Transgression (1994) - full transcript

TV reporter Mary Selby wanted to get inside the mind of a serial killer - NOW SHE CAN'T GET OUT.

(thunder rumbling)

- [Mary Voiceover] When fighting monsters,

one should see to it that one
does not become a monster.

Remember, when you look into the abyss,

the abyss also looks into you.

(foreboding organ music)
(thunder rumbling)

(beastly groaning)

(thunder rumbling)

(static crackles)

(chain clicking)

(static crackling)

(beastly groaning)

- [Priest] Then Jesus said unto them,

"Verily, verily I say unto you.

Except ye the flesh of the son of man

and drinketh His blood,

ye have no life in you.

Who so owns my flesh

and drinketh my blood

hath eternal life.

And I will raise him up

on the last day.

For my flesh is all you need.

And my blood will drink of thee.

He hath eateth my flesh
and drinketh my blood,

well within me,

and I in them."

(beastly growling)

(woman screaming)

- [Mary Voiceover] I killed
three men and found God.

Tomorrow at 6 AM, the state will kill me.

Not for finding God, but
for killing the one who

is a cop.

It all seems like it's a bad dream.

But, to me, is very real.

I want you to know how it happened.

And I can't tell you why, only how.

I feel I have to finish this
journal to make things clear

to you.

And, hopefully, in the process, to myself.

I was a successful reporter
for a local TV station

and had a steady relationship
with Ron, a police detective.

I was strong, confident, and aggressive.

More like my father than my mother.

It all started while
covering the murders of some

local prostitutes.

I was interviewing Dr. Andre Zarem.

- A Caucasian male.

Between the ages of 30 and 35.

He will be a loner.

He will have had many
fleeting sexual relationships.

Not a single one permanent.

And he will probably exhibit
sadomasochistic tendencies.

In conclusion, I believe all crimes,

especially that of a serial killer,

are a punishment to society.

For crimes done against them by society.

- Stan.

- [Cameraman] Yeah?
- How's that for sound?

- [Cameraman] Fine.

Little street noise at the need, though.

- Just yes or no.
(hand smacks)

- [Cameraman] Yes.

- Okay.


Doctor, I'm sorry, we have to move.

- Move?

- He needs to set up for a cut away.


So we can just get up
and I will de-mic you.

May I ask you a personal question?

- Hey, Doctor, feel free.

- All right.

What was the motivation?

What prompted you to study-

that one.

Serial killers?

- Playing psychiatrist, are you?

- Do you mind?

- I walked into my governess's room once,

when I was a child,

and found this book about
a detective in a small town

who was a killer.

But I bet your father
didn't leave you alone

with a governess.

He probably read you poetry.

And gave you bubble baths.

- [Cameraman] Will you fix your hair?

- Oh, thanks, I don't
really need grooming tips.


- [Mary Voiceover] I keep
wondering what attracted me

to Dr. Zarem.

- Okay, I got another question for you.

Do you mind?

- [Mary Voiceover] Unlike most men,

he really paid attention to me.

- One of your...

- [Mary Voiceover] Saw the
truth I hid from others.

- The killers.

Crimes to society?

- [Mary Voiceover] He saw behind my mask.

And that was exciting.

- And I bet you have true
detective stories by your bedside.


(soft music)

Next to a vase of flowers.

Forgive me, a force of habit.

(Mary laughs)

- [Mary] It's all right.

Yeah, they're my one vice.

- [Dr. Zarem] One?

- [Mary] Yeah.

- [Dr. Zarem] Vice.

- [Mary] I mean.

Nothing stranger than the
truth, don't you think?

- [Dr. Zarem] Well said.

- [Mary Voiceover] In
this cell, facing death,

I've come to realize there's
another more dangerous

kind of truth.

The one you hide even from yourself.

This one can turn into a killing rage,

capable of destroying your life.

(muffled interview on radio)

As well as that of other's.

(Dr. Zarem's voice overlapping)

- [Dr. Zarem] Is a Caucasian male.

Is a Caucasian male,
between the ages of 30 and.

A punishment to society.

For crimes done against them by society.

(woman vocalizing)
(tense music)

- [Dr. Zarem] Welcome to my
secret theater of cruelty.

Where everything is allowed
and nothing is denied.

- [Prostitute 1] What are you doing?

Oh my God.

Don't hurt me, please.

I'll do anything you say.

I won't tell anyone, I swear.

I swear, please.


No, not my face.

Please, please not my face.

(knife clicking)

No, let me go.

Oh my God.

No, no.


(chains rattling)

(soft piano music)

- Shoot, come on.

Don't play with those.

I told you.

Not even in jest.

Please don't.


Don't put-

I don't even know where the keys are.

Please don't do that.

Don't do that.

I've told you-(handcuff clicks)

What the hell am I gonna do now?

- I don't know.

I give up.

- I don't even know where my keys are.

- All right.

Well, I'm gonna go
shackle myself to the bed.



(handcuff rattling)

(tense music)

- [Mary Voiceover] I
know victims shouldn't

blame themselves.

But what makes them pick you?

Is it something you do?

Or maybe something they see in you?

- A serial killer is on the loose

and prostitutes appear to be his victims.

In an odd twist of fate,
these working girls now

appreciate the sight of a
police car on their corner.

With three bodies discovered last year,

and three more recent disappearances,

police suspect that the killer
is now hiding his victims.

- [Dr. Zarem] Mary, Mary, quite contrary.

How does your garden grow?

- I used to think she
was a wonderful person.

She was very good at her school.

Was a very sensual-

- [Dr. Zarem] Yeah.

- Generous.

- [Dr. Zarem] Sensual.

I know.

- [Mary] We've come to the
house of Mr. David Alexander,

father of Gail Alexander,
one of the missing girls.

- [David Alexander] Generous
to a fault, I would say.

And she had a wonderful model.

My wife, Penny.

Wonderful model who

died two years ago.

- [Dr. Zarem] What an
understanding face you have,

Mary Selby.

- Staying with.

I didn't know what she
was doing for a living.

All I knew it was drugs, drugs, drugs.

- [Dr. Zarem] Is it real or just a mask?

- Pimps, prostitutes, and the police.

So, that is her new life.

If she is living.

- Yeah, I know who he is.

- How do you know who he is?

- We spoke to him briefly.

He's not all there.

- When did you talk to him?

You didn't tell me that.

- I'm supposed to tell you every-

- Well you knew I was interviewing him.

Why didn't you tell me?

- We spoke to him.

- About what?

I thought you thought she
was just the missing whore.

- Well, she is.

- Runaway whore.

As opposed to the dead whore.

- She's missing, but
there are other factors.

I don't really wanna get into it.

- What other factors?

- There are other...

- What?

- I really can't tell you.

- I'm not gonna tell anyone.

For God sake.
- Yeah you are.

Let me listen to this.

- It's not interesting and
you already talked to him.

- I can't.

I can't say anymore.

- I'm not gonna-
- I shouldn't have said

what I said already.

- Hello?

It's off the record.

- Can I hear this?

- [Mother] So you didn't
answer my question.

Are you still seein' that guy?

- That guy?

- [Mother] That guy.

- Ron?

That guy?

- [Mother] Whatever.

- [Mary Voiceover] My boyfriends
were my way of punishing

her and my father, what
happened to Bobby, my brother.

She hid every time my father abused Bobby.

He left me alone 'cause I was
a girl, but I never forgot.

- [Mother] Father would roll
over in his grave if he knew.

- [Mary Voiceover] Never forgave.

- [Mary] Well, he doesn't know, so.

- He's not our kind.

- [Mary] What does that mean?

- He's just not our kind.

One of us.

- [Mary] (scoffs) He's my kind.

- That's the problem.

- [Mary] It's not a problem.

He's my kind, he's not your kind.


- But you're one of us.

- Well.

- [Mother] Your father
and I didn't raise you

to be with people like him.

- [Mary Voiceover] My mother
is convinced I'm crazy.

She was the one who first
suggested the insanity plea

when I started talking
about seeing the light

and finding God.

And the absolute
necessity of my execution.

I have to tune her out.

Get thee behind me, Satan.

Like Jesus said to Peter.

(echoing sirens)
(tense music)

(knife scraping)

(music intensifies)

(static crackling)

(flesh squishing)

- The police commissioner's
office today confirmed

that another prostitute is missing.

And is believed to be yet another victim

of the serial killer that's
stalking the streets-

- [Dr. Zarem] Did you see me, Mary Selby?

I can see you.

I want you to see me seeing you.

- Mary went out everyday lookin' for work

and it was real hard to find work.

(tense music)

And she was workin' in a steno pool and

doin' some fill-in work
for bosses and things.

I think they mighta asked her
to fill in some other places

and made it worth her while.

It's hard to say no to money like that.

- The cost of this murderous
rage is increasing daily,

spreading a plague of
fear throughout the city.

The killer must be aware of
the terror he's inflicting.

But he should also be aware
that we know his actions

stem from sickness and we
implore him to stop this madness.

And, should he decide to turn himself in,

he will find understanding and, perhaps-

- [Dr. Zarem] Do you think
you could ever understand me?

- This is Mary Selby.

- [Dr. Zarem] Do you mean what you say?

- [Mary Voiceover] I
used to fear the unknown

and I think he must've sensed
that the first time we met.

(Demon speaking foreign language)

But how did he know he
could use it against me?

That my weakness was in my strength?

- Stems from sickness

and we implore him to stop this madness.

And, should he decide to turn himself in,

he will find understanding
and, perhaps peace,

from the demons that must torment him.

(silence humming)

(phone dialing)

- [Mary's Answering
Machine] Hi this is Mary.

I'm not home right now,

but if you'd like to leave a message,

please do so after the beep.


(machine beeps)

- [Dr. Zarem] Endlessly fucking with me,

the demon hangs about
like a poisonous gas.

Scalding my lungs as I breathe.

Drowning me with a
desire constant and sick.

Sometimes it scares me,
knowing my passion for art,

for the bodies of the most tempting women.

And crawling beneath my bullshit.

Accustom to the delusions
of vile love potions.

Far from the sight of
God, He leaves me gasping

and broken with the deed

and to the hell of boredom.

Profound and deserted.

And throws into my eyes,
filled with confusion,

breath defiled, wounds slowly rotting.

(both chattering)

In the blood-soaked vision of destruction.

(bag clatters)

- Hello?

(heavy breathing)


(heavy breathing)

Are you there?

(heavy breathing)

I wanna talk to you.

(heavy breathing)

I wanna hear your voice.

I wanna hear what you sound like.

(heavy breathing)

(silence humming)

(tense music)

- I know what you're gonna say.

I know that you're gonna
say that's it the killer.

- That was him.

That was him and don't say it.


- Objectivity.

- You heard it.

- How could you possibly say that?

- No, I didn't hear anything.

- Come on.

- This copycat.

The whole thing we talked about.

- No.

- It's not.

It's not.

It's not.
- Okay.

How many times am I wrong?

How many times?

How many times am I wrong?

Am I ever wrong?

- You're getting too involved in this.

You are a reporter.

Now, objectivity.

We talked about that.

You know.



Don't do that.

- [Mary] Well, if I'm just
a reporter then, you know,

why don't you just go home?

- [Mary Voiceover] What was
it about that phone call

that so intrigued me?

- [Dr. Zarem] Like a poisonous
gas, scalding my lungs

as I breathe.

Drowning me with a
desire, constant and sick.

Sometimes it scares me,
knowing my passion for art,

for the bodies of the most tempting women.

And, crawling beneath my bullshit,

accustom to the most vile love potions.

(voice echoes)

(woman sobbing)

(woman shrieks)

(crickets chirping)

(plastic crackles)
(music crashes)

(blood squishing)

(lips smack)


- [Mary Voiceover] At the
time, I was so involved,

so reckless, I couldn't see.

But Ron did.

He took it so much more
seriously than he let on.

He had me followed, my phone monitored.

Once again trying to play father.

Even though he knew there
was one thing I did not need

and that was another father.

That was why I wondered why
Ron and his partner, Danny,

wanted to come along when I
came up with the brilliant

idea of consulting Dr. Zarem
about the phone message.

- Is that this is a message
from a serial killer.


- You said it all.

It's a classic example of
a serial killer showing off

his ego for your pleasure.

- Doc, I don't get it.

One message on a phone and your-

- [Dr. Zarem] Doctor, officer.

- Doctor.

Detective Reyes.

One message and you know it's a killer?

- You came for my opinion.

What would help is if I
could look at the files

on this case to see if
it matches the profile

of a serial killer.

At your convenience, officer.

- Okay, well I'm gonna
be working Saturday.

Tuesday through Saturday, four to twelve.


Tuesday's the best day.

- I will have my secretary,
her name is Bernice,

give you a call to see which
day is convenient for me.

- [Ron] A nice name.

- She thinks so.

(clears throat)

- Can we get back to the subject please?




- [Dr. Zarem] Mary?

- I give up.

What do we do next?

- Don't give up.

You see, the killer stalks
his victims and we must stalk

the killer.

(tense music)

(Demon speaking foreign language)

- [Dr. Zarem] You'd shove
the whole world in your home.

(speaking foreign language)

Rotten cunt.

Boredom rends your soul cruel.

(speaking foreign language)
(beastly moaning)

To sharpen your fangs
in this perverted game.

(soft music)

(music crashes)
(metallic whirring)

(muffled screaming)
(dramatic music)

(foreboding music)

You understand me or I kill you.

You understand me or I
kill you, Mary Selby.

Would you like a doughnut?

- Things to do today.

When did you start making
lists of things to do?

- When my alter ego takes
over and I'm organized now.

- You gotta call the doctor?

- Yeah, I gotta call him this morning.

- What do you thinkin about the doctor?

- Um.

- I know what you think.

- You don't know what I think.

You always think I know-

Come in.

Thank you.

- You like him.

- I don't like or dislike him.
(tense music)

- I think he's a jerk.

- I know you think he's a jerk.

I don't think he's a jerk at all.

I think he's smart.

(paper crinkling)

- I'm sure he's smart, but
he has all the answers.

- He's a psychiatrist.


- These jokers do not get
caught with psychological

(bag crinkling)

- What do they get caught with?

- They get caught because
they wanna get caught.

(dramatic music)

(Mary shrieks)

- It's all right.

(Mary speaking muffled)

It's going to be okay.

It'll be alright.

- [Mary Voiceover] That bloody
jacket from his latest victim

was more than an attempt to make contact.

It was a gift.

(Demon muttering)

From an admirer.

And beneath my shock and horror
was a strange attraction.

Maybe that's what led me to my next idea.

With the help of my
ratings-hungry station,

the cooperation of the police,

and my own blind ambition,

we came up with a plan
to stalk the killer.

Unfortunately, instead
of being one step ahead,

we were two behind.

- A few hours ago, I received
a package from a killer

that some would call horrifying.

But, to me, was an
attempt at communication.

I believe that any communication dealing

with a subject of evil
requires a certain loyalty.

And that a strict morality must
govern those communicating.

And that is why I'm making
this personal and direct

appeal to you, the killer.

I believe that I understand,
as much as anyone can


the nature of the
compulsion that drives you.

(Dr. Zarem chuckling)

And I am offering myself
as someone you can talk to.

With the assistance of
this station's management,

I've set up a personal
and private phone line,

available 24 hours a day.

Your call will be
immediately transferred to me

whenever you call, wherever I am.

All you need to get through is to describe

what you sent me today.

And I give you my word that your call

will not be monitored or traced by police.

After consulting with
an eminent psychiatrist,

I believe that I can make a difference.

The number on the screen
is that direct number.

This is Mary Selby for City 3 News. 4

(crowd chattering)

(tense music)

(cars passing by)

(chains rattling)

- [Mary Voiceover] The
state has been trying

to convince everyone I am an
evil person and deserve to die.

Now, before they kill me,
they have to make sure

I'm healthy enough.

They can't kill a sick person.

Only one who's earned the right.

How did I earn it?

By the same process the doctor
used to pick his victims.

I have been transformed into the other,

on whom we project our own evil,

rather than confronting
the evil within ourselves.

It's always easier to kill this other.

My transformation began
that warm July night.

Ron's partner, Danny, was
guarding me at my apartment

while Ron was busy at the precinct.

(phone ringing)

- Detective Reyes.



(foreboding music)

(phone ringing)

(footsteps thudding)

- Hello?

- [Dr. Zarem] You wanted to talk to me.

I know your phone's bugged,
so be at the payphone

on your corner within two minutes.

This'll be your only chance.

(phone clattering)

(upbeat music)

(body thuds)

- Danny!

Danny, where the fuck are you?

- [Danny] I'm in the john!

(knock thuds)

- Danny, you gotta come out
right now and follow me.

He called me.

That was him.

He's calling me from
the corner phone booth.

- [Danny] Don't rush me.

- What?

Get the fuck out!

- [Danny] I'm right in
the middle of something.

- Dammit.

I'm leaving.

Follow me.

- [Danny] All right, I'll follow you.

(tense music)

(sirens wailing)

(sirens wailing)

(horn honks)

(tense music)

(door thuds)

(dramatic music)

(door thuds)

(shoe clacks)

(Mary shrieks)

(woman speaking foreign lanuginosa)

- [Dr. Zarem] You have two choices.

Either you understand me or I kill you.

Do you want to understand me?

(tense music)
(Mary moaning)

(footsteps thudding)

(dramatic music)

- [Mary Voiceover] I'm
scheduled to be executed

in less than two hours.

And the warden reading
my death sentence is more

nervous than I am.

Maybe he's excited at the
thought of killing a woman

under his control.

Just like the doctor that
first day at his hideaway.

(knife scraping)

- Welcome to my secret theater.

Act one.

There is no duality to life.

Opposites meet in extremes.

Life and death.

Good and evil.

Pleasure and pain.

(suspenseful music)

(Mary grunts)

(Mary sobbing)

(Mary groans)

(Mary coughing)

- [Mary Voiceover] Looking back,

I often wonder why he picked me.

The only answer I can come up
with is that as the killing's

became more frequent,

he realized it was just a matter of time

until he was caught and caged.

A specimen for research.

He needed someone to execute his plan,

allowing him to remain in
control until the very end.

He must've picked me
during that first interview

in his office.

All he had to do was get
me alone and break me down.

And, at that, he was an expert.

After what seemed like days
in that darkness, he began.

(Mary whimpering)
(tense music)

(Mary sobbing)

(Mary screaming)

(Mary screams)

(Mary sobbing)

(prostitute shrieks)

- [Mary Voiceover] The only word

that could possibly describe
what went on would be cruelty.

But, by cruelty, I don't
mean the bloodshed.

But, rather, the clear,
decisive manner with which he

performed every act.

There was no doubt.

No hesitation.

(tense music)

- [Mary] Let her go!

No, help!

Somebody help me!


- Want me to take it off for you?

- [Mary] Somebody help!

- Take me down.

I'll take it off.

- No, no, don't.


No, no.


No, no, no!

(dramatic music)

Please no!

Let her go!

Let her go!


(Prostitute moaning)

- [Mary] Let her go!



Somebody help!


- You don't need handcuffs.

I promise I'll try anything.

I'll do whatever you want.

(plastic crinkling)

(eerie music)

(Mary shrieks)
(Prostitute screams)

(blows thud)
(music intensifies)

(flesh squishing)

(flesh squishing)

- [Mary Voiceover] The
body and blood of Christ.

That's what we're supposed to believe.

That we are actually eating and drinking

the body and blood of Christ.

That it is somehow necessary
for our redemption.

Why is is the only thing
that makes sense to me

at this moment?

How can I explain it to you
when I have to reduce it

to words?

All that comes out are sacrament.





(Doctor moans)









(woman speaking foreign language)


(Doctor speaking foreign language)

(Woman shrieking)

(flesh squishing)

He invaded my mind with
a rigorous will guided by

an absolute determination to
penetrate any barrier I had.

When he left me alone, he
played the videos he had made

of his victims' torture and killing.

(screen humming)

(plastic crinkling)

(Prostitute moaning)

(Doctor moaning)

- [Prostitute 2] What are you doing here,

you motherfucker?


No, please don't come near me.


(plastic crinkling)

- [Mary Voiceover] My mind
wandered back to a fairytale

my mother used to read me at bedtime

when I was a young girl.

And, now, here I was.

The prisoner of some beast.

But I felt as if I was becoming.

(eerie music)
(women vocalizing dissonantly)

(Prostitute sobbing)
(tense music)

(handcuffs clicking)

- [Mary] Someone help!

Someone help me!


Yell louder!


- [Dr. Zarem] It's your call.

Either I slash your face or I kill her.

Your call.

- [Mary] No, no!

No, please!

Please, please, please!

Please, no!


Please, please, please, no.


No, no, no, no, no!

- [Dr. Zarem] Okay.


I'll slash your face.

- No!

Not my face!



- [Dr. Zarem] Okay.

(Mary sobbing)

(Prostitute screaming)

(Mary sobbing)

Now her blood's on you.

(Mary screaming)

- [Mary Voiceover] He left
me alone with the body.

The blood slowly drying on my face.

The smell, inescapable.

(tense music)

And in that dark, isolated world,

filled with the stench of decaying flesh,

I began to change.

(Doctor speaking foreign language)

(eerie women vocalizing)

(tense music)

(muffled voices)

(foreboding music)

- [Mary] Hello?


Are you there?

(heavy breathing)

I wanna talk to you.

I wanna hear your voice.

(heavy breathing)

I wanna hear what you sound like.

- [Dr. Zarem] A Caucasian male.

Between the ages of 30 and 35.

He would be a loner.

Sexual relationships.

(tense music)


(eerie music)

(Dr. Zarem speaking foreign language)

(handcuffs rattling)

(metal scraping)

(muttering voices)

(fly buzzing)

- [Mary Voiceover] What was
the link between the formal

ritualized slayings and the
sexual energy that seemed

to drive him?

I think it was his need of transgression.

Of breaking taboos.

And the only way he measured
this was by the fear

in their eyes.

Fear was his God, demanding
more victims in his own image.

I wasn't sure what this meant for me.

I only knew I wanted my pain to end.

(bell tolling)

(chain rattles)

(flies buzzing)

(soft piano music)

(footstep thuds)

(footsteps clacking)

(handcuffs clicking)

(material squeaking)

(soft piano music)

(knife clicks)

- Why?

Why me?

- (sighs) Why?

Why me, huh?

I was ten.

My parents.


Her governess came.

There was this guy with.

He was fat, he had a black mask on.

But I saw

no man.

I was ten years old.

As I got older, I fantasized.

(flies buzzing)

After awhile,

I just couldn't.

I needed more.

I needed.

When I went to school, it got out of...

You just don't, do you?

Nobody does.

Do you want to go home?

You wanna go home?


Just one little thing.

Just have to put this on, okay?

That's all.

Put your head down.

It's okay.

(tense music)

It's okay.

(handcuffs click)

(flies buzzing)

(flesh squishing)

Now you understand.

(dramatic music)

(eerie women vocalizing)

- [Mary Voiceover] After
the police went back

to the basement and found
the doctor and his victims,

I became a media heroine.

Beauty slays the beast.

But, even then, I knew better.

(knife scraping)

(tense music)

- [Dr. Zarem] Either you
understand me or I kill you.

- [Mary] Our father, who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread

and forgive us our transgressions

as we forgive those who
transgress against us.

And lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

(Dr. Zarem speaking foreign language)

(woman moaning)

(eerie music)

(flesh squishing)

(Dr. Zarem speaking foreign language)

(Mary shouts)

- You can't continue to drink
like this, do you hear me?

I know you can hear me now.

You hear me?

- I can hear you.

I can hear you.


- Are you listening to what I'm saying?

You can not continue to drink like this.

That's the third time-

- I can do anything that I want, Ron.

I can do anything I want.

- That's the third time this
- Just please.

- Week that you do that.
- Please shut up.

For God's sake, I'm drunk.

I know it.

- Are you listening to yourself?

- Yes, I'm listening.


- That's the-
- Just shut up!

- Why don't you come to bed?

Aren't you tired?

- I don't wanna go to bed
and I don't wanna go to bed

with you!

I'm sorry.

- That's okay.

I'm leavin', okay?

(door slams)

- That's right, leave!

(muffled scream)

Fuck you, Ron!

(muffled scream)

- [Mary Voiceover] Why is it
that I feel Ron here beside me?

Out of all my boyfriends,

he was the only one I really cared for.

Ron could deal with my anger.

Not always well, but,
at least deal with it.

(door thuds)

- [Ron] No, listen.

That's your problem.

Listen to me.

Listen to me.

(door slams)

You are fucking up, okay?

And I'm not the only
one who notices, okay?

And what I'm gonna do is
I'm gonna transfer out

as far away from you as I can.

- Let me just tell you something.

When you find your balls, call me!

But, until then, just go fuck yourself!

(footsteps thudding)

- [Mary Voiceover] My drinking
had become such a problem

that it was easier to
hurt those close to me

than deal with the problems
that caused my drinking

in the first place.

(glass slams)

- Yes he was.

He was a mean, rotten
bastard and you know it.

- I don't have to listen to this.

- Yes, you do have to
listen to it, unfortunately.

Yes today.

(door slams)

- [Mother] No.
- Yes.

Today, you are gonna listen to it.

- [Mother] I'm not.

- [Mary] Yes, you are, mom!

Why won't-
- [Mother] No.

- [Mary] He was mean.

Just admit it.

He was.

He was a bad person.

- [Mother] He was not.

- [Mary] He was so.

He squished anything that
anyone ever tried to try.

He was mean to me and
he was mean to Bobby.

He never let him do one thing.

- No.

- Mom.

- No.
- You were there.

Where were you during this whole thing?

- I was there.

But I didn't see what
you were talking about.

- You were there and you
never did one thing about it.

- You're lying.

- Why didn't you ever step in?

- You always lie.
- Why didn't you ever once

step in and ask if-

Why didn't you ever protect him?

He was child!
- You're in my way, Mary.

- I don't care.

I don't care.

He was a child, mom.

Where were you for him?

- This is the liquor talking.

- It is not the liquor talking.

It is me.

- [Mother] No, no.

- There is no liquor talk.

Oh, God, you can't blame-

- [Mother] I just sat
there and saw you drink.

- You're always blaming
everything on something else.

Now, it's the liquor.

Why don't you blame yourself?

Blame yourself.

Because that's who's at fault.

- No, no.

I was.

I had to stay here.

I had to be here.

- Why didn't you step in?

Why didn't you ever protect him?

He was your child?

- What could I do?

What could I do?

Walk out?
- For God sake!

- You woulda all been homeless.

- No, Mom, you could've done something.

You coulda stood up to him.

- There was nothing I could do.

I was not that strong.

- Oh, please don't give me,
"I was not that strong."

You were plenty strong to
stick with a mean, rotten-

- I had no choice.

(Mary shouts)

I had to keep a roof over your head.

- Oh, don't give me this it
was all for the children.

That was not true.

That is not true!

- There was clothes,
there was communities.

- You were a coward!

Just admit it.

You were a selfish coward.
- No, no.

- You were!

- No.


I don't wanna hear this.

- [Mary] You have to listen!

- [Mother] This is all lies.

- [Mary] No, it is not lies.

I am not a liar.

I'm not a liar.

- [Mary Voiceover] I thought I was

an avenging angel of truth,

attacking all who refused to listen.

(funeral dirge)

But, instead, I used
half-truths to hurt anyone

and everyone in a vain attempt
to relieve my growing rage.

Nothing worked.

I abandoned all hope and sunk deeper

into my own personal hell.

(mattress rustling)

- [Ron] Hey.

You're tryin' to stick
your fingers up my ass.


What the hell is that?

Why'd you do that?

Why the hell did you do that?

You think that's funny?

You really think that's funny, don't you?

Yeah, go ahead, take another drink.

That's what you always
need, another drink.

- Mm hm.

(glass clinks)


(hand smacks)


- [Ron] Goodnight?

- [Mary] Mm hm.

- Why?

- [Mary] I don't think there's
anything left to talk about.

- Don't do that.

Don't do that.
- Stop, what?

- Don't do that.

Turn around.
- What do you want?

- [Ron] No, what do you want?

I have always been there
for you all the time.

- What does that have to do with anything?

- And this is what I get.

You've been drinking for
the last two or three months

like that.

Did you know that?

Not taking me into consideration.

It's always you.

That's what you've been doing.

Yeah, don't look at me that way,

you know it's true.

- Do you?

Are you aware?

- [Ron] Aware of what?

- Of what an asshole you sound like?

- [Ron] Because I've been there for you?

That's why I've been an asshole.

- There for me?

There for me?

- [Ron] Yeah, I've been
there for you all the time.

- Where for me?
- [Ron] No.

- What?

- [Ron] You know exactly
what I'm talking about.

- No, no, maybe you should illuminate.

- [Ron] You know what?

You know that little
incident that you had?

You enjoyed it.

See that?

That's the irony of it
that you fucking enjoyed it

and I know it.

(hand slaps)

That's how come I've been there for you.

Don't you-


- You got three seconds to get outta here.

You got three seconds to get outta here.

- Don't you-

- Before I call the cops.

Get out.

Get out.

(bed creaking)

(body thuds)

- [Ron] You know, if I leave,

(items clatter)

I'm not comin' back.

- [Mary] (laughing) Oh, darn.

Get out.

- Don't throw that at me.


Don't do that.

Here, why don't you drink it?

- [Mary] Okay, I will.

- [Ron] Yeah.

Don't you-

- [Mary] No, don't give
me this parting bullshit.

- [Ron] Don't call me in the morning.

- [Mary] Get out and fuck you.

- Don't call me in the morning.

- [Mary] All right.

(door slams)


(soft music)


- [Mary Voiceover] At
first, that night with Ron,

I just wanted to stick
my finger up his ass

to penetrate a man the way
a man had penetrated me.

But the doctor taught
me that wasn't enough.

You had to penetrate their mind, too.

Wherever I went, I became the predator.

Now, I stalked others
and made them my victims.

(crowd chattering)

(upbeat music)

(soft piano music)

(cloth rustling)

- Excuse me.

I have to slip into something
a little more comfortable.

(footsteps plodding)

Hey guess what I found?

- I dunno.

A spoon.

What are you?

- (laughs) What?

- What are you doing with that?

- You scared?

- A little.

- Oh yeah, are ya?

I know you're a little scared, aren't you?

- Yeah, yeah, I'm scared now.

- You sure?

- Yeah.
- How scared?

- What are you doin'?

- Oh.

- What are you doin'?

You're actin' crazy?

(spoon cracks)

What the fuck do you think you're doin?

- I don't think you're
havin' any fun anymore.

- No, I'm not.

I'm not havin' fun.

- You're not having any fun at all?

- No.

- You know what then?

I guess I'll just go.

Because, you know what?

I'm not having any fun either.

(footsteps clack)

- [Mary Voiceover] It
took them a half hour

before they realized what
happened and got loose.

And when they finally sneaked
out, they really didn't know

what hit 'em.

It's strange.

It reminded me of my escape
from the doctor's basement.

(whispering voices)

(eerie music)

(chains chugging)

(woman screaming)

(chains rattling)

(whispering voices)

(woman screaming)

- [Dr. Zarem] Now you understand.

(Mary screaming)

Now the blood's on you.

(crowd chattering)
(upbeat music)

- [Bar Patron] Take it.

Take a drink.


- [Mary] (gasps) Look out!



I gotta change into somethin' else.

This is not comfortable.

(footsteps clopping)

(soft music)


You're under arrest.

- What did I do?

- You're an asshole.

And, unfortunately,
assholes must be arrested.

So, how would you like to plead, asshole?

- Um, guilty, I think?

- Good, right answer.

Okay, well.

Unfortunately for you, Mr. Asshole.

The police officer is doubling
as the judge and the jury.

And, well, it's really not good use.

- What's?

- Are you ready?

- What's gonna happen to me?

- Well.

Unfortunately, everyone
decided you were guilty.

And, um.

You have to hang.

- What are you gonna do with that?

- In the noose, please.

- One second.

- Okay?

Ah, my son.

My poor son.

- This isn't funny.

- Your mom's.

I'm your mom now.

Goodbye, son.

- Wait a minute.

You can't leave me like this.

(organ music)

- [Mary Voiceover] I had
become a monster like those

who created me.

And I was desperate for someone
to help me ease the pain.

Instead, I looked for new victims.

(upbeat music)

(sirens wailing)

(piano keys chiming)

(handcuffs click)

(shoes clop)

- [Mary] Can't get out?

- Help.

- Hey, guess what?

- What?

- I got a new piece for our game.

- What's that?

- Can you guess?

- Not very good at guessing.


No, no, no, no.

No, I don't play that game.

- [Mary] You're playing it already.

- You're not one of those
crazy fuckin' chicks, are ya?

- You were already mid-game.

- Okay, let's put the knife away.

I don't play that.

(bed creaking)

I'm serious.

- Hold still.

- Put the knife away.

- Gotta hold still.

- Put the fuckin' knife away.

Jesus Christ.

- It hurts a lot more if you-

You really have to stay still.

- Fuck!
- You can't get out,

so you have to stay still.

- Jesus.

(music crashing)
(Mary shouts)

Get the fuck away from me, all right?

All right?

(chaotic music)

(door rattling)

(soft music)

- [Mary Voiceover] My
neighbor's had complained

of the disturbances from my apartment, so,

I returned to the scene of the crime.

(crickets chirping)

- [Victim] Hey, we can go in here.

- [Mary] No, no, no, no, no, no.

You can't go in there.

You gotta go down here.

I got somethin' to show you.

- [Victim] Okay.

(both mumbling)
(both chuckling)

Where are we going?

- [Mary] Right in here.

But, you have to-

- [Victim] Oh, okay.

(both laughing)

- [Mary] That's right.

(blows raspberry)
(Victim laughs)


- [Victim] Cool.
- [Mary] Cool.

(both laughing)

(soft music)

- [Mary Voiceover] How could
I have known that for the last

few weeks Ron had been following me?

(crickets chirping)
(footsteps crunching)

- [Mary] Are you afraid?

(man grunting)

(keys rattling)

(footsteps thudding)

(knock thuds)

(man groaning)

- [Mary] Look at me.

- [Victim] What the-?

(man gagging)

(eerie women vocalizing)

(piercing scream)
(body thuds)

- [Mary Voiceover] In that
dark basement, blinded by rage

and overwhelmed by the doctor's presence,

I handcuffed Ron to the bed.

There's only one way to confront God,

who is truth and attainable
only through sacrifice.

Everything else is waiting.

- [Ron] Mary.

Mary, it's going to be okay.


Mary, this is all self-defense,
you know that, right?

Mary, would you stop that?

Mary, put the knife down.

Mary, it's Ron.

Please don't do that.


Mary, it's Ron.

What the fuck are you doing?

(Mary whistling)

Please don't do that.

Mary, we can work this out.

(Mary whistling)

Mary, it's me.

It's Ron.

Please don't do that.


(chains rattle)


Mary, what the fuck are you doing?


(flesh squishes)
(Ron screams)

(breathing heavily)



Mary, remember.

Remember the tattoo parlor in Virginia?

Remember you wanted to
get a tattoo and I said,

"No, ladies don't wear tattoos."

And you said. (groans)

And you said, "I'm no lady."

Mary, I don't wanna die here.

Mary, I don't wanna fuckin' die here.

Mary, Mary.







I don't wanna die.


(breathing heavily)

Mary, I don't wanna die.

God, forgive me for all my sins.

(rattled breathing)

(soft piano music)

(organ music)

- [Mary Voiceover] I tried
to stop the breathing,

but it was too late.

Only through Ron's death
did I find the truth

that I searched for.

It scorched my mind with
a great flash of light.

I will not again be blinded.

- [Priest] As they were
eating, Jesus took bread

and blessed it.

And break it.

And gave it to the disciples
and said, "Take, eat.

This is my body."

(whispering voices)
(organ musiC)

(electricity crackling)

And he took the cup and he gave thanks.

And he gave it to them,
saying, "Drink ye, all of ye.

For this is my blood of the new testament

which was shed for many omission of sin.

But I say unto you, I
will not drink henceforth,

push through the divine.

Until that day, when I drink anew,

will give me my Father's kingdom."

(bell tolling)
(organ music)

(electricity crackling)

(beast moaning)

(electricity crackling)

You shall be the children of the highest.

For He is kind onto the
unthankful and to the evil.

Be he, therefore, merciful."

(electricity buzzing)

(Priest continues inaudibly)

(Doctor whispering)

Let no man.

That a man lay down his life for friends.

(bell tolling)
(organ music)

(bell echoes)

(eerie woman vocalizing)

(soft piano music)