Tsukiji uogashi sandaime (2008) - full transcript

Shuntaro Akagi works as an elite businessman at a general trading company. Quite by chance, he ends up helping out at the fish-trader shop, "Uotatsu" which is located in the Tsukiji Fish Market and is owned by his girlfriend's family. In this place where long-standing traditions have developed amidst idiosyncratic rules, Shuntaro has to struggle earnestly to get through the days. However, encountering various Tsukiji people and working with them, Shuntaro becomes aware of something he had forgotten at some point in his life. In Tsukiji, he encounters a forthrightness in human relations that is neither trendy nor sophisticated, but a mutual co-operation and warmth that links their hearts.



Shun, you always

do this without asking.

I thought you'd enjoy it.


It's known for being expensive.

Don't worry about it!

I do worry.

You know I don't like such places.

But I...

Why did we have to eat out anyway?

I said that I'd make curry.

Sometimes it's nice talk about things.

About what?!


You want to know what...?



Just a moment.

Yes, OK. Go ahead.

Director, does it have to be right now?

Right now!

Get my golf bag at Misako's, like always.

I'll call my wife.

But, sir...


The main course...

Tsukiji Uogashi Sandaime

"Tsukiji Fish Market"



Tsuyoshi IHARA





Shiro ITO

Original Story: Mitsuo HASHIMOTO


Screenplay: Teruo ABE


Production: Teruki MATSUMOTO

Producer: Hiroshi FUKASAWA

Takashi YAJIMA

Cinematography: Mutsuo NAGANUMA

Production Design: Yutaka YOKOYAMA

Lighting: Takeshi NAKASU

Sound Recording: Hajime SUZUKI

Editing: Kazuhide ISHIJIMA

Music: Toshiyuki HONDA

Line Producer: Hitoshi IWATA

Production Manager: Daisuke MURAYAMA

Director: Shingo MATSUBARA

Why'd I have to drag you here

from the hospital?!

It may be the last time I to see it.

Ridiculous, just a knee operation!

Listen to me.

General anesthesia is risky.

Just accept it.

A lifetime of heavy lifting and

standing is bad for the knees.

Hey, Sho...

I'll retire soon.


What about the shop, Uotatsu?

Eiji's the 3rd generation, he'll take over.

I see...

Once you decide, that's the end of it.

What happens next?

That's the thing...

Morning, Uotatsu boss!

Oh no, head back!

Head back?!

Quick! Quick!

You said come here,

now you say head back...?!

I don't want to be seen!

I'll look foolish.

I see.

"University Hospital"

How is it?

True, they're really different.

Told you!

Being a bit sour makes them more fruity.

All the rest grow 'Kyoho' grapes.

My stubborn Grandpa

only grows these 'Koshu' grapes.

To me, this taste is 'grape'.

As usual, talk about Shuntaro's taste.

I love to hear about his sense of taste.

You're not at work?

I visited our branch office,

and wanted your wife to try these.

Thank you.

Let me try.


Rather sour...

No! They're good!

Thank you!

I still think of the days when...

I worked under you in purchasing.

We had a great time.

Laughter, tears, panic...

But now I just run errands for the Director.

I could be promoted to Section Chief, but...

I wonder...

What's wrong?

Maybe I feel a bit guilty...

I intend to marry.

That's what it is!

Should have said so!

Better reconsider that.

Half our pay goes to putting up with things!

Here's your order!

It's ready.

It looks good!

Not 'looks good,' it is good!

Kaneya-san, for your wife.

Again? Thanks so much.

I'd really like to make her

blackthroat seaperch,

but they're not catching any this year.

But Tsukiji is the main fish market in Japan.

Don't they have any?

I know it's Junko's favorite,

and tried to find some.

Thank you for this.

She grew up far from the sea,

but her father used to go fishing,

so seaperch brings back memories.

She ate some of Chiaki's here.

The familiar taste moved her to tears.


I want to try some!

Better eat your snapper first!

Right, let's eat.

It's good!

Let's have a toast.

Akagi-san, here's to your promotion!


A kiss?

Akagi, your great personality will

make your resignation easier.


Excuse me...?



Not 'huh.' You have to.

Also, we'll go to Hakone tomorrow,

pick me up in the morning.

Sir, I hadn't heard anything

about restructuring.

I just told you.

Told you!

Akagi, drink more!

Another toast!

You drinking?

I am! Tomorrow's early...


Good morning!


You're here?!

This is a bit lean.

True, but the color's pretty good.

A bit cheaper?

I can't really...

Remember my loan?

Alright. Let's do it.


It's serious!

I'm tired of your panic!

Lose at horse racing?

Nothing like that!

Some weird guy's with Asuka!

He grabbed her arm!

It may be rape!

Call the cops?

Where is he?!

On the pier!

A wholesaler's daughter?

You didn't tell me.


I planned to tell you sometime.

Two jobs is too much.

The head chose you for window display.

You said now is crucial.

But things happened...

What happened?

You'll get exhausted.

Let's go. I'll take you.

Let me go, I can't leave yet.

You have to go...

You jerk, what's going on?!

Just wait!

What are you doing?!

That'll cool you down!

Lousy jerk!

Are you OK?


He's my boyfriend!

Shun, you OK?

The foam box!

What's going on?!

Who are you?!

I'm sorry.

My dad's having knee surgery.

Our little shop is shorthanded,

I'm helping out till he leaves hospital.

But you've been

working overtime at the store.

I'm OK. Dad will return

at the end of this month.

You shouldn't come here again.

But, Asuka...

I'm OK. Thanks for your concern.

But I don't want you around here.


Who is that guy?

Seems he works in a

downtown trading company.



Asuka's at her company.

It was a real shock to her.

Of course.

Was that guy in the river

really her boyfriend?

Didn't you hear me? He isn't!

He's a stalker!

I tried to tell Asuka.

I said a daughter of Tsukiji

shouldn't work downtown!

I said she'd be happier here.

Eiji is here, and I'm here.

What's wrong with us guys?!

Fool! It's a do or die moment for Eiji!

Maybe he'll suddenly propose.

Think so? Even that bumbling Eiji?

Idiot! Eiji has always

cherished her in his heart.

He'll propose when ready.

Sir, I'm glad your surgery went well.


Thank you.

But now the tough

rehabilitation period begins.

The doctor said I might need

surgery again if I don't do it.

I doubt that.

The owner of Tagoto

came to visit this morning.

He mentioned he wants me

to send you back to him.

That's a hell of a thing!

As soon as possible, I want you...

to decide to take over Uotatsu.

He'll give up on you.

Have one.

What's wrong?

Sir, I think that for Uotatsu

the man that Asuka marries...

should become the 3rd generation.

No, but I'm grateful that you

always consider Asuka.

However, she already has

a career outside of Tsukiji.

Won't you please discuss

this with Asuka once more?

The 3rd generation of Uotatsu...

will be you, Eiji, I've decided.


Can't be...

Good morning!

I'll be helping out from today.

I'm Shuntaro Akagi.

I'm not experienced,

but I'll do my best.


I made a mistake yesterday

and was rough with you.

Please forgive me.

I'm sorry, also.

I want to do whatever I can

to help out Asuka.

I'll do my best!


What are you doing?!

It should be obvious.

I don't understand.

What's this weird outfit?

I'll help out here, until your father returns.

You can't just show up!

Why didn't you ask me?

You'd say no.

Of course I would!

First of all,

a novice like you can't do anything!

Your eyes are bloodshot.

Did you sleep?

Take a nap while I look after things.

But, I...

Excuse me, is there a place she can rest?

There's a sofa in the office.

Good, let's go. Show me the way?


Come on, let's go.

It's OK, I'm not tired.


It won't be for long, but I'll do my best!


It's OK!

It's not OK!

We're a wholesaler, so sell fish by the kilo.

Our customers are pros, so be careful.

Ask Masa or Eiji

if you need any help.

OK, thank you.

Excuse me, should I attract customers?


Don't ask, do what you want!


I'm on my way!

Welcome! Welcome! Good price, good taste!

Just take a look!

Welcome! May I help you?

You're a lively one.

That's all I've got.

What's good today?

Good... today?

How about this bonito?

Of course, nice color.

How's the taste?

It's fresh!

This is Tsukiji!

Wholesalers don't say 'fresh'!

I haven't seen you. You are a real novice.


How about the bonito?

Sorry, not what I need today.

Son, your liveliness is great,

but develop your taste before trying to sell.

Please come again.

He's just enjoying looking at wholesalers.

Enjoying it?

This is a place for experts.

I appreciate your effort,

but you can't help out here.

Excuse me, may I buy this?


How it's sliced really changes the taste.

You can taste that?!

I'm just a novice, but I love tasty things.

This bonito flesh is firm.

The part I sliced is not like that at all.

A pro is really amazing.

I'm a pro?!

You praised me,

so I'll make bonito 'gawa' for you.


Chives, onion.

Next, ginger and garlic.

Mix it well.

It looks good already.

You guys seem pleased.


Sleep well?

Yes, thanks to you.

What is this?

He says it's bonito 'gawa.'

Omaezaki fishermen often eat this.

It looks good!

Into the bowl...

Pour on some soup stock

with 'miso' dissolved in it.

And last, some ice.

You add ice?!

It's ready.

That looks good!

With thanks!

It's great!

Really, with a hint of fat.


Accept that the rationale

our company will now follow...

is fundamentally different from the one...

...conventional Japanese companies

have followed.

A key component of this plan

is based on appropriate staffing...

for every department.

In other words,

as work capacity constantly changes...

by the period and year...

Hey, don't you notice a fish stink?

The head of personnel will

now explain the reduction plan.

Please take a look at this whiteboard.

Personnel reduction...

Out of the way, get going!

Is this flounder good for 'sashimi'?

It's fine, but I recommend grilling.

I need fish for 'sashimi', maybe next time.

Thank you.

Eri, please sell me these!

Again?! You'll use up all your pay.

That's OK.

Use the whole knife.

Like this?


It's good.

Really good.

Yesterday's was different.

Was it really?

Exactly the same.


No, yesterday's had an odor

and was watery.

No, you imagine that.

They're both flounder

from the same port.

They're not the same,

I'd recommend this one to customers.

Oh! You're right!

Same port, but it's right-eyed

flounder! I didn't notice...

A different variety?

Oh no, I messed up!

I could've sold this.

But your sense of taste is amazing!

I couldn't tell the difference.

Best part of a flounder!

Masa-san, I made a mistake

on this yellowtail price!

You charged that shop this price?!


Idiot! Quick, go get it back!

For my bill!

Idiot! What're you doing?!

My type...

Sir, it's from the Director.


"Early Retirement: Satoshi KANEYA"


Knock before entering!

Kaneya is on this list.

He's helped me since I started here.

Please, sir.

Use your position to have him

taken off the restructuring list.

So, that's it?

It's not up to just me.

This is the best thing for the company.

Forget your personal feelings.

Just pass on the decision.

But, sir...

Long ago, I tried to back him up.

He answered that he

didn't want me to take sides.

He sounded so righteous,

saying his wife's days are numbered,

he neglected his work...

Days are numbered?

You didn't know?

The final stages of cancer.

These are this year's results.

Without a personnel reduction plan,

our main bank will stop funding.

Yes, of course.

Because of that, Kaneya-san,

I'm offering you early retirement.

This is the record

of your performance.

Of particular concern is...

the trouble with the purchase

of the Shanghai air filters.

Also, even while failing to

increase sales,

you took many holidays.

As a leader...

I understand.

I'll resign within this week.

Kaneya-san, I...


I can't do this!

These numbers are nonsense!

The filter purchase was

a company decision.

You just ended up

in charge of it sometimes!

Absent due to your wife's illness...

If that happened to me,

I'd also want to be at my wife's side.

You often yelled at me,

but also protected me.

Making up lies to get rid of you...

I cannot do that.

Thank you.

I'm glad you handled this.

Junko went back to the countryside,

at her request.

Really? It's that serious?


Isn't Junko from the mountains?

They won't be able to get

good fish out there...


Let's prepare blackthroat seaperch?

He said it's Junko's favorite dish.

He wants her to eat

the best seaperch in Japan.

Good idea...

But can we find some?

Do you have seaperch?

Of course not.

Is some coming?

No one knows that.


Any seaperch?

I have some.

You do?!

May I buy one?

They're all sold.

Just one is enough.

Just shut up!

I won't sell to you!

Get out of here!

Why won't you sell to me?

After I plead with you?

Now we know!

Your businessman tricks.

You're wrong to think

that money can buy anything!

That's not...

Listen, Eiji and I...

have been buddies since he

was sent here at 17.

I won't sell fish to a guy that

destroys his happy relationship!

What do you mean,

'happy relationship'?

You have no sensitivity at all!

Just look at Eiji and Asuka

and you'll know.

Get out! Just get out!

Businessman or not

makes no difference!

It's wrong to try to return kindness?!

Off you go!

Chiaki will show you what to do.


But that's the end of it.

The Boss returns next week.

Then Eri can work with us again.

After that, go back to your good job.

Chiaki, give him soup stock and a pot.

Thank you!

Don't look so proud!

They're great! Were they expensive?

Please don't worry about that.

Chiaki's homemade soup stock, it's good!

I'm hungry!

What are you making?

Seaperch in soup stock!

It's ready!

It looks good!

Exactly the same.

Just like we ate together

when Dad went fishing.


I remember the smiling faces...

of my mother and father.

Akagi-san, thank you.

Let's eat!

It is good!

What's this?

That's Mom!

Your Mom?

What are you making?

It's a 'zubonbo.'

Let's try it.

What's a 'zubonbo'?

I don't know.

Do you know?

I don't know.

Shuntaro, go ahead!

What a great place.

May I visit again?

I'll just show up when I want!

Visit anytime.

I haven't seen my wife

laugh like that for ages.

Thank you.

But that's enough...

You know, right? About my wife.

I'm sorry...

I'm such a fool.

Cooking fish...

Getting the kids all excited...

But that's all I can do.



don't regret quitting the company...

to be with my wife.

Happiness in life...

means being truthful

to your own heart.

At this age, I finally understand.

Shuntaro, this way.

Thanks. We're going to make a

vegetable garden while she's still OK.

Shuntaro, please bring fish again.

I will.

Take care.

You take care, also. Good health to your wife.

Do your best at work.


Take care.

Thank you.

"Letter of Resignation"

What's this?!

Thanks for everything.

Akagi, wait!

Congratulations on your recovery!

It's great!

Thank you.


It's good you're back!


Now get back to work!

The Boss is back!

Welcome back, sir!


I'm so glad!

Eri, how are you?

Congratulations! Are you tired?

Not at all. Strange,

but this air revitalizes me.

Sorry to worry everyone.

Sir, welcome back.

Actually... he is...

Father, a pleasure to meet you.

My heartfelt congratulations on your recovery.


Sorry we didn't meet sooner.

I'm your daughter's boyfriend,

Shuntaro Akagi.

"Tokusaburo Kaburaki"

Tsukiji has its own traditions.

Having a novice handle our fish is something...

that I cannot allow.

I'm sorry.

Don't hold Asuka responsible for this.

I forced myself on them.

Sir, allow me to work at Uotatsu!



I'll do anything.


Please let me belong in Tsukiji!

Don't talk nonsense.

You've enjoyed this unusual place enough,

now go back soon to the

business world you belong in.

I handed in my resignation.

I'm totally committed to this!

I have decided to spend my life here!

You didn't!

Sorry, Asuka, but I've decided.

Why did you decide

such an important matter...

without even talking to me?!

While I was here I handled fish and ate fish,

met the people of Tsukiji,

and knew I'd found something important.


How can you be so selfish?

It was good!

Come again!


Such a love affair at your place!

That hot-blooded love will spoil the fish!

Shut up, idiot!

You're the one that

can't keep your mouth shut!

Chiaki-san, mackerel for me.

The usual for me.

And Masa?

Beer! I can't eat like this!

That's no good.

Eiji will get mad again

if you drink this early.

Shut up! You should be mad at them.

We owe Eiji a lot, but he was ridiculed!

It's not his nature to say anything,

but even you guys

can see how much he loves her.

I mean, we're his buddies,

we have a duty to make things right.

What's that about duty?!

All of you shut up!

We have to make sure Eiji and

Asuka marry and take over Uotatsu.

But what should we do?

That's why we're meeting here!

Chiaki-san, 'sashimi,' large rice.

Eating after all!

Am not! Just forcing it down!

Seriously, what'll we do?

First we need to find out what Asuka wants.

We already know!

I wonder...?

The bag...

I need a moment...

She's busy now.

It won't take long.

Here it is.


But why Tsukiji?

We have other places to spend our lives.

That place is bound by old traditions.

But I've...

really come to love Tsukiji.

I love the fish, I want to be there.


Kaburaki-san, telephone.


What about my feelings?

You don't care about...

what I want?

Feet apart.

A bit higher.

Keep it up.

Now move your hands.

Everyone, do your best!

Music, please.

Hands to your waist, on your right foot.

Hold firmly, twist your body.

That's right.

Next, use your hands.

Push, push, and take big breaths.

Kaburaki-san, aren't you in rehabilitation?

Don't rest, keep on trying!


Fool, what's on your mind?

Come on, rehabilitation!

A lot has happened.

One step at a time, like your knee.

What's that mean, a lot?

Uotatsu's 3rd generation.

They say Asuka's boyfriend

wants to enter Uotatsu.

But if he does enter Tsukiji,

what about Eiji, the 3rd generation?

I won't let that happen.

You'll interfere in your

only daughter's happiness?

Shut up, my family affairs

are none of your business!

I'm saying it like a brother!

Shut up! You're just a nuisance!

You're like a nosy little filefish!

Don't talk to me like that!

Puffed-up anglerfish!

Who's an anglerfish?!

Serves you right! I'll stop now for you.

You're closing early today!

You have to discuss things.

That's strange...

Would you like a drink?

During the summer...

of the third year of high school,

you fought with your dad

and ran out of the house.

You went eating and drinking with

a school friend and became rowdy.

Right. I...

was hit by you...

At the time, your father asked me...

to go looking for you.

He doesn't say it,

but he worries about you a lot.

Miss, please let me

frankly ask what you want.

How do you feel about Akagi-san?

Are you really in love with him?

If you're serious about that,

it also affects me.


I'm sorry...


She cried?

She cried.

We had dance lessons yesterday.

We practiced tango for a show, right?

Afterwards, we passed by Chiaki's place.

Just then, Asuka suddenly came running out!

Was Eiji in there also?

He was. Drinking thoughtfully.

I wonder what he said to her?

There's no way to know.

I'm sure that I know.

You know what?!

That determined look on his face.

Tears rolling down Asuka's cheek...

It can mean only one thing.

So what is it?!


Eiji proposed to her,

and she was crying in joy!

Finally, he has done it!

Keep these days open.

It's impossible to do that!

Those days are already booked.

Do it somehow.

It's for the wedding of Eiji and Asuka.

Impossible! My dad will kill me.

Well then, I'll tell everyone in Tsukiji.

Tell what?

Haruo at the shrine...

was rejected by Asuka,

and refused to hold her wedding ceremony.

Sound OK?

You can't tell them that.

You're the one rejected by her.

You fool, forget about the past.

It's your last chance to

end your affection for Asuka.

I've totally gotten over her.

You're the one holding on...

I'm already married.


Is Haruo's wife here?!

Alright, I give up. Be quiet!

I knew you could do it.

And this lucky day, too!

Now that day, too?!


It's you!


Sit down, sit!

What'll you have?




Your eyes...

You have the eyes of

an abandoned, lost puppy.

When I see those eyes,

I want to comfort you.

I'm a bad girl...


I understand... You can't forget your Asuka.

Not really...

But her marriage to Eiji...

was decided long ago.


Don't come back here! Get out!

Out of my way!

I said get out!


Asuka, what's this about marriage to Eiji?


Eiji and I?

Decided long ago!

You quarrel with her?!

Taku, don't just look, give him a good punch!

Don't say that,

he helped out Asuka and Uotatsu.

Watch what you say.

Whose side are you on?

You like Shuntaro so much,

quit and get an office job!

What's with that face?!

You don't like it,

go back where you came from!

Stop that! What's going on?!

We've always gotten along well.

Akagi-san, it's all your fault.

You've caused this trouble.

Shun, please leave.

Don't come here again.

Eiji, go ahead and punch him.


'Sanada' is a 'sushi' place

behind the Kabukiza Theater.

Can we meet there for dinner tonight?

"Sanada Sushi"

This is the last time.

I won't repeat it, listen carefully.

It happened long ago.

Many Tsukiji gentlemen

went to Mukojima for pleasure.

A geisha fell in love with

the 2nd generation head of Uotatsu.

Although an unlikely love,

she agreed to give birth to a baby boy.

That baby was me.

Asuka and I are siblings,

with different mothers.

But Asuka is not aware of this.

So please promise that

you'll tell this to no one.

He already knows about this.

He's been like a brother

to my father since childhood.

Please prepare him something good.

I'm going back to finish work.

Please wait...

Asuka really does love you.

So I decided to tell my secret,

to avoid any misunderstanding.


You said tell no one...

Shouldn't Asuka know?

You're her real brother.

I owe her father a lot.

He accepted me and

taught me everything I know.

If people know about this,

that Uotatsu...

took his son as an employee,

we would be ridiculed.

I'd end my life before

allowing my father...

and sister to suffer that.

My mother's grave is at Mukojima.

If I took over Uotatsu,

my mother would be all alone.

Come and eat!

That was...

made by Asuka in sixth grade.

It was for her father's birthday,

but they argued as usual.

She's just as stubborn as her father.

She left her father after

graduating from university.


some day I want to return

that flower vase...

to her father, for whatever reason.

It's snapper.

It's good.

That fish is from a holding tank.

Holding tank?

It's not a reject.

Fish that have just been caught

are exhausted from the struggle.

They're allowed to rest in the tank,

and taste better after

regaining their energy.

Humans are just the same.

You have to be nice to yourself sometimes.


Cold 'sake' please!

You're in a good mood.

'Pachinko' slot machines?

I finally had a winning streak.



What's that?


I can see that.

They're expensive.

I seemed odd when

you called and asked my shoe size.

Try them on.

Why not, after I got them for you?

I don't want 'pachinko' shoes.

What are you saying?!

I don't have clothes.


I don't have clothes

to wear with those shoes.


Just anything won't do.

A woman won't wear

shoes that don't suit her clothes.

Why not?!

Eiji-san, have you ever

noticed what clothes I wear?


Some good vegetables came,

so I thought you'd like them.

Thank you again.

Great green peppers.

Eiji, you're here!


I'm thirsty, maybe I'll stay for a drink.

Oh, you're closed?

It's OK, I owe you a lot.

Well, beer.

What are these?!

Someone forgot them.


Nobody wears these nowadays.

Enough of that.

Did you consider what I said before?

Eiji, leave us alone.

Good night.

Say hi to Asuka. Good luck to you.

Chiaki, I want your answer tonight.

We'll do it next Saturday.

But, that's too fast.

Don't you know how I feel?

Why not choose me?

Give up this little place,

you can be in charge at mine.

I'll make you happy.

What did your parents say?

Said to bring the one I want to marry.

My brothers and family will attend,

there's no reason to be ashamed.



It's lovely.

I wanted to see your work.

Impressive, right in the heart of Ginza...

You've worked hard.


You came here just for this?

Actually, there's something

I want to give you.

Eiji taught me these fish recipes.

I want you to use them.

Why give them to me?

Because... someone proposed to me.

Who proposed?!

The young head of Kataoka Fresh Produce.

It's funny.

I'll be a fruit and vegetable lady!

Will you accept?

It might be best, I'm not so young anymore.

I may not have any more offers.

See you later.

But, Chiaki-san...

"These are Eiji's favorite recipes. Be happy."

Tokyo novice, you getting used to it?

I'm still learning.

You were a businessman?


Why did you quit?


Seems a waste.

The water temperature changes

depending on the fish.

They're in the dark to

help them calm down.

You have to be affectionate

to get tasty fish.

To these fish, human hands

are warm enough to burn them.

Hold on!

This one is injured.

Put it in here.

Take care of it.

Take good care.

It'll rest, then be shipped after it heals.

They don't exist to be eaten.

You say 'With Thanks' before eating?

That means, 'thanks for giving me your life.'

They make our lives possible.

The 'Ichiban Maru' fish dealer called me.

Said that guy asked to work

so he could learn about fish.

What a fool!

'Ichiban Maru'... the port of Choshi?!


Eiji told me.

If you really do love him,

I won't oppose it.

But he cannot work in Tsukiji.

I don't want to be in a place

that stinks of fish.

That's good. Now get going.

If you can make him

back into a businessman,

I accept anything, even marriage.

Why 'that's good'?

Why are you against Shun?

You're just like him.

How am I like him?!

You want everything your own way!

Did you ever think about

what my deceased mother wanted?

Asuka, you know about...?!

It's a terrible typhoon!

We have to deliver as much as we can.



One more.

Take it!

Asuka, sorry to worry you.

I've heard so many things,

I'm all mixed up...

Thinking about you and Eiji...

It was wrong of me

to not tell you everything.


Promise to tell no one

what I'm about to tell you?

In second year of high school,

I saw my father strolling

with a beautiful woman.

She was a Mukojima geisha,

her name was Shiho.


Today, I want tasty meat!


a pure white heron!

Meat? I know a place to go!

Eiji works... at Uotatsu,

but he's the boss' son,

and Shiho's son.

Eiji is my brother,

She told me,

and I was shocked.

I couldn't forgive

father for betraying mother.

So, we have always fought.

It's a bit strange,

but I have nothing against Shiho.

She had a nice smell of soap,

and a little coral ring.

It's like talking about a mother

that I remember only from photos.

I kept it secret from Dad and Eiji,

but met her sometimes.


Please make one last promise.

Please don't tell Eiji.

If everyone found out,

he would leave Uotatsu,

and return to the bad people he knew.

It's better to...

Ieave things as is,

him working with his father.


Eiji-san has...

always looked after that motherless you,

without saying he's your brother.

The last truck is ready!

Please take Asuka and the fish to Tsukiji!

Why does dawn come early

In a harbor town with women...

He taught me a lot.

About fish,

and about this area and the fisherman.

Somehow everyone is

supported by others to live.

Now I finally understand.

Why Eiji is so silent,

and why you are bitter.

Asuka, share half your burden with me.

I will make you happy.

Sir, please let Shuntaro work under me.

You fool, what can he do in the shop?

At what age did you enter Tsukiji?!

He can't begin this trade at his age!

It's true it's rather late, but sir,

Shuntaro has a better

sense of taste than I do.

And that's not all.

every day he buys fish himself,

and makes an effort to

continually improve his taste.

Sir, Asuka has always...

hidden her loneliness from others.

But sometimes that loneliness shows.

I can see it.

But she's changed since he came.

She really laughs when

he makes some kind of blunder.

I haven't seen her like that

since she was a child.

It's getting stormy...

Here it is, 'tuna croquettes.'

Shiho told me about them.

Eiji disliked fish as a child,

so to get him to like fish,

she made him tuna croquettes.

This is the mother's

taste that he loves.

He had Chiaki make them for him.

Eiji-san has also been lonely.

Chiaki-san has cared for him.

In response to what he needed,

she worked hard cooking things.

I'm a fool. I didn't notice how

you both felt, even right beside them.

Shun, what should I do?

Let's go! We can't think

just of our own happiness.

"Thanks for your patronage.

My place is now closed. Chiaki"

What'll we do?

I'll get everyone to look for her.

Go tell Eiji about this.

Call me if you find her.

Please, everyone spread out

and look for Chiaki!

I know it's none of my business.

But I can't let this happen.


Where is Eiji?

Eiji? You know, Taku?

He was just here.

Eri, do you know?


Actually, he said he'd

talk to the Boss about stock.


That's true...

a notice isn't enough of a goodbye.

OK, I'll check over in produce.

I'll check the grounds.

The train station.

I'll go, too.

Thank you!

I'll call around.

I guess I have to.

Thank you!

Miss, the Boss will be back soon.

I'll have lunch with him somewhere.

Where'll you eat?

You've always gone to Chiaki's.

We'll find someplace...

Chiaki will be found by Shun and the rest.

She can handle her own affairs.

They should leave her alone.

When I was small,

I was embarrassed to take lunches

my father made to school.

Once, he put in filefish livers!

Who would put that

in a primary school lunch?!

Isn't it ridiculous?


after you came to Uotatsu

and started making my lunches,

I was proud to show my friends.

Eiji-san, you always

thought about my favorite foods.

I'll never forget one Sports Day lunch.

You piled pink cod flakes on top of rice,

and cut the dried seaweed

so that it read 'WIN.'


I don't...

Today I made your

favorite food, tuna croquettes.

So I'm going to write 'WIN' on top.

You've done...

You've done so much for me, thank you,

dear brother.

I know.

It's only for today, and only now.

I'll be fine.

I will definitely be happy with Shun.

So the next thing I want,

is for my brother...

to also be happy.


"W - I - N"

With thanks.

It's good.

Miss, it's good.

I'm so glad.

Miss, please forgive your father.

It's also been tough for him.


They've found Chiaki.


At a Chinese restaurant in Ginza.

An engagement party

with the fresh produce people.

Chiaki's engaged?!

Excuse me.

Eiji-san, please go!

This is no time to eat!

Chiaki will marry another man!

You don't care?!

There's nothing between her and I...

Enough of this! I'm going with you!


Chiaki is in love with you!

You'll abandon her?!

A Tsukiji man does that?!

Do as you like!


Shun, what'll you do?

I'll talk to Chiaki and bring her here!

That's crazy!

I can't let this happen.

He's so irrational.

Watch out! Careful!

Get off!


Where is she?!

Where's Chiaki?!

Just past Kabukiza.

Hold on tight!



No good! Run!

Chiaki-san, take good care of him!


Come with me!

Eiji, what's this?!

You fool! You barge in here

and make selfish demands!

Take these! Let's go!

I don't want 'pachinko' shoes!

Idiot, I bought them!

They're not 'pachinko' shoes!

I'll show you!

Just wait!

You didn't come here to fight!

Just explain politely!

I've had enough!

Don't say that, just wait!

My clothes don't match!

Fool, I can't choose women's clothes!

I'd wear anything, as long as you gave to me!


Chiaki, please!

Please, I want you to...

become my wife!

Eiji, you're not fooling anyone.

Forgive me!

I accept your proposal.


Father came to express thanks.


Because Shun has returned.

He ate your great 'sushi,'

and went to Choshi to learn more.

Father said he wants to thank you.

Right, Father?

Well, I guess, etiquette requires that

I express my thanks.

I said it, now let's go.


I'm sorry.

It's OK, tell the old fool

I don't need his thanks!

What's that remark? Old coot!

You don't like it?!

I'll never say I'm grateful to you!


That's how you say thanks?!

That attitude makes you

a lousy 'shogi' player!

Huh?! What's wrong with my 'shogi'?!

I'll take your Knights anytime!

Lousy, just a Rook player!

We'll see who's the worst!

I'll show you!

I'll let my Rook rest in the corner,

and win with Gold, Silver, Knight.

I'll show you how to win with no King!

You talk big!

Asuka, where's our tea?


And sweets in the cupboard.


Also, Asuka...

I know, strong tea.

It's not that... Thank you.

Hey, one more toast!

To Eiji and Chiaki,



Osamu, where's the manager?

What's he up to?

What's wrong?

What's going on? So quiet...

Leave him alone. His wife is gone again.

Who is it this time?

The tango instructor.

A foreigner. From Argentina.

What's more,

I got a postcard from

Sado Island saying don't look for her.

Masa, it's your turn next!

Eiji, Chiaki, congratulations.

There were misunderstandings,

but it all went well in the end.

You caused the misunderstandings!

Shut up!

If I may...

Just stay seated!

I wish Eiji and Chiaki happiness...


Excuse me.



Where are you going on your own?


What is it?

I... don't want to cause

any more trouble for everyone.

I'm very grateful, thank you.

You fool.

Didn't you tell me that

this is where you belong?

Was what you told me untrue?

Was that untrue?

Not untrue, but...

Enough talking, come with me.

Yellowtail to celebrate.

Choose the one that you think is best.

No, I can't...


Please choose.

Choose the best one.

But I'm not...

Go ahead, make your choice.

I'll try.

This one!

I think this one is best.

Excellent! I thought so, too.

How did you know?

I kept looking and understood.

This one most wants to be eaten by me!

All of you have gathered today

for Eiji and Chiaki.

Thank you so much!

Moving on to the next point,

I'd like to reintroduce Shuntaro

Akagi upon his return to us.

You know that yellowtail

is called 'wakashi,' 'inada,' 'warasa,'

and finally 'buri,'

depending on its growth stage.

Till now, he hadn't reached

the first 'wakashi' stage.

Whether he'll develop

to the 'buri' stage,

or not reach it and

drown in the sea of Tsukiji,

remains to be seen.

However, if this fool can successfully...

develop fully to the 'buri' stage,

he will become the

3rd generation of Uotatsu,and you'll have

my successor. My mind is made up.

You did it!

Everyone, until that day comes,

please strictly train him.

Please give him your support.


3rd generation, do your best!

Lady's man!

Directed by Shingo MATSUBARA

English Subtitles by Paul BRYDEN