Two (2021) - full transcript

Two people, a man and a woman, wake up naked and with their abdomens attached to each other. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food

Let me go!

Stay still. Stay still.

Where are my clothes?

I don't know.

Who are you?

Who the hell are you?

Don't move. Don't move.

Fuck, you're hurting me.

Don't move.

Let me go.

I think...

we're stuck together.


Don't move!

- Don't touch me!
- Stop screaming! Stop screaming!


it hurts me. My head hurts.

Who are you?

Let's sit up a bit.

I just want to know
why we can't detach ourselves, huh?

What's that?

Surgical tape?


I think we're...

stuck together.

Stuck together?

- How?
- I don't know.

- With glue?
- I don't know.

- Help!
- We have to keep calm.

- Help!
- Calm down. Calm down.

- Help!
- Calm down. Stay still.

Stay still.

Stay still for a fucking moment!

Stay still!

Why did you do this to me?

I didn't do anything.

Who are you?

Who the fuck are you?

If we don't calm down,
it will be much worse.


We have to come unstuck.

No, I don't think we can.

Why not?

Stop, stop.

Stop! Stop!


How did I get here?

Where are we?

Let's try it again, okay? Listen to me.
We're going to try again, okay?

My head...

I'm dying of thirst.

Me too.

What's the last thing you remember?

I left my house...

I was supposed to meet my husband.

What about you?


I had a date.

We must have been drugged.


I don't know.


scopolamine, scoop.


Chemical submission.

It overrides your will,
makes you a zombie.

And later, you don't remember anything.

How do you know all this?

In what world do you live?

These are drugs used by...



Calm down.

What, you raped me too?

I didn't do anything to you!
I didn't do anything!

Let me go! Let me go!

That's a needle mark.

You sedated me.

- Get off.
- Let me go.

We're stitched together.

We're stitched together.

- Why didn't you say anything?
- To avoid this.

Calm down.

Calm down.

Calm down.
I'm sure it's just skin to skin.


Yes. We can cut the thread,
and it'll barely leave a scar.

Why have they done this to us?

Did they want a ransom?

They won't get much from me.

I'm cold.

Don't touch me.

I am only trying to warm you up.

Those two paintings are identical.

- It's like they're looking at us.
- Where the fuck are we?

It could be a hotel room.

I don't think so.

What do we know?

Someone drugged us...

at some point.

And kept us sedated...

while they did this to us.

Then they brought us here.

Or they stitched us together here.

Calm down.

Breathe, breathe.


Leave me alone.

I'm just trying to calm you down, okay?
Calm down.

Let me make one thing clear.

Until proven otherwise,
you're my prime suspect.

- That's a little bit unfair, isn't it?
- Unfair is what's happening to me.

What's happening to us!

How do I know that you aren't the mentally
disturbed man who planned all this?

I don't need to drug women
to get them into bed.

We don't know
whether it's day or night.

They took everything from us.



our mobile phones.

At least
they left you your earrings.


What's up?

These aren't mine!

- Whose are they?
- How would I know?



We're well and truly fucked.

Fuck, that's disgusting. Please...

There's a phone on the table.

We can call for help.

It won't work.

Why not?

Kidnappers don't leave phones.


could a boyfriend have done this?

A very angry one?

I'm married.

Like I said.

Look, leave me alone.

If you want, I'll just go.

I am not in the mood.

I'm laughing to stop myself from crying.

There has to be an explanation.
Let's think.

Why would they want to do this to us?

Do we have any connection?

- Where do you live?
- Close to the industrial zone.

Something tells me that's not your scene.

- I live in Augusta Park.
- Yeah, thought so.

- Any siblings?
- No.

I'm an only child. You?

- I'm an orphan.
- I'm sorry.

Where do you work?

At the port.

I work in a clothes store.

Well, worked.

How old are you?


And you?


I went to public school.
I bet you went to a private one.

We obviously have nothing in common.

A remote control?

There are cameras.

We're being filmed.


I don't know.

We have to separate...

but I don't know how.

I heard a door slam shut.

Where the fuck are we?


Near a dog pound?

The phone.

We have to get up and call for help.

- It won't do any good.
- We have to try at least.

Okay. We'll get up.

This is going to hurt.

What are you doing?

Not like that.

Let me do it.

First, we try to get
to the edge of the bed.

Do as I say.

I'm going to slide over you, okay?

Now we sit up a little.

Come on.

And now, how do we stand up?

My name's David, by the way.


- When I say "now", we stand up.
- Okay.

One, two, now!

Hold tight!

I said hold tight, fuck!

I haven't got the strength, you idiot!

- Don't insult me!
- Or what? You will hit me?

I'm sorry. It hurts.

We can't even walk.

Look, let's try again.


- I'm going to hold you by the waist.
- Okay.

Let's go.

One, two, and three!

Don't look at me like that.

On three, step towards the table.

Come on.

One, two, step.

No tone.

Don't drink it.

I'm dying of thirst.

You knew, didn't you?


Come on. I want to know where we are.

Damn. Let me go.

Help! Help! Is anyone there?

- We need help!
- Calm down.

- Help! Let me go!
- Calm down.

Calm down.

I'm stitched to a stranger.

God knows where,
and I've probably been raped.

- Not by me, I swear.
- How do you know?

- We don't remember anything.
- I'm not a fucking rapist!

I'm sorry.

I can't take it anymore.

If we want to get out of here,
listen to me, we have to keep calm. Okay?

Calm down.

And now, to top it off...



Me too, I'm also...

I also need to...

What do we do?

That must be a bathroom.

Come on.

Wait, what if someone's there?

We'll soon find out.


I've never felt so humiliated in my life.

I wish I could say the same.

I feel so ashamed.

Close your eyes.

We'll crouch down at the same time.

I'm done.

We can stand up.

One, two, up.

Now, I don't know how...

Sitting down.


Sitting down. Okay.

No, wait. I will close my legs.

- One.
- Two.

Two. Down.

Wait. One second.


We're going to get through this.
Do you hear me?

I am not so sure of that.

Think of the people
who're waiting for you.

No one.

Your husband?

Right, right, my husband.

All done.

Let's go.


And you? Is someone waiting for you?

Goldie... my dog.

What's wrong?

He's been alone for many hours today,
he must be very scared.


He keeps me company.

Dogs are nicer than many people, eh?

They take care of you. They don't judge.

They aren't selfish.

Put it on.


I'm scared of the dark.

Calm down.

Me... me too.

I think there's someone here.


Where? How?

I don't know...

Those pills.

They weren't there.

- Yes, they were but we didn't notice them.
- No, They weren't there.

- Did someone come in?
- Yes.

- Be careful, what are you doing?
- Someone came in here.

- Jesus.
- What?

- Those bastards.
- What is it?

Does it hurt?



My head hurts.

It's a painkiller.



What about you?

It's weird that you don't want it.
Your head hurts too.

I have an ulcer.

That's very convenient.

Do you still believe I'm behind this shit?

Whatever, what else can happen?

I need to lie down. My...

My head is spinning.

- Let's go back to the bed.
- Okay.

But slowly, please.

- The phone...
- Careful, careful.


Crouch down. Crouch down.

Give me the earrings.

What do you do?

I'm good at DIY projects.

A Bible.

There's a passage marked here.

"The wolf will live with the lamb."

"The leopard will lie down with the goat."

"The calf and the lion
and the yearling together."

"And a little child will lead them."

What does it mean?

No idea.

Another Bible.

Good, we need as much help
as possible to get out of here.

They're identical.

Look, something fell out of its pages.


Who is Rita?

I don't know.

There's a photo of me
in almost the same place.

- I studied French there for a year.
- Mm.

I've only been there once
with a girlfriend, years ago.

I'll never forget the flight.
It was a fucking nightmare.

It was like... like a roller coaster.

Does she look familiar?


Come with me to the pictures.

Let's stand up.

- One, two, three.
- What?


- Follow me.
- Careful.

What is that?

There must be more.

How did you know?

- They must be watching us.
- What exactly do you do?

There's a tone now.
Let's call the police quickly.

- The police?
- Yes.

You don't want us to call the police?

They're jammed.

Mozart's Requiem.

His favorite piece.

What... what's happening?

Forgive me.

It was him.


My husband.

What are you talking about?

He's a prominent figure.

Exact sciences and philosophy.

He has spent
his life researching that number.

Number two is his religion.


What makes it so fascinating?

It's the lowest prime number.

And it's the only one that's even.

It's the basis for the binary system.

The only number that gives
the same result if it's added to itself,

multiplied by itself,
or raised to the power of itself.

It's the second Motzin number.

Plato, Pythagoras,
they already knew how important it was.

It's the duality.

The basis of the bilateral symmetry.

The two sides of the brain.

Yin, Yang, female, male.

- The body, the soul.
- I didn't take you for an intellectual.

am not...

but I have lived many years with Mario.

Why would someone like him do
something like this?

He's convinced I'm having an affair.

He can be very cruel,

but to do this to me is insane.

You say he's very jealous,

and he puts you in a bed,
sewn to another man?

Two identical Bibles.

The two pictures are identical.

His favorite music
when you dial two on the phone.

Two weeks ago, he left because...

he said he was convinced I had a lover.

Did you cheat on him?

- If this is your jealous husband...
- No, I didn't cheat on him.

Right, right.

I got a message from him
that said he wanted to talk to me.

But I can't remember
where he wanted to meet.

Maybe that's why he brought you here.
That's what he wants.

- A confession.
- What about you?

If that's true, why did he bring you?

- My thoughts exactly.
- What are you hiding?

Don't try to make this about me.

Your face, your skin, so well-cared for,

the perfect tan in the middle of winter,

your strong perfume,
the tone of a cheap Don Juan.

Are you a gigolo?


A male whore?

This has nothing to do
with what I do for a living.

Yes, it does. You said so before.

The husband of one of your clients

maybe wants to fuck you over
for fucking his wife.

It's not like that.
My dates are safe. It's all taken care of.


- Yes.
- What the fuck!

What you're saying makes no sense.
If this is against me, why are you here?

Is he capable of killing you?

I swear to you we will get out of here.


Let's go.

What are you doing?

There's nothing we can do.

It's steel, armored.

It can only be opened from the outside.

You sound like an expert.

I have done things.

Great, I'm stuck to a criminal.

It's obvious everything
was handed to you on a plate.

Why do you say that?

Young woman, married to an older man,

a father figure
who will provide for her...

Always looking for someone
to take care of you, right?

- Fuck you.
- Help me.

I have a couple
of failed marriages behind me.

Come on. Help me.

Come on.

Let's try to open the window.


Where the fuck are we?

- Can you smell solvent?
- Yes.

A paint factory.

There's one by the cemetery.

But that's far away from the city.


- Are you okay?
- Can't you see?


No one can help us.
We're in the middle of nowhere.

If we were separated, we could try
to get out through the window.

But stuck together like this
is impossible.

Besides, we're in very weak states.


We have to cut the stitches.

Come on.

Come on.

- What are you looking for?
- Something to cut with.

Is that blood ours?

Fuck, they butchered us.


Drop that.

- We have to cut the stitches.
- No, no, no, no, no!

There's no other way.
We have to... We have to do it.

Can't you see your hand's shaking?

Drop that.

You're right, you do it.

You do it. You do it.

You can do it.

You're doing it...

very well.

They've stitched us flesh to flesh.

They took out a piece of skin.

Fucking bastard.

Fucking bastard.


I swear I'll kill you!

I'll kill you!



I would like to go back to the bed.

Yes. Me too.

Let's go.

Wait, wait...

What is it?

I'm starting to remember.

Two days ago,

a man offered me money
to sleep with his wife.

His fingers caught my attention.

He kept stroking his nails
with his fingertips.

Are you starting to remember?


Or have you been lying to me
all this time?

Not this again.

I have problems.

Sometimes, one feels obligated to do...

certain things.

What are you telling me?

You told me your husband
is a lot older than you.

What was the man's name?

I can't remember.


I thought he was going to ask me
to do a threesome with his wife.

What was he like?

It was dark in the bar,
and I'd had too much to drink.

What was he like?

Late fifties.

White hair and beard.

Was he wearing glasses?


Yes, big gaudy acetate glasses.

It's him.

Millions of men
have white hair and beards.

It's my husband.

He's going to kill me.


I just had to sleep with his wife.
I never thought he was that twisted.

No one had ever offered me so much money.

Eight thousand.

A fortune.

A lot of money.

- Fuck you.
- Sara. Sara...


Calm down.

Listen to me. Listen to me.

He promised me there would be no violence.

Never. I swear...

I never...

- You have to believe me.
- You disgust me.

I have a lot of debts.
One card paying off the other.

Then the bank
doesn't want to know your troubles...

And the moneylenders appear.
You get into a spiral.


You have to believe me.
I have never hurt anyone.

Look at me.

Sara, I'd be incapable
of laying a finger on you.

Look at me. Look at me.


I'm sorry.

I really am.

I only...

Calm down.

Stay still.

Stop, stop, stop.

Come on.

Our only chance is to negotiate with him.


- How?
- I don't know.

We will think about something.

Come on.



What now?

If it's Mario,
you won't be able to negotiate.

We have to keep a cool head.


Come on.

Leave this to me.

I know how to talk to him.

Firm, calm, and never, ever,
raise your voice to him.


Hello you two.

Do you like the room?

Why are you doing this to us?

Please, let us go.

Calm down.

Why have you done this to us?

You son of a fucking bitch!

You fucking asshole, you bastard!

Fuck you, and fuck your mother, asshole!

I'm sorry.

I couldn't stop myself.

It wasn't him.


It wasn't my husband.

- Yes.
- No.

The person who gave me the money.

- The voice was distorted. That's why...
- No, no, no.

I'm certain it wasn't him.

- Then who?
- I don't know.


Sara, think. Do you have any enemies?

- I don't know.
- Someone from college?

A student, an ex-student.

Your husband sounds like
an arrogant asshole.

- I'm sure he has many enemies.
- I don't know.

Try to remember, Sara.
Try to remember. Think.

Look, look at the photo.

Look at the photo.

Does the name Rita mean anything to you?

The earrings.

They are the ones that I'm wearing.

Who is Rita?

- I don't know. I don't know.
- Sara, try to remember. Who is Rita?

Maybe she's a friend of your husband,
a family relative of yours.

Sara, think. Try to remember.

Try to remember.


Sara. Are you okay?

Stay calm.

Stay calm. Stay calm.



Breathe. Calm down.

Let's calm down, okay?

And not think about anything.

Give our brains a rest.


I don't like flying.

When I travel by plane,
I always close my eyes

and breathe deeply.

Count to ten.

And let it out.

If there's turbulence, I think about
what I want to do when we land.

I already know what I'm going to do
if we get out of here.

You do?

I'm going to ask for a divorce.

Do you still think it was him?

I don't know, but...

it wasn't his voice.

How could you marry a man like that?

When I started dating Mario,

my father had died recently.

He made me feel safe, I guess.


But then the jealousy started.

He shut himself up all day in his office.

He barely spoke to me.

He'd lose his temper.

But I never defended myself

...I'm a coward.

You're very brave.

- What?
- You're showing it.

Get real.

Get real.

Does he hit you?

That fucking bastard.

He's blocked all my credit cards.

I'm broke.

You're one of those women
who can't stand being alone.

Where's that coming from?

No, no. I'm not judging you.
I'm not judging you.


I can't stand being alone.

I hate it.

I spent my childhood in foster homes.

Luckily, I have Goldie.


He's very grateful.

He was abandoned too.

When I was a child,

I envied the kids that had siblings.

Me too.

Are you feeling better?

But if we don't get out of here,
we're going to die.

The wounds will get infected,
or our bodies will reject each other.

Unless we're the same blood type.

You're lucky. I'm a universal donor.

Me too.

Here, right here.

What's that box?

It's warm.

What's inside it?

No. Don't touch it. Don't.

It's obvious he wants to play with us.


Then, let's play.

You won't believe this.



That's my favorite food.

I love Shepherd's pie.

No. Stop. What are you doing?

- I'm starving.
- What if it's poisoned?

If I'm going to die,
I will do it on a full stomach.


How did you know about the cameras?

- I already told you.
- The truth.

That remote control activates
the cameras remotely.

How do you know that?

Sometimes I installed cameras
in the places where I had dates.


I used the tapes to blackmail my clients.

- What are you doing? Are you insane?
- You disgust me!

How does that change anything? Huh?

You're his accomplice!

I told you the truth
so you would trust me.

- I need space!
- We're sewn together.

What part of that you don't understand?

Mario, enough!

Mario, are you there? Are you hearing me?

You were right! Are you happy?

I was cheating on you!

I cheated on you, Mario!

All the time!

He doesn't want us to kiss.


Before, when we kissed,
the lights went out too.



While you're here,
you will do as I say. Is that clear?

That's enough.

- The door is open.
- Enough!

Stop that!

It's the man that gave me the money.

He's disguised as my husband.

He wanted to meet near the old station.

- Let's go.
- Let's run.

Is he dead?

I don't know.

Wait, wait, wait.

Young mother gives birth
to Siamese twins of different sexes.

The only known case in the whole world.

Conjoined babies
to become wards of the state.

The father has been diagnosed
with paranoid schizophrenia.

The mother of the twins died
after giving birth.

- The mother.
- The mother.

- The mother.
- The mother.

Do you recognize her?


I lied to you...

when I told you I was 33 years old.

On May 4th,

I turned 38.

On May 4th...

I was born in La Casa de la Caridad.

I was born in Santa Marta clinic.

They faked the birth certificate.

I have... a scar.


- Get back, get back.
- Yes.

I thought it was raining.

It's the ground floor.

We can get out through the window.
we're saved!

What's going on?

It's a painting.

It's all fake.


I can't breathe.

No, no, no, breathe.


Breathe. No, no.

No. No. We can't give up now, okay?

Come on.

Breathe, please.

- I can't.
- Come on.

Let's go, let's go.

Hold on, breathe.

God, they're stitched together.

A Beretta.

What? What?

It's mine.

Why do you have a gun?

Men aren't the only ones who like guns.

I don't like them.

I had it for my meeting with Mario.

When were you going to tell me?

What's it for?

Sara, please, put it down.

Put it down.

Just in case.


It's your husband?

Was it you?

I... I don't know.

It was me.

I met him when I was looking for Sara.

I investigated.

And I learned.

When I found out
that two was the key to everything,

I knew I had to bring you back together.

You will live here with me.

The Bunker brothers never felt lonely.

They got married.

And between them they had 23 children.

I did it for your own good.

- Let's go to the door.
- Yes.

You're as beautiful as Rita.

Don't come any closer.

You wouldn't dare shoot your father.

- Sara.
- David.

Are you okay?


- I can't move.
- What?

My leg.

You have to find help.

I don't think I will hold on much longer.


- The letter-opener!
- Yes.

Come on.

Get closer.

I have it.

I have it, here.

Come on.

- Separate yourself from me.
- What?

We won't get anywhere together.

- Come on.
- I can't do that.

Do it.

Otherwise, we will both die.

Do it.

It doesn't cut.

It doesn't cut.

Keep going.

Hold on, please.

I'll wait for the turbulence to pass.

I'll be back with help.


Apart, you're weak.

Together, you're perfect.

The Bunker brothers led a full life.

First, one died.

And two hours later, his brother.

You're going nowhere.