Truth (2018) - full transcript

Following a brutal civil war, an interrogation of a possible war criminal has a much deeper meaning buried in lies.

Is it better out there?

Than before?

Your rebel leaders
are still in charge.

You haven't elected a president.

But until then your leaders

are happy to carry the mantle.

The war isn't even
officially over.

After the initial
revolution it's a bloodbath.

I'm on the hit-list today.

Tomorrow it might be you.

- My name is Maria Ramsey

and I'm your appointed attorney

from the Truth and
Reconciliation Committee.

New government is
gathering information

to determine who
deserves punishment

and who should receive amnesty

and become a part in the new
democracy we are building.

Do you understand?

If you could please confirm
your name for the record.

Are you Lieutenant
Colonel Xavier J. Faraday?

- Yes.

I'm Xavier Faraday.

- Lieutenant Colonel Xavier J.
Faraday of the Republic Army?

There is no
Republic Army any more.

- But you were a
lieutenant colonel

in the army of
the former regime?

- Yes.

- Lieutenant Colonel
Xavier J. Faraday

are you submitting yourself
to the committee for amnesty.

- No.

- I don't think you understand.

- I understand.

Thank you but I don't
want your amnesty.

- If you don't do this

the tribunal will see
it as nothing less

than an admission of
guilt and that require...

- What does it matter?

My side lost.


- Please, I have to help you.

It's what I do.

I don't believe people
should pay the ultimate price

for their mistakes.

Let me give you a chance.

Please believe me.

I swear.

- I am former Lieutenant
Colonel Xavier John Faraday.

I formally submit myself to
the committee for amnesty.

- Let's start with
your military career.

Tell me about your
Medal of Honor

during the winter invasion.

You were still in the infantry.

You were wounded saving
17 men in your platoon

from invading forces.

Tell me about it.
- I don't remember.

- I find that
difficult to believe.

- It was 20 years ago.

I have a hard time remembering

what I had for dinner last week.

- We could ask the prison chef.

I'm sure it wasn't very good.

I think this will help.

state your name.

General Thomas
R. Theramin, retired.

the winter invasion

you were involved in the Battle
of Kerrigan's Pass, correct?

Hell of a fight.

I was barely a captain then.

Lost a lot of good men that day.

What can you
tell me about Xavier Faraday?

Was he in your platoon.

He was, still a
green kid but smart, brave.

Saved I have no
idea how many lives.

Fought like a man possessed.

Wouldn't wanna him
dating my daughter

but I want him in my
trench know what I mean.

And what
happened after the invasion.

When he came
home they treated him

like a damn hero.

Hero of Kerrigan's
Pass, remember?

They cheered all
of their survivors,

gave 'em a parade.

But Faraday got the
damn Medal of Honor

and the assignment
of his choice.

No idea where he ended up.

- I do remember that.

In school they taught us about
the hero of Kerrigan's Pass.

General Theramin,

that's a great character
reference for you.

During your time in
the Republic Army

what was your assignment?

- The majority of my service
was in supply, nine years.

- And when the revolution
began, did you remain in supply?

- No.

- You were reassigned?

- Yes.

- What was your new assignment?

- I was transferred
to the north.

- More specific please.

- Bolton.

- Bolton Internment
Camp, correct?

- Why are you asking me all
this if you already know?

- As I said, this
is for the record.

- Why don't you just
look in your file?

- You can't ask for
amnesty for something

you haven't admitted doing.

- Are you really doing this

for every soldier
that you captured?

- Cases that were involved
in atrocities, yes.

Like Bolton.

- I was assigned to Bolton
to be the executive officer

of the guard staff.

- From war hero to
supply to a prison camp?

- It's the military, it's
the same procedural idea.

Keep your higher-ups happy.

Keep you paperwork organized

and don't get killed
by your own men.

- Except I think
there is a difference

between inventorying cans
of beans and extra blankets

and overseeing a guard staff

who interred more than
150,000 people over two years.

- It's about forms,
it's about numbers,

it's about accounting.

- That's a little cold isn't it?

- Prisoners need
blankets, forms.

You transfer a guard, forms.

There's a death...
- I get it.

- I didn't fight in the civil
war, I did the paperwork.

What were your
responsibilities at the camp?

Keep the
guard staff organized.


- Daily schedules, payroll,
training, disciplinary actions.

- Against?

- My men.

- You never
disciplined a prisoner?

- My main responsibility
were the guards

and the support staff.

Not the actions
of the prisoners.

- What happened to the
misbehaving prisoners?

- The misbehavers went
before the commander

but I tried to get my guards
not to let it get that far.

- What do you mean?

- I tried to get my guards
to put an end to problems

before they got too big.

- What types of problems
did they encounter?

- Cooking in the
barracks, some contraband.

My guards would confiscate it,

take away some liberties.

It was all manageable.

Usually it was little things
that grew into big arguments

or grudges in public.

Public is bad, very bad.

If a prisoner tried to
escape, it was public

and they went before
the commander.

If the prisoner survived.

I didn't blame the prisoners.

If I was in their position
I'd do exactly the same thing.

but I tried to get my
guards to understand

that we were all
in this together.

So let's make the best of it.

- Did you have regular contact
with any of the prisoners?


- You lived on site?


- I find it difficult to believe

you were basically
there 24 hours a day

and you had no contact...

- You said regular contact.

I didn't have regular
contact with the prisoners.

It wasn't a social club.

- No I guess not.

So you issued orders
about their lives

without even knowing
what was going on?

- That's a bit naive,
don't you think?

- Do you think former
prisoners would recognize you?

If you were walking
down the street

and a former prisoner saw
you would they remember you?

- I don't think so.

I don't think I really made
an impression on any of them.

I was just another
face in a uniform.

- Did you get to know
any of the prisoners?

- The handyman.

Some cleaning women.

- And you wouldn't consider
these regular contacts?

- I made it a point not to
fraternize with the prisoners.

Nothing good can come from it.

- What types of prisoners
were in your camp?

- Please don't call it my camp.

- Bolton, then.

- Political prisoners,
rebel sympathizers,

anybody that the president
and his government

thought was dangerous.

- For the record and context

it included
political dissidents,

numerous university professors,

and a large percentage
of the native population.

Would you agree?

- I wasn't aware of an
official census being done.

- But it wasn't a prison for
captured democratic soldiers?

- That wasn't its intention, no.

- Which was?

- You'll have to
ask the president,

he's the one who set it up.

But I think he's
been executed so...

- Huh, humor me.

- It was set up to help
control the chaos of war.

- But the people in
it weren't dangerous,

they weren't soldiers or
taken on the battlefield?

- I didn't bring them
there so I don't know.

- Did you have women
in your prison?

- Yes.
- Children?

- Yes.

- Dangerous children?

Did you have sexual relations

with any of the
female prisoners?

- No.

- Any of the male ones?

- No.

I had them
bring it for you.

Go ahead you must be starving.

Not poisoned.

Why would everyone waste their
time with me interviewing you

if we were just
gonna poison you?

Tell me about your childhood.

What were your parents like?

- They emigrated here
when they were children.

- So they aren't native?

- Like you?

No, they emigrated here
from Northern Europe.

They were very cold.

Very strict people,
especially my father.

- Did that affect the way
you raised your daughter

when it came to Ella?

Did that make you more
loving and warm to her?

- Probably.

- I hope to have
children one day.

Maybe when all this
madness calms down.

But you must be
proud of your family

to move to a new country and
make something of themselves.

- I don't know.

We weren't very close.

- Are they still alive?

- My grandparents, they
died a very long time ago.

My grandfather smoked
himself to death.

My grandmother just
willed herself to die.

My father was killed during
the artillery barrages

of the invasion.

- And your mother?

- I don't know what
happened to her.

She disappeared shortly
after my father was killed.

- Help me understand this.

You're surrounded by
death, torture, agony.

It's happening to them.

I understand that.

But did you consider the
prisoners human, people?

- No they weren't people.

They weren't
animals or anything.

They were numbers in a ledger.

You know we tattooed them?

I hated that.

But it eased with
the administration.

After a while there's
something different.

They aren't your people.

The other soldiers, those
are my people, my family.

My people.

- Family.

Tell me about your wife.

It helps people know the
man, not just the soldier.

What was her name?

- Julianna.

- That's a lovely name.

This is her, right?

Oh wait, no that's not her.


Do you know who this is?

- No.

- When did you meet her?

- It was a car accident.

I rear-ended her at a stop
sign with an army truck.

Nothing serious, just
dented her back bumper.

Women were afraid of Republic
soldiers, even back then,

before the war.

But not her.

I fell in love with here
right there, right then.

I didn't even file a report.

I paid for the damages myself.

- How long before
you were married?

- 'Bout a year.

It was wonderful.

Then Ella came along.

It was even better.


- When you were assigned to
Bolton, what happened to them?

- Julie stayed in the
capital with Ella.

Bolton was no
place for a family.

I didn't want 'em
anywhere near it.

I'd get leave about once a month

and go visit 'em in the city.

And I had an old army buddy
who'd check in on them

from time to time.

They were safe, or so I thought.

- And now?

- I spoke with Julie on the
phone the day the capital fell.

She said the rebels
had the city surrounded

and they couldn't get out.

And we had 'em moving
in on us at Bolton.

There was nothing I
could do for them.

Not too long after that,
the rebels took the camp.

- What did you do
on that final day?

- I drank.

I'm not proud of it.

I went into my office with a
bottle of whiskey and I drank.

I could hear the
rebels in the distance,

shelling our troops.

And they were getting closer.

But then I wanted to
live, I wanted to survive.

So I changed out of
my uniform and I ran.

- Before the democratic
troops liberated the camp

were you part of the
purging of Bolton?

- No!

Was it an order
from your commander?

- There's no order!

You make it sound like
there was some sort of edict

that came down from command.

There was no order.

This history that you're
creating is entirely false.

- Then what happened.

- Madness set in.

Discipline fell apart.

Once the soldiers found out
that the commander had left

they turned on each other and
they turned on the prisoners.

Then they threw their
weapons away and they fled.

- Did you take part in it?

- No, I told you!

- So you were in your
quarters drinking

while all this madness
was going on around you?

There's a gap in the timeline.

Bolton fell and a year
later you were captured.

- I stayed in the forest
as long as I could foraging

but eventually I
needed real food.

I found an elderly
couple who ran farm.

Supporters of the former regime,

not fans of your revolution.

They took me in.

- Kind of them.

- It wasn't an act of charity.

It was more an act of defiance
against the new government.

So I worked their
farm and when I could

I snuck into the city
and I tried to find...

- You've been incarcerated
here for how long?

- I don't remember.

- 274 days.

When you were arrested
how were you treated?

- They let me clean
up from time to time.

- Were you abused?

- Not any more than any of
your other special guests

I suppose.

- Did you deserve it?

If it was you, would you have
treated a prisoner differently

or better?

Do you think you were
treated as well or worse

than the way you treated
prisoners at Bolton?

- I think I was
treated proportionally

as with all the
prisoners at Bolton.

And as for if I deserved it, no.

I don't think some sort of
cosmic justice is handed out

by gettin' knocked
around in my cell.

- Are you a
religious man Xavier?


As a child.

- When I was a man I put
away childish things.

- 1 Corinthians.

- My parents wanted me to have
the best education possible.

So for them that
meant church school.

I memorized a lot
of Bible verses.

Your family, did they survive?

- No.

- I'm sorry.

- Republic soldiers forced
their way into our home.

They dragged us into the alley.

I remember seeing the
neighbors peeking out.

Neighbors who were safe.

They weren't like us.

Or rather we weren't like them.

The soldiers forced
us onto our knees and

they told my father to pick one.

My father didn't understand.

There were guns and yelling.

But then he pointed at me.

And the soldier shot my mother.

And then they shot my father.

- Is it better out there?

Than before?

- Some things are, other
things are getting there.

- Your rebel leaders
are still in charge.

You haven't elected a president.

- It'll happen.

It takes time.
- Of course.

But until then your leaders
are happy to carry the mantle.

The war isn't even
officially over.

- It's been over for a month.

- I just meant that there's
still groups out there,

factions putting up a fight,
a futile one I will admit.

Even in my cell I
overheard things.

Your guards talking about
your little revolution.

Apparently it wasn't as glorious
as your leaders insisted.

- You're basing your
views on new homeland

off of snippets you heard
from gossipy prison guards.

- Well, you work
with what you got.

After the initial
revolution it's a bloodbath.

I'm on the hit list today,
tomorrow it might be you.

Odd though.

My CO at Kerrigan's
Pass, Theramin,

he was a lieutenant,
not a captain.

Strange mistake for him to make.

- He is getting up in years.

- True, in fact I
thought he was dead.

- Do you remember a
Corporal Jonas Teller?

- Yeah.


I had to put him on
report a few times.

- He was transferred to fight
the rebels in the final surge.

And captured.

your name and rank.

Teller, Corporal.

You were captured?


You said I could have food.

answer the question.

You were part of the military
surge the Republic government

used in an attempt to stop
the revolutionary troops,



But before
that you were assigned where?

Internment Camp.

I was a guard.

They needed men at the front

so they took guards
from the camp.

A lot of them.

do you know the man

in this photograph?


Who is it?

Lieutenant Colonel Faraday,

our staffing officer at Bolton.

was his role in the camp

in the final days
you were there?

He was tryin'
to keep it together.

They kept taking his men.

I think it got to him.

He would disappear for hours,
usually with female prisoners.

There was this one he
had a real liking for.

Rumor was he drank a lot.

He started acting strange.

Giving strange orders.

Like what?

I didn't wanna do it.

It was an order.

He said he would send
us to the fighting

if we didn't comply.

If I had know I was gonna
be there in a month anyway

I would have refused.

Refused what?


he ordered us to sterilize
the women, the native women.

He told us to use some
boiling water with bleach

and some other chemicals...

Did you do it?


Heaven help me.

- He's lying.

- He's not Xavier.

It's all true.

I remember.

What's your name?

You can tell me your name,
I'm not going to hurt you.


Okay Maria,

how many days has it been
since you left Bolton?

Maria you're safe.

How long has it been?

Four days.

they hurt you at Bolton?


What did they do?

Maria, it's okay.

We had heard rumors

the freedom fighters were near.

In the middle of the night

the guards burst
into our barrack.

They attacked us.

They, they raped us.

Then started killing the women.

Guard strangled my friend
while he was still inside her.

Right next to me.

I though I was gonna die
but suddenly they ran off

so we hid.


This wasn't the only
time they hurt you.

I don't want to.

Maria, the
other survivors, they've told us

but I need to know your story.

About a
month before the end

all the younger women,

we were all brought
into the mess hall

and one by one were
taken in the kitchen.

We could hear the screams,
but we couldn't run.

One of the girls, Theresa,
she tried and they shot her.

As they stood there in
line waiting for our turn.

You could see Theresa's blood
running across the floor.

They took me in and
strapped me to the counter.

It smelled.

They took a pot of boiling water

and poured it into.

They burned me from
the inside out.

Tell me,
is there anything else?

You're safe.

Please believe me I swear.

There was an
officer, he chose me,

I don't know why.

Every Friday night he
would send for me and

he would...

It's OK.

Maria it's all right.

- Hello Lieutenant
Colonel Xavier J. Faraday.

I'm Maria.

No longer just prisoner 437721.

It's funny.

This is the first time
you put a name to my face.

My hair grew back nicely.

No more lice either.

I'm your inquisitor.

There is no legal
representation for war criminals

in the new world.

We need to wrap
this up and move on.

My job is to get answers
to some nagging questions

and then decide
if you live or die

and as of right now nothing
has led me to believe

that you will bring
anything to our society.

- What are you doing?

- My part as an investigator

for the new
democratic government

and Truth and
Reconciliation Committee.

Part of that job is bringing
to light your activities

at the camp including...
- This is insane!

I never hurt you.

- You were captured
bu police right here.

So stupid, come back here.

I would have fled the
country to the mountains,

no borders.

Straight to freedom.

By an old army buddy,
by an old army buddy

who is now a faithful
democratic supporter.

And why did you come back?

Did you really think
you were gonna find her?

And why did you come back here?

Did you really think your
were gonna find your family?

Your daughter was
taken in by officials,

given a whole new life.

She's in a government school now

and I'm sure she's
doing quite well.

As for your wife,

two months ago she was
still in the system.

Now, honestly, I don't even
know if I could find her

if I wanted to.

What a terrible thing to happen.

Lost, forgotten, as a
woman can only imagine.

Lost, forgotten,
and there's nothing,

and there's nothing, and
there's nothing you can do.

And there's nothing you can do.

This is a letter that
was written to you.

This is a letter that was
written to you from your wife.

From your wife, from your wife.

But then she was shipped
to a women's' prison.

But then she was shipped
to a women's' prison.

It's the last record
if could find of her.

Last record I could find of her.

"My dear Xavier, my dear Xavier.

"I don't know if this letter
will ever find it's way.

"I am choosing to see
this as a hope that maybe

"we will now be reunited.

"This slim hope.

"But all I have at this time.

"I love you Xavier.

"I love you and my
every waking moment

"is spent praying that
you and Ella are alive

"but if I never see you again,

"know that you are
what completes me.

"Before you there was nothing.

"Even with our world on fire

"and the thought that we
may never be together.

"Know I love you, know I
love you, know I love you.

"Know I love you, know I
love you, know I love you.

"My brave soldier.

"But if I never see you again.

"But if I never see you again."

Do you deserve amnesty Xavier.

You're a husband, a
father, a genuine hero.

Then the world
changed for everyone.

So was it just something
horrid that happened

during horrid times or was
what happened the real you,

you just finally had the
chance to let it out?

- I did what I had to do.

- Don't you dare try
to rewrite history.

- I did what I had to do.

- This is not a competition
to see who is less evil.

- Life is full of
difficult decisions.

You'll figure that out one day.

Maybe when you're
a wife or a mother.


You're damaged.

No man'll ever want you.

Truly love you.

Say what you want about
me but I never judged you.

It was brutal what
they did to you.

The boiling water, the
chemicals forced up into you.

When the order first came down
I thought it must be a joke.

I couldn't understand
why they would want to...

- You know exactly
why they did it.

An entire agenda to wipe
my bloodline from a nation

because of who I am.

Don't act like you
weren't tainted by it.

You could've done something.

- I didn't do it.

- You didn't stop it.

You could've saved me.

You could've protected me.

You could've ran away
and taken me with you.

Instead you hid like a coward.

- You were just another
prisoner that I wanted.

I was the special one.

You gave me extra rations.

You would touch me.

- Your imagination.

- You would look into my eyes.


It was real.

- It's what you want to believe.

- Did you ever disagree with
any of the orders given to you?

- My duty was to follow
the orders given to me.

- That's one step from I
was just following orders.

- Well I'm glad to hear
you learned something

in your crash course
in international law.

So do you really think this
is a path to some utopia?

That some golden era lies ahead.

- Your cynicism is wasted.

- See now that sounds
like an official line

if I've ever heard one.

So is "I was
only following orders."

- This new democracy of
yours isn't any different.

It's just people making promises

so you'll line up behind them.

And when they break
those promises, hey,

you already pledged
your loyalty.

Better not go against the party.

And that's where your
true colors come out.

That time where things are hazy

and you can get
away with so much.

Theft, assault, revenge.

Oh but Maria, you're
above all that aren't you?

You're the poster child
of the revolution.

The used, the abused,
the victimized.

But this war was fought
for people just like you.

Maybe they'll put your
picture on a t-shirt.

But for every victim

there's an oppressor
who has to be punished.

- If I didn't know better,

you are setting yourself
up as the victim.

- Some fireworks for
your new democracy?

- It was probably a
transformer or a generator.

Some of the equipment
we've taken is a bit dated.

As you can see we've made
some of our own updates.

- Equipment, right.

- Tell me about your
commander, Commander Bolivar.

- How did you become and
adjudicant or inquisitor

or whatever the hell you are?

- I found a home in
the new democracy.

I will help forge a new world.

We will reverse
the racist policy.

We will restore the homeland.

- Oh and you swallowed it all.

I understand, I do.

They offered you
refuge, food, clothing.

And their line of bullshit and
you became a true believer.

I understand.

You had to protect yourself.

But it's not any different
than what you did at Bolton.

You just climb into
a different bed.

- You are correct.

I didn't receive
a lot of training

but the little I did
was very, very good.

And I don't think there's
a person better qualified

to prove what you did than
someone who lived through it.

- You and your little
revolution, can go fu...

Generator huh?

You're under attack Maria.

They're scared for their lives.

Nobody's gonna come to help you.

- Help!
- They're running.

- Hello?

- So that means
Republic soldiers

are taking back the capital.

They're moving closer, killing.

They're gonna find us.

What do you think
they're gonna do to you?

You think you've
been through hell?

- No.

- You're a pawn,

I can protect you.

You're a pawn Maria.

Little lost girl page.

It impressed you.

I didn't persecute you.

I showed you how to be strong.

I taught you how to survive.

I showed you how to.

And then look at this strong
woman who stands before me now.

Who's to say that isn't love?

- You know you'll never
make it out of here alive?

- I've made my peace with that.

- They'll throw you in
front of a firing squad.

And if you're lucky, in a dark
hole the rest of your life.

Dark hole.

That's where they found us.

A couple women and children.

We survived the purge.

Do you know how?

We crawled into outhouses.

We cowered in puddles of shit
not knowing what was going on.

And when the
revolutionaries got there

they didn't know we were there.

They only found us because
one of 'em took a leak.

We huddled together
clenching our mouths

as one of 'em
pissed all over us.

As he turned away
he caught a glimpse.

They had to coax us
out like animals,

convincing us they
wouldn't hurt us.

Finally we came out,
covered in shit,

but we were still alive.

It was you who ordered
them to mutilate us.

- No.
- It was.

It wasn't the president
nor his cabinet

or any general or anyone
down the chain of command

or to your camp
commander, his second.

No one until you.

- Maria I can't help you
if you don't set me free.

- Why did you do it,
explain to me why.

- It won't work.

That door's gonna open
and I won't help you.

- You gave the order!

- Maria, I didn't do it.

I saved you!

You're alive because of me!

You'd be dead!

You'd be dead like
everybody else!

I saved you!

Maria don't do it!

I saved you!

- You gave the order!

There was not official
order from your superiors.

- No, no!

- You gave the order
for the sterilization

of every native
woman in the camp.

- I didn't do it, it wasn't me!

- You did it!

Tell me you did it and why!

You did it, you did it!

Why did you do it Xavier, huh?

Why did you do it Xavier?

Admit you did it!

- It wasn't me, I swear!

I swear on my
family, it wasn't me!

I didn't do it.

The commander was the order.

He gave the order.

He gave the order it wasn't me.

He said he'd send
me to the fighting.

I didn't do it.

Those final few weeks.

Everything fell apart.

The government splintered,
the rebels were movin' in.

It wasn't just you and
the other prisoners.

It was guards,

the soldiers,


Everyone got swept up in it.

- But you survived.

- There's some times I
really wish I hadn't.

My name

is Lieutenant Colonel
Xavier John Faraday

and I was a member of
the former Republic Army.

I was the

executive staffing officer
at Bolton Internment Camp.

And I had a sexual
relationship with a girl,

several girls.

If you think that I
need to be punished

for this country to move
forward as a unified whole,

so be it.

- Hmm.

Do you know who this is Xavier?

You know I know.

- Nobody knows,
it's not in my file.

- Hmm.

One Friday night at Bolton
I was brought to your room.

It was a few weeks
before the liberation.

I was still recovering from
your sterilization order.

You were piss-drunk
when I got there.

You were always drinking.

Probably why you
didn't recognize me.

You've never seen me in focus.

But that night you
didn't want me.

No, you didn't want
anything but to cry.

You curled your head up
in my lap like a baby

and wept about all the
horrible things you've done.

The rest of the country was
celebrating your heroism

when you raped and killed
a girl in a drunken frenzy.

But it was native girl

so it was so easy to
sweep it under the rug.

Maybe you didn't
cry like a baby.

I might have just
made that part up

but the rest should
sound pretty familiar.

It took some digging
but I am determined.

- I was young, drunk.


I regret it every day.

My commanding officer,
the real Theramin,

he took pity on me.

Had me transferred to supply
where I could serve in peace

and no one would
ask any questions.

You're right.

It's because of who she was

that it was so easy.

But I've changed.

I've tried to be a good husband

and a good father.

- What makes you a good father?

It isn't your behavior.

You're not there for your
daughter, you're at a camp...

- I love her and she knows it.

- Really?


Well hello
there my name is Maria.

What's your name?

My name is Ella.

Well it's
nice to meet you Ella.

Nice to meet you too.

My you
are a polite young girl.

Who taught you that?

My teachers.

Not your daddy?

I don't have a daddy.

Oh, well
what happened to him?

My teacher said
he was bad so he went away.

I don't remember but it's OK.

- It is?
- Stop it!

Yup, I have
everything I need.

I don't even care.

- There's no way it's real.

She would never believe that
no matter what you did to her.

- It took some convincing

but she came around to new
ways of looking at the world.

Do you really think she
was treated differently,

Handled softer because
she was a child?

The mind is a malleable thing.

Especially when placed
in the proper hands.

Be it adult or a child.

- Did you ever
wonder why Fridays?

- Hmm.

'Cause you wanted to
join in on the fun?

The guards got their
weekly pay then.

They used it to get drunk and
turn on the female prisoners.

You wanted to be a
part of the game.

Big, strong officer gets his
delivered to his quarters

on a silver platter.

- I knew what was
happening to you.

Do you remember what
those nights were like?

- Of course I do.

- And then it stopped .

because of me.

I called you to my
room every Friday night

and you were safe.

- You bastard.

You think you were helping me?

Some kind of hero...

- Don't you act innocent.

You knew, you did
what you had to do.

You played your own game Maria!

You did!

- Leave.


The state police
used these on me.

When I was first round up
they threw me into a cell

with a dozen other scared women.

They questioned us one by one.

Tried to figure
out what we knew.

They tried really hard.

Once they realized we
didn't know anything.

They marked us, shaved our
heads, and then sent us to you!

Why did you order it?

Some sick inner desire
to cleanse your nation?

There were so many of
us in that mess hall,

waiting in line to
go to the kitchen

and we could those screams.

You didn't even
know their names.

You destroyed their
lives, I knew them!

I knew them!




Admit it, admit you
ordered the sterilization!

- I didn't do it!

- Why didn't you save me?

- Because you were just
a number, just a number.

There was a girl at
the camp before you.

Her name is Rose.

I admit it I had
feelings for her.

I used to give her
gifts, extra rations.

Blankets, chocolate.

Then one night

she tried to escape
through a hole in the fence

and they shot and killed her.

My men got 20 lashes
each from the commander

and because I was their
superior officer I got 40

and at that moment,
I stopped caring.

- Oh that's a touching story.

But that's exactly what
it is, isn't it Xavier?

Just a story.

Another lie.

Have you ever really
cared about someone?

I wonder about your wife.

Or your child!

Did you really love them?

At night when you
were finished with me,

drunk and passed out I used
to listen to you breathing

and I had imagined you
were somebody different

or just different.

You snore horribly.

You were usually so go
about hiding your life.

You never left
anything personal out.

You've gotten really
good about hiding things.

In your quarters, in your life.

You compartmentalize everything,
your career, your wife,

your camp whore.

You compartmentalize
it all, right?

It's the sign of a
sociopath, a monster.

Are you a monster Xavier?

What would Julie think
if she knew about me

or the boy you executed

or all of your other
youthful indiscretions?

Would she still love you?

Would you still be her
big, brave, soldier?

One day you were careless.

You left a letter
out from your wife,

or maybe you wanted
me to see it.

Maybe you were reaching out.

- That's your imagination again.

- I read that letter.

It talked about your daughter.

About how they were
safe and scared.

About how she loved you.

This woman, she had a life.

A child, love.

Things that seemed
impossible to me.

And I remember thinking

there has got to be
something good about you

other than this drunken man
who uses me and passes out.

There's gotta be something
decent about you!

Give me a reason Xavier.

Give me a reason to
forgive you, to feel pity.

Give me a reason
you should live.

- You had a friend at the camp.

- Lucy.

Did you ever wonder
what happened to her?

- You tell me
Lieutenant Colonel.

I don't know.

She disappeared so I just
figured she was dead.

I mean no matter what
happened she was gone

which meant she was dead.

- General, he used to come
to the camp to fill his quota

of women, for his troops.

He wanted his officers

to have their own whores
on the battlefield.

Natives only.

Said that satisfying a man

was the only thing
they were good at.

Then only barely.

I knew he would choose you.

There was no way I was
gonna let that happen.

So I offered up your
friend Lucy instead.

He took her.

Yeah, you're right, I'm sure
she's dead, but you're not.

- Lies, I would have
been informed of that.

They would have told me, the
records would have shown.

- Yeah, yeah right.

Your new keepers would
have told you everything.

Transparency in this new
democracy you talk about.

- Did your father beat you?

- Yeah, my father beat me

and I'm in love with my mother.

Thank Dr. Freud, thank you.

You've healed me.

Can I go home now?

- You beat your daughter.

- No.

- Never.

Never laid a hand on her.

Maybe she was acting
like an annoying child

and you just shoved her
a little too roughly.

Or maybe you drank too much.

We both know that happens.

Or maybe Julie came home
late and got in your face

and you just couldn't
control yourself.

But back here, in the back
of your mind you wanted to.

The monster.

You wanted to scream shut up

and then backhand
her across the face

like you did to that
girl so many years ago.

- I never touched her.

- I don't believe you.

I didn't know if
we would need this

but I'm glad I came prepared.

Sometimes tying up
loose ends can be messy

but now that we've
taken the capital

and gotten things together

other countries
are happy to help.

We have learned so much.

The CIA has been
exceptionally helpful.

Injections for example.

You and your Republic Army
used to pump up prisoners

with huge amounts of sodium
thiopental until they talked

or until they were dead.


Our new friends taught us
how to temper the effects.

A touch of Flunitrazepam,
a little midazolam

and some MDMA to make you happy.

This little girl
has learned so much

since the last
time we met Xavier.

I am so glad I get
to use my training.

Now, that does take a
little while to take effect,

but when it does, whew, nasty.

When I found the file on your
wife there wasn't much there,

some notes, the letter,
and a recording.

Julie's interrogation.

But you don't wanna hear
all those silly questions.

How you doin' big boy?

This is what I think
you might wanna here.

Oh yes!

I think they're
just getting started.

They knew who she was.

They knew who you were.

What you had done.

Even if it wasn't real

you know that's what
she went through.

But let me assure
you, this is real.

Listen to those screams.

All because of you, admit it.

Listen to that.

Is that any worse than
what you did to me?

Any worse than what you
did to that young girl

when you were a
stupid, drunk kid?

Not strong enough?

Easily taken care of.

Nah, you're a big
boy, no chaser.

Shh, shh.

Let me help you Xavier.


Just let me help you Xavier.

Just let me help you.

I helped you didn't I Xavier.

I took care of you.

I did.

I took care of you Xavier.

What do you say?

What do you say?

- Thank you.

- I took care of you.

- You did.

- Who am I?

Who do you want me to be Xavier?


- Yes dear, it's me.

- Julie.

All the things they
did to you, oh Julie.


- I tried, I tried
to get to you.

I couldn't protect you.

Julie I'm not the
man you think I am.

I've done horrible things.

- Xavier, Xavier it's me.

Right here darling.

Right here, see?

I thought
you were dead.

Ella, where, where?

- She's safe, she is safe,
she's safe and you're with me.

You're with me.

You're here with me.

Xavier, tell me the
truth at the camp.

Did you hurt them, the women?

- No, no.


- Xavier I love you, I love you.

Just tell me the truth

it won't change the
way I feel about you.

Did you order the sterilization?

Did you?

- No.

No, no.

The camp commander came into
my office with the order.

It was his idea.

He wanted to sterilize
all the native women.

Wipe them out.

He'd gone over the
edge, you could see it.

He said that if I didn't carry
out the order immediately

he'd send me to the fighting.

I'd never see my family again.

I wanted to beat him senseless.

I wanted to kill him.

I could feel my
sidearm in my holster

and I wanted to shoot him.

Stop it.

But I didn't.

I needed to survive, I
needed to get back to you.

So I carried out the order.

I carried, I did it.

There was a girl,
she tried to run.

- Theresa?

- And they shot her.

And they carried out her body
I saw it, I saw her eyes.

Death, oh Julie.

I never told, I never told,
I'm sorry, I never told you.

I didn't want you to know.

When I came back
from Kerrigan's Pass

I didn't think I'd be alive.

I was a kid.

The whole country was
celebrating, I was a hero.

And then I saw her
at that tavern.

She was innocent.

Different, it is not.

I wanted her, I needed her.

So I took her, took her.

Went wrong, it went so wrong.

I killed her.

I'm sorry I killed her.

I don't even remember her.

I just remember her eyes.

I killed her, I killed
her I did, I'm sorry.

And the girl at the camp,
I couldn't save her.

I couldn't stop it.

And you and Ella, I
couldn't protect you.

I couldn't save any
of them, I couldn't.

I'm sorry Julie, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, please Julie please.

Please Julie please
forgive me please.

I'm so sorry.

Please forgive me.

- Your camp commander denied
that he issued the order.

Said that it would have
been given directly

by the staffing officer, you.

The committee pretty much
decided he was lying.

He had a history of genocidal

and racially charged positions.

All of his other actions
have been corroborated

and there was enough
circumstantial evidence

to convict him.

And execute him.

But I was not convinced.

I knew you

and I wanted the opportunity

to show my new friends
what I was capable of.

I just couldn't believe
you didn't derive

at least some pleasure
from what you meeted out.

I was convinced it was
your way of ensuring

that I would never be
accepted by another.

I hated you and
you needed to pay.

- Did you get what you wanted?

- Whatever do you mean?

- This.

This personal vendetta of yours

played out before the camera.

- Oh that, purely
for entertainment.

Honestly I don't even
know if it works.

And this,

dear, dear, Xavier,
is absolutely not a
personal vendetta,

but I can't force
you to believe me.

I can't force you
to believe anything.

But consider this,

I can walk out that door

and recommend they drag
you to the firing squad

this very minute or I can
tell them you are truly sorry,

your commander was
the guilty party.

All of this goes away.

But you don't know the
woman I've become do you?

So Lieutenant Colonel
Xavier J. Faraday,

are you an evil man

or are you just a man
who did evil things.

Good luck Xavier.

Now if you'll excuse my I'm
having dinner with my parents.

It's their anniversary.

♪ Imagine me

♪ Imagine the sea

♪ Someday you'll be all mine

♪ One day I'll be all yours

♪ The stars are ours forever

♪ The stars are
all ours forever ♪

♪ The all blinding
light leads the way ♪

♪ Can't ignore you,
can't look away ♪

♪ I'll take our
love away from you ♪

♪ Seal off my heart
and save for you ♪

♪ The stars are ours forever

♪ I found you, I found you