Two Thousand and None (2000) - full transcript

A man finds himself developing a new perspective on life once he finds out it's almost over. Benjamin Kasparian is a paleontologist of Armenian descent who has just split up with his wife Amanda. While trying to readjust to single life, Benjamin visits the doctor and is informed he's suffering from an unusual brain disease called Talbot's Syndrome, and he's not likely to live longer than five weeks. Benjamin is initially philosophical about his fate and decides to enjoy himself as much as he can in the time he has left - much to the disgust of Amanda, his best friend, his boss, and his new girlfriend, all of whom believe he should be taking the matter more seriously. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
(Multicom Jingle)

(ominous music)

(fast paced music)

(birds chirping)

(helicopter whirring)

- Benji, you're still in one piece!

- [Benjamin] Why are you so late!

- [Male] Late? Who?

- [Benjamin] You!

- [Male] We are not late!

We arrived on time!

- [Benjamin] Do you think it's fun

standing out here like an idiot!

- [Male] Why didn't you
sit down over there?

- [Benjamin] Because you
were supposed to be here

four hours ago!

- Listen, they said Tuesday at two.

- I said Tuesday at 10!

- Two!

- [Benjamin] 10!

- Two!

- [Benjamin] 10!

- All right, all right, you forget.

Anything conclusive?

- Well, if Patterson's readings
cooperate the way I expect,

we can start digging next summer.

- [Male] Next summer, are you kidding?

- It's nice to see you too.

(quirky music)

- [Male] This sets fish
back by how much again?

- Not fish, bony fish.

- 45 million years.

- About.

- A bony fish from Cambrin.

Who would have known?

- Such an exciting time for paleontology.

- It certainly is.

Their direction calender
is forever changed.


- You guys are the best
thing I've got going.

- Oof.

- [Benjamin] Oh God.

- So can you be ready for the 21st?

- Will that give you enough time?

- [Male] 28th.

- [Male] Three weeks.

- Are you all right?

- Just a bit of a headache, that's all.

- So.

- Yes, well, Mr. Kasparian you've read

the divorce agreement?

- I wrote it.

- Yeah, but I rewrote it.

- Amanda made a few, I
think, fair editions.

You might wanna take
some time, look it over.

Perhaps we should schedule
another appointment?

- No, that's fine, I'll look it over now.

- Don't you wanna...

- Let's just get this over with, no?

Excuse me.

- Certainly, there you are.

(slow paced music)

Okay, that's it.

- That's it.

- [Blonde] That's all.

- Hold on.

- You practicing tonight?

- [Woman] We're performing.

- Oh, is it the 12th already?

- [Woman] It's the 14th.

- Already?

So it's Prokofiev then, hm?

- No, that was three weeks ago.

It's Shostakovich and Honegger tonight.

Your stuff keeps popping up everywhere.

I think this is the last of it.

- This is mine?

- My mother gave it to
you, you never wore it.

- I've never seen this tie in my life.

- You did, you saw it once.

- What's this?

- Your bone.

- My bone?


I gave you this bone, it was a gift.

You said you loved it.

- Well I did.

It's a great bone.

I just thought it would
be more useful to you.

- But it was a gift.

- Okay, okay, I'll keep it.

No need to get upset.

All right?

- Fine, you?

- Great.
- Good.

- [Woman] You're so easy to talk to.

- What?

- Well we just got divorced,

don't you have anything to say?

- [Benjamin] Let's not--

- Okay, you're right.

Let's not, just for a change.

- Anyway, what's there for me to say?

You wanted to get married, we got married.

You wanted to get
divorced, we got divorced.

Where's the problem, hm?

- There's no problem.

- Okay.

- Goodbye.

- [Both] Oh yeah.

(Benjamin groaning)

- Oh shit!

- [Woman] Oh yeah!

- Oh no!


I have to go.

- Where?

- I have an appointment.

I really really have to go.

I'm sorry.

- Go?
- I'm sorry.

- [Woman] Now?

(door knocking)

- Benjamin.

- I'm sorry I'm late.

It's been a fiddy day.

- Please, sit down.

How are you?

- Well, you know, those
headaches keep coming back.

Otherwise I'm fine.


- I wanted to be sure, so I
didn't say anything last time.

- Benjamin, we have
some clear test results.

- I see.

- I'm convinced now that
you have Talbot's syndrome.

- Who's Talbot?

- He was a neurobiologist in Arizona.

He identified a very rare brain disease.

What's happening essentially
is that your brain

is getting bigger.

- Bigger?

- Yes.

And the pressure from the expansion

is causing some problems.

- Problem?

- [Woman] Yes.

- Expansion.

- Yes.

- Swelling, you mean my brain is swelling?

- Well, yes, you could call it swelling.

I'm sorry--

- What are you sorry about?

The swelling?

- Yes.

- How sorry?

- The reason your myopia is diminishing

is because your lenses are
sort of flattening out.

Your eyesight will continue to improve.

- Well that's very good.

Now what about the swelling?

- I don't know how to say this--

- Words, use words.

- The pain won't worsen,

and it's not contagious.

There's also the possibility
of a symptomatic condition

called memory inhibition cascade.

Which could be followed by
some degree of hearing loss.

It's temporary.

But unfortunately, there's no
treatment for what you have.

And the disease,

I'm so sorry Benjamin,

but the disease is terminal.

(somber music)

(solemn music)

(heavy breathing)

(utensils clanking)
(slow paced music)

- Mom.

Dad, how?

You're dead.

- Well of course we are.

- It's been years Benjamin.

- My God.

So there is an afterlife.

- Oh Benjamin.

- We are actually only a
figment of your imagination.

Probably brought on by your weakened state

and your desperate need for guidance.

- I'm gonna die.

- You make it sound so terrible.

- Dead, alive, what's the difference?

Don't be so individualistic.

What, you think it's
important to the world

if you kick off tomorrow?

You're insignificant my son, tiny.

Take it from me, I know these things.

And a narcissist.

- [Mother] I wonder
where he got that from.

- Don't start with me,
your sister raised him.

- Who's starting?

I'm not starting, I'm finished.

- But, what happens after?

- After what dear?

- After I die.

What about my friends,

won't they be affected?

- Friends?

Sure, for a while.

I hope.

- I'm sure they will.

- [Father] They'll get over it.

- Ah, you can't go on living forever.

- I think the important
thing in times like this

is to maintain a good sense of humor.

- There, you feel a little better now.

- Of course he does.

Sure he does.

You're free, don't you see?

You're more free than anyone around you.

- Free?

- Yes.

Freedom isn't gained by work
or political struggle, but--

- But dying.

Look at us.

Since the accident, over time,

your mother and I come to understand

the value of a good solid death.

- And you know ahead of time.

You're very fortunate.

You can take advantage dear.

- Well, what are you waiting for?

Stop dramatizing and eat something hm?

- Something hot.

- Maybe you could become a figment

in somebody elses imagination.

How about that Amanda girl?

She looks like a girl with
a good dependable memory.

- There's nothing wrong with that girl.

And she's got a lovely figure.

- Well, lovely figure, good memory,

what more do you want?

- Wait, what about my research?

What about those finds?

- Finds?

Finds are finds, finders keepers.

Son, we've got to get going.

And I think you have a
class to teach now, no?

- We loved you very much Benjamin.

You know that don't you?

(slow instrumental music)

- So the, (clears throat), important thing

about the cretaceous period

is the development of the...

- Birds.


- Birds.

- Yeah, didn't birds first appear

in the cretaceous period?

- Yes.

Yes they did, certainly.

Beaks and all.

But the real significance
of the cretaceous period

is that it brought about a sudden,

almost explosive multiplicity of species.

And variations within species.

You see, when we think about the layers,

all those layers of traces of death,

of corpses, skeletal remains, fragments,

fossilized imprints, markings, life,

the coming and going of
one species after another

all there, sometimes just meters away

but millions of years apart.

Excuse me one moment.

- Benjamin!

(organ music)

(shovel digging)


- I'm here Amanda.

- [Amanda] Benjamin!

- Amanda, it's me.

- [Male] I wanna go to Chicago.

(bell ringing)

I wanna go to Chicago.
- Benjamin!

- [Male] I wanna go to Chicago.

- [Amanda] Benjamin!

- [Male] I wanna go to Chicago.

(bell ringing)

(people chattering)

- Hey!

Hey everybody, he's here!

- [Everyone] Surprise!

- Oh my friend!

Benjamin, Benjamin, my friend.

Of course I'm here with you,

because I love you, that's why.

There he is used to seeing
his life like shorts.

Pain and love.

Yes, pain also hurts, it's true,

but not as much as love.

- Happy birthday.

Happy birthday.

- [Everyone] Happy birthday!

(perky music)

- So next year you'll have
more than enough funding.

You must be so happy.

- Ecstatic.

- I wanted to ask you, are there any

plans to put the fish on tour?

- That's a very good idea.

(Amanda coughing)

- I heard about your divorce.

I'm so sorry.

- What?

- I said I heard about your divorce.

I'm so sorry.

- Isn't it funny?

The way love just comes
and goes like that.

- It's not the only thing
that comes and goes.

What's love anyway?

What's the purpose?

- Purpose?

(singing in foreign language)

- Benjamin, I think we have to be leaving.

Just wanted to say happy birthday

and thank you so much for inviting us.

- I didn't invite you,
it was a surprise party.

- Let's dance.

What is the matter with you?

You're acting so strange.

- Just, I don't know what to do.

- About what?

- I don't know.

I don't know how to see it.

- About what?

The divorce?

- What divorce?

- Our divorce.

- Oh no, no.

I can't.

I don't wanna talk about it.

- Benjamin.


Is it rude if I cut in?

- Cut in?

- [Benjamin] Sure you can cut in.

- [Amanda] She can?

- I heard the big news.

- You did?

- The divorce is final.

- Oh yes, yes.

- I came to save you.

(speaks too fast)

You know, I heard the other big news too.

- What?

- I heard you have a really big dick?

- Huh?

- I said I heard you
found a really big fish.

Is something wrong?

- Nothing, I just thought I
heard you say something else.

- What'd you think you heard me say?

That I heard you have a really big dick?

(Benjamin moaning)

(door knocking)

Happy birthday.

(door knocking)

- Oh sorry.

- That's all right.

- [Benjamin] Excuse me.

- Hey Benjamin, listen we gotta get going.

- Oh good.

- We had a great time earlier.

Probably see ya next week.

I've gotta get you--

- I love your coatrack.

Look, honey, it's hexagonal.

We should get one like this.

It would look great in the entree.

- [Male] Would it?

- Yeah.

- Take it.

- What?

- Yeah.

It's yours, I want you to have it.

- No.

- Take it, I insist.

I never liked it anyway.

It's like...

- What are you talking about?

- Shut up and take it and go home with it.

All right, bye.

- Thanks.
- Thanks.

- [Benjamin] Frank, hi.

I want you to have this.


I know you love this painting.

It's yours.

Now don't start with
polite, mundane arguments,

just go home and put it on the wall.

Are you comfortable?

- Yes.

- Take the chair when you leave.

- Can we talk?

- Yeah.

- [Amanda] No, seriously.

- [Benjamin] You start.

- Okay.

Listen, I know I'm only your
ex-wife now and all that,

so maybe you don't feel
like talking to me anymore.

Not that you ever did really,

but you're acting very strange.

What's going on?

I wanna know.

I've known you long enough to know

when you're hiding something.

I can tell because you're
doing that blinking thing.

- There's been a change in my plans.

- What plans?

- None of it seems real
yet, somehow it is.

Realest thing I ever felt.

But I kinda don't feel it.

Know what I mean?

- Can you be more specific?

- Well,

I saw my doctor.

- [Amanda] What for?

- For a headache.

- [Amanda] And?

- And she said I have a
terminal brain disease.

I have about 30 days to live.

- Sorry, what?

- [Benjamin] I have a brain
disease, I'm going to die.

- A brain?

- Yes.

And the doctor gives me
a reliable five weeks.

- Five weeks for what?

- Well,

for life.

- Well,

but I mean, there must...

Why don't you have the operation?

- What operation?

What operation?

Is there an operation?

- I could have sworn you said
you had to have an operation.

- I never said anything
about an operation.

Amanda, you can't argue with death.

- Argue?

I'm not arguing, I'm
just not understanding--

- I mean it's very simple,
I have a brain disease.

It's Talbot's Syndrome.

In a few weeks, my time will come.

Please, I prefer you didn't
tell anyone about it.

- Oh my god, you're not kidding.

- When did I say I was kidding?

I have not time for kidding.

You know, five weeks isn't that long

when you sit down and
really think about it.

- And you don't wanna tell anyone?

- Well it'll, you know.

- Change things.



It's okay.

It's okay.

- Oh my god, what are you gonna do?

- Live and then die.

What are you gonna do?

(fast paced piano solo)

- Ladies and gentlemen,

ladies and gentlemen,
your attention please!


Thank you so much for coming everyone.

This is an exciting day for us all

and for the science of
paleontology in general.

The earth's history is long indeed.

Few men on the planet can grasp

the shape and magnitude of time beyond

the brief existence of man.

Dr. Benjamin Kasparian and his assistant

Dr. Jeremiah Kissalot are two such men.

Since their unprecedented
findings this spring,

launched here today,

much of our understanding
of the evolutionary clock,

especially in relation to
the development of bone

has changed dramatically.

And this is only the beginning

of what these esteemed men of science

expect to be an unbelievable, stimulating,

and fruitful new era for paleontology.

And so without further ado,

I'd like to introduce you to a man

who digs deeper than most,

and a dear dear friend of mine,

Dr. Benjamin Kasparian.

(crowd applauding)

- Thank you for coming.

This is my fish.

It's, bony.

It's very old.

I hope you enjoy it.

(door creaking)

- [Amanda] Excuse me.

- Benjamin, what the hell
kind of speech was that?

- He's got a brain disease.

A terrible, terminal brain disease.

- What?

- He's got a month to live.

- Benjamin.

(people chattering)
(light music)

- I must say Benjamin, how happy I am

to see you handling it so well.

- Well, how else should I handle it, hm?

Like him?

Excuse me, waiter?

Vodka for my friend here.

He's suddenly become very boring.

- No thank you.

- Just bring the bottle.

Don't worry, he's really a very weak man.


Would you stop dramatizing
and eat something?

- I guess it's all right
for you to drink then?

- Yes, it's perfectly fine.

- What about food?

- Food, food is good.

I like food.

- I mean, are there any
foods that you can't eat?

- I have a brain disease, not an ulcer.

- So, you'll stay stabile
as you are now, until,


- Until what?

Why don't you just say it?

It's only one syllable.

- Until you die.

- Yes!

Stable until I die.

Stable like crazy.

- I see.

- Of course there's the headaches.

Would you like?

- Yes, but your condition won't worsen.

- Apparently, I may also lose my memory.

- What?

- Did I forget to mention it?

- Is there anything else
you forgot to mention?

- To Jeremiah.

(speaking foreign language)

Good health, long life.


See it all depends on whether
the mamillary reticulum

reach into saturation threshold before the

decay of dendritic processes
in the limbic system.

That way, I'll lose my
memory and then die.

If it's the other way around,

I'll die and then lose my memory.

Of course I won't lose my
memory because I'll be dead.

But it's quite fascinating,
don't you think?

The important thing in times like this,

is to maintain a good sense of humor.

That's what it's for.

- Since when do you have a sense of humor?

- I'm working on it.

- I hate to tell you this,
but you're not very funny.

- When?

- You've never been funny.

- Oh, well I'd like to be.

Better late than never.

- Well, it could be worse I suppose.

- What do you mean, "Could be worse!"

How could it possibly be worse!

I'm sorry.

- How could it be worse?

Well, it could be,


The bread could be stale.

It could be you.

You see my point?

- Yes, of course, it's...

It's just that it's a bit of a shock.

- I'm sorry, but I think it's
more than a bit of shock.

And what are you doing?

- What?

- You are eating.

- I'm hungry.

- How could you be hungry?

- [Amanda] Jeremiah, please.

- What?

- Excuse me.

- We have to do something.

- I agree, I completely agree.


What are we gonna do?

Everything's gonna be just fine.

I think it's best for him,
if he just keeps working.

And that way--

- [Waiter] Excuse me.

This is for you.

- "I haven't got the time
for all this hanging around

"and talking about death,

"so I'm getting on a
plane and leaving town.

"Sorry, thanks for the
company and so long.

"Love Benjamin.

"P.S. the bill is paid,
don't pay it again."

- How could he just
(fast quirky music)

leave like that!

- He can't leave, we still need him!

- Taxi!


- I'll go this way.

- [Announcer] Passengers
traveling on Delta Airlines

flight 887 to Chicago should now be

boarding at gate 17B.

This is a final boarding call.

All passengers traveling to Chicago

on Delta 887 should proceed immediately

to gate 17B.

- Benjamin!


(fast paced music)


- Get away from me!

- Benjamin!
- Leave me alone!

- Stop it!
- Leave me alone!

- [Benjamin] Is this a hospital?

Am I in a hospital?

- I'm sorry.

- What time is it?

Where's my watch?

Have I lost a whole day?

Or has it been longer?

- They say they want to
keep you for observation.

- Observation?

I haven't got time

to sit around and be observed.

Where are my clothes?

- What's he doing?

- [Benjamin] Where are my clothes?

- [Jeremiah] I sit here,
he getting dressed.

- Where are my clothes?
- Benjamin.

- [Benjamin] Yes!

- Don't you think you should stay a little

just to be on the safe side?

- Safe side?

Amanda, in less than four weeks I'm gone,

finished, extinct.

What are they gonna do?

Cholesterol tests?

- You bumped your head quite badly.

- No, no, Jeremiah bumped my head,

maybe they should observe him.

- They just wanna check
your head a little--

- Just a little?

This is a hospital.

They don't just a little in hospitals.

And God forbid they should
find out what I have.

- I just called the
doctor, she's on her way.

- Where did you learn to tackle like that?

- [Jeremiah] In Russia.

- I don't feel good
about leaving like this.

- So stay.

What is it with you?

Can't a man go on a trip
when he feels the need?

- Well, it was all so sudden

and we had no idea where
you could be going,

and the curator said he still needed--

- Well where is he anyway?

- He called, he's in Chicago.

- [Benjamin] Chicago?

What's he doing in Chicago?

- Ah, it's a long story.

- Really?

- Yeah.

- Tell me, I like long stories.

(Amanda slapping)

- I am so sorry.

- [Benjamin] Easy, easy!

- Did I hurt your brain?

- [Benjamin] Jesus!

- I don't know what happened.

- I'll tell you what happened,

you're arguing with death again.

Which is fine, which is fine,

if it makes you happy.

But the problem is, I'm
paying the price for it.

- Benjamin, hi.

Sorry about your accident.

- Which one?

- Well you seem to be in good shape.

- Thank you.

- Since you're here, could
I ask you to sign something?

It's for the cloning.

- Cloning?

- [Amanda] Cloning?

- What cloning?

- Some colleagues of
mine are very interested

in the brain cell samples I took.

It's an important
opportunity and I thought,

being a man of science that you would--

- What brain?

- Your brain.

- You're cloning his brain?

- Not me, some colleagues.

I don't clone.

- Does that mean, is there a chance that--

- I'm afraid it's strictly research.

We're even still trying
to identify the cell--

- You're cloning my brain?

I like that.

- Oh here.

Well, thank you very much Benjamin.

This means a lot to the community.

- It is my pleasure.

- [Doctor] Well if you need
anything you let me know, okay?

- Thank you.

- Well, I'll leave you now.

- Excuse me.

- Isn't that great.

- I don't understand how
you can take it like this.

- Take what?

- Well, you're dying for God's sake

and now they're cloning your brain!

You just don't--

- Look, I made a decision
to make the best of it

and enjoy myself.

There's no plan B.

There's no operation.

There's no way out!

We've been through this before!

Life is not just life.

It's life and then
death, they go together.

That's the way it's always been

and it's not gonna change just for me.

Or you.

- Well I mean, okay!

Can I have a little time to adjust!

- No!

That's the whole point.

There's not time for adjusting!

There's only time for having time!

That's all there's time for!

- [Amanda] Stop!

Where are you going!

- On vacation!

(machine ticking)

- [Announcer] JAL passenger Rosen,

please go to the nearest JAL counter.

Passenger Rosen to the
nearest JAL counter.

(slow paced music)

(door creaking)

(woman gasps)

- I never knew you would grow up

to be such a stupid man!

What happened?

- What, what, what did I do?

(speaking foreign language)

- One year and a half you
don't even show your face!

One year and a half you don't even call!

And now, everybody is looking for you!

And they sound so worried and
they don't tell me anything!

What happened?

- Nothing.

Nothing, everything's fine.

- Sit down.

What's the news, talk.

Is it very bad?

- I was about to go.

- Go where?

- But then I realized something.

- What?

- I've been realizing
many things recently.

- What?

- Like the fact that you're
the only family I have left.

- This is news?

It takes you 30 years to realize this?

- I realized it before, but...

- But what?
(phone ringing)

There, you see?

Like I said, every 10 minutes.

- Auntie, I'm not here.

- You look like you're here.

- But I'm not, I'm gone.

- [Aunt] Ringing, ringing,
every 10 minute, ringing!

(water clicking)

(clock chiming)

You want tea?

- I better get going.

- Going?

Go where?

- I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you.

I'll visit more often, I promise.

- Benjamin.

- Yes.

- If anything should
happen, I'm here for you.

Always, hm?


(somber music)

- I'm so glad--

- Jesus!

- Benjamin--

- You scared the fuck out of me!

- [Jeremiah] Oh, I'm
sorry Benjamin, I'm sorry.

- Oh God.

How the hell did they find out about this?

- [Jeremiah] What's this?

(phone ringing)

- They wanna study my brain.

A week!

They're wasting their time,
I want nothing to do with it.

I have to,

I have to--

- Spend time with your friends Benjamin.

(phone beeping)

- [Amanda] Listen, it's me, Amanda.

I'm just calling to let you
know that I accept your death

and well, I understand
that there's nothing

I can do to stop it and that you're happy

and that there's really no operation.

And that I'm only your ex-wife

and all the things that you have to do.

So I don't know if you've left

or if you'll be back before you die,

I hope you will be because I'd like

very much to see you before you die.

So you don't need to avoid me anymore

and I'm 100% behind you in
whatever you decide to do.

And, well, that's all.

Okay, bye.

- Jeremiah,

I need to ask you a favor.

- [Jeremiah] Yes.

- Remember this business
about my memory going?

(phone ringing)



Yes, I did receive your letter.

No, I am in no way,
shape, or form interested.

Yes, I have considered it carefully,

that's why I decided against it.

No, I will not reconsider.

Well that's nice, but
I'm gonna hang up now.

Nope, absolutely not.


If it does go, my memory,

promise me that you'll tell me about it.

You promise me that you'll explain

that I'm going to die.

I wanna know, you know, the truth.

- Why me?

- What?

(phone ringing)

- Let me.


- [Aunt] Benjamin?

- Oh, he is not--

- [Aunt] It's his Auntie.

- Oh, I'm sorry.

- [Aunt] You're not Benjamin!

- Hold on.

- [Aunt] Can I speak to Benjamin?

- It's your aunt.

- Hello Auntie.

- [Aunt] Benjamin, you
must come back to my house.

We have very important
things to talk about,

don't you think so?

- Yes.

- [Aunt] Come quickly.

I don't feel very well
at all, are you coming?

- I'm coming, yes.

(phone dial tone)

I have to go.

- [Jeremiah] Of course, I understand.

May I come?

- All right.

But I better let her know.

(phone ringing)

(speaking foreign language)

(metal clanking)

(pots clanking)

(water clicking)

(somber music)

I'm sorry.

(phone ringing)


- [Daphne] Benjamin, it's Daphne.

- Yes.

- I really enjoyed our time at your

birthday party last week.

How are you?

- Yes.

- [Daphne] What?

- Yes?

- [Daphne] Well I was wondering,

I was wondering if I were to come over?

- Yes.

- [Daphne] That we could
maybe get comfortable

and I don't know, you could tie me up

and we could get kinky.

- Yes.

- [Daphne] Yeah?

- Why not.

- [Daphne] Okay, I'll be right over.

(Daphne laughing)

There's too much.

I think there's too
much blood in my brain.

(dog barking)

(Daphne laughing)

(machine ticking)

Don't stop.

(somber music)

We should do this again.

Like a lot.

What do you think?

- I have to go to Armenia.

- [Daphne] Really?


- You wanna come?

- Are you kidding?

I've got things to do, I'm a busy woman.

- Bye!

- [Daphne] Anyway, I gotta get going.

And you need your sleep Mr. Weird.

- Okay.

It's a gift.

- Thank you.

- [Benjamin] Thank you.

- It's beautiful.

(speaking foreign language)

- Oh, goodbye.

(door knocking)

Benjamin, I know you're in here.


Did you have a nice time last night?

- [Benjamin] I did.

- I'm glad.

- Thank you.

I'm glad that you're here,

I have something important to do

and I wanna discuss it with you.

- Oh, like what?

Like fucking that floozy again?

That's your idea of peace and pleasure

and having a good time?

Is that what you wanna talk about?

Don't you have any depth!

- I wanna rebury my parents remains.

- Sorry?

(door knocking)

- Hi.

- [Jeremiah] Am I interrupting?

- No, no, no.

Come right in, come right in.

I was just saying that I wanna

exhume my parents remains

and rebury them in Armenia.

- Why?

- Because I remembered that's
what my fathered wanted.

- And you just remembered this now?

- I've been remembering
a lot of things lately.

A lot of things.

(door knocking)

Oh what the--

- Oh it's okay, it's okay.

I'll get it.

- Hello, I'm Walter Dargis from the

neurobiology research institute

of the University of Cavallo.

This is my associate Phillip Carlilo

from the Daicom
pharmaceutical corporation.

- Yes.

- Are you Dr. Benjamin
Kasparian paleontologist?

- Yes I am.

- Jeremiah, can you come in here

and answer one question please?


(Benjamin speaks too low)


- Jeremiah?

- [Amanda] Jeremiah?

- Jeremiah.

- Benjamin?

- [Benjamin] Jeremiah?

- Is he inside?

I said, is he in the apartment?

- What?

- Is he in the apartment?

- Is this some kind of joke?

How come I can't hear anything?

- You can't hear?

What do you mean you can't hear?

Can you hear me now!

- Amanda, I can't hear you.

- Oh my God, you can't hear.

- I can't hear anything.



- Hello, I'd like to speak
to Dr. Maeder please.

- Hello?


- She's not in?

- Who'd you call?
- Yes it is an emergency.

- [Benjamin] Who did you call?

- Dr. Maeder.

I know.

Regarding Benjamin Kasparian.

- Tell them I can't hear.

- He can't hear.

- Hello.
- Yes.

- Hello.
- Yes.

- [Benjamin] Hello?

I mean, I can't believe
this fucking disease!

I mean, I think I've been pretty good

about this whole thing!

- Will you shut up!

- [Benjamin] Why when a
man is unfortunate enough

to have to die is he denied a break?

- [Amanda] How dare you!

- [Benjamin] What?

- [Amanda] I swear, if you
lose it now I'll kill you!

- [Benjamin] What?

- Dr. Maeder!

Dr. Maeder!

He can't hear.

- Oh, oh that's normal.

- I can't hear, how come I can't hear!

- Normal?

- It's a known symptom, it's temporary.

- [Amanda] Temporary?

- Is this my brain?

- [Maeder] Mm-hm.

- It's a bit small, no?

- [Maeder] Mm-hm.

- Of course, as I mentioned,

you will have to clear it
with the embassies involved

and that may take some time.

But you should have everything you need

by the end of October.

- October, did he say October?

- End of October.

- This is insane, tell him it's too long.

- It's too long.

- It's much too long.

- Nothing personal, but, what's the rush?

They've been dead for over 30 years.

I mean, opening a grave is a serious

and complicated endeavor.

It takes time to get
the proper paperwork--

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I'm a paleontologist.

Do you understand?

- I appreciate that Mr. Kasparian, I do.

It's quite ironic, I know,

but this is no scientific excavation.

This falls under the
jurisdiction of the law.

Federal law and--

- Federal law!

- I can hear him.

- And international law as well.

I mean, you can't just dig up cadavers

and start flying around
the world with them.

- Why not?

- Well,

you need clearance.

- Really?

- They're the property of the state.

And have been for quite some time now.

- Really?

(door slams)

(door banging)

(shovel digging)

(somber music)
(machine clicking)

(ambient music)

(fast paced music)

- We tested three different treatments.

Of course, not very
happy with the results.

(door buzzing)

- [Amanda] Got the tickets.

- [Benjamin] Thank you.

Brain's too big.

Let's go!

- I'm glad we're doing this.

I know how much you loved your parents.

Maybe I didn't have to
come with you though,

I mean, Daphne could've come instead.

- No, I'm glad you're here.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

- Really?

- I mean, it's true, Daphne is young,

and beautiful, sexy,

but you see the thing is that with you,

with you I have history.

- History?

- Yeah.

You're history for me.

- Thanks, that's very sweet.

- History is good.

(tribal music)

(announcer speaking in foreign language)

- [Announcer] Passengers
flying on airline flight

317 to Paris may now board at gate 15.

- Can we drink the water here?

- Are you Armenia?

- No.

- Then you can't drink the water.

- That's very funny Benjamin.

And I love you Benjamin.

- I love you too.

- Oh my God.

- Wait.

Hold on.

Wait a minute.

No, they couldn't have.

They couldn't have.

Hold on, just wait.

Just wait, hold on.

Just wait, just wait.

Wait a minute.

- I'm sure it's just a--

- They did it.

Oh my God.

(male knocking)

I've really done it now.

- Get down, get down, get down!

- Fuck!


Fucking airline!



Fucking, fucking,
fucking, fucking airline!

Fucking shit!
(window knocking)

This fucking airline is shit!

(male speaking foreign language)



You wanna talk?

My bags are gone!

(speaking foreign language)

I'll give you issue!

- [Male] What is problem?

- I'll tell you what is problem.

My parents are gone!

- Your parents?

- My parents are gone,
they were in the luggage!

- Your parents--

- In the luggage, they
were in a piece of luggage!

And now they're gone!

They're gone.

- You fill out form, (speaks too low).

- Forms!

There's a lot of forms!

- What I can do?

- Make the phone call right now?

- [Male] Who do I call?

- [Benjamin] My parents are gone!

- [Clerk] We'll find your parents.

- [Benjamin] The luggage is gone!

- I will call the man!

Who am I calling!

- [Benjamin] Find the man
who works underground!

- [Clerk] Who am I calling?

- The man who works underground!

- Where do I go?

- There, underground!

- I will help you find your parents!

I will help you find your luggage,

but this is highly
irregular to this place.

No entry, please!

I will find them.

(metal clanking)

(tribal music)

(perky music)

(thunder cracking)

(machine clicking)

- Stop.

Stop the car.

- Benjamin!

(Benjamin sobbing)

- [Father] You're having a hard time son?

- [Mother] Hello dear.

- [Benjamin] I don't wanna die.

- [Mother] But you have to dear.

- [Father] Everyone has to.

- [Mother] My poor boy.
(somber music)

- [Father] Son, I know, you're
having a difficult time.

- [Mother] This is all your fault.

- My fault?

- You misled the poor
boy with all your talk.

That was very irresponsible.

- I told him to enjoy his final days.

I did not tell him to
shut out his feelings.

Son, did I tell you to
ignore your feelings?

- No.

- See.

- Still, you could have been
a little more thoughtful.

- Anyway, I think the contents
of hallucinatory apparitions

are the responsibility of the
person having the apparition.

Not the people appariting.

- Well then perhaps something was missed

while you were his father.

- I died when he was eight.

He's a grown man for God sakes.

He's older than I am, huh.

I was around for what?

80 into 40...

20% of his life.

Do you think I'm totally accountable?

- Yes, but those were the formative years!

- Formative years?

- I was there, all the
time I worked like a dog.

- And where the hell do you think I was?


- Anyway, do you really think
this is the right time to--

- You're the one that brought it up!

- Well someone has to.

God forbid things should be brought up,

he is the same way!

You did a good job of passing that along.

- Mom and Dad, stop it, stop it!

Don't argue anymore.

It's a bad thing.

It only makes demons come out.

And then when the demons are out,

bad things happen.

Accidents happen.

And then it only makes

demons of the,

of the survivors.

(machine clicking)

(upbeat music)

(singing in foreign language)

(light instrumental music)

(insects chirping)

(slow gentle music)

(cars whizzing)

- Benjamin.

- I think I know this place.

- Of course you do.

- And you know me?

- Oh dear.

Just make yourself comfortable

and I'll just go upstairs
and phone your friends

and someone will come and
pick you up in a jiffy.

- Do you think so?

- What?

Yeah, sure I do.


Trust me, I'm a friend.

- All right, I will.

- Look around, it might
help you to remember.

Don't go far.

- [Benjamin] Yes, I'll stay right here.

- Perfect.

(determined music)

- Familiar?

- [Benjamin] It's kind of musty in here.

- You've been away lately.

- Really?

Where have I been?

- You've been through a lot these days.

- Like what?

What have I been through?

- Lots of things.

Benjamin, I tell you what,

I'll tidy up and you can take a shower.

It's a great idea huh?

And that way when Amanda arrives,

we'll be able to sit down, the two of us,

comfortably, and we'll talk and

we'll tell you anything.

- Everything?

- Everything.

The whole story, yes?

- I'd like that.

- Great.

Very good.

- Where is it?

- Where is what?

- The shower?

- Ah.

(eerie music)

(light, gentle music)

(dramatic music)

(door knocking)

- It's me, Amanda.

You found him.

Is he all right?

Where did he go?

- I don't know.

And he doesn't know either.

- What do you mean?

Oh no.

- It's happened.

(water running)

- Hello.

- Hello Benjamin.

- Have you met Jeremiah?

He's my friend.

- Yes, we met.

I'm your wife.


- Amanda.

I like that name, Amanda.




- You think so?

- Yes.

Especially the way you say it.

I've heard a lot about you.

- Yes.

I better let you finish up.

- Bye Amanda.

- I wonder how he's going to take it.

- Well,

we don't need to tell him.

- What are you talking about?

- It will only make him miserable again.

He doesn't need to know.

- Doesn't need to know?

Amanda, I made him a promise to tell him

if he lost his memory, and he's lost it.

- I'm sorry, you made your
promise to a different man.

- Who?

Which different man?

- It will only make things worse.

Look how peaceful he is,

that's all he ever wanted, now he has it.

Maybe this is his true nature!

- Like hell!

- Excuse me.

I think you're right.

- Who?

- The both of you.

No I don't know the person
you're talking about,

but I think that a promise is a promise.

And it should be kept, it's true.

But if keeping it is a
bad thing, you're right,

it's a difficult problem.

(slow paced music)


- Hi.

- What am I like?

- You're


Very relaxed, as a person.

And you're funny.

Very humorous.

- We don't have children?

- Not yet.

- [Benjamin] Do you wanna have children?

- Not yet.

- Where are my parents?

- I'm sorry, but your parents
died when you were young.

Your aunt raised you.

Your mothers sister.

I'm sorry, but she died
too a little while ago.

- [Benjamin] Where is she?

- At the cemetery.

- I'd like to go there.

- Okay.

- Hello, Jeremiah.

Yeah, good morning.

We're going to visit my aunt.

I know she's dead.

Would you like to...

Oh, okay.


He says that he'll be right over.

What happened?

- Don't you see?

You just remembered
Jeremiah's phone number.

That's very good Benjamin.

That's a very good sign.

Here she is.

- Varthoui Gharibian.


Varthoui, Varthoui.


That's a beautiful name.

- Really?

- It's so beautiful.

I like it very much.

Thank you for bringing me here.

- Benjamin.

You know, you know yesterday when Amanda

and I were arguing about
this, that promise?

- Yes I do Jeremiah.

I remember that.

- That promise was a
promise I had made to you

before you lost your memory.

I promised you that I would

re-inform if you will.

Benjamin, the fact is that
you have a brain disease.

Why you lost your memory.

You'll die from that disease, soon.

- Oh, I know.

- You do?

- Yeah.

I can feel it.

(machine clicking)

(film flapping)

(body thudding)

(solemn music)

- [Jeremiah] Oh God.

(horn honking)

(slow perky music)

- What are you doing up here?

Fancy that huh?

- It's been quite a while
since we've seen you.

Look at that, quite a coincidence.

- [Amanda] Thanks so much.

- [Male] Oh, it's our pleasure.

- [Amanda] This is perfect.

- Oh, by the way, thanks
a lot for that coat rack.

- [Woman] Oh yeah, thanks so much.

We just love it.

- I couldn't understand why you'd you

give away such a perfectly good coat rack,

but then, who am I to argue?

You just kept saying, "Take it, take it,

"I don't need it anymore."


- Well, Benjamin's dead.

- When?

- When did I die?

- What's this?

- Just like that.

(slow paced music)

(slow paced music)

(quirky music)

(instrumental music)

(slow paced music)

(slow paced music)

(fast paced music)