Tsatsiki: Friends Forever (2001) - full transcript

Tsatsiki's girlfriend breaks up with him, his best friends abandons him and the vacation to Greece, where his father lives, is at risk as his mother books a tour with her rock-band.

Hello! Sit down now, children.

Yesterday we talked about how

many people there are on the Earth.

Do you remember that?

- Yes.

- Now I wonder if someone can tell me

who of all these people is the loneliest?


- An astronaut in space, maybe?

- Yes, although he'll be

coming home again.

- Miss, I know.

- Yes, Per?

- A footballer who's just missed

a penalty in a football match.

- Maria, what do you think?

- Someone in prison.

- Yes.

Though a person who's in prison

can of course be visited by his family.

Yes, Wille?

- Th-th-those who don't

have any friends.


I have to go now.

- Bye..

- Bye.

This is Tsatsiki.

No, unfortunately she's busy

just at the moment.

- Hey, kiddo!

What's happening, little guy?

- That's Göran, Mum's boyfriend.

He's a policeman..

Me? Per Hammar. He's my best friend.

Look, I can't talk any more now,

I'm expecting a call from my girlfriend.

Maria. Bye.

- I didn't know you were coming home.

- It's good to get out of uniform.

It's nice with eyeliner.

- Who was that?

- A journalist.

- Leave off!

A journalist? Why didn't you tell me?

- You were rehearsing.

- Do you want some grub?

- No. I'm going to Maria's.

I'll get grub there.

- Ah-ha-ha you!

Well, say hello for me.

- You're not taking flowers with you?

- No?

- If your girlfriend asks you tor dinner,

you should bring her flowers.

- What for?

- A token of affection.

- How long since I got flowers?

- I can't afford flowers.

- Don't you get an allowance?

- I have to save up

for flippers for Greece.

The old ones are too small.

- He's not seven any more.

He has to learn how it's done.

Imagine if I met a stylish girl who

asked me home to dinner ...

... so I went along and said:

"Sorry, I can't afford flowers."

"I have to save up for flippers for Greece.

The old ones are too small."

- Don't listen to him. Go on.

- See you later.

- Bye.

- Say hello to Maria.


Hi, Maria. This is for you.

- You can't come in.

- You said I should come for dinner.

- But you can't come in.

- Why not?

- Didn't you hear what I said?

You can't come in!

And by the way, it's over between us.

- But I brought you flowers.

It's a token of affection.

- God, you're so childish.

Pot plants are for old people.

And I don't believe in love any more.

But I'm sure the Gold Goblin

will be a surprise.

Don't forget he has Per Lennartsson

for a coach. Yeah ...

Yeah, but he'll come through again

on the home straight.

Hey, I have to go,

I have important company.

Tsatsiki's here now with his flower.

Yeah, I will, sure.

Nice picture, eh?

- Who's that?

- My grandfather.

Torkel, Gymmen.


Krister. And Nisse.

- Quite a line-up.

- In New York.

- How are you doing?

- OK.

- Want some juice?

Sit on the couch. I'll join you.

The flowers weren't for me, were they?

- No.

- Something wrong?

- They were meant for Maria.

But she broke up with me.

- You like her, right?

- Yeah, a lot.

- It's not always easy being in love.

How are things at home?

- The usual. Mum works a lot.

- What's Göran say?

- He could do with a bit less

fake enthusiasm at times.

And he's fed up of Mum's pasta salad.

He bought her a cookbook.

Even though I love pasta salad.

- Your Mum's beautiful and musical.

- She got her musical talent from me,

but not her beauty.

That, she got from your grandmother.

- I can tell.

- What do you mean, eh?

Well? What do you mean by that?

- Not a lot.

Ta-dah! Dig in.

- Thanks.

Yes, but when we say so. Well.

We have to go now.

Otherwise we'll be too late.

- I'm going to finish this meal

with my family.

That's what we do as a family,

sit and eat — together.

Talk about how the day's been.

- We're supposed to be on TV

in half an hour.

- So how was your day?

How was your day, Tsatsiki?

- Maria and I broke up

so I gave the flowers to Grandad.

I'm not very hungry. Thanks for dinner.

- Thanks for dinner.

- We're running late.

- Can't you go ahead?

I'll catch up in a taxi.

But I'll be there on time, OK?

- Half an hour.

- In half an hour.

- And don't forget the guitar.

Hands off!

You know I love you. Four times

around the Earth and back again.

Maria broke up with you?

- She slammed the door in my

face when I brought her flowers.

- What did you say then?

- Nothing.

She just thinks I'm childish.

Probably because I can't kiss.

- Tsatsiki, come here.

You've grown up so fast.

- Not fast enough for Maria.

- You'll learn to kiss, you'll see.

Your Dad was a real super kisser.

- But I've got to be able to do it now.

- It'll happen by itself.

It's like when you learned how to swim.

It's more than just puckering your lips.

but also touching tongues.

Maria might think so.

I'll tell you that

when it comes to love ...

... it'll be a strong surge

throughout your body.

If you can't love,

you might as well kiss a dog.

Or a parking meter.

- A parking meter?

- Listen, in three weeks we're

going to Greece: you and me and Göran.

We'll just swim and relax, and you can

hang out with your Dad and Grandad.

We have to remember

your granddad's starting to get old.

- Mum, you really do have to leave now,

or you'll be late.

- Yeah, yeah.

You're the best thing in my life.

- Mum ...!


I forgot to do my English for today.

- Well, if youre going to be a professional

at Manchester United, it would help ...

... if you put a bit more effort

into your English lessons.

I don't think they speak

Swedish over there.

- They'll learn all right

once I get there.

- Maria, would you read?

- Maria isn't here today.

- Oh, maybe she's sick.

Sara, then. You can read.

What's up with you? Are you angry?

- Maria broke up with me.

- No way.

Maybe that's why she's not

at school today. Maybe she's sorry.

- I don't think so.

- You should concentrate more

on your football.

Itt's not quite as complicated as girls.

- And when I become a pro footballer,

I can have all the girls I want.

Look! You can win five grand!

Imagine all the sweets

you could buy with five grand!

- We'll have to sign up. When is it?

- August.

- I'll be back from Greece by then.

Göran has professional rods we can borrow.

Tina, I've got a package from Mum.

I think I know what this is.

- It looks like a bomb.

- Yeah, it does.

But Mum wouldn't send a bomb, would she?

But you're right, it's securely wrapped.

Göran got a package from his

mother up in Norrland.

- I thought so.

- Tina, look at this.

Mum's lemon cake.

You could make something

like this sometime.

It's better than what you're buying.

- I like the ICA's lemon cake.

I don't live in the north and I'm

actually quite happy with my local ICA.

- It's not all that hard.

Just fruit and sugar and moulds,

off you go and abracadabra.

It's healthier. Tina, you could

boil up your own jam.

Do you know how much junk

there is in the cans you buy?

Here: preservative, potassium

sorbate, thickeners, pectin.

- Seriously, can you see me

making my own jam?

Just like a housewife in Norrland.

- You've never had the time.

When's the photographer coming?

- Photographer?

Shit, I'd almost forgotten. Damn,

I can't look like this.

Mum's doing a shoot

for VeckoRevyn magazine.

- Oh yeah, that's right.

- ICA's costs more.

- Not at all.

- We'll be in Greece soon.

Then we'll have some time together. OK?

Hey, Göran...

Per Hammar and I are thinking ...

... about entering

the big fishing contest at the river.

You can win five grand.

- It's not quite that simple, you know.

You have to practise

to be good at fishing.

Same as everything in life.

We have to practise.

If we don't practise, we don't get better.

It's so beautiful.

- Careful, careful.

Yes, they're beautiful.

But don't be fooled.

Look there, you see the feather?

See how it curls up?

it's beautiful bait.

The hook's inside.

Immediately it's taken the bait ...

- What are you two talking about?

What's so important?

- We're talking about fishing,

the art of fishing.

... Hey presto,

you're stuck on the hook.

- Do I look OK then?

- No, you look wonderful.

- Thanks.

Just Imagine if we win that five grand.

- Yeah, but we're gonna have

to practise a bit more.

- Per...

- Yeah?

... I was thinking ...

... maybe we should practise kissing.

- What? You want us to kiss?

- No, we can ask someone

to practise with us.

- Like who, for example?

- Elin and Sara might.

- You're crazy.

- You said that practice makes us better.

I need to be a better kisser.

So Maria will want to get back with me.

- So what should we do?

- Let's have a party at mine on Saturday.

Mum'll be at a gig in Göteborg.

A kissing party.

- Sure, why not?

Tsatsiki, I've caught a whale!

Something big anyway.

- What the hell's going on?

This is'nt bloody Mallorca, you know!

And you! Don'tyou bloody try

to fish in here. It's forbidden!

- I throw small fish back in again.

- So you're rude as well.

That's the limit.

I've worked here for 25 years

and I don't want any damn bunch ...

... of fishing hooligans throwing

bloody fishing rods everywhere.

Don't get me wrong ... I'm sorry.

W-what's Per H-hammar up to?

- It's a secret.

- H-he's talking about us.

What did they say?

- They'd think about it.

T-think about what??

They'll hold up one arm if they

don't want to come ...

and both arms if they do.

- C-come where? W-what are you doing?

- Quiet, Wille.

- One arm, they're not coming.

- But l-look, they're together:

like one body with two arms.

- Wille's right. They're coming!

Wille! Wille...!

- Can I help you with anything?

- No, I have to think first.

I'm having a party on Saturday ...

... and I'm looking for candy that's ...

a little romantic.

- A little romantic?

- Yeah.

You can stay with your Grandad.

Mum and I have to work over the weekend.


In you go now.

That's a lot of sweets!

You having a party?


When are they coming?

- In about ten seconds.

Five, four, three, two, one, zero.

There they are.

Sara isn't there.

- What? Who IS there?

- Mona, Maria's new friend.

Hello, anyone there?

- Where's Sara?

- At the beach with her folks.

So I brought Mona instead.

Are you going to open up sometime soon?

We're supposed

to be practising kissing.

- Best to let them in,

since we bought all that stuff.

Besides, it's just for practice.

You know what's a really amazing feeling?

When you get the cross in

just right and it leads to a goal.

So do you like football, then?

- No, what I like most is riding.

Dad's actually promised me a pony.

Hey, Per ...

Do you have any more popcorn?

- I'll have to check.


There are girls who play football.

Come in!

- Look, I scored some more popcorn.

- I'm stuffed.

- A few more gummi bears then?

- Nah, I don't want any more. Nothing.

- How do you like music?

- It's OK. You're so romantic.

Very romantic.

- Well, maybe.

- Is anything gonna happen?

Tsatsiki, why isn't anything happening?

What are you thinking about?

- A parking meter.

- A parking meter?

- Or a dog, a cute little dog.

- Come on, Elin, we're going.

- What just happened?

- He called me a parking meter.

- That's not what I meant.

- You're crazy. Elin, come on, we're off.

- We haven't had the hot chocolate yet.

And there's still lots of candy left.

- He is the most childish thing

I've ever met.

- We can watch family videos

from Greece.

- We don't watch family videos.

That's probably the most

boring thing there is on Earth—

- Here's the beach. There's my Grandad.

He's getting very old now.

Look how happy he is.

- Bye.

- It's too early to go.

- Have fun watching the family video.

Parking meter? Why did you say that?

- It just slipped out.

There's the sea.

- Hey, who's she?

- Elena, my cousin.

- Her I'd like to practise with.

How was the party, then?

- So-so.

- A lot or a little?

- A little more.

- A little more. Sure.

- Thanks.

Hey, this sausage casserole recipe?

I got it from a musician in Malmö.

His name is Putte Wickman.

- Putte Wickman?

- You know who that is?

- No.

- Sweden's best musician.

Jazz and blues.

- Why did you leave, Grandpa?

- Because those were different times.

There wasn't a lot of money.

I found a good job

so we could have your mother.

That I do not regret.

- Mum says she has to play, otherwise

she'll wither like a flower without water.

- She's right.

You have to follow your dreams

like your Mum does.

It's really important.

Your dreams and one's conscience.

What went wrong at the party?

- Nothing really.

Not now I think about it.

Grandpa, you know what

I think is important?

To have a friend.

- I've thought that many times.

Without a friend, you're lost.

But you've got Per Hammar.

- And Per Hammar has me.

- Here's to friendship.

- Cheers.

White shark. The man-eating shark.

Tsatsiki. Qu-quick. Maria's sitting

t-talking shit over there on the stairs.

A parking meter.

Tsatsiki's so incredibly childish.

You'd think he was seven years old.

How could I be with him? Just thinking

about it makes me want to barf.

- And he can't kiss.

- Anyone can kiss if they want to.

- A parking meter, right?

And he thinks Sara's hottest next to me...

And his Mum.

- As for Maria, she's afraid of

the dark and believes in ghosts.

She used to borrow her sister's bra

and stuff it with cotton wool.

Do you know what he says

about Per Hammar, then?

Per Hammar always wets the bed.

- D-damn what that cow M-maria says.

Damn that c-cow.

- Tsatsiki's in love with a parking meter.

- Don't listen to them, Tsatsiki.

- Wait! Per, wait!


Sorry. We kept on talking and ...

I know that was a

really silly thing to say.

- Yes, it sure was.

It was stupid shit!

How's it going?

- Fine, just great.

- Need some help?

- Oh, no.

Wait, wait, don't interfere.

- Hey, baby.

- What are you doing?

- There you are!

This winter's supply of jam.

With NO synthetic additives.

Tomorrow we're baking bread,

I bought flour.

We can bake a month at a time,

because you can freeze it.

Just take it out the night before.

- Can I have a taste?

Mm, mm, wonderful, delicious. Here.

- You think so?

- You've cut down on the sugar.

That's good. We eat too much sugar.

- Sugar? The fruit contains sugar.

- It's so acid.

- If you make jam another time

you can take out half the sugar.

I'm just saying that's what

Mum usually does.

- Your Mum—

- You could have phoned Mum.

She could have told you how to do it—

- First off, I'm not your mother.

- But—

- Second, I'm not a housewife in Norrland,

I'm a musician in Stockholm.

I do what I can. Plink-plonking

on a guitar, yeah? It's my job, my life.

Third, I'm bloody tired of running around

doing things the way your Mum did.

Fourth, I don't give a damn about

fifty-fifty and jam jars...

... and pickled plums and

strawberries ...

... and orange peel and currants.

Which all boil over.

Fifth, I'm not your Mum.

I'll try not to repeat myself, so what

are you going to do about it?

And sixth...

- Sixth?

- And sixth, I'm pregnant.

- Tina!

It's a miracle.

Don't you think?

- Oh, yeah.

- It's absolutely wonderful.

- You think so?

- Honey, it's the most wonderful thing

that could have happened.

Does it have to be so damned sweet?

Aren't you happy that you're

going to be a big brother?

- Only if you still love me as much.

- Of course I will!

I'm more afraid that I won't love the

little boy in my stomach as much as you.

- I had only thirty thousand! Look.

- Of course Göran's very happy

about becoming a daddy, but ...

... he's fine, he's known you since

you were seven. He'll be no different.

- Really?

- Yeah, it doesn't work that way.

Göran is your friend.

You can't have too much friendship.

It's not like jam.

That's the beauty of friendship.

- But you can lose a friend.

- You're thinking of Maria?

- Per Hammar.

- What's up with Per Hammar?

- We're not friends anymore.

- Why not?

- He ...

He just wants to play football

all the time.

- Don't you and Grandad

have plans for tomorrow?

- Yeah, well, we're going to

the Natural History Museum

To check out the dinosaurs.

- Could.'t you ask Per Hammar along?

He'd probably love that.

- Maybe.

You want to walk me home?

- No, Grandpa's pcking me up.

- OK. Maybe tomorrow?

Nice! Hey, the ball...

- Grandpa and I are going to a museum.

- Good for you.

- Want to come along?

Stop it!

Give it back!

Hey, Tsatsiki.

- Hey, Grandpa.

- So you're going to be a big brother!

And I'll be a grandad for the second time.


- Can we go by Maria's?

She dropped She dropped her pencil case.

- You'll have to give me directions.

What a nice house.

- Wait for me, Grandpa?

- Sure, take your time.

We're in no hurry.

- Good.

Do you have to argue on the balcony?

What do you think the neighbors will say?

- They'll get over it.

I'm tired of you and your nagging.

Hey, it's you, Tsatsiki.

- Is Maria at home?

- Yes, yes, wait here.

Maria! Tsatsiki's here.

I found your pencil case.

- Thanks.

- I'm going to Greece next week.

- Have a nice trip.

- You know ... about the flowers ...

Göran and Niclas said it was a

token of affection.

- Affection! I don't believe in love.

- You really don't?

- You are so amazingly childish.

You're going to Greece so you can tell me

what love is all about.

If you think

you can figure it out there.


I was here two months ago

with a woman named Sally.

It was closed then, too.

- Grandpa ...

- Yes?

- What if you were to travel into space?

You know that time stands still in space?

Then you wouldn't get older,

so you could wait until I grew up.

Then you and I could be friends.

- But I thought we were already friends?

- It's different when we're the same age.

- But you've got Per Hammar.

- Yeah, Per Hammar.

He doesn't want to hang out with me.

- Why not?

- Because I told Maria

he wets the bed.

- That wasn't very clever.

- No, it was really stupid of me.

- You need to apologize.

It's the only thing you can do.

- And if that doesn't work, what then?

- You'll have to wait until he needs you.

There comes a day when

we all need a friend.

Careful, that's expensive stuff there.

How are things with

you and Per Hammar?

Hey, I've thought of something.

That fishing contest...

I thought maybe

you and I could go together.

It would be nice to be in it.

- Can I borrow one of your rods, then?

I actually thought you could use this.

From me to you.

- Oh, thanks!

I thought since you're about to

become a big brother ...

... you'll need to learn to fish properly.

So you can teach your little brother.

- What if I get a little sister instead?

- Itll be a boy. I can feel it

in my bones. A big strong boy.

Just let's not call him Retzina.

He's nice, isn't he, Grandad?

And there's Elena.

- Mmm, she's cute, huh?

- A little ... - A little?

- OK, very.

Super kisser.

Yes, Per, you know what I think

of your English skills.

- Hey, Tsatsiki.

- Hey.

- Are you all right?

You have dirt on your cheek.


- Thanks.

Why didn't you come to the party?

- I had to go out with Mum and Dad.

When do you head off to Greece?

- Thursday.

- Maybe I can send you a postcard?

- Yeah, and tell me how Maria's feeling.

Come on.

Tsatsiki, come here! - What is it?

- Come and see.

A disgusting octopus.

Indescribably disgusting.

Put down the guitar!

- Come and eat instead, you crazy bunch!

What are you doing in there?

- Yeah it'sdone now.

- Now, Göran, you just sit

right over there.

I'll pass the pot over you. Tsatsiki!

No no no, we're taking it easy now.

- Oh, how nice

- Here we go.

- Putte Wickman.

- Putte Wickman?

That was close.

- Yeah. How much do you want?

- Lots, pile it on.

- Pile it on..

- God, what a pleasure it is

to be able to get away for a bit.

- And be together at last.

Hey, Niclas.

Want some grub?

What is it, are you sick or what?

- We're going on tour. To Japan.

- Yeah, right.

- We are!

- You're joking.

- I'm serious.

- You're pulling my leg.

- The whole summer.

Let me see.

Tina, we've made it.

Get it? It'll be fantastic.

We're going to Japan.

Do you know how many Japanese there are?

It'll be our breakthrough.

- Wake up, Baby, we're going to Japan.

- Hey, careful with the baby.

- And, Göran, you're coming with us.

- Why should I go?

- Of course you're going.

Your lady's pregnant.

She needs a bodyguard.

Who else is gonna protect her

during the concerts?

We'll take the whole bunch of you!

It's what we always dreamed of,

now it's a reality.

We're going to Japan! We're going to Japan!

- Watch out! Baby!

This is the chance of a lifetime.

- We're supposed to be going to Greece!

I can't go.

You can find someone else.

Stockholm is full of good musicians.

They'll be queuing up to join...

- Tina, damn it, we're a band.

If you don't go, none of us do.

- Yes, but I made a promise to Tsatsiki.

Don't you see that?

His grandfather is sick and I promised

he'd see him this summer.

- This is our big dream, our big chance,

don't you get it?

- Tina ...

When I was young I turned down

a people's park tour.

We could even have got close

to the Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen.

At that time I was a damn good trumpeter.

I've regretted it all my life.

- It's not about me.

- That's exactly what it is about.

- Mum.

I think you should go to Japan.

- No way., I made a promised.

So I have to keep it.

- Grandpa can come with me,

if you promise mea postcard every week.

- Thanks for that, Tsatsiki. Fantastic.

- You'll get postcards every day.

- Anders.

- Yannis.


Dimitris wants to get up.

He says he wants to have a party.

A bit too small.

What're you thinking about, Grandpa?

- Nothing. No, no. nothing.

What are you thinking about?

- I was so stupid about Per Hammar.

- Listen to me, Tsatsiki.

Sometimes we say things we shouldn't.

That's life

Nobody's perfect, thankfully.

- Grandpa.

Sara wrote that Per Hammar

broke a leg playing football.

Now he can't play.

- Does he need the help of a friend?

And Mum, what did she have to say?

- She says she misses me.

- Kalimera.

- Kalimera.

Grandfather says he wants to

show you something ...

... before you leave to go home.

Up on the mountain.

Oh, excuse me.





Mum says they're a huge success in Japan.

- It's so hot, I think I'll go out

and sit in the moonlight for a while.

- Will you be OK?

I'll be back in a bit.

You're not afraid to be alone?

- No.

Are you going

to play your trumpet, Grandpa?

- We'll see.

Maybe I should play something for

the dolphins. I'll leave the door open.

That's you, Elena.

Think I don' know it's you, Elena?

- Was it haunting you or me?

- The ghost was you.

- I don't know what you're talking about.

- I knew it was you. Just admit it.

- Ghosts? You got sunstroke or what?

Should I call adoctor, maybe?

- What's that for?

- A lamp I bought for my room.

- The ugliest souvenir I've ever seen.

- You're just jealous.

- Hardly.

- It was you who was the ghost.

- No.

- Yeah.

- No.

- Yeah.

- Shh! Listen.

Can you hear that?

- What is it?

- That's my grandad.

- It sounds really lovely.

Tsatsiki! Over here!

- Elena?

- Let me out!

- Why are you locked up?

- Stop fooling around! I didn't move

to Greece just to peel potatoes.

But try telling that to my mother.

All the other girls do this ...

but I'm not like them.

I was actually born in Sweden.

You have to let me out,

I'm supposed to meet Georgios.

- Who's Georgios?

- My boyfriend, as you know very well.

- You can't

- Listen to me, you little piece of crap.

You don't have to unlock it,

just stand there and drop the key.

- Drop a key, anyone could do that.

- Yes, yes, exactly.

And if you drop the key, you can

come with me to dive off the rock.

It's our secret meeting place.


- Guess who.

- It's you, Elena.

- How can you be so sure?

- I can hear your voice.

- Ghosts can use any voice they want.

- Oh, give it a rest.

- Come on.


Wait for us.

- Maybe this trip wasn't such a good idea.

- It's important to him.

He's been very ill recently.

- A snake! Look out, Tsatsiki!

What's Grandfather saying?

- This is where he met my

grandmother for the first time.

They fell in love.

Grandfather was a partisan during the war.

My grandmother was, too, and they

fought up here together for freedom.

Love and friendship are the same thing.

Without love, no friendship...

and without friendship, no love.

- Grandpa's heart isn't so strong anymore.

- No, I know.

Elena, what's wrong?

He's just so touchy-feely.

I could strangle him!

- Who?

- Don't you know?

- Georgios? What's he done?

He's like an octopus.

He just wants to hold on to me and ...

... that's just not me.

I never want to see him again.

- I'm not so happy, either.

I miss my Mum, Per Hammar, and Maria.

- Maria?

- She broke up with me. I can't kiss.

- That wasn't the reason.

It's not just about that.

- What is it about, then?

- Remember what grandfather said.

It's about friendship.

- Without friendship, there's no love.

- Without love, there's no kissing.

- Sit here, facing me.

You have to take it right from the start.

First you rub noses. Like this.

That's how Eskimos kiss.

And you have to show

that you're friends.

- How?

- The man whispers loving words to her.

Like this.

Words of love. Loving words.

And then by hugging each other.

And— close your eyes.

Then you kiss her gently on the eyelids.

And ...

... on her neck.

And when you feel ...

... that you've really

become good friends ...

... like this.

- Then what?

It's your grandad.

He's dead.

Come here.

Why is there a coffin lid at the door?

That's how we do it here ...

... to show that someone in your

family has died.

- We'll never see Grandfather again.

- Of course we will --- in heaven.

- I don't think so.

- What do you think happens when we die?

- I don't know.

Listen, Tsatsiki, Grandpa will always

live in your memories.

Are you ready?

The Fishing Contest's starting soon.

We need to be there early

so we don't miss out on a place.

Hurry up now.

- No, you go on ahead, I'll catch up.

Just there's something

I have to deal with.

- Well, OK then. I'll save you

a place down by the stream.


Excuse me, do you know

where Per Hammar is?

- Yes, he's sitting

by the bushes over there.

Oh, a salmon! Yes!


I thought I caught a salmon,

but it was just a roach.

- This is for you.

- Oh, thanks!

- Where are we going?

- To the stream.

I'll push you in.

- One, two, one, two.

- Hurry! This is for 5,000 Kronor.

- Mind my leg.

I don't think we're

going to win this contest.

- That doesn't really matter.

Right, Per?

- Nah.

If we'd won the five grand, we'd have

stuffed ourselves to death on sweets.

Welcome back.

Had a nice summer holiday?

- Yeah.

- And you've grown so much!

You must have stayed out in the sun.

Today we'll just hand out new books

and talk about holidays.

But first we have to see

if everyone's here.

Per Hammar is missing.

- He's got a broken leg...

... in t-two places.

H-he's in h-hospital.

- That doesn't sound too good.

- Elin has a new address, I can see.

- Yes, we've moved to Östermalm.

To a bigger apartment,

because I've got a little brother.

Yes, Tsatsiki?

- I'm going to have a little brother

after Christmas.

- Congratulations. Are you going to move?

- No.

- Maria has moved too.

- Oh, and where do you live now?

- Dalhemsvägen 32.

- Excuse me, Maria, I missed that.

Dalhemsvägen 32 in Huddinge.

You can turn it off now, Göran.

- OK.

- Ready?

- That really was a successful purchase.

- Yes, and so romantic.

- OK. Good night.

- Sleep well.

- Hop into bed.

- Good night, Sweetie.

- Good night.


- Maria's parents are divorced...

... so she's moved out of town.

- Maybe that's why she was

behaving so strangely, then.

Don't you think?

- Sara said they don't even have furniture.

- Of course they've got furniture.

Nutcase. Sleep well now.

- Nighty night.

- Nighty night.

If he can run and it's heavy

at the track on Saturday...

Then it's better to hedge in

the direction of Igor Brik.

Huh? Yes,

but talk to him about it then.

Yes, OK.

Will he get home?

Where's he going?

It's half past eleven.

Where are we going?

Take it easy.

I'll wait.

But ... well ... I'm amazed!


- Yeah?

- You have a visitor.

We've just moved in so it's still

a bit of a mess.

- In Greece they don't

have a lot of furniture.

- What do you want?

- I brought you something

I bought in Greece.

- Thank you. That was very ...

... special.

Do I want to go dancing with you?

I certainly do want

to go dancing with you.

I'll pick you up on Saturday.

Count on it.

So tell me, what is love, then?

- There is no love without friendship.

- Friendship?

- First, a big hug.

Then do what the Eskimos do.

I think you're cute and

I've missed you so much.

Now you close your eyes.

- And then?

- Then my grandfather died.

Hey, Baby. How are you?

- It's all calmed down a bit now.

Oh, you're cold! Go in and get warm.

There's food in the fridge.

- That's great.

Was it cold outside?

- Where's the food?

- I was so damn hungry,

but I saved half for you.

You can have the rest if you want.

No problem.

- Thank you. Cool.

- A little mood music?

It's time..

- Now?

- But it can't be—

- Göran, please call now!

Does it hurt?

- Sometimes you're just so...

... amazing ...

- Hey, it's time, we're giving birth now.

- Super stupid!

- Really? Really?

There's no beds.

Yes, hello?

Maybe in Uppsala?

With luck there's one in Uppsala.

- Lovely, a little holiday trip first.

What kind of country—

... when there's no beds so you can

deliver your own child!

What a shit country this is!

No! Yes. No. Yes. I understand

it's not your fault ...

... but what am I supposed to do!?

I'll tell you what to do.

This is how it should be—

I'm about to give birth!!!

It'll probably be OK in Uppsala, anyway.

No, wait!

- Tsatsiki!

We have to go over

the North Bridge, Niclas.

Niclas, the North Bridge!

- Yes, I know.

- Where the hell did you learn to drive!!

- Sorry about that.

- Don't run red lights.

If you go throiugh a red light,

I'll book you immediately.

Just so you know.

- Yeah yeah yeah.

Damn, there's road works here, too.

It's not possible.

- Niclas, What's it mean when the arrow

is pointing down on the petrol gauge?

- Don't talk to me now,

Driving needs concentration

Fucking drunk!

It's not working anyway.

- What?

- Hang in there!

It can't be true!

It just can't be!!

- Looks like the petrol gauge

wasn't broken after all.

- What are you talking about?

- The petrol gauge is OK.

- This is a bloody nightmare!

- Well, go, go, go!

- We're in the shit, guys!

Yes, we can get an ambulance?

Yes, to West Bridge.

- Göran.

- What?

- Can I help with anything?

- No, it's probably best you go outside.

Your mother's giving birth

to your baby brother.

Why aren't you dressed?

You're going to get a bit cold. Yeah?

You can take my coat instead.

- Then you'll just be cold.

- It doesn't matter if I get cold,

just that you don't.

Otherwise your Mum'll make my life hell.

You know how angry she gets.

Throwing stuff around and all that.

She has a world-class temper.

There. That better?

There's not a lot more we can do.

Now we wait so God can do his thing.

Do you see what it says there?


Hey, Retzina.

- Have you just woken up or what?

- Yes, it was really late last night.

- Hey, Retzina.

- Hey, kids.

- Wow, she's cute!

- Look how small she is.

Go out and buy ice cream or

something instead.

Hey, Göran.


- W-what a c-cute little s-sister you have.

- Thanks.


Come on!

English subtitles by ...

jeremys and faxeholm1234 ...

TNT 2022