Truth or Dare (2017) - full transcript

Eight college friends head to a "Haunted Rental" for Halloween. But when they replay the game that made the house infamous, they awaken an evil spirit intent on stealing their souls.

[ man screams ]

[ dog barks ]


I'm coming!

[ bulbs cracking ]



[ gasps ]


Good, that's good!

Just stand up!

I can't do this!

You can!

We're almost out of time!


I can't!

You can!

Just don't think about it!

Come on, Johnny!

Just stand up!

[ crying ]

I can't move!

You're doing great!

Just stand up!

You got this!


Just focus on the grass!

Come on, Johnny! Jump!



[ screams ]

No, Johnny!

[ crying ]



[ scraping, sloshing ]

[ whimpers ]

Please, God.

[ crying ]

[ whimpering ]

[ screams ]


Seriously, babe, where

the hell are we going?


We are going north.

[ laughs ]

It's Carter's annual

Halloween scare venture,

whatever you want

to call it.

So just enjoy the mystery.

Oh, okay, cool.

Hopefully, it's better than

last year's "scary" corn maze.

Yeah, I hope Luke doesn't

break any more bones this year.

Well, he did get like

a jillion hits

on that video, though.

Yeah, but he missed

the playoffs.

True, but, man,

can Luke scream or what?

Oh, so you like it

when they scream.

Okay, I will jump out of

this moving vehicle

right now if this

sexcapade goes any further.

Are you jealous?

Hey, you should have invited...

shit, what's his face?

Yeah, when your friends refer

to your on-again-mostly-off

whatever he is as

"what's his face",

it's usually a safe bet

that the relationship

isn't gonna work out.

He's out there, Mad.


What exactly do your

friends know about me?

Well, they know that

you're a great lay.

Luke, you're a shit!

Well, you are.

You're such an ass.

You are a great lay!

You want me to lie to

my friends, is that what?

I hate you.

[ chuckles ]

Well, they know your name,

they know you're

a little bit shy.

They know that

you're into pitchers.

Pitchers of beer.

Ah, right.

Not baseball pitchers, no.


They're well aware of

your alcoholism.

Yeah, I'm not into you...

at all.

They know that you

maybe stalked me after

one of my games.

It was one time, let it go.

Well, you did do it.

Look, they're my friends.

They're gonna love you.


♪ Kill the D.J. ♪

♪ Gotta help me ♪

♪ Kill the D.J. ♪

♪ Got to got to

make him pay ♪

♪ So let's kill ♪

♪ Kill the D.J. ♪

Welcome, my pretties!

Ooh, Addison!


What do you expect?

You say Halloween and party.

I hear costume.

[ chuckles ]

And cats have really

good hearing.

Yeah, well, the camera's

loving kitties.

Oh, you must

be the stalker.

Hi. I'm Holt.

The stalker.

So Luke's told you.

I'm also vegan, so I might as

well put that out there now.

Oh, I'm not a vegan.

This bag is full of meat.


I like meat.



There you go.

Hey. I'm Maddie.



Hey, Carter, can I ask

you a question?

Why did you bring us to your

grandma's ghetto-ass house?

[ chuckles ]

That's funny.

That's the same thing

your mom asks me

every time she brings me

here for some one-on-one.


Who wants to see

what's inside?

Come on, let's check it out.


Listen, Doc, I've had like

this clicking in my wrist...

Do you think I'm in med school

to be your personal physician?

Unless you're a hot chick

that needs something

checked out, it's a hard pass.

Hey, but man to man,

use the other hand.

Use the other hand...

Come on.

Tell me this place

isn't prime!


[ laughs ]

Well, happy Halloween!

Courtesy of your

neighborhood serial killer.

Where did you bring us?

Carter, when you said


I think we expected

something a little less, uh...

Sad? Desolate?


[ laughs ]

Ah, the power of besties.

See? Now, I just thought

that was the power

of you two regressing

to the second grade

again and again

and again and again.

Dude, what are we doing here?



Oh, okay, all right.


Hey, babe, sure you don't

want to go to a hotel?

No! Come on.

Guys, it'll be fun.

We're here to explore.

Look for ghosts,

channel spirits, whatever.

Look, it's the

perfect pre-Halloween,

Halloween thing to do.

I mean, it's a total

dead and breakfast.

[ chuckles ]

No. Absolutely not.

All right, picture it.

This place, 1983.

Right here in this house,

seven teenagers played

[ strikes piano keys ]

Truth or Dare.

God, the 80s really were

tragic, weren't they?

You know what, Holt?

They were.

Because all but one

of them died


painful deaths.

Wait. In this house?


That's what I'm saying.

Can't you feel it?

You guys, overnight this

place became a haunted house.

The people moved away.

The neighborhood

started dying.

This place has a power.

Yeah, okay.

Let's hope it

has real power.

[ chuckles ]

Okay, okay, wait.

What about the person

who survived?

Points to Alex

for paying attention.

She was never seen since.

But rumor has it if

you did see her,

her face would

haunt you forever.


[ laughing ]

So dumb.

Dude, get to the part where

you stop boring us already.

All right. Saddle up.

We're gonna find out

once and for all

if things really do

go bump in the night.

I was afraid you'd say that.

Babe, are you sure

you want to stay here?

It's one night in Carter's


We got this.


[ laughing ]

Do we?

All right, let's unload,

and then we begin.

[ wind blowing ]

When millennials freeze up

in front of the camera

when all they do is

take selfies all day.

You really weren't kidding.

You're gonna videotape

everything tonight?

Yeah. Carter here is

the founding member...

The only member.

Of the film club, or whatever

it is that you do by yourself.

Don't need to know

what he does by himself,

thank you.

Ah, but, sweets, you're

with me in spirit

every second I'm doing it.

Lucky me.

Read between the lines.

You know what, I actually

kind of think it's cool.

Here, I got you a beer.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Oh, my God!

It's dead!

Ugh, so disgusting.

Isn't that against

veggie law?

I mean, roaches are

people too.

They are not people.

They are vile creatures

and they can eat me.


All right,

we're roach-free.

Now what?

Now... wait for it.

We play the game.

Truth or Dare!

[ clock chimes ]

That was weird.

How'd you pull

that one off, Carter?

Who cares?

I want to do a séance.

Like engage with

the other side,

the afterlife.

Well, Addie, good thing

I stuffed a Ouija Board

down my pants before we left.

O-M-G! And then we can talk

about how cute Tyler is,

and totally braid

each other's hair.

All right, all right,

all right.

But come on.

Think about it.

How cool it would be

to play that game

in this house where

all hell broke loose?

You mean, where all

those people died?

I'm in!

But I'm not doing

anything sexual.



#Keepitclean, boys.

Fine. Nothing sexual.

Oh, we promise.

You know what?

Nothing illegal.

Cause, um,

the rental's in my name.

All right.

I got some cards

and I got some pens.

We'll write down

some dares and truths

and we'll mix them up.

All right.

Hand it over.

[ chattering ]


Ladies first.

Know what?

I'm feeling feisty.

Ease up, babe!

Really, boys?

Did we not just go over this?

"Make out with Maddie."

[ laughs ]

Who would...

That's crazy!

You should probably

do that one, though.

This should be interesting.

Come on.

She's your "bestie", remember?

It'll be like

kissing your sister.


That's totally

not a thing, ew.

Not the same thing at all.

Make out, make out,

make out...

Okay, Maddie, pucker up.


Oh, yes!

[ laughs ]

Yeah, I am definitely

pregnant after that.

All right, all right,

I'll go next.

Let's see who else you guys

want me to kiss.


I'm not playing.


That's not the rules.

No quitsies.

Do the card.

Come on...

I'm not playing the card.

Stop touching me.

Aw, geez!

Stop! Give it back!

I said stop!

You guys, stop it!

"Did you sleep with Tyler"?


I did not have sexual


Shut up, Holt!


I didn't sleep with Tyler.

[ cell phones chime ]


I can't do this anymore.


I made a mistake.

When you were away

with your family,

Tyler and I got drunk

and we hooked up.

But it didn't mean anything.

It meant nothing.

But, Alex, you're

my best friend.

I'm so sorry.


Babe, wait.


Whoever wrote

that is dead.

Carter, you are

such an asshole!


Shot? Shot? Shot?


Babe, just please

let me explain.

Like I want details?

Don't, seriously, Tyler.

Alex, just please

listen to me, all right?

Get away from me!

Who did you tell?

I never said a word.

I want to know who

the hell did this.

Ty, look, none of us knew.


Yeah, that's messed up, bro.

[ clock chimes ]

I didn't write that!

That's not even

my handwriting.

I'm not doing it!

I don't want to be in

any more of dumbass videos!

What the hell?

Dude, grow the hell up.

[ crackling ]

[ screams ]


Help! Help!


What happened?

Get my medic pack

from the car!


[ shouts ]

What's going on?

Oh my God, what happened?

What did you do?

It wasn't me.

What do you mean?It wasn't me!

Just bring that around.

Around this side.

There we go.


You, you set this whole

freak show up!

He's right.

You're the one

that wanted to go viral.

You know what?

Suck it, newbie.

You don't know me

and you don't know Tyler!

Maybe you slept

with him too.

Carter!That's enough.

I'm not making this shit up.

Okay, I'm drunk, but

I am not that drunk.


Three rounds.

48 hours or you die.


What does it say?

Eat Tyler's burnt flesh.

[ static ]

[ clock chimes ]


Four minutes.

Son of a bitch!

You play your shitty

pranks on the rest of us,

but you leave her out of it!

How many times do I have to

say that I am not behind it!

All I did was rent this house!

All right, I wanted us

to have fun.

Have a few drinks, whatever.

Haunted house, great!

If I caught something

on camera, bonus.

I did not write that card.

And I did not

set up any tricks.


I would never

hurt anybody!

Oh, yeah?

Last year was an accident

and you know that.

Yeah, well, we're outta here.

Let's grab your stuff.


[ shrieks ]


What was that?

[ doors slam ]



It's trapping us!How?

Go around!

Come on!

The windows!

The windows!

Try to break the windows!


Oh, my God!

Are you okay?


No, no, no, no!


Oh, my gosh...

[ shouting ]

Oh my gosh, come on,

try the doors!

[ screaming ]

We gotta do the dare.

The dare...

Everybody shut up!


I think you gotta

do the dare.

What? No.

I had two minutes and

I didn't do it.

Look, I know this is nuts,

but I think Ty is right.

I think you gotta

do your card, Jess.

Screw you!

He's right!

I am not doing it!

[ door creaks ]

Somebody do something.

Oh, my God, you guys.

We're wasting time here.

I mean, she had four minutes.

Ty's card said two.

And then he got hurt because...

Because I didn't do the dare.

The dare did me.

Jessie, you have to do it.

You only have

a couple of minutes left.

Come on!

We have to do something!

Check your phones!

Come on!


Just check!

Shit. No signal.

Mine's not working either.

There's no signal!

It's no use!

Jessie, come on!

No, no, I can't!

This could be our way out!

Let go!

No! No, no, no.

Hey, Jess,

Look, look at me.

Hey, hey, hey.

Hey, we're not sure

what's going on.

But something is

happening here

and we have to handle it.

That means you, Jessie

and it means right now, okay?

Okay, I know that

this is crazy.

But we gotta do this, okay?

I'm right there with you.

Come on.


Come on!


One minute!


I can't do it.

I can't do it...

Oh, shit!

[ crying ]

Guys, we're

running out of time.


[ gags ]

It's over.

[ telephone ringing ]

Answer it!

What is it?

All of it.

No, I can't.

I can't do it.

[ crying ]

Do it!

You have to.

[ overlapping dialogue ]



Okay, I did it.

[ crying ]

There has to be

a way out of here.

I'll check upstairs!

Damn it!


Go, go, go, go, go!

There's nothing upstairs.

[ piano plays ]

We have to play

three rounds.

Alex, no.Well, maybe you can

sleep with it.

We'll all be home free.

That's not fair.

Not fair?

I think it's pretty clear.

We do the dare, we live.

We don't...

Well, who hasn't gone?

You, Holt, Luke and Addie.

I can't.

I'm not doing it.

Nobody wants to.

This is ridiculous!

What aren't you guys getting?

Come on.

Why don't you step up, babe?

Step off it, Luke!Okay, just shut up!

Okay, I'll do it!

I'll do it.

You happy?

I'll do it! Fine!

"Grab the wires."

What the hell

does that mean?

Grab the--

[ clock chimes ]


One minute.

[ whimpering ]

Carter, grab that

blanket over there.


Grab that blanket.

Hey, Holt?

Hey, pay attention.

All right?

Calm down, pay attention.

Now I'm not gonna lie.

It's gonna hurt.

You might not be

able to let go.

Carter, you're gonna

hold the blanket.

You're gonna run as fast

as you can towards Holt.

Why me?

Carter, just shut up!

All right, just do it.

Holt, now whenever

he gets to you,

I want you to grab the wires.

Carter will slam into you

and knock you from the circuit.

Now if this works...


It should.

It should what?

It should what?

Keep you alive.

That's a big if.

It's all we got.

That's a big if.It's all we got.

Carter, man,

you gotta be fast.

You gotta be real fast.

Okay. Well, good thing my buddy

Carter's all-state track, right?

He wasn't all anything.

No, he's not all...

I'm just trying to

lighten the mood, okay?

Holt, you ready?

Yeah, as ready as

I'm gonna be.

Okay, Carter, here we go.

Wait! Wait!

Take off your watch!

Take off your watch!

Shit, yeah, she's right.

Take off anything metal

that can heat up and burn.

Here, here.

There's metal.


All right, Carter, go.

No, just go!

Is he okay?

What's happening?

Is he alive?

[ coughing ]

Oh my God.

It's okay.

Take this. I can't.

I can't do it.

It's okay.


I'm going nuts.

This is completely crazy!

Hey. Hey, hey, hey.

It's insane!

No, no, no!


I just ate a person's skin!

Calm down!

You're not helping!

Like you would know!

You've answered

one question!

You haven't done shit!

Holt just got electrocuted!

I'm done!

Okay, enough is

enough, all right?

Ghost, spirit, monster,

I don't give a damn!

I'm done playing

its stupid game!

Pay attention, guys.

You do the dare...

[ creaks ]

Or the dare does you.

[ rattling ]

Two minutes.

We have two minutes.

Luke, two minutes.

Oh, no, no, no,

no, no, no, no!

This, this is my scholarship

we're talking about, guys!

Scouts are coming!

This is my shot!

We can't just smash

my knee...

You're not gonna be able to

play anything if you're dead!

Okay, then we'll

wait it out.

See what happens!



You have to.

God, okay!

Fine, fine, fine!

Just do it!

Just do it!


You got this, Luke.

What do I do?

What do I do?

Just hit it!

You can do it!

Come on!


Okay, it's done.

We did it.

Oh, shit.

You're running out of time!

I just did it, though!

Screw that!

You're not smashing my knee!

What are you doing?

[ screams ]

I'm sorry. I'm sorry!You okay?

Sorry! I'm sorry!Are you okay?

I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry.

No, I can't do

this anymore!

Addison, just try

to calm down!


Don't tell me to

calm down or relax!

Don't tell me

to do anything!

I wont do this anymore.

I can't.

"Are you an addict?"


Addie, you're on drugs?

I'm not an addict!

You have to tell the truth.

I don't have to

do shit, okay?

No, Addison, listen please...

Carter, shut up!

Like I'm not a drug addict!

I got in a car accident,


I took painkillers

and they're prescribed.

Jesus, why do I have

to explain this to you?

It's not the question.

Believe me,

don't believe me.

I don't give a shit.

Listen to a voice,

a phone, a damn door?

You know what?

This whole little squad?

I'm so done.

[ phone chimes ]


Wait, wait, Addie!


Addison! Addison, wait!

Addie! Stop!

Addie, don't go!Just listen!

Addie, you can't go!


You can't leave!

Have fun and

good luck, bitches.


Just come back inside!

Addie, wait!

[ door creaks ]

[ wind blows ]


[ panting ]

I've told you the same story

over and over again,

and there are seven

other people.

Let me get this straight.

Just back up from the beginning.

You rented this house,

you had your friends over.


And... mystery things

started happening?

Like a ghost?

What was it?

What, you think

we're all lying?

Because it just

doesn't add up.

I mean, you guys

taking drugs?

Doesn't it seem

strange to you?

Doc says I'm all good.

What's taking Carter so long?

What's taking Carter so long,

is trying to explain something

that can't be explained

to a bunch of idiot police

who'd rather be knee deep

in jelly-filled doughnuts

than listen to me.

What about Tyler and Holt?

For God's sake,

Addison is dead.

What do you mean,

they're not listening to


They are...

gonna rule it

an accident.

They're calling everything

that happened an accident?


Yeah. Makes sense,

doesn't it?

Think about it.

A game of Truth

or Dare gone bad.

That sounds legit.

A game of Truth or Dare

with some evil-ass presence

or whatever?

Come on, who's gonna

believe that?

So that's it?

They're just not

gonna do anything?

They're saying that

we were drunk, which we were.

Things got out of control.

To them, the whole thing

spells stupid college kids

plus booze equals problems.

Hell of a lot easier

for their tiny brains

to understand than

inexplicable evil.

What about the video?

Did you show them?

The video, yeah, about that.

Take a look.


[ static ]


This is great.

I wish they could

have seen that video.

Yeah, no shit.

Enough, all right?

It's not my fault your stupid

camera didn't catch anything.

Do you think that's what

I care about it?

Screw you.

Okay, stop it!

Just stop!

God, we're all tired.

We're all a mess.

Let's just move forward.

Ah, really have

some nerve, Maddie.

Move on?

Tell that to Addison.

Excuse me?

All right, I shouldn't

have said that.

I'm sorry. I'm just--

I'm so tired.

I don't even know

what to say.

All right, everyone

just go home.

Get some sleep.

Someone's gonna need to talk

to Addison's parents.

Yeah, who?

I guess I can

call her sister.

I mean, I knew her parent--

I know her parents.

This sucks.

Well, we're never going

back to that house.

Yeah, okay.


I'm coming with you, Carter.

You awake?

Yeah, me too.

I keep thinking about how

lucky we are...

that we didn't...

I can't believe Addison is...

She's a good person.

Like a really good person.

Yeah, Maddie.

She was.

It was late.

And we were both

really drunk.

Stop, stop.


This is pathetic.

Okay, look, you have

every right to be mad at me.

But at least...

Yeah, I do.

And I'm sorry.

Like more sorry than

you'll ever understand.

And I don't know how many

times I need to keep saying it.

But I really am!

Okay, I just want things

to go back to normal.


Okay, yeah, great.

Let's just turn

back the clocks

and all will be normal again.

We'd still be best friends...

And Addison would

still be alive.

I'm really sorry.

Yeah, we covered that.

I made a mistake!

[ Addison laughing ]


Would you rather

never see your family again

or have to live with them

for the rest of your life?

Have to live with them for

the rest of my life because

we live on a really

big property.


Would you rather...


How long have you been

in love with me?


Hang yourself for two minutes.

You're not done yet.

No, we beat you!

You have one minute.

No, no!

Help! Help!


You can beat it.


Help! Please help!


Oh, come on, Carter.

Time's up.




Please help!

No, no!

[ choking ]

[ cell phone buzzes ]

It's got Carter!

What?Come on!

[ choking, pounding on door ]

Oh, my God!

Maddie, come on!




Hey, Carter!

Hey, let us in, Carter!




[ screaming ]

[ panting ]

[ police radio chatter ]

How many ways do these cops

want us to say the same thing?

It's what they understand.

They ruling it a suicide.

Did you hear he hung himself?

I heard it was an accident.

Hey, no.

He didn't hang himself.

And it wasn't an accident.

He was murdered!

Hey, Alex, Alex, come on.

Seriously? Come on?

Two of our friends are dead!

When is this

nightmare gonna end?


You okay?

Hey, guys, have you

talked to Luke or Jessie?

They know about Carter?

Yeah, they know.

I called them.

They've been holed up

in his room.

I looked up a bunch of

stuff in the house

and all those stories

Carter told us are true.

The deaths, the survivor.

Wasn't much,

but it's all true.

Then we should go

back to the cops.

Listen to this.

"Police say they have

no evidence of foul play

in the death of six youths,

all locals.

The events have officially been

ruled accidents or suicides.

But one investigator

who spoke anonymously

said they believe

the events to be related

to a death pact

amongst the group.

The only survivor has

negated that assertion

and refused further comment."

A death pact?

Well, they got

the death part right.

But, come on, how could they

think it was an accident?

Okay, fine.

So then what?

What do we do?

Are we just screwed?

Maybe not.

Where are you going?

We're going to talk

to the lady who survived

this 30 years ago.

Who the hell is she?

We're about to find out.

What's her name again?Donna Boone.

And you're positive

she lives here?

[ doorbell rings ]

Donna Boone?

Maybe she's not home.

[ knocking on window ]


It has to be her.

Donna Boone?

We've been to

the Charun House.

We played the game

and now our friends

are dying.

Please help us!

Maybe there's another way.

We don't have time.

Come on.

[ ringing doorbell ]

You're right.

There is no other way.

And you don't have time.

Come on.

Please sit down.

It started as

a Christmas game.

They called it

"Questions and Commands".

It went back

as far as 1712.

If someone didn't answer

a question or lied,

they had to pay a price.

A dare, if you will.

What does that have

to do with us?

Oh, God, you guys look

just like my friends.

It was such

an innocent game.


It ended up not so innocent.

It's that house, isn't it?

Oh, if it was, I would

have burned it

to the ground myself.

No, that's just where

we played the game.

You know, that thing,

that darkness

isn't relegated

to any one place.

Evil never is.

So what is it?

God, it's, um...

it's powerful.

It's a demon that

feeds on your fear

and your pain and the secrets.

It uses the game to steal

its victim's souls

and makes it look like

an accident or a suicide.

So you know?


I saw it on the news.

It's a tragedy

for people not involved

but a murder

for those who are.

We tried going to

the police, but...

Yeah, I did too.

It landed me in an

institution for 10 years.

Yeah, I'm afraid

you're on your own.

Well, then we'll leave town.


That's not

the way it works.

You played the game.

You opened the door.

It chose you.

And if I could tell you why,

then maybe my friends

would still be here with me.

But they lost.

So what now?

What do we do?

Three rounds.

48 hours.

You finish the game,

but you can beat it.

I did.


Please tell us how.

Well, you have to help each

other as much as you can.

You have to be smart.

You have to share the dares.

What does that mean?

Well, for instance,

one of mine

was I had to make

four deep cuts.

I knew I would bleed

to death if I did that.

So I did one and my friends

took the other three.

And I walked away hurt,

but alive.

The dare was done.

This sounds crazy.

Think about it,

we've already done that.

Hey, Holt, Carter

helped you when you had

to grab the wires.

That's true.

Well, what about you?

You know, what happened

to your face?

And why didn't

you share the dare?

There was nobody

left but me.

It was the third round,

my final dare.

This is only in

the second round.

Yeah, then things are

gonna get a lot worse.

Just go back to the house.

That's where it started

and that's where it

has to end.

But just remember, you can

be smarter than the game.

You okay?

[ sighs ]

I'm gonna go take a shower.

I'm gonna turn my phone on

if you want to talk.

[ gasps ]


What's wrong?

Oh, my God.

We got to go!

We got to go right now!

It's a dare.


Wait, wait, wait!


What? You can't!

You can't do this one!I don't have a choice!

Come on.

[ tires squealing ]

Wait, wait, wait.

Please don't go, please.

Okay, look.

Just stay in the car, okay?

Don't get out.

Anything happens, just

be ready to leave, okay?

I'll be right with you.

I need you to

give me some money.

Any amount.

It doesn't matter.

I don't have time to explain.

But, please, I just need you

to give me something.

Look, lady, I'm not gonna

shoot you, I promise.

But I need you to give

me some money!


All right!


Right now! I need it.



Come on!

Drop it!


Please, you don't understand!

I can't argue with you!

I don't have any time to...

I will shoot!

Just give me some money!

Anything! A dollar!

Doesn't matter!



[ gunshot ]

[ crying ]

Come on, pick up, pick up.

Pick up.

Alex! Alex!

[ crying ]

No, everything is not okay!

Luke's dead, Luke's dead.

Luke's dead.

It found us in his dorm. Jessie!

And it said that he had

to go rob a gas station.

And he got shot.

I don't know what to do!

Look, I think I figured

out what we have to do.

We need to go back

to the house, okay?

What? No!

No, I'm not going back

to that damn house!

I'm not going!

I just can't!

No, no, no, trust me, okay?

We have to finish the game.

Otherwise, we're all

going to die.

I don't understand. Why?

Just hurry up and...Jessie?





I'm so sorry.

It's okay.

Come here.

We're gonna

figure this out, okay?

[ gasps ]

I think I know

how to end it.

Come on.

[ buzzing ]

So now what?

Next time, don't ask.

Now or never, right?

"Drink the liquid."

What liquid?

[ clock chimes ]

Two minutes.


It's poison.

Can you tell what kind?



So now what?

We do what Donna said.

We share the dare.

It said to drink, but not

that he had to it by himself.

Are you sure?

I don't know.

I don't want to

do this one.

I really don't.

News flash, you guys.

Jessie doesn't want

to do this.

You know what, Holt?

You don't always

have to be an asshole.

Come on, guys, enough.

We do the dare.

We work together.

We survive.

Well, what if it kills us?


What are you doing?

We can do this.

If we drink the soda,

the phosphoric acid

will protect the lining

of our stomach.

At least long enough

to puke the stuff back up.

It's med school 101.

You're the only doctor here

so I'm gonna believe

whatever you say.

Okay, give me those.



We're wasting time.


[ cans opening ]

All right, okay,

on the count of three,

we're gonna drink the soda.

You're gonna feel

bloated at first,

but it'll help get

the shit back up faster.

Are we ready?

One, two, three.


[ groaning ]

[ belches ]

Everyone take one

of these.

Okay, on the count

of three, drink

and then get it out of

your body, all right?

One, two, three.

[ retching ]

[ scraping ]

Oh, shit!

[ metallic squeaking ]

She's in here.

Come on.

Oh, hell, no.

[ clock chimes ]

You guys are gonna

help me, right?


We're in this together.

It says two teeth.


Oh, shit, here we go!

Then we'll choose.

What? No! What?

Are we gonna get straws

and just pick...

Just shut up, Holt!

There's four of you.

Figure it out.

No! That's not fair!

That's not fair!

We share the dare, remember?

Just share the

damn dare, okay?

I wasn't even supposed

to be here!

I was supposed

to be with Luke

wherever the hell else

instead of getting dragged

into this shit!

Fine, you're out.

What? Are you kidding

me? That's...

Fine! I'll do the dare,

okay? I'll do it.


I'll do it.

I'll do the pulling if

you're okay with that.

You're the doc.


All right.

Okay, all right.

A back upper molar, okay?

Gravity will help and

it won't be noticeable.

You ready?


[ squeals ]

[ whimpers ]

It's okay, it's okay.

You're done, you're done.


You're done, you're done,

you're done.

It's okay.

Hey, Holt, here we go.

Aw, come on.


All right, I'll be gentle,

you know.

Don't worry. It's not

like I'm holding a grudge

that you stole Becky G.

from me at

the seventh grade dance.

You can have her.

All right, you're gonna grab,

twist and pull fast, all right?


Grab, twist and pull.

Grab, twist and pull.

Grab, twist and pull.

[ muffled talking ]

[ screaming ]

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, dude.

Go, Holt!

I'm so sorry!

[ screaming ]

You do it!

You do it!

Okay, okay, okay.

Oh, God!

Oh, God!

Oh, God!

[ screaming ]


"Three rounds, two minutes,

one bullet."

Russian Roulette.

Try to outsmart it,

it outsmarted us.

Wait, wait, wait.

Give me it.

Outsmart us, my ass.

It never said that

we couldn't use

the bullet first.

Try it.


Oh, come on!

Just give it to me, okay?

[ gun clicks ]

[ grunts ]

All right, now--

[ gun clicks ]

Give it to me!




[ shouting ]




[ sobbing ]

[ continues sobbing ]

[ crying ]

[ clock chimes ]

[ panting ]

It's happening again.

It's starting again.

And I need to tell

you guys something.

Two years ago, I was

involved in something.

I was involved in

a hit-and-run.

And I got freaked out and

I left the scene of the crime

because I was afraid my parents

were gonna like get mad at me.

And they were gonna

yank me out of college.

And the guy that I hit,

he got paralyzed.

Okay, you got a truth.

It's okay.

No, I didn't get a truth.

So why are you telling

us this for?

'Cause I need someone

to run me over in less

than two minutes!


Hey, Alex?

I need you to snap

out of this for me, okay?

I need you to

snap out of this.

Holt, come on!

We have to go.

Come on!

We have to go now!

Get the keys!

We have to go now! Go!

Your foot!

We'll run over your foot!

Fine! Fine!

Go, go, go, go!


Come on!


Hurry up, come on!

Come on!

It won't start!

It won't start!

Come on!

Try again!

Hurry up, come on!

Come on!

It won't start!Start it!

Oh, God!

It won't start!

It won't start!

Just pop the hood!


Okay, it's open!

[ shouts ]

It's flooded!

Alex, we need Tyler's keys.

Holt's gonna die!

What'll we do?Try again!

Okay, okay.

Do it!It won't go!

[ screams ]

It wasn't me!

We're out of time,

we're out of time!

[ crying, screaming ]

I don't know what to do!

No! What are you doing?

Stop it!

It's not me!

I can't stop!

Stop the car!

[ sobbing ]

Stop it!

[ screaming ]

[ tires squeal ]

[ engine revs ]



[ screams ]


[ crying ]

What happened?

I couldn't stop the car.

I couldn't stop it.

[ crying ]

It wasn't me.

I couldn't stop.


What are you doing?

I'm finishing this.

Alex, stop.

Now I know what Donna meant.

Holt ran someone over.

You and Tyler cheated.

Carter was a voyeur.

Addison was an addict.

Luke was obsessed with

sports and winning.

His entire life hinged

on his ability to play.

I don't get it.

So what?

It's punishing us

for our secrets,

our obsessions, our sins.

But why us?


What did we do?

What did we do?

Donna said it.

We opened the door.

It... Maybe it knew we

were weak, easy prey.

Maybe we deserved it.

Maybe.I don't get it.

Because I don't have

any weaknesses or

fears or whatever.


We all do.

Some of us are just

better at hiding them.

Oh, yeah?

So then what?

What's yours?



[ music plays ]

♪ Don't you hear that scary

Can't you hear that scary ♪

♪ Voice ♪

[ music stops,

record scratches ]

So done!

[ music plays ]

[ music stops ]

The pipe?

What pipe?

[ door creaks ]

[ clock chimes ]





Open the door!

We're trying!

We can't!

I can't see!

Come on!

You have to hurry, come on!

You're running out of time.

Open this door!

We're trying everything we can.

Do you see the pipe?

Search for the pipe!


Okay. Um...

Oh, God.


[ screams ]

There's bugs everywhere!

Take a deep breath, okay?

[ crying ]

I can't do it!You have to do it!

You're going to die!

[ panting ]


[ screams ]

[ bugs crawling ]



[ screams ]


[ screaming, crying ]

[ coughing ]


[ gasps ]

Oh, my God.

Come on.

[ phone ringing ]

That's my phone.

[ phone ringing continues ]

[ panting ]

I don't think

I can do this, okay?

Hey, hey.

Just one more.

Just one more dare

for each of us, okay?



Remove seven living

body parts in seven minutes.

Stop, stop, stop.

Okay, stay here.

I got this. I got this.

Just stay here, okay?

Move back.

Alex, I'm sorry about

what I did with Tyler.

Not now, Maddie,

it's okay.

I need to say this.

You were my best friend,

and I ruined it.

Doesn't matter right now.

We have seven minutes,

seven living body parts.

Start with your

eyelashes, okay?

Rip out an eyelash.

Come on.

Good. And I'll do

a piece of hair.

Hold on.

We got this, we got this.


I need your fingernail, okay?


I need you to sit

still, okay?




Just do it, just do it!

Okay, breathe.

On the count of three, okay?

One, two, three.

[ screams ]

Shit! Is it okay?


I'm sorry, I'm sorry,

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.


You go next.

[ crying ]

Skin, skin.

No! No!

Maddie, Maddie, look at me!

You have to, okay?


It's okay, it's okay.

Just do it. Just do it,

just do it, just do it.

Just get it over with.

Come on, go. Go!

[ grunts ]

Just go, it's okay.

Just go!

[ screams ]

It's okay.

We got to think,

we got to think.

Next. What's next?

[ piano clangs ]

Whole living parts...


Skin. It would have had

to have been all my skin.

Oh, my God!

It was a waste!

What now? What now?

What now? What now?

My earlobe.


[ screams ]


Okay, okay.

We'll put it on ice so they'll

be able to sew it back on.

Sew what back on?

My pinky!

My pinky, my pinky!

No! Do mine!

Do mine!


Do it!

Which angle?

No, I can't!

Use the clippers!

Okay, okay, okay, okay.

Okay, okay, okay.

Okay, ready?

Okay, one, two.

[ screaming ]



Just do it, do it, do it.

I can't.

My pinky toe.

Okay, okay.

On the count of three.

One, two...

Ready, ready, ready, okay.


[ screaming ]

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

[ crying ]

I'm sorry.


Oh, Maddie!

Alex, Alex, are you okay?

I'm sorry.

One more.

What will we do?

No, no, no.

I can't.

You have to.

I can't do that to you!

Alex, you have to!


We have nothing left.

Just do it, just do it.

Please don't fight with me.

Just do it.

Okay, okay. Okay.

What are you doing?

Okay, okay, okay.

Okay, okay.


I got this.

I love you.I love you.

Go! Do it now!

We have no time!


[ crying ]

Okay! Okay, are you ready?

Look at me, look at me,

look at me, ready?

You ready?

[ screaming ]

[ screams ]

Hey, Maddie, Maddie,

just hang with me, okay?

Please, please, please,

just a few more minutes.

I hate that house.

[ static ]


No! No, I won't kill her!

You can't have her!

No! No! No!

Alex, you have to.

No! No!

[ crying ]

If you don't do the dare,

the dare does you.

You can't save me!

Yes, I can!

Don't say that!

You don't know that!

Yes, I do!

Someone has to live!

You have to live.



For me?


Alex, what are you doing?

Alex, Alex, stop.

What are you doing?

Stop it!

Alex, stop it!

Alex, stop it!


[ crash ]

[ Alex gasps ]