Vacation of Terror II (1991) - full transcript

The diabolical doll and Pedro return in this sequel. Julio is invited to a birthday party for a little girl on Halloween in a closed movie studio. At the party, he notices she has a doll that resembles the one that his little sister had.



A Production of

Vacation of Terror 2: Diabolical Birthday


Director of photography

Original score

Musical theme

"Chicos, Chicos"




Sound editor


Executive producers

No, no. no!

Ma'am, that's not true!

I asked you for three necklaces,

ten chains. and ten amulets.


Ma'am, must we keep on arguing?

Send me what I ordered,

and that's the end of that!

Yes. Yes.

Of course!

Of course I am going to pay you!

Do you know how much this is?

How stubborn can you be?

Don't you know me already?

I've never skipped a payment!

Well, sure, if you think I'm an idiot,

I'll give you ten thousand pesos each...

but not a cent more!

Yes! Fifteen thousand pesos?

Ma'am, that's immoral!

How do you think I'm...7

Dear God!

Listen, ma'am! Very well.

How much is it?

Ten thousand-- no, no. no!

I mean sixty. Sixty thousand.

What? No!

No, ma'am!

What do you mean, sixty thousand?

No! I was not talking to you.

I was talking to a...

Hello! Ma'am! Ma'am!

Sixty thousand pesos. Right?

No, no. That's not sixty thousand pesos.

Sir, don't go thinking I'll let you change

the price like the person on the phone.

You said sixty thousand pesos.

It's just that, that one is free.

What do you mean free? Why?

It's a special promotion.

We have them for new clients.

You know-- friends.

Thank you very much,

but I prefer to pay for it.

Since when do singers not accept gifts?

They always get things

from their fans, don't they?

You know me?

Where have you seen me?

You mean

where haven't I seen you.

You're in the paper,

in the magazines, on TV...

What's more, you just released

your first record, right?

- Yes.

- As a matter of fact, let's see...

How does it go? "Loneliness...

How do you like it?

You sing very well.

Ever thought of being a singer?

No, no. not that. That's not me.

My name is Julio Aragon.

Just call me Julio. Okay?

Look. This one does have a price.

Yes. I can imagine. How much is it?

Well, maybe a cup of coffee.

Some dancing. Anything.

Very nice of you. But I can't accept.

Well, I know you have

lots of commitments,

and perhaps we can't see each other,

but I want you to have this.

It will make me feel better if you do.

All right. Thank you very much.

Look. to pay for it. let me invite you

to where I'll be singing tomorrow.

It's a party my father is having

for my sister's birthday.

Here. Use this as your invitation.

Hey. isn't your father a movie producer?

Roberto Mondragon?

You've got your facts down pat!

Well, I've got to go.

My little sister is waiting for me.

Hey. but at what time and where?

Central Studios at 8:00.

Hey! Hey!

Wait up!

Hey. what's the matter?

Are you crazy?

Here! She was here!

The doll from hell!

She came to see you.

It is you.

She came looking for you!

The Book of the Grieving Souls.

You must read it!

You will find salvation in it.



Ramon, man!

Where are you?

Come here!

What happened. Don Roberto?

What's up? You're

in the special effects room.

You and your never-ending foolishness!

What you should do is prepare

good special effects for my movies

instead of wasting time

with these things.

Don Roberto, are you

going to start that again?

I'm the best you've got.

You can't deny it. Or can you?

Yeah, of course.

Look at this.

I'm going to use this doll

in my next movie,

and I just found Tania

playing with her out there.

Put her away.

You know I don't like to have

the props all over the place.

Well, is everything ready?

Of course it is!

Particularly the ghost,

one of the special effects for the party.

Would you like to see it?

No, no. I'd rather wait until the party.

I already know what it's all about.

All the same, I prefer to wait.

If all goes as planned,

the guests will be impressed.

But get one thing clear, Ramon.

No pranks. Do you understand?

Don't worry, boss.

Everything will be fine.

It's all going to be

like a children's movie.

It better be, Ramon.

It better be.

The guests will start to arrive

at about 8:00 p.m.,

but I want you here two hours earlier.

Don't worry, boss.

It's all going to be fine.

This will be a great horror party.

Yes, of course it will be.

I'm warning you.

Everything will be fine.

Everything will be fine.

Let's go, girls. It's getting late!

Oh, Dad. you don't scare anybody.

Well, get in the car already.

Now what?

I just saw the scary mask.

You clown!


Ladies and gentlemen,

may I have your attention, please?

Good evening to all.

You will have to be patient

and listen to me for a little bit.

I won't bore you for long.

Well. First of all, thank you for accepting

the invitation to this party

which, as you all know, is in honor

of my daughter Tania's seventh birthday.

I promise you an unforgettable evening.

It's going to be a sensational party.

Diabolically wonderful.

But before giving way

to the surprises of the evening,

I would like to give

my daughter a present.


what I am giving you now...

is something that your mother always

wanted you to have when she was alive.

They are seven silver coins.

They represent each one

of your birthdays.

Since you are already old enough

to take care of your things,

I am giving them to you now,

here tonight. in front of everyone.

One... two... three...

four... five... six...

and seven coins!

Well, since a promise

is a promise,

the first great big surprise is this.

It is an honor for me,

a cause of great joy

to introduce you all

to a great performer,

the star of my next movie,

my daughter Mayra.

She will sing for all of you.


Monday. a snack

All the way.

bands and running

Clouds. speed

Step on the gas. this is war

Great attention

Traffic jam downtown


Lots of tension

Danger of rebellion

Boys. boys. boys

Clumsy and aggressive

Poor boys

Neurotics. all lost

Boys. boys. boys

Super guys


By Sunday crisis

Harsh boxer

Just one punch

You knock ime out

Shy dancer

Go for the approach

And win my heart

I'm easy to approach

With little more than a smile

I stop working

As soon as. zap!

My heart is pierced

Boys. boys. boys

Lots of fun

Courage. boys

All is not lost

Boys. boys. boys

Super guys


in Sunday crisis

Boys. I love you


Boys. I need you


Boys. mon amour


Boys. fortitude


Boys. boys. boys

Clumsy and aggressive

Poor boys

Neurotics. all lost

Boys. boys. boys

Super guys


By Sunday crisis

Boys. boys. boys

Lots of fun

Courage. boys

All is not lost...

Thank you.

Well, it's a little late,

and my father is starving.


And I think the rest of us are too.

So now it's my turn to introduce you

to the next surprise of the evening:

the birthday cake.

I didn't think you'd come.

I wouldn't have missed this.

- How "bout a drink?

- Yeah, sure.

Tania is going to cut the cake.

One, two. and three!

How did you cut yourself, sweetie?

Come. Let me take care of it.

Follow me.

Let's see, sweetie.

What happened?

How did you get hurt? Look at this.

Hey. I saw your sister yesterday

playing with a doll. Is it around here?

No, I don't think so.

My dad was going to use it

as a prop,

and this morning

he took it away from Tania.

But... do you like dolls or what?

No, no. Of course not.

It's just that I thought it was an antique,

and it caught my attention.

See how the little witch goes around?

Look, she's over here.

Why aren't you careful. sweetie?

Here. Put your finger here.

Hold on.

Let's see if it stops hurting.

Just before you came in,

my father announced that

1 will be the star of his next movie.

Wow! That's great, isn't it!

Why have the lights gone out,


I don't know.

What do you mean you don't know?

You are responsible for this.

How could this happen now?

Could it be something

you connected wrong somewhere?

I think it is a general blackout.

This can't stay like this.

I don't like this.

You're always playing

tricks and pranks.

Go have a look at the cake.

Make sure there's nothing under it.

See if there's

a bad connection or something.

Look carefully. Ramon!

Go on. go play with your friends.

And be more careful!

Mayra. Mayra! Come here!

Mayra. come here!

What's the matter?

Dad! Come quick!

There's blood. Look!

Dad. come here!

It's blood. Look!

What happened to you,


Clown! Ramon!

I told you, no pranks!


Call the police!

Take your sister to the car.

Wait for me there.

Help me. please.

Stay here. Tania, please.

I'm going to help Dad.

Yes, of course. We already went

to the police station to file the report.

All the paperwork was done.

It appears that all is okay.

We also went to that poor kid's house,

to pay our respects.

My attorneys will handle

the compensation.

1 will personally try to make it

a sizeable amount for the family.

Yeah, man. It has been a tough day.

What could have been a great party

has become a real nightmare.

The police will find whoever did this.

But, hey, listen,

I'm glad you called.

It's good to know we have good friends.

Yes, thank you. Of course.

I'll kiss them for you. Goodbye.


Wake up!

What are you doing here?

Be quiet. I need your help.

What are you talking about?

Do you know what time it is, Tania?

Yes, I know,

but I have no other choice.

- Guess what happened?

- What?

Remember the coins

my father gave me?

Yes. What about them?

I left them at the studios.

Tania! Do you know

how much those coins are worth?

- What are we going to do?

- We must go to the studios.

How are we going to get there

at this time of night?

I saw you yesterday

with some guy called Julio--

that guy from the store, right?

That's none of your business, Tania.

In any case,

what's he got to do with this?

Not much. I just know

that he's at the studios.

I saw him when he hid.

Are you sure?

Why would he stay there?

I don't know.

I'm just saying what I saw.

Are you really sure?

If you don't believe me...


Push hard, Tania!


It's too heavy!

Good evening. everyone...

I'm scared.

Don't worry.

It's probably a cat or a dog.

Look! The coins are there!

Ah. here they are.

Let's see. Count them.

Make sure you're not missing any.

One... two... three...

four... five... six... seven.

Oh, hi.

And you?

What are you doing here?

It's just that Tania forgot the present

Dad gave her at the party.

I'm so glad I found them.

Otherwise, my father will kill me.

They are seven silver coins.

Silver coins?

Can I see them?

No, because my father will scold me.

You must leave here soon.

But what are you doing

here by yourself?

Don't ask dumb questions, Mayra.

You're in danger.

We're all in danger.

Tania? Where's Tania?


This can't be happening!

This is a nightmare!

Unfortunately it's not!

I must destroy it before dawn.


we'll never get Tania back.


This can't be happening!

- Are you okay?

- Yes.

Mayra. are you all right?

What's happening?

I don't understand anything!

Calm down, Mayra,

calm down!

We must find a way to defeat it.

We're going to die.

We're going to die.

No one is going to die.

What I need are your sister's coins.

What do you need them for?

I don't understand.

Look. Come here.

Look. you see these pages?

They're part of an old book

of rituals and legends.

It talks about the seals.


These seals.

A man gave them to me yesterday

when you left the store.

Your sister's doll is cursed.

I don't know where she got it from.

In any case. these seals

are some sort of protection,

and they can save the life

of the person who has them

when that thing attacks them.

I know it's not easy

to believe me, but...

but how do you explain the monster?

And how do you explain that

it turned you into a sugar figure?

Okay, but...

What do you

need the silver coins for?

It says here that

to defeat one of those beings

you must have a seal like this,

but made of silver.

There's just one problem.

We must defeat it before sunrise.



She will possess

your sister's soul forever.

Well, then, let's go.

We can't waste any more time.

No, no. You stay here.

It will be easier if I go alone.

- No, let me--

- Don't worry.

I'll be back soon.


Mr. Mondragon, this is Juan,

the guard at the studios.

Juan, don't you know

what time it is?

I'm very sorry, sir,

but I had no choice.

Your daughter's car is out there.

Mayra's car?

I heard some noise

a few moments ago,

and I just wanted to call you

to make sure she's home.

That's impossible. They're here.

I'm sure it's her car, sir.

She leaves it here

sometimes for me to fix it.

- Well. wait. Don't hang up. okay?

- No, sir. I'll wait.

Hello? Hello?

Juan, can you hear me?


What are you doing here?

Why didn't you stay where I told you?

I told you already,

that thing plays thousands of tricks.

You can't let it fool you.

Don't worry, Mayra.

Everything will be all right.

You must have faith.

God is with us.

Are you okay?

It hurts here.

It's a cut. What happened?

That thing grabbed my shoulder

and almost killed me.

It's getting infected.

We must find a way to cure you.

Let's go.

It'll be best if you wait here for me.

Here. This will protect you.

I'll be back soon.





- Tania!

- Daddy!


what are you doing here?

Where's Mayra?

I don't know.

She must be around.

She came to see her new boyfriend.

She told me to come with her.

Let me find your sister.

This time she's going to get it!

Come here. Let's go.

Look, that's Ramon's truck.

Let's goin it.

We'll find her faster.

Damned child!

Where could she be?

What is the meaning of all this?

Come here!

This time you'll have to explain!

Are you listening to me?

Get in the truck!

Is that you, Tania?

Stop the nonsense!

My patience is running out!

Let's go. Get in!

- But Dad!

- Shut up already!

I don't want to hear

any more of your nonsense!

Either you get in the truck,

or I'm going to come and get you!

Are you all right, Dad?

What the hell is going on here?


No, Dad! Calm down!

You must listen!

Let Julio explain what's going on!

What explanation!

I don't even know this--

Where is Tania?

- I can explain everything.

- You have three seconds to do so!

Then you better believe

what I'm about to say.

- Follow me!

- Where's he going?

Come, Dad!


Let's go!

These creatures are sent from hell.

They're souls who can't accept

the fact that they have died.

They're jealous of the living.

They try to take over

pure and innocent souls

to feed their evilness, their power.

Only a silver seal can defeat them.

I found a device to fuse metals

in the special effects room.

- Perhaps with that--

- Look here. young man.

I don't know who you think you are,

but let me tell you something--

perhaps you find it entertaining

to go after that thing

with your so-called seals,

but I prefer this.

It's more effective.


Here. Take that one.

Sweetheart, you stay here.

Do as I say, please!

I'm going to put an end to this

and bring your sister back.

Sweetheart, please!

I don't think your father understands.

I don't blame him.

I confess that at the beginning,

I also had a hard time believing it.

Let's go. I don't want

to lose sight of your father.

My father!


- Don Roberto!

- Dad!

Are you all right?

Yes, yes.

Let's go.

Let's go!

I hope you'll believe me now

and won't need more explanations.

We now need to find the way

to rescue your daughters before the...

My daughters?

What are you talking about?

Where's Mayra?

That thing took her.

What the hell are you saying?


There's no time to waste.

There are seven coins

stuck to that wall.

We must find a way

to get them out.

Coins! What coins?

No more questions,

Don Roberto, please!

Listen to me.

If you want to save your daughters,

you must do as I say.

What is the problem?

If all you need are these coins,

why don't you just take them out?

Do you want to try it?

What the devil is going on?

I'm beginning to understand.

If this is the force of evil...

then there is only

one way to defeat it.

But for that,

we need something.

Something sacred.

Follow me.

This is the studio chapel.

The guys always have

holy water here.

I think this might help us.

It worked!

It worked, Don Roberto!

Don Roberto...

your daughter's life depends on this.

Tania! Tania, sweetheart!

Sweetheart! Sweetheart!

Are you all right?

Are you all right, sweetheart?

I'm here. I'm here, sweetheart.

Everything's all right.

Everything's all right.

Come. come.

Don Roberto, it's working.


We made it!

We'll save your daughter with this.

What happened?

We just need to remove

the seal from the mold.

I'll go see if I can fix the short circuit.

Are you all right?



- Sweetheart! Sweetheart!

- Dad!

- Are you all right?

- Yes.

Julio, what happened?

The seal. Do you have the seal?

This is it. Don Roberto.

This is the end.

Look after your daughters.

Let me handle this.

We must get them out of here.

Let's go to the gate.

I'll go with you.

Let's go.

My baby!

Oh, no! No! It's not possible!

Get... Tatiana...

out of here.

No! No! My God! No!

My baby!

My Baby!

My God! This is not possible!

Damn it!

Damn it!

Why them, damn it. why them?

Stay with your sister, sweetheart.

Don't move from there.

Julio, are you all right?

It's all over. Get up.

It's all over, Julio.

Dad! Dad!

Something's happening to Mayra.

