Vampyros Lesbos (1971) - full transcript

In Istanbul, the lawyer of Simpson & Simpson Linda Westinghouse has erotic dreams with a strange woman every night and her analyst Dr. Alwin Seward suggests her to find another lover. Linda is assigned to resolve an inheritance issue with the Hungarian Countess Nadine Oskudar that has inherited a real estate from Count Dracula. Linda leaves her boyfriend Omar in the Istanbul Hilton and travels to the Kadidados Island. While waiting for transportation in the continent, Linda is advised by a local that the island would be a place of death and insanity and she should not travel to there. However, she does not pay attention to the man and meets Countess Oskudar that is a lesbian vampire fascinated by Linda. The Countess drinks the blood of Linda and she has amnesia and is sent to a mental institution where Dr, Steiner, who is also a vampire expert, treats her and puts an advertisement in the newspapers. Omar finds Linda and Dr. Steiner teaches her how to kill a vampire. Linda has to be very powerful to resist the spell of Countess Oskudar that has a crush on her and destroy the vampire.

You're very excited. What's up?

Oh, nothing.


I'm calling you.

After that,
everything gets dark around me...

and she moans and embraces me.

Then I suddenly awake
with a start.

Every night I have this dream.
It's always the same.

And yet, I've never seen the woman
or the place where it happens.

It's always the same place.

I see it clearly,
as if I'd been there before.

Every time...
every time I get scared.

The strange thing is
that the dream arouses me.

More than once
I've reached orgasm.

Last night,
Omar and I went to a nightclub.

There was a woman performing.

I can't tell you
how shocked I was when I saw her.

It was her.
There's no doubt about it.

It was the woman
who appears in my dreams.

My dear Linda...

you mustn't think
your problem is unique.

Many women are
sexually frustrated.

Let me tell you the best cure.

Find yourself a lover...

a better lover.

Sorry it took so long.

Did you see Dr. Steiner?
What did he say?

Nothing much.
At least, nothing important.

I'm scared, Omar.

Let's spend the next few days


This is from the boss.
It's urgent.

Mr. Simpson
says it's confidential.

He feels our office should establish
a higher profile in Turkey.

I'm going to Anatolia to see
Countess Carody about an inheritance.


Hello. I'm Linda Westinghouse.

You are to take me
to the Kadidados Islands.

We knew you were coming,
but you're too late.

The boat has already left.

Is there anywhere to stay?

Countess Carody has booked
a room for you here.

Have you come all the way
from Istanbul to see her?

Show the lady
to her room, Memmet.

It's on the first floor.

- I gave you the best room.
- Thanks.

It's nice and clean.
I got it ready for you myself.

See you tomorrow. Thanks.

- Call me if you need anything.
- That's very kind of you.

I'm sorry.


I didn't mean to scare you...

but you must not go
to the island.

- Why not?
- Death lives there.

Madness and death
rule the island.

Come to the wine cellar later.


Is anyone home?


Please, come here.

I'm from Simpson & Simpson.

- Are you Countess Carody?
- Yes.

- You are Miss Westinghouse.
- Yes.

- I was told you were coming.
- You have a nice view.

This is my favourite spot.
I love the isolation.

It's strange. I have the feeling...

I've been here before,
and that I know you.

I have the same feeling.
It happens quite a lot.

You must be tired.

Would you like a swim
before we get down to business?

Yes, that would be nice.

Let's go together.

Come on.

I didn't bring my swimsuit.

There's no need to be shy.

Don't worry.
Nobody can see us here.

Come on in,
the water's wonderful.

It's been a long time
since I sunbathed.

It's fun to be naked in the sand.

- Especially with another person.
- Yes.

You look delightful
in that suit.

Take a seat.

Your inheritance is unusual,

I've never seen a will
like this one.

I can believe that.

It wasn't easy to transfer
the property to you.

- It always belonged to the Draculas.
- I know.

Could you tell me more
about Count Dracula and his family?

They came from Hungary, like me.

In his will,
he left everything to me...

to the woman
who made his life worth living.

Unfortunately, not everybody
is so generous.

It is wonderful
how much he had to give me.

One day I will pass it on
to someone who deserves it.

Maybe I can be of assistance?

Yes, that's quite possible.

Perhaps even sooner
than you think.

I love this red wine.

- What's the matter?
- I have a terrible headache.

Why don't you lie down?

I'll show you the room.
Nobody will disturb you.

Thank you.
Please excuse me.

I don't usually drink wine.




Pull yourself together.
Do you hear me?

There, that's better. Calm down.

She's coming back. I knew it.

She will take hold of me again.
I'm so happy.

I sense her closeness.

Help me, so she won't
leave me again.

Yes, I'll make sure of it.

"The moon will be red as blood...

and the undead will step
from the dark...

Looking for victims,
ruthless and cruel."

Dr. Seward, could you come?
Agra had another fit.

The symptoms are always
the same.

We'd better give her
an injection.

Agra, how are you feeling?

Do you feel any better?

- You were hallucinating again.
- Yes.

- Was she here again?
- Yes.

I lost myself completely in her.

She was me, and I was her.

What is her name?

Don't you want to tell me?

Tell me. Who is she?

My friend is
the Queen of the Night.

I see.

Who are you?

Tell me where I am.

Listen to me.

I want to know
what it all means.


Don't go!

Good morning.

I'm glad you are with us again.

How are you?

I see you're feeling better
than yesterday.

What's going on?
Who are you?

Where am I?

I am Dr. Seward.
You are in my private clinic.

The man you saw is my assistant.

May I know your name?

I don't remember.

You're a foreigner, aren't you?

I don't know.

What happened?

I don't know.

I don't remember anything.

- Yes?
- Can I speak to Dr. Seward?

Please, take a seat.

- What can I do for you?
- I saw your ad.

- What's it got to do with you?
- A girl was found on the beach.

- I think she's my girlfriend.
- What's her name?

Linda Westinghouse.
She works for Simpson & Simpson.

Why do you think
it's your girlfriend?

- She disappeared.
- What do you mean?

She left her hotel
without a word...

and didn't return.

Did you have an argument?

I'm sorry, but I have to ask.

If it is her...

she's suffering
from severe shock.

But now she's a little better.
You can go and see her.

Come with me.

It was terrible, Omar.

I don't remember
what happened on the island.

My memory is blank.

I only remember
that I was alone on a boat.

Around me was only the sea.

And then there's nothing.

All I can see is a woman...

a naked woman
lying dead in a pool.

It was Countess Carody.

Omar, is it possible
that it was no more than a dream?

Don't think about it.

You must try to forget it.

We should take a vacation.

I'll try to get time off work.

Thanks, Omar.
You're very sweet.

It was my parents' house.

Was it a hundred
or two hundred years ago?

I was very young and all alone.

From my window
I saw soldiers looting...

and raping the women
in the street.

They forced their way in
and grabbed me.

I struggled desperately
and cried in agony.

Suddenly the Count appeared...

Count Dracula.

He stuck his knife
into the soldier lying on top of me.

The man screamed...

and I felt his blood
running down my body.

He was the first man in my life.
It was horrible.

I thought I was going
to lose my mind.

I noticed the Count
leaning over me.

He whispered...

"I will take
all your suffering away."

When I woke up,
he was lying next to me.

His body was cold,
but his lips burned like fire.

Night after night,
he came and took my blood...

to replenish his life.

When he realised...

that I was losing my strength...

he shared with me
the secrets of the vampires.

Why did he do it?

He was addicted to my body.

It was he who initiated me.

Men still disgust me.
I hate them all.

Many were captivated by me.
Many women.

I bewitched them.
They lost their identity.

I became them.

But then I met Linda.

Now I'm under her spell.

I have to...

initiate her into our circle.

I was waiting for you.

This is blood.

Did you realise it was blood?

You are one of us now.

The Queen of the Night
will bear you up...

on her black wings.

Kovec nihe trekatsch.

Kovec nihe trekatsch.

Save me.


He's lost a lot of blood,
but it's not serious.

Maybe what happened to him
is my fault.

You are a charming girl...

but you haven't got
the slightest idea about occultism.

You can't influence
the supernatural.

You should have seen how pale he was,
and he had marks on his neck!

I'm sorry to disturb you,
but Agra's having an attack.

- Could you come over?
- Right away.

I've spent a lot of time
studying vampires.

Would you like to come with me?

I know who can get in touch
with these forces, and who can't.

Your friend will never
cross over to their world.

That's why he won't fall victim
to these forces.

With you, Linda, it's different.

- You are in danger.
- I thought as much.

I find myself in strange situations
and do inexplicable things.

It's like a call from nowhere.

You have been chosen
by the Spirits of the Night.

I'm frightened of these powers...

and yet I have to study
the phenomenon.

I'm one of the few people
who know how to protect themselves.

I will let you in on my secret...

if you want me to.

Yes, I do.

It depends on the desire to live
and to free yourself.

If you succeed in killing a vampire,
the body will vanish into nothing.

The brain must receive
a deadly blow.

You have to split the head
with an ax...

or pierce it with a bar.

What's the matter?

What's up?
Please, calm down.

She was inside me.

And now she's gone.

Nobody can save me!

Why not?

Because she's left me.

But why can't you be saved?


You must trust me
and tell me everything.

No, no. It's too late,
much too late.

You can't help me now, Doctor.

Okay, fine.

She just told me
she's coming back.

She wants to come back to me...

because she wants to meet you.

- How are you?
- Better, thanks.

May I leave now?

You can leave whenever you want.
You're not in danger.

I'm worried about Linda, Doctor.

She's been very strange lately.

She doesn't reply to my questions.

It's as if she's miles away.

When she does say something,
it's mostly incoherent.

She's better.
There's no need to worry.

But why is she growing weaker
every day?

She won't survive another attack.

I told your girlfriend
what she has to do.

It just depends on whether
she is strong enough to resist.

If she's is,
she'll soon be out of danger.

- That's a promise.
- Thanks.

- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.


Don't go!

You must help me.
They won't let me talk to anyone.

I escaped. They locked me up
because they think I'm crazy.

Why did they lock you up?

Because they're idiots
who don't know...

that there are supernatural powers...

and that I'm in touch with them.

You have to...

You have to go to her house.
Do you know it?

The old house of Uskalan,
up on the mountain.

Tell her she's got to help me.

She's here now.

Tell her, but be careful.

She'll hate you
because you're a man.

Go on, lock her up!

Did you escape again?
That was the last time, I swear.

Get out!
I don't want to see you here again.


- Where is Miss Westinghouse?
- She left.

- When?
- She checked out yesterday.

- Where did she go?
- I don't know.

The more I study
the phenomenon of vampires...

the more I'm drawn to their world.

Its powers stem
from unknown depths...

powers that are
inaccessible to most of us.

I can barely resist the temptation...

to cross over into the dark world
of the supernatural.

- I'm sorry to disturb you, Doctor.
- What is it?

- Will there be anything else?
- No, thanks.

- I'm finished now.
- Agra is calmer. She's sleeping.

- See you tomorrow, Melnik.
- Good night.

Who are you?

You know, so why ask?

I've been waiting to meet you.

But why?
What do you want?

I want to enter your world.

Only with your help
can I enter this world...

and contact the supernatural.

You want to take Linda from me.

That's why I won't aid you.

I wanted you to come to me.

What do you want from me?

I want to be one of you.
Help me to fulfill my wish.

- Kovec nihe trekatsch.
- Shut up!

Our words have no power
when you say them.

He who is our enemy
will lose the battle...

and will never join our empire.

Why did you come here?

Because this is the hour of your death.

You will never succeed!

Sanctus spiritus benedictus...

aberatio aberni mandati nolet.


I've come to say goodbye.

I have to leave you forever.

"The famous scientist Aldon Seward
was killed last night."

"Two people dressed in black
were seen leaving the scene."

Oh, it's you.

How's your girlfriend?

- Did you see this?
- Yes.

They killed the charlatan
who studied vampires.

- What's it to you?
- Linda has disappeared!

She's got to be
in the hands of the killers.

Your imagination is running wild.

She's probably with another man.

There was another murder.

A dancer killed her partner
by biting through her jugular.

This dancer will lead us to Linda.

I managed to find out
where she lives.

- Where?
- In an old house in Uskalan.

You shouldn't go on your own.
I'm coming.

You are here to meet Dracula's heirs.

You will be mine
in this night of darkness.

You're beautiful when you're scared,
but even more so in death.

Go on, scream.
Nobody will hear you.

Since my wife left,
I've been searching.

Her name was Agra.
She went to the woman on the island.

When she came back,
she was crazy.

The doctor locked her up.

Your death will be sweet.

You will beg me.

You will beg me to kill you.

In death, you'll kiss me...

and tell me
you can't live without me.

I want your blood.

Your blood, your blood!
I want to hear you scream.

I'll take the ropes off,
so you're free to feel the pain.

- Leave me alone!
- You will beg for love, not hate.

My hate and my love for you
are infinite.

Your blood... red as death!

As red as...

Your beauty...
godlike and yet so deadly.

I will inflict pain on you.
You will love me!

I'm not the one who will hurt you.
It is your choice.

Will you obey me
like the one before you?

She was happy.
Come, you can meet her.

She felt happiness in my arms
through my torture.

- Her death was love.
- I love you too.

- Yes, my little dove.
- I love you.

Yes, in agony they all love me.

It was like a game when I hanged her.

I will play the game
by your rules.

It'll be like never before.

We'll both be perfect
and enjoy my pain.

I want it too!
I'll do what you want.

But you'll have to free me.

- Yes, I will.
- Do it!

It'll be nice for both of us, yes.

You are so beautiful...



Nadine, open up!

Nadine, open up!
Don't you hear? Please...

What is it?
What's the matter?

The end has come... for me.

- Is there anything I can do?
- Yes.

Only you can help me.

Only through your blood
will my strength return.

No, I don't want to belong to you.


You want to leave me?

This is the end.

It has to be the end.

No, I don't want to be like you.

That's why I have to do it.

Come on, Dr. Steiner.
Here she is!

I don't understand...

I don't understand...

It was a bad dream, Linda.
Nothing more.

No, it wasn't a dream...

unbelievable as it may seem.

Even if there is no explanation.

The pain will fade in time...

but the memory will remain...

for as long as I live.