Twilight (1990) - full transcript

When a schoolgirl is found murdered in the woods, a retiring detective tries to find her murderer. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food

a Gy?rgy Feh?r film

Terribly sorry...

for bothering you

during last days of your job.

I don't even know
who to replace you with.

Good morning, inspector!
An 8-year-old girl...

was found up there at the cross.
She is dead some days back.

- How was it done?
- Razor.

Did you send her any place?

Did she always take
the same route?

The little girl was found dead
in the forest.

She was murdered.

My child...

I want to see her...

My child...
I want to see her...

Who murdered her?
Who did it?

Who killed her?

Who did it?

- You shouldn't see her.
- Who did it?

Who murdered her?

Who did it?

Who killed her?

You have to find the killer.
You have to...

I will... I promise.

Do something!

I tried.

People don't listen.
All is in vain.

People want to get their
hands this man.

You found the girl?

Yes, sir.

You know what
the people want?

Yes, sir, I know.

Do you know why?

You've been involved
in a similar case.

- I'm innocent, inspector.
- Oh, really....

He's not under arrest...

only a witness.

You are here...

to keep order in the village,
he is either guilty or not guilty.

If free passage isn't provided,
you'll be sorry.

Make sure there's no hitch
in the investigation.

Now go outside!

Send them home.

What was it with Anna?

Look at me.

What was it with Anna?

The Giant met Anna...

every week.


Look at me.

- Where?
- At the cross.

Look at me!

Sure it was the Giant's
picture Anna drew?


- Did you see the Giant?
- No, I didn't unfortunately.

Where did they meet?
- At the cross.

- What did the Giant give Anna?
- Small hedgehogs.

- Don't look away!
- Small hedgehogs.

He gave her small hedgehogs.

- Where?
- At the cross...

Sure that's the Gian's
picture Anna drew?


The professor...

He doesn't give the impression
of a murderer.

Hadn't he been sentenced before...

for an act of indecency?

He had an affair with a
14-year-old girl.

What about other women?

He is a peddler...

wandering around...

in different places...

What a pity he'll die...

On the other hand,

the child observed the car
quite accurately.

So accurately,

I'm inclined to say that...

the car might be
an old fashioned one.

But in this case, of course...

it is just a vague assumption.

If this hypothesis were true...

then the killer is now...

travelling from place to place...

in an old fashioned car.

I've found the killer
on the drawing...

it's just a hypothesis.

It's just a hypothesis.

Let's see where it'll take us.

What you're trying to do
is impossible...

But if you now...

insist on chasing a killer,

who probably does not exist.

And even if he exists...

You will never find him.

As there are too many,

who fail to kill
only by accident.

There are too many...


Your predicament is
alarming, I'm afraid.

You said...

after you rest, you went
into the forest...

to return to the town.

You bumped into the dead body.

Without even touching it.

We've given you clean clothes.

Can you guess why?

We found bloodstains
on your coat...

The girl's blood
were on your coat.

Because I bumped into
the body.

Of course, you kept silent
out of fear.

And now you ask us to
believe you again.

Don't worry.

We won't torture you.

We're only trying
to find out the truth.

That's why you're here.

You're our major witness.
Help us.

Yes, sir.

Tell me,

what kind of stuff do you hawk?

- That too...
- What else?





- Shaving soap...
- Is that all?

All right. I think
you forgot something.

Tell me, what else you've got.

We looked over your bags.


- Kitchen knives.
- Continue!

What else apart from that?


Why were you so reluctant
to admit it?

The girl was killed
with a razor.

Look, I know you are
the killer...

But I also know,

that you're just as shocked by
what you did as we are.

Something turned you
into an animal.

You murdered her
without any reason...

The urge was stronger than you,

You wanted to give
yourself up in the village...


I'm tired.

So are we.

Get us some coffee...

And two bottles of beer.
For our guest, too.

We are human here at the police.

I'm innocent, Inspector.


What did you eat that day?

Stuffed chicken breast...

and steamed cabbage.

- You, peddlers, live well.
- Anything else?

Did you eat chocolate?

I got the information right now.

The autopsy revealed chocolate
in the child's stomach.

He jumped to his death.

Give me this case, please.

The killer isn't from here.

The same guy committed
the other murders too.

He probably drives a car.

- Maybe a traveler...
- I can't allow it.

You're no longer work here.

You want to stick around
till something happens?

Something that may
never happen...

And you just wait
and wait forever.

You shouldn't have been offended.

Why don't you rejoin us?

You could work with us...

under the same conditions.

The city police might
take you on again, too.

You ought to consider it.

For financial reasons as well.

Pretty little girl...

Do they know why they're here?

Oh my God!

I can't stand it!
I'm leaving...

Say something!

I can't stand this any longer.
You promised not to drink.

You son of a bitch!
You bastard!

Leave me alone, you son of a bitch.

You'll wake up the child.

Leave me alone,
you beast...

You bastard...
I don't want it...

Leave me alone...
You rotten bastard

Don't do it!

I don't want it...
Leave me alone!

I hate you...

You promised that...

Who gave you the chocolate?

A girl.

At school?

Show it to me.

Is there more?

In your pocket?

Did you get them
from the magician?

He said not to talk
about the two of you?

So don't talk.

He's a nice magician
of the forest.

And you can see him
any time you want.

Let's go and play!

Please, go away.

Please, don't interfere
with my work...

Don't stand in the way...

Please, go away.

Don't do anything
you'd regret later.

Please, go away.

You wouldn't leave
in my place either.

Both of us have the same aim.

Remember our oath?

It is our duty...

to fight crime and to
upkeep law and order.

and protect the peace
of the society...

Who are you waiting for?


Who are you waiting for?

No answer?

Somebody gave you

They look like small hedgehogs.

You got them from a man
in black coat.

You must tell me
who he is!

Describe exactly
what that man looked like!

You must tell me who
gave it to you!

Do you understand?

I just want to protect you.
Stupid little child...

Tell me...

Who gave you the chocolate?

When did it happen?

Not long ago...

Is he dead?

He's disappeared.

Was he a giant of a
man in black?

He was driving like
he was chased.


WRITTEN BY: Gy?rgy Feh?r

Based on Es geschah am hellichten Tag
movie script by F. D?rrenmatt