United Passions (2014) - full transcript

A group of passionate European mavericks join forces on an ambitious project: the Federation Internationale of Football Association (FIFA). An epic, untold story that brings to life the inspiring saga of the World cup and the three determined men who created it. Driven by their vision and passion, Jules Rimet, Joao Havelange and Sepp Blatter, overcame their doubts and fought obstacles and scandals to make the World Cup a reality. Spanning the tumultuous 20th Century, this timeless saga celebrates the game that, despite it all, became not just a worldwide sport, but an expression of hope, spirit, and unity...

While this story is based on real people and events,

some characters, personifications,

scenes and dialogues are the product of dramatic fiction.

Our sport has a great future ahead,

New Federations arise daily ...

... in countries around the world.

May 8, 1902

However, without a strong link between them,

football in different nations will lack organization.

Maybe we need a central body to regulate ...

... our wonderful sport.

My dear Mr. Frederick Wall, you would do me the honor ...

... to accept a meeting between your association ...

... and our group when you can?

Say hello atte.,

Carl Anton Hirschmann.


Disculpe, Lord Wall.

I'm not lucky enough to be a lord yet

but I am Frederick Wall. To whom do I owe the honor?

Nice to meet you, sir. A charm.

Ah, it's French.

Mr. Gu rin is the unofficial representative ...

... of our little association.

Mr. Heckenburg is German,

I am Carl Hirschmann.

I wrote to him several times from Holland.

Are you paralytic or what? For God's sake, kick that ball!

Gentlemen, how do you plan to win ...

... if they never kick?

Perm�tanme presentarles a Lord Kinnaird,

President of our respectable football association.

What are they afraid of? It's not a bomb!

Are a Lord.

Gentlemen, I told you a thousand times to kick first!


Soccer will be a gentleman's game, but it is a men's sport.


Sr. Wall, where are you going?

Mr. Wall, wait a minute ...

Gentlemen, our boys need two goals.

There are things more important than life and death,

there is football,

and at halftime things get serious.

We will try to be brief.

What did you think of our proposal?

- �Propuesta? - S�.

- Well, maybe ... - Listen,

our group of European nations will start this Federation.

You will have invented the game,

defined its rules.

It is very kind to acknowledge our little task.

Exactly what do they want?

That they join our Federations,

of course with Lord Kinnaird as President,

or they will be excluded ...

... of all the international matches that we organize.

Robert, please!

Okay, good man.

I am interested in knowing which international matches ...

... England would be excluded.

�Copas? �Torneos?

- Championships? Friendly? - We don't know yet.

What rules do you plan to add to the thirteen ...

... that already exist?

And where will these international matches be played?

In the fields on the other side of the canal?

Our association has just celebrated its fortieth anniversary.

His so-called Federation doesn't even exist yet.


Why don't they come back in 40 years ...

... when they get things going, and we discuss it?


Gentlemen, you must take possession of the ball.

Keep the ball, and then you kick.

What did those bastards want?

Nothing relevant, sir.

Wall, satisfy my curiosity.

They want to run the world of football, sir,

instead of us.

�Qu� rid�culos!

What do foreigners know about our beautiful sport?

Therefore, our association ...

... he cannot recognize his supposed Federation.

Damn! Gentlemen,

PARIS May 21, 1904

Are we going to allow this bloody Lord to decide?

- No! - Of course not.

Schneider, `` qu opina?

Switzerland will not accept it.

- Muhlinghaus? Kahn? - Belgium refuses.


In the name of the Danish people, no.

Dear Andre, what do you think of Madrid?

That their cursed island can sink into oblivion.

Spain does not give up.

Damn English.

- Long live Europe! - Damn Admiral Nelson.

�Caballeros! �Caballeros!

Gentlemen! Have a little decorum.

I remind you that this is an official meeting.

Friends, as always, Hirschmann is right.

Write the following,

on the day of the date, May 21, 1904,

in calle Saint Honor , n mero 229, Par s,

our Federation unanimously decided ...

... that we decide the rules of football everywhere.

That we organize all football matches everywhere.

That we will do everything ...

Robert, I'm not going to write that.

�Por qu� no?

In the first article, we should write ...

... that our Federations recognize each other ...

... as the only ones authorized to govern the sport of football ...

... in their countries.

And we are the only qualified ...

... to oversee international relations ...

... related to football.

Well said friend.

That is our first article.

That will kick your English asses!


Robert, please.

Excuse me, Carl.

Who will be the President?

I mean, we need a President.

- Thanks friends. - By President Gu rin.

We also need a Secretary General.

You are the first to ask, you will be the first to be.


More importantly, what will the Federation be called?

I know. The English have ...

... your Football Association.

It will be the International Federation ...

... football association.



We are FIFA.

- �FIFA! - �FIFA!

You are now the President.

Yes, but only because he was the least drunk.

Being the President of FIFA means nothing.

I won't get any good. No glory, no money.

Robert, that's not true and you know it.

You will have to start taking your job seriously.

May I ask you to join us?

- Are you crazy? - I think I will.

No, Robert.

- I'll go now. - No, sit down!

- Ven. - Robert! No!

Is good!

Quinquina cups, please.

Robert, I love football.

Me too.

And I believe in this.

I think everyone should play football ...

... with the same rules.

- All nations. - Yes.

And I think our Federation is the only one ...

... that can achieve this.

I swear to you, if we all focus ...

... we will achieve something,

and even the English will end up joining.

International football league.


Whoever wants to play with.

Whoever it is, Carl.

That is my dream.

That is our dream.

PAR�S, 1924

With no intention of offending the French,

but, like Julio Cesar, our team came,

saw, and conquered in the final of the Olympic games in Paris,

Uruguay beat Switzerland, by three goals to zero,

an overwhelming victory.

But England was not present!

Uruguay is proud to be one of the best in world football,

le gan� a Yugoslavia, 7 a 0,

a EE.UU., 3 a 0.

But Argentina was not there!

Argentina was not.

This Olympic crown, our glorious team, "La Celeste",

he does not play with the ball, he destroys it.

I played without the rest of the world.

Sir, your lack of respect for Uruguay is an outrage,

please leave this conference.


My esteem for La Celeste is equated with my contempt for her victory.

How dare you? I forbid ...

And I forbid him to forbid me.

Let me speak, please.

What is an international tournament ...

... without the presence of all nations?


It means absolutely nothing.

- Thank you, sir ... - I'm not done.

I think that Olympic football ...

... is not open to professionals ...

Who is in charge? Get him out of here.

Their best players are not even Uruguayan.

They are from Bolivia, from Colombia, perhaps from Mexico.

But they are not of Uruguayan blood.

Sir, you've gone too far.

You will face the consequences ...

And you will have to face yourself.

His Olympic crown dishonors the spirit of football.

Now I'm done.

Who the hell is it?

Jules Rimet, the President of some Federation ...

... that nobody knows about.

Friend, what happened to him?

I've never seen him like this.

- Are you insane? - It was perfect.

Tomorrow all the press will talk about FIFA.

I hope so, dear Delaunay.

Yes, because for now nobody knows us.

We have been in this for twenty years,

but the world of football is still at war.

How old enemies can play football, in places ...

... where until recently were they fighting?

Football is on its way to ruin.

If Latin America continues like this, yes, sure.

They have a great advantage over us.

Their teams have real National Federations.

They have the best coaches and training venues.

In short, soccer in South America will be purely professional.

For better or worse.

Amateur football is history.

Now is the time to seize the opportunity ...

... and create something.

�Pero, qu�?

You said it yourself, it's like we don't exist.

A World Championship.


It is what remains to invent.

Est� loco.

No, he is a visionary.

They will never take us seriously ...

... unless we organize such a Championship.


�Sr. Rimet?

A gentleman there asked me to deliver this to him.

Thank you.

"Uruguay triumphed at the Paris Olympics ".

Estimado Seeldrayers,

I thought that after yesterday,

the press would write something.

Thank you dear.

But they didn't say anything, not a word.

Are they giving up?

Friends, we do not exist.

You have no guts?

My guts are with my compatriots ...

... in the trenches of the Great War.

So, react!

A week ago I was blowing up the roofs.

Go out for Europe, convince the other nations,

the important ones that they want to replace ...

... to the bloody English.

We will accomplish this.

If you don't do it for the World Cup,

for football, for the French team or for yourself,

at least do it for Carl.

And for them.

Hi. Beautiful, right?

Exquisite, my dear.

- Hi, Annette. - Carl.

The postman brought this.

The sender is Good or Bonus.

- Is it from Buero? - Enrique Buero?

Thank you.

Ambassador of Uruguay in Brussels.

Where did you come across him, Jules?

This man has a lot of money.

Manages funds from Latin American magnates.

I know you do not agree with our operation,

but I expressed it, and I like that.

Really, Mr. Buero?


In Uruguay we have great financial resources,

We have our Olympic title, but that's just the beginning.

- A ticket? - Exactly.

It's fine, but it's not enough to satisfy our appetite.


In five years ...

... Uruguay will celebrate its centenary,

and we would like to do it ...

... organizing the first World Soccer Championship.

I get it.

But such an event comes out a fortune.

Yes, but we are prepared to pay.

FIFA is poor.

But not for that we will sell our treasure,

the honor.

Do not misunderstand me.

We don't want to buy anything.

Let's say it would be an honor ...

... be the host of this competition.

We have unlimited resources, Mr. Rimet, unlimited.

You need the money. We need the Championship.

Let's make a Deal.

Will they finance the transportation costs of all the equipment?

What about the referees?

Of course.

Give me your word that they won't try to cheat ...

... or influence the decisions of the referees?



Will our Federation give you a percentage of the tickets?

One step at a time, Mr. Rimet. One step at a time.

But I promise you on my honor that in five years ...

... the first World Championship will be held in Montevideo,

in a brand new stadium.

A stadium?

With how many seats?

One hundred thousand, my friend.

One hundred thousand!

Gentlemen, the first World Championship will take place ...


... in 1930, in the country to define.

Each Championship will be in a different country,

every four years.

All members of our Federation and all athletes,

amateurs and professionals can participate,

without distinction of class, or color.

Gentlemen, our 23 members have voted.


The first World Cup ...

... will take place ...

...In uruguay.

Miss, let me tell you that all of this ...

... it has no moral sense.

What good is organizing the World Cup in the Americas,

in an unknown country,

unknown to the modern world,

And why not do it in Africa with the Zulu blacks since we are here?

It's true, why not?

Who knows, maybe the Zulu are excellent soccer players.

Maybe they just don't know yet.

Se orita, African natives are stupid and undisciplined.

It is in their nature.

How could they appreciate ...

... a game created by whites?

My dear, are you having a nice evening?

Mr. Rimet, is this young woman your daughter?

That's right.

I'm sorry to tell you that you don't understand anything about football.

He thinks blacks could compete with whites ...

...in this sport.


Yes, you should send her to continue her sewing ...

... and learn to be a housewife,

so his beautiful little head will not think so much nonsense.


Blacks playing soccer?

Why not women as we are?

That would be fun, right?

Very funny.

Annette, what a fool you are! Some people...

... they seem friendly,

They may sound nice, but inside they're ...

How do we say it, dear?

Rotten. Completely.

Let's go dear.

"Centenario" Stadium MONTEVIDEO, 1930

You are an artist, and I am sure you understand.

An artist must also eat, and more than once ...

... not to perish.

I got a rhyme.

Painter, sculptor and poet.

Look, ours is ...

- A noble cause! - A noble cause.

Noble or not, it's work.

Canvas, charcoal, imagination, inspiration.

Working for glory will feed my soul

but not the stomach.

I beg you!

This is for your stomach.

Well, if you add something else ...

... I will have a full meal.

- Thank you. - I will not receive one more weight.

Good luck, Lafleur!

Thank you.

Vilafranca del Mar June 1930

To Montevideo, please.

S , se or. Good.

Is the Centenario Stadium ready?

Yes, of course.

- What kind of question is that? - Thank you very much, Buero.

Only the players are missing.

- The Romanians have already left. - Good!

- And the Belgians. - Good!

We will pass by the Brazilians when we stop in Rio.


What about the court?

- The grass? - The grass.

Is a chiste, Jules?

It is growing. English grass, I assure you.

Sensational. What about the accommodation?

The hotels are ready for the Federations, everything is done.

Listen to me, Jules, I give you my word,

If the World Cup were to take place tomorrow,

s�lo faltar�a...

...the ball.

- See you in two weeks! - We did it!

- Two weeks! - Perfect!

In their places.


Excuse me, I'm sorry.

Have a seat.

Annette, hi.

A little closer.

- Are you dizzy? - No.

Please smile.

Remember you are making history.

Are you not going to dance?

You hardly speak for two days.

You are locked in your cabin like a hibernating bear.

What happens?

I received a telegram from France,

the press doesn't believe in us,

and this time maybe they are right.

Come on, it's not that.


The crisis in America is going to hit Europe.

It doesn't seem right to spend money ...

... to play football on the other side of the world.

When have dreams been the right thing to do?

You are not stealing anything from anyone.

And worrying ...

... you won't change anything.

You have the right to fulfill your dream.

And that's an order, sir.

How did you get so smart?

I don't know

I guess my mother had good genes.

Tomorrow will be another day, Dad. Tomorrow will be another day.

Stadium "Centenario" July 1930

The first goal in the history of the World Cup


We have lost everything.

Does this misery have no end?

The depression is devastating.

Someone will have to pay for it.

The Jews or the Communists.

Maybe the gypsies.


I should have warned you about investing in the stock market,

- no pude. - Carl.

I thought I was doing the right thing, but it wasn't.

Mussolini: Cuidado with Italy!

It was a mistake.

Nobody blames you.

Jules, here's everything.

The bank statements, the accounts, nothing is missing.

Can you check it.

You will not quit. You can not do it.

The Federation needs you.

I need you.

Carl, we are a good team.

Yes, and I thank you for that,

and for everything you've done,

by the Federation and by me.

Please say hi to Annette for me.


As for me, colleagues,

I assure you that Germany is opposed to the idea of ​​war.

How are you so sure, Mr. Shricker?

Did the Chancellor tell you?

I have not had the privilege.

A war is not fought with ideas,

but with weapons, with artillery.

Jules, please.

Germany has never felt better.

The Olympic games are a success.

Unemployment has disappeared

everyone is working.

In factories to rearm Germany, my dear Secretary General,

y un d�a, "�boom!"

At least we have nothing to fear

our headquarters is now in Z rich.

Thank goodness Switzerland is neutral.

Yes, between Hitler and Mussolini,

that they are like flesh,

�verdad, Barassi?

Be careful what you say.

Watch out.

I'm sure our President is joking. No?

�Por qu�?

Fascist doctrines are completely opposite ...

... to our Federations.

Please, gentlemen.

Aren't they, Mr. Seeldrayers?

Last week, when Hitler refused to shake hands with Jesse Owens,

it was as if he was declaring to the whole world ...

Shake your hand.

A mere protocol error.

Gentlemen, do we get back to business?

You guys are all crazy.

Mussolini hosted the last World Cup,

but he did not do it for football,

it was a mass propaganda tool.

You can say what you want, but Italy won the World Cup.

No sir, Italy did not win the World Cup.

They appropriated ...

This is a shame.


Both of them.

Are they crazy?

War has not yet been declared ...

... and you are already attacking each other.


Their Federations are very good.

But what about your ideals?

The brotherhood between peoples.

The sports spirit.

Have they forgotten everything?


Annette, wait.

Annette, please.

It surpassed me. I can not continue.

Of course you can.

I am considering resigning from the Presidency.

You never will.

How do you know?

Because I never saw you give up.

With nothing, or with anyone.

We'll see.

Maybe this damn war won't even start.

It is more,

The World Cup in two years will be in France.

Tuesday August 27, 1942

The German offensive continues in Stalingrad

Is that all? Nothing about the game?


Nothing in the newspapers, of course.

The last thing the Nazis need ...

... it's something about their propaganda.

And did they play?

They played.

They could barely stand, but they played.

They played to honor the colors of FC Start.

The Red Stars played a friendly against them before the war.

This game was not at all friendly.

They say it was something mythical

as if God had tied their spoils.


The honor of the Reich was at stake.

The Ukrainians had to lose.

Otherwise, there would be more deportations and torture.

And a bullet to the head ...

... of each team member.

The death match.

On the one hand, highly trained German officers.

On the other, the poor starving Ukrainian prisoners,

taken from a factory.

And in the middle,

a corrupt referee, following German orders.

They didn't stop making feints.

The Germans were below.

The Ukrainians completely outnumbered them.

The Germans did not hole one.

They could have lived.

Before the game was over, they were winning 5 to 3.

A Ukrainian defender took the ball ...

... and dodged three Germans.

He got rid of the archer ...

... and stood in front of the arch.

He could give the Ukrainians the sixth goal.

But it stopped.

I looked the archer in the eye,

and kicked the ball to his side.

What about the Ukrainians?

They laughed like children.

The death match.

We weren't there.

We weren't there.

Closer, gentlemen.

�Listos? Sonr�an.

Dear Barassi,

Have you finally returned the World Cup?

Thank you.

I am not a thief!

I didn't steal it.

This is the Jules Rimet Cup!

Let's say you borrowed it.


I was not safe in Italy during the war,

so I put it in a box and put it under my bed ...

... and slept with her for ten years.

Qu bandit!

�Sr. Rimet? �Sr. Jules Rimet?

And Dr. Barassi, at your command.


I'm Mr. Brown, they are Mr. Pickle and Mr. Jackson.

We represent Her Majesty's Football Association.

It is a pleasure to receive you.

Of course.

What can I do for you?

We wanted to say hello.

And to know if it would honor us ...

... with his presence tomorrow in the game against Spain.

Of course, gentlemen, we'll be there.

I hope that in their first World Cup they play better ...

...that yesterday.

Yes, the US team made them cream, as they say.

Yes, he made them cream.

If the Yankees hadn't played Brits,

we would have won without problems.

Of course.

We will make sure to beat Spain, don't worry.

The honor of England is at stake.

Yes, after all,

you invented football.

Well, gentlemen, we'll see you tomorrow.

And thank you very much for participating ...

... in our little competition.

Thank you. Come on, Mr. Barassi.

Of course.

The day of victory has come,

the triumphant game is about to begin.

Eurico Gaspar Dutra,

our President is already seated in the VIP area,

with Jules Rimet, FIFA President,

who will give the winning team the trophy with their name on it.

Good dear,

What do you think of this? The Maracan ,

200,000 viewers.

And the English always talking about Wembley.

Not anymore, friend.

Today is the day of Brazil.

Take care Mr. Barassi,

you never know.

Mustache, Cold, Zizinho, Jair ...

So many stars in this celestial sky!

All who are lucky enough to be in this historic finale ...

... today, here at the Maracanã stadium.

One day they will be able to say with pride,

"I was there."

A simple draw against Uruguay reaches ...

... so that the players of our selection, in white,

Come to the Pantheon of the Gods of Football.

In 90 minutes our beloved ...

... and idolized Brazil ...

... will be crowned world champion.

Remind me who the man in the brown suit is.

Jo�o Havelange.

I was part of the Brazilian swimming team, now ...

... he's a lawyer, or a director, or something.

Now we will listen to the national anthem of Brazil.

The English referee, Mr. Reader,

blow the whistle

and the final of the World Cup begins .

Brazil immediately dominates the game, Danilo passes it to Chico.

Chico passes it to Andrade, who passes it to Fria a.

Fria a hands it to Ademir.

Ademir controls the ball ...

... arrive, kick ...

�Es palo!

The game is still tied 0-0.

In the stadium the atmosphere is suffocating.

Fria a recovers the ball.

He is in front of the goalkeeper. Prepare the shot.

�Un ca�onazo!

Brazil goal.

Our beloved Brazil scores the first goal ...

... in the final of the World Cup. Brazil!

Fria a made a spectacular goal!

Brazil, we will be champions!

The game is about to end, the joy of the Brazilian victory ...

... you can see it on everyone's face here in the Maracan .

But Brazil must guard against Uruguay's dangerous counterattacks.

Ghiggia faces Bigode,

manages to dodge the defender, crosses for Schiaffino ...

Goal. Goal of Uruguay.

They are tied.

But this is not over.

Brazil 1- Uruguay 1.

13 minutes after the end of the game you feel the tension,

follow 1 to 1.

If they manage to stay that way, Brazil will be the champion.

At this moment President Rimet leaves the rostrum ...

... to present the trophy in person to the captain of the winning team.

Who will be, without a doubt, our great Augustus.

Friends, from now on,

nothing will be the same in Brazil.

Not even the white purity of the jersey of our selection.

We have not lost only one game.

Today we lost our dream.

I should say,

we lost our honor.

I accompanied my father on all his travels ...

... until the end of your Presidency, two years ago.

I saw him invent the World Cup.

I saw him transform to football.

It was this passion ...

... that led him down an exceptional path ...

... for more than 33 years.


I can now confess your only regret,

not having been a great soccer player himself.

And yet he was the only man who made the World Cup a reality,

five consecutive times.

Rest in peace, daddy.

I love you.

Welcome aboard.


Z rich International Airport October 1964

Welcome aboard, Mr. Havelange.

Olympic style Tokyo

I will be curious,

I have heard rumors that he will join FIFA.

Are you not happy on the Olympic Committee?

If I were you, I'd wait a few years ...

... before leaving the Olympic Committee.

Why don't you think a Brazilian can do the job?

Probably not.


Our world is simply not ready for those ...

... who were born less fortunate.

Sir Rous, I remind you ...

Sir Stanley.

I remind you that we have won the World Cup ...

- ... for the second time. - Of course.

But with a genius like Pel , it's natural.

In two years, the next Cup will be held in England.

And we,

the creators of this sport, we will finally win the trophy.

I'm sure you will, Mr. President.

LONDON JULY 30, 1966

England World Champion!




Mr. Sougou, I hope everything is to your liking.

- The hotel. - Beautiful.

- He's spoiling us. - Is nothing.

Adem�s, �por qu� no?

It could be a historic day for you.

If Brazil wins today for the third time,

the Jules Rimet trophy will be ours forever.

Enjoy the game.

Chamber two, on the right.

It is understood.

Very good game.

Victory belongs to those who know how to achieve it.

Mr. Sougou, this action ...

... Morocco was the only African country ...

- ... in the end. - I know.

This could change, it should change.

I have big plans for Africa.

Trust me.

Sr. Rous, a voto.

39th FIFA FRANKFURT Congress , 1974

Sr. Rous, a voto.

Sr. Rous, a voto.

Mr. Havelange, one vote.

Secretary General President - Vice-President

Mr. Havelange, one vote.

Sr. Rous, a voto.

Mr. Havelange, one vote.

Mr. Havelange, one vote.

Mr. Havelange, one vote.

With 68 votes to 42,

Mr. Havelange is elected President of FIFA.

President, congratulations.

Are you happy, Mr. Sougou?

Democracy always makes me happy.

I will not forget.

I know, Mr. President.

I accept my defeat.


But you should be glad to know that you will be ...

... Honorary President for life.


Too bad it wasn't a fair fight.


I took the rest of the world seriously.

I traveled more than a hundred countries ...

... and now some of these nations showed ...

... your gratitude.

- The Africans. - Among others.

These people will never understand the subtleties of football.

It only consoles me to know that your African friends ...

... in the end they will betray you.

Just as they betrayed me.

Havelange, having empowered them,

you have opened Pandora's box.


the future of our sport is in Africa,

in Asia and in America, and if you can't see that,

I can not help you.


Thanks, Dassler.


They offered me a job in Z rich.

Football. Can you believe it?

I'm going to dedicate myself to football.

No more watches.

Are you paid well?

It depends on how I go.

It can't be more difficult than watches, right?

You will do well.


Good morning, Mr. President.

Hi. Yes, FIFA headquarters.

The Executive Committee did not elect me ...

... to promote stagnation.

Our accounts are a mess!

Gentlemen, we need funds. Get them!

We need ideas. Get creative!

The world expands, power changes hands,

It is our opportunity, we must take advantage of it.

I don't care if they call Brezhnev, Castro or Mao,

I do not care.

But it will have results!

And I want them soon. That's it.

I almost forget it.

A certain Blatter will join the team today.

Blatter, �d�nde est�s?

All� est� Blatter.

Blatter will be number 12 in our little group.

He's apparently good at getting money.

Let's hope so.

Monday 18th Appointment at BANCO SUIZO

Final of the European Championship Paris, May 28, 1975

We are pathetic.

The President asked us to find sponsors.


The English breweries?

They're not interested in it.

They don't want to associate.

But people love football, right?

The barrabravas do not help our image.

Advertisers worry.

Barrabravas are consumers, like everyone else.

The breweries don't care.

I didn't expect to see Johnson here.

Friend of yours?

He's a Coca Cola executive.

I met him at a conference a while ago.

Do you think it might interest him?

No, they are not football fans. But they have the Olympics.

- Where are you going? - We do not lose with trying.

It's Mr. Blatter.

�Sr. Havelange?

Five minutes.

I'll call you in five minutes.

And did you say yes? Just like that?

S�, se�or.

He wants an exclusive partnership with FIFA.

I have a meeting with your team this week.

So you knew about soccer?

Not really. He saw the game, but ...

... did not understand the forward position.

But are you still interested?

Well, if we improve sales.

One-digit le.

One we got to?

I hope so, sir.

God hear you, Blatter.


How long have you known President Havelange?

I met him at the FIFA elections last year.

He believes that we should work together.

He's a smart man.

But I'm afraid this might not be the best time.

�Por qu� no?

There is great tension between Moscow and Washington.

African nations could boycott the Montreal games.

- So? - It could make the Americans ...

... and your allies get out of Moscow.

What does that have to do with FIFA?

It's the domino effect.

The problem happens to football, Argentina will be a fiasco,

it ruins us.

I do not think so.

Por qu no?

The Olympics are about politics.

The World Cup is about the people.

If a President prevents his team from participating in the World Cup,

He goes broke.

What else does Adidas have to offer apart from the official ball?

The truth is that our company has no liquid assets left,

but we have something invaluable.

The public loves us.

We have balls, T-shirts, pants, socks, sneakers.

How much will we need? For Argentina.

For players, referees, coaches, staff.

At least ten thousand items.

But this is only the beginning.

We have big plans for FIFA.

If you would accompany me to my office.

Why do you want to do business with us?

I believe in your Federation,

And I know that one day he will return the favor.

I only want one thing in return.

I want our ball to be the star of the next World Cup.

Dear Sepp, this is Tango.

If that ball is the star,

FIFA and Adidas will sign the largest agreement ...

... that the world has seen.

I hope the President likes it.

The agradar .


Minister, are you okay with it?

How is everything going with Coca Cola?


I need this contract, under any term.

Is it clear?

Yes, Mr. President.

Africans want us to speak out against Apartheid.

We already pronounce ourselves

when we suspended South Africa 12 years ago.

What more do you want?

South Africans tell me ...

... that leaves politics out of sport. It is impossible.

Politics and sport are inseparable.

Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you.

We will make a small cut ...

... and then we will receive Mr. Blatter,

Director of FIFA's technical development programs.

Excuse me, I thought President Havelange was coming.

No, he had to go this morning.

What a pity that the President could not come!

I had a late schedule.

I have faith in our President.

But for now, it's just words and more words.

We have not seen concrete actions.

- Mr. Sougou ... - Mr. Blatter,

I like you.

Really. But you should understand that Africa has changed,

now we expect more, much more.

If they want our loyalty, they're going to have to earn it.

We want to work with you, implement development programs.

Do more than give them sports equipment.

We will keep our promises.


On behalf of FIFA,

I would like to thank you for your kind invitation.


Dear friend.

The revolution does not change anything.

We will not change our decision.

South Africa will not be accepted again in FIFA ...

... until you have resolved the Apartheid issue.



This people.

As if the world were black and white.

Sir, about Argentina.

The World Cup in Argentina will be a great opportunity ...

... for all Latin America.

The press ...

... he keeps talking about dictatorships and political prisoners and stuff.

But, everything changes when the game starts.

The sponsors are restless.

They will be fine.

They feel exposed, there are human rights being violated.

These events occur so far from Europe.

Intellectuals can protest all they want ...

... with his posters, his songs and his speeches.

But then what? Nothing is forgotten.

That's the people.

Among them, who knows?

There are communists, fascists, who cares?

But during the World Cup, they only dream of one thing,

that ball.

And just that ball,

because football brings comfort in the midst of tragedies.

People need hope

he needs heroes to survive.

Muhammad Ali, Jesse Owens, let's not forget Pel .

They have accomplished more for blacks ...

... than any politician.

And the World Cups that we organize ...

... do more for world peace than any UN resolution.

- Cr�eme. - �Oye!

Man, that's cheating.

Trap, what a word!


imagine there is a cloud here, over the court.

And here is God. And God intervenes, and ...

... they score a goal.

Is it cheating?

But you are not God.

Do you think? Go.

At this moment the Argentines ...

... they need reasons to smile, to have hope,

they need something good that they can see.

Argentines need pieces of paper.

We are going to fill them with papers.

Monumental Stadium, BUENOS AIRES June 25, 1978

You never get tired, right?

We need European coaches to educate their instructors,

otherwise it doesn't make sense.

I'm tired.

By God, we just left Japan

we organize the Youth World Cup,

We found this new God to worship, little Maradona,

and now we went back to Africa.

You should be concentrating on the women's teams.

Why don't you take a break? You are over demanding.

When there has been a World Cup here,

in the US, and in Asia ...

... I'll take a break.

You will be appointed Secretary General of FIFA.

Who told you that?


You will be number two ...

... of the largest soccer organization in the world.

The new FIFA headquarters, Z RICH, November 1981

- Good morning, Mr. Blatter. - Good morning.

Here we are. I think you deserve it, sir.

Thanks, Vittorio.



I was expecting it.

One minute.

So what's going on with development programs ...

... from Africa?

We are covered with work.

Africa knows what she wants,

and we have more requests from Asia.

All this comes out a lot of money.

Something that does not appear in the press.

They don't love us very much, sir.

An institution like this does not work only with good intentions,

we need money, a lot of money.



Today I will appoint him second in command of FIFA.

- It's an honor, sir. - Yes, it is.

It's a great honor, Blatter.

And with great honor comes great responsibilities.

Congratulations, Mr. Secretary General.

But know that the slightest mistake ...

... and is left out.

It is clear.


you have risen very quickly, thank you.

But if it disappoints me, it can fall just as fast.

That's it.

What happens?

I'm not sure.

Dime, Sepp.

A while ago I went to pay the staff ...

... and the accountant said ...

... that there was nothing left in the coffers.

Havelange doesn't answer my calls.


And I signed a personal check ...

... for 200,000 Swiss francs.

By God!

Well, either they did that or they weren't paid.

Can you imagine what there would be ...

... made the press with such a story?

The worst part is that I don't know where the money went.

I have my suspicions but I can't be sure.

Ask the accountant.

We're in red, Horst.

The water reaches our necks.

If we can't get everything back on track,

all the machinery is going to explode. And me with her.

You worry too much.

Karine, everything will be fine.

Journalists always exaggerate.

It is what they do.

When the river sounds ...

I worked with your father a long time, I know him.

He's a good man, I'll convince them.

He always does.

The time has come.

Three minutes is all. Thank you.

Conference in Madrid July 9, 1982

What do you think?

It will be difficult, but it can be managed.

Mr. President.

Dear Blatter, this is your job.

Gentlemen, hush, please.

The Secretary General will answer your questions.

Mr. Blatter, you plan to sanction West Germany ...

... for fixing the match against Austria?

What do you think about the elimination of the Algerians?

We are preparing a proposal.

In the future, all the finals of the first round ...

... will be played simultaneously.

President Havelange,

Why was Battiston not charged for the foul?

Nothing, Mr. Blatter. Not a red card?

- It was a very unhappy event. - This is a shame.

They all watched the replay.

Why does FIFA continue to refuse to authorize the use of videos?

- We are implementing changes. - What changes?

Ask, please.

What action will FIFA take ...

... to protect the safety of the players?

That is not my decision alone.

Gentlemen, please be quiet.

Mr Blatter, do you think FIFA should take responsibility ...

... for what they promote on the court?

Gentlemen, this is a press conference, not a trial.

To parliament. Fast.

Willcox, I didn't see you with the crowd.

I don't like to make firewood from the fallen tree, sir,

but I would like to ask you a few questions.

You can make an appointment with Werner.

Has signed contracts with some of the largest distributors in the world,

How do you explain the FIFA deficit?

Do you know where the money went?

Are you accusing me of something in particular?

I have accounting records.

Not all of your friends are as discreet as you.

Who are you protecting?

Rose Bowl Stadium, PASADENA, July 17, 1994

Sepp, I want to tell you something.


You started from the bottom

You worked hard, and now you're on top

Not at all.

Sepp, I want you to be my replacement.

When the time comes.

You have everything it takes to manage our family.

And an attribute that I value very much.


Listen to me carefully.

When I leave I don't want no repercussions

I want to live in peace and with honor.

- Do you understand me? - I think.

Maybe you won't thank me

It is a powerful beast that can devour you.

As heir, I can decide whether or not I accept.

Of course.

Mr. President.


Gentlemen, France '98 was a success, but ...

... look at these images, save them in memory.

The events that occurred off the pitch ...

... cannot happen again.

No football game is worth a massacre.

FIFA MARKETING SEMINAR September 1998 - The way forward

The next tournaments will be ...

... in South Korea and Japan,

far from Europe.

Some of you will feel that this is a good opportunity ...

... to close good deals with certain people.

Think about it again.

This sport must be transparent.

There's too much money at stake

we must lead by example in every way.

If someone does something unethical ...

... will be sanctioned.

Is it a threat, Mr. President?

I am not accusing anyone.

He's hinting at it.

A new protocol.

Our Federation has almost 200 members.

Is there someone here so naive that he believes ...

... that the 200 are honest?

I think we are 200 gentlemen ...

... and we deserve to be treated as such.

If they behave like honest gentlemen

so they will be treated.

There are always bad apples.

Objection, Mr. President.

Understood, sir.

President Havelange would never have dared to treat us ...

... with such contempt.

- Maybe I should have. - President Havelange ...

He is no longer the President. Now I am.

Joao Havelange presided over our family for over twenty years.

Did you make mistakes? Maybe. I must not judge it.

But I warn you.

From now on we will play by my rules.


I need you to sign the President's letter.

September 2001

Authorizations for the Goal program,

and the minutes of the last meeting of the Referees Committee.

The journalist, Edgar Willcox, is waiting for him outside.

On the terrace.

I'll be fine, thanks.

I am not responsible for what may have happened ...

... before my Presidency, what you call fraud.

By God, you were the Secretary General,

or did you know and you are just as guilty,

or you didn't know and you're a fool.


In every association there are honest people ...

... and there are traitors,

and there are those you never know.

Everything I've done so far ...

... it was for the good of football, for the good of this family,

a family that I will protect at all costs.

Although its members are supposed liars and thieves.


You will find out soon.

You said this would be ...

... a friendly, unofficial meeting.

It is.

FIFA is a delicate matter, Mr. Willcox.

Your role is to question her, my role is to protect her.

You are the journalist, I am the President.

You must ask yourself one thing,

Are the people I protect worth it?


The office was contacted by the insurance company.

They refuse to secure the 2002 World Cup in Japan and Korea.

Shall we make a cut?

No. Contin�a.

Mr. President, in view of the finances of FIFA,

this month salaries cannot be paid ...

... of the 200 collaborators.

Some sponsors threaten to leave.

Other long-standing partners are demanding immediate removal ...

... of your logos from our advertisements.

They want that or a great gesture.

Is it all?

You ask if it could be worse?

Let's see.

We are on the brink of a diplomatic conflict ...

... between Japan and South Korea.

Emperor Akihito refuses to go to Se la for the opening ceremony.

Diplomats from both countries fight over protocol issues.

Even pets are in the middle of a media war.

Yes, it couldn't be worse.

Werner. Do you have something cheerful to add?

Only this.


May I ask you one last question?

Of course.

When will you do something to defend yourself?

I have not done anything that needs to be defended.

The Federation is dragging him through the mud.

I grew up in the field, I'm not afraid of mud.

They accuse you directly, it is a lie and you know it.

She is right. If you don't defend yourself,

you will not be reelected in se l.

You could end up in prison

And I'm not a criminal lawyer so I couldn't defend you.

I fought a lot to get where I am today.

So, fight to stay.

They have betrayed you.

Yes, for those who put you in power.

Isn't it ironic?

There are 24 members, who is the traitor?


�O �l? �O �l?

Quiz�s �l.


Do you know?

Someone knows.

One day I'll be exonerated, I know.

After everything I did for football, for the world.

This is an injustice.

Sepp my friend

I'm afraid we've disappointed you.

That's right.

I knew I wasn't joining the chess team.




How many votes do you have guaranteed for reelection?

- Eight for sure. - Good.

You need 13 to win, you have 5 to go.

It is not impossible.

You need to convince five ...

... undecided members.

�C�mo sabr�a qui�nes son?

I will tell you.


it is very easy to handle the undecided.

Make them fear you.

Make them believe you know everything about them.

Compromising matters.

Maybe they don't love you, maybe they hate you

but who cares?

They will do what you want.

Hi Sophie.

Good morning, Mr. Blatter.

Gentlemen, some of you ...

... they decided to offer my head instead of theirs.

Mr. Blatter, save the speech for us, let's face the facts ...

I have not finished.

A change of power is inescapable.

Nothing is inescapable until voting.

For the last time, we ask you to resign.

Me him.

They say they have evidence against me. What tests?

Enough evidence to force him to quit

and thus avoid going to jail.

Even if it was true

I would not be the only one to fall.

- Let's go. - We have the most necessary ...

... to make him quit.

They have nothing.

In a few days the commission will vote to decide ...

... if I continue as President or not.


Gentlemen, see you in Seoul.

I feel like we are at war.

I can't give up now.

What will you do if you are reelected?

With those who wanted to ruin you.

Keep them close.

�Los perdonar�s?

One must always forgive

and never forget.

Extraordinary FIFA Congress Se l - 2002

Elected by 139 votes,

Joseph Sepp Blatter.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I thank you on behalf of FIFA.

Guys, golden goal, yeah?


In its more than 100 years of existence,

this Federation,

Born of a dream, she has survived two World wars,

an unprecedented economic crisis,

and has made soccer the most important sport in the world.

If someone had told us that one day FIFA ...

... will have more than 200 members,

more than the UN,

that people of all races and origins would play together,

if we had known that women would fall in love with this game ...

... and fill the stadiums,

that soccer would be played in gyms and schools,

that people would hear the sound of the ball,

that this ball would bounce all over the world

and that he was going to leave his mark on the history of mankind ...

Well, who was going to believe it?

Z RICH May 15, 2004

I discover it with you,


the 2010 World Cup ...

... of FIFA, ser ...


... in South Africa.