Vampire in Venice (1988) - full transcript

Professor Paris Catalano visits Venice, to investigate the last known appearance of the famous vampire Nosferatu during the carnival of 1786.

(singing in foreign language)

(dog barking)

(guns firing)



- It's bad luck to kill a bat.

- No, not this one.

It's a vampire.

The kind that sucks cow's blood.



(tense music)

(bird squawking)

(boat motor revving)

- [Man] In reply to your letter,

you must know that I have
dedicated my whole life

to the study of Nosferatu.

From his earliest origins in Transylvania

10 centuries ago to his
mysterious disappearance in Venice

during the carnival of 1786

when the plague decimated
the city's inhabitants.

(man chanting in foreign language)

(bell ringing)

(women sobbing)

Nosferatu is a supreme lord of evil

second only to the devil himself.

To my knowledge, his supernatural powers

have defeated all attempts to kill him.

In fact in the language of his roots,

his very name means "he who is undead".

And yet I am convinced that death

is what he most desires.

Whatever you have in mind
concerning this maleficent being,

I urge you to await my arrival.

Your house has indeed been
the site of terrible events

now mercifully buried by the dust of time.

(door creaking)

- Good morning, sir.

(light music)

- We have a guest.

Do you know him?

- No.

I know who he is and why he is here.

He has come to destroy
the precarious peace

that reigns this house.

- I'll tell the princess
you are here, sir.

The princess apologizes
for not coming down.

She will receive you in her room, sir.

- I am grateful to you for accepting

my invitation so promptly.

- It was the least I could do.

- What did you think of my letter?

- I'm afraid it was too vague

for me to form an opinion.

- If that were true, you wouldn't be here.

- I expect to die quite soon.

- Hematophagusology is
the scientific study

of a psychological affliction

also known as thirst for blood.

- The study of vampirism.

Professor Catalano is the
world's leading authority

on the subject.

- Vampirism?

Sounds like something
you call the vet for.

- The study of the
phenomenon merely requires

the entire span of man's knowledge.

- Graces.

- [Princess] Good evening, Gran.

- What is the Church's
attitude towards vampires?

- Well vampirism is one
of the thousand ways

in which evil manifests itself.

It was Pope Benedict XIV who decreed that.

- Did your search for
vampires bring you to Venice?

- Vampires are everywhere.

- Wonderful dinner.
- Good night.

- Thank you for coming, good night.

- Good night!

- Why did you say you expect to die soon?

- Because it's true.

And I have little time
for social pleasantries.

- Come with me.

There's something you must see.

Dr. Barnabo and his wife are
old friends of the family.

I'm sure he didn't mean to be rude.

He's so damnedable.

He can't accept what
he doesn't understand.

- Yes, very common attitude, I'm afraid.

(tense music)

- We're 30 feet below the
level of the Grand Canal.

This crypt dates back to the 16th century

when the Canins family settled in this.

Originally we're from Transylvania.

(hooves rumbling)

Many of my ancestors are buried down here.

Why does this one have these iron bands?

Have you ever seen a tomb like this?

(tense music)


(eerie groaning)

- Simply eaten away by rust, that's all.

The others, all in very good condition.

- According to an old family legend

a vampire was buried alive in this tomb.

I'm convinced it was Nosferatu.

- No.

He left Venice 200 years ago.

- During the plague.

Yes I know that legend too.

But as far as I'm concerned,
he never left at all.

I want to open this tomb

and free my house of the nightmare.

- Princess, I would advise against that.

- That's why I invited you.

What consequences can be
expected to set him free?

- A reaction so monstrous

that it would be beyond all imagination.

Be assured, it is not he that's in there.

The truth is he was shipwrecked
on the bay of Biscayne.

It's quite safe to assume

that it's the seabed where he found

his final resting place.

- I'm sure you don't believe that.

Since you advise against opening the tomb,

I will prove my theory in another way.

I know someone who can look back

through the darkness of time

and contact the spirits of the dead.

(light suspenseful music)



- Put me down!

- [Crowd] Good morning, Graces.

- Aren't you Gianmarco Trozatti?

- Yes, Princess.

- You are Laviere's friend, I believe.

- Me, no!

- You little shit!


- So you don't have a girlfriend.



- What are you looking for?

- That portrait.

Why did you have it taken
down before I arrived?

- Terrible events happened in this house

200 years ago.

- Yes, I know.

And the woman in the portrait
was desperately involved.

- Involved in what?

I'm afraid I don't follow you.

- Princess, if there's
something you're hiding

you must tell me at once,

I haven't much time.

- Help me up.

(birds cawing in distance)

My cane please.

I vowed never to reveal the curse

that weighs on this family.

But you give me no choice.

We left Transylvania to
escape a terrible destiny

but in vain.

- Utarefson?

What does it mean?

I don't know of such a word.

- [Paris] Nosferatu.

(ominous music)


(woman moaning)

(speaking in foreign language)

- Latin is the holy language.

It should not be used
by the enemies of God.

(speaking in foreign language)

- The abomination appeared 1786.

And that year of our Lord,

an unprecedented tragedy
took place in this house

between these very walls.

(chanting in foreign language)

- Vile being!

I uphold upon you

the will of Almighty God!

Creature of evil!

In the name of the crucified Christ,

I order you to submit

to the absolute authority of God

and leave this house!

In the name of the father, the son

and the holy ghost!

I annihilate you!


Incarnation of inequity!

May you plunge into the bottomless abyss

for all eternity!

(wind howling)




- It was then that Nosferatu left Venice

and no trace of him has ever been found.

The fate of the princess in the painting

is also unknown.

- The Church gives no weight to legend

or local superstition.

- If you ask me, the book was the fruit

of someone's imagination
and inspired the painting.

That's no proof.

- If the story's true

then Leticia was a vampire.

- The doors of this house
have always been open to him.

If he hasn't already returned

he no doubt will.

(tense music)

- We should not commit this blasphemy.

- [Gran] Devil has laid
his hands on this house.

- I feel I must warn you

that a seance like this

can provoke reactions of
quite terrifying proportions.

- Oh come on professor.

This is just harmless home entertainment.

Nobody's forcing you to take part.

- I've always wondered how
people can become vampires.

I mean are they born that way?

- How do you become a vampire?

By being the illegitimate
sons of illegitimate parents,

the son of witchers and warlocks,

a man who takes his own life,

those who die by hanging,
those who die of the plague,

those who die with
blasphemy on their lips,

murderers who die unpunished.


The descendants of vampires.

- Take your places.

The priest must leave.

- The Church forbids
spiritualistic seances.

- Form the circle.

- The Church forbids
spiritualistic seances!

- The priest must leave.

I must have absolute concentration.

Whatever happens, do not break the circle.


Reveal yourself to us.

Champion of evil!

Manifestation of inequity.

Shunned by death itself.

(praying in foreign language)

I am evoking you.

(tense music)

- What's happening?


(heartbeat pulsing)

- Nosferatu, reveal yourself to us!

Foul spawn.

Depravity personified.

High priest of putridity.

Enemy of Christ.

Adversary of life.

Abomination of abominations.

(intense music)

(tense music)

- Come.

My prince.

Come, my lord.

I am calling you.

I am calling you.

Come to me.

Come, come to me.

Come to me.

Come to me.


Come, my lord.

I am calling you.

Come to me.




- Helietta!


Don't shock her.


- Open the curtains.

Now doctor, she'll be all right.

You come with me, I'm
gonna need your help.

- What do you expect to find down there?


I'm going back upstairs.

- [Woman] Come.

My prince.

Come my lord.

(tense music)

My prince.

Come home.

I am calling.

Come to me.

(waves crashing)

(clapping in distance)

(upbeat guitar music)
(singing in foreign language)

(tense music)

- [Woman] Come, do not be afraid, child.

This is the man who
will make you immortal.

- I am ready my Lord.

- My liege.

- Who summoned me?

- Someone who lives far
away has summoned you.

- You're mistaken, that's
a scene from the past.

(chanting in foreign language)


(dramatic music)

(Spanish guitar music)

- Oh my lord, my people
are nothing without you.

- Your people are free, I'm leaving.

- No, after 200 years, you cannot leave.

- Time has no meaning in
a life that never ends.

(women wailing)

(light music)
(birds squawking)

(booming and whistling)

(crowd chattering)


(gong sounding)

(ominous music)

- What if he be made of
something that was there?

- [Woman] Why didn't you
take me with you, my prince?

You left me here.

And so condemned me to
the most horrible death.

Life without you.

- Helietta!


- [Woman] I beg you.

I beseech you.

(tense music)


(praying in foreign language)


(ominous music)


(man speaking in foreign language)

- It was Nosferatu, wasn't it?

- Yes.

We summoned him, he answered

and he will kill again.

- What can we do?

- Love is the only antidote for evil.

Only love can kill him now.

- Love?

- Yes.

The love of a consenting virgin.

The love of an innocent.

The very moment he possesses her,

nigh, something he has
sought for a thousand years.

- Who could love a creature like that?

Please don't let it be her.

- Princess.


The time has come.

We must find out who
is buried in that tomb.

(light music)

- [Woman] All the Canins
women were destined

to meet a violent death or
be carried off by Nosferatu.


- Let's all lift together.

(speaking in foreign language)

(chains clinking)

It's all right my love.

Everything can be explained.

The total absence of air

prevented the body from decomposing.

After we opened the tomb,
she should turn to dust.

It's a known phenomenon.

- Mercury.

The soul of all metal.

The only natural element
capable of killing a vampire.

The victim must have
been forced to drink it

before she was pierced through the heart.

(birds squawking)

(light music)

(festive music)

- You're right, I haven't
been with strangers.

But tonight I'm not
gonna let it bother me.

I promise.

- Are you happy?

When are we getting
rid of that Englishman?

- When are you getting rid of your wife?

(tense music)

- What is it?

Don't you feel well?

- Suddenly, I feel ice cold.

- Come on, I'll take you home.

(crowd laughing and giggling)

- [Helietta] Excuse me, I...

- Helietta!



(Spanish guitar music)

(festive music)

(tense dramatic music)

(Spanish guitar music)

(tense music)

(light music)

(speaking in foreign language)

- Are you talking to me?

I don't understand what you're saying

but it sounds wonderful.

- It's a old language

which doesn't exist anymore.

It's the word of the dead.

- The words sound so beautiful.

What do they mean?

- It means I feel my love.

I crossed rivers.

I climbed mountains.

I traversed the skies

to be with you.

Because you called me.

- It wasn't me.

But I was expecting you.

Oh my prince.

- Your place is not here.

Let me take you away.

(woman moaning)

(intense music)

- He was here.

He came for me.

- 120/90, that's normal.

The wounds are superficial.

- You're making a great
mistake in your diagnosis,

using a measure of normal behavior.

- Look, I'm a doctor.

It's the only measure I know.

- All he's done so far is to

stimulate her senses.


He's preparing the ground.

His next move.

He intends to take her with him.

A macabre journey

that's destined never to end.

(horns tooting in distance)

That's something I will not allow.



(intense music)

(hooves rumbling)

(tense music)

(horn sounding)

- Oh my god.

Help, help!





(dog barking in distance)

(eerie music)

- The dog has stopped barking.

- The magazine holds
five 45 caliber shells.

It can stop a charging rhinoceros.

The muzzle velocity is incredible.

What's the matter?

- Shh.

(tense music)

He's out there.


(wind howling)


(door clacking)

Here he comes.

(gate creaking)



(gun clacking)

(gun firing)

(gun firing)

(ominous music)

- Back!


Bestial creature.

You've known ever since

Satan belched you forth
those many hundred years ago,

that you've been excluded
from nature's scheme.

Life has refused you.

Death has refused you.

The just reject you.

Even the unjust.

There's no place for you here on earth

or elsewhere that will welcome you.

The very essence of life rejects you.

Now in the name of all God's angels

I order you, stand back!

In the name of Jesus Christ, begone!

Vile abomination.

By the power of the cross will crush you.

(chanting in foreign language)

- Here I am, my lord.

(ominous music)

- Back!




(light music)

- [Maria] Don't go with him, Helietta!

(dogs barking)

(dog howling)

(bell tolling)

- [Paris] Love is the antidote for evil.

Only love can kill him now.

The love of a consenting virgin.

The love of an innocent.

The very moment he
possesses her, he will die.

Something he has sought
for a thousand years.

(wings flapping)

- If you don't need your
life, others can use it.

Now you belong to me.

I am your master.

(inspiring music)

(dogs barking in distance)

(light music)

(birds cawing)

- You are leaving, I take it.

- Yes.

I failed.

I've been defeated.

And rightfully so.

- That filthy devil.

- The demon of death
is opposed to anything

which isn't light.

- Where did he take her?

Doesn't he ever have to
sleep, for God's sake?

- He sleeps 24 hours every 24 days.

Every clod of earth which his coffin lies

has known nothing but human
suffering, sickness, misfortune.

- Must be a dozen places like that here.

- He travels always with his
own patch of cursed land.

He's lulled to sleep by
the cries of the dead.

- Man and woman were
carried away to that island.

It's where they endured
a thousand tortures

of the flesh and the spirit.

Their screams could be heard as far away

as Chioggia and Pellestrina.

Then in the course of time
the living turned to corpses.

The corpses turned to dust.

And that place became the Lazaretto.

The city's haven for its plague victim.

- Of course, the plague cemetery.

It's out on the dog island.

That's a perfect place for him.

There is nothing but death out there.

They turned part of it to a
crematorium for cholera victims.

- How ironic.

What a waste.

To think that the end of one's life's work

to discover the arrogance of opposing evil

in one's own way.

It's perhaps contrary

to the universal scheme of God.

And what's to become of you, Father?

- Oh.

My place is here in this house.

I am the guardian of wandering souls.

I am the defender of suffering spirits.

The great dragon, that
ageless serpent called Satan

seeks to corrupt every corner
of the civilized world.

Humanity must fight to save itself.

Every man knows the
temptation of his own lust!

Only God almighty is not a temptor.

Nor tempted.

I'm the guardian of wandering souls.

I am the soldier of the truth.

You set yourself on a level with God?

And he has punished you!

You know nothing!

You know nothing!

You're proud!

And you live in the front!

You think you have knowledge!

And you don't!

You know nothing!

You know nothing!


(light piano music)

(light airy music)

- Have you saved my life

because you want to take
it with your own hands?

- I saved your life so
you can help me die.

- That's what you want most, isn't it?

- I want to die if you wish.

- That's what I want most.

To give you death.

(motor revving)

(light music)

Doesn't the daylight frighten you?

- It's the night that frightens me.

(intense music)

(dogs barking in distance)


- This'll stop the bastard.

(tense music)

- [Man] What's this place?

- The plague cemetery.

They used to throw them in here alive.

(eerie music)

Take them.

If Catalan was right,

this must be the cursed land he sleeps on.

Let's open them.

The gypsy girl at the costume ball.

This one.



What has he done to you, my darling?


She is breathing.


This is our chance.

The bastard's asleep.

We drive a stake through him.

Pin his heart to the floor.

Hold it steady.


(speaking in foreign language)

That user!

He made me kill her!

- [Man] Let's get out of here.
- Quick, find him.

Try to kill him, where is he?


(intense dramatic music)

(Maria moaning loudly)

- And now my life may be yours.

- Wait, please wait.

Keep your life a little longer.

Don't leave me now.

- I have waited so long
and now I'm afraid to die.

(gun booming)


- Run, for Christ's sake!

(tense music)


(dogs barking in distance)


(light music)


Helietta, wait!

Helietta, I've come to take you home.

You look so pale.

What's he done to you?

- I'm happy now

that you're here.


Kiss me.



(dogs barking in distance)

(somber music)

- Please.

Don't let me die.

- I don't have the power.

- Yes you do.

You could take me with you.

- That's worse than death.

- It's what I want.

- No.

- I want to stay with
you for all eternity.

If you can't die, I won't either.

Live any way you want.

(haunting organ music)

- [Woman] It's bad luck to kill a bat.

- [Man] Nah, not this one.

It's a vampire.

(choir music in foreign language)