Tuya's Marriage (2006) - full transcript

Tuya is the persevering wife of Bater, a herdsman who lost his legs exploring water in the Neimenggu (Inner Mongolia) grassland that is fast vanishing as a result of desertification. She takes up the sole responsibility to make a living for the family, but develops a dislocated lumbar from her hard labor and risks paralysis herself. Faced with harsh reality, the couple decide to divorce so that Tuya can seek a better life. Imposing her own conditions of a remarriage - her new husband must take care of Bater, their children and their poor herding land, the strong-minded, stubborn, but also gentle, susceptible Tuya embarks on an arduous search for a new husband, and meets suiters who are rich but disingenuous, likable but shy, and saves a suicidal Bater who still longs for Tuya and their children along the way.

Stop fighting, stop it.

I'll kill him!

Stop fighting, stop it.

I'll kill him!

He said I have two fathers!
I'll kill him!

Bastards! All of you!

You think I'm scared of you, huh?

Leave me alone.

If not for me then think about Tuya.

Leave me alone.

Tuya! Where are you? Come quick!

Zhaya, Zhaya.

See if your mother's back?

She's still not back.

Keep looking, there's a cold snap today.

I'm keeping a close watch.


Zhaya. Get the sheep into the pen.


Who's that guy?

I told you to get the sheep into the pen.

28, 29, 30, 31, 32.

33, 34, 35, 36...

Zhaya, Zhaya.

Zhaya, get me a bottle of wine.


- Who is he?
- Can't you see for yourself?

He got drunk again.

Give it here, go count the sheep.

I'm staying.


Sarina, don't go, please, I got money.

Look close, who's your Sarina?

No divorce, please,
please don't go, okay?

Sarina, Sarina, Sarina.

You done yet?

You got the wrong person.

Looks like...

your wife's sleeping with another man.

Might as well get divorced
and get it the hell over with.

Is Baorao asleep?

She's sleeping.

Did Shenge get drunk again?

Got drunk, fell off his motorcycle

what a pain.

Is he alright?

He'll live, wife ran off with others again.

He thought I was his
wife and grabbed me.

I'm all tired out.

Those two always have problems,
why are they always fighting?

Who knows.

His wife wants to leave him.

I think they should just get
divorce and be done with it.

We lost three sheep today.

We lost three

360 yuan per sheep,
3 sheep is how much?


What do we send you to school for?


Your mom's tired.

Take her shoes off. She's exhausted.

Digging that well crippled your dad.

There's no real man
of the house anymore.

So you've got to be a man now.

Shenge is here.

Don't talk to him.

So, you sober?

Yeah, I'm sober, my wife came back, too.

She told me to bring you these sheep.

You can take your sheep back.

Batoer said you lost three
sheep while helping me.

We don't want your sheep.

My family will survive
without three sheep.

Take the sheep back,
make your wife happy.

So she won't run off again.

With my wife,

you think a few sheep
will make her happy?

Already promised her a truck

so she would stay with me.

Then sell the sheep and get the truck.



A flock this big isn't easy on your mom.

Did your mom hit you?


If nobody hit you, then
why the long face?

She won't let me talk to you.

Tuya, If you really don't want the
sheep, guess I'll get my truck.

Go get your truck.

With a truck it'll only be easier
for your wife to run off again.

I know what you need.

A man.


Hurry up.

In a sec.

Let's go.

The waterhole is low.

The jujube leaves turned
yellow from the dryness.

It used to be one load
a day and a 15 kilometer walk.

Now it's two loads, which is 30 km

what are we going to do with no water?

I wanted to dig that well three years ago.

Stop it, you hurt your leg
before you could finish.

Find a man to help carry the water.

Look for a man? If I get a
man, then what about you?

I'll live with my sister.

She already has a bunch of kids

and her husband died young.

That would kill her.

Shenge, Zhaya has
been fighting at school.

He beat some classmates up a few times.

His teacher said you put him up to it.

Few more fights and he'll be a man.

What man, a few more
fights and he'll be a thug.

If somebody bullies you,
what would you do?

You want to bully me? Just try.

Tuya, where are you going?

To buy hay.

You're dressed so pretty.

I thought you were
going to see your groom.

I'll help you carry the hay.

Consider it an apology, okay?

It's not much of an apology.

I'm going to sell everything I got

and buy a truck,

become a boss.

Going to sell this three-wheeler too,

it'll belong to someone else's soon.

Don't let it go to waste.

I can't afford your transport fee.

I don't want your money.

I'm going to be rich, do good deeds.

You're not going to be
rich, you're just going nuts.

You got yourself a screw loose.

Why do you say that?

Your wife doesn't love you.

She loves the truck,
she loves the money.

What's wrong with
loving money and truck?

With a truck I'll have money and
she'll have to love me, right?

Men make it, women spend it.

That's the deal, right?

Just wait until I get a truck, get rich.

The tables will turn...

I'll marry a young pretty college student.

Enough already.

So, what are you still doing with Batoer?

That's my business.

You're still young, a good woman.

Not bad looking either.

You're just going to keep on struggling.

What's your plan?

What plan, he's still my husband.

He's your husband
because you married him.

You marry someone else.
And someone else will be your man.

In the end it just a wedding certificate?

Stop the car.

You go ahead, I'll pay you later.

Go ahead.


I'm ok, it's just my leg's caught.

Shenge, are you ok?

I'm ok, my leg's caught.

No, no, my leg's stuck.

Tuya, Tuya. You alright?

Is anyone hurt?

Shenge's leg is caught.


One, two, one, two.

One, two, one, two.

One, two, one, two.

Tuya, he's out, phew!

Your sister-in-law got some big problems.

How bad is it?

She might not be able to do hard labor,

riding or herding.

What kind of shepherd is that?

It's from long-term lumbar fatigue.

This time the sudden downward pressure.

Caused a serious lumbar dislocation.

If it continues to slip further.

Her lower legs might become paralyzed.

She'd be just like Batoer then.

Who's Batoer?

My brother.

No one on earth would tell their
sister-in-law to get a divorce.

But you and Batoer should get divorced.

I can take care of him.

I have six kids.

I can handle another mouth to feed.

But if you collapse.

And there's four more mouths.

If it doesn't kill me, then it would.

What did Batoer say?

Batoer said he just wants
to run to the desert,

die and be done with it.

I said: Hey, if you could stand and walk.

Me and Tuya would be tickled pink.

The only way I'll leave him is,

if I end up worse than him.

Isn't it bad enough as it is?

Give me a drink.

- Can you drink here?
- It's fine.

Then drink, poor Tuya.

It'll numb the pain a bit.

After my husband died my back hurt too.

Somebody gave me a bottle of liquor.

I drank it in one gulp.

I slept for three whole days.

Afterwards if my back hurt.

I'd have a drink.

Later even if my back
didn't hurt I'd still drink.

I'm raising six by myself.

With no man.

If I didn't drink,

I really don't know how I would get by.

Zhaya, I used to be good at riding

got first place a bunch of times.

Where did my parents go?

They went to town
to take care of something.

- What thing?
- Something.

Are they getting a divorce?

This is a voluntary divorce.

So family property issues.

Will be negotiated between both parties.

- Correct?
- Yes.

Since this is the case,

the court won't intervene.

However, Batoer is physically disabled.

Regarding his future care,

who will be responsible?

Batoer will stay with me.

The two kids with Tuya.

Batoer will stay with me, too.

Tuya, what are you thinking?

Batoer will stay with me.

Then why get divorced?

I will find a man to help
me take care of Batoer.

Is that man going to agree?

Will he be willing?

if he'll help me with Batoer,

I'll marry him.


Where's Tuya's house?

Who's asking?

You're Tuya, right?

What is it?

Come down.

Everyone says

fate brings lovers together.

We are here to propose
on behalf of Puribu.

A courthouse friend told us about you.

We're here cause we
admire your character.

That's right.

We thought taking care of Batoer.

Could have been discussed further.

Of course we could take Batoer.

And place him in an elderly home.

But then there are both his parents.

Plus his three children.

Plus you and your two kids.

There's nine in total.

Under Puribu's circumstances,
this is too difficult.

I hope you can understand our hardship.

What do you say Uncle Nashen?

How about it?


No matter the case, I am taking Batoer.

Didn't the court people tell you?

How do we get to Tuya's?

Who's asking?

We came to propose?

She lives over there.

Batoer, do you think I'm old?

You're not old.

I am old.

There were six groups today

but no one wanted me.

It's me they didn't want.

Well if they want me,
they've to want you.

This afternoon there was a
man that came to propose.

I thought it was for himself.

Finally I realized it was for his father.

How old is he?

He's 64, a retired teacher.

He has a pension, insurance

and a large three bedroom apartment.

He can also tutor Baorao and Zhaya.

Maybe they can even
go to college someday.

Should I do it?

Don't marry him.




Shenge, Shenge.

Zhaya, go get your mother, hurry.

- Tuya.
- Mom, Mom.

More suitors again.


- Mom.
- Tuya.

Tuya, I got my new truck.

Mom, Shenge bought a new truck.

Shenge is gonna take me out for a ride!

Tuya, it's my new truck.

I'm going out with Shenge!

Hello, comrades!

Hello Chairman.

Hard work my comrades.

Serve the people.

So, is she happy now?

With this truck, she can ran off with
whoever she wants for all I care.

Stop boasting, others
have planes, you know?

I'll buy a plane, too.

My wife wants me to
work with this other guy.

I'll be the driver and he'll bring in jobs.

Oh yeah, what will your wife do?

She enjoys the good life.


I don't want to be a herdsman anymore.

I'm gonna move soon.

No matter where I go.

Just remember, you have me as a friend

I don't have much else.

If you ever need to use this truck.

You just tell me.

Next year I'll move all
the hay for your family.

Free transport, no money.

You count on it.


I'm Baolier.



Which Baolier?

Recognize me now?

I was your classmate in
middle school, Baolier.


Baolier, what are you doing here?

I came to look for oil.

I'm in the oil business now.

How have you been all this times?

Alright. You?

I'm alright, too.

The first well I dug had no oil.

I lost 1,000,000 yuan.

And half of my hair.

The second well, no oil.

I owed a ton of money.

Third well, still no oil.

Without a second thought
my wife divorced me.

I took out a loan and gave
out small, private loans

to dig my fifth well.

No, no, no, it was my fourth well.

Still no oil.

I had enough and climbed
to the top of the oil derrick.

Just when I was about to jump.

My god, the sky was so blue that day

I paused for a moment.

The sky suddenly changed.

Black clouds began to bellow up.

I looked down again.

Low and behold, oil was
spurting out of my well.

From that I came up with my life motto.

People kill each other everyday.

But you can't commit suicide.

Live, live!
Life is good, we should live.

My brother here,

you can't tell by looking at him now.

But he used to be admired by everyone.

Back during the big Mongolian
wrestling competition.

There were 512 competitors.

He plowed right through everyone.

And took first place.

You cleaned my clock pretty good too.

You remember?

You also competed?

Wasn't it because I give
Tuya a 15 cent soda.

You knocked me over
and beat me pretty bad.

You see this tooth, it's still crooked.

Your tooth was always crooked.

This one time

I went with this official
to Macao to gamble.

It had to do with the oil business.

Suddenly I heard the Mongolian Music.

I was so moved

that tears just started coming down

I have been all over the world.

But it's home that's close to my heart.

It's hometown people who are good.

I've had delicacies of all kinds,

still the simple diet of home is best.

Mongolian roast lamb, is so good.

You only think of food.

You know what it's like for a man to
move around trying to make a living?

You know what home means to him?

Tuya, Batoer, I drink to you two.

You are the idols of my youth.

Tonight let's drink and rest, cheers.


Out there people are so cold.

Coming home was the right thing to do.

Baolier, Baolier.



Baolier, you're up early?

I've been up for a while.

Batoer got hurt digging this well, right?

He hurt himself before
he reached the water.

It can only be used as a reservoir now.

How many loads do you carry a day?

About two or three loads.

That's tough.

How deep do you have to
dig to get any water here?

If you're thinking about
digging for oil here.

You'll just loose another million.

I actually came to propose to you.

Why don't you go inside
and have some milk tea.

As soon as I heard you got a divorce

I came right back right away.

You still haven't sobered up yet?

I was never drunk.

I've waited 17 years to say this.

Do you know how long 17 years is?

Think about it

I'll wait for your response.

I've found this nursing home for Batoer.

It's the best in town.

First see if he likes it.

Then we can go from there.

Zhaya and Baorao will be
able to attend top schools

I've already spoken with all
the principals over there.

Afterwards you can come to live with me.

See if you can get used to it.

Anyways, that's after
everyone is taken care of.

We can discuss future plans later.

What do you say? Huh, Baoter?

I've never been this far away before.

In the front section of the nursing
home are the welfare residents.

Welfare residents are from

different govenment offices.

Which are supported by the state.

Private residents live in the
back section of the home.

They're usually wealthy company heads.

Or their relatives and such.

Therefore their facilities are
better than the front section's.

This is a standard room, it has beds.

Friends and relatives can stay on visits.

And can order meals over the phone.

There is hot water for
showering 24 hours a day.

The environment and
sanitation are rather nice.

It so happens that today's
is one of resident's birthday.

Let me introduce everyone.

Today we have a new friend.

His name is.


Batoer is Mr. Bao's relative.

He's my brother.

Oh, he's your brother.

Today Baoter has happened
upon Mr. Chang's birthday.

Let's all invite Batoer to
give us a little performance.

Let's welcome.

What are you doing here?

I am waiting for someone.

Waiting for who?

I'm looking for my truck.

Your truck.

It's gone.

My wife said she was going with the
car dealer to do some paper work.

Now the car dealer is missing.

How long has it been?

Seven, eight days.

Then she ran off with somebody else.

Can you find your truck here?

I'm keeping watch here.

They could have buried my truck.

How are you going to sleep tonight?

I got my overcoat.

I'll just lean up against my horse.

That way I won't freeze.

What about food?

I'm not really in the mood to eat.

Shenge, take this money.

I don't need it.

Come on, take it.

Tuya, Tuya. Who's this?

This is my neighbor.

- Does he need money?
- No, It's okay.

- Take it, come on.
- No, no need.

I said take it.

I'm Baolier. I'm Tuya's old classmate.

If you have a problem just give me a call.

Tuya, I'll wait for you in the car.

Why don't you go see Batoer
at the nursing home tonight?

You can sleep there and
look for your truck later.

Batoer's in a nursing home.

So, who's this guy?

What about Zhaya and Baorao?

They're sleeping in the car.

Take this money.

I don't want it.

Take it, go see Batoer
at the nursing home.

And get a good night rest.

If you freeze out here,
no one can help you.

I've gotta go.


Are you running off with that guy?

I'm not your wife.

We're getting married.

Do you think we can stop for a second.

My head hurts.

We're still about 500 or 600 km

away from my house in the capital.

Why don't we first find
a hotel and stay a night.

Wait for you to get better
then leave tomorrow.

Is it easy to find?

Very easy.

I've pretty much stayed at
all the hotels on this road.

When my wife left.

She took everything
in the house with her.

She didn't even leave
me any cutlery or plates.

After I struck oil.

She showed up wanting to get remarried.

I flat out said no.

How is she now?

She opened a little shop of her own.

My daughter lives with her.

Every month I still send them money.

Now I live alone in a big country house.

It's cold, quiet and lonely.

Later on when you and your kids move in,

our house will be lively.

I'll be able to provide

a good life for you.

Where is Zhaya?

What are you smiling about?

I'm not quite used to you
without your glasses.

You'll get used to it over time.

Where are the kids?

They're sleeping next door.

I haven't drunk or ridden
a horse in three years.


No wife, no kids. Who
are you saving up for?

My wife ran off with somebody else.

Because she loves them, she love money.

Your wife is with someone else

but she cares for you, loves you.

Tuya left with the kids.

I wonder where they are now.

Doesn't matter, they
are all sleeping by now.

Baolier, promise me one thing.

I promise.

Let Batoer live with us

everything else doesn't matter.

How can I do that?

I have a reputation to uphold.

I would be the laughing stock.

How could I face people on the street?

Putting Batoer in that nursing home

is the same as killing him.

It's the same thing.

Just like letting Batoer stay with us

would be like killing me.

Tuya, why don't we
give him some money.

Let him go back and build a house.

Find someone to take care of him.

Or better yet! Find him a wife.

Then he can live as he likes.

I don't know Baolier very well.

How he'll treat her, I don't know either.

Good stuff.

Aren't you being a bit aggressive?

If I'm not aggressive tonight,
then I'm not really a man, am I?

You want to take advantage
of me, just try and see.

Mom, mom.

What is it?

Mom, what are you doing?

I'm coming right over.

If you really want to
do this with a woman,

it's better when she's willing.

I'll stay with you, but in the
future let my sister stay with Dad.

Why do you want that?

I'm afraid that someone bully you.

Who is it?

This is Shenge. I'm a friend of Tuya.

What is it?

Batoer is hurt, Batoer is hurt.

Tell Tuya to come to the
emergency room quick!

Is he gonna make it?

Batoer slit his wrists.

Tell Tuya to come to the phone.

Tuya is sleeping with the kids.

The hospital won't save him for free.

No matter what, they
got to save him first.

Hurry and put Tuya on the phone.

Where are you all?

Hello, hello.


Tell Tuya to come to the phone.

- Hello.
- Hello.

My signal is bad, I can't hear you.

The hospital won't save him for free.





Looking for love tonight, Mr.?


Last night I did something that
I will regret for the rest of my life

Tuya, Tuya


Mom, Sen'ge is coming

Tuya, Tuya

Stop the car, Baolier, stop the car



Sen'ge, stop the car


Get in the car, get in the car

Sen'ge, What's going on?

Get in the car, don't worry about it
just get in with the kids

Get in the car!


You listen to me

If Bater doesn't live

I'm coming back to fix you up

I'm going to drive back there and save him

You bring the horse back, you got that?

What are you doing?

Get lost

So you really want to die, huh?

Live is so hard?

But, dying is easy, right?

Who are you trying to scare here?

You think dying is some great skill
is that it?

If I could I'd have done it already

But now you want to snatch the prize!

Liquor alone won't do the job, or will it?

Watch, watch, just watch

This entire family, who's scared of death?

Anyone here afraid to die?

Take it! Go on

Take it!

Come on

you're the adult, you got the experience

Be an example for the baby first


Drink! Take it and drink it

Look, we have already done
more than our best

You still haven't paid
we've already treated him

Your family members are here now

If you don't pay, we'll take a big loss

ER service totals to more than 3,400 yuan

I'll give you my horse, how's that?

You got to be joking, listen

If you don't pay

You won't walk out of the hospital gate

A little scared, then?

Don't want to die after all?

Then you can watch me die

Come on, drink, drink for Daddy

Come on, drink, drink

Drink, drink

None of you are allowed to die

Mr. Ma, a relative has
already paid the bill

Who paid for it?

Bater's brother, Baolier

Mom, mom


Sen'ge is digging a well behind our house

Hurry come see

Who told you to dig a well here?

Is digging a well illegal?

- Who agreed to this?
- Bater did

Don't believe me go and ask Bater

Sen'ge is digging a well
in front of our house


Sen'ge is digging a well
in front of our house

I know, Zhaya told me

You know and you don't care?

He doesn't want money

So he can dig one in front of our house?

Why doesn't he go dig it
in front of his house?

He has good intentions

Sen'ge, good intentions?
What good intentions?

What if he gets hurt just like you?

How should I return the favor?

How many people can I support?

We can't live without water

Lao Lu, back up

My tea is the tastiest!

Zhaya, It's your mom's milk that's tasty

Lao Lu what's that crap out your mouth?

It isn't about you, what are
you getting worked up about?

Stop talking, my mom's coming

Tuya, you still have the tastiest milk?

- Ma
- Go away, traitor

- I'm not a traitor
- Pull! Pull quickly

I'm not a traitor!

I'm not a traitor, I'm not!

You shouldn't always
send the kids out there

It's not very polite?

When has Sen'ge done
anything that works out?

His wife left him for another man
he lost his truck

And he's made our house a complete mess

The fact that I haven't
yelled at him is enough

Now I should be polite?

After the well is finished
we can use it too

Still no water yet


Zhaya. This isn't your milk tea

This is your mom's milk tea

Zhaya, Zhaya

It's you

It's over, your milk tea
isn't going to help

I want to dig this well, but I can't

Why not?

We hit a slate of bluestone

Is there anything you can do?

You tell me

Pull, pull quick

Pull, hurry up, hurry

Get down

We did it, we did it

We really did it!

Sen'ge is going to spend
all of the little money he has

If so we should sell a dozen
or so sheep, to compensate him

Right now the sheep have no fat
we'll lose money if we sell them

If we had water I'd eat the difference

With water, I'd be fine

Mom, mom, Sen'ge got blown up

Sen'ge blew up

Who got blown up?

Sen'ge got blown up




He's gonna make it. He's just knocked out

Sen'ge, Sen'ge

It's fine, he'll make it. He'll live

- What did you say?
- It's fine, he'll live

Sen'ge, Sen'ge

He'll live, calm down




Tuya, marry me

I've always wanted to tell you

I'm just not good enough

I'm digging the well
so I can have you by my side

You wanted to do it, no one asked you to

Let's just say

You never said it

I'll say this once, so listen up

Stop digging the well

Anything else but that, I have to do

No well, no water. None of us will survive

What if you cripple yourself?

If I am crippled then it was by choice

I won't blame you
you needn't to take care of me

What are you scared of?

What if you die?

God decides life and death
if I die I deserve it

I'm blessed with good fortune
I couldn't die if I wanted

I won't die, I'm going to dig that well

Whatever, it's your life

if you want to die nobody can stop you

Get down

I said make the fuse longer

you just don't listen
you're gonna get killed

- A shorter fuse is cheaper
- Saving is going to kill you

- Tuya
- Ma, Ma

Tuya! Your milk tea is really great

Look, your mom doesn't want you anymore

I'll teach you another move

Pull the rope quickly, hurry up

Mom, mom

It's the 58th explosion

Mom, it's the 58th explosion

Eat up, keep growing, eat up, OK

So you can help your mother

Eat this, see? Watch

Where's Sen'ge?

Sen'ge's in the well

Let me down

The fuse is already lit, you want to die?

I was about to light it and you come down?

Was it true what you said the other day?

What did I say?

Can you really divorce your wife?

I can

You're not afraid of your wife?


What about Bater?

I'll support Bater

After you get divorced
come back and propose


- Bater, Bater
- Yeah?

Sen'ge proposed

Digging the well was the proposal

I knew all along

His wife's so vicious

will she let him get a divorce?

We'll see after the well is finished

Where's Sen'ge?

He ran off last night, you didn't know?

What's he up to?

Very late last night

His friend came and told him
he had seen his wife in town

He left without a word
and he wasn't even fully dressed

Did he mention finishing the well?

Finishing? We were being paid on credit

We can't do anything about it either

He only listens to his wife

Everyone knows

he's scared of his wife

- Tuya
- How on earth did you get out here?

Zhaya still hasn't come back

They said there's a snowstorm coming

Hurry up and find him

if you don't he'll freeze to death


Wear your leather coat

or you'll freeze too





Zhaya, Zhaya


Why didn't you leave?

There are wolves

Don't be scared

if wolves do come, Mama will eat them

Mama's taking you home

Let's go

Forget about the sheep

Let's go

Puribu has made a written pledge

to support Bater

Showing the sincerity of his proposal

If both parties

don't have any further demands

Then we can settle this marriage

of providence and favor


We'll schedule it

on a lucky and convenient day

Then I'll take you and Puribu

to file formal marriage forms, how's that?


Then you all decide on a date

As long as Bater is with me

everything else is up to you

Then let's say the first day

two months from now

I'll accompany you to arrange the wedding

how's that?


I don't drink, I have never drank

He's been a good boy his whole life

Then I'll drink for both of us

Bater, has the truck come yet?

- Where?
- Outside

Look carefully

I'm keeping a close watch


You sell the sheep yet?

Yes, I kept a lamb for Baorao to play with

- Has the truck come?
- Nope

Zhaya! Has the truck come yet?

It's coming, I can see it

It might be broken. It stopped again

What the hell are you doing?

Digging a well for Tuya's

- For who?
- Tuya, Tuya

I rented a drilling truck
I sold my truck too

Didn't you go looking for your wife?

If I didn't find her
how could I get a divorce?

Tuya, let me explain

I'm moving. Get lost

Go to hell!

Go back to your wife, then?

If I didn't find her
how could I get divorced?

We got divorced

Look, the divorce certificate

Didn't you say to come
for you after the divorce?

I'm getting married

I'm moving

Wherever you go I'll follow

(Mongolian Marriage Blessing Song)

- Bater, take it easy
- Leave me alone

You should be taking care of your wife

If you don't take care of her
I'll kick your ass!

It's your wedding day
let Bater have his fill

It's your wedding day let him drink

If not for me then think about Tuya

Tuya, Zhaya is fighting

- Where?
- Outside

You better leave me alone

You leave me alone from now, got it?

Zhaya, what do you think you're doing?

He said I have two fathers!

Stop fighting

- I'll kill him
- Stop it

I'll kill him

Bastards. All of you!

Leave me alone

You think I'm scared of you, right?

You, don't touch me

- Bater
- Sen'ge

Later, I'll fix you up real good

You think I'm scared of you?

You leave me alone, you got that?

Tuya, Tuya

Where are you?

Come quick

Tuya, come quick