Two Lovers and a Bear (2016) - full transcript
Set in a small town near the North Pole where roads lead to nowhere, the story follows Roman (DeHaan) and Lucy (Maslany), two burning souls who come together to make a leap for life and inner peace.
♪ ♪ ♪
- Oh, you suck!
- What?
- Unbelievable!
- Unbelievable!
- Oh!
No, I'm just kidding!
- I didn't believe
you for a second!
It's all in the wrist.
What is that?
♪ You are the... ♪
- I'm not really good
with music.
- That's not--that's not true.
- There's, like, two...
musicians that I like.
I like, um, Jack White.
- Uh-huh, I know.
- Because he's really cool,
and he's just,
like, really raw.
- No preservatives?
- No preservatives.
And I like Gil Scott-Heron.
- Who's that?
- Well, he has--
I just-- It's not even
his music that I like.
I just really like his lyrics.
There's this one part of
one song where he says:
"The spirits are
your parents."
And they live in
your bloodstream
because they want you
to keep living.
...they're trying to
tell you shit all the time.
And maybe if you just
took a second
to listen to yourself,
you would hear them.
: Hey!
You OK?
- I had a
- What was it?
: Running
through this tunnel and...
someone was following me.
And I was trying to run away,
and I couldn't run.
My legs were frozen.
And this man was
right behind me.
I was screaming,
screaming and screaming.
I was trying to get
somebody to help me,
and I--I couldn't make a sound,
so no one was coming.
And he was right behind me.
He put his hand on my shoulder,
and I woke up.
- Hello Tina.
- Hello.
- Thank you for dropping by.
- I needed the help.
- They'll be by in five minutes.
- Shit!
: Hey!
- Hi!
: Hi!
- Hey! Where's the music?
- Hi!
- Let's get
this party going!
- Happy birthday!
You look hot!
- You too!
- Oh man, don't touch it!
Man, don't touch.
That's the only thing
that's off limits, OK?
- Hi!
- Hey!
♪ And then I turn ♪
♪ My soul, it burns ♪
♪ 'Cause you are grown
and I'm alone ♪
♪ So, there I inhale
the soul of your hair ♪
♪ Yeah, it's still there,
the scent of a pear ♪
♪ Oh, how your eyes
tell of those days ♪
♪ When all I wished
was for your lips ♪
OK, sorry!
Keep going?
: Keep going.
It's awesome! Whoo!
♪ So on this day
in the blink of your presence ♪
♪ I just wanna say
Happy birthday ♪♪
(♪ Sisters by
A Tribe Called Red ♪)
: Whoo!
- $25.
- Here you go, Lucy.
Keep the change.
- Thank you.
- Take care, Lucy!
- You too!
Oh! Oh! Oh!
- Hey, Anubha.
- Hey, how's it going?
- Good!
- How's the body?
- Uh, cold.
- Great! Here's
your boarding pass.
- Thank you!
- There you go!
- Cool! Thanks!
- Shit, Roman, what did
I tell you about the bodies?
Wait till we're done
packing to bring them on.
- No one told me there
was gonna be soda cans.
- You didn't tell me
there was gonna be a
dead body on the plane.
I can't put this on here. It's
not right. It's not respectful.
- Erik, we gotta
take out the body!
- Who is it?
- Tom.
- Tom who?
- Tom with the blue pickup.
- What happened?
- He got lost.
♪ ♪ ♪
(Both talking,
Hey, Peter!
- How's it going?
- Good. Can I get
some .303 bullets?
(Dogs howling and barking
in distance)
- Sorry I'm late.
- You all right?
- Yeah.
- You sure?
- Yeah, I'll tell
you later, OK?
- OK!
- Whoo!
You ready?
- You sure you're
all right?
- Mm-hmm.
- Lucy.
What's wrong?
- I have to--I have to go.
I have to be alone.
- Where you going?
- Lucy!
- Tell me what's wrong.
Lucy, tell me what's wrong.
- I got accepted to biology.
- Oh, that's great.
- Is it?
- Yeah.
When are you leaving?
- Two weeks.
- Two weeks?
- Yeah.
I have to go, Roman.
OK? He's still following me.
He's everywhere I go.
He was there today.
- Yeah.
- The only way I'm
gonna get rid of him
is to get the
fuck out of here!
- Yeah, I know, Lucy.
- I'll miss you.
I'll miss you a lot.
- Yeah.
- You wanna come with me?
- I can't go back south.
- Why not? You could
find work or something.
- I'm not going back there.
I'd rather kill myself
than go back there.
You know that.
- Well, OK.
No, I'll be back next summer.
I'm sure he'll be gone by then.
- Yeah!
You can teach me biology.
Um, just a sec.
One second.
- I can't.
- What's wrong?
- I can't. There's--
- What?
- I can't do it when
I see you like that.
- What am I doing?
- You're just--
I want you to come
inside me, please.
- Fuck, I can't!
I'm sorry.
I'm just not--
I'm just not into it.
- I am. I am.
- I can't, OK?
- OK.
Yeah, it's me!
- Yeah.
- What do you want?
- I need a couple bottles.
- 26ers?
- 40.
- That's gonna be $300.
- $300? Are you fucking serious?
- I didn't get my
shipment this week.
- Come to my place at 3:00.
♪ Upside, inside out ♪
♪ Livin' la vida loca ♪
♪ She'll push and
pull you down ♪
♪ Livin' la vida loca... ♪
- Hey, don't drink
these all in one night!
- ♪ Livin' la vida loca
Come on ♪
♪ Livin' la vida loca
Come on ♪
♪ She's livin'
la vida loca... ♪♪
- Hello! Open up!
I know you're in there.
I'm gone in 10 days, Roman.
- Lucy.
Oh my God! Go away!
Go away!
Go away!
John, this is Emma. Come in.
- Yeah.
- We got shots fired
at the warehouse.
- I'm on it.
- You need backup?
- Backup's 3 hours away.
- All right. Have fun!
: Wow!
It doesn't get any more
glamorous than that.
- Hey, man!
Emma's getting calls.
Could you keep it down?
- Sorry.
- You wanna finish your rounds?
You gonna be OK?
- Yep.
- I'm gonna go watch the awards.
Wanna come?
- Uh, I got some work to do.
- Suit yourself!
- Oh, hey, Roman.
I hear Lucy's leaving.
- Yeah, I know.
Fuck! Do you know
how much that costs?
- So, what are you
gonna do about it?
- I don't know.
- Yes, you do.
- Oh, I do?
- You're gonna let life
go by and not do a thing.
You're afraid
that if you do,
you're gonna fail.
Do you know what
the Indians would tell you?
- What, the Indians?
- No, not those Indians.
The Indians from India.
They'd say you're
stuck in your karma
doing the same things
over and over in a circle
and you don't know
how to get out of it.
- What the fuck do you
know about India?
- I'm right, ain't I?
- You know, maybe I should
shoot you down.
You're not supposed to be
this close to our houses.
- You do that, and you might
as well kill yourself.
I'm the only
friend you've got.
Time for me to go now.
- You can speak
to bears?
- What are you doing up?
It's late. It's cold.
- I'm playing hockey.
- Where's your brother?
What are you doing?
- Playing hockey.
- Why aren't
you asleep?
- Our parents had a fight.
- All right, well,
let's get you inside, huh?
It's freezing!
Come on!
: I wanna
spend time with you before I go.
We only have 9 days left.
I love you.
I don't know what to do
to make you talk to me.
I don't know what to say.
- Can I come?
- Too drunk. Tomorrow.
- No, I'm coming anyways.
- Hey! You gotta get up.
Come on.
I gotta go to sleep.
Yeah, I know.
Go home, OK?
- Roman, open up!
Open the fucking door!
- Leave me alone!
- Oh, fuck off!
Talk to me,
you stupid fuck!
Please talk to me!
Hello, Roman!
- Talk to me now,
you fucking asshole!
I love you!
Please say you love me too.
- I'm done with you.
You said you were
leaving, so just leave.
The sooner, the better
for you and for me.
- Roman...
- Leave.
Did you hear what I said?
- Yes--
- I said I want you
out of my life!
I said I do not
wanna see you again!
OK? Fucking leave!
Fucking leave!
We're over!
Get out of here!
Fuck you,
you fucking bitch!
Leave! Leave!
- Roman?
Are you all right?
They told me they heard
screaming and noise!
How's Lucy?
Is she with you?
- Go away.
- Shit, Roman!
- Go away!
- Come on! Give me the rifle,
and we can talk.
- Just go away, all right?
Just leave me alone.
- All right, Roman.
Just stay cool.
I'll be right back.
Don't do anything stupid
before I get back, all right?
Emma, this is John.
Come in.
- Hi, John. It's Emma.
How's it going down there? Over.
- Ah, we got a broken heart
with a rifle.
- Shit!
- Could you send
a couple of beers?
- Special artillery!
- Thank you!
- All right!
- Here.
A 2-4 just for you.
Come on!
I know who you are, Roman.
You're me when I was your age.
I was angry,
I was real angry,
and I drank to forget
that I was angry.
But it didn't help,
because every
time I drank,
I got into fights.
And every time I raised my fist
to punch in someone's face,
I saw my father's face,
'cause that's who
I really wanted to punch.
Everyone's got issues
with their past, Roman.
You, me, everybody.
- You know why I moved
here in the first place?
Because I broke my ankle.
I broke my ankle...
because I kicked my dad
in the face too hard.
And I kicked my dad
in the face too hard...
because he wouldn't stop
beating on my mom and me
and I wanted to show him
that I was stronger than him...
and that he couldn't
pull that shit anymore.
- Did it work?
- I don't know.
I left before
he could say a word.
He could be dead
for all I know.
- John, this is Emma.
Pick up.
John, are you there?
Pick up.
- Roman?
- John, pick up.
- Yeah.
- Are you still at the house?
- Yeah.
- We have to send
a rescue team to the cliffs.
There was an emergency flare.
- Right, and when does the next
plane leave for Central?
- Takes off in about 40 minutes.
- All right.
I'm gonna gift-wrap him
so they can take him in.
- What is this?
No, no, no, no!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
No! No, don't open that door!
Don't open that door!
I ain't taking gift-wraps!
I already told Emma.
What if he pukes?
Who's gonna clean
up that shit?
- He's not gonna puke.
- He is gonna puke,
and I don't wanna clean it up!
- Look, we got a family
stranded 100 miles away,
and they're
freezing to death.
I'm all alone.
You are fucking
taking him!
: Send them matches!
I don't care!
You're an asshole,
you know that?
- Listen, you've got to go to
clinic for a couple of days, OK?
You got to get yourself clean
and your head straight.
I'll see you soon.
: I'm sorry, he's
not allowed to talk to
anyone at the moment.
- Um, why not?
- It's just the policy
for this type of patient.
There's really nothing I can do.
We only allow visits
on Sundays
between, like,
1:00 and 4:00.
- OK, I'm not--I'm not
anywhere near, so could I--
Is there any way
I could just talk to him?
I'm his girlfriend,
and he'll wanna talk to me.
My name's Lucy.
Could you just ask him
if he wants to talk to me?
- Yeah, I'm sorry. I completely
understand the situation.
It's just how the process works.
- Mm-hmm.
- For the first week,
the patient...
So, that'll be $1,235, please.
♪ ♪ ♪
- How'd you get here?
Did you use the money you were
saving to go down south?
- I just spent 1,300 bucks
to come see you.
Don't fuck it up.
They gave us 15 minutes.
Come here. I need you!
Oh, I'm gonna come!
Wait for me!
Why did you do this?
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I just...
I wanted you
to be free.
- If you hurt yourself,
you hurt me.
- I don't
wanna hurt you.
I wanna make
it up to you.
Tell me what to do to make it
up to you, and I'll do it.
- Can you help me?
Take me away.
He's still following me.
He's still chasing me.
I can't take it anymore.
Will you come
south with me?
- Yes.
- There's only one problem.
- What's that?
- I spent all my money
to come here and have sex
with you for 20 minutes.
: We're gonna
get on our snowmobiles.
And we're gonna ride
through the mountains...
in the snow and the cold...
to somewhere that's
warm and bright.
Where you'll be free
from your nightmares.
How does that happen?
- The tide gets too high.
They do this every spring.
They cross the river
to get to the other side.
One leads, the 2nd one
follows the first one,
and the 3rd one
follows that 2nd one.
And, sometimes,
there's thousands of them,
and if the first one
loses ground, then it's over.
The 2nd one becomes the leader,
and he loses ground,
and the 3rd one follows him
and loses ground,
and it keeps going like that
until they all drown.
- That's fucked up!
- Yeah, I know.
What are you thinking?
- I don't know.
♪ ♪ ♪
- OK, I have a joke for you.
Two lovers and a bear
walk into a bar,
and the lovers are carrying
an octopus with them.
They set the octopus down
on the seat next to them,
and the bear sits down
next to the octopus.
"This is
a really special octopus,
"because he can play any
instrument on the planet
"better than anyone."
The bear's like:
So, he goes to
the back of the bar,
and he grabs the guitar
that's back there.
And the octopus looks at it,
and he plays it better
than anybody's ever played
the guitar before.
So the bear's like:
"All right, fine."
Oh my God!
- So, then the bear's like:
"All right, I got ya."
He goes over,
and he grabs, um...
...the spoons that are at
the back of the bar.
He gives it
to the octopus,
and the octopus takes it
in his 8 arms and, like...
...plays it better
than any spoon player.
- Wow!
- Yeah.
- Better than Mississippi Sam?
So, then...
So, then the bear's getting
really pissed off at this point,
so he goes over and grabs
the instrument, the bagpipes,
and the octopus kind of looks
at them and is like, "OK,"
and, like, grabs them,
and, like, fumbling with them,
sort of, like, not quite sure,
and then just gives up
and puts them down.
I knew you couldn't play it."
And then the octopus goes:
"Play it? I was gonna--
"I was gonna fuck it as soon as
I pulled the pyjamas off of it."
- That's the worst joke I've
ever heard in my entire life.
- It's such a good joke!
- No, it's not!
- You didn't hear it properly.
- It's 8 hours long.
- Six, OK? Six
hours long.
- It's a good image, though.
- It's a great image.
- Pyjamas off!
- And its legs!
- Must take pyjamas off!
Just come over to me!
- OK!
- Mmm!
- All right!
- Oh! Oh!
- Oh! It feels so good!
- Let me see.
These are really amazing.
- Thank you.
- You should show these.
People would
totally buy 'em.
- Maybe.
- Definitely.
- To me, they look like
the colours inside your head
when you close your eyes.
- Ah...
- Fuck! Fuck!
- Roman, I'm hungry.
Give me a fish.
- Ugh, goddammit!
Hey! It's OK!
- Roman, get your gun!
- It's OK!
- Move out of the way!
- It's OK! It's OK!
- It's not OK.
Give me a fish, and it'll be OK.
- You need to shut the fuck up!
- Fucking move!
- Lucy, listen to me!
Do not shoot him!
- Running away is not gonna
solve the problem.
You're gonna have to
burn him out of her head.
- What the fuck
are you talking about?
- What are you talking about?
Get out of the way!
- Put the gun down!
- You know what
I'm talking about.
Her beast is still here,
stuck in her head.
- Move! Move!
- Look at her screaming!
That's the beast inside of her!
- Shut up!
- Roman, move!
- It's not going to hurt you!
OK? Listen, to me.
: Roman!
- Trust me.
- Give me the fish!
Come on, come on!
- Here!
Go now, you
stupid fuck!
- I love you too.
- Go! Eat it somewhere else.
Get out of here.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'm going.
- What the fuck
just happened?
- Look, there's something
I have to tell you, OK?
- What?
- I can speak to bears.
You wanna head out?
- What do you mean
you can speak to bears?
- I just can, OK?
- You have to turn around.
There's a blizzard coming!
There's a blizzard coming.
A big motherfucker.
You're gonna have
to turn around.
Don't be clever.
- I'm not going back.
- Why not?
- We're not going back.
- All right.
I'm only doing this 'cause
you look like you're in love.
You got GPS?
- Yeah.
- All right.
Don't mention
this to anybody.
If anybody asks,
you just heard about it.
You go over this hill,
there's some military base camp.
Don't forget the condoms.
- Roman!
- Yeah!
- Are you OK?
- Yeah! My leg's jammed!
: Fuck!
- You got rope?
- Yeah!
- Get it down here.
Ow! Fuck!
♪♪ I'm gonna fight 'em off ♪
♪ A seven nation army
couldn't hold me... ♪
♪ ...back ♪
♪ They're gonna rip it off ♪
♪ Taking their time
right behind my back ♪
♪ And I'm bleeding
and I'm bleeding ♪
♪ And I'm bleeding right
before the Lord ♪
- Roman! Here!
- ♪ And the stains
coming from my blood ♪
♪ Tell me to go back home ♪♪
Tell me another joke.
- I don't have another
fucking joke.
The joke is if you don't
get your ass out of there,
I'm gonna come down and kick it.
How's that for a fucking joke?
- I like the bear joke better!
- Come on!
Hurry, Roman!
- Aw, fuck it!
OK. My leg's free.
Just go really slow, OK?
- OK.
- Like, really, really,
"one inch at a time"
slow, slow.
Oh, Jesus, fuck!
Oh, Jesus, fuck!
Aaah! Fuck! Aaah!
♪ Ah da da da da da da ♪
Whoo! Yeah!
(♪ Seven Nation Army
by The White Stripes ♪)
♪♪ And I'm bleeding
and I'm bleeding ♪
♪ And I'm bleeding
right before the Lord ♪
♪ All the words are gonna
bleed from me ♪
♪ And I will think no more ♪
♪ And the stains coming from
my blood tell me go back home ♪♪
- I don't think
we should be here.
- It's abandoned.
- No, we shouldn't
go inside.
- Well, we don't
have a choice.
Blizzard's coming.
- Hello?
Is anybody here?
No, I don't feel
good about this. No.
- Hey!
- We should go.
- No, look.
If there was
someone else here,
we would've seen their
snowmobile somewhere.
OK? This is the safest place
we can be right now.
You got nothing
to worry about.
I'm here.
You're safe.
- Hello?
Did you hear that?
- It was the wind.
- No, the wind doesn't
go click-click-click.
That was footsteps.
- No, that was the wind
making something else
go click-click-click.
- Do you think
they had, like,
nuclear bombs and
missiles down here?
- Fuck yeah!
What is this place?
- Some kind of radar station.
There's someone here.
- Lucy, those are probably
10 years old. All right?
It was someone who got caught
in a blizzard, just like us,
that came in here for
shelter, then they left.
Come on.
This can is almost
30 years old.
- It tastes like shit!
- Yeah, it's supposed
to taste like shit.
It's corned beef.
- Why is it--
Why is it still like
that after all these years?
- I don't know.
It's fucked up!
- Fuck!
- Here!
- Ready?
- Yep.
- Jesus!
There it is again.
- Yeah?
- I feel weird.
- Me too.
- I think it's
the corned beef.
If you're joking,
it's not fucking funny!
Lucy. I'm here.
It's just a game.
You love me, don't you?
If you love me,
come here and
show it to me.
No. No, Lucy.
Come here.
- No! No, no!
Leave me alone!
No, I hate you!
- If you don't come here
and be a good girl...
- Leave me alone!
- ...the people
around you will die!
- I hate you!
- And it will be your fault!
- Oh my god!
- Is that what you want?
That people die around you?
- I hate you! I hate you!
: Lucy!
Lucy, stop!
Hey! What are you doing?
- Get away from me!
- Come back inside!
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
- He's in there!
- Who?
- My dad!
My fucking dad!
I saw him!
- Lucy, no one's in there.
Come on, it's freezing out.
Let's come back inside.
- No! I saw him, Roman!
I saw him in there!
I keep seeing him everywhere!
I see him everywhere I go!
I'm sick of this shit!
- He died 2 years ago!
Lucy, he died.
- I wanna kill him!
I wanna kill him!
I need to kill him here.
- Lucy, he is
already dead, OK?
- I don't fucking care!
I don't care!
I can still see him!
Every night, I still see him,
leaning over my bed,
telling me to shut the
fuck up while he fucks me!
Every night, every time you're
in me, I feel him inside me!
Do you understand that?
Every fucking night!
I need--I need to
get him out of my head
so he stops
killing me, OK?
- OK! OK!
Lucy, hey!
Look, we're gonna
kill him, OK?
We're gonna
fucking kill him!
But right now, we have
to get you inside, OK?
- I'm not going
back in there.
- Fuck!
- I'm not!
- OK. OK! Hey, look!
You're not going back
inside, all right?
But you're gonna
stay right here.
I'm gonna go
get your gear,
and then I'm gonna
fucking kill him, OK?
But you're gonna
stay right here, OK?
You promise me? Promise?
I'm gonna fucking
kill him, OK?
Fucking kill him!
: OK.
Go ahead. Just go.
Lucy, get down!
Shhh! Shhh!
He's gone forever!
I fucking killed him!
We're gonna get out of here,
and he is never gonna
follow you again!
He's gone.
He is out of your head,
and he's out of you!
He's gone!
I fucking killed him!
It's just me and you.
He's never gonna
follow you again.
♪ ♪ ♪
: You think we're like
the caribou who cross the river
even if they know
they're gonna drown?
We keep following
people and things.
And we know it's gonna
kill us someday,
but we keep doing it.
I don't know.
Maybe it's a good thing,
you know?
You live your life,
and you're not afraid to die.
You do what you have to do,
because most of the time,
it works out the way
it's supposed to, you know?
Then you don't lose your ground.
You don't lose your ground.
You cross the river,
and you grow up,
and you live free and proud,
'cause you crossed the river,
even if you were scared.
You crossed the river inside.
You walked across your fear,
because that's
the biggest river to cross.
You dive in,
and the water's warm.
And it feels good.
And the people you love
are following you,
and you follow
the people you love.
And maybe, one day,
you won't make it,
but that's OK,
'cause that's how it is.
Nobody knows when the water's
gonna get too high.
You just try
and hope for the best.
You just don't give up.
That's what's important.
Imagine you're
on the beach...
...lying in the sand.
And it's so bright.
And the sun is the
biggest, warmest sun
you've ever seen.
And you take a breath,
a deep breath,
and you breathe
in the warm...
warm air.
- You saved me, Roman.
- It's not like that.
Every day I spend with you,
you save me from myself.
You showed me that
there's a reason
for sticking around, you know,
that there's a point.
I love you so much, Lucy.
I've loved you from the
moment I laid eyes on you.
- I love you, Roman.
You're my hero.
You saved me from
my nightmares.
- We're gonna ride south,
and you're gonna
finish your major,
and I'm gonna
open a garage.
And on the weekends,
we're gonna go fishing
and hunting all day long.
- I wanna have a baby.
Will you give me a baby?
- Yeah, I'm gonna
give you so many babies.
I wanna give you
so many babies,
you're not gonna
know what to do
with all the babies
that I give you.
- Seriously?
- Yeah.
It'll be cool.
I can't think of anything that's
gonna be cooler than that.
♪ ♪ ♪
- You look like shit!
- I'm thirsty.
- Life's funny,
don't you think?
You're just 50 miles away
from your kingdom,
but at the same time,
you're a lifetime away from it.
- So, what are you?
Are you like...
a god?
- Well, I guess
you can say that.
- But you're so normal.
- What do you mean?
- You drink.
You're grumpy.
- All gods have flaws.
- Really?
- Yeah, no god's perfect.
- Even Jesus?
- Even Jesus!
I have a joke.
Two lovers and a bear
walk into a bar.
The lovers sit at the bar,
and they set the octopus down
on a stool next to them.
- I know that one.
- Oh, I'm sorry.
It's the only one I know.
- That's all right.
- I'll see you again
very soon, Roman.
- See you soon.
(♪ I'm New Here
by Gil Scott-Heron ♪
♪♪ I did not become
someone different ♪
♪ That I did not want to be ♪
♪ But I'm new here ♪
♪ Will you show me around? ♪
♪ No matter how far wrong
you've gone ♪
♪ You can always turn around ♪
♪ Met a woman in a bar ♪
♪ Told her I was hard
to get to know ♪
♪ And near about
impossible to forget ♪
♪ She said I had an ego on me ♪
♪ The size of Texas ♪
♪ Well, I'm new here ♪
♪ And I forget ♪
♪ Does that mean big or small? ♪
♪ No matter how far wrong
you've gone ♪
♪ You can always turn around ♪
♪ And I'm shedding plates
like a snake ♪
♪ That may be crazy ♪
♪ But I'm the closest
thing I have ♪
♪ To a voice of reason ♪
♪ Turn around, turn around,
turn around ♪
♪ And you may come full circle ♪
♪ And be new here again ♪
♪ Turn around, turn around,
turn around ♪
♪ And you may come full circle ♪
♪ And be new here again ♪
♪ Turn around, turn around,
turn around ♪
♪ And you may come full circle ♪
♪ And be new here again ♪
♪ Turn around,
turn around, turn around ♪
♪ And you may come full circle ♪
♪ And be new here again ♪
♪ Turn around, turn around,
turn around ♪
♪ And you may come full circle ♪
♪ And be new here again ♪♪