Truyên Thuyêt Vê Quán Tiên (2019) - full transcript
He's alive!
He's still breathing
but seriously wounded!
Chief Lam!
There's a new report on the besieged fleet
on Ta Muon hill.
I know.
The new report is more detailed
about the number of deaths
and damaged goods.
You should have a look, Chief.
Between counting the deaths
or preventing new ones,
what do you think is more important now?
Damn it!
-Chief, which way are we heading?
-Go straight until I tell you to stop.
We have to find a new route for the fleet.
Roger that.
You may have the sky,
but we own the ground.
I dare you to bomb Truong Son forest
into ash.
Let's go, Ku Xe!
Comrade Mui!
Hey, Mui! Dan is looking for you.
You'll be sent to an army post.
Chief Lam signed the order himself.
Is it about Comrade Thuc?
Comrade Thuc, the Deputy?
Yes. The last time I lost control, I--
Comrade Thuc's conduct
was deemed inappropriate.
Chief Lam has demoted
and transferred him to another unit.
Then, will I be disciplined too?
Here we are.
-Yes, sir!
-Yes, sir!
-Tuyet Lan!
-Yes, sir!
Do you three understand your missions?
-No, sir!
-No, sir!
Then listen carefully.
In order to win this battle,
our troops
need sufficient provisions of weapons,
food, and drink across multiple fronts.
Motor vehicles
are the only way to transport them.
We've known this since we were babies.
Our fellows drive days and nights.
They drive through the forest
and the mountain
to ensure that the provision
makes it to the troops.
A lot of good men did so…
at the cost of their very own lives.
Do you know why many couldn't make it?
A lot of vehicles fell prey
to the enemy's fire or minefields.
Some drivers were exposed to malaria.
There were also several cases
with unknown cause, sir.
Some of them were simply exhausted.
They had to keep driving without any rest
even when their eyes couldn't see
and when their hands were tired.
Take this route for example.
Our drivers have crossed
hundreds of kilometers
from the woods entrance
to Huoi Phan, Xe Khoong.
They drove all night
on just a few K rations
and a bottle of water.
So our mission is…
Is to open a food station in this cave,
a Quan Tien!
There is an old tale
about three princesses
who were left in the forest
by their father who was a King.
He only gave them a flame.
He had a deal that the three princesses
must not let the flame die out.
What would happen if the flame dies out?
Then light it up again.
Then the three of them
would forever be detained in the woods.
That's the tale though.
Would you please listen to me?
Would you let me go back to Suoi Can?
Do you think this mission
is not important?
No, sir.
But I'm used to roadworks.
Your attitude is highly regarded.
And so was the slap you gave Thuc
when he tried to harass you.
Therefore, nobody is more suited
to run this station than you.
it's just us, three girls, in a cave.
I'm scared, sir.
It's a mission.
I'll sleep with you.
Let Mui sleep alone on the mat.
I'll set up the hammock.
You sleep on the mat with Mui.
Should I sleep on the hammock too?
Let Mui sleep on the mat.
Hurry, we still have to find a place
to put up the clothesline.
I wonder why Mr. Lam
asked us to stay in the cave.
It's hard to dry clothes in this humidity.
You know how to knead the dough?
My mother has been selling sticky buns
in the market for years.
I did all of this when I was home.
Then you would be able to find a job
after the war.
I don't know how about me.
Afraid of being left on the shelf?
Don't worry.
I'll be just as old and ugly as you
by then.
We'll be in the same boat.
I heard that Mui is already married.
You're the luckiest here.
She must have experienced
the pleasure of marriage life.
We don't even know what life pleasure is.
You're better off…
not knowing.
Oh, my gosh.
Even animals will have a hard time
finding shelter with all these bombings.
Won't they be interested in this cave too?
No. They're scared of humans.
Not all animals are scared of humans.
All right, you two take a rest.
Let me guard.
Han, give that back to me!
No way! You've got to earn it back.
Him again, Mui?
Aren't you sleeping?
I was sleeping, but my bladder woke me up.
Can I see the photo of him?
There's nothing to see.
Mui! Look!
Wow, your husband's dashing.
People would say you two are well-matched.
I'm sorry.
Five years ago…
we got married in a rush
so he can leave for the South war front.
I only had three days with him…
before he went away.
You didn't even have the time
to get used to him as your husband.
You're telling jokes all the time.
I just feel sorry for you.
All right, go back to sleep.
But I'm not sleepy yet.
Go wash clothes over there, will you?
Tuyet Lan!
Tuyet Lan!
What happened?
Tuyet Lan!
What happened?
Tuyet Lan!
Tuyet Lan!
Tuyet Lan!
Tuyet Lan!
Tuyet Lan, get a hold of yourself.
It's me, Mui.
Tuyet Lan!
Tuyet Lan!
Tuyet Lan!
What happened?
Lan had a seizure. I was so frightened.
We had cases like her in my old company.
Is this what people call hysteria?
Some young soldiers stopped by our camp
right when some of the girls had seizures.
They scared the hell out of them.
I think having a man
can soothe this illness.
I almost forgot.
Will you fetch me
the beansprout by the springs?
Our clothes drifted away
when Lan was having the seizure.
My one-time-used bra…
-Where did these clothes come from?
-Stop teasing me.
You hung them on the rock.
I was busy wrestling with Lan.
How could I have done that?
You like playing around more than me.
If it wasn't you, was it ghost?
Phuong, wake up.
Tuyet Lan, get up! We have guests.
You're stationed at Quan Tien, aren't you?
Yes. How did you know?
Chief Lam announced the news
throughout this route.
Let me help you.
It's okay.
You only act nice in front of girls.
Shut up. Stop your nonsense.
He almost died because of a bullet.
Don't listen to him.
We're starving, so we stopped by.
Do you have anything to eat?
We have sticky rice, sticky buns,
and also hot tea.
Please come with me.
You're our very first guests.
This is truly Quan Tien.
Please, enjoy.
Yummy sticky rice
with hot tea to boost us.
I truly admire Chief Lam.
Come on. Just hurry the hell up.
We only have 15 minutes.
Come on, let me relax.
Spending the whole day
with you makes me sick.
You see,
he got shot
yet didn't let go of the wheel.
I had to watch him endure the pain.
Then Mr. Quynh can stay here,
and Mr. Cuong can go on alone.
Someone might be happy if you stay.
What's with your nonsense?
I merely made a suggestion.
Tuyet Lan.
Are you hurt? I'm sorry, my bad.
Come on, we only have 15 minutes.
Hurry and bandage his wounds up.
Remember to change the bandage
tomorrow morning.
I will. Thank you.
The smell is terrible.
The smell of the toothpaste?
No. I mean the smell of gasoline.
Well, I don't see a problem.
Tuyet Lan.
Girls, clean yourself up
and get back to work.
It's just the three of us here.
Whether we want to work or not
is up to us.
We only have to make
sticky rice and cookies.
It will just take a few minutes.
Why are you so serious?
We're not here to relax.
You two take your time.
I'll go back to prepare food for tonight.
Just leave the work to us.
Don't hog up all the tasks.
You came here after us,
so you should leave later.
-Right, Tuyet Lan?
Who will carry the water?
Carry it midway,
then I'll carry it till we're there.
All right, I'll carry the water first.
But don't cheat later on.
I'm not like you.
What's wrong, Mui?
It's huge and has long arms.
It's been staring at me
since god knows when.
Are you dazzled?
I often wonder why we've met.
Are we tied by the knot of fate?
Hey, is my sticky rice ready?
I'm starving here.
Enjoy your meal, comrades.
You're so pretty.
The more I ponder,
the more I find the name Quan Tien great.
A fairy station with three fairies
in the flesh.
We're just country girls.
Calling us "fairies" is too much.
That's even better!
Real fairies are so out of my league.
Comrade, please have some manners.
We are here to serve our mission.
We must not cross the line.
Pay up and move on.
It's been over 15 minutes.
Come on, Chief.
Just five more minutes, please.
We're having fun.
It would be more delicious
if you add more fillings.
Such a white and rounded shape
Even better with more fillings
Can you give me a hug?
I don't know if I could return after this.
Please behave, comrade.
You make me miss my mom so much.
She often rubs my back like this.
Comrade Hanh, get going.
Not even Sun Wukong
could break through this wall.
My grandmother told me
that once upon a time,
a woman would be raped by apes
if she goes into the woods alone.
Will she become the ape's wife too?
That story will only terrify kids.
It's true.
A woman in my village was held captive
by the Monkey King for many years.
It was said that she even gave birth
to a little monkey.
She only managed
to get back to the village
after the Monkey King died.
Shortly after, she became
terminally ill and passed away.
Her family buried her
in the village graveyard.
The strange thing was that
from that day onward,
a monkey was often seen kneeling
in front of her grave after nightfall.
People said that
it must be the woman's child.
This went on for three years.
After the woman's grave
was exhumed and reburied elsewhere,
the monkey no longer showed up.
Chief, Comrade Mui requests
an appointment with you.
You're always in such a rush.
Comrade Mui who?
Comrade Mui at Truong Son's food station
near the 97th-kilometer post.
Oh, Ms. Mui at Quan Tien.
Comrade Mui, please come with me.
It's beautiful, Chief.
-Take a seat.
-Yes, sir.
I did it myself.
You're such a romantic soul, Chief.
The harder time we have,
the more romance we need.
We can't let ourselves dry up
because of the war!
Have a drink.
Yes, sir.
You seem a little pale.
Is it too hard for you?
The work isn't hard.
But our troops complained about the cakes.
They're fresh and hot,
but they're tasteless.
I'd like to request for extra personnel.
Hunting would improve our food.
So it has to be a man?
Yes, a man, sir.
Do you have any other reasons?
No, sir.
It's all for Quan Tien.
I look forward to your approval.
Comrade Ku Xe, why did you shoot it?
Oh, Chief Lam told me
that my mission is to hunt for meat
for the station.
But you need to let me know
before you act.
I can't.
By the time I tell you,
the preys are already alerted.
How could we hunt then?
Let's get back to the cave, Comrade Mui.
It's getting late.
What's wrong with you?
You crazy little…
Get off me!
You're crazy!
Get off me, you little…
Get off me!
Get off!
Get off!
Comrade Ku Xe! Come in!
-Get off me.
-Grab her hands.
-Whose hands?
-The hands of this psycho lying here!
Comrade, rub her hands.
Like the full moon, your body shines
For you, my dear, I searched far and wide
Your love as profound
As the moon on the 17th
I'm on my way to find you
Oh, sweet words, don't make my heart sway
Don't let love stay
I'm in a trance
I've gone crazy
As if we haven't met for a hundred years
As if we haven't met for a decade
Where are you going, Ku Xe?
I'm going to hunt.
Wait for me. Why the hurry?
I told you that you can't come along.
Tuyet Lan!
Tuyet Lan!
Tuyet Lan!
Tuyet Lan!
Why are you sitting here?
I was worried sick.
You were too fast.
My legs couldn't keep up.
Don't cry.
I'm sorry.
What is it?
If you have that on,
I can find you wherever you are.
That's Mr. Luyen's old Gaz team.
How did you know?
I'm familiar with the sound.
Super yummy square rice cake.
Now with meat to boost us.
Can't beat that.
I might as well devote my life to driving.
Don't worry.
Now that Comrade Ku Xe is here,
we will always have meat in our meals.
Yes, better meals.
Quan Tien might lose the fairy feelings
now that there's a human here.
I once read a book called The Faerie.
It was about two men named Luu and Nguyen
finding themselves lost in paradise.
Here, we have Mr. Ku.
Watch out, you might not make it
back to the mortal realm, Mr. Ku Xe.
Please behave properly, comrades.
Otherwise, I'll report to the Chief.
Please calm down, Comrade Mui.
We, drivers, are just exhausted.
Joking helps us be in a good mood.
After this meal, there are still
endless forest trails ahead of us.
Joking doesn't mean making fun
of other people, Comrade Luyen.
All right, we're sorry.
We joked about Ku Xe because we love him.
Please forgive us if we went too far.
You are doing the hard work.
Just take some more cakes
for your journey.
It's free of charge.
-Over there.
-Lift higher!
Comrade Phuong.
Mr. Binh.
Here's a letter from Mui to her husband.
Please help me with it.
The situation is grim at the war front.
I'm afraid that…
It's possible that some letters were lost.
I hope so.
Even people are lost these days.
By the way, you got a letter.
For me? Is it from Ha Noi?
No, it's from a driver.
Well, I've got to go now.
"My dear Phuong."
"It may startle you if I call you so."
"I just couldn't stop thinking of you
since that day."
God, he doesn't look that sentimental.
"I've been counting
every second on every road
until I see you again…"
I can't forget your worn out slippers.
If only I could fix it myself.
But it seems impossible.
Every time we get on the car,
we would go nonstop.
There's still a few more stations
until our return.
He even gave me a strap.
What a thoughtful man.
Are there any letters for me?
But I sent him yours.
Don't worry. He'll surely receive it.
Quynh gave me this.
He even wrote me a lengthy letter.
I counted,
and there are five "dears" in it.
Such dreamers.
You two barely know each other.
Tell me, Han.
Are you still alive?
It's been five years…
and I still haven't received
a single letter from you.
Go away!
What happened, Mui?
Did you encounter the enemy's troops?
Oh, my. What happened to your foot?
Let me get it cleaned and bandaged.
I've met a monkey today.
Or rather…
an ape.
Was it that ape
that visited the cave last time?
I guess so.
What did it do to you
that made you that scared?
It teased me.
In a dirty way.
His eyes are just like a human's.
Do you mean a man's?
I'm not kidding.
I'm not kidding either.
The drivers told me
that there was once a group of apes
in the woods nearby.
But after an air raid a few months back,
only one ape survived.
If so, this ape-man is pitiful.
Under the starry sky
There's a voice echoing through the woods
Is it yours, oh, scout girl?
Only the voice is heard, the face unseen
It's scary to hear a voice singing
and not see anyone in the woods at night.
What a party pooper. It's a romantic song.
Stop thinking nonsense.
Oh, the girl scouts
Doing roadwork day and night
Such amazing strength at such a young age
Wherever you go, the trees make way
And the mountain bows
The bridges you built
Connect the homeland routes
And send trucks to the war front
Ku Xe.
Is this mushroom edible?
It's delicious.
Tuyet Lan showed me.
She's good at identifying mushroom types.
A unit once marched through this place.
There's a hammock over there.
Why is it so high?
A sandal strap.
This comrade must have contracted malaria.
The unit must've marched on
without knowing they've left him behind.
Just like that,
he fell into a deep slumber.
And the trees kept growing over time,
taking him up there.
Is this yours, Lan?
No, it belongs to Phuong.
How long haven't you had your period?
Oh, my god.
Do you know why Tuyet Lan is crying?
I know.
Do you admit your mistake?
Yes, I admit it.
This is not an ordinary mistake.
It's serious misconduct.
You are in the army.
You are bound to know the army codes!
Comrade Mui ordered me to help Tuyet Lan.
Lately, I got more and more into her,
and so did she.
I even made this "A Choi" just for her.
How can you act as if nothing happened?
She's carrying your baby.
Do you understand
how her life would be like
if she is dismissed and sent back?
Don't worry.
I'll take responsibility for what I did.
You bastard!
You shake whenever you see
the enemy's aircraft.
You're just always chasing girls.
You embarrassed me
and disrespected the army's discipline.
Sir, please just punish me.
As for Tuyet Lan--
Shut up!
You don't have to tell me what to do.
You're demoted to Private!
Next week, you are to join
the communication team at Xe Cong river.
And you.
You've tainted the pride
of the volunteer force.
Back in the old days,
you would've been shaved bald
and left drifting down the river.
Please grant me a medical leave
so I can have an abortion.
you can transfer me
to any unit of your will
no matter how hard they are.
Tuyet Lan.
Chief, this is all due to my shortcomings.
I myself didn't uphold disciplines…
I'll sign the permit
for you two to get married.
You two have five days
to notify your families.
After that, Ku Xe
has to get back to his mission.
As for you,
you must report to the station
after she gives birth.
I'll pay you a visit.
Copy that, Chief.
Tuyet Lan forgot her mosquito net.
She must've left in a hurry.
Why only a half left though?
She may have left it for us to use
when we have our periods.
You're all wet.
You've lost weight.
Let's go inside. You should eat something.
You need to stay strong.
Just stay here.
I'm sorry I haven't
finished my task today.
It's fine.
I know you and Quynh are very much in love
even though you've just met.
Just make sure to not do anything
you would regret.
I have no regrets.
Just take my advice.
Take care of yourself.
Don't be like Tuyet Lan.
You're talking nonsense.
I'm not Tuyet Lan.
You just don't trust me, do you?
All right.
I trust you.
I'm dying.
I can't hold on, Mom.
It's bitter, but you must take it.
I'm not Quynh.
Who are you?
I'm the one on the hammock atop the trees.
You and another man brought me down.
I'm scared of malaria.
I don't want to die.
Don't be scared.
Here at Truong Son,
who isn't affected by malaria?
You'll get better soon.
Is that true?
It's here again?
What do you want?
Don't you dare pull that dirty trick!
I met him today.
The ape.
Mui, it's not an ordinary ape, is it?
he likes you?
Stop fooling around.
Eat up.
Eat up and get well soon.
You might lose all your hair otherwise.
You don't want to go bald, do you?
Where did you find those?
They were at the cave entrance
this morning.
Have a bite.
It's better with a bit of salt.
No, I have to go to the station now.
A man again?
You feel unsafe without men?
Yes, sir.
Can you guarantee that nothing bad
will happen this time?
How could I guarantee that?
Things should be fine
as long as the man is decent.
Before Ku Xe transferred
to your food station,
he was a decent man.
Everyone here knows that.
Then, please give us a different task.
Leave the food station to the men.
Follow me!
-Does he have hearing loss, Chief?
Auditory nerve damage.
He was a sapper at Ta Khong ferry.
He almost died after a bombing raid.
Still, he insisted on staying
and is ready to take any task
as long as
he isn't left out of the action.
I'm Thiet, Bui Van Thiet.
You are Phuong, right?
Wow, it's so beautiful here.
He has a bit of mental illness, right?
No, he's fine.
He's just deaf.
Oh, gosh!
And there I was, whispering.
Silly me.
Do you have any job for me? Let me help!
It's going to be fun.
We couldn't catch any prey today. Too bad.
There's a saying,
"The deaf don't fear gunfire."
But there's no mention
of fearing bombs, is there?
-Do you want to try some shit?
-Yes, they're my favorite!
Phuong, you smile a lot.
Phuong, don't make fun of people.
Least of all, the wounded.
Well, dig in.
It's a pity we don't have
your favorite dish here.
The water is so cool, Mui!
Do you want to take a bath?
Sorry. I forgot.
Can't sleep?
You've tossed and turned all night.
I'm scared.
You're scared of that ape, aren't you?
I have a feeling…
he's just somewhere around here.
Like he's stalking me.
Or maybe it's just me overthinking.
Poor you.
It's late at night,
yet you can't sleep because of the ape.
Do you want to check the ape out
once and for all?
Funny how I'm actually
making threats to myself these days.
He's really crazy about you, Mui.
And he looks pretty good.
From now on, I'll call him
the black knight with a white bowtie.
Mui, Phuong!
Look! I can hunt just as well as Ku Xe.
Excellent. Bring it to me.
Are you okay?
Who made you upset?
Was it me?
Just tell me, I'll fix it.
Just mind your own business.
The ape hit you and Mui?
That ape likes Mui.
Wherever she goes, he follows.
Got it?
What an ogre!
He pulls her hair and kisses her?
I'm fed up with you.
The deaf really makes your work
twice as hard.
I'll do it again. Watch carefully!
There's no need for that.
Your drawing is not good,
but your acting is spot-on.
I said no.
Mui, it's a beast.
We don't know what it could do.
If you let Thiet go with you,
it surely won't disturb you anymore.
If it still disturbs you, just kill it!
Mui, let me carry that for you.
I almost forgot, Phuong told me
to always stay a step behind you.
Such a daredevil,
coming here in broad daylight.
I just missed you so much.
Where are you taking me?
To the most beautiful site in Truong Son.
How many kids do you want to have?
As many as possible.
How many is that?
I have to march to Tha Me tomorrow.
I'll be waiting for you like last time.
Remember to write to me.
I have to drive there for deployment.
How long will it be?
I don't know.
I'm just following the order.
Why did your commander do that?
The rumor about me and Quynh
must have reached Chief Lam.
That must be the reason
why he separated us.
It's wartime.
He will return when his mission
is accomplished.
You and I are in the same boat now.
Quynh might just meet Han there.
The two of them would cry missing us.
You're such a dreamer.
I don't know
if I could be as strong as you.
You haven't seen your husband in years.
You didn't even get a letter.
You can definitely do it.
If your love is true,
you can definitely do it.
What's the matter, Mui?
Oh, it's fine.
Enemy aircraft!
Aircraft sighted!
What happened, Phuong?
Come here!
When I got back
from the communications station,
it's already…
Who did this?
It must be the ape!
The bomb must be at fault.
Enjoy your meal, comrades.
Mui, why do you always look irritated?
Well, it's because
no one can make her smile.
But I actually like that look though.
Then make a move on her.
Let me carry the water back.
I haven't been to the stream
for almost a month.
Let Thiet do it. I'm worried about you.
Don't be. I'm just getting some water.
I'll go with you.
I told you that someone
has to keep watch at the cave at all time.
This cave is our home.
We have to protect it.
You look terrible.
Bye. I'm going.
Mui, be careful.
He isn't dead yet.
What a waste.
Ten kilos of meat, gone.
Just eat up!
We still have to prepare food for tonight.
Why don't you let me do the washing?
If I hadn't gone to the stream that day,
things could've turned out differently.
It's Quynh's truck!
That's him!
A girl should always keep her pride.
Come give me a hand.
Hurry up.
Pretend you didn't hear anything.
I'll pretend that I'm deaf like Thiet.
Is it just you?
Do you have any letters for me?
Phuong, Quynh is…
Just have your meal first.
You drove from a far place after all.
Mui, why are you crying?
Kiss me…
I will never forget that night.
It was the first and also the last night
I spent alone with that woman.
Phuong didn't return to Quan Tien.
She stayed and looked after Quynh's grave.
Her letter to Mui
must've been soaked with tears.
Dear Mui.
I arrived at Tha Me this morning.
There was a heavy downpour on my way,
but the sky suddenly turned bright
when I reached Quynh's grave.
Please forgive me.
I can't go back to Quan Tien anymore.
I have a feeling
Quynh wants to keep me here.
I hope we will see each other
again someday.
I miss you and the days we had
at Quan Tien.
So both of you requested to leave?
Yes, both of us.
Stop being childish!
I granted everything you wanted,
and yet you disrespected the mission.
Do you think I can't handle that station
without you?
I will let the men take over the station.
Did you still stay at Quan Tien
after that?
Yes, I stayed with three more men.
They were all wounded soldiers.
As for Mui,
she became the captain
of a volunteer force
at the 133rd-kilometer post.
Is it road congestion?
Yes, please wait a while.
Are you in Mui's force?
Yes, we are.
Where is she now?
You'll see her when you pass by.
She's the one with the longest hair.
All clear! You can go now!
-Mui! Where are you?
-I'm Mui!
Mui, do you miss me?
I'm Mui. Take me with you.
I'm Mui!
I'm Mui!
Go straight.
Go straight.
Turn right!
Put the fire out now!
Mui, Stop!
Don't go!
Don't go! Please!
We have to save the drivers!
Don't go! Mui!
We're going in to check it out.