Tsotsi (2005) - full transcript
Six days in the violent life of a young Johannesburg gang leader.
Roll again...
Roll again...
- Eleven!
- Eleven?
- What?
- 4 and 5 is 9, not 11.
It's good! It's good.
4 and 5 is 9, not 11!
Throw again, brother.
- That's enough.
- Hey Tsotsi, what we're doing tonight?
Yeah, what we doing?
The little gangster!
Did you learn to drive?
I was sick. So what?
- Come sit teacher boy.
- Fuck off I'm not your teacher boy.
You know you went too far tonight.
What's your name, Tsotsi?
Your real name. Thug,
Tsotsi, it's not a name.
- Boston, don't ask him questions.
- Why not?
I'm six months with you.
I want to know his name.
Everyone has a name.
A real one. From his mother.
- Hey, Soekie, we're dry here.
- I'll come when I'm ready, okay?
Decency Tsotsi? Do you
know that word? Decency.
I had a bit of it,
that's why I got sick.
And that fat man with the tie,
he had a lot. And now?
He's dead.
Jesus, Butcher go get it yourself.
I'm trying to talk seriously here.
Come sit, sonny.
Just remember... I don't
want any trouble in here.
What's wrong?
Are you sick again?
Tonight Tsotsi...
When we killed the fat man...
I felt like this inside me...
Do you ever feel like that?
For a woman Tsotsi?
Maybe you had a woman.
And when she left you... It hurt...
And you bled...
Your father... Your father, Tsotsi...
Where's your father?
Where's your father
and your mother...
Jesus, Tsotsi!
Tell that bastard never
to come here again.
John! John!
Open the gate!
The remote isn't working.
Open the gate!
Yes, that's the registration...
Just tell them the car
is empty. No baby.
Jesus, you stink!
Quiet, baby.
- Yes what?
- It's us.
- Who?
- Aap and Butcher.
- We need to talk.
- About what?
About Boston.
- Where is he?
- At Soekie's.
- He won't work with us anymore.
- Says who? You or him?
What's that?
That smell.
- It's me.
- What's wrong?
I'm sick.
- You need a doctor.
- I'm fine.
Hey sister! Feed him.
Come feed him here.
If you got no milk,
let him suck me.
- What are we doing tonight Tsotsi?
- Let's meet later at Park Station.
Later's good.
Meet you later then.
Hey man! Did you smell?
Stinks like shit!
Were there any fingerprints?
This bastard is a nodody.
He went at the township you said.
- Sir, we can't even track stolen cars...
- Don't tell me what you can't do!
I want you to find my child.
When my wife wakes up, I want my
child right next to her. Am I clear?
Where is Tsotsi?
- Fuck him.
- Yeah, fuck him.
Hey, watch where
the fuck you're going!
Now what? You want
me to say sorry?
Watch where you
put your feet. Move!
Hey what's up Bheki!
- Who won?
- Irish fancy, brother. 7 to 2.
- Cripple donkey!
- Did you win anything?
- Win? Fuck all!
- Put a 100 at red bullet tomorrow.
Red bullet got no legs.
Silver lightning!
Don't take too much!
Where is this guy?
Where did you get
your driver's licence?
Did your mother
teach you to drive?
What do you want, boy?
Do you want my money?
- Stand up.
- What?
- Get up and walk.
- Who are you, Jesus Christ?
- I'm a cripple!
- You lie. Stand up.
Go to hell.
Fine. Here's all
the money I have.
What you want from me? Take
the money and leave me alone.
Fuck man! Fuck you!
You fucking bastard!
Are you happy now?
You made an old man
piss in his pants.
Why are you following me? Why?
I saw a dog once...
Two kicks... And it's
back was broken.
It crawled...
Just like you...
What kind of a man kicks a dog?
What happened to your legs?
I was working at the mines.
Digging gold.
A beam fell on me.
It broke me.
Why do you go on...
when you live like a dog?
I like to feel the sun on the street.
Even with these hands...
I can still feel the heat.
Pick up your money.
Enjoy your tea.
What do you want?
Leave it down!
Leave it down, damn it!
- Please don't hurt my baby.
- I won't. Put him down.
- In the bag...
- What?
Look in the bag.
Hey, look in the bag!
Feed him.
I'm not leaving if you don't
feed him... Feed him!
Did you make this?
Why is it rusted?
I was sad.
And this?
- Were you happy?
- Yes.
Now you got something, right?
Can you do anything?
Yes, this will help.
Find him... and tell him...
If he has hurt my baby in any way...
I will kill him with my own hands.
He's done.
Put him back.
Where is his mother?
He's mine.
Put him back.
Can I wash him first?
There you go little guy...
Do you want me to wash you?
You do, don't you?
If you tell anyone, I'll kill you.
Come on brother!
- Seven!
- Three and five is eight you moron.
Eight is close!
Lend me 50 Fela.
50 bucks...
I can feel your pain.
You're rich...
What's 50 bucks to you?
50 to me? With 50 bucks I buy beers
for you losers at the end of the day.
- Win then.
- Fuck you.
Who does this look like?
Tsotsi, right?
- What does it say?
- Says he shot a woman...
...stole her car with her child inside
...what kind of a man is he?
No, it's not Tsotsi.
It's not Tsotsi.
He can't drive.
Fela, remember you
tried to teach him?
He drove your 320 right onto a bus,
in front of the police station...
- Remember? It's not Tsotsi.
- Yes I remember! Don't be angry Soekie.
You know what?
You should all be working for me.
Cut the crap.
You too teacher boy.
Or are you gonna take the beating
and go crawling back like a woman?
Tsotsi didn't go to school.
He doesn't know of decency.
What about you Fela?
Do you know decency?
Hey man, don't start with
your fucking big words.
You can't even spell
the word, can you?
Decency... Let's see...
- How's that?
- What does it mean?
Decency means making a
fucking decent living sonny.
Respect man...
For yourself...
It got fuck all to do
with your way of living.
Do you want respect?
I'll give you respect...
When you quit drinking
and get a driver's licence.
I need drivers not drinkers.
Fuck your decency.
Yeah, fuck my decency.
Fuck you man.
Anytime, you'll need help... just ask.
Quick and silent.
The old way.
David... come here.
Hold my hand.
Don't be afraid.
Don't be afraid.
What are you doing?
- I want him near me, Mandla.
- Son, go outside... Now!
- Mandla, please.
- You know you are sick.
What if he gets sick like you?
It's all right, my baby.
It's all right...
You... stay away
from your mother.
Get out I said!
Out damn it!
Out you fucking dog!
Leave it.
don't look at me like that.
Hey Tsotsi!
- Who's there?
- Aap. Open the door.
- What do you want?
- I've just come...
- For what?
- I always come around.
- Where's Butcher?
- He won't come.
He's angry. He says you
did a job on your own.
- Maybe I did. So what?
- That's what I told him.
But then he said
''Let's go and join Fela''.
Then what are you doing here?
Years man...
You and me together.
The two of us...
Since we were kids.
And all these years you've
just been following me.
''Hey Tsotsi what are we doing tonight?
Hey, it's good, it's good''.
Fuck, why can't you
decide things for yourself?
All right, fine...
We can start again.
Like when Vusi and Peter
were shot. It felt like this.
But we started again.
We found Boston and Butcher.
- What?
- Yeah, what?
You know what brother?
This time it's finished.
Finished and done. Go join Fela's gang.
I can't help you anymore.
I'm sorry.
What? You wanna return
to your big fancy house?
You want to go back home?
I'll show you a home.
What do you want?
What's in the bag?
Let me see.
- What are you doing with it?
- Why, you want it? Here.
Fuck off man, we can't feed him.
Did his mother die?
Do you see that pipe?
Top row, left.
It's theirs.
Used to be mine.
Where do you live now?
- I got my own place.
- Why did you bring the baby here?
He wants to show him his old house.
Where have you been?
Quiet baby, quiet.
Hurry, please!
Feed him.
Drink, baby.
Drink you hear me?
Drink so you can grow up.
What's your name little one?
How should I call you?
- His name is David.
- David. Now you're drinking.
Are you his father?
What happened to his mother?
Is she dead?
Where is the father of your baby?
Last winter, he went
to work one day...
and never came back...
It was dark... after 5.
It's a long way home
from the factory.
You can't always see
who's walking behind you.
What was his name?
How do you get money?
- Do you sew?
- Yes I sew... and I mend clothes.
And these?
Can you sell these?
I've sold some... Not many.
- How much for this one?
- Fifty.
- Fifty? For broken glass?
- You only see broken glass...
- What do you see?
- Colour. Light. On you.
Give him to me.
Give me the baby.
I'll take care of him.
You can see him anytime.
My Jabu and David will play together.
I know about babies.
I'll look after him.
Give him to me.
I'll be back at the morning.
He better be here.
- Where are you going?
- To get money. So I can pay you.
- I don't want your money.
- Yes you do.
No, I don't.
Don't forget. He's mine.
Stand still. You must keep it clean.
- You never had a child, did you?
- Don't be rude. I'm helping you!
You are clever Boston.
You should go back to school.
- School costs money.
- We should go work with Fela.
- We'll make plenty of money.
- He can work here with me.
- He'll drink all your profit sister.
- Leave him alone, please!
Get out of here!
I don't want you here!
He can come stay with me.
What? You think he
wants to be with you?
Look at his face...
Look what you've done to him.
And now its infected!
Say what you want and leave.
I remember when he first came here,
to the Shacks. He had a lot of money.
- You gave him as much beer as he wanted.
- He came to forget.
Yes, and when he fell down in the street,
sick from the beer you sold him...
I found him, not you.
Who took care of you, when you
were lying there in the street?
Who cleaned you up, when you
couldn't even remember your name?
Who picked you up then brother?
Me or her?
Help him come to my house.
Why did you bring me here?
You're a teacher right?
I was never a teacher...
I didn't give the exams.
Don't laugh!
You still can.
- I can't go back.
- You need money... We'll help.
We'll get the money and
you'll take the exams.
We need a job.
- Where are we going?
- We're going. It's good.
- Why are we here?
- Stop asking him questions.
Why this house?
- Leave it. We're working together, right?
- Why are we sitting here?
We're sitting... It's good.
- Turn off the alarm.
- It's over there.
Don't make a mistake.
- Who else is here?
- No one.
Where is your wife?
In hospital.
She was shot three days ago.
Please guys... Take everything,
but my wife needs me.
Our child is missing.
- Let me kill this guy now.
- No! Later...
- Why later?
- We might need him.
What for?
Do you have a safe in here?
- No safe.
- We'll see...
- He saw our faces.
- I said later. Do what I say.
Are you okay?
Hey, what's going on with you?
Hey buddy...They say every
wine tastes different...Is it true?
Sure...You get used to the taste.
I prefer beer. Zamalek.
Hey buddy... I'm hungry.
Do you want anything?
Hey buddy, what you have?
Cheese, cold meat, sausages...
- Chicken livers?
- Sure. In the fridge.
What are you doing? They
haven't finished. Are you stupid?
- Hey man, look what you've done!
- It wasn't me man! Look in his hands.
- What were you doing?
- I didn't see him.
What are you doing?
You can't drive.
- Open the gate!
- Get in!
- What have you done?
- He was a trash!
- He's dead, he's dead!
- Yes he is! He always wanted to kill!
You never stopped him before!
Okay, let's do it. Buddy, if you
learned to drive, I'd give you more.
Let's go.
Come on, brother.
You want to stay with Fela?
When is my turn?
- For what?
- You hit Boston, really hard.
Now Butcher...
When is my turn?
You're right. We are finished.
It's over. Like Butcher.
Finished and done.
- Who is it?
- It's me.
What happened?
Can I come in?
Thank you.
It's for you.
- I don't want them.
- I won on the dice.
I don't want them.
I know where you got him...
I saw the newspaper.
They say his mother
may never walk again.
You can't give her legs back.
But you must give her son back.
- What is this?
- Milk.
- For mothers without milk.
- You put it in here right?
But it won't make
you his mother.
Please, give him to me.
I'll take him back for you.
If I take him back...
can I still come here?
I'm sorry, my brother.
Yes, I told you, Western Section.
Just after the cap.
I see you.
- Where is he?
- That shack, with the small window.
Watch the car.
- Where's the baby?
- What baby?
- Get the gun.
- Speak, fast!
- I don't know anything.
- Don't bullshit us.
- No.. no.. stop! It's not him!
- What are you saying ma'am?
- Talk Boston! Where did he go?
- I don't know!
Take it easy Zuma.
- Tell me the truth, I'm not stupid.
- I'm not lying. It's true man!
You! What do you want?
Take it.
- If you need anything, help yourself.
- Thank you, I'm fine.
A child was stolen by someone who lives
on this street and nobody's seen anything?
- Pumla, eat please.
- I can't, John.
I'll leave it here.
Who is this?
Your baby. I'll leave it here.
Don't do anything stupid guys.
We're coming.
- Please sir, wait!
- Out of my way!
Put the child down
and step away!
Please, stay in sir!
Please, I beg you...
Just stay where you are.
- Put the child down!
- Hey, please, take it easy...
He's holding my child.
John, what's happening?
Pumla, go inside.
Stay back ma'am!
Steyn, pull her back.
Don't you touch me.
Boy... bring me my child.
Bring my child to me!
- Hey. Put the child down and step back!
- Quiet man. Let us deal with it please.
Let me handle it.
Tell your men to lower their weapons.
He's going nowhere.
All right everybody...
Don't do anything stupid. Relax.
You too. Lower your weapon please.
We don't want you to get hurt...
I promise... Nobody's gonna hurt you.
I'm opening the gate now.
You stay there.
I'll come to you.
I'm opening it now.
Okay? All right?
I'm opening.
I'm coming now.