Two Lives (2012) - full transcript
Europe 1990, the Berlin wall has just crumbled: Katrine, raised in East Germany, now living in Norway since 20 years, is a war child: the result of a love relationship between a Norwegian woman and a German occupation soldier during World War II. Katrine enjoys a happy family life, with her mother, her husband, daughter and grand-daughter. But when a lawyer asks her and her mother to witness in a trial against the Norwegian state on behalf of the war children, she resists. Gradually, a web of concealment and secrets is unveiled, until Katrine is finally stripped of everything, and her loved ones are forced to take a stand: What carries more weight, the life they have lived together, or the lie it is based on?
...the people could hardly believe it,
after 28 years behind barbed wire...
...representatives from various party factions
gave a final farewell to the GDR,
which ceases to exist at midnight.
From then on, there exists only one German state,
namely the Federal Republic of Germany...
...the victors of WWII have until now
had a hand in the management of Berlin...
...a moved Willy Brandt was
embraced by crying colleagues...
...all speakers emphasized that the
legacy of the old regime -
- would leave its mark on the
former citizens of the GDR.
Many stressed that the lessons of the GDR
shouldn't simply be forgotten,
they should be processed...
Germany, November 1990.
Can I help you?
I used to live here... as a child.
Quite a few people from that
time stop by.
We've even started an association.
If you want to,
I can put you in touch.
I can't recall any of the other children,
but I'd love to meet one of the nurses.
I only know Mrs. Kuhnel. She's
demented and lives in a nursing home.
- And the others?
- No idea.
- Where're the papers from that era?
- It's all in the archive in Leipzig.
- Thanks.
- You're welcome.
That's all we have.
What is it?
Are you feeling unwell?
Would you like a glass of water?
- Yes.
- I'll go get one.
- Her name may not be Schlomer now.
- And if she's dead?
Then the problem's solved.
I just need to know.
Focus on the residential listings.
There can be nothing leading back
to Hiltrud Schlomer, you or me.
Two Lives
Outside Bergen, a few weeks earlier.
Hi, Turid.
Sleep well?
She's making up
for lost sleep.
Why didn't you
bring her to us?
Yes, sleep is overrated
for people our age.
- Now... Was it a nice trip?
- Yes.
Will you come along next time?
If it's not too cold, sure.
- It's kind of cold.
- I've got so much to do at work.
You guys...
Grandma can't make it.
The car won't start again. You'll
have to drive Turid to her, mom.
I'll come later today.
I have to go see my mom.
- What are you doing?
- I'm looking for my stuff!
What stuff?
I know, Marit.
I'll be quick. OK?
The abstract for the university.
A red binder. Have you seen it?
- No.
- God, then I have to go back.
I'll be late. Why can't you
get yourself organized?
Relax. I'll take Anne and drop
her off at the university.
Hi, grandma. Mom's
bringing Turid's stuff.
You guys... Grandma's
got a wonderful idea.
She can stay here for a couple of
months, until Turid's a bit older.
We think that's a wonderful idea,
grandma! Bye.
What is it now?
I can't take it anymore.
My life's a mess.
I can't manage everything.
Sweetheart - a word of advice. You
don't even have to try.
Whatever happens happens.
You can't control everything.
I think you should get
yourself a new boyfriend.
- Fall in love all over again.
- Dad!
Then at least your life
will be a total mess...
And you'll be fine.
Hi, mom.
You've probably not eaten any breakfast.
You can eat this in the car.
I have to go, mom.
Do you know what?
If you don't stop fussing, -
- then I'm not coming home to you.
- Yeah, yeah, mom.
Are you with great-grandmother, then?
We'll have to do something about that.
It's supposed to be ready for tomorrow.
You have to do it alone.
I've got to watch Turid.
If you get that assignment in Oslo,
I'll have to work nights.
If I get the assignment,
we'll get a free vacation!
Come here, I'll show you something.
You can hear it better in here. In the
other room you can barely hear it.
In there you can hear the cars. And that
room is way too small for mom.
You won't hear cars here at night.
If one hears anything, it'll be us.
- We don't make that much noise.
- No, not me, maybe, but you...
You scared me.
Can I make up for it
in some way?
Katrine? There's a man here
who wants to speak to you.
- Are you coming up? I'm waiting.
- I'll be right there.
Sven Solbach, from the law firm
Hogseth & Co. Can we talk?
- You're German?
- Yes.
- You speak good Norwegian.
- My father's Norwegian.
- What's this about?
- I want to talk with you and your mother-
- about the lawsuit on behalf
of the Lebensborn children.
- Will the case be reopened?
- We're working on it.
- I don't like to think about that time.
- That I can understand.
But your involvement
will be very important to the case.
You're one of the children the Nazis
sent to an orphanage in Sachsen?
Yes. Sorry, but I really don't
have time for this now.
Could you take a look at these?
This won't do.
- Would another day be better?
- Yes, perhaps.
They were on sale.
I just had to get them.
Can I get the keys to the car, mom?
Hugo? It's Vera.
- What's the matter?
- I'm in danger.
Christ, everything that washes in.
It gets worse every year.
Hi, Anne.
Hi. Is it you again?
My mom's not home.
Grandma, this is the lawyer
I told you about.
Mrs. Evensen.
I would love to
speak to you as well.
Why are you so interested in this?
It's all so long ago.
The lives of thousands
of Norwegians were destroyed -
- because they had German fathers.
And nobody talks about it.
- And you're going to change that?
- You're entitled to redress.
And compensation.
Many have tried before you.
Now that the wall is down,
the situation is different.
Now even cases in the
GDR can be included.
He wants to sue the
Norwegian government.
That's exactly what I want.
That's Katrine.
Shortly after she arrived here.
And that's my man, Kurt.
We were supposed to get married,
but then it wasn't to be.
He was sent to the Eastern Front.
They accused him of something.
Someone in the village, I think.
They didn't like the fact
that we were together.
I was pregnant.
And shortly after the birth-
- I got the letter
that said he had been killed.
The war was almost over.
Did the Germans send you to one of
the Lebensborn homes to give birth?
And then they took Katrine away
from me. Sent her to Germany.
That's a violation of international law.
This is very important for the trial.
Did you consent to adoption?
- Good morning.
- Here's that document you asked for.
- The Russians are waiting.
- Thanks.
You dropped something.
Oh, right. That's mine.
- Thank you!
- You're welcome.
After the war
I was sent to a camp.
Yes, that's what they did
to people like me.
- Here in Norway?
- Yes.
They punished me because
I was in love with a German.
Her own countrymen!
I was released after two years.
Then I went to Germany to find Katrine.
At the Sonnenwiese orphanage
there was a very nice nurse.
We looked through every list.
I don't know how we didn't find her.
They must have lied to you.
Mom must have been
at that nursing home.
She brought this picture with her
when she came here -
- many years later.
From the nursing home.
What was her name? The nurse?
I can't remember. Gertrud, Hilde...
No, I can't remember.
- Mom, there you are.
- What's going on here?
Sorry for intruding.
It's about the lawsuit
from the Commission in Strasbourg.
- I did it. I wanted to.
- What?
In Trondheim that time.
At the Lebensborn home.
- You consented to an adoption?
- Yes.
Mom and dad said they would
never see me again -
- if I kept the child.
I think that's enough now!
Are you always so intrusive?
- Mom!
- That's enough.
- She can decide for herself!
- No. Not in my house.
I didn't want to provoke you.
I'm really very sorry.
But next week there will be
a hearing of witnesses in Bergen.
With people from the European
Court of Human Rights.
- I would love to have you there.
- Didn't you hear what I said?
- Think it over one more time.
- I've thought it over my whole life.
With your testimony Germany
can plead guilty in Strasbourg.
That will put Norway
under immense pressure.
Yours is the only case where mother and
daughter have found each other again.
We hope to find more Lebensborn
children from the GDR.
And nurses from the nursing homes.
- How will you find them now?
- I've put a notice -
- in all major German newspapers.
- A notice?
We've already gotten several calls.
I'm flying down there this week.
- What's the matter?
- I was approached by a lawyer -
- looking for Lebensborn
children from the GDR.
That's not good.
Someone will have to go to Sachsen.
I can't get away.
Hugo says we have to work together.
There is no "we" anymore.
Neither Hugo, me or you.
You must solve this problem on your own.
1- 6- 2...
9- 4- 1- 6- 2...
6- 9- 8- 8...
You have passed!
This is your contact in Norway.
He will give you further instructions.
First you will live with your mother
and learn the language.
When you get a Norwegian passport,
apply for a job at the naval base.
Our station chief in Norway
will see to it that you get the job.
I'll never forget this, Hugo.
Peace scout!
It's a great honor.
- And if she's dead?
- Problem's solved. I need to know.
Focus on the residential listings.
There can be nothing leading back
to Hiltrud Schlomer, you or me.
- Anything else?
- A phone with an answering machine.
The whole of East Germany is in
need of a phone. It may take time.
I don't have time. Think of something.
Departure in ten minutes.
- Commander, there's a phone call for you.
- I'll be right there.
Myrdal speaking.
It's me.
- Oh, hi! Is something wrong?
- No.
- I just wanted to hear your voice.
- Are you still in Oslo?
- Yes.
- You sound worried.
- I have to stay a day longer.
- Why? Is something wrong?
It's a very difficult job.
I don't know if I can do it.
We leave in five minutes.
- Hello?
- Yes?
How I wish I was lying
next to you right now.
That would be lovely, but it's kind
of difficult where I am now.
- I've got to go.
- Of course.
This is the number and code
for your answering machine.
It's a number in West Berlin. It's the
best we can do on such short notice.
And Hiltrud Schlomer?
- Are you sure it's her?
- She's old, but still going strong.
She was involved in a criminal case.
Complicity to escape from the GDR.
Now she works at a dry cleaners.
Good day.
One moment.
Are you Hiltrud Schlomer?
I represent the law firm
Hogseth & Co. in Norway.
We're working on a court case
for the Lebensborn children.
I'm sorry. I've got a lot to do.
I've come a long way to meet you.
It'll only be a couple of minutes.
We're looking for the kids who were
in the orphanage where you worked.
Do you remember anything from that time?
Any names?
It has been too long.
Excuse me.
You're welcome.
If you remember anything, just call
me on my Berlin number.
It's easier than going through the firm.
Should you see one of our notices
in the paper, just ignore it.
Thanks for your help.
Wait a minute, there is something...
One of our girls ran away.
To Norway.
What were you looking for in my room?
I hope they didn't leave a mess?
Don't you trust me anymore?
One can never know
each other well enough.
- This lawyer is on his way here.
- I know.
I can't let him get
in touch with Schlomer.
She's the only one who remembers
anything about the escape.
Operational action is meaningless.
The West German police is monitoring
us. And then you show up.
- What will you do now?
- Leave it to me.
You must stay in hiding and
get home as fast as possible.
After all, you've built a good
life for yourself up there.
I hope for your sake
that you get to keep it.
Mrs. Myrdal?
This is a surprise.
Good evening.
What brings you to Germany?
I... I've been taking photographs.
- And you?
- I've come straight from Sonnenwiese.
I've brought coffee for you.
This is a strange place
you've grown up in.
- Find what you were looking for?
- Not at the orphanage.
And the case files
in the archives are incomplete.
But I did speak to some of those
who grew up there.
- You probably know them.
- Perhaps.
I could only trace one
of the nurses: Kuhnel.
She's old and demented,
but she remembers the children.
A first name here, a surname there...
Not easy to make sense of.
Can you make any sense of this?
She kept going on about
one of the girls.
There was something about her.
Something to do with Denmark.
I think she meant one of these.
Hello! I'm back!
How nice of you to
stop by again.
Where's mom?
She's out with friends.
We have the house all to ourselves
for a change. And then you're not here.
Where have you been?
I'm sorry. It took
longer than expected.
I tried to reach you
at the hotel.
The assignment went faster than
expected, so I went to Germany.
To Germany?
I wanted to see how it's
changed since the wall came down.
I'm tired. I'm off to bed.
Are you coming too?
- Were you with someone in Germany?
- Don't start with that again.
You travel to Germany just like that?
Without breathing a word?
- Oh, Bjarte.
- Don't give me the "oh, Bjarte" routine!
Can't I do what I want?
It was just an impulse. I'm sorry.
You and these impulses of yours!
I ran into one person. Solbach, the
lawyer, was on the same flight home.
Bjarte! Don't you know
that I could never cheat on you?
You're the best thing that's
ever happened to me.
The valve on the heater fan is
defective. Look into it, okay?
- Officer!
- Yes, one moment.
- These documents need to be signed.
- Just a minute.
Yes, we're doing this...
All right, let's sign this thing.
I don't think we've met.
I'm new here, you see.
Bjarte Myrdal.
- Katrine Evensen.
- Pleased to meet you.
Yes, is it ready?
You haven't won yet, you see.
Four, five...
Yes, my turn.
I want a rematch.
Not such small pieces.
Let me do it, Kathy.
At our place we cut salad like that.
And stop calling me Kathy.
Ah, what have we got here.
Are we celebrating something?
Yes we are actually.
- You say it.
- I passed.
Is that true? Oh, sweetheart...
- Dad is so proud...
- It's not like I've won the Nobel Prize.
Here, mother-in-law.
Then I propose a toast for
our new professor!
- That's weird.
- This late?
Good evening. I would like to
speak with Mrs. Myrdal.
Solbach. Is this a bad time?
No, no, just come on in.
Sorry to bother you. I just
wanted to ask you something.
- We're in the middle of eating.
- That doesn't matter.
- Come and sit down.
- Are you hungry?
No thanks.
- How is everything?
- You're traveling a lot, I hear.
It's moving along.
But the case is quite complex.
- Would you like some wine?
- Thank you!
I mentioned the child there was
something fishy with. I looked into it.
In 1969 a woman was found in a boat in
the Baltic Sea and brought to Denmark.
She said she'd fled from Eastern
Germany to find her Norwegian mother.
She said she was one of the children
the Nazis had sent to Germany.
But do you know what I
can't make heads or tails of?
The name in her passport
was Kathrin Lehnhaber.
But she claimed that her
real name was Katrine Evensen.
And that she was looking for
her mother, named Ase Evensen.
How on earth could that be?
- No idea.
- That's really strange.
I can't make any sense of it.
I don't understand it either.
I'll get out of your hair.
Just sit. I'll show myself out.
Yeah, that was... strange...
It was me. I fled.
I just couldn't talk about it.
But it was me.
I was Kathrin Lehnhaber.
You fled?
You've always said you were allowed
to leave East Germany voluntarily?
Why haven't you said
The Stasi were everywhere.
They even pursued defectors
in the West.
You had a different name as well?
Just after the war, I was
adopted by a peasant family -
- who lived right
next to the orphanage.
Their name was Lehnhaber.
But they sent me back to
Sonnenwiese after a short while -
- because supposedly I was
difficult and cried all the time.
I didn't even know
that I was Norwegian.
How did you find out, then?
When I came of age and saw my birth
certificate for the first time.
In the chaos after the war, they
forgot to give me my real name back.
I couldn't tell you, mom.
It was too dangerous.
For you...
And for me as well.
Are you Ase?
Ase Evensen?
It's me.
- Are you still awake?
- Yes, she's only now gone to sleep.
You should have brought her to me.
You need to rest.
I won't pass the
next exam anyway.
- Of course you will.
- No.
And you can't be everyone's mother.
Come. You need to get some sleep.
Mom. I don't understand why
you won't take part in the lawsuit.
- People should know.
- No, they shouldn't.
Why should I study law then?
A lawyer comes to see us
and you lie to him.
Where were you?
I was worried.
Everything's all right.
I've been thinking.
I think we should take part in
Solbach's hearing.
But I want to know exactly how
it's going to play out in advance.
And after it's done
that will be the end of it.
For all of us. Yes?
Good day, ladies and gentlemen!
As head of the law firm
Hogseth & Co it is an honor -
- to welcome the delegation
from Strasbourg.
They will determine whether our case
can be addressed by the European Court.
On account of our guests the
hearing will be conducted in English.
Does everyone who needs it
have headphones?
During the occupation of Norway
by Nazi Germany -
- many German soldiers and Norwegian
women had relationships.
Just as elsewhere in Europe
these women were -
- discriminated against as "German drabs".
After the war, many of them were
even kept in camps here in Norway.
This is slowly
becoming common knowledge.
What is not quite so well known
is what their children suffered.
The Nazis saw them as Aryan
and thereby extremely valuable.
To reduce the number of abortions the Nazis
opened maternal clinics and orphanages -
- through an organization
called Lebensborn.
They wanted to bring as many of
these children as possible to Germany -
- to refresh German blood.
After the war the lives of the
Lebensborn children were deemed -
- to be of no value, and they were
dubbed the "children of shame."
Most of them were separated
from their mothers for decades, -
- some forever.
The injustice that was perpetrated
on these people -
- forms the basis of our case.
We will now hear from some of these people.
It was only when you came of age
and saw your birth certificate -
- that you found out
about your mother.
A little later, in 1969, you fled
from the island of Hiddensee to Denmark.
It wasn't possible to just travel
in those days in the GDR.
And I wanted to find my mother.
I had been working at
a children's holiday home.
And I realized that I could escape
across the sea with a boat.
Over land it would have
been far too risky.
Can you tell us a little bit
more about your escape?
Of course.
I knew I would have better chances
to escape with grey and rainy weather.
There were patrols all along the coast,
and it was cold.
Once I had been on the water, -
- the wind picked up and the
sea became very rough.
I was pitched from this side to
that side. I was scared.
I was freezing so much
that I wished to be on land again.
And at some point I must
have lost my consciousness.
I was lying unconscious in the
boat for quite a long time.
And at some point I woke up.
I was carried by two men.
They spoke Danish.
I have never been so happy
not understanding.
What this woman had to go through!
The things she had to do
to get to her mother.
Her life-threatening escape is only one
of many examples of the injustice-
- initiated by the Nazis, and then perpetuated
by the GDR on the Lebensborn children.
But even though she was rescued,
her troubles were not over.
Only a few hours
after your ordeal and rescue, -
- you were subjected to
a strenuous examination.
- I don't remember that very well...
- I understand, but...
Could I ask you to please try?
I was freezing very much.
They asked me where I come from, and I said
I had fled from Hiddensee.
And then they asked me if
that was part of the GDR.
I said, "Of course! Otherwise
I wouldn't have fled!"
They asked me if someone helped me
and why I had fled.
I said I wanted to
find my mother in Norway.
I said to them that I didn't exactly
know where my mother is, -
- but I found out that she had been in
Germany after the war to get me.
And for some reason
they didn't give me back to her.
They didn't want to give me back.
You believe me, right?
What was the nationality
of the people in the room?
I guess they were Danish.
But I'm not really sure.
- They didn't all speak.
- Please, think back carefully.
- I can't remember.
- What's this nonsense! "Can't remember"?
You can't forget something like that.
You must remember every detail. Always!
You can do it. Start from
the beginning again.
My name is Katrine Evensen.
I'm 25 years old.
I was born in 1944 in Norway,
in Trondheim.
Might it be possible that someone from
West Germany was there as well?
Maybe. As I said,
they didn't all speak.
Try to remember who was
there as well as the interrogator.
It was a police woman.
A secretary.
The interrogator.
His chief and me.
So including you that makes five people?
The whole time?
I don't understand why
this question is so important.
I've just received this file from Denmark,
documentation of the interrogation.
In this version another person is mentioned.
I can't remember.
That's what I can't understand.
How could you possibly have forgotten this?
- Your name is Kathrin Lehnhaber?
- No.
My name is Katrine Evensen,
but I didn't know that.
How do you know now?
A nurse from Sonnenwiese told me.
Who might have had an incentive
to hide your identity from you?
No idea. The orphanage? The Stasi?
- So you were in contact with the Stasi?
- No!
I don't believe a single word.
- You won't send me back?
- How long do you plan on staying here?
I don't want to stay here, I don't want
to return. I want to see my mother!
It all depends on you.
I come from West Germany, and...
I can help you.
A few weeks later you filed a formal
complaint about this individual's conduct.
I have a copy of the complaint.
And you say you can't remember?
What is he doing, exactly?
Why won't you talk about it?
You can tell me everything.
There are some things -
- that are so terrible
you just want to forget.
I think it's important
for our guests from Strasbourg -
- to know that it wasn't just the GDR,
but also West Germany -
- who were guilty of perpetrating
this endless chain of humiliation, -
- injustice and abuse of power
which we bear witness to today.
We'll let the matter rest.
There will be a short recess
before we examine the next witness.
- Let's leave.
- What was the matter with him?
He acted as if this
was a criminal trial!
"Dear Bjarte.
If you ask me why
I never said anything, -
- all I can say is this:
Because I knew
that everything would fall apart.
And it wouldn't do
anyone any good."
Promotion. Congratulations.
I want a family.
And how will you
hide it from him?
I can do it.
We won't get a marriage permit.
Is it possible to get him
to collaborate, unofficially?
That will take time.
- Do you want anything to eat?
- No.
Just a glass of wine.
All that you've been hiding
all these years, Katrine.
I don't understand why you've
kept it to yourself all this time?
You know that I want
to share everything with you.
Even the painful things.
If only you'd fucking listen
to what I'm trying to tell you...
- We had a deal! What are you doing?!
- Sorry, it won't happen again.
Do you know how it feels
to be stigmatized like that?
I'm sorry. I got hold of the
documents just before the hearing.
That's no excuse!
These things are very personal.
- I'm withdrawing my testimony.
- Mrs. Myrdal...
Strasbourg has accepted the lawsuit.
All thanks to you.
- We're so close to our goal.
- Your goal is not my goal.
You and your mother
needn't travel to Strasbourg -
- if we may use your
You heard me.
We're done.
In any case you can't
speak for your mother.
"The Cold War is over!"
- Hi!
- Thanks.
Help! Help!
Give me the child!
Calm down!
- What did you want with the lawyer?
- I've closed the case.
I won't let you destroy
my life. Is that understood?
How long?
And my family?
Tell your husband that you love another
and are leaving the country with him.
And he must believe you.
You'll arrive at the airport at 12.30
tomorrow and I'll wait for you there.
And if I don't?
That would make me very unhappy.
- The state of you!
- Did something happen?
The meeting with the lawyers lasted
longer than I had expected.
- So I had to stop by the studio.
- Marit said you left the studio at 3:00.
I went for a walk with Turid.
I needed a moment to myself.
Tomorrow you'll take a few hours off,
and I'll take Turid back to my place.
I think you guys need
a little alone time now.
Katrine! Are you sick?
Hey, damn it! I can see something's wrong!
I can't tell you!
I can't!
Tell me what it is!
Is there someone else?
That's so fucking cheap, Katrine.
Today is the 7th October 1969,
the 20th anniversary of the GDR.
We celebrate the foundation
of the socialist state-
while in the free West Germany
we remember-
- the three who lost their lives this year
attempting to escape over the wall.
Here stands a young woman who
managed to get her freedom.
She fled in a small boat
across the Baltic Sea to Denmark.
Can I help you with something?
No. Thanks anyway, mom.
Sorry to disturb you so late.
But I must speak with you.
- What do you want?
- I've gotten hold of something. From Germany.
- It's got to do with your family.
- I thought this was over with!
I'm sorry. But I can't just
drop it, even if I wanted to.
That much I've figured out.
Anne, it's not about
me furthering my career.
It might not seem like it, but I've
got nothing against your mother.
I like your family.
And I like you.
Please take a look at it.
I know it will hurt you and
that's the last thing I want.
But I don't know
what else to do.
You decide what you want to do.
You decide.
Mrs. Lehnhaber,
describe your state of mind -
- when you realized that you had
successfully escaped to Denmark.
I was afraid.
They said I had to go to West-
Germany, I didn't want that.
Why not?
You're German, aren't you?
No, I'm Norwegian.
I want to go to Norway. To my mother.
But does your mother know you're here?
No. I don't know where she lives,
or if she's even alive.
- But you do know her name?
- Yes.
Evensen... Ase Evensen.
Well, that's a good start
and will certainly help.
I'm pleased to report that yet
another escape has a happy ending.
My name's Evensen.
Katrine Evensen.
If you can hear this, -
- please contact me.
But why is she claiming -
- to be Katrine Evensen?
You're not my mother.
What I mean is, of course
you're my mom, and I love you.
I mean...
I'm not your daughter.
I'm not your daughter.
If that woman on the video
is Katrine Evensen, -
- then who are you, mom?
I was in the foreign intelligence
service of East Germany.
I've been a Stasi agent.
Mom, don't go.
Don't go, please!
Is it true, Katrine?
Can't we talk?
That's why we married? Because
it would make your job easier?
I've never spied on you.
They wanted me to,
but I didn't.
You don't even believe that!
A new fucking story every day.
How are we to believe you?
I'll tell you everything.
What's your real name?
At that time my name was Vera.
Vera Freund.
And when were you planning
on telling me that? Vera?
That Ase isn't my grandmother! That
Turid doesn't have a great-grandmother!
It's all lies! You didn't
grow up in Sonnenwiese!
You never talk about it because you
never lived in an orphanage!
- Nothing but lies!
- That's enough!
I did grow up in an orphanage,
in a dormitory.
You don't know what that's like!
I've never seen my parents.
They died in the Allied bombings.
You have a family.
Why did you join the Stasi?
You must have been one
of the true believers!
They recruited me in the orphanage,
as they did so many others.
Kind uncles would visit ut,
give us gifts, take us on trips.
They gave us what we longed for.
Which is something that's
easily mistaken for love.
- Where's Ase?
- She wanted to be alone.
Did you know anything?
Aren't you mad?
- I could...
- Anne, she's your mother.
I don't know, I...
I'm scared.
Gate 33. Have a pleasant trip!
- Did you run into any trouble at home?
- No.
Shall I contact you
when I arrive?
Everything goes through
our contacts down there.
For our part, this is it.
Then I guess this is goodbye?
I've always liked you, Vera.
I had no idea that
it would go this far!
I never knew something
like this could happen!
Things like that can happen.
One can't always control everything.
- I don't want to do this anymore.
- What?
I'm quitting.
You're more involved than you think.
Look here, the police are trying
desperately to solve the case.
Don't force us to help them.
"Isdal killing remains unsolved."
Welcome aboard!
Where have you been?
How is it possible
to live like this?
Do you suffer from a rare
form of schizophrenia?
- Are you still working for the Stasi?
- No.
What happens to you now,
when agent after agent is exposed?
- Are they still here in Norway?
- Yes.
- You guys need police protection.
- Police protection?
I want to turn myself in to the police.
I don't want to lie anymore.
But... I want to talk to mom first.
If you can hear this,
please contact me.
Ase Evensen.
Well, that's a good start
and will certainly help.
I'm pleased to report that yet
another escape has a happy ending.
My name's Evensen.
Katrine Evensen.
If you can hear this -
- please contact me.
Where's my child?
I met her.
Here in Norway. She was here.
Excuse me.
I'm looking for Ase Evensen.
I come from Germany.
Have I come to the right place?
You can speak German with me.
Auntie isn't here right now, I'm afraid.
She's been here?!
Where was I?
You were on a trip to Stalheim.
But it was you
who asked me to go there.
I knew she'd come.
And I hated her for it.
I was afraid that -
- that she'd take something from me.
You gave me a home.
And love. For the first time in my life.
Do you want anything to drink?
Can I wait here
until she returns?
Of course.
From Germany.
I wanted to ask her
about her escape.
I thought they would send her
back to East Germany.
But they didn't send her back, then?
From Hiddensee to Denmark.
- Did anyone help you?
- No, I was alone.
- How big was the boat?
- You really want to know every detail.
- Well, are you hungry?
- Yes.
Do you have a picture of her?
No, actually - forget it. I want
to wait and see her in the flesh.
I have waited so long.
When she looked at me like that, -
- I realized that I would never
be able to extradite her.
That I had to bring her to you.
Katrine. You have to get up right now.
Pack your things.
- No, I don't want to go.
- I'll explain later. Hurry!
Mrs. Lehnhaber?
The Ministry of State Security.
You stand accused of leaving
the GDR without permission.
We have orders to arrest and
interrogate you to solve the matter.
Vera, you'll write everything down.
Everything she's said.
Let's go.
- I'm coming along.
- You're staying here.
Open the door!
I thought she'd made it.
Stop it!
I only want to help you!
Come, now.
What have you done?!
Easy, easy.
We have to remove her.
Come on!
I could have saved her.
But I hesitated...
It's my fault that she's dead.
I have to go now.
- I'll come with you.
- No.
I have to do this alone.
Stay with the family.
Take care of Ase, please.
How have you been able to
live with this, Katrine?
Thanks to your love.
Thanks to... our family.
But everything's a lie.
That's not true.
What is true then?
What we have lived.
In the late 1960s Stasi agents began
to infiltrate Norwegian families.
Not everyone have been exposed.
In 1970 a burned female body
was found in Isdalen, Bergen.
The woman is not identified.
The police investigation gave reason
to suspect intelligence activity.
To this day, the case remains unsolved.