Two and One (2022) - full transcript

A gay couple realizes they aren't sexually compatible, so they look for a third man. But when betrayal and jealousy sneak in, their relationship shatters into pieces. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Hop in! There's room for everyone!

Come on. Hop in!

We got more seats!

More seats!


Do I look like a mugger?

Oh, you're not?

Thank god!

Come on. A guy as
good-looking as me?

Nope. That's why
I thought you were.

Ouch! That hurts.

So, what are you? A call boy?

Woah! That's so
judgemental of you.

You're right.

What are you up for?


I just want to go
home in one piece.

Don't you want to do it here?

Wait, are you serious?

You're crushing my ego into bits.

- Am I really that ugly to you?
- I didn't say that.

I knew it.

You find me cute.

Don't deny it. It's quite obvious.


You're kind of cute.

Kind of?

Don't beg for more.
Just be thankful.

Okay, chill.



Are you up for it?

Come on! Let's cross
it off on our bucket list.

So you think that outdoor
fun is on my bucket list?

Come on! It's not?
Even in your imagination?

Not even in my dreams.


If you say so.

So, if you don't want to do it here,
how about in my place, or yours?

Your call.


I'm just not into that right now.

I need to go home.

That sucks.

I'm sure you'll find someone else.

I was supposed to meet
somebody else but I got catfished.

I got stuck in traffic.
What a waste of time.

My car won't even start. Bummer!

You deserve it.

Are you mocking me?

I thought I got some consolation

by sitting beside a
cute guy in the bus.

Only to find out he's a bully.

Me? A bully?

What if I'm having a bad day too?

You mean someone
else has it worse?

I got catfished.
My car broke down.

Then you dumped me.

I've had it worse.

I failed my licensure exam.

I'm sorry.

We're near the bus stop!

I gotta get off.

Alright. Take care.

You, too.

Hop in! There's room for more!

- Are you out of your mind?!
- Sorry! It's a matter of life and death.

Did you forget something?




Fuck love.

That's enough.

Go home before I
drag you out of here.

You're a heartless prick.

I get that a lot.

Damn it! How to be heartless?

How to be you?

Unfortunately, this
lifestyle is not for everyone.

I don't have
empathy to begin with.

I doubt that you can
survive being alone.

Don't you feel lonely?

Why would I?

If you can do it,
I can do it, too.

It's better said than done.

Look at you,

drowning your sadness in alcohol.

Why don't you think of
ways to win back Chan?

But he wouldn't take me back.

He doesn't want me anymore.

- Happy Monthsary!
- Hi!

What monthsary?

It's been six months since
you flirted with me in the bus.

I don't do monthsaries.

So it's been six months
since you called me ugly.

Stop saying that.

I'm sure that I
didn't call you ugly.

That's your karma.

Now you're head over
heels for an "ugly" guy.


Let's meet already
so I can pinch you.

When are you coming
back to the city?

You're just moping around.

Excuse me? I'm studying
for my licensure exam retake.

Why don't you visit me here?

And watch you read books?

Why not?

You don't want to be a
lawyer, neither an accountant.

So what are you studying for?

There's a...

You have a way out. You can
choose any profession you want.

Weighing your options is
different from walking away.

Besides, my dad has his eyes
on me. I don't have a choice.

Weighing your options or...

Tino, please stop tempting me.

Just saying.

But if ever you'd run off with me,

I'd gladly join you.

And become my responsibility?

Where would I even hide you?

First of all, you're rich.

You have stocks and investments.

Second, you can take me anywhere.

Take me to where I won't
feel that I'm a disappointment.

Maybe you just need
to relax a little bit.

Look at your eyebags.

You look so tired.

But I do feel relaxed
whenever we talk.

That's good.

Hang on.

Someone's outside.

I'll call you back.

Welcome home, Elaine.

Is Tino there?

I'll talk to him.

Tino, your mother is here.

What are you doing here?

Tino, I know it's hard to
understand, but listen to me.

Don't tell me you're
back together.

You might think I've lost my mind

but I have thought about this.

Your mother and
I talked about this.

We both decided that
we owe it to ourselves

to give our relationship
another chance.

What? I'd rather move out!

Tino, please!

I need you.


What happened?

I had a fight with my mom.

Why? What happened?

I can't live here anymore.

Did she kick you out?

Where are you going?

Anywhere far from here.

Hold on. Calm down.

Take a seat.

Do you want to talk about it?


But do you want to come with me?


You want to run
off with me, right?

Because you wanna
get out of there.

Come on! Let me take you.

Wait a sec.

Are you serious?

Maybe this is a sign
for us to start over.


Son, are you busy?


Why, mom?

Your dad is on his way home.

He's with Thomas.

Is it okay if your brother
sleeps in your room?


Alright. I'll tell your dad.


So where are we going?

You're coming with me?

Isn't that what you want?


You're right.

I probably need a break.

And besides...

I'm dying to hug you.

♪ You brought me ♪

♪ To a serene world ♪

♪ We're always happy ♪

♪ And free from troubles ♪

Let's do pottery
when we get there.

Come on! Don't be such a bummer!

♪ You're a dream ♪

♪ You're in my mind,
day in and out ♪

♪ You're a dream ♪

♪ Set me free, I
long to wake up ♪

Tino? Chan?


Welcome! I've
been waiting for you.

Come with me.

Look how lovely this place is.

This is your room.

It looks nice, isn't it?

It's tidy and
well-maintained, just like me.

Looks good to me.

How about you?

I'm okay with it.

I'll just send you the payment.

Okay. Thank you.

Auntie, you look familiar.
Were you in the movies?

You, guys! Stop flattering me!

You still recognize
me. That's great!

I knew it!

My moms love watching
movies from the '60s, that's why.

'60s is too old. I was
from the '80s to early '90s.

Had I not retired, I could've
lasted until early 2000s.

Since you recognized
me, I'll give you a discount.

Thank you.

I'm generous like that.

And I'm an ally, too.

I support people like you.

You're human beings, too, right?

- Just call me if you need help.
- Alright.

The room is all yours.
Do whatever you want.

- Bye!
- Thank you!

Here's the key.

- Alright.
- Take care.

- Thank you, auntie.
- Okay.

This place looks amazing.

♪ I will leave my innocence ♪

♪ I will find ♪

♪ My purpose ♪

♪ Let's prepare ♪

Let's go? Game?

Sure. Let's go!



♪ Meant for me ♪

♪ Reality will set in ♪

You like being chased, huh?

♪ As the truth peeks in ♪

♪ And you look at me ♪

♪ Reality will set in ♪

♪ As the truth peeks in ♪

♪ While I fly ♪

What are you doing?

What do you think?

Are you ready?

Hey! Wait!

I should've ended it
when I had the chance.

I should've run away before
I fell deeply in love with him.

But you didn't.

You hate commitments but
you had a relationship with him.

I didn't want to.

But Chan...

Chan was the only exception.

Upper body first...


And ready. Go up.

And then bend your knees.

And go up!

You're better than him, sir.

You're a fast-learner.

- There. Okay?
- There you go! Bend your knees.

Let's see. Just look
straight and go up.

There you go! You're
such a fast-learner, sir!

What if you fall?

If you fall?

Just cover your head
and land on your butt.

Did you hear that?
Land on your butt.

Catch me.

This is probably the
craziest thing I've ever done.

Which one? To surf?


I'm an obedient child, you know.

I don't want to rush into things
without having a solid plan.

Don't blame me if we run out of
food or we become homeless, okay?

Or we could just
sell our videos online.

What do you think?

You wish!


what happened to your parents?

Let's not talk about them.

Look at the gorgeous view.

This is so good.

It's getting hot in here.

The sun is up.

Just like your dick.

It's your fault.

You're sexy.

And you can do all sorts
of things on this body.

Except penetration.

Yeah. We need to talk about that.

Why? Is it a dealbreaker?

I don't know.

I'm not sure yet.

But if we want our
relationship to be official,

we need to figure
out our sex life, right?

What do you mean "official"?

You know what I mean.


Care to explain?

You already know it.

Maybe I gambled
too hard and I lost.

So you think you're the
only one who gambled?

He knew what he was getting into.

Everything that happened
to us was his choice, too.

Chan, where are you going?


But I know we were happy.

We were happy.

Our relationship wasn't
perfect, but we were okay.

What do you want me to say?
I didn't expect we'd meet again.

Tino, we talk every single day.

Yes, it was just video call, but
I thought it meant something.

Of course, it meant something.

So you mean what
we have isn't official?

God, Chan! It's not that serious!

Well, I'm serious.

Am I giving up everything for
something that's not serious?

I went with someone I don't know.

How stupid of me?



Did I force you to go with me?

I'm sorry.

I guess it's my fault
for not asking questions.


Let's get it out of the way.

I have never been in a
serious relationship before.

But I know that when it
comes to compatibility,

sex is very important.

So yes, it's a dealbreaker for me.

I survived the last six
months because of you.

You make me happy when
you listen to my stories...

when you listen to my rants.

At the back of my head, I
knew it's too good to be true.

I really wanted it to be true.

You know what I'm
feeling right now?

It's like waking up
from a perfect dream.



What do you what to happen then?

I want to go home.

That's what you want?

Then go home.

I don't know how
we got to this point.

He was the only person
I truly cared about.

I hope he felt that.

Are you okay?

Yes, I am. I just lost my balance.


Okay, I'm good.

Ouch! Thanks, sir.

Thanks, sir.

Is this for real?

You're leaving just
because we had a fight?

Chan, please don't go.

Please stay.

- Sorry.
- It's alright. It's okay.



Your teeth...


It's okay.

Chan, Chan...

It's okay. I'm good.

- I'm sorry. I'm not used to doing it.
- It's fine.

- I used to have braces.
- It's okay.


Do you want to fuck me?

Are you sure?


Stop, stop.


It's just that... I'm sorry.

Are you okay?

- Yeah.
- Let's try again?



Chan, Chan...

Are you okay?

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Let's just jerk off?

Are you coming? Yeah?




Almost there.


Let me have this.

My boyfriend is such a gentleman.

Take your seat.

Thank you.

Not just a gentleman,

but also a sweet lover.

The type that you'd
introduce to your parents.

That's the goal.

How about me?

Will you introduce
me to your parents?

Am I really that bad that
you still have to think about it?

It's not you.

It's my parents.

That's new.

Are they not accepting?

Not really.

They are not the problem.

I think it's me.

What do you mean?

I already told you that
I was adopted, right?

I just want to return
my parents' love.

It's better to introduce
someone to your parents

when you're already accomplished.

But you were a consistent
honor student, right?

You even graduated
with the highest honors.

I'm sure they're proud of you.

I hope so.

I am proud of you.

I have a crazy idea.


Never mind.

Forget it.

Just say it, or I won't
be able to sleep.

- It's nothing. Never mind.
- Come on.

What is it?

What's bothering you?

Okay, fine.

I'm just wondering...

Are you open for
an occasional third?

I'm not sure I got that right.


Would you be open to a...



I don't know.

I mean...

I know what a throuple is.

But I don't think it's for me.

No, no.

We don't need to have a
relationship with the other guy.

It's just pure hook up.

Of course, with a stranger.

We won't be doing it frequently.

I don't know...



Or thrice a month?

Just so we could get off.

I don't know.

It never crossed my mind.

It's fine.

It's okay. It's just an idea.

A crazy idea.

It's okay.

Do you have a crush on me?


Then why are you staring at me?




I'm considering it.

Considering what?

You already know it.

Just say it.

Your proposal.

That thing you wanted to try.

That we'll get into
an open relationship.

For real?

But we should set
some rules, okay?

Of course!

We are not going
to date other people.

We are just going to fuck them.

We should do it together and
both of us should like the guy.


Seems like you've
already figured this out.

Of course. There ought
to be some boundaries.


I'm okay with this one.


Come on!

This one?

I'm sure you like this type.


What's your type?




Bear? Chub? Otter? Effem?

I don't know.

I'll tell you once I find a match.

- Okay?
- Okay.


What took you so long?

I just bought something.

What's that?

Take a guess.


Did you swim?

I thought you went for a jog?


I have something to tell you.

I bumped into this gorgeous surfer
while I was jogging on the beach.

And then I fell
that's why I got wet.


Who's gorgeous?

Aren't you going
to ask if I'm okay?

You look fine.



Why would I be jealous?

I'm sure I'm better-looking.

You haven't even met him.

You even find it hard to pick
a guy from the dating app.

If he's on the app,
then I'm good with him.

For real? You're okay with him?

Who's this guy, anyway?

He gave me his number.

Do you want to meet him?


Let's do that so we can prove
that I'm the better-looking guy.

Let's eat?

What's this?

It's not that painful.

Stop complaining.
We're almost there.

I know. Are we here?


Hey! You made it!

You made it!

I thought we got lost.

This is Tino, my boyfriend.

Boyfriend. I see.

Nice meeting you, Tino.

I'm Joaquin.

It's dirty.


So, wanna come in?

Let's go?

Let's go.


Let's go.

You want egg?

- I'm good.
- Alright.

It doesn't just look
good, it also tastes good!

I get that a lot.

We're still talking about
the food, aren't we?

Of course.

So about pottery...

is it your hobby or your business?

Both, actually.

I accept made-to-order pots.

I only take orders if I want to.

I don't want to feel
pressured with the demands.

I get what you mean.

How long have you
been into pottery?

I've been meaning to do it
but I couldn't find the time.

I don't have time for hobbies.

I don't usually do protégés.

But since you're both cute,

I'll make an exception.

- Really?
- Yeah.

- You'll teach us?
- Yeah.

Go teach Chan.

I am not into that kind of stuff.


I'll look forward
to that, Joaquin.


But I'll ask something in return.

That's all you got?

Now, this is the party.

You like it?

You feel good?


Hey, hey.

- Wait.
- What?

Fuck me.



I feel good.


You good?

It's good?

Go for it!

So hot!

Good thing you're back.

What's wrong?

You have a visitor.

She said she's your
relative so I let her in.

She arrived the other night.

Go ahead and see
her. I'll go play mahjong.

Wish me luck! Bye.

Thank you.

Let's go?

I have no idea. Who could it be?




- Tino!
- What are you doing here?

How did you know I'm here?

I saw your post online.

I also asked around.

Isn't it obvious why I left?

Can't you respect my decision?

I understand why you're furious.

Then good!

Because I'm not going with you.

- Tino.
- Tino.


I'm not asking you to come home.

I just want you to
talk to your mom.

You should patch things up.

She's been drinking again.

And you're blaming me for it?

When you're the reason
why she became an alcoholic!

I was there when you
left us to be with a man.

I was there when
she was heartbroken.

I was there! I'd pick her up in random
bars because she was so drunk and wasted.

I'd clean her up.

I was there since
I was a teenager.

I know.

You do?

Then why did you abandon me?

If you want to be with mom again,

then you should
accept that side of her.

You're just starting out again
and yet you're already giving up?

Believe it or not,
I love your mom.

Get out of my life.


That's what you get
from running away.

Lucky you, your bad
deeds aren't chasing you.

I won't deny it,

I'm no saint.

But I never ran away.

Don't compare me with you.
I was honest with my ex-wife.

I wasn't running away from anyone.

I came here to
live life as I want to.

- But you also hurt other people, right?
- But I'm not an asshole like you.

Fuck, okay! Fine! I'm an asshole!

Yes! You're an asshole so
enough with your excuses.

Blame those bullshit
excuses for feeling miserable.

You talk like you're not at fault.

Well, it's not my fault that you're
drowning yourself in alcohol.

I don't get why my
mother had to come.

So it's her fault now?

Why? Am I wrong?

Do you think I chose
to be an asshole?

She just had to ruin everything.

She was only thinking of herself.

It's all about her and her
own fucking happiness.

When my mother left us,

I only cried once

because if mom saw me
crying, it would've devastated her.

Damn, it was hard.

The first few months was hard.

Until she moved on.

And I moved on, too.

We were okay.

We were happy.

Until my mother came
back to ruin everything again.

Are you okay?


Are you sure?

You can talk to me about it.

I'm fine. Just cuddle me.

Hello! Come in.

I'm sorry, it's quite messy.

Thank you.

Please take a seat.

Let's just wait for Tino.

He's out for a surfing lesson.

But he's still
recovering from sprain.

Let him be.

The more you stop
him, the more he'll resist.

- I'll just call him.
- No need!

I just want to make
sure that he's okay.

It's good that I met you.

The truth is,

we're still adjusting.

That's normal.

Her Mommy Hazel once told me that
Santino is allergic to relationships.

That's why I was
surprised when I met you.

It's probably our fault.

Maybe we're not good
role models for him.

Maybe that's also the reason why
his first boyfriend cheated on him.

First boyfriend?


When he was a teenager,
he dated a much older guy.

It happened while Hazel and I were
preoccupied with our own problems.

And when we found
out, it was too late.

Tino was traumatized.

He didn't tell me about it.

He only talks about
it with his mom.

And I understand why he
is indifferent towards me.

Anyway, I'm sorry
for taking your time.

It's fine. I'm just
reviewing for an exam.

You mean, a licensure exam?


I'm also a Certified Public
Accountant! Good luck! You can do it!

I really hope so.

I think that's stress.

When I was in college, I
cope through meditation.

You want me to teach you?

I'm tired of all your excuses.


I'm trying my best
here to be on your side.

But all you're saying is it's
Chan's fault, it's your mom's fault,

it's your mother's fault, it's the whole
world's fault why you're miserable.

You have a choice,

and you choose not to forgive.

It was your choice
to let Chan leave you.

It was your choice
to be an asshole.




Are you mad at me?

What do you think?

I told you I don't want
to talk about them.

But you even cozied
up to my mother.

Tino, she was just helping me out.

What's wrong with that?

I don't know what
you're going through

because you're not telling me.

I hate this.

All this drama.

You need to be a
little bit more delicate.

Not too hard but not too soft.

Am I doing it right?


Okay. Now...

try pressing the
center with your thumb.

Joaquin, what the hell?!

- What?
- What's wrong with you?

I'm sorry.

You smell good. I can't help it.

Can we focus, please?


Forget it. Let's just fuck.

- Let me make this clear.
- Okay.

I am only going to do it with
you when we're with Tino.




I thought this is
consented cheating.

What? No one's cheating here.

No one?

Joaquin, if you want to
say something, just say it.

You know.

I'm not the jealous type.

I can share you with him.

I tried to seduce Chan.

I thought I could charm
him but I was wrong.

But you,

you have a chance.

He cares a lot about you.

You just have to make up your mind

on what really matters to you.

Should we call Joaquin?

What is it this time?

Does he really have to be
here when we're having sex?

- I thought you're okay with it?
- Yes, I am.

I thought you're enjoying it.

So, do we need to ask for Joaquin's
permission before we have sex?

Why don't we let him
decide for our relationship?


Chan, please. I
don't want to argue.

That's what I ran away from.

Please, let's not fight.

No, let's fight over this!

So I don't feel
dismissed for once.

What do you mean?

I don't want to make
a big deal out of this.

Fuck! This is why I hate
relationships. There's too much drama.

This is not just drama.

I want to fix our
relationship, that's why.

I love you and I
will never hurt you.

Unlike your ex-boyfriend.

What did you say?

Did my mother tell you that?

Do you think you're
doing me a favor?

You know nothing about my past!

- I said...
- Shut up!

Shut up.


Chan called me.

Good thing I found you here.

What happened?

Can we talk this time?

What are you doing here anyway?

Didn't I tell you to leave?!

But I promised your
mom that I will fix this.

Don't you think
it's too late for that?

I was so thankful when
you and mom broke up.

You were always
fighting and bickering.

I thought I was the only
reason why you stayed together.

Whatever your mom
and I went through,

has nothing to do with you.


that's why you left me,

because your boyfriend
didn't want me in your life!

You abandoned me.

- Because your mama needed you...
- I needed you!

I'm sorry.

But son, I'm here now.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

You're right.

You're right.

I deserve to be alone.

At least I won't be
able to hurt anyone.

If anything, I know it's
possible because of you.

Fuck it.

Do you really have to
make me your role model?

I mean... Come on.

It's not such a bad
idea to not give a fuck.

It seems fun...

It's fun to not commit.

When you're not responsible for
someone else's feelings but your own.


It's you.


Okay. I will answer
one of your questions.

I'm only human.

I get sad, I get happy,

I get afraid, and I get angry.

I wish I could share those
feelings with someone.

I wish I had someone
to celebrate with.

But I'm over it.

So over it.

It's hot.

It's hot.

What are you doing?

What do you think I'm doing?

Just pretend that I'm Chan, okay?

I'm Chan.


Who the fuck is that?!


Wake up.

Tino! Wake up.

Take a shower. Go!

It's up to you. Wake up.


I said I'm coming, damn it!

- Is Tino here?
- Hey Chan! What a surprise!

Chan... Chan, wait!


Chan, wait..

Calm down.

Chan, calm down, please.

Please, can we not
resort to violence?

We can talk about this.




Chan, enough.


That's enough, Chan.

Chan! Please!

That's enough, Chan!

Stop it!


Chan, stop it!

Are you sure about this?

Chan, stop this. I know
what you're doing. Stop!

Isn't this what you want?

I said stop, damn it!

I'll do it.

I don't mind being used to
fix your fucking relationship.

But what the hell are you up to?

I'll just take a shower.

But when I'm done, I
want the both of you gone.


Can we talk about what happened?

Chan, please say something.

What do you want me to say?

Do you want us to fight
and scream at each other?

We know where this is going.

Do you want to end this?


Can we still fix this?

How are you so calm?

I put you in this
difficult situation.

Curse and hurt me all you want.

Trust me, Tino.

I want to hurt you so bad.

Then why are you so calm?

Because I feel stupid

for thinking we
can still fix this.

How can we fix this?

I don't deserve to be forgiven.

I made a huge mistake.

Whenever there's a
problem, I always run away

because I don't
know how to face it.

I leave before someone leaves me.

To avoid getting hurt.

Not everyone will leave you,

even if you show
them your worst side.

If you want be like
me, it's up to you.

But you...

you have so much love to give.

Just allow yourself to
be loved by other people.

But before that happens,

you have to
forgive yourself first.

Thank you for not giving up on me.

There's still room. Hurry!

The bus is leaving now!

♪ And now I know ♪

♪ That you can't change ♪

♪ Their point of view ♪

♪ Whatever you do ♪

♪ And now I know ♪

♪ You won't see ♪

♪ Your direction ♪

♪ By trying to please them ♪

♪ We're not meant to be ♪

♪ We're not meant to be ♪

♪ We're not meant to be ♪

♪ And I now know ♪

♪ You don't have be ♪

♪ Swept by the current ♪

♪ Rise up and be calm ♪

♪ We're not meant to be ♪

♪ We're not meant to be ♪

♪ We're not meant to be ♪

♪ We're not meant to be ♪

♪ We're not meant to be ♪

♪ We're not meant to be ♪

♪ We're not meant to be ♪

♪ And now I know ♪

♪ You don't have be ♪

♪ Swept by the current ♪

♪ Rise up and be calm ♪

♪ And now I know ♪

♪ That you can't change ♪

♪ Swept by the current ♪

♪ Rise up and be calm ♪

♪ We're not meant to be ♪

♪ We're not meant to be ♪

♪ We're not meant to be ♪

♪ We're not meant to be ♪

♪ We're not meant to be ♪

♪ We're not meant to be ♪

♪ We're not meant to be ♪

♪ And now I know ♪

♪ You don't have be ♪

♪ Swept by the current ♪

♪ Rise up and be calm ♪