Vacuuming Completely Nude in Paradise (2001) - full transcript

Pete has recently got a new job as a vacuum cleaner salesman. His mentor is the veteran Tommy, whose methods are rather rude; his sole target is to be the best salesman in his team and to receive the "Golden Hoover". Their temperaments are quite different and the apprentice days turn wilder and wilder.



It's Throat's last day.



He's only got two

weeks to live.

Can't sell any more.

Voice gone.

Upset because he wanted

to die on the knocker.

There goes a salesman!

-Are you a manager, then?

-I do the music.

-She's me girlfriend.

-Don't you mind?

I want her to stop,

but I can't find work.

-What do you do?

-Mix music.

Lot of call

for that kind of work, then?

No, it's an interest.


You'll have to

support her, son.

What about selling?

Look at me.

I made it

and I've got a glass eye.

Come on. Show it to me!


All right.

All right. Bloody hell!

I'll take me bra off.


Fuck off with that!

Get off me! Don't touch me.

Let go of me hair,

you bastards!

MAN: Thank you!

Quiet, please!

Thank you, my dear.

And thank you

to the generous soul

who booked this striptease

telegram for Throat.


We will all miss you, sir.

-Well, now...

-Get any coin we're owed

and get out of here.

I'm black and bloody

blue from these bastards!


Needs have been shared.

The week is nearly through.

All that's left now is for

me to say a few words.


You have a floodlight inside.

It is as big as your body.

And when you think

you're through, and

you've done enough,

there is the trigger

to turn it on.

And bam! Take them by

surprise, dazzle their eyes,

they will stand in your beam

and they will buy.


You have a purpose.

You have a mission.

Your next sale is lying

there behind every

"no, thank you" you receive.

Like a diamond, it is there,

waiting, glinting.

See it!

Reach for it!

Have it! Go for it!

You can do it!

You can do it

because you are salesmen!


As you know, the companies

have thrust us up to our

elbows in a treasure chest,

an outstanding product,

unrivalled commission

packages and now...

And now they are pouring

prizes upon our heads.

I'm talking top salesman,

the two-week booty

in Benidorm.


The Golden...

The Golden Vac!

Speed on, come through,

roll out those vacs.

-What are we in?

-ALL: The greatest

game on earth!

You got it! You got it!

High-five me!


We are in! We are in!

We are in! We are in!


He's dead.


I'm sick of this job.

Sick of it!

Well, you don't have

to do it no more.

What are you gobbing on

about now?

-You don't have to do

this kind of work no more.

-Oh, no.

No, no, no, not this again.

You're off in your own little

world, aren't you? Hi-fi head.

Where's the coin

coming from, eh?

-I said I'd stop when

you got a job.

-I got one.

Oh, I don't mean mixing

cassettes for the teenagers

down the lane.

It's not, no.

I've got meself a job.


See what it can do.

We're hardly attached.

It's got a mind of its own,

this little rascal.

Watch it go, light.


Light as a long balloon.

-PETE: He can't hold it,



-He can't. It's his

hand, it's withered.

-No, but she can, can't she?

Go on. Sit down.

Sit down. Go on.

Go on. You've worked hard.

You deserve it. Sit down.

Have a bit of cake,

finish your tea.

There now.


But light, hmm?

Light, you'll agree?

And yet, it's got a power

of a suck on it, too!

Turn it up full, you'll have

Australian shoes

in your living room before

you know where you are!

Not only that, it'll do your

furniture, your curtains,

your ceilings, your corners,

under the cooker,

over the door.

Crevices cringe and cry when

they see this coming.

I couldn't say that again.

Wouldn't try, not with

my teeth. (CHUCKLING)

No, it'll do you

the absolute lot, this.

Mr and Mrs Tucker. If I may,

Lorna and Edward...

If I may, Lo and Ted. Have it.

Possess it. Go on.

You know you want it.

-We likes it.

-We can't afford it.

Can't afford it?

Can't afford it?

Don't give me that!

You can if I lob 100 off.

No, no, no, no, no!

Don't agree yet.

Do not agree yet.

Because I really, really want

you to have this machine,

I'm gonna swallow,

I'm gonna lose.

I'm gonna take it and gonna

lobe another 50 off,

so you can get out

and get yourselves

a slap-up meal on me.


-Sign here.

I'm not going till you do.

There! 'Tis yours.

Beauty, isn't it?

Huh? Leave it there in

the middle of the room.

Look at it awhile

before you use it.

Ta-ra. I must dash.




Listen, you, never,

never interfere when

I'm selling, right?

-He couldn't hold it.

-He had another hand,

didn't he?


-Well, he can shove it

up his fucking arse!

I don't care.

We're moving vacs here, pal.

-Not doing physiotherapy

on him, okay?


"He can't hold it!", told me.

When I'm on me first round,

if I'd come in

with piss like that,

the old salesman I was with

would have choked me outside

and kicked me hard in the face

and he'd be bang on right

for doing it and all.

Lesson number one, laddie boy.

If they waver, see to the

dithering bastards don't give

'em no quarter.

Here, let's have something

for the road, in there.

-Do you live in here?

-Usually, yeah. Here,

pass me that there.

Oh, right.

-Got to, if you wanna

be number one.

-You sleep in here all time?


Sometimes a motel or Ruby's.

-Who's Ruby?

-You are new, aren't you?

Ruby, the showroom slag.

Here, pass me that Puffa

Puffa Rice. Quickly!

Rule number two.

Always start the day...


a good breakfast.




-No, thanks.

-What, you don't like

one of a morning?

-I don't smoke.

-What are you, a fucking

health freak, or what?


-What, you don't smoke?


You'll have to give that up.



What's your favourite

football team?

Who's your favourite Page 3?

What do you like, then?

Dance music.

I don't play, I just like...

Like mixing a bit.

-Tell me something, er...

What's your name?


Pete. Tell me something,

Pete, how'd you come

for this job, you?

I was at your office meeting

with me girlfriend.

Weren't you there?

Tommy don't go

to them, too busy selling

to listen to losers

get pissed and

talk about selling.

-Anyway, they all fucking

hate me, there.

-I met Sidney there...

-Oh, say no more.

Press-gang Sid.

-It was the night Throat died.

-Throat died? I didn't know.

Did he leave any leads?


Oh, too late. Those jackals

will be going through his

stuff, even as we speak.

He was almost gone

when they took him on,

desperate bastard,

no other company would've

touched him in that state.

He was selling by mime

in the fucking end!

Listen, er... Pete, I don't

want to disillusion you, mate,

-they'll take on any twat

and I mean any twat.


Train 'em for two days,

if they don't perform,

twat 'em off by Twatday.

Oh, not me. I'm gonna make

a real go at this.

-Oh, aye.

-It's the greatest game going.



Fucking hell!


-You stinking piece of

tiny stinking...

-Fucking asshole!

Yeah, and the same to you,

you fucking bum bandit!

There's nothing like

a bit of road rage to

get you going of a morn.


Better than caffeine!

-So you've got a bride, then?


-Girlfriend you said.

-Oh, yeah, Sheila.

-What does she do, then?


-The bride!




-Oh, sponger.

-No, no. She was the

one who was working.

-What did she do?




Thought that's what you said.

Fuck me! A stripper!


-Got a picture?


-Stripper, eh?

French maid?

Traffic warden? St Trinian's?

Fucking nice!

-Quick pit stop.


-Me flat.

-Your... I thought you...

I don't fucking sleep

there. It stinks.

Come in. Make yourself

at home. Here, have a toss.


Oh, who the fuck is that?

Hello! Oh, you owe me money!

It was my lead, you prick.

I fucking found it for you,

know it was.

Don't fucking argue back.

Yeah, I'm up for salesman

of the year. Yeah, yeah.

Friday night. Golden Vac.

They've saddled me with this

twat of a trainee. Yeah,

holding me back a bit.

No, he's not listening?

Are you? Are you listening?

Oh, too busy looking

at my knob, I think.

Come on! Bring a vac or two.

Rule number three.

Wherever you be, always have

a vac or two ready and cocked

in case of a quick sale.

-Can I put the radio on?


I'll put this tape

on that I mixed.

No. You can have a motivation

tape on, though. One I made.

Got woofers on this

car, you know.

* Sell! Sell!

Fucking sell! Sell! Sell!

* Sell! Sell! Sell!

Fucking sell! Sell! Sell!

* Sell! Sell! Sell!

Fucking sell!

* Fucking sell! Sell!

Fucking sell!


Watch out! Argh!

Get out of my way,

you two-bob fuckers!

We've got vacs

to shift! Come on!


-Two fucking miles an hour!

Get out the way!

We've got things to do!

* Fucking sell! Sell! Sell! *

-So, uh, d'you feel

you'll get it, then?


The uh, Top Salesman of the

Year. Two weeks in Benidorm.

I'll kill meself if I don't.

People say, "What commission

you want?" I say,

"I don't know, I don't care.

"I'm on kamikaze commission."

Ours is to sell or die!

No one will do what I

would do for a sale. No one.

No one shifts what I shift...

Except that Rottweiler in

Blackpool. What's he called?

Pockmark. Ah, he does some.

You should see him,

he looks like Jack Palance,

but with skin of

the alligator, skin

of the alligator.

He's done some.

Otherwise they've no chance.

They're all behind me.

They're so little in the

distance, they make me sick.

Anyway, if they come too close

to me, I'll bite them.


-PETE: I gotta wee!

I gotta wee!

-Oh, for fuck's sake!


TOMMY: Oh, it will do

your absolute lot. This is

an amazing machine.

Look at it. It'll go right

round your seals,

round your wheels.

It'll do your carpets.

This will get off

every bit of grime.

Any bit of grime,

it will just suck it up.

Look at it. Look.

It lifts the felt, it lifts

the nap. Lifts the nap...

Get hold of it. You there.

Now hold that.

Look at the strength of that.

It's amazing. It's not

heavy at all. Look at

my finger, look at that. Look.

Listen to the strength of

those wheels. You can even

do your lawn with this.

Look how light it is.

Look at that.

It rolls in like that,

like a balloon. Look.




Bye, Tommy!


Quick detour to base.

Do you know what it's like

to work in a place

where everybody hates you?



Come on!


-Pink. Wrong.


-Nowhere near!

-Who cares? I get a look.


-What's his problem?

-I don't know.

Where's the chicken

house gone?

I'm not sure. Nobody

tells me anything.

Only last week

this was the chicken house.

Three old broilers

on telephones,

smoking like chimneys,

taking calls for leads

between coughing fits.

I'd put me head in the

door like a rooster.

They'd all squawk and squeal

and call for the manager.

It was only last fucking week!

They've knocked

it all into one.

Look at it. It's socket city.


What was that?


Bloody hellfire.

Who's this?

What was that? Hmm?


And why do I feel like

twenty pairs of frozen

high heels have just

walked across me grave?


It's Uki. She's here to set up

website and Internet for us.

Oh, I know.

Fishnet Internet stockings

at cyberknickers

for I lap-top forward-slash-

you lap-bottom dot co dot UK-


Benny Hill dot tits

dot dot dot com.


Now then, what's the latest?

How am I doing?

-All right.

-Anything else?

Tommy, not harassing my

staff again, are you?

Not at all, Mr Ron.

Just discussing with

Miss Stonecheeks here,

the latest progress

and gen on the Golden Vac.

Just thinking about what to

move on my mantelpiece,

what suntan oil to buy.

The arrogance!

It's not over yet, Rag.

You all see the latest

pile the Bond girl

took through there?

Doesn't mean

you're a salesman.

-Sales make a salesman.

-I think there's a bit

more to it than that.

-Than what?

-Than a spieler who operates

without any ethics,


doing anything for a sale.


At least I'm honest. About

what I do and how I do it.

Not like the rest of

you hypocrites.

Walking into this place these

days, you've got to watch out

you don't skid on the smarm!

(IN HUSKY VOICE) 'Tis yours.

'Tis yours.

'Tis you... (CLEARS THROAT)



Pete. Remember?

The other night?

You gave me Throat's place.

Oh, yeah, yeah. How are you

doing? Keep it up, eh?

(CHUCKLES) Nice to see you.

Oh, yeah! (LAUGHING)

TOMMY: And what's the idea

of putting me with that

lame health freak?

-What do you mean?

-In the last day's run-up

to the competition,

holding me back.

He's returned.

Not suitable material.

Oh, you're returning

him, are you?

Oh, well, if you can't

cope, I can always send

him off with Randolph.

Oh, no, no, no, no!

Send some more if you want,

do what you want.

Cellotape a piece of dog crap

to me cheek, I'll still sell

more than all of you!

Chain a cannon ball

to me leg, I'll still win.

And have the chain, the

ball and the fucking cannon

sold into the bargain!

You think you've got all the

answers with your big mouth

and your outdated bloody,

bloody blunderbuss tactics!

-Now, now.

-You will see.

No, I won't. You don't like

me, but you like my results.

You'd sack me if you

could, but you can't.

So do one, Ron Ron,

do one, Ron.


Bugger me. You live here?

Where? I don't see habitation,

unless you're Top Cat.

-PETE: Here! This one here.

-Where, where's an house?

Next to the boarded up one.



Well, I thought mine was bad.

You are poor.

See you... Workhouse!


-You all right?

-Yeah, just Clayface

was there again.

-She's always there.

-She's always staring.

She's mad. I tell her to fuck

off and go be Claywoman in

an American comic book.

Anyway, how'd it go?





Good? Is that it?


Come on. I wanna know

how you got on.

You're back early.

Oh, no! You've not been

sacked, have you? Because

I'm warning you, if you did...

-No, no, I got dropped off.

-By the bloke you're with?


-What's he called?

Uh... Tommy, Tommy Rag.

-Is he all right?

-He's great, yeah, nice bloke.

Well, he'll be the

first salesman that is.

You'll need more gumption

than this, Pete. I've got

an idea to give it to you.

Come here.

Something to motivate you

to the top like a rocket.

Remember pussy cat? (PURRING)

Not till you've

made your first sale!


Till you've made

your first sale.





Come on, Workhouse!

-What's rule number four?

-I don't know.

-Now, what's rule number four?

-I don't know.

Rule number fucking four, pal,

is don't piss around

keeping me waiting!

Seconds lead to sales.

Pockmark will have

had his Puffa Puffa and be

off the blocks by now.

If you're not there next time,

I'll fuck off and leave you,

all right?


Here, get that suit on,

if you want to be with me.

Go on!

It's old one,

but it's a favourite,

so don't shit in it, right?


Shit! Shit! Fucking shit!

Out with the rags!

-You won't be needing

those again!

-PETE: Me coat!

So, Tommy...


-Can I sell today?


-On me own.

-Go on.

-You want to make as

many sales as possible

toward Benidorm.

You can have mine,

just let me make 'em.

Um, you give me

commission, or share,

even share the commission.

Go on, then. Sell in there.

One thing, poor areas

like this, get out

when you're done.

A clean cut.

Rule fucking whatever.

Take no sob stories,

no hesitation.

As quick as you can,

withdraw, get out

like a spent knob.



20 weeks. £2.12.



-I'm here to, uh,

make life easier.


-I've something

I'd like to talk to you about.

-Come in.

Fearful cold, isn't it?

I've not turned the fire up

too high. I owe all over.

Sorry it's such a mess.

It's hard when you're on your

own and four children.

PETE: It's a vacuum, see?

-Uh... Can I plug it in?

-If you like. There's a

whatsit somewhere.

The other one broke.

Someone took it to fix

but he never brought it back.

-It does everything.

-That's nice.

This place could do

with a good going

over and right through.

It's a mess. It's fearful hard

to keep the house going.

I've fearful little coming in.

Me grandma, she's offered

to take photos of me

to send off to one of

them filthy magazines.

You get paid. There was a

woman three streets away was

one of them "reader's wives".

People still ask

for her autograph.

Who ought to look at me

in my fearful condition?

Granny says there's

a magazine called

Bony Bints or something

that might. I don't know.

She's looking into it for me.

She knows from her boyfriend.

They call him Barbecue Herod.

Do you know him? No.

His fingers is like

burnt sausages.

Been in too many pies.

I don't know how she lets him

near her, I don't, really.

Then where would we take 'em?

Every room in this house

is like this. Humble and shit.

-Who'd want to look at a

nude in such conditions?

-This will help you clear up.

Me grandma did it in the '50s.

I've a photo of her somewhere.

She's sitting astride a

rolled-up carpet in a

kitchen. Place is not bad,

but you can just see

the back end

of a bicycle wheel,

and there's washing up

in the sink.

-Where is it?

-It's all right.

About the cleaner...



-I'll take it.

It's very nice,

and from what you said,

it should do the trick.

I bought some books before

off a man off the door.

There they are over there.

Kings And Queens Of England.

I've never looked at them.

I don't read well.

But you know, a bargain's

a bargain and, as I say, it's

nice to know they're there.

Then there's me tick,

me telly and the Sky.

You find that when your

benefit comes in,

all your debts go at it,

like piglets at hogs.

But you carry on.

But I'm fearful honest

about me debts.

Don't worry, whatever it

takes, I never miss.

We've been on gravy

and bread and I've never

missed me catalogue.


-TOMMY: Only me!

-Is that your boss?


Let him in.

TOMMY: Hello!

Are you signing, then?

-It'll help me clear up.

-Just sign.

He'll fill in the rest.

I want it clean

for me pictures.

-Hmm? Pictures?

-PETE: She's posing nude.

To send off.

I know about that.

I've got a camera,

if you want me to do it.

Camera in the car.

What, uh... What poses

were you considering?

No, it's okay.

Me grandma's got one

of those you don't need to

send off to the developers.

Fair enough. Enjoy your vac.

There it stands. 'Tis yours.

Look at it awhile

before you use it.

It's a beauty, isn't it?

'Tis yours.



You did it! You did it!

Well done!

-How does it feel?

-Great. I feel great.

I've done it. Oh, me pen.


What are you looking for?

-I wanted to see your camera.

-Camera! I ain't got one.

-You told her...

-I'd have made one out of

that Puffa Puffa Rice box

just to get a free look.

She won't know the difference.

Anyway... (COUGHS) I'd have

probably used me digital.

Sad cow.

Right, onwards!

You're on your way, Workhouse!

Hey, come back here!

Okay, now you're

no longer the virgin,

now you've done your

first sale, it's your exams.

-Go through the rules!


Rule one, give no quarter.

Rule two, good breakfast.

Three, keep vaccocked.

-Four, seconds lead to sales.

Five, out like a spent knob.

-What's rule number six?

-I don't know. What?

-Rule number six...

There are no rules!

You passed. See you, P-Pete!



I've sold!

I've sold, do you hear?

I've sold!

Did you sell?


The music.

That's right. Come through.

Hurry, hurry. The cat...


Wants her milky cream.

I can't.


-Have I done summit?

-No, can I come in?

You can't afford it.

I've come to take it back.

Here you are. It's me last,

but you have it...

Not the kids. You.

All right?

Here you are, mate.

You haven't got the

time, have you?


Fucking... Argh!


-Fuck off outta here!

Fucking brilliant.

Come on, lads.

Fucking mad, fucking mad!





PETE: Sheila?

She's gone.






Clayface, where is she?

Fucking hell.





Oh, fucking hell!

Stop! Fucking!





Fucking hell!

The lady downstairs

has collapsed in there!

She's in there

all... Collapsed!

And then there was fire!

I put it out!

I kicked her door!

Oh, God, I didn't know!

She's still lying there!

She's in there!

Dead! Dead, I tell you.

Sheila's gone. (EXHALES)

My Sheila left me.


I was in the street.

I went in there.

You came.

I don't know what's happening.

Say something.


expeallydosious. Say it.

Go on, say it!



You're late!

And you've got

a partial picture

of the 1966 England World Cup

squad on your forehead.

Uh, the late Bobby Moore and

a quarter of Martin Peters,

if I'm not mistaken.

And on your chest,

the Apollo 11 mission,

and in your navel,

can't quite make it out.

It could be half of

Diana Dors, could be

the Millennium Dome.

Then on each thigh,

a singed suffragette,

and three prime ministers

and a Zeppelin on the shin.

You're a veritable,

tabby-eared and

scorched scrapbook

of the 20th century.

I don't want to know why.

I don't want to know how

I've entered into

Monty Python's missing sketch.

I would just like

to remind you

that today is the day

of the night the competition

winner is announced.

And as a consequence,

all hands must be on deck,

all stops must be pulled.

-So get your fluttering

arse in gear!



How can you talk like that

when she's gone?


She's left me and...

Oh, God, oh, God! I know

she'll never come back,

and she is lying there!


Clearly no sale in here.

Another Stonecheeks

bites the dust.

Well, at least she's dead.

Could be worse.

Ill people make me sick.

We'll have to

phone an ambulance.

-Bit late for that.


Ugh! Can't we just leave her?


All right, all right!


But we're wasting

valuable time here.

Pockmark would leave

her for the rats and mice.


I hate these fucking things!

Electrified Mars Bars.

I short them on a

daily basis, you know.

They won't work for me.

I've got too much

electricity in me brains.

Come on! (SIGHS)

A life... Like that.

All gone.

What's it all about?


We are urgently trying

to answer your call...

I had a dream

last night, Workhouse.

I had a dream. Hmm.

Came over the hill,

and black and white

people were having it off.


Can't we cover her up, huh?

Oh, come on!

I did have a dream.

I saw that Oriental bint

from the office.

She was, like...

Walking on air.

She was pushing a vac

and that was, like, on air.

And as she walked, like

magic in her trail, she left

smart young girls behind her,

talking into mics at their

mouths, like Madonna.

And all faces

aglow in front of

the computer screens.

I couldn't get it. It was

seductive, you know, as if

something was being gathered,

like, softly guided in.

Not like my selling,

not like the selling

we know and hate.

And at the last computer

screen, she stepped in...

And I went in after.

It was a tropical beach,

blue sky, sea, but it...

It was more than that.

It was all alive...

Like heaven.

Somehow I felt like all me

work was done, you know,

there were no more

vacuums left for me to sell.

And when I looked, she'd gone.

The vac was all alone

on the beach.

Gold it was, glittering in

the sand, and I was going up

and down the beach with it.

I think it was plugged into

the sun or something.

I felt odd at first, but no

fever. The fever was gone.

And then I got used to meself.

I all opened up inside,

like a flower.

It was so beautiful.

I started crying.

There was tears everywhere.

I was completely nude.

I was vacuuming

completely nude

in paradise.


We are urgently trying

to answer your call...

Now, Workhouse. Get upstairs,

get the 20th century off you

and get dressed now!

-OPERATOR: Which service

do you require?


-OPERATOR: Which service

do you require?


OPERATOR: Which service

do you require? Please, which

service do you require?





This day is going nowhere!

(SIGHS) Come on!

I'm losing ground.

I feel like me heels

is in a pillow.

I know!


PETE: Where are we going?


-To a sale that's nearly made.

I'm a feeling a stroke away

and I'm having it today! We're

going to see the Spaniard.

Adios, Tommy.

HOT POT: Why do you do this?

We're not Spanish.

We are somewhere.

-We've got tango blood

and jet black hair.

-Your hair's grey.

You've only been

like this since that

salesman came round,

told you you had

a Spanish look.

He only said that to sell

you a vacuum cleaner.

-You're just jealous.

-It's all to get a sale.

(SCOFFS) El rubbisho!

-Buy one then.

-I shall when I am ready.

And I know what

you did upstairs.

He was just giving me

a demonstration, that is all.

-It's all to sell.

-Oh, shut up!

At least he comes.

Nobody comes for you, do they?

You fatty virgin!




Here it is,

the little white bull.

Um, can we just try it

upstairs on the carpet again,

-you know, before I make

my final decision?

-If we must.

If we must.

SPANIARD: Have you warned

him she's slow?

TOMMY: He's not

so quick himself!


* Sister, sister *

Are you that

salesman's friend?

Do you like my legs?

They feel heavy.

-Do you know a chocolate rep

called Terence?


He was her friend before.

Her Milk Tray man.



I'm touched.


Do you want a drink?


Pour us two glasses

of that Shangri-La.


Oh, no, I forgot

the Sangria.

Never mind it. I trust

you're signing today.

Oh, let us leave

it till later.

I want amour, Tommy.

Mucho, mucho amour!

Amour! Oh, Tommy, more!

Amour! Oh, Tommy!



You're sad, aren't you?

I am, yes.

-I can tell moods.


-SPANIARD: Oh, Tommy! Tommy!


If I show you my bra,

will it cheer you up?

I always wear a sexy one.

It's big, though.









TOMMY: Don't mind us.

Get back on!




TOMMY: Jezebel!






-Oh, adios!


Adios, Tommy!

Conquistador, or what?

Anything, anything, anything,

anything for a sale!


What's happening to me?

What's happening to me?

Shut up

or I'll fucking hit you!

Go on, then, kill me.

I want to. What have I done?

-Go in the dash. There'll be

something in there.

-I don't want anything!

I don't want a fucking

thing out of the dash!

I fucking hate you!


-Listen, you!

I'm gonna give you one chance

to pull yourself together.

If you don't fucking

take it, I'm fucking off

and leaving you, right!

I shagged the slow girl!

So what?

Tonight's my night.

The Vac of Gold!

I know I'm taking it, but

I wanna take it in style,

with a handful of sales

still in me hand.

-What was that?

-A hitchhiker.

No, it's not, you blockhead.

It's an opportunity!

Never miss an opportunity!

I've sold to hitchhikers

before now, left them

two junctions later,

clutching their vac

of their very own,

not knowing what the fucking

dandoozle's gone on.

Hello, young man,

your lift is here. Come in.

-What's your name?

-De Kid.

-Oh, hello! I'm De Tommy Rag.

-You're a salesman.

-How did you guess?

-No one else is so

loud in the mornings.

-(LAUGHING) What do you do?


No, no, I'll give

you a clue. No one sits

when I'm in a room.

-Are you a royal?


-I'm a DJ.

-Oh, aye! He likes

that. Don't you?

-Where are you going?


Me going there tonight.

Big prizes. What are

you doing there?

A gig.

There you are. He's doing

a jig like what you like.

His bird's dumped him.

She were a stripper, you know.

Look, before you

get settled in,

how do you go about

cleaning your carpet at home?

-(SCOFFS) I ain't got no home.

-Where do you sleep?

Hotels, motels, car seats,

back streets, teepees,

warehouses, shithouses,

or I stay up all night.

-Where are you from?

-I don't know.

Bloody hell,

I've picked up Oliver Twist.

All I know is

I'm northern, I have no

carpet and I have no mat.

Our vacuums do

other things, you know.

Why? Maybe I could

sample them.

Set them off in Ibiza.


Big fish, little fish,

cardboard box.

BOTH: Big fish, little fish,

cardboard box!

Night of 100 vacs!

Vacuuming completely

nude in paradise.

Oh, well I haven't got

time for this. Thank you,

very much here, right now.

Sling your hook, pal.

Take no offence. I won't

sell you out. Fuck off!

Pit stop. You coming?

-See you, J Edgar.



Did he mean it?

I mixed a bit. You know,

I was learning meself,

like bedroom DJ.

-Who taught you?

-The crowd.

Right. Oh, yeah, right.

How did you start?

There was an old DJ

down the road from me

selling a big, clunking

1970s disco twin

deck for 50 quid.

I sold my bike for 60,

bought it and with the tenner,

I got three records.

They're all I had for ages.

I wore 'em thin.

I took the pads off my

fingers with practise. Look.

Smooth as marbles.

Police can't arrest me now,

unidentifiable. Except,

by me music. Then I did a gig.

One gig went to another gig

to another gig to gig to gig.

I'll do whatever comes.

Basements, clubs,

warehouses, bar mitzvahs!


-It doesn't matter

what I had to start with.

I can get from Amazing Grace

to Abba to ambient

to hard house before

they know what's happened.

I mix up a potion.

I make 'em feel better.

I guarantee to get the most

miserable twat out there

or your money back.

-Do you make a living?

-I only want the money

so I can open my own club.

-Your own club?


-What's it gonna be called?

-The Ark.

Everybody's welcome.

It will never close.

You can stay in there

until you feel it's safe

to come out again.


Can I ask you something,

De Kid? Can I...

-Will you listen to my mix?


I can't hear a thing

without the people.

Tell you what, though...

I'll play it for you tonight.

Least you know

it's being danced to.


I'll give you a secret.

Silence is loud.




Let me hit Stonecheeks

with these before

the witching hour.

And then I insist

you accompany me to Blackpool

and the great give-away show.

* Now I've been happy lately

* Thinking about the

good things to come

* And I believe it could be

* Something good has begun

* I've been smiling lately

* Dreaming about

the world as one

* And I believe it could be

Someday it's going to come

* Out on the edge

of darkness *

TOMMY: Workhouse, me old lub!


We're riding to Blackpool!

To Mecca!

Metropole Hotel on the front.

I swung by

to pick the girls up.

In the sad end... (LAUGHS)

I've no one else to bring!

Hot Pot came too, see?

She's not been out for years.

She come for I told her

you were coming.

Anyway, I'm the goddamn winner

and I want some champagne.

Get out the dash there.

Come on!

Oh, there is none.

-Is there not?


-Is there, is there

some hotel miniatures?

-There are.

Near enough. Come on.

Smack 'em open.

Let's celebrate.


-What will you

do if you lose?

I will win!

-Spaniard, do you want

to hear my speech?

-Si, si, si.

Mr Ron and all the rest of you

scum, I would like very much,

very much like to thank you.

For without your rejection

and wish for me to topple,

I would not have made it

to the sun lounger in the

sun I will soon be occupying,

or to this exalted height

I now hold as best fucking

salesman in the universe ever!


You thought I did it alone.

I did not.

You don't know how much you

helped me climb that ladder.

Your hatred was the rungs.

Each stab in the back

made Tommy scurry up

all the higher,

each time Stonecheeks

did not bung me a lead,

I took off and scavenged,

robbed, dug up ten of me own.

So, ta. A mighty ta

to all you rats and mice

at the good old office.

Thanks must also go

to Little Al's dad.

Little Al's dad down the

street when I was a nipper.

Al's da, the salesman.

He sold flying saucers.

That soft, perfect,

almost paper, sweet, you know,

that exploded in your mouth.

Oh, when it hits

the back of your throat!

He'd give 'em out

to us, tossed 'em,

tossed 'em, we caught 'em.

Pale pink and

green and yellow,

flying through the sky.

And thanks must go to my dad,

who showed me the mug's way,

so early, so clearly,

coming home in filth,

having worked all

the hours God could spare,

for tuppence ha'penny.

Beat. Bad-tempered.


And thanks to him

also for making me

hate to hesitate.

Little me, upstairs in bed...


-While he hit Mum downstairs.


"One more time," I'd say.

"One more scream

and I'll get the poker."

But I didn't.

I've never hesitated since.

I've never crushed

up regret since.

I should have broken

his dirty, oil-stained

fingers off in the door.

And I thank him

for his face... (CHUCKLES)

When I'd come home

after a few hours spieling.

"The whole set, darling.

No, I don't want your

£10, nor your five.

"Put your notes away. I don't

know what's come over me.

"Eight and six, the lot.

Hurry before they carry

me off to the loony bin."


And I'd throw a wad,

ten of his wage packets,

thick, on the kitchen

table for me Mum.

He couldn't look at us!

He couldn't finish

his food because

I'd beaten him with success

and so I go on beating them,

for I do not lose.

And finally, thanks

must go most of all

to all the suckers

I've mugged through the years,

who I've left dizzy

and light of pocket,

holding something

they never needed or

wanted, with a "'Tis yours!"

"'Tis yours!"

"'Tis yours!"

Oh, I am so proud!


Your growth and the company's

growth, fuelled by honesty...



We have had... We have had

a stupendous year so far.

We are riding high

as one of the top

regions in the country.


Fucking hurry up.

I want to get abroad.

And so, without further ado,

let's find out the winner.

I'm going to ask

one of our brightest

female members of staff

to be so kind and do us the

honours and read them out.

Please welcome Uki,

the head of our

new Information

Technology department.


The final nominees for the

Golden Vac awards are...

-Tommy Rag.


MAN 1: Good lad, Tommy!

MAN 2: Nice one, son!



And Randolph Doleen.




And the winner is...

The winner is...

Rand... Sorry, Pockmark.


And in second place,

it's a tie with Throat

and Tommy Rag.



Yes, yes, yes!


* I wake up every morning

I stumble out of bed

* Stretching and a-yawning

Another day ahead

* It seems to last forever

And time will slowly ride

* Till babe and me's together

Then it starts to fly

* 'Cause the moment

that he's with me

Time can take a flight

* The moment that he's with me

Everything's all right

* Night-time is the right time

We make love

* Then it's his and my time

We take up!

* My baby takes

the morning train

* He works from nine... *

Stop, cheats!


-What are you doing?


Where's Ron Ron? Where is he?

-I'm not telling you.

-You'd fucking better!

Why? What will you do?

Boot you in the vagina!

Oh, what the hell,

I owe him nothing.

He's took Susie Wong

for a walk down the prom

to talk about the future.

Big changes. This is gonna be

the last competition,

but no one knows it.

You know, he reckons with her

help they can clear twice as

much on the cyber highway

as you lot can

on the tarmac one.

-It's death of the salesman.

-Never mind all that shite.

What happened?

What fucking happened?

-Your sales were one short.


Yeah. One of the sales

was nulled and the

vacuum went missing.




What about Throat, how could

I have tied with a dead

man who couldn't talk?

Why not tell you?

What do I care,

now he's got his geisha?


As you got closer

and closer to winning,

he got more desperate.

He started to scheme to

get the others to donate sales

to the Throat Memorial.

Not strictly allowed,

but he's the boss.

Honesty, eh?




Big fish, little fish,

cardboard box!

Big fish, little fish,

cardboard box! Come on!


Listen. Watch.

Watch your music weave

and work and weave. Behold.

Me music!


Come on! One time only!

I can sell you this.

I can sell vacuums

to vacuum salesmen.

This time, it's the

one-off forever bargain.

All appliances thrown in.

My soul's included.

My life's work.

The bag is full

of Australian shoes

lodged in my flesh and blood!






-Get him out.

-And Tommy, you're sacked.

Get him out.


Peter! Peter! Peter! Peter!

Peter! Peter! Peter! Peter!


-No one was listening

at the beginning.

-I know.

-Now everyone's listening.

-I know.

See, see?

I knew you was

the one to watch.





Do you want a vac?

Hoover your bottom,

take up all the

jewels and wrecks

and rotting sailor boys!

I'll do you

a massive deal, sea.

I'll knock off twice as much

for you, sea!

May I call you Briney?

May I?

Come on!

Come on! You want one.

You know you want it.

Come on! You must...

You must have one! Come on!

Take it.






You don't have to

vac me heart up!


I... I can taste blood...


And flying saucers.

Tommy! Tommy!



