Toothfairy 2 (2020) - full transcript

The Tooth Fairy is back. 15 years after the events of the first movie, Corey, now grown up but mentally scarred has gone to a class reunion. However, the Tooth Fairy is back, and this time - You better have flossed properly.

Tammy, bed time.

Shut the phone off, okay?


Whoa, Corey, don't

have a heart attack!

Christ Edgar, what the

hell are you playing at?

There, that's a

bit dark, isn't it?

I thought you did

illustrations for kids books.

Why do you want to do that?

That was really good.

Look, I'm just busy, mate.

That was just a

doodle, I'm trying

to focus on this

latest commission.

I preferred the other

with the bag of stones.

Those were teeth.


Well, that's twisted.

Anyway, all set for

the big weekend?

To be honest, Edgar,

I've got so much to do.

Don't back out on us, Corey.

Look, everyone else is going,

the whole gang from uni.

When I say the whole gang,

I mean the whole gang.

Jess will be there.

She confirmed?

Yes and...


She asked about you.


She asked about me, so what?

Mate, just come.

For the love of god, just

suck up and get things

going with her.

This is a second chance.

It's now or never.

You can have that

one for free, buddy.

Hey man.

Uh, yeah.

I'm in, okay?

Uh, Jess.


Oh my god, it's been so long!

I know, you just got here.

I got here a while

ago with Hazel and Jo.

Can I help?

Yeah sure, thanks.

How have you been?

Fine, I actually moved

back a few years ago now.

I missed it.

I heard through the grapevine.

You like it?


It's not quite the same

tranquil surroundings as Marcom

International Academy though.

I guess.

Hazel and Jo flew

in the other day.

I hear you're still

good friends with Edgar.

For my sins.

Do you still see Paul?

Oh, I never understood that.

You guys knew each

other as young kids.

And you were the only two

English boys in our group.

Guess we weren't obligated

to like each other?

I've missed you.

We had some good

talks back at uni.

And you weren't just

drunk the whole time

like the other guys.

Ed told me you

live in London now.

We should stay in touch

after this weekend, Corey.

I'd like that.

Catch you in a sec.

So you still hate his guts?


No offense dude, but

I just don't get it.

What is it about the

guy you don't like?

I knew him as a kid.

You ever hear of the tooth

murders about 20 years ago?

Rings a bell.

What happened?

Some crazy asshole

killed a load of people.

Ripped out their teeth.

Happened not far from here.

He's obviously some

kind of nutcase,

although some

locals, being quite

a superstitious

area, thought that

it was actually some kind

of demonic tooth fairy.

So, what?

Not human?

Hell knows.

All these people murdered,

including my cousin.

And he, his aunt,

and his stepdad

somehow got away.

Never understood

how they escaped.

There was always something

odd about that to me.

This horrific serial

killer the police couldn't

stop and somehow they escaped.

That's grim.

So, you think he's

somehow involved?

Or his family?

Who knows?

They were reclusive.

Moved away not long after

she ended up in a nuthouse,

and his stepdad

pissed off abroad.

I tried to talk to

Corey a number of times

about it in passing during

freshers week at uni.

He just kept playing dumb.

I don't care,

he'll get what's coming

to him, don't you worry,

I flicked through this, it's

go incantations, rituals.

Tooth Fairy's gonna make

a little appearance.

We'll fuck with him a bit,

play it off like a fun game.

But him, I want it to haunt him.

That's a bit much, buddy.

Are you gonna help out what?

I guess.


I'll run you through the plan,

and we go in and play

nice tonight is my idea,

then execute the plan.

There you are!

Here you go.

Thank you.

And something stronger.

Go on.

Hold on.


Guys, look who

I've just found.

Oh hi.

You're a star.

Hey, how are you?

Shall we toast

now or wait for the others?

And for you,

get that down you.

Have you

got a drink here, Jo?

Oh perfect.

Were you away recently?

Yeah I was in

earlier, I was in earlier, yeah.

Get over here.

How was your journey?

Yeah not bad.

Like two hours.

Looking great

as always ladies.

Hey man, good to see you man.


Good to see you.

Come here you big lug.

Get a drink.

You doing well?

Uh, good yeah.


I'm great.

So we toasting or what, Edgar?


Well, I'm glad to

see everyone here,

I hope we all last the weekend.

It's been too long, so here's

to Marcom International

Academy, dorm five, alumni 2014.

America's finest and

the Brits of course.


You okay, Corey?

Corey, can I come in?

Are you okay?

Dig in, boys and girls.

Soak up the hangover.

Where's Hazel and Corey?

Little the worse

for wear, I think.


Oh my god, that's awful.


What is it?

Five people were murdered

last night down Leon house.

Two little boys

and their family.

That's awful.

I can't believe this

happens around here.

I know.

How about a little

game tonight then guys?

Lighten the mood.

A game?


I've got a book on

local myths and legends.

It's full of incantations,

spells and stuff.

Let's summon the Tooth Fairy.

...Oooh, the Tooth Fairy!

Don't be stupid, Paul.

It's a silly local

legend, it's bollocks.

Let's just do it for a laugh.

Remember the Ouija

board night we had?

Hazel thought we'd

summon a ghost,

turns out we just had

rats in the bloody wall.

Oh my god I remember

the rats, that was so funny.

Shall we?

Could be fun.

Believe me ladies,

after a few beers

it'll be a laugh riot.

I'm game.

Me too.

Yeah, me too.


I'm sure the sleeping beauties

upstairs will be up for it.


Yeah nice nice, okay.


No no don't bring that no.

Oh yeah yeah.

All right, nice,

that's the plan.

Yeah, be ready.

Hello, Corey.

Give thy tooth.

Jesus Christ, Corey.

You terrified us.

Guys, can we have

a moment please?

How many fingers

am I holding up?


Look, I'm fine.

Okay, well I'm

keeping a close eye.

Anything else happens and

I'm calling the ambulance.


I just wanna enjoy the

rest of the weekend.

Get involved a bit more.

I dunno, Paul's got something

odd planned for tonight.


Yeah, we're going to summon

the tooth fairy apparently.

Won't be

able to last a weekend.


You guys want

anything in town?

We're doing a booze run.

Just booze, lots of booze.

Anyone else?



Booze and chocolate, gotcha.

We'll be a couple of hours.

Let's go.

You guys remember

that Easter party

we had back in second year?

Oh god, please

don't remind me.

Hazel, tell me something,

when you're deep into a weekend

drinkathon, how come you

always get chocolate cravings?

You literally blitzed

through two chocolate eggs.

Never a good

idea after a night

and morning of pounding shots.

After the results

of Hazel's barf,

I haven't been able to look

at a chocolate fountain since.

Yo, Corey.

Get in here and

sit yourself down.

What about

Christmas in second year?

Now that really was a disaster.

Oh stop.

I can't believe we missed

out on ball tickets

and ended up raving at

the community center.

I know.

Ed is still to tell us

whether he went home with that

woman who was double his age.


I can neither

confirm nor deny.

I need something

you can collect for me.

Leave him alone.

He is mental.

We have to tell the others.

Forget it.

Don't go spoiling the

rest of the weekend.

We're not going to see

him again after tomorrow.

I promise, after tomorrow,

I'll call Jess up and tell her.

Come on.

Listen, can I

ask you something?


You're not on drugs, are you?


I just need to lie

down for an hour.

A man of few words, Ray,

but buddy, you can cook.

To Ray.

To Ray.

So Corey, you're an artist.


Yeah, my nephew reads one

of the books you

did the artwork for.

That's cool.

Pays the bills.

What are you doing

these days, Jess?

I'm a stock analyst.

Raking in the big bucks.


And boring my ass

off in the process.

What about you, Eddie?


I think you're

an estate agent.

Any advance on that?

It's something like that

or you're a car salesman.

Yeah I'll say an estate agent.

Dude, tell her what I do.

He's an estate agent.

So me and Hazel, we've opened

up our own boutique

clothing shop.


Why doesn't it surprise me

that you two work together.

Hello, Corey.

Are you okay?


It's me.

I need to lie down.

I'll be fine.

Stay here, enjoy yourself.


Leave me alone.

I'm fine.

Here he is.

You feeling better?

I feel okay.


Right then.

Who's ready to raise a demon?

Come on then.

Over you come then

Corey, over you come.

Do you definitely

want to do this?


Are we all ready?

Hang on.

Right, now I'm ready.

Let's begin.

Everyone hold hands.

Close your eyes.


come to collect.

Corey, what is it?

Something's not right.




Was that it?

Yeah, we've unleashed a demon.

What's going on?

I'll get it.

No, I'll go.

What the hell's going on?

No signal, getting no signal.

No signal either

What the hell's going on?

You stay with the girls,

don't let anyone in.

Me and Corey will

go and help Ray.

He's probably still alive.

You with me Corey?

There's a shed with

some bats and some

crowbars, let's arm ourselves.

Where is it?

Wait here.

Weapons, Corey.

Go get the weapons.


What's going on?

What's going on?

I don't know.

Still no signal.

Let's just take one

of the cars and go.

But what

about the others?

To hell with them!

Just shut up!


Who are you?

I'm Danielle.

I'm Paul's cousin.

Someone just

passed the window.


Ray, what the hell's going on?

You total asshole!

What's going on?

It was a prank.

A prank?

A prank?

I nearly had a heart attack

Where's Corey and Paul?

Corey ran off

into the south field

and Paul's gone to get him.

He ran off?

I have to go and find him.

No no wait a little bit.

It's no use, everyone

going to get lost.

I'm going!

Let's give it 10 minutes.

Corey's well up

tight, but once he calms

down he'll be all right.

Nice of him to abandon us all.

Shut the hell up, Hazel.

What do

you want, Paul?

Well, you exceeded my

expectations, good work.

Thanks, that was fun.

Uh, money?

Oh yeah.

There's an envelope in

the glovebox of my car

with your money in.

Go grab it, introduce

yourself to the house

and have a few drinks.


Let's go find them.

No, I'll go.



I'll go with you.

No, watch the women.

Watch the women?

You lot can do what you like,

we're going to get more booze.

Come on, Haze.

Answer me, Paul.

Answer me!

What do you want?



I'm only here for me.

Don't waste your breath.

You think I'll

go to the police?

I don't give a shit.

I just want something from you.

What do you want?

The truth.

Damn, we're running low.

Think there's a box of

unused bottles outside.

Catch you in a sec.

Do you hear that?



Don't sneak up on me like that.

Did you get the booze?


Alcohol is bad for the teeth.


You should go with the others.

I need to check outside again.

What is up with you?

Go with the others.

I'll go get the

alcoholic beverages.

Did you take something?

I will soon.

What's going on, Ray?


Why don't you want us looking?

You better tell me, Ray, or I'm

going to stick this into

some part of your anatomy.

It was Paul's idea.

Where are they?

The shed.

Wait, what the

hell's going on?

It's just part of the

joke, nothing's happening.

I want you to take me back

to a night 20 years ago.

People were killed,

a serial killer,

that couldn't be

stopped until they

burned themselves alive.

Not before killing my cousin.

I don't know

what you're talking about.

Yes you do.

Of all people, why was it you

and your family that survived?

What made you so special?

Why you?

What are you looking at?

She's not real.

Who's not real?

Maybe you are crazy.

Just let me go, Paul.


see me somewhere.


That's Paul's car isn't it?

Someone's in the front seat.

Yeah, I think it's Paul.


Should we go and look?

We probably should.

After you.

Who are you?

Who are you?

It's in you somewhere.

The truth is in you.

Blood for blood, Corey.

I can't get the scum

who took my cousin,

so you're accountable.

Tell me what happened.

Who is the Tooth Fairy?

I was just gonna take

out one from the back.

But you know what?

Now I'm taking one

from the front.

I'm the Tooth Fairy

tonight, Corey.


You act strange.

You always have done.

Maybe you don't

believe you're crazy.

I have a confession

to make, Corey.

I'm worse.


Is that you?

That's not Corey.


Quick, get out of here.


She's dead!


Some woman, I don't even know

who she is.

Danielle, Paul's friend.

Where did you

disappear to, Hazel?

What are you

talking about, I was

in the kitchen, I'm

literally just done.

What is wrong with you?

You just followed me out there.

I didn't go outside.

You were in the kitchen

talking to me, you're crazy.


What on earth is going on?

If I didn't see

you in the kitchen,

then who was it?

Where's everyone else?

Paul's dead.

I don't know what's happening.

It's the Tooth Fairy,

I've just seen it!


The Tooth Fairy doesn't exist.

The girl's teeth were

all ripped out, Ray.

And Paul's.

His whole jaw and

teeth were ripped out.

Where's Corey?

We haven't found him.

Tooth Fairy isn't real.

So what is it then?

Who is it?

Corey ain't here.

Don't be ridiculous.

He probably ran off because

you two idiots terrorized him.

We seen Corey earlier, Jess.

Me and Hazel.


He was acting really weird.

Talking to himself, having

a complete meltdown.


Why didn't you tell

me this before?

Because he's a creep.

He's always been creepy.

He's a nut job.

Do you know anything

about his history?

20 years ago?

What history?

He's involved.

People died,

including Paul's cousin.

He's a freak.

That doesn't

make him a killer.

Edgar, you know him

better than anyone,

why aren't you saying anything?

It's nothing.

Maybe it's just...


Spit it out, Edgar.

This is important.

I saw him a

couple of days ago.

He'd been sketching something

out, a monster of some kind.

I didn't think much

of it until now

but he'd drawn it

carrying a bag of teeth.

Well that's it, he's flipped.

Wake up, Jess!

He's a psycho.

Whatever is out

there, whoever,

we need to get out,

grab the car and go.

Paul's car's dead.

Well we'll take

mine, go to town,

call the police.


How can you explain the fact

Hazel and Jo saw each other

when they weren't even there?

Everyone's running

around scared.

Probably just in shock.


Come on.

Give thy tooth.

I really don't

want to do this.

It's okay, it's okay.

I can't see anything.

Stay alert

ladies, keep an eye.

Keep a look out

while I start her up.



What's that?

It's nothing.

What's taking so long?

I don't know.

What's happening?

I can't believe it.

No no no.

What's happening, Ed?

It's been tampered with.

We'd better go

back and tell them.

We'd best get back

to the house too.


So now what?

Can we check the other car?

If he's tampered with one,

he's tampered with them all.

I say we make a run for it.

Don't let him in, Ray.

You can't be sure, what

if he needs our help?

He's a murderer.

We don't know that.


Ray, he will kill us.

Please no, Ray, he's crazy.

We need to let him in.


Ed, get ready.

When he comes in, get

ready to take him.

Let me go!

Let me go!

Help me, Jess.

Why'd you do that?

I'm not

taking no chances.

Calm down

you two, help me get

him to the shed.

This is wrong.

Jess, until we know exactly

what's happening or who might

be out there, he's safe here.

Okay here's my suggestion,

we go back to town together,

send the police

to pick up Corey.

If he's innocent their

investigation will

prove he's innocent

and eliminate

him from the murder inquiry.

And if he is then there's

still somebody out there.

Well, I'm going.

I'm staying.

Hell yeah I'm going.

I've had it up to

here with this place.

Let's get out

of this hellhole.


I'm staying.

We can lock ourselves in.

If you want my honest opinion,

I'm 100% certain that we've

got this killer locked up.

I mean, it's true, right.

if it looks like a dog and it

smells like a dog,

then it's a damn dog.

I'm staying.

I'm gonna pour myself a drink

and I'm gonna take a shower.


Josephine, Hazel, we're going.

It'll take us an hour if we

cut through the back fields

along the farm, okay?

Cool, let's go.

Stay safe out there.

Yeah, you too.

I'm gonna tidy up.


Leave him alone, Jess.

I'm having a drink.

I need to stop.

When we get as

far away as we can.

Ed please,

we need to stop.

Come on, come on.

We're going to make

it, please just stop.

We're gonna head

straight to the cops.

They can lock that psychopath

up and throw away the key.

As soon as we

get there we need

to demand to speak to someone

and get them sent

straight to the house.

Can we stop talking about the

Tooth Fairy, then they're

going to think we're all crazy.

No, Corey's behind this,

that's all they need to know.

We don't need to start talking

about this Tooth Fairy crap.

It was insane, I don't

know what happened.

I can't believe

I made him come.

I invited him.

This is not your fault, Edgar.

You weren't to know

what he's really like.

I've known him for so long.

I never thought he'd

be capable of this.

You weren't to know, Edgar.

Strange is one

thing, but a killer.

I feel so guilty.

No please.

We should have said

something earlier,

we seen that he was messed up.

Oh we can...


Gun, Corey.

You want to live?


Give me an

offering or I will take them all.


Can I go now?


Right after I take the rest.

Just let me, just let me go.

Corey, I'm,

I'm sorry.

I'm just sorry okay?


I'll be right down.

I'm just cleaning my teeth,

we can have fun soon.


Yeah, we can

be like the others.

Come and play.

Where are the other guys?

They perished.

Ray didn't make it.

Let's take the

road up this way.

That's away from the cottage.

You wish to go back?

Edgar, you and

I both know that

Corey is innocent.

He's locked up

in that house, we need to

go back and get him now.


I'll catch you later.



You coward!


Corey, no.

Corey, please.

I came back to get you out.

Corey, where did

you get that gun?

I just found it.

Corey, it's me.

It's Jess.

Come to collect.

It's Jess.

What's wrong?


time will come, Corey.

Corey, what's wrong?

It's your destiny.


I'm gonna put the gun down.

Just calm yourself, okay?


Yes yes yes yes.

Come on, Corey.

It wasn't me.

I didn't do it.

I know, I know.

I know, I never doubted you.

We have to get this thing, okay?

It's gonna all right.

What are you looking for?


Anything sweet, it

seems to repel her.


How do we kill it?

I don't know.

Paul's book.


The incantation

actually worked.

If there's something

to unleash her,

maybe there's

something to stop her.


I know where it is.

There it is.

Okay, it must be here somewhere.

Corey, concentrate.

This is the incantation page,

so here's the summoning.

This is it, The Collector.


We have to summon

another demon.


The Collector: a

demon who collects

escaped demons who have stayed

too long in the mortal realm.

If we bring him here, he'll

bring her back to hell,

it's the only way.

Be careful.

Let's go.

Corey, Corey.

Go, go!

Take the book.

Let me in.

Please, Jess, it's Corey.

It's over.

It's over.


can collect for me.

This is your destiny.
