Untamed (1929) - full transcript

When her rich oilman father is killed, Bingo, raised in the wilds of South America, inherits the company. Her guardians Ben and Howard send her to New York for civilizing but on the way she meets Andy, wonderful in every way but wealth. He can't live off her money, he says, as he turns to Marjory. Uncivilized Bingo, who hits anyone she disagrees with, shoots Andy in the arm. Now it's okay for him to marry her.

♪ Languid and plaintive ♪

♪ hear the chant of the jungle ♪

♪ mellow the natives ♪

♪ hear the chant of the jungle ♪

♪ while it sings
of savage charms ♪

♪ tropic nights
and lovers' arms ♪

♪ free as a gypsy ♪

♪ while a chant of the jungle ♪

♪ is calling to me ♪

Sure, muchachos, I'll dance!



Ooh, ooh!

For us, señor?

For you.

But Pedro must have
a share, too.

All right, give it to him.

But you... you do for me again
that dance?

Hey, I just come
from the jungle,

and I have not seen a woman
for many months.

You will do again for me
that dance?

Señor has been so kind.

Sure, I'll dance again.
Come on!

Let go of me!

You filthy, maggoty, half-breed!

Give me a knife, somebody!

Give me a knife!

Well, why didn't you give me
a knife, a rock, anything?!

I'll kill him
if he comes after me!

All right, muchachos,

you take those bags up
to the posada

and find yourselves a bed
for the night.

Well, Ben, what a swell-looking
dump this is.

Well, what'd you expect to find,
coney island?

Come on, let's promote a drink.

Let's promote two.

Anda, vámonos para llevar esto.

Give me some good liquor.

I'll give you the best I got...
French Brandy.

Good enough.

Say, you know,

I haven't had a drink
of French Brandy

since I don't know when.

No? That is too bad.
Try and remember.

Sir, that's no nice way
to treat a lady.

Shut up.
Have some.


Where are you from,
the interior?

Yeah. I just come in.

Say, you know most everyone
around here, I guess?

Everybody and their uncle Sarah.

Who is this girl, white?

They call her bingo.

That's her pappy over there.

He likes his liquor?

He likes it,
but he can't handle it...

Not like we do.

Say, you mind buying me
another little drink?

Why didn't you ask
for the other two you take?

Aw, now, Jerry.

Mr. Bartender, can you tell me
where Henry Dowling lives?

Sure. The breaks
are with you, men.

That's him sitting
right over there.

Say, Ben, that isn't
the Henry Dowling

you've been telling me about.

No, it can't be.

How long has it been
since you last saw him?

About three years,
but... come on.

Hello, Henry.

Come on, old-timer, wake up.
You've got company.

All right, all right.

The man's drugged with liquor.

Listen, Henry, this is your
old pal Ben Murchison.

Don't you remember?
You... you sent for me, man.

Good old Ben.

I knew you'd come.

I knew it.

You old buzzard!

Shake hands with my partner,
Howard Presley.

Glad to know you,
Mr. Dowling.

How are you, Mr. Presley?

Have a drink, boys?

No, thanks, not just now.
I'll take one.

As soon as I got
your message, Hank,

Howard and I got our packs
together and lit out.

Tell me, what's the trouble?

Well, a while back,

when I, found out,

I... I knew I needed a friend.

And in all
this blasted wilderness,

there was just one... you, Ben.

You know me, Hank.

Tell me, what is it?

Well, there was a doctor here
a while back,

and he examined me,
and I'm in terrible condition.

I beg your pardon,

but didn't he tell you
to cut down on the liquor?

Well, that's funny,

but if I quit, I'll go sooner
than if I keep on.

So I sent for you, Ben,
to do what I can't do.

Pardon, señor, I would like
to have a word with you.

Not now, please.
I'm busy.

Yeah, maybe my business
means more to you

than what you are doing now.

What right have you got to
butt in with me and my friends?

Do I know you?

No, señor, you have not
had the pleasure.

But I have meet your daughter.

My daughter?

Yeah, and I'd like to make
arrangement with you for her.

You, get out of here,
whoever you are!

Before you cause any trouble...
Go on, get out!

Who is he that
he should get so excited

because I ask him
for his daughter?

Someone will get her.
Why not me?


Bring that bottle here!

Come on forward!

Sí, señor, sí, señor.

It's no use, Howard,
he's going fast.

How long do they say it will be

before the doctors
will get here?

Six hours at the least.

Poor chap.
He can't last 20 minutes.

He has no resistance
with a weak heart.

Hank, old-timer,
can you hear me?

You wanted to say something
to me.

What is it?

Tin box under bed.

Yes, well?

Clear title, oil lands,

monte laba.

See my girl gets share.

And take care of her, Ben.

Sure, I promise, Hank.

Oil lands? Monte laba?
Clear title?

He's delirious.

Well, maybe not.

He was prospecting down
that part for several years.

Wish I could see kid
before I go.

W-We'll try and find her, Hank.

She's good kid, Ben.

Tell her I said, stay with you.

That's bingo.


I see, you've been bringing
daddy home?

Child, you...
You don't remember me.

Sure, a little bit.

It was a long time ago, though,
wasn't it?

About three years.
Your dad... he...

Sure, I know.

Let him sleep a couple hours
and he'll be all right.

He always is. Come on, darling,
let's get down.

I beg your pardon.
My name's Presley.

But in case you don't remember,
this is Ben Murchison.

Ben! Sure,
I know who you are.

No, child, your...
Your dad's been hurt.

Hurt? Daddy hurt?

Now, I don't think
I would for a moment.

He needs all his strength.

Then you mean...
You mean he's hurt bad.

Yes, very bad.

You better know
the truth, child.

He's dying.

Don't say that,
not about my daddy!

It couldn't be!
Let me talk to him.

Daddy... daddy dear,
listen, it's me, bingo.

Daddy darling,
say something to me?

You can't go and leave me
like this, daddy.

Please don't.

I see.
He's sleeping, isn't he?

Yes, dear, he's sleeping,
and he won't awaken.

Are you...

You mean my... my daddy's gone?

My daddy's dead?

He's gone, child.


I love him so.

I'll always love you, daddy.

All your... all your life,

Your one thought
was of... of me.


Look at his hands.

Look at them... so...

So hard and rough
from working for me.

And now they...

They seem so still and, so...

So helpless.


God, why did you
take him from me?

Why, why did you do it?

Come, child, come.

W-We can't bring your dear old
dad back that way,

and it'll only make you sick.

Come along, baby.

You know, all through life,

his one and only thought
was of his little girl.

And just before he went out,

the last thing he said

was something
about your future, girlie.

What did he say?

Well, first of all,
he put you in my care.

And then he said...
He may have been raving,

but what difference
does it make?

You and I...
We're gonna be together.

I'll take care of you...
That is, Mr. Presley and I.

Won't we, Howard?

You can depend on that.

But... but you said my daddy
was hurt. How?

Well, dear, he was killed
by a man he...

He didn't even know.

A man he didn't
even know? No.

Just a minute, Ben.

Before you tell her the cause
of her father's death,

I've got a little business
in the village.



You can tell her the story,

but don't tell her
the end of it,

because the end of it hasn't
happened... Yet.


That story could only
have one ending.

Come, child, sit down.
Come on.

Sit down, dear.

Do try and be calm.

Do, dear.

I can't!

Won't you for uncle Ben...
For your old uncle Ben?

Daddy, daddy!

Look at me, little girl.

I don't want anything but...

♪ Será la madrugada
cuando te soñaba ♪

Shha! Hata, hata, burro!

Madre mía, a Hugo lo mataron.

Isalgan! Isalgan!
Ihan matado al gringo!

Aquí está cerca.

It's morning, Ben.


Another day in the funny
old game of life?

I sometimes wonder why
we trouble to play it at all.

Well, what are we going to do?

What do you mean?

With her.

If we go to monte laba

to investigate
these oil lands of his,

what's to become of her?

Well, we'll...
We'll take her with us.

Take her with us?

Why, we'll be gone eight months
to a year.

Well, what else are we
to do, old man?

Look at her.
She's had a hard life.

She's sturdy.
She can stand it, all right.

She's lovely.


Aye, just confirms
what I've always said.

The sweetest flowers
grow in the mud.


You know, eight months
is a pretty long time

to be together,

and I don't mind telling you,

my partner is beginning to get
a little bit daffy about her.

I left him down there
looking after things.

I've noticed he seems
rather unsettled.

Unsettled, my foot.
She isn't housebroke.

Tell me, have you
ever heard her swear?

Well, yes, a little.

Unh-unh, she doesn't swear
a little.

If you heard her at all,
you heard everything.

I'm in for a tough time of it...

I know that,
but she's worth it all.

God love her,

she's the sweetest soul that
ever drew the breath of life.

Say, Mr. Jollop, how would you
like a little drink?

You're not kidding me, are you?

Now, I've got
a mighty weak heart.

No, I'm not kidding you,
but I'll tell you something.

I've got liquor guaranteed
to make that old heart of yours

beat 140 to the minute.

But, mind you,
I've only got one bottle.

Step right in, Mr. Jollop.

Mercy on us,
what's happened here?!

Has there been a cyclone
or something?

My one bottle!

Where did he come from?

Whose is he?

It's hers.
She would bring him along.

You darn chimpanzee!
Here, come on.

Come on.
Come on, now.

Give me that bottle, will you?

Don't rush him, don't rush him,
don't rush him!

Take it easy, take it easy.

Hey, are you acquainted
with monkeys?

Well, yes, a little.

You do the talking.
I don't know him.

There, there, nice old monkey,
nice old money.

Good old fella.
Good old...!

What's his name?

Mercy, did you have to have
an introduction?

I don't know his name.

If we had a rope,
we could lasso him.

That's a brilliant idea.

Maybe if we had a butterfly net

we could put a pin through him
and put him in a glass case.

You leave this to me.

Mr. Coco or bozo or whatever
your name is...

You bald-faced baboon!

Here, quick!
Go in there and get a sponge!

Go on.

And... and a bowl, too.


Here's a sponge, but I believe
it's full of soap.

If I can save you a drink,

you won't mind a little soap,
will you?

And I suppose it's full
of glass, too.

For a man that wants a drink,

you can think
of more objections.

Wait, I've got a nice,
clean handkerchief.

All right,
spread it over the bowl.

All I want is a bracer
before I kill that monkey.

You're going to kill him?

No, I'm... I'm gonna drop him
out of a porthole,

and if he can't swim,
well, that'll be just too bad.

Hello, uncle.
Rolling dice?

No, I'm not rolling dice.
We're straining for the drinks.

Say, what do you mean tearing up
the room like this?

Why don't you get drunk
out on deck?

Me tear up the room?
Do you think I did it?

Well, then what'd you let
your friend do it for?

Young woman, when I came
on board this ship,

I told you that monkey
and I couldn't live

in the same room together.

So you're trying to blame it
on little chico now?

Come, baby, come on.
Did bad man scare us? Yes.

You listen to me, Alice Dowling.

My name's bingo, if you please.

I don't please.

And another thing...

What are you potting
around this ship

in your bare feet for?

Where are your shoes?

I took them off
because they hurt.

Well, I told you to wear them.

And I wouldn't mind betting...
I... exactly.

Where are your, thingamabobs?

I've got them on!

Put that down, will you?

You and your friend
will kindly clean up

this mess you've made.

And if you must go around
breaking up people's furniture

and making a wreck
out of everything,

don't try and blame it
onto a poor little monkey.

Come, baby.

Bingo will take you away
from these wicked men!

"Bingo will take you away"...

Come on,
let's get to this drink.

Where's that glass, now?

Hi! Here, man!

Say, have you seen my little
girl Alice around anywhere?

No, sir, haven't seen her.

Heard that one
about the traveling man?

Hello. You hurt?

No, are you?

No, I'm all right.

What an interesting picture,
I must say.

What's the matter here?

Nothing at all.
No harm done.

This young person
just ran into us.


Come along, dear boy.
Do let's finish our walk.

"Come along, dear boy,"
Hey, who's she?

How should I know?

And what's that got to do
with you anyway?

"Come along, dear boy.

Let's finish our walk."

Say, ain't she got a crust?

Do you know that fella?

No, I never saw anyone
like him before.

Well, the woods are full
of his kind

back where you're going.

Take me to the woods, uncle Ben.

Come on, come on.

It's lovely out here,
but it'll, soon be dinner.

If you'll excuse me, Mrs. Mason,
I'll go and clean up.

But you will join our little
bridge party tonight.

Do say yes.

You know, you're my one comfort
aboard this lonely boat.

No man would ever
let you be lonely.

Is that a promise?

I love to make them.

And break them?

Too bad there's so much daylight
out here.

I almost kissed you just then.

It will be quite gloomy
out here after dinner.

I know,
but it'll be so dark then,

I won't be able to see
your eyes.

I love your eyes.

You do know how
to flirt, don't you?

Well, I learned about women
from, women.

I'll see you later.

♪ I know that wonderful
something is love ♪

♪ something spreading
affection ♪

♪ right into our direction ♪

♪ I know that wonderful
something is love ♪

♪ my heart is singing away
night and day ♪

♪ a song of gladness ♪

♪ my lips are aching to share
happiness rare ♪

♪ just with someone...
Someone like you ♪

♪ such a marvelous feeling ♪

♪ all my soul is revealing ♪

♪ I know that wonderful
something is love ♪

Gee, that's a lovely tune.


Where did you come from?

Uncle Ben's room.

Uncle Ben?


Say, who was that woman
I saw you with?

That woman?

Why, what difference
does it make?

I want to know.

Well, she's a lady...

on this boat.

I know she's on the boat,

but who ever told you
she was a lady?

I don't remember.
Why? Isn't she?

I'm asking you that.

Well, her name is Mrs. Mason,
and, that's all.

That's enough.
Do you like her?

Say, you know, you're
the funniest kid I ever...

Now, there,
see what you went and done!

Gee, I'm so sorry.
It was all my fault.

Is it bad?

I'll live.

Let me look. Let me.


Mr. Jollop,

have you seen my little girl
Alice around anywhere?

No, I haven't.

Thank you very much.


It's better now.


You're welcome.

That was awfully nice of you
to do that for me.

That's all right.
I liked it.

What the dickens
is your name anyway?

Bingo... bingo Dowling.


Well, my right name is Alice.

You see, a sailor named me.

A sailor?

Um, it was, um...

You see, I was walking
down the street once,

and a sailor made a wisecrack
at me,

so I socked him in the nose.

And when he came to,
he said, "bingo!"

The natives heard it,
and it sort of stuck.

Where you headed for?

To the woods with uncle Ben.

The woods?

Yes, New York.

I see, New York.
That's my town.


Then we'll be neighbors,
won't we?

Well, not exactly.

You see, New York's
a pretty big place.

That's all right.
I'll find you.

Why, you cute little devil.

I shouldn't have done that.
I'm sorry.

I didn't say anything, did I?

Wait a minute, I'll get a robe.

No, please don't.

I like you the way you are.
Can you fight?

Well, I,
I've been known to, yes.

What was she calling you
"dear boy" for?

That's just her style.

Are you?

Am I what?

Are you her dear boy?

Why, certainly not.
I just met her.

You just met me, too.

Meaning what?

Meaning that you don't have
to know people

any longer than... That
to like them.

That so?

Do you like me?

Why, of course I do.

Better than her?

A lot better.

That's all I wanted to know.

Well, hello.

So, here’s where you are?


Just a minute.

That's uncle Ben.

All of that?

Jollop told me he saw you
coming in here,

and I wouldn't believe him.

For once, old jollop was right.

Uncle Ben, this is, Mr....

Um, McAllister is my name...
Andy McAllister.

A fine old name...

Too darn fine a name
to be tied onto a pup

who will invite kids like this
into his cabin.

Come on, now, wait a minute.

I will wait no minute.

You'll wait two minutes
and maybe longer.

I won't.What do you mean,
jumping on him like that?

He didn't invite me in here.

Well, how'd you get in here?

Well, I, I came in
'cause he cut himself.

Look, see?

Have you nothing better to do

than go around
looking for people

who have just cut themselves?

If you'll allow me, uncle Ben,
I think I can...

Who the blazes are you
calling uncle Ben?!

If you'll bear in mind, sir,
I haven't heard your name.

Well, my name is Murchison...

Scotch like yours,
heaven help you.

Well, then, Mr. Murchison,
where no harm is intended,

you can't misconstrue harm.

A very fine speech...
A very noble speech.

But while you're just
a kid yourself,

you know more than she does,

and you know what will people
think of her coming in here...

Bother people.

What do I care about
that old jollop-pollop thing?

He came into my room, didn't he,

and busted up all my furniture?

He did not!

Well, he was in there,
and I didn't ask him there.

Blah, blah, blah...
Will you stop it?!


Think I'm gonna spend my time

digging you out of difficulties?

Come on, on your way here,
on your way.

Goodbye, Andy.
I'll see you later.

You will not! I will too!

Come, now, Mr. Murchison,

there's no harm
in my seeing the girl.


Well, I... I'll tell you
when I know you better.

Come on, get out.

And don't forget, Andy,

I don't like that woman
who calls you "dear boy."

Will you get out of the...


And, say, I don't like
all these women either!

Alice darling, you come
right to my cabin now!

I'll talk to you there.

You think I’m...

♪ Something spreading
affection ♪

♪ right into our direction ♪

♪ I know that wonderful
something is love ♪

♪ my heart is singing away
night and day ♪

♪ a song of gladness ♪

♪ my lips are aching to share
happiness rare ♪

♪ just with someone...
Someone like you ♪

♪ such a marvelous feeling ♪

♪ all my soul is revealing ♪

♪ I know that wonderful
something is love ♪


I'll always love
that song, Andy.

We mustn't go in
for much of that.

No, why?

Well, we don't know each other
very well yet.

Well, then that's your fault,
Andy, because I know you.

I knew you the minute you bumped
into me out there.

I knew that I loved you,
and I knew that you were my man.

That's not so strange.

People meet each other
and love each other right away.

And I love you, don't I, Andy?

Honey, I don't know.
This is so sudden.

You see, love is, love is, -

well, love is something
that, - I don't know.

Come to think of it,

I don't think I've ever
really been in love.

Gee, really?

I'm so glad to hear
you say that,

'cause now I'll be
the first one, won't I?

Yes. Yes, of course.

And we'll see each other every
day in New York, won't we?

Well, honey, every day
in a big city...


Dear boy, I've been looking
for you everywhere.

Yeah, for what?

I beg your pardon.
Who is this person?

My fault.
Miss Dowling...

I know.
This is miss Mason.

I was about to say that
we were awaiting your arrival

to a little bridge game.

I'll join you a little later.

You will not!

My dear Mr. McAllister,

would you kindly tell me
what all this is about?

It's about me and Andy!

And don't you come around
here anymore

with that "dear boy" stuff.
Do you hear me?

You little savage, you,
what business is it of yours?

Yeah? What business is it
of mine?

Say, Andy, you know what I told
you I did to a sailor once?

Well, I'm gonna do it
to her now!

Now, bingo,
wait a minute, please!


My dear, when you're able
to extricate yourself,

we shall be waiting for you.

Hey, wait a minute
before you go.

I'm telling you now, and I'm not
gonna tell you anymore...

He's not your dear boy,
and he never was your dear boy.

And for 2 centavos,
I'd sock you right in the nose!

Yeah, come to think of it,
I'll do it for nothing!

Wait a minute, please, bingo.

Why, this girl must be mad.

I certainly will report this
to the captain.

Aw, scoot.

Darling, you...
You can't act like that.

Like what?

Why, so... so rough.

You're going to the city,

and you'll want to meet
some nice people,

and you can't go around,
when things displease you,

threatening to sock people
in the nose.

Well, why can't I?
My father told me to.

See, where I come from,
you had to sock them in the jaw.

I know, but these are friends
of my mother's,

and I'm afraid
they won't understand.

I'll have to go and apologize.

I'm sorry.

Gee, I'm always doing something
I shouldn't.

But after you said you weren't
her dear boy

and you kissed me
the way you did,

I thought it was all right
to tell everybody

you were mine
and that I was yours.

Sweet girl, I love your spirit,

but, don't you see, there are
certain rules we must observe?

All right.

All right, I said I was sorry.

But will I see you
before I go to bed?

Well, I'll go and play
some bridge,

and, yes, if it's not too late,

I'll come and say good night
to you...

A-and to uncle Ben.

All right.




What are you doing here?!

Well, see,
uncle Ben fell asleep early,

and and I didn't want
you to wake him,

so I came in here to wait
for you.

Gee, I almost fell asleep.

But you...
You can't do that, honey.


Well, what will people say,
coming into my...

No, now, come on, you run along.

All right.

Good night.

Gee, I love you, Andy.

Gosh, I love you!


Say, what are you doing
around here?

I came here to find out just
what I knew I would find out.

Yeah, well, here's something
else you're gonna find out,

'cause I'm gonna sock you
right in the nose!


Help, help!
Get her off, somebody!

Let go of me!

What in the thunder
is all this about?!

Stop it!
What's this all about?

I'll tell you
what it's all about!

This sweet young thing

was coming out
of Mr. McAllister's cabin!

Come on, now, that's not fair.

It's the truth!

Sure it is, and what about it?

I'll see you in your cabin,

and I'll see you right now!

Sure, come along.

And the rest of you
can all go to bed.

Come on, get in there.

I certainly shall report
this assault to the captain!

Very... very, very good, ma'am.

And you might also tell
the captain

and all of us
what you're doing here

at this time of night

when your cabin is on
the starboard side of the boat!

Gee, I never thought of that.

You, get in there.

Over here, bingo.

And now, young man,
you'll tell me...

And you'll tell me
in plain English...

Just what you're trying
to get away with.

Listen to me. You keep out of this.

You're either very brave
or you're very dumb,

and I'm waiting to hear
which it is.

I'm afraid it's not
exactly either, sir.

Don't you kid with me!

I told you this afternoon
what I thought

about this child
being in your cabin,

and I gave you a good break

because I figured
you were just as big a kid

as she is.

But at this time of night,
it's a different story.

Now, come on, loosen up
or I'll choke it out of you.

Uncle Ben, will you listen
to me a minute?!

You don't understand this.

I love Andy,
and he loves me, too.

Why, you only met today.

What difference does that make?

The minute I saw him,
I knew I loved him.

Everything's all settled.

We've kissed and, well, it's
all settled, isn't it, Andy?

Sure, it is.



Now, you...
You listen to me, children...

For that's all you are,
just children.

I'm gonna try and not be cross
with either of you.

I've heard of all
this sort of thing,

but I've...
I've never believed it.

I'm not going to appeal
to you, bingo dear.

You've had a strange life,

and, bless your heart,
you wouldn't understand.

But I am going to ask you,
young man,

to tell her that this is
a lot of nonsense

that can only end one way!

Tell her!
You know I'm right!

I'm terribly afraid
you are, sir.

You see, I've never met anyone
quite like bingo before,

and I don't mind telling you

I'm afraid I could become
terribly fond of her.

But I am telling you the truth.

I couldn't, marry just now.

I'm only eight months
out of school.

I haven't any money.

I was down here looking for a
job, and I... you see?

But why go over all that?

What's that got to do
with our loving each other?

Bingo dear, come here.

Come and listen
to your old uncle Ben.

You know, where you're going,

there are hundreds and hundreds
of young men

just like McAllister.

No, there aren't.Yes, there are.

And it's because
you've been brought up

around the kind of men you have

that makes him
seem so different.

Isn't that right, young fella?

I'm afraid it is.
Yes, sir.

There you are.

Wait until you've met
a lot of the others.

Wait... wait until you've lived
in civilization a while.

And then if you still feel
that you like this young man,

well, we'll...
We'll talk it over.

Isn't that fair?

You want to see
if I'll forget Andy...

Isn't that it?

That's just exactly it.

You don't understand anything,
uncle Ben.

I could never forget him.
I love him.

Gee, you're a sweet kid.

She's all of that,

and that's all the more reason
why she shouldn't be allowed

to look upon this affair
as love!


And you mean when I get to
New York, I can't even see him?

Not right away.
You'll promise that?

Well, if you think
it's best, yes, sir.

Don't you think it is?

Well, I hate to admit it,
but of course it is.

I am very young,
and, well, I'm... I'm broke.


So that's all either of you
care about what I want?

Well, I love Andy,

and I'll always love him
because he was the first.

His kiss was the first.

And no matter when I see him,
or if I never see him again,

I'll... I'll always love him.

No one can ever stop me
from loving him,

because I shall never know
anything else.

Kiss me good night, Andy.

Good night, my sweet.

You know a lot about oil,
uncle Ben,

but you don't know anything
about girls!

That's a lot of nonsense!

Promise me
you'll leave her alone.

If I had anything to take care
of her with,

I wouldn't promise you a thing.

Why, you whippersnapper,

she's got millions
in her own right.

What are people gonna say?

Sure, I got you.

You can always whip a guy
with that crack.

Good night.

You impudent young pup.

Hello, uncle Ben.

Hello, darling.

How do I look?

Simply beautiful.

Do you like it?

What is it, another party?

No, just a few friends.

Just a few friends.

You know, last time you told me
that, I counted 53.

But it's nothing
like that tonight.

Look, have you heard
from uncle Howard?

Uncle Howard?
Why, you mustn't call him uncle.

He's only a young man.

Why, he's, he's young enough
to, to...

To what?

Well, to get married,
for one thing.

I see.

According to the way you figure,

a person would have
to be that old

before they'd even be allowed
to think of it, wouldn't they?

I gotcha.

In fact, where would you
have been, missy?

I'd rather not discuss that.

Just tell me something...

Didn't I see young McAllister

at one of your parties
not long ago?

Yes, Andy was here.

Did he say anything...

I mean, anything
that I should know?


As a matter of fact, uncle Ben,

you've succeeded quite well
in discouraging Andy.

I hadn't seen him
in all that time...

Nearly a year...
Till the other night.

Then he paid little or no
attention to me at all.

When are you expecting
uncle... I mean, Howard?

Well, tonight.

He gets into New York
this evening.

More guests arriving,
miss Alice.

Thanks, Billcombe.

Will you drop in
on us after a while?

Why, we certainly will.
Give us a little kiss, bingo.

Baby, I'm...
I'm so proud of you.

And I'm very grateful
to you, uncle Ben.

Only once since I've known you

have you ever said anything
that was silly, sappy,

and ridiculous.

When was that?

That was when you said the woods

were full of birds like Andy.

Hello, Jean.
Hello, Paul.

Hello, bingo.

Finally got here?

Yes, we got here.

What's the matter with you two?

She... he...

Makes me sick!

I know. Mammy.
Go get a drink.

Billcombe, has Mr. McAllister
arrived yet?

I'm sure I couldn't say, miss.
I don't think I know him.

Hello, bingo.

What I don't get
is why pick this party

way out here
and likely have a rotten time?

We could have gone to Amy's
tonight right in town.

We can go to Amy's any night.

Besides, this Dowling girl
always has nice people.

I'm not saying anything
contrary to that,

but, I mean, I've been shopping
all day, Andy,

and I'm tired.

If you're tired,
why did you come?

Well, you asked me, didn't you?

Well, I wouldn't have if I
thought you were gonna spend

the entire evening crabby.

I'm not crabby.

Say, what are you
trying to do...

Pick a fight with me
before we get there?

Pick one?

You've always got one ready.

Aw, don't be cross with me.

You old flat shoe, I love you.

Say, listen, bozos,
into the dining room,

and remember your copybooks!

The night's young,
and so is the gin.

You're not making me mad.

But my name isn't mad.


Puh-lease, my nerves.

Well, look who's here...
The baby...

Hey, hey, hey, folks,
the bar is now open!

Come on, dear, the elephants
are having their drink.

Here's where I fall off
my 18-day diet.

I knew I would.

Who's gonna give little umpus
a drink?

Hello, soaks!
How's everybody?

Romeo and Juliet!

Good evening, miss Dowling.

Good evening, Andy.

"Miss Dowling"? Brrr!

The boy is full of manners.

Mix me up a headache,
will you, Paul?

I'm dying.

Drink one of these, and they'll
be picking you off the ceiling

with a butterfly net.

Who's gonna dance
with little umpus?

Who the devil is little umpus?

Little umpus is me.

Dance, bingo?

Sure, Gregg.
Sure, I'd love to.

Why, you old buzzard.
Man, I'm glad to see you.

You're looking fine.

I'm feeling fine.

Will I show Mr. Presley
to his room now, sir?

Just take the bags up.
That'll be all.

I've got so damn much
to talk to you about

that you probably will no get
to your bed at all tonight.

Suits me.

How about promoting
a little drink?

How about promoting two?

Come on, old pal.

How is miss Alice?

Man, wait until you see her.

She's simply beautiful.

Is she tame yet?

Tame? Lord, no.

I sometimes think she's worse.

Of course, you know,
she's learned a lot

of that highfalutin stuff.

You know the bunk.

But underneath it all,

she's still
the same sweet bingo.

I'm anxious to see her.

I brought her a little present.

Say, Howard, did I write
and tell you

about that young fella she fell
in love with on the boat?

No. Who is he?

A young squirt called...
McAllister or something.

It's a long story, and...

Dance, bingo?

I'm just a step ahead of you.

You had the last one,
didn't you, Gregg?

We didn't issue any programs
for this ball.

You take what you can get.

In that case,
I'll take this dance.

You and who else?

Wait a minute, Gregg.

You had the last one, you know,
and you can't be selfish.

I'm gonna dance this one
with Mr. McAllister.

We'll have the next one.

Baby, I could drive to the end
of the world with you.

Another drink, and you couldn't
drive a nail.

Can I see you a moment, Marge?

Yeah, sure.

I ought to punch him
in the nose.

♪ Little umpus wants to drink ♪

Aw, give it to her and put
some strychnine in it.

When did he meet her...
First, I mean?

About three months ago,
here with me.

We both met her
at the same time.

That's what he told you.

Listen, and I'll slip you

He met her over a year ago

on a boat down around
south America,

and he's nuts about her...
Just plain nuts.

What do you think of that?

You kind of like her yourself,
don't you, Gregg?

You bet I do, baby.

That's what I thought.

That's why your story
doesn't amount to a dime.

It was awfully nice
of you to ask me.

That's all right, Andy.
I'm happy to have you.

Nice party.

I'm glad you like it.

You're a lovely dancer, Andy.


This is a grand party, bingo.

I'm so glad you like it.
Excuse me, please.

Isn't it marvelous?

Hey, bill, play my favorite
number, will you?

Why, certainly.Thanks.

"wonderful something."

Here we go.
Come on, baby.

♪ I know that wonderful
something is love ♪

♪ something spreading
affection ♪

♪ right into
our direction ♪

♪ I know that wonderful
something is love ♪

♪ my heart is singing away
night and day ♪

♪ a song of gladness ♪

♪ my lips are aching to share
happiness rare ♪

♪ just with someone...
Someone like you ♪

♪ such a marvelous feeling ♪

♪ all my soul is revealing ♪

♪ I know... ♪


Andy dear!

I've tried.

I have tried, but I can't keep
it up any longer.

I love you.
I do love you.

But why didn't you say it
before, darling? Why?

Because I didn't know, my sweet,

those few days aboard
the boat... it was so short.

But now that I find myself
wanting you, missing you,

wondering what you're doing
each night and day,

I know now I love you.

But it was different
with me, Andy.

You see, I knew I loved you
right from the jump.

I knew there could never
be anyone else.

Don't you understand, darling?

I would have kept on waiting
years and years,

because I knew someday
you would say it.

I knew you would, darling.

Darling, let's sit down.
I have so much to say to you.

What do you think of that?
Now who's kidding who?

You watch.

I'm not much better off now
than I was then.

I have a job, but I can't seem
to save anything.

Darling, don't talk, please...

Not about things like that.

Andy dear, I haven't felt
your kisses on my lips

for nearly a year.

Please don't talk
about those things.

I love you,
and that's all that matters.

And I love you, my sweet.
I know that now.


What is it, Marjory?

You double-crossing
tapestry tapeworm, you!

Say, who are you talking to?!

Wait a minute.

I see.

Just because you've been playing
around with Andy,

you think that gives you
the right to bust in here

and bawl him out like that?

Listen, Marjory,
we love each other.

We've always loved each other.

Now that you know what you know,

why don't you back out
and be a good sport?

You're in the wrong pew.

I am, am I?
You think I am?

Why, I'll make...

Wait a minute.
I'm sorry, Marge.

If you'd waited, I'd have dug
you up and told you myself,

and I know you wouldn't have
come around here spying

if you hadn't been
sicced onto it

by that dinner-clothes tramp.

Boy, you'll eat that!

I will, will I?
I'll show you what I'll do.


Attaboy, Andy, attaboy!

Come on out on the lawn
and do that again!

Anytime, anyplace, anywhere.
Come on.

Wait a minute, dear, wait!

You don't want to see him

Licked? My man licked?
Don't be silly!

You couldn't do it, but you're
gonna get a chance to try.

Listen, darling,
don't go out there,

'cause uncle Ben will hear you
and stop it.

Now, we'll go in here
and stop this dance,

and if this bird hasn't changed
his mind yet,

you can fight it out in there.

you wouldn't let him fight.

Let him fight?
He's got to now.

That's the only kind of a man
I'd pick.

Suits me perfectly, 'cause
I'll lick him and he knows it.

What have you got
that says you will?

Anything you like.

I'll fight him
because he's a rat.

If you bet a dime, I won't.

He doesn't want
to see you lose, dearie.

Come on, McAllister,
you asked for it.

Darling, you go out there
and beat him.

Beat him to a pulp,
'cause I love you.

Come on.

Hey, stop that music!

Listen, kids...
Please stop the music!

Listen, kids, Andy and Gregg
have had a few words,

and they're gonna fight it out
here and now.

Now, someone go over there
and shut those windows.

And don't shout, and no one
in the rest of the house

will know anything about it.
Do you get that?

All right, boys,
now, let's form a ring.

Get four chairs,

and somebody get those curtains
drawn back there.

Say, I have an idea!

Beat him, Gregg, beat him,

but don't beat him too hard.

I'll beat him, baby.

Take this collar and tie off.

Say, give me that shirt.

That's a good idea.

You better take those pumps off,

or you'll slip
on the floor, Andy.

That baby thinks of everything.

I'm gonna be the bell ringer.

And I'm gonna be the timekeeper.

Here, put them on.

You're not gonna fight
with gloves.

Why shouldn't we? We're not
going to have a slaughterhouse.

Ladies and gentlemen,

in this arena right now,

in this corner,
young Andy McAllister,

the Gotham flash.

In this corner, battling Gregg,
the New York hurricane.

Both members of this club.

Come here.

How many rounds?

Only to a finish
will satisfy me.

You're gonna be easily
satisfied. And how.

Come on, Andy, attaboy.
Step around him, darling.

Step around.

Right in the face, Andy.

Attaboy, Gregg.
Sock him, Gregg.

Take your time, darling.
Don't get him mad.

1... 2... 3...

Don't slug with him, darling,
don't slug!

Andy, take your time.
Don't get up too quick.

Andy, take your time, darling.

Come on, I'm betting
on you, darling.

Come on.
Attaboy, darling.

Win it all the way, Gregg.

Win it all the way, Gregg.

Come on, Gregg,
win it all the way.

Gregg, just what do you mean?!

You get over there
where you belong!

What's the idea?

Get this off.

I tell you, Howard,
the fella hasn't got a dollar,

and I don't believe
he ever will have.

I appreciate all that, Ben,

but a girl in love
doesn't give a hang.

And why, after all, should you?

Well, I... I've never seen
anything about him

that would make me think
he's the right fella for her.

Well, I'm not so sure
it's your business.

Come on.
Beat him, Andy.

That's it.
Come on, Andy.

Sock him in the jaw, Andy,
come on.

Sock him in the nose!

Well, what's going on here?
What's the matter?

One man told another man
he could lick my man,

but he couldn't do it,
uncle Ben.

No sir, he couldn't do it!

What, a fight?!

No, mister, they were waiting
for a streetcar.

A fight here in this house?

Hello, miss Alice.
Sorry to interrupt you.

Hello, uncle Howard.

Help me get him fixed up,
will you?


Better off than I thought I was.

I didn't think
you'd recognize me.

Bingo, to think that you would
allow such a thing!

A fight here in this house?!

Why, you young bunch
of hoodlums!

And I ask you again, McAllister,

what are you going
to support her on?

On my salary. How much is that?

I don't know why
you should know that.

It's enough for us.

It's maybe enough
for a dinky 2-room flat.

You gonna ask her
to live in that?

Other people have lived
in two rooms and liked it.

Not after they've known
a home like this.

No, perhaps not. I...

And I'm telling you... no, you're not!

You've told him all you're going
to tell him, uncle Ben.

I've sat here for 15 minutes
just listening,

just seeing how far
you would go.

And I've decided, uncle Ben,

that this dislike for Andy has
just become a blind prejudice.


While I give you the right
to tell me what to wear,

when to get up,
to go to bed, and what to eat,

there's one right
I haven't let go of,

and that's the right to love
whom I darn please,

and I love Andy!

You might just as well
open those windows

and tell your story
to the tree toad

as to expect me to listen
to any more of it!

Now, the wheel is spinning,

Make your bets.

A lot of rubbish!

Thanks, bingo,
that's sweet of you.

Only I hate like the dickens
to see you quarrel

with these two gentlemen
who have been so kind to you.

Well, I hate it, too, Andy,

but, well, there seems
no other way.

There is another way!
And I'll tell you what it is.

You two go on out
and get married

and come back here to this house
and live where you belong!

Do you mean it, uncle Ben?

And whatever
McAllister's salary is,

you can make it go
as far as it will,

and you, bingo,
will pay the rest.

Sure, I've got plenty,
uncle Ben, only...

No, wait, bingo, wait.

Thanks very much, Mr. Murchison.
That's a very clever idea.

It sure is, but not for me.

You won't do it?

You know I won't.

Well, that lets me out.

Andy darling, why?
What is money?

What difference does it make?

I've got...
Please don't say you won't.

Please, my sweet,
don't ask me to do that.

I love you.

I want to marry you, and I will,

but not under
those circumstances.

And now, if you'll excuse me,
I'll run along home.

Good night, my sweet.

Good night, gentlemen.

Good night, boy. Good night.

Andy, wait, I'll go
to the car with you.

Now you see?

Ben, you're a fox.

I'm a whole fox farm

when it comes to outsmarting
young cubs like him.

It's just a bit cruel, though.

Cruel, nothing.

He's got pride...
Good old scotch pride...

And that's the only thing
that saves him.

He may fool you.

She'll win him
to her way of thinking.

I'll lay a little bet...

He takes you up, marries her,
and moves his trunks over here.

What makes you say that?

Because he loves her.

And no man who loves a girl
like that

and has a chance
to call her wife

will let his pride
stand in the way.

That's what you think.

Bingo darling,
you must be dog-tired.

Come along.
Skip off to bed, now.

Uncle Ben, tell me something.

What is it?

Did you mean what you said
to Andy

in a, well, in a nasty way?

Nasty? How nasty?

Well, you know, about us
living here and all that.

Did you say that just
to hurt Andy?

Hurt him?

Why, he told me flat
it wouldn't hurt him

to take you out of this house
and ask you to live on,

well, maybe $60 a week.

How could my offer hurt him?

I don't know.
Only I think that he thinks...

I wouldn't think too much
of what he thinks.

But I'll tell you
what I would do.

I'd tell all your girlfriends
that you and McAllister

have an understanding and that
you're going to be married.

I wouldn't publish it
in the newspapers, you know,

but I'd just let it
get 'round gradually,

and he'll come to your way
of thinking.

Do you think so?

Why, sure.
Now, hop off to bed.

There's Howard waiting
to say good night to you.

Uncle Howard,
I bet you think I'm awful.

I haven't said a word to you
hardly since you've gotten back.

That's all right.

You've had more important things
on your mind

than your unclehoward.

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to say that,
and I promise never again to.

That's all right.

Say, I brought you
a little present from Rio.

Really? and I almost forgot it.

I wonder what it is.

Uncle Howard!

I mean, Howard, it's gorgeous!

Look, uncle Ben.
Isn't that lovely?

Simply beautiful.

I tell you, money is
a wonderful thing, after all.

That deserves another kiss.


You know, I don't know
whether to laugh or cry or...

That's so lovely!

Good night!

Good night, darling.

She's lovely.

Well, do you still think

you'd like to see McAllister
marry her?

Why... what do you
mean, Ben?

You can't fool me.
You can't even fool yourself!

You love her!


But you wouldn't ask that,
my sweet.

You couldn't.

You haven't really given me
one good reason, Andy.

I didn't earn the money,
you know.

Dad left it to me in oil.

If he were alive now, the first
thing he would say would be,

"Andy, take this
and make my bingo happy."

Don't you see?

Yes, I see, but that's
the viewpoint of a girl.

With a man, it's different.

No, I couldn't.

Not even for me?

That's the one thing
I can't make you understand.

But after a year of living
on your money, you'd see.

Who's gonna know
it's my money, darling?

We don't have to live here,
you know.

We can go to England or France
or anywhere.

Then if you wanted to go
in some sort of business...

You'd stake me.
No, my sweet.

The very thought of it
gives me a chill.

If I marry you, it'll have to be
as I am, without money.

Well, then what are
we waiting for?

That's the one thing
that I can't do.

It would kill me to see you

in the only place
that I could put you.

You're not fair, Andy.
Really, you're not.

You won't accept my money,

and you won't allow me
to live on yours.

That's not fair.

I know it isn't,
and I'm half crazy

trying to dope out some way
of raising a stake.

Don't you think I want to be
able to give you presents?

A bracelet like Mr. Presley
gave you.

I don't want to have to hear you
say, "here, Andy,

here's $5,000.
Go out and buy me something."

Andy, you're so silly, dear.

Let's kiss.

Hello, scofflaws.

Who has the bottle?

You know that somebody
put it in my locker.

Say, Ben, what has your liver
got to do with your game?

Not a thing. I left my liver
in south America in a bottle.

Say, has young McAllister
been out here today?

Haven't seen him.

I've got to keep my eye
on that boy,

now that he's so close
to my family.

Yeah, I've heard about that.

He's a nice enough sort of chap.

He's a nice enough kid,
but he hasn't got a dime.

Of course, my ward's got plenty.

You know, it beats the dickens

how the kids are willing to buy
anything these days,

even a husband.

Ben, you talk too much.
Have a drink.

Yes, times have changed.

You know, in my day,

a fella that courted a girl
that had more money than he had,

well, he was looked upon
as a sort of...

one of those things.

Well, here's hoping Howard won't
forget to pay me that dollar

I won from him today.

Here's hoping you pay me
the $10 I won yesterday.

I forgot!
I forgot!

Well, so long, boys.

So long.

You sure I didn't pay you?

Good old well-known hotfoot 9.

9! Right. There it is.

Now, I've $300 in you,
$200 in you,

$400 in you, George,
and $700 in you.

I'll tell you what I'll do.

I'll shoot $100 apiece
with each of you.

Is that okay?
All right.

Shoot, dice. Do me.
7. Right.

All right.

If he keeps that up, he won't
have to marry for money.

You're right.

Come on, shoot $200 at me, boy.

$500 here, Andy.

I'll take $100.

No, I'm through.

Aw, come on.

You're not gonna quit.

I'll give you your chance
some other day.

How do you do,
Mr. McAllister?

Nice day.

I'll be with you
in a minute, Jim.

I got to use the phone.

So, I says to her...

I said, "listen,
how do you get that way?"

And then the dam broke,
and I simply rushed all over.

Hello, Mr. Starr?

Mr. Starr, this is
Andy McAllister speaking.

Have you got that bracelet there
that I looked at yesterday?

You have? Well, that's great.
Hang onto it. I want it.

Yeah, I'll be down
in about 40 minutes.

Thanks very much.

Just a little trim,
if you please.

Hello, Mr. Presley.

Hello, Andy.
How are you?

I'm all right, thank you, sir.

Couple of hot towels,
and make it snappy, will you?

I'm in a hurry.

Now, Walter, just a little off
around the back of the ears,

but not too much off here.

The last time,
it was altogether too short.

Just once over, Pete.
I'm in a hurry.

Hello, Presley.

Well, hello.

Did you see that crap game
in the next room?

No, I only just came in.

Young McAllister took them for
a cleaning for about $3,000.


That boy's no fool.

No, I don't think he is.

A guy that's gonna marry
$2 million or $3 million

is anything else but.

I suppose old Murchison
is kind of reconciled to it.

Got to buy the baby
anything the baby wants.

Her kind ain't never
had no raising, you know.

So I says to her... I says,

"listen, you could learn a lot
from them guys

who talk on their fingers."

Aren't you going to wait?

No, thanks, Jim.
Nothing more.

"They're deaf and dumb,
but you're worse,

'cause you can hear
and still you're dumb."

I tell you, Ben, it was brutal.

The boy's face was like
a death mask.

He just sat in that chair
and couldn't speak.

Well, it's not my fault.

I warned him long ago
to keep away from her.

But where's it all going to end?

By him no longer being able
to stand the gaff

and getting out,
leaving the way clear for you.

Talk sense.

She wouldn't look at me.

She wouldn't?
You old fishwife.

Just you go in
and catch her crying,

thinking her heart's broken.

You'll see how easy it is.

Uncle Ben. Look.
Isn't it lovely?

Look, Howard.

Where did that come from? From Andy.

From who?!

Don't shout at me
like that, darling.

I said, "from Andy."

You'll say it's lovely,
won't you, Howard?

It is, dear.
Very pretty.

Where did that fella get the
money to buy a thing like that?

Why don't you say he stole it
and get it over with?

He bought it, darling,

the same as Howard did this one,
I suppose.

Well, don't blink at me
like an owl.

Say something. Well, where is he?!

He isn't here, and if he were,

I wouldn't let you see him.

You might ask him
where he got his dinner suit.

Say, where in the name
of thunder

did that fella get the money
to pay for a thing like that?

He won it.
Won it?

Shooting dice at the club.

Dice? Dice?!

How much?

I heard them say,


A-A-And he puts it
in that geegaw?

Didn't I tell you
that fella was crazy?

There's nothing scotch about him
except his name.

Ben, you're developing
a sense of humor!

♪ Mellow the natives ♪

♪ hear the chant of the jungle ♪

♪ while it sings
of savage charms ♪

♪ tropic nights ♪

♪ and lovers' arms ♪

♪ free as a gypsy ♪

Andy! Darling!

Andy, that's the most
gorgeous thing

I've ever seen in my life!

You don't know how happy
I am with it!

Honestly, dear, it's grand!

I'm so glad you like it,
my sweet.

I went in to show it to Howard
and uncle Ben,

and uncle Ben said...

Yes, I know what uncle Ben said.

I must find
out which bank has been robbed.

Darling, don't talk about that.

Come over and sit down.

Come on.

You know, Andy, I was just
thinking about things.

After we're married,

I'm gonna get your slippers
and your pipe

for you every evening.

Then, we can sit here
and be alone

for hours and hours and hours.

Won't that be marvelous?

Then, maybe we'll sneak
into the kitchen

to get a bite to eat,
and then...

Then we'll go upstairs
to our room.

Just think about that, Andy...
Our room.

You darling.

I love you so.

Two of your friends, miss Alice.
I didn't get the names.

Well, what a pretty picture.

A quiet evening at home
with mother?

How are you, kids?

Hello, bingo.
What is this, old home week?

I think so.
Look what Andy gave me.

Isn't that darling?

Isn't it exquisite?

It's adorable.

Come on, now, kids, when are you
gonna get married?

Married? Who said we were going
to get married?

Well, everybody's talking
about it.

Well, I wish everybody wouldn't.

Andy, what do you care?

As long as you love bingo
and she loves you,

what difference
does her money make?

It's what I've been trying
to tell him, Paul.

Sure, Andy, everybody thinks
you're smart

for crashing in like this.

Well, I wish everybody
would mind their own business.

Darling, please,
haven't we had enough of that?

How would you kids like a drink?



D-r-i-n-k... drink.


It sounded like I said "drink,"


You know, it's funny,
I misunderstood her.

I thought she said "drink."

"Drink" to me, too.

Hello, darling.

Hello, uncle Ben.

Billcombe said you wished
to see me.

Yes, I do, dear.

But the kids are arriving

Well, I won't keep you more
than just a minute.

You know, I've got a great plan
for you and young McAllister.

What, another one?

Chh-chh, chh-chh, chh-chh.

The only way to handle that boy

is to take the matter
right out of his hands.


Well, you've got all
your friends here tonight.

Now, if I were you, I'd put over
a smart trick on him.

What do you mean?

Well, sometime
during the evening,

I would grab him
'round the neck, kiss him,

and announce that you're going
to be married next week.

What can he do?
He can't deny it.

And meantime, all the kids
will have rushed out

and spread the news around.

And before he can realize
it's all said,

you'll have changed his mind
and had a good laugh about it.

Sure, of course.

Why, that's... but...

But, uncle Ben, don't you
think I'd look sort of,

well, sort of cheap
doing a thing like that?

No, no, no, no, no.

It'd be a darn good trick
to play on him,

and it would probably bring him
to his senses, see?

You know, I think I'll do that.

Yes, sir, I'll do that.

Look, I'll run on and come back
later on in the evening

and talk some more about it,

because I don't want
to do anything

to make him sore, uncle Ben.


If he gets sore
at the idea of...

Of calling himself your husband,
he's out with me!

Bless you.

You can be awfully sweet
when you want to be.

I know.

I'll see you later.

All right, darling.

Well, did you put it over?

I wish you wouldn't
put it that way!

You make me feel
an awful rotter!

Well, I think
it's a rotten trick.

You're too full
of misplaced sympathy.

It's all very well to talk
of love's young dream,

but everyone who dreams
has got to wake up.

And what's gonna happen
when he wakes up?

Aye, he's going home
in the evening

to find his wife cooking
in an 8x10 kitchen,

and then he'll be counting
his pennies

to see if he can afford a taxi

to save that $9 dress
he bought for her

from getting ruined in the rain.

And then she'll be eating
cheese and crackers

instead of tripe and onions.

No, if he had scotch pride,
he couldn't do it.

I don't know, I don't know.

It might be all right
for a couple of kids

who had never had anything.

But for a girl that's had money

and gives it up for love,
no, sirree, Bob.

Well, Ben, I think...

Mr. McAllister is here, sir.

Did miss Alice see him?

I waylaid him as you told me
the moment he came in.

Show him right in here,
will you?

You're going through with it?

By 12:00 tonight,
he'll be on his way,

and you'll be free to go in
and win her for yourself.

Well, I still think
it's a rotten trick.

Mr. McAllister, sir.

Good evening, Andy.

Good evening,
Mr. Presley.

Good evening,
Mr. Murchison.

Good evening!

You sent for me?


Won't you pull up a chair
and sit down?


And now, my boy,

I want you throw off
all your prejudices

against me and listen.

Go ahead.

A month ago, I gave my consent
to your marrying bingo,

and you wouldn't do it.

You know why.
Just a moment.

Now, I want you to get
this thing straight.

Now, tonight,
bingo and I had a chat,

and I think we arrived
at something

which would assist your pride.

Yes? Well,
if there's any way out,

Mr. Murchison, you show me...
I'll grab it.

Well, here it is.

Bingo is going out tonight
before her guests

to announce that you two
will be married next week.

Why, she wouldn't!

Just a minute, now.
There's something else.

She knows how you feel,

and I know how you feel,
about money.

So she has asked me to give you
this check for $50,000

as a sort of a wedding present
from me.

It'll give you a good start,

and you won't feel it's her
money, because it isn't.


But that isn't
bingo's proposition.

That's yours.

Do you think I'm lying?

I have no doubt
that you made that girl

believe that this was
the best way.

She couldn't see your fine
Italian hand in this thing,

but I can.

You call me in here to insult me
by offering me that check

as a wedding present

and thereby making
my humiliation so complete

that I'll get out and stay out!

Well, that's what
I'm going to do,

but before I go,
give me that check.

You'll take it? You bet I'll take it.

And when she announces
we're going to be married,

I'll say, "no, we're not.

"I've been bought off by the man

who's doing all this
for her good."

Just a... you've said all you're going
to say to me!

Good night!

Here, young fella,
come here a minute!

Come here! I...

Well, well, well, he's got you
in a tight spot?


Right across his knees.

Hello, Billcombe.
Hello, bingo.

Bingo, this is my fault.
I insisted on Marge coming.

You see, she feels terrible
over what happened here,

and, well,
she wants to say something.

I'm terribly sorry,
miss Dowling...

Bingo, I mean.

See, you know, I thought
I was the only one.

When I found out I wasn't,
well, it sort of knocked me.

But I don't want you to think
I'm a bum sport.

Let's shake hands?

That's swell, Marge.

You know, I'm so darn happy,

I couldn't be angry with anyone.

That's grand.
I feel so much better now.

Run on in and have a drink.

I'm hanging around here
for Andy.

He hasn't arrived yet.

Hello, bingo.

Little umpus wants a taste.

Dance, Marge?

Someone always asks me to dance

before I have my second drink.

Will you wait? Never mind.

Come on, let's dance.

Hello, Marge.

Why, Andy, gee!

Isn't that funny?
You almost scared me.

Yeah, it is funny...
My scaring you.

You know what I mean.

I mean, I...
I wasn't expecting you.

Where's bingo?

How should I know?

Why, I thought...

Yeah, I know.

Will you come out on the porch
a minute?

I want to talk to you.

Yes, Andy, but... but, gee,

I don't want to get
in wrong here again.

Not a chance.
Come on.

What is it, Andy?

Listen, Marge,

I know what you and everybody
else has been thinking,

but you're the only girl
in the world for me.

Andy, are you trying
to kid me again?

What about bingo? That's off.

It's gotto be off.

Only tonight she told me
how happy she was.

Have you quarreled?

Now, listen,
don't worry about her.

She's got a lot of people
taking care of her,

doing things for her good.

No, Marge, listen,
believe it or not, I love you,

and if you'll take me back
again, I'm yours.

Andy, I love you, too.

I never did see what that dame
had anything on me

outside of her coin.

When Mr. McAllister

let me know immediately,

Very well, miss.

Hello, everybody.

Hello, Andy.
Well, look who's here.

A little surprised to see us
together, aren't you?

I got an even bigger surprise
for you, haven't I, Marge?

What is it, Andy?

Wait till I pour myself a drink.

I've got a funny story
to tell you.

Come on, Andy,
don't keep us waiting.

You all thought that
miss Dowling and I were to be...

Hello, Andy.

Hello, bingo.
You're just in time.

Why, I've been looking
all over for you.

I've been very busy.

I've been
with your very kind uncle,

who does all he can
for your good.


I wish you wouldn't talk
like that.

You know how I feel about it.

But you don't know how I feel!

No, citizens, no,

Andy McAllister is not going
to marry Alice Dowling,

for the very good reason
that he can't afford to.

That is, he couldn't
until tonight.

But now he has plenty
of money... plenty.

But he's not going
to spend it on her.

He's not going to wreck
her young life.

He's going to leave her here
with her noble uncle

and go where he likes,
with whom he likes!


Andy, why are you doing this
to me, dear?

I haven't done anything to you.

Where are you going?

I'm leaving town.
We're both leaving.

Andy, you're drunk, darling.

You don't know
what you're saying.

You're out of your mind!

You couldn't say
those things to me.

Darling, you couldn't
if you were sane.

Darling, I love you.

I know what I'm doing!

I've got uncle's check.

You didn't think
I'd take it, did you?

Ask him!
Come on, Marge!

Wait. Wait, Andy.

Don't go...

Because you won't get away
with it.

Do you hear me?!
You won't get away with it!

I don't know
what it's all about, dear.

All I know is that I love you.

I love you so, Andy.

You're mine.
Do you hear?

And you're gonna stay mine
till the end!

I'll swear to that!

I won't let you go!
I won't, I won't, I won't!

Here's luck to us.

We'll need it.
Good night, kids.

Wait, Andy, wait!

It's all some terrible,
cruel mistake, Andy.

I haven't done anything
to hurt you.

Why have you turned on me
like this?

He told you how he feels.

I'm not talking to you, Marge.

Andy, I'm giving you
one more chance.

Won't you please stay and tell
me what it's all about?

Please, darling, please!

I'm sorry.

You and I just weren't meant
for each other, that's all.


Thanks, my sweet.

For heaven's sake,
what's happened here?!

Just an automobile tire
burst outside, that's all.

Bingo, tell me what's
the matter, for heaven's sake!

Whatever it is, uncle Ben,
you've... you've had your way!

Doctor, that was the most
stupid thing I've ever known.

I've handled guns all my life,

and I'd have taken my oath
the thing wasn't loaded.

Those are the kind
that usually kill people.

Well, young McAllister
was spinning the gun

to show me how Tom mix did it.

And I took it away from him

because I wanted to show him
I knew how to spin a gun

long before I ever heard
of Tom mix,

and suddenly... bang!
Off it goes.

Well, it's fortunate
it was no worse.

I was afraid it broke
the collarbone, but it didn't.

Just grazed the tip.

That's fine.

Well, don't say anything
about it, doctor.

You send me a bill,
and be sure and make it enough.

Thanks, Mr. Murchison.

Good night.
Good night.

And thank you.

Good night.

I'm sorry, dear.
It was very foolish of me.

Don't, darling, please,

because you know
I might have killed you.

Didn't you want to?

Yes, when I thought you were
going with another girl, I did.

How are you feeling, son?

I'm fine, thank you, sir.

Hey, Ben, here's your check.

I found it torn up in pieces
outside the library door.

What, you mean that...

Do you realize he tore it up
before this thing happened?

You know, it isn't your fault
or hers he isn't dead.

I know, I know.

You two children,

there's such a lot
for you to forgive.

Bingo dear, you see, there was
never a woman in my life,

so I didn't understand.

I'm just an old jungle rat,

and I thought I knew
what was best for you.

But I do know now, darling.
I do know.

Let's don't talk about it
anymore, please, uncle Ben.

It's all right now,
though, isn't it?

All right?
You bet it's all right!

I'd like to see anybody
try and stop it. Hah!

Say, young fella, you're
a mining engineer, aren't you?

I've studied it, yes, sir.

Well, how would a job
down at monte laba suit you?

$15,000 a year and all
you're worth above that.

Would you take it? I've got it.


Andy, isn't that marvelous?

Why, you old buzzard,

what are you butting in
on those two kids for?

Am I butting in? Certainly, you are.

I'm sorry, Ben, I'm sorry.