veum - I mørket er alle ulver grå (2011) - full transcript

Private detective Varg Veum investigates a case where his good friend Evans, a highly decorated ex-army officer, is falsely accused of bombing armakon, a weapons storage facility, and to prove him innocent.

Damn, you're slow!

So you're an adult now,
with a house, a car and a wife?


-what happened?
-Got tired of my own company, l guess.

l can't blame you.

-Going for the whole package?
-l guess. You?

The longest relationship l had
was with Linda.

From elementary school?


what about the blond soldier
you dated back in Afghanistan?

what was her name again?

That's right.

l think l have to join
the army as well.

we're not a couple anymore. lt's hard
to have a relationship in a dorm.

who is this?

Samira. l found her.
Her entire family was killed.

l got her into an orphanage
and made sure she went to school.

The only good thing l did there.

Do you want to have a beer at my place?
Karin wants to meet you.

l'd love to, but l'm working tonight.

Security guard?

Somebody has to keep an eye on them.

l thought the war was over for you.

The war is never over for me.

Are you OK?

lt's that fucking boss of mine.

l'll come and get the skis tomorrow.

l've had a wonderful trip.
Really great.

Although l'm a better skier than you.
And you've gotten fat.

Hand me the bag, will you?

Have a good shift.

-Nice trip?
-Even complains about my skiing.

But the trip was great.

what is it?

l'm pregnant.

Are you sure?

Pretty sure ...

νery sure ...

Absolutely sure.

l'm 1 1 weeks pregnant.

Are you afraid?

-l was afraid to tell you. l didn't ...
-lt's going to be all right this time.

ls it too early to ask for a kick?

A bit early.

-Hello. How is the weather in Bergen?
-As usual.

-ls everyone present?
-Holger Karlsen is delayed in traffic.

-where are you going, Nymark?
-l saw someone in weapons storage room.

That was me. All the νlPs are here.
l have to make sure everything is okay.

-lt's okay, Harald.
-Listen. To you l'm Ullven. Understood?

Understood, boss ...

Go back to your room then.

what the hell ...? Hey!

Are you okay?

lt's all right.

There is great danger of explosion.
All available personnel to Armakon!

All units to Armakon. There is danger of
explosion and there may be casualties.

This is Even. Please leave a message
and l will call you back.

Even? It's νarg.
Please call me.


A good friend of mine works here.

Not now!

Get in.

Hi. This is Even. Please leave
a message and l will call you back.

Get out of here!
You can't stay here!

l saw Nymark activate the bomb,
but it was too late to deactivate it.

You followed him into the storage room.

l kept an eye on him. He repeatedly
violated his instructions.

He went to places
where he didn't belong.

l heard you and him were in Afghanistan
together. Were you in the same platoon?

No, but we weren't that many,
so l knew who he was.

why did he do it?

lt's been raining body parts all over
Bergen. I think l deserve an answer.

-PTS, perhaps.

Post-Traumatic Stress.
Nymark had a rough time in Afghanistan.

lt's not the first time
a war veteran goes crazy.

why didn't you come to bed?

l can't sleep.

l'm really sorry.

l can't believe this!

There was one survivor.

He says he saw Even activate the bomb.

He is lying.

-He was head of security.
-He said something about his boss.

"Somebody has to keep an eye on them."

Anybody home?

-who are you?
-νarg, a friend of Even's.


-what are you doing here?
-lt was like this when l got here.

Even isn't here.

Even talked about you. He was
hoping you could get back in touch.

How nice that you did.

How long were you a couple?

Not very long.
About a year.

we lived together for a while but ...

-But what?
-Things came between us.

-ls that Samira on the fridge?

Even was like a father to her.
He talked about adopting but ...

l wasn't ready for it.

How is she doing now?

She died.

Didn't he tell you?

She found something on the ground
which she thought was a toy.

A mine?

A bomblet. A remainder from a cluster
bomb left unexploded on the ground.

l ...
l have to get going.

what's in that box?

Books, CD's ...

Are you stealing from Even?

-The police think Even was the bomber.
-But you don't?

You can believe them
or you can believe me.

why should l believe you?

Because I'm Even's friend.

Just in case ...

Do you have a pen?

"Norway ratifies ban
on cluster weapons"

"Cluster ban makes
Armakon lose NOK 400 million"

Even spent a lot of time
gathering this material.

lt's going to take me a week
to get through it all.

-The guy on the left is Harald Ullven.
-The one who survived?

Accidentally, yes.

Five people are missing
after the explosion at Armakon.

Four board members
and the suspected bomber, Even Nymark.

Two board members were absent
at the time of the bombing:

Martin Marstrander
and CFO Holger Karlsen.

Our thoughts go out to the families
of the victims. On behalf of Armakon -

- l wish to extend my condolences.

The only surviving witness,
Harald Ullven, told the police -

- that he saw Nymark activate the bomb
right before the factory blew up.

Samira turns five today.


l have a surprise for you.

Here you are.

what's that?
what is it?

-ls the stove on?


wait here.

Are you Harald Ullven?

He's coming now.

Taxi no. C-38 picked up a man 20 minutes
ago. l need to know where it was going.

-l'm busy. Please wait outside.
-lt's important.

Are you talking to Holger Karlsen?

Lucky Holger, who survived because
he was late. Did you miss the ferry?

Or were you waiting outside for
the other lucky survivor, Ullven?

You're not getting away with this.

Can you please wait outside
for just one moment?

who's in that taxi?

Harald Ullven.
He is involved in the explosion.

Even Nymark blew up Armakon.
Your friend.

-Says who?
-Ullven is a credible witness.

Ullven broke into my house last night.

He hit Karin and kicked her
in the stomach. She was pregnant.

-How is she doing?
-She lost the baby.

Are you sure it was Ullven?

lt was dark, he wore a mask, but l
recognised him. l recognised his eyes.

At night all wolves are grey.

where can l find Harald Ullven?

How should l know?

what do you know
about Operation Phoenix?

Our correspondent has not been able to
reach the CEO of Armakon, Konrad Fritz.

The Executive Management
had a crisis meeting today -

- to discuss strategy
after the events in Norway.



Let me out!

Flowers aren't allowed anymore.


The taxi you asked about
was going to the airport.

l want you to get him.

l want you to get him, νarg.

l don't care how you do it.

l want you to find the guy
who did this to us and get him.

Get him!

Budapest, Hungary

-Can you come down to the station?

For questioning.

Holger Karlsen has been killed.
By a bomb.

Please come right away.
l don't want to send people after you.

lf you're sending people,
you'll have to send them far.

-Please don't make me call the airport.
-l'm in Budapest.

Are you planning something stupid?
Hello? νarg?

Come on down!

Move slowly.

Don't try anything.

Hands behind your head!

At night all wolves are grey.

what do you want?

we'll get to that.

what do you want?

How did you know
Even Nymark had all this material?

-l found it in his apartment.
-Yes, but how did you know?

-l met him.

On the day of the explosion.

Thank you, νarg.

-who else has seen the documents?
-No one.

what about that hot babe of yours?

-Keep her out of this!
-You got Karin into this, not me.

Give me the key!

-You're alive! what ...?
-Not now.

This is where l live.

l've got so many questions.

-why didn't you tell me you were alive?
-l was scared.

l'm sorry.

l didn't want to drag you into this.

You can trust me.

-why were you at Fritz' place?
-l found your documents.

Then Harald Ullven broke into my place
and took them back.

He attacked Karin.

How is she?

what happened that night?

l was watching the monitor ...

And I saw Ullven snooping around
in the weapons storage room.

So l went to check it out.
And do you know what I found?

A bomb.

lt was activated.

Ullven turns up, beats me up
and locks me inside.

-But you're sitting here?
-Yes. l got away.

l was locked inside the building
for 48 hours.

Finally l managed to get out
through a ventilation shaft.

l was on all the front pages. l decided
to lay low and handle things on my own.

Good idea, but l'm afraid
you're no longer alone.

l can see Karin feeds you well.

-This? Do you want a piece?
-Of course I do.

what is Operation Phoenix?

Let me tell you. when Norway ratified
the ban on cluster weapons, -

- Armakon had to close down in Bergen.

-People in Bergen lost money.
-A hell of a lot of money!

But these sly bastards just moved
the factory to another country -

- which hadn't ratified the ban:

Now Armakon and the government
are negotiating the terms - or bribes.

And they're keeping a very low profile.

ls Marstrander your source?

-Fritz and Ullven think so.

Then he's skating on thin ice.

Marstrander was a nobody. He had
an insignificant position in Finance.

Suddenly he was promoted
and became a member of the Board.

Perhaps he stumbled upon some sensitive
information and they took him in?

l think Marstrander is the key to this.
we have to make him talk.

-What do you want from me?

l want to warn you.

-What are you talking about?
-Operation Phoenix.

Armakon sees you as a threat. You know
too much, just like Holger Karlsen.

Your friends don't want to play with
you anymore. lt's time to pick sides.

Meet me at the Széchenyi bath
in one hour.

l think he's ready to talk, Even.

-Good. Have you set a new meeting?
-Széchenyi bath.

You haven't seen me, you don't know me
and this conversation never took place.

-why did Armakon blow up?
-How should l know? Nymark ...

He did not blow up Armakon.
lt was Harald Ullven.

Four Board members are dead.
Holger Karlsen is dead. Are you next?

l have a bodyguard 24 hours a day.

what information do you have
that is so important to Armakon?

Armakon paid Ullven to test prototypes
for new weapons in combat situations.

while serving in the Norwegian Army?

How do you know about this?

l discovered that money was transferred
secretly to Ullven and his platoon.

Road accident ... Overdose ...
Killed in combat ...

Et cetera.

was Elise in his platoon ...?


Elise? Get away!
Your life is in danger.

-who is this?
-νarg. Elise ...

l know what you did in Afghanistan.
Armakon is cleaning up. You're next.

why are you getting yourself into this?

-For Even's sake.
-Even is dead.

He's alive.
He's in Budapest.

-what the hell are you saying?
-Even is alive.

-Jesus Christ ...
-Just get away!

You need to air out this room.
lt smells worse than your office.

Off we go.

l did not come to Budapest just to save
your ass. ls that understood?

l'm here to assist Hungarian police with
interrogations in your native language.

what the hell were you doing with
Marstrander? ls this your vendetta?

l asked him about Armakon.

Did you get any answers
before he ... Took off?

He was scared.
Ullven and Fritz were after him.

-But you weren't?

No, l didn't think so.
Musical boxes isn't your style.

The bodyguard, who survived, said the
bomb was triggered by a musical box.

Then l suggest you take a look
inside Harald Ullven's toy box.

The big bad Ullven ("wolf") ...

Revenge is sweet, l agree.
But it makes you blind.

Ullven, Konrad Fritz, Armakon ...

Can you give me some more?

Ullven tested weapons for Armakon
while he served in the Norwegian Army.

-That's a war crime.
-lt certainly is.

-why was the arms factory blown up?
-l don't know.

Perhaps the Board was
in the way of Operation Phoenix.

They planned to move the factory here.
Hungary has no ban on cluster weapons.

Can you prove any of this?

l can do things you're not allowed
to do, if only l get out of here.

You're under arrest.

l saw your partner and Konrad Fritz
almost French kissing out in the hall.

You have really bad breath, νeum.

You should do something about it.
Have a mint.

ls it true?

You shouldn't have come here.

ls it true?

-lt's true.
-where is he?

where is he?

why should l trust you?

l've got something Even needs.

This is our platoon using illegal
cluster weapons under Ullven's command.

lt can bring Armakon down.

This is my life insurance.
where is he?

wait here.


where have you been?

-lt's a long story.
-were you followed?

No. l've brought someone who can help
us. Someone you know very well.

what have you done, νarg?

-Relax. She wants to help us.
-She wants to kill us!


Come on!

Go up!

Hold them back!

Come on!

You promised not to tell anyone!

She said she had proof.
A film ...

You can't trust Elise! And if you
can't trust people, screw them!

They're not worth shit.

Get out, νarg.
This is nothing for you.

-Hi. How are you doing?

Not so good.

l'm so angry, νarg.
what about you? Did you find him?

No. l messed up.

-what are you going to do?
-l've been an idiot.

lt's just a matter of time
before the police finds me.

Perhaps you should just come home?

l miss you, νarg.


-Are you there?

l'll call you back.

Samira turns five today.

l have a surprise for you.

Here you are.

what is it?

A musical box!

-Even Nymark is the bomber.
-You don't say!

Not just the factory. Holger Karlsen,
Marstrander ... The list is long.

But Even Nymark is dead.

He's alive.

He wants to get back at Armakon for
something that happened in Afghanistan.

where is he now?

ln Budapest.

The Armakon deal
is being announced today.

On your knees!


Are you going to shoot me now, Harald?
Then shoot.


Dammit, νarg!

Dad, look!

l found something, Daddy.

A musical box.

Samira! No!

No snipers.

-Do you have any better idea?


Go home, νarg.

You know me.
lf l left, l couldn't live with it.

You lied to me.

l thought I knew you.

-l'm not the Even l used to be.
-No, you've become like them.

You shoot and blow up innocent people!

Nobody here is innocent.
Samira was innocent.

Do you really think you're the only one
who feels that anger and hate?

lt doesn't help ...!

Your grief.

why Samira? Of all the orphans
in the world, why her?

what's troubling you?

Bad conscience?
This doesn't help, Even.

lt doesn't change anything.

Are you my friend, Even?


Don't shoot.


Even ...

You kicked Karin in the stomach!

She lost the baby.

was it a boy or a girl?


Let's go home.

Come on.

we should move away.

They've lost a bomb in there.

Now it's my turn.

This is not what l wanted, Elise.

Me neither.

The big fish get away, νeum.

Not always.

English subtitles:
Søren Munch