Ulysses: A Dark Odyssey (2018) - full transcript

United States of Europe is established 2020. Back from war in the Middle East, amnesiac Ulysses goes thru a lot in Taurus City, a dictatorship, looking for his wife, Penelope.

Are you falling apart?

I wanna watch you all day.

- Please don't go.

Not this time.

Come back to me.

- No one will change this.

It's a promise.

I love you.

Today, November 15th,
2020 marks the inception

of the United States of Europe.

From this day
on, the world will consist

of one undivided nation.
- Taurus City watches

as this democracy falls,
replaced by a new dictatorship.

The war in the Middle East

is creating fronts of poor refugees.

♪ Oh oh oh oh ♪

♪ Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪

- Disorder and drugs.
- Taurus City

has erupted in chaos.

The underground Malaki movement

known only as The Union

has now occupied an industrial complex.

Michael Ocean
of the Ocean Corporation

has continued his takeover of the street.

He now controls the police force

and with his private army
has occupied Taurus City.

Sources say that
Michael Ocean is the king

behind the very structure
of the entire drug trade.

An investigation
has begun on Michael Ocean

and the Ocean Corporation's
links to drug trafficking.

Piling conflicts continued

between The Union and
Taurus City law enforcement

in a surprise protest--
- A small protesting--

- This state of national law.
- Michael Ocean has ordered

a city wide curfew.

There is not in a street.

The Ocean Corporation,
the oil industry giant,

has one of the biggest holds
in the Middle East market.

And remember,
the Ocean Corporation

is financing the war and
Middle East terrorism

and he's working
tirelessly to find revenue

and meta methods to assure the safety

The United States of Europe.

- Long night?

Please, join me.

They put this out for me every day,

who on earth can eat all this food?

But, please, join me.

Sometimes, we get caught by the storm.

Come back to me.

It's a special day
for our benefactor, Mr. Ocean.

The anniversary of Taurus
City marks the liberation

of our city in the state of chaos.

To celebrate the 10-year anniversary,

Ocean rise to leadership of Taurus City,

the Ocean Corporation has organized...

And remember, the Ocean Corporation

is financing the war on the Middle East.

- Which one you like?

And is working restlessly

to find revenue and meta methods

to ensure the safety and protection--

- Me too.

My son had this car.

When my daughter was a little girl,

I took her to the fair.

And I won her that fish,

you know the games where
you throw the rings,

and 99 times out of 100,
you just lose your money,

but I was lucky, I won.

A plastic bag with a tiny goldfish in it.

She was so happy.

You should have seen
her face, so much joy.

We had the fish for two weeks,

and then, there he was,
floating on the bowl.

She cried half a day,

we had to stage a funeral for the fish.

You see, that's what we
try to teach our children.

That life is precious, that life matters.

You know, you can leave if you want.

Who are you?

- I'm no one.

And I have to find her.


Who is it?

- Penelope?
- Who?

- Where's Penelope?

- No, no, no, no, no, no, wrong apartment.

You are in the wrong place,

you are in the wrong place.
- Don't fuck with me.


I've lived here for years.
- Who is the Italian stallion?

- What do you want?
- Penelope!

- I'm going to call the police!

- Is that him?

I'll kill him!
- No, stop it!

- He broke in!

- Bullshit, he's naked!

- Leave him.
- Papa, call the police!

- Are you fucking crazy?

I have my business here!
- I have my business here too!

- Calling no pigs!

- Papa give me the phone.

Papa give me the phone!

- He's just a pussy!

- He hit my husband.

1452 Green Avenue.

- You are so stupid, I called the cops.

So you think you are big

until they'll get you and
they going to break your...

What are you doing?

Are you fucking kidding me?

- Stop, stop, stop!

From the beginning.

- It looks really a good deal, Mr. Ocean.

This may be just the
best anniversary party

Taurus City is ever gonna see.

- You're a fan of Opera now, Tony?

- This?

The story is not really
my cup of tea, is it?

- No, no, no, stop, stop, stop!

- Then shut up your mouth up about it.

- Okay again, from the beginning.

- I'm sure it'll be alright on the night.

- Are you here to waste my time?

- Look, I got a call.

They're saying he's back.

- No, no, no, it doesn't work.

- Where is he?

- I don't know yet,

but I've got a lot of
people out looking for him.

- Search every corner of my city.

I give you 24 hours to bring him to me.

And she can never find out.

Why are you still here?

- Mr. Ocean, Mr. Ocean,
I apologize, but we--

- Fix it, now.

- Long time.

- Somebody is waiting for me.

- Don't fucking move motherfucker
or I'll pull the trigger.

Welcome back brother.

- Niko, I thought you were dead.

- I was, you brought me back.

- I've gotta go take care
of her first, go fast.

You two look like a fucking
Michael Jackson video.

What are we waiting for?


You've changed, Uly.

- You haven't.

- Where you been?

- Someone took me.

- You're surprised?

With all the people you pissed off?

Who was it?

- I don't know.

I can't remember.

My mind...

All I remember are dark shadows.

- How long?

And Penelope?

- They took her too.

- Well, I guess we oughta get her back.

- I need your help.

- As always, brother.

- Enter the eye of horus.

- Popov.

Time to go.

- Just like the old days.

- Jules, say you get a conviction,

and the guilty motherfucker's
getting his sentence.

Three extra years for any crime

committed in a building with no elevator.

- Okay, well, let's say
there is an elevator

but it's busted?

- 18 months.

- Maybe you should stop
smoking and get more exercise.

- And you should learn to
work less and live more.

You can--
- I know,

find a man, settle down, whatever.

- When I was in the Army, I
learned to be more pragmatic.

What I gonna say was get yourself a dog.

- Mrs. Cifuentes, I'm Agent Delfin

and this is my partner, Agent Marino.

Are you alright?

- Wrong question, Jules.

- No, I'm not alright!

I had a crazy man run into my house

and punched my husband in the nose.

- Do you know who he was?

- Yes, she knows, she fucked him.

- I do not know who he is.

- He stole my flask!

- Well, it seems to me you're
not running out of whiskey.

- That's his stuff.

- Enough!

Did he take anything else?

- Yes, he took my cellphone.



You must be hungry.

- I'm looking for somebody.

Yeah, aren't we all?

- My wife.

- Penelope, suck on me,
go down on me, Penelope.

Yeah, I know who she is.

I haven't yet had the pleasure

but I'm really looking forward to...

Tasting her.

Hold your horses there, Cochise.

You're not Mr. Ocean's
golden boy anymore, are you?

You had it all, all you had to do

was stay on your own side of town.

But you couldn't, could you?

And now it's all gone.

And Penelope?

Well she is, as they say, moved on.

Seven years.

She has forgotten your sorry ass.

- Seven years?

- You don't remember very much, do you?

- Be safe.

- Yeah, have a look and
send me anything you got.

Okay, great.

Alright well, they're gonna
look into past tenants.

- Did you run a trace on her cell?

- Yeah, it's already dead.

But he did make one call.

- To whom?

- A disconnected number.

Sounds like a really dangerous guy.

- Not without this.

She should never have opened the door.

- Look, she didn't know he was coming.

- I'm pretty sure it's not the first time

she had a naked man at her door.

- That was cold, you're too pessimistic.

- No, I'm pragmatic.

- Welcome back from the dead.

Hello sunshine!

Now listen, tell you
something interesting.

You know in China, they
like to torture the animals

before slaughter.

I don't buy it myself,

all that panic it just sours the meat.

But the sweetest are your drug addicts,

you shoot 'em full of the good stuff

and they don't even
feel the blade slide in,

and everyone says to me "Oh Popov,

"you make the best kebabs in the city."

You know people disappear all the time.

And I help them.

It's survival of the
fittest, nothing personal.

And my role in this process is crucial.

- It's a shame.

- What?

- Black market gift

and I don't even know
how it fucking tastes.


- It's a special reserve of
the finest whiskey in town.

- Well.

Wait, you know I don't
like to drink alone.

So, would you mind?

That's it.

Okay, so we're celebrating, okay.

I don't see anything, oh, Jesus,
I'm gonna fucking kill you!

Where are you?

- Don't eat that.

Stay here, I have a few questions for him.

Wake up darling.

- You are so fucking crazy.

- You have no idea.

- Penelope, where is she?

- I don't know.

Why aren't you dead?

You're supposed to be dead.
- Who says?

- Fuck you.

- Thank you.

You get where this is going?

- Don't get that shit on my shoes.

- One by one, your senses go bye bye.

Touch, smell.

- Taste you can keep because
you need your tongue to talk.

- I'm not telling you shit!

- Wrong answer.

- No, no, no, no, all
right, all right, okay.

It was a faggot, I did it for the faggot.

- Tell me more.

- Aeo, seven years ago,

he shows up with a case full of money.

I was supposed to do my job
on you and take the girl.

It was my part in his little plan.

But you were already gone,
and so the plan changed.

Go on.

- I don't know anymore, it's all I know.

- Aeo has Penelope?

- I don't know, ask him.
- Tell me more!

I can't, I can't
tell you what I don't know.

- Tell me more motherfucker!

Leave him to me.

I have a few questions too.

- No, no, no, no, no, no,
don't leave me here ike this.

- You gonna be alright?

- Who are you?

- I'm no one.

- You know.
- Darling.

- If you wanted to see me,

you could have just called or come by.


- Instead, two gangsters
show up at my front door,

hustle me.

And your dog has nothing to say.

- You told me to bring her.

- We have a very sensitive problem.

I'm sorry that sometimes
the nature of my business

means that you have to deal with this.

What happened?

- Look, we're only trying

to protect you.
- Out.

Tomorrow is the
anniversary of Taurus city.

Every 10 years I have the possibility--

- To celebrate yourself.

- It is very important to me.

But I know that maybe
someone would hurt you.

And my first thought
was to bring you here,

where I can protect you.

Is that so wrong?

Isn't that how any father would react?

- Welcome to Cacao Island, home of Aeo.

God of winds and dear
to the immortal gods.

Revere him, it's your only
hope on this long night.

- Get the fuck off, shit!

- Johnny?

Where's Penelope?

Go out.

- Where is she?

- Ms. Vasilescu, I understand
you've been through a lot.

We gotta ask you a few questions.

- No, he's talking to a witness.

Send it to me now.

Okay, keep us posted.

So the landlord found
his name, Johnny Ferro.

Do you know him?

- Ms. Vasilescu, is this the same guy?

- Yeah, that's him.

That's Mr. No One.


- He's the one who saved my life.

- You're sure?

This man saved your life?

- Yeah, I swear.

Shit, get this
picture to every cop in the city.

- Where are we going?

Same place as Johnny.

- Stop calling me that.

- Seven years.

- Is that why you fucked me?

- I guess you would have
been the one getting fucked.

- The fuck am I supposed to do with this?

- I'm not your runner anymore.

- We don't have time for this shit.

- Don't fuck with me.

- Thank you.
- Thanks.

- How's the fish?

- You still get it from that old Greek?

- No, he retired, his nephew
now, nice man, young family.

He brings it here, brings what he likes.

- How do you make it sound so civil?

- What?

- He brings it, because if he doesn't pay

the price of his freedom,

the great Ocean would have
his deliveries delayed,

his employees bullied at the market

and his nice young family
harassed and terrorized,

until he either goes out of business,

or kneels to kiss your feet.

Everything you have is built on fear.

- This fish is on your plate

because he ate the other smaller fish

until he became big, and
strong enough to swim free

and get caught in the net
and brought to the market.

I'm not the fish, or the
net, or the fishmonger.

I am the market.

It's a setup, Uly, it's gotta be.

I have no choice.

- You get caught with that shit.

Throw that shit away.

- That doesn't get me
any closer to Penelope.

- Neither does this.

- Listen, we'll take it slow,

find all the ways in and all the ways out.

- Tactical recon.

The last time we followed that plan,

it didn't work out so well, did it?

- Sometimes you have to make
a decision, right or wrong.

- And live or die with the consequences?

- This life that you think you live,

this normal you crave for.

That is the lie.

- I do not accept that.

- You say that I built my life on fear;

I fear that I will never again
have the love of my child.

You blame me for Johnny.

- Tomorrow would have been--

- I know you do.

You had to have someone
to blame, so why not me?

- Papa.

- He never came back from the war.

He came to me.

He begged for a chance to work,

a chance to provide for you.

"Husband to father," he said,
"for the woman we both love."

What's the plan?

- Go in the back.

They have to think I'm alone.

- Johnny.

The last time your position was no better.

- I did not kill him.

I wouldn't kill my daughter's husband.

Even if I hated him,
even if he betrayed me.

There are things that even I wouldn't do.

- Then what happened to him?

- Who knows?

- Oh my God, oh my God!

Oh my God, oh my God, no.

No, no, no, no.
- It's not your fault.

I'm sorry.

- No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no, no.

- Oh shit.

Uly, move!

- Shit, don't sneak up on me like that!

- Sorry.

- Where were you?

- Here.

I was here the whole time.

What's wrong?

- Nothing.

Just in my own world.

- Maming that psycho was one
thing, but killing a cop?

It was an accident.

- They're not gonna make that distinction.

They're gonna hunt you down.

- They already are.
- Uly!

Let it go!

It's too big, it's too much!

Don't you see that?

She thinks you're dead!

Has it crossed your mind
that maybe the best thing--

- I have to find Penelope.

- Then what?
- She'll know the truth.

- What's the truth, Uly?

What's true?

Do you even know anymore?

- The truth is I have no choice, Niko.

If she wants a life
without me, I'll accept it.

But I would die to see her one more time.

- So what now?

- Now?

- You know, being a dog.

Loyal, remember?

- Tomorrow.
- Is nearly here.

The anniversary of
Taurus City will happen.

Your father has organized everything

and he really wants you by his side.


If your drug dealer lets you down,

it's about boarded, taxed.

Totally legal.

Doctor gave me them for my anxiety.

- Hard to imagine Tony Heald with anxiety.

- It's been seven years.

- You've never met him, have you?


- He was free.

Holding his hand was like flying a kite.

Only the wind knew
where it would take him.

- Love is the strangest thing.

It's a gear, you know.

People can see they love you,

but how do you know it's there?

I don't think I've ever been loved.

But you are.

Until the end, I'll look after you.

Like you were, as always.

He is not gonna be here forever.

All this one day is going to be mine.

I want to look after you.

I wanna take care of you.

You don't have to worry about anything.

- Thank you.

- Your report says you fired
the round that killed Marino.

- It's true, Captain.

I drew on Johnny Ferro and,

I had my gun down for a second.

And then--

- This the kind of event that
destroys careers, Detective.

I think you're confused,
concussions do that shit,

they scramble your brain.

I think what really happened
was you lost your gun

in the fight, and Johnny
Ferro killed Detective Marino.

- That's not how it went down.

- Try a little pragmatism
here, Detective Delfin.

- Pragmatism is the one
thing that Marino taught me.

- You should have shot the dog.

- You expected me to walk it back here

after you sent me into a trap?

- An address staked out by
two Taurus City detectives.

So you did know.

- I didn't kill any...


Put it down!


- That was a warning.

Let him up.


- It's done.


No baby.
- No?

This, this, this, this, this?

Let him up!

- Give me the gun.
- I said go.


- Uly!

Fuck you.

Where's Penelope?

- Suck this!

- You're already dead.

- Get in!

- Why did you help?

- You were kind to me, once.

You really, you don't remember?

- Pieces.

Nothing's in order.

- Where you taking us?

- Yeah, where are we going?

- A friend.

- Yours or mine?
- No,

she's not a friend of mine.

But it could be one of the
only places in the city

you'll be safe.

I won't be coming back.

You know why, Johnny?

Change is everything I've ever known.

It's my adaptation, it's
what I do to survive

in a world that I wasn't built for.

- Whatever kindness I showed you,

you more than repaid.

Thank you.

Good luck, Johnny.

- I know this place.

- Of course you do.


- Johnny Ferro.

- Cici.

- Where have you been?

- In my head, nothing's right.

I don't remember things I should,

and the things I do remember,

they're broken up, confused.

You need rest.

- Were we lovers?

- One of us loved, anyway.

- Penelope?

- Yes.

Every time you came back
from the war, you were worse.

You changed and she was unhappy.

- I changed?
- Drugs.

- I was a drug dealer.

- You were the best one.

Michael Ocean's golden boy.

You used to watch product
move around the Middle East

during his military missions.

But one day something happened.

Your love for her, your rebellious spirit.

You saw something that changed your life,

and you became the Prince of the City.

- Prince of the city.

- And Mr. Ocean didn't like it.


Kiss me.

Time to go.

- You can stay here, with me.

You'll be safe.

I'll take care of you, I'll protect you.

Stay here.

- What kind of a man would I be then?

Any kind you wanna be.

- I can't.

- Why?


- I have to find her.
- She doesn't want you.

The Seer.

Maybe he can help you to
remember who you really were.

At least this time, I get to say goodbye,

before you go to hell.

- The Seer.

- I know where.

- Shit, when were you born?





78910717 Robert is on the 901.

- So apparently he went to Cici's.

- She called?
- No.

- I'll tell you.

I sent him to The Seer.

- It's time to put the
blunt instruments to work.

- Holy shit, is Uly back from the dead.

- We're here for The Seer.

- But I'm not here.

- For who?

For anybody.

- I ain't seen nobody.

Welcome back to hell.

♪ Come with me ♪

♪ Come with me ♪

♪ Come with me ♪

♪ Come with me ♪

♪ Come with me ♪

I'll see you later.

- You're not coming in?

- No, brother.

Here too, what's in here is for you.

- Hey Kitty-Kitty, hey Kitty-Kitty.

Hey Kitty-Kitty, hey, hey Kitty-Kitty.

Hey Kitty-Kitty, hey Kitty-Kitty.

Hey Kitty-Kitty, hey Kitty-Kitty.

Well, well, well.

Look what the cat's dragged in.

You, my bright son, have
fallen a long, long way.

But I see you still have that
set of big shiny brass balls,

coming down here, with
me, after all this time.

Calling all units.

Suspect confound position
in Industrial District.

Possible armed members on site.

Proceed with caution.

- Who did this one?

- I don't remember.

- You don't remember much, do you?

- Will I see Penelope again?

- How about this?

- Penelope.

- Yes, you'll see her again
and you'll see him too.

- Him?

- Him, last time you came down here,

you nearly got all of us killed.

He won't forgive a second trespass.

- Look, I need--

- You don't know what you need.

I'm not what I was seven years ago.

And The Union.

Hell, I'm old, and I'm
lucky enough to have

what crumbs fall from the chessboard.

But I don't try to fight
my fate, I embrace it.

I accept the past to get to the future.

I got a present for you.

Yeah, I got a present for you, okay, okay.

- A present?

Funny cat, get out.

Yes, yes, okay.

- What's that?

- Make a fist.
- No, no, no,

what are you doing?

No, no, no.

- Do you wanna remember or do
you wanna keep prancing around

like that half-assed
horse on your shoulder?

- I want my--
- Then you need to remember.

The Bwiti people, tribal
gentlemen from the Cameroon.

They call it Iboga.

- Iboga.

- For them, it's a mark
of passage to adulthood.

It's like a revelation, an
understanding, an epiphany.

Everyone has to cross that chasm;

from boy to man, from lost to
found, from broken to whole.

Let me help you find the bridge.

Just like the old days.

Understand, discover, can still come.

- To my golden boy.

- You kill him.

- He is just a boy.

- Ocean wants to send a strong message.

Get rid of him.

The time will arrive
when we need to be stronger,

so the king will fall and
Taurus City will be free.

- Can I trust you, my son?

- How can you not?

I'm your daughter's husband.

- This will be your last mission.

After this, it's over, I promise.

- You disappeared for months

and I didn't know whether
you were alive or dead.

Wait for me, wait for what, wait for this?

- I can't explain.

- You're a criminal working for my father.

I look at you and I see no one.

- Wait!

Not anymore, not for me.

- Mistakes are the portals of discovery.

- No.

- No!


Come on, man, come on.

No, no!

- Nothing personal.

The system is a
chessboard, and you're just a pawn.

War is a mechanism of control.

Freedom is not given, you have to take it.

- I have to find her.

Wake up, wake up, wake up!

Wake up!

Wake up.
- Where's The Seer?

- I don't know man, but the cops are here,

it's time to fucking go!

Come on buddy, let's go!

- Seven years ago, Johnny Ferro

worked for Michael Ocean's secret Army.

But he was playing a double game,

and moonlighting for The Union.

Michael Ocean controls
all of the drug trading

in the Middle East and
Ferro was gonna bring

the whole thing down.

But before he could do that,
he was given up for dead

on his last mission in
the Army, until tonight.

- That doesn't make Marino any less dead,

or Johnny Ferro any less dangerous.

- Okay so now we're
working on anonymous tips

from across the city to round up Ferro.

But for whom?

- For the officer who was
killed in the line of duty.

I didn't think I should
have to tell you that.

- We are doing Michael
Ocean's dirty work for him

and Johnny Ferro could be
the only man in this city

who could bring Ocean down.

- Let me explain something to you.

You're a homicide
detective, that's your role.

I'm a supervisor, that's my role.

Same thing goes on the street.

There's people who push the buttons,

and there are people
who do the dirty work.

And Ocean has his role,
and he plays it very well.

And there is no one in
this Police Department

that wants to see him go down

because the alternative
is blood on the streets.

Apparently, Marino couldn't
beat that lesson into you,

so I will.

Ocean is the best of a
very bad set of options.

- Niko.
- What?

- Stop!
- No time, come on.

- Need a ride?
- Fuck yeah, let's go.

- Wow!
- That was out of control!

- Where do you wanna go?

Where do we wanna go?

Away from here!

It's a fucking hell, fucking pigs.

- Cops are running wild tonight.

They're all over the fucking city.


- Some crazy fuck shot one of them.

Let me ask you something.


Who did I get into this van with?

Your brain
is cooked to perfection.

Did anyone get
into the van with me,

when you all stopped?

Man, what shit are you on?

Just answer the fucking question.

- Wait!
- Am I alone?

Get your
fucking hands off of her.

Fuck you!

- So no, you're not just a psycho,

you're a dangerous psycho.

Am I alone?

Am I alone?

No, you're in the back of a camper

with a guy who got his chest
caved in seven years ago.

- You're dead?

- Not so long as I'm remembered.

Niko's dead.

- So who?

- Who am I?

You really are fucked up, aren't you?


- No, no, no.


- You gotta let me go, brother.

It was never your fault.

People were gonna die.

Them, us, it was war,

it's what happens.

Let me go, Uly.

- No, Niko.

No, no, no, no, Niko, no, no.

Can't stop now.

You got to keep going, man.

- Fuck!

Oh my God I killed him!

- You didn't kill me.

- Oh thank God.

Wait, I'll call an ambulance.

- No, don't do that.


- I'll take you home.

No, it's okay.

- I'm not taking no for an answer.

I just ran you over, I
can't just leave you here.

What if I don't wanna go home?

- I'm Kaly, where are you from?

Look, I'm sorry I run you over, okay?

You ever feel
like you're just drifting,

drifting for so long like,

you wouldn't know land if you saw it?

All the time.

I'm Uly.

- Here it is.

Okay, where is it?

Ah, voila, found it.


- You had to have a
police squad for this guy.

I don't want to hear excuses.

Find him.

Shut up bitch!

- Uly, is that your name?

- Sort of.

- Why do you never answer
questions directly?

- Because I don't always know the answer.

It was a name, from the army.

Uly, like Ulysses.

The man who wants to go home.

What do you want with me?

- You're like a book, with
all the pages out of order.

- Who wants a book like that?

- Hey.

Who are you?

- Johnny.

- Johnny.

- I'm Johnny.

♪ Her eyes just feel ♪

♪ Has arrived ♪

Accept your past.

♪ Her eyes is time ♪

♪ As I cave into her eyes ♪

♪ And the morning can be so cold ♪

♪ Face the heat ♪

♪ Feel the tears down to the sea ♪

♪ Face the heat ♪

♪ Here in the deep ♪

♪ Down to the sea ♪

♪ Down to the sea ♪

You know you're not well.

You understand?

- I just wanted to go home.

- Sometimes there's no going back.

- I see that now.

- The concert for the anniversary
is going to start soon.

You think you will see Penelope?

But if you see her, you know is over?

- I know.

- Time to go.

Good evening, tickets, please.

As we await Michael
Ocean grand entrance,

Europe's most distinguished
business leaders

and company heads take their seats.

The members of the national orchestra

are tuning their instruments.

Maestro Claus Van Der Roost

chose the Pietro Mascagni
masterpiece, Cavalleria Rusticana

as a symbol of the
United States of Europe,

you found freedom.

Hawk in position.

- Repeat.

Where is he?

Hawk, he's in the building.

- Copy.

- It's time to go.

- Frank.
- Michael.

- Long time no see.

- Last time I saw you,
my son was still alive.

- Condolences again.

- Sometimes we get caught in the storm,

and the wind and the waves
can carry us far away.

We do anything to get home,

but the time we do, we will be changed.

- What do you want?

- Just wish you a Happy
Anniversary, Michael.

- What have you done?

- I found you.



- What's his name?

- Nicholas.

- Nico.

- The horse is lame.

- I came back to you.

Please know that, I came back.

- Johnny, Johnny!

- That's it.

- Johnny, why would you
come back from hell?

- A promise.

- So now she's lost her
husband and her father.


Now she knows the truth.

- The truth you thought
you had, it's not real.

- I don't accept that.

- I treated you like a
son and you betrayed me.

- Freedom is not given,
you have to take it.

- Freedom is a chessboard
on which you pawns

believe that you move
freely, autonomously,

but it's just an illusion of scale.

But in the grand scheme
of things, I'm a pawn too.

But on this chessboard, I'm the king.

And the king down here
chose to kill the horse.

- It's all wrong.

You hungry, Argo?

Are you falling apart?

- I wanna watch you all day.

- Please don't go, not this time.

Come back to me.

♪ Oh oh oh oh ♪

♪ Oh oh oh oh ♪

♪ Oh oh oh oh ♪

♪ Oh oh oh oh ♪

♪ I didn't know it when
the time is loose ♪

♪ I shot the sheriff and
it's sleeping loose ♪

♪ The lying never been a friend of mine ♪

♪ I will kill again to
keep them doing time ♪

♪ You should never ever trust my kind ♪

♪ I'm a wanted man ♪

♪ I got blood on my hands ♪

♪ Do you understand ♪

♪ I'm a wanted man ♪

♪ I took the pistol and I've
shot at all the lights ♪

♪ I started living in
the middle of the night ♪

♪ Lying never been a friend of mine ♪

♪ I will kill again to
keep them doing time ♪

♪ You should never ever trust my kind ♪

♪ I'm a wanted man ♪

♪ I got blood on my hands ♪

♪ Do you understand ♪

♪ I'm a wanted man ♪

♪ I'm a wanted man ♪

♪ I got blood on my hands ♪

♪ Do you understand ♪

♪ I'm a wanted man ♪

♪ Oh oh oh oh ♪

♪ Oh oh oh oh ♪

♪ Oh oh oh oh ♪

♪ Oh oh oh oh ♪

♪ Somewhere there is a place ♪

♪ Awaiting my return ♪

♪ Where my aching past
finds peace at long last ♪

♪ Somewhere I can land ♪

♪ Safe from raging waves ♪

♪ A soft wind in my sails ♪

♪ The cue to all my heart sings ♪

♪ Somewhere there is a place ♪

♪ Awaiting my return ♪

♪ The heat upon my skin rocks
my tight heart to sleep ♪

♪ Somewhere a golden path ♪

♪ Towards my lost future waiting ♪

♪ Straight in one way street ♪

♪ Towards my dreams fragile as glass ♪

♪ Somewhere there is a place ♪

♪ It's fun to fly away ♪

♪ Memories of dozen streets ♪

♪ A bus with life, the smell of chimneys ♪

♪ The big cast story done ♪

♪ The circus and elephants ♪

♪ Wild kids up to no good town ♪

♪ At the end of their mark ♪

♪ My only home, my rock ♪

♪ This is so much more than ♪
- This is so much more than,

♪ Just a voyage come to pass ♪
- Just a voyage come to pass.

♪ The bitter certainty ♪
- The bitter certainty,

♪ I must start all over again ♪
- I must start all over again.

♪ Somewhere there is a place ♪

♪ People love this town ♪

♪ Smile warmly, happy to have you back ♪

♪ It tells a story ♪

♪ Washing away its pain ♪

♪ In a glass ♪

♪ Children ♪

♪ Oh children of my friends ♪

♪ With the faces ♪