Too Hot to Handle (1977) - full transcript
Gorgeous blonde assassin Samantha Fox accepts a contract to liquidate a quintet of gangsters in the Philippines. Problems ensue when she falls in love with the Manila detective investigating the killings. Plenty of sleaze, sex and action in this actioner filmed on location. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
(orchestral music)
(Latin jazz music)
- Forgive me for
staring, Miss um--
- Fox, Samantha Fox.
- MacKenzie Portman here.
I couldn't help but notice
your strong interest
in the match, do
you have a favorite?
- (chuckling) The red.
The team in the blood-red
shirts will win.
Which do you favor, Mr. Portman?
- Please, call me MacKenzie.
The white, I'm afraid; shall
we indulge in a small wager?
- Oh, I never bet on
anything except a sure thing.
It makes life less complicated.
- Well put, tell me, does
your fondness for tennis
extend to other sports?
- That all depends on the
game, and the players involved.
What did you have in mind?
- Nothing quite so
ordinary as tennis.
I have, if I may say so,
a rather unique collection
of medieval sporting devices,
which I believe
might appeal to you.
Shall we say tonight at 10?
- I'm sorry, but tonight
is out of the question.
- Oh, well, tomorrow night?
Same time?
My address is in the book.
I promise you will
not be disappointed.
- I'm sure I won't, MacKenzie,
you're a very persuasive man.
I certainly hope we'll be alone.
- Absolutely.
I wouldn't dream of
sharing you with anybody.
There is one thing, would
you mind wearing black?
- That sounds rather ominous.
(whip cracking)
(MacKenzie laughs)
Excellent, MacKenzie,
just excellent.
- Would you care to try?
- You know, MacKenzie,
you were born
about 400 years too late.
- Yes, you're absolutely
right, of course.
Except I've managed to adjust
myself to the 20th century.
With a little help, mind you.
(whip cracks feebly)
Uh huh.
(Mackenzie chuckling)
No no no no no no no
no, let me show you.
Take a firm grip, and
then one-two and lash out!
One two!
(whip cracks loudly)
- Oh, this is fun.
- On form.
- Say, you really
are a good teacher.
- Lash out!
- Am I doing it right?
- Yes, perfectly.
(MacKenzie clears throat)
Um, now you must let me show
you my uh piece de resistance.
(soft music)
- Why MacKenzie, you did
have an ulterior motive
for inviting me here;
medieval sports, my eye.
And I suppose this
is the playing field.
Well, don't just stand there.
You know I had my
reasons for coming.
I can guess what these are for.
Really, MacKenzie, did you
think I'd be that difficult?
- (chuckling) Very
clever, Samantha.
If I say yes, it's an insult
to my irresistibility.
If I say no, you'd be
entitled to slap my face.
- Oh, I'd never do that,
but I might use your whip.
(groovy music)
♪ Ah ah
- More.
Thongs, darling.
First the maid must bind
the lord with the thongs.
- Are you sure you
want me to do that?
♪ La la la la
- I was just teasing.
Let me help you.
(soft music)
Let's see what this will do.
(mechanism clatters)
(Mackenzie groans)
(sultry music)
(soft music)
Would my lord like a most
unusual surprise from his maid?
Close your eyes.
Don't peek!
Now keep your eyes
closed. (chuckling)
There, are your eyes closed?
- Uh huh.
- Oh, good.
You're gonna love this surprise.
(dramatic music)
(MacKenzie laughing)
- [MacKenzie] What
are you doing?
What is it?
What are you doing, Samantha?
- How's that, Mr. Portman?
- What is this?
- Medieval enough
for your tastes?
- Take this off at once,
don't be ridiculous.
Take this thing
off me! (yelling)
(muttering) Get me out of here!
Take it off, Samantha,
what are you doing to me?
This is not funny
any- (wheezing)
Samantha, I can't get any air.
Please let me out, I beg of you.
Take this off, do you hear me?
Take it off this
instant. (wheezing)
Please, Samantha, take this off.
(suspenseful music)
(Domingo sighs)
(knocking at door)
- Come on in, Sanchez.
- Don't tell me,
Domingo, don't tell me.
You knew it was me at the door
just by looking at your watch.
I've been meaning
to change my routine
for a couple of weeks, I
guess now I'll have to.
- The prelims on
the Portman case?
The papers are playing
it for all it's worth.
Torture killing,
Manila's Marquis de Sade.
What have you got?
- Not much, it's a strange one,
Dom, no signs of a break-in.
And the guy had a pretty
sophisticated alarm system.
Portman's 16th-century
torture room
was complete with very modern
hor d'oeuvres and champagne.
The cook prepared
them before she left.
- Sounds like an
invited guest, go on.
- That's all, Dom.
No prints, no
cigarettes, no nothing.
- So on top of being an
invited guest, also pro.
What are you checking?
- Girls, mostly, he
had a book this thick.
- Don't waste your time.
Anybody this smooth wouldn't
leave anything as obvious
as a number in a book.
- Dom, didn't the DA
tell us the treasury boys
were onto Portman?
- That could figure, 'cause
the one thing we don't know
for sure is whether Portman
was iced by a contract pro
or whether he picked
a kook for a playmate.
- A pro, Dom; no
kook gets that lucky.
But so much for
what we don't know.
I wasn't aware we knew anything.
- Oh yes we do, we know he
was killed by an invited guest
who came specifically,
or so he thought,
to indulge his
sexual perversions.
We also know MacKenzie
Portman was killed
by someone he'd just met,
and that someone was a woman.
I'll bet a month's pay she
is an absolute knockout.
(church organ music)
(birds twittering)
(church organ music)
- There are three
plums to be plucked.
You shall find photographs
and all pertinent details
contained in this map.
Since this will be
our only contact,
might I suggest you
peruse the contents?
- That won't be necessary,
because I'm afraid it doesn't
contain all the details.
If that were the case,
you'd have no need of me.
We're both
sophisticates, Miss Chao.
We abhor anything as
commonplace as a gunshot.
I'll take what you've given me
and find the key to
disposing of these people
without disturbing so
much as a (chuckling)
speck of dust.
- I underestimate you again.
- My fee.
- As you instructed,
and in German marks.
You understand, of course,
this is a package contract.
No final disposition of your
fee till all three are dead.
I might also add that my people
will be most anxiously
awaiting news
that your labors
have borne fruit.
- If I am to pluck plums,
I cannot also be expected
to grow fruit.
In other words, don't
rush me, Lee Wa.
- She's a member
of the club, then.
- Uh huh, her name
is Samantha Fox.
(telephone ringing)
- Hello?
Hello, Strowitzer, how's
my favorite stockbroker?
Yes, I said sell.
We're doing fine, you
just keep on worrying
and I'll keep on
taking the risk.
That's my side of
the broker's table.
By the way, $150,000
will be deposited
in my Zurich account in
the next couple of days.
Disburse it in the usual way.
My best to Maria, Helene,
and the grandchildren.
Au revoir, (speaking
in foreign language).
(birds twittering)
- Miss Burroughs,
may I please ask
to see your press credentials?
- I suppose this is necessary
because of Mr. Stockwell's
art collection?
- That is quite correct; this
way please, Miss Burroughs.
Miss Melinda Burroughs, sir.
The lady from--
- Yes, I know.
Malayan Arts
Magazine, I subscribe.
A pleasure to meet
you, Miss Boroughs.
- Likewise, Mr. Stockwell.
It's wonderful to hear
you're a subscriber.
Shall we discuss your renewal?
The circulation's
dropped the past year.
- (chuckling) I can see
that it's going to be
an interesting interview and
possibly a bit rambunctious.
How would you like
to go about it?
Interview first and
pictures later, perhaps?
- If you don't mind, I'd prefer
to take the pictures now.
The light is absolutely perfect.
That is, if you're
not afraid of me
interviewing you in the dark.
- It is you who should
be afraid of the dark.
You can leave your tape
recorder here, if you'd like.
Take your camera and I'll show
you the Stockwell collection.
(horn honking)
- Ah, Sanchez, I thought
I might find you here.
- You mean you knew you would.
- Well, knowing your routine
comes in handy once in a while.
Now, this is one Samantha Fox.
- Appropriate name, Fox I mean.
- Yeah, well, but--
- No order, my boss.
(speaking in foreign language)
- That's why he's stayed at 32;
I'm going 44 and still climbing.
(police whistle shrills)
- Run a make on that
for the Miami PD.
- Got something, Dom?
- I don't know, well, oh
yeah, she lives on a yacht
tied up off the marina.
Get somebody on board
to check it out.
Shouldn't be difficult,
no crew, only her.
- Warrant or what?
- No warrant, and not
one of our boys, either.
- Private?
- You've got the picture.
- Tell me, Melinda.
What is your opinion of
the pre-dynastic Tahitian
sand sculptures discovered
by the Coxwell expedition?
- You mean the expedition
financed in 1964
by the Ramos Foundation,
a philanthropic division
of Stockwell International?
Frankly, it was a waste of time.
- (laughing) Melinda, you're
the most honest person
I've encountered
since my second wife.
You must come and visit
me again sometime.
I've enjoyed myself immensely.
- So have I; you know, Justin,
an old friend of my father's,
a lovely old Chinese man
with a long white beard,
used to tell me that the sadness
which accompanies the end
of an enjoyable experience
can be overcome,
by imagining that the
best is yet to come.
Isn't that a beautiful thought?
(camera clicks)
(slide projector clicks)
(suspenseful zither music)
(dramatic music)
(Samantha exclaiming)
(blows thudding)
(weapons whooshing)
(suspenseful music)
(weapons clacking)
(diver yelling)
(wind chimes tinkling)
- Lady Burroughs,
I always thought
when the pleasure of
drinking in the beauty
had been denied a smile
though for so many years.
- Lu Chang, you have
aged with a dignity
afforded to few men.
I am happy to see
you, very happy.
- I have been
studying the problem
ever since we talked
on the telephone.
It pose the question: Does
the most gently falling leaf
not leave some moderate
impression on the ground
upon which it falls?
Indeed, it does.
But only the ground
can feel the pain.
The naked eye or the
most powerful magnifier
can detect nothing.
I have found the
solution to your problem.
- How did you find it, Lu Chang?
- The past, all
answers lie in past.
The future holds
only more questions.
- You are too modest.
You held me as a child,
and you told me things.
You once told me
that to know the past
is to hold the
key to the future.
- Did I ever tell you that
the negatives of the past
cannot be paid for
with a song of the crow
but with the song
of the nightingale?
- (chuckles) You're a
wonderful old man, Lu Chang.
And I love you.
Take as much as you
need, to feed the birds.
- I have three sons,
I never hurt-ed them.
I was never in need of one.
- Samantha Fox, age 27,
early childhood,
educated in New England
and Switzerland.
Parents died
when she was 15.
Inherited and liquidated
the family estate.
Net worth estimated in excess
of three million.
Maintains condominium
here, travels extensively,
no known record or
underworld affiliation.
- Join the poor people now.
- Good night.
Who in the hell
is that new maid?
Where's Pina?
- The agency called
and said Pina was sick.
This woman was sent
as a substitute.
I instructed her fully
as to her duties.
Is there something
I can do, sir?
- Oh, never mind.
But dammit, you call that
agency in the morning
and chew their ass out.
- Yes, sir.
- Does she know about my bath?
- Yes, Mr. Stockwell, I
showed her everything.
Good night, sir.
(speaking in foreign language)
- Don't look so
goddamned shocked.
I'm sure you've
been called worse.
Now get me a towel.
(classical music)
(speaking in foreign language)
you stupid little whore.
Didn't the butler warn
you not to touch me?
Finish drawing the bath.
First the salts; the
powders come later.
(stereo clicks off)
- I know you speak
perfect English, Justin,
but you've got to learn
some nicer words in Tagalog.
(ominous music)
When I interviewed
you the other day,
you said the only
mysteries you liked
were the ones you could solve.
Let me help you out.
You're sitting here
like this simply because
someone called for
a contract on you.
I don't know who, (chuckling)
and frankly I don't care.
As to why you can't
move or speak,
I could say that a little
Chinese cat's got your tongue.
Actually, you're in the
grip of an ancient paralytic
which vanishes, as they
say, without a trace.
There, I think that clears just
about everything up for you.
- Morning, Domingo, sorry
to wake you up so early.
- Well, that's the
first lie of the day.
What does it look
like to you, Doctor?
- The man drowned.
There is no sign he had
a heart attack first.
But I'll know more after
completing the autopsy.
From what I could tell, there
were absolutely no indications
that he was physically
assaulted in any way.
But I am sure you think
it's more than that.
- Okay, give me the bad news.
- Unless the autopsy comes
up with a heart attack
or something else that
points to natural causes,
I'd say we have another
hell of a hit on our hands.
There was one other thing,
they found traces of paralysis.
But the coroner told me
they were totally compatible
with death by drowning.
- Find the the coroner and
tell him to rerun the tests
for poisons and any
other foreign matters.
Also tell him I want
Stockwell's body
to be cheeked and double
checked; anything else?
- Everything checks out
except this magazine writer.
According to the butler,
she was a tall blonde, slim,
wore her hair rolled up tight.
Ah yes, she wore
horn-rimmed glasses.
- So?
- Well,
there's a Melinda Burroughs
on staff at Malayan Arts,
but I'll be damned she
fits that description.
(guests chattering)
(soft jazz music)
(speaking faintly)
- Therefore we'll
eat, and drink.
(guests chattering)
(soft jazz music)
(speaking in foreign language)
- Police, excuse me, gentlemen.
I couldn't think of any other
way to painlessly extract you
from the wolf pack.
- That's all right,
I was telling them
I just got out of prison
for jewel robbery.
You came along and made
it totally believable.
I'm Samantha, Samantha Fox.
What's your name?
- Domingo De La Torres.
And the badge is real, I'm
the chief of detectives
for the Manila
Police Department.
- De La Torres.
Oh, this afternoon's paper.
You're working on the Portman
and Stockwell killings.
And if I remember correctly,
a reporter asked
you some questions
and your comment was no comment.
- No comment.
Feel like taking a walk
through the gardens?
It sure as hell beats
necking out here.
- Why not?
As long as you promise
if you rape me,
you'll work the case.
- It's a promise.
- You were pretty damn
polite out in the garden.
What's the problem, Chief,
all wind-up and no delivery?
- No, that's not it; you might
find this hard to swallow,
but when I was a little kid,
my mother would
take a strap to me
every time I came home
with dirty clothes.
As a result, when I grew up,
I never felt comfortable
in the bushes.
- Hmm.
I can understand.
why you bastard, you snowed me.
- And you just came out of
prison on a jewelry rap?
(Samantha laughs)
(insects chirring)
- [Samantha] Thank you.
- Excuse me, please.
Perhaps the lady would allow
me to do a quick sketch.
- I don't think she could
sit still long enough.
Some other time, thanks.
- It's for charity, Mister.
It will just take a
couple of minutes.
- Okay, you talked me into it.
It'll make a nice souvenir,
you like souvenirs, don't you?
(soft music)
(insects chirring)
You have made her too beautiful.
She's difficult enough as it is.
Do me a favor, throw
in a pair of glasses.
Horn-rimmed glasses.
That's it, great;
now, one other thing.
Make her hair look like she's
afraid to have a good time.
You know what I mean,
severe, like a librarian.
A bun or something like that.
Thank you.
- Point for you.
That makes us even.
That private dick you
sent to case my boat
should be home by now.
I left him in a dinghy
with a set of oars,
just beyond the 20-mile limit.
(gunshots booming)
You're a fine shot, Chief.
This hunting trip
was a great idea.
Lately I have been feeling
damned cooped up in the city.
- So far it's been more of a
horseback ride than a hunt.
How 'bout a little target
practice to warm up?
- Sure, why not?
(gunshots booming)
- I doubt our wild boar
would prove much of
a challenge for you.
- No animal ever does.
It's much more of a turn-on
to watch something die slowly.
Even then, the greater the
distance, the less the fun.
Come on, let's go back to
Manila and have some supper.
I'm really famished.
(clicks tongue to horse)
(hoofbeats echoing)
(Domingo clicks tongue)
(horn honking)
Oh, the dinner was
really fantastic.
- [Domingo] I've
been there too much.
And it's nice we have a
little fox to accompany.
- [Samantha] All right, I
guess I'll get home, it's dark.
(dog barking)
(orchestral music)
(horns honking)
- My car is just down here.
- No trouble, just
give your money.
- No money and no trouble
either; get out of my way.
(suspenseful music)
(blows thudding)
(zither music)
(comical music)
(soft music)
Nice of you to
stand there smoking
while I took on three of them.
Why didn't you move in sooner?
- Well you were doing fine,
until that little goon
came along with the 45.
Besides, you're the man,
and a man usually takes
the lead, doesn't he?
My hero, come on darlin',
I'll drive you home
and take care of
those little cuts.
- Little cuts?
I'm bleeding like a stuck pig.
- (chuckling) Poor baby.
♪ Lips like satin
♪ Eyes of crystal blue
♪ Her skin's like a rose
♪ Her kiss entrances you
♪ She's a woman
♪ Filled with mystery
♪ She knows how to love
♪ So sexy, warm, and free
♪ Lady Samantha
♪ He fell in love with you
♪ Can't ever say goodbye
♪ He's so in love with you
♪ Lady Samantha
♪ Oh so lovely
♪ Full of spice and charms
♪ He needs you to stay
♪ Forever in his arms
♪ Lady Samantha
♪ He fell in love with you
♪ Can't ever say goodbye
♪ He's so in love
♪ With you
♪ Lady Samantha
♪ Lady Samantha
- Morning, Dom; hard night?
Couple of things you
might find interesting.
Coroner's office sent final
results of second autopsy.
It's a tough one, it'll read
pretty much like the first.
- Go on.
- The stain on that towel
is make-up, dark brown.
- Theatrical?
- Negative,
a cheap brand, available in
just about any cosmetic store.
Dom, do you remember
the strands of material
the boys found in the
drain of the Jacuzzi?
They came from
Stockwell's bathtub.
- Come on, let's go.
How deep do you
suppose that Jacuzzi is
when he stands on it?
- I'd say about two and
a half feet, three feet,
not much more.
- That sounds right.
Then the killer would have had
to overpower Stockwell first,
or incapacitate him in some way
before stuffing the
drain with towels.
- Meaning what?
- The point of
stuffing the drain
was to make the water level
rise enough to drown him.
Afterwards, the
towels were removed
to make it look accidental.
Did Stockwell's butler
have a look at that sketch?
- Yes, he made a
positive identification.
It's that girl who's posing
as Melinda Burroughs.
- And now, 10 years later,
Madame Ruanda has made millions
with her cosmetological
clinic and health spa,
which has become
a mecca for women
in search of renewed beauty
and physical well being.
Tonight we have
invited Madame Ruanda
to demonstrate a new
technique, which she claims
actually reverses the
aging process of the skin.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Madame Ruanda.
- [Person] And one, two,
three, four, and one.
(whistle blows)
And one, two, three,
four, and five.
One two three four
five six seven eight.
One two three four
five six seven eight.
One two three four.
Five six seven eight.
(Ruanda snaps fingers)
One two three four
five six seven eight.
- Well now, my girlfriends.
Are the techniques as rewarding,
spiritually and physically,
as I said they would be?
- [All But Samantha]
Yes, Madame Ruanda.
- Splendid, girls, splendid.
Give it up, Madame R is
very proud of your progress.
- [People] One two three
four five six seven eight.
One two three four
five six seven eight.
(woman screaming)
(smacks resounding)
(woman sobbing)
(woman screaming)
(man laughing)
(woman screaming)
(knocking at door)
(insects chirring)
- Come in, it's not locked.
- Madame Ruanda would
like you to join her
for a drink in her cottage.
She apologizes for the
rather late invitation.
- That's all right,
I understand.
- Miss Van Houten, how
nice of you to come.
Thank you, Jeffrey,
that's all for tonight.
You may return to Number 22
and finish that
little situation.
Please, come in and make
yourself comfortable.
I will propose a little toast.
To your renewed vitality
and spiritual well being,
Solvang Van Houten.
Although the operation
was successful,
that pain, oh, that pain, it
comes and goes all the time.
That's why I have Jeffrey
on call 24 hours a day.
He's a highly skilled
masseur, you know.
Have you noticed the man's hand?
They're strong
and very powerful.
- Well, would you like
me to call him for you?
Unless there's something
I can do to help.
- It's nice of you to offer,
but look at your hands,
they're so delicate.
I'd better call Jeffrey. (sighs)
- See, I'm a lot stronger
than I look, aren't I?
- Mm-hmm.
(Ruanda gasping)
(telephone ringing)
- Three days, where
the hell is she?
- And now, 10 years later,
Madame Ruanda has made millions
with her cosmetological
clinic and health spa,
which has become
a mecca for women
in search of renewed beauty
and physical well being.
Tonight we have
invited Madame Ruanda
to demonstrate a new
technique, which she claims
actually reverses the
aging process of the skin.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Madame Ruanda.
- Thank you.
This is Selena, she will
aid me in the demonstration.
I have named my new
revolutionary process
It is a deceptively
simple process, and
relatively painless.
The results however (groans)
are quite startling.
Because we utilize a
small electrical current,
it is necessary to secure
the hands and arms.
(whimpers) So that we
will not move about.
What might look
like ordinary mud
is, in reality,
a patented compound,
in which certain chemical
and other ingredient
work together in a
synergistic manner
with dermatological tissues.
- For the prices you
charge, Madame Ruanda,
you could have at least given
this a more pleasant aroma.
But it shouldn't bother
you that much anyway.
(Ruanda speaks muffled-ly)
- What is very important is
that you have to apply the mud
following the muscles. (moaning)
So by the time the
electrical current's in,
(Ruanda speaks muffled-ly)
On the muscle. (moaning)
You stay awake 'cause
(moaning drowns out speech)
It's a miracle. (moaning)
(speaking urgently
and muffled-ly)
(sobbing muffled-ly)
(speaking urgently
and muffled-ly)
(sobbing muffled-ly)
It's ready. (yelling muffled-ly)
These tiny electrodes
provide the current
I spoke about earlier.
(whimpering loudly)
(speaking urgently
and muffled-ly)
The regulator controls the
amount of electricity (moans)
to which the subject is exposed.
- We've been building
a case on that woman's
white slavery operation
for almost a year.
And what have we got?
A dead Madame Ruanda, fried
in her own goddamn chair.
A missing bodyguard
named Jeffrey,
who will probably
turn up in Manila Bay.
And a list of three blondes
who checked out of Ruanda Land
on the day of the accident.
Great, just great,
now who's next?
- James, remember
that new syndicate
you mentioned might be
moving into the area?
Anything happen with that?
- Well, it's still sketchy.
But we've managed to fill
in a couple of blanks.
It's an American-Asian
We think they started
putting it together
about eight months ago,
for the main purpose
of moving in on the
action here in the islands
and Hong Kong and Indonesia.
(sighs) Why do you ask?
- It's just a thought, but see
if it makes any sense to you.
Stockwell is given a chance to
work with this new syndicate.
He refuses, they hit him.
They do the same
thing with Ruanda.
That takes care of
smuggling and white slavery.
Which leaves only--
- Drugs.
Sorry for interrupting you,
but the idea makes
a lot of sense.
Which means their next target,
assuming that your theory
is correct, will be either
Rossimo or Calderon.
- Or both, Jim, I'm going to pay
Rossimo and Calderon
a little visit.
- (chuckling) Are you going
to offer them protection?
- What choice do I have?
They'll probably
think I'm crazy.
But we have got to keep
those two bastards alive.
- Keep me posted.
Let me know how things go
with our two drug lords.
It's a goddamn shame we
can't just let them get hit.
- Hello, Domingo,
what can I do for you?
Fix a part in-di-ca,
break a case?
- I'll get right to it, Rossimo.
We think there is a
contract out on you,
bought by some playmates of
yours in Asia or the States.
- Now wait a minute--
- Shut up and listen.
Now, whether you like it or not,
my men are going to
stay close enough
to smell what you
had for breakfast.
So make sure your goons keep
the safeties on their Magnums.
They won't do you
any good anyway,
because if they use the same pro
that hit Stockwell and Ruanda,
well, you know how neat
those kills were, huh Carlos?
- Thanks for the
warning, De La Torres.
It's very nice of you guys
to take a special interest.
But why would anybody
want to murder
a simple canned good
importer like me?
And pay to have it
done? (chuckling)
- Let's say it's
a mercy warning.
To try and save you from
what a lot of people I know
consider it's a mercy killing.
Anyway, Calderon, try and
keep yourself in one piece
until we can get you legally.
- Remember, when you leave here,
this is a very bad neighborhood.
You can't be too
careful. (laughing)
Well, I guess that evens us up
in the unnecessary advice
department, eh, Domingo?
(Rossimo laughing)
(engine rumbling)
(men shouting)
(machinery clanking)
(phone buzzes)
- Hey!
- De La Torres.
- Fox on the line.
- Well hello.
Where the hell have you been?
- Is that a personal or
a professional question?
- Answer, though,
'cause I missed you.
- I thought you said those
killings were keeping you
so busy that you'd
forgotten where the bed was.
And then I read in the papers
about this Madame Boo-ganda.
- That's Ruanda, darling.
Anyway, when are we
getting together?
- I thought you
might like to take me
to the cock fights this weekend.
I've never been to one.
(crowd shouting)
(speaking in foreign language)
(roosters squawking)
(crowd roaring)
Come on! (sighs)
(audience applauding)
(whistle shrills)
Come on!
(Samantha moans)
(whistle shrills)
Come on, come on!
(crowd yelling)
(whistle shrills)
Come on! (moaning)
Come on! (gasping)
(Samantha moaning)
Good morning, darling.
- Good morning.
- Mm, ah, tie me, will you?
Thanks, and thanks
for yesterday, I
really enjoyed myself.
- So did I.
It was your idea, thanks
yourself; what's the rush?
- Oh, I've got things to do.
I've been away for a
few days, remember?
- Good morning, Miss.
What can I do for you?
- I'm Melinda
Burroughs, Mr. Bulacon.
Miss Chao said to
drop in and see you.
She said you might
have some pieces
I would be interested in.
- Shall we go this way?
You know, it is really
very nice Lee Wa,
sending me your business.
In fact, she helped me
get mine off the ground.
Oh, some exquisite new
pieces came in recently.
I keep 'em in here.
A private viewing.
(crowd roaring)
- Let's hit a few clubs,
there's a new one at the Atomic.
It's supposed to have
a great rock group.
- Kind of late, isn't it?
- Oh, come on, Domingo.
Don't be such a drag,
pop a few vitamins
or whatever you
do when you're 33.
- Okay.
(rock music)
(patrons chattering)
- Oh. (laughing)
- Slumming, Sherlock, or am
I getting special service?
- Ah, Carlos, I thought
you and the boys hung out
at the Sin Colitros?
- Colitros started going
down a couple of weeks ago.
I started looking
for some new action.
And this place has it.
I know I'm not family, Domingo,
but don't I even
rate an introduction?
- Of course you do, Carlos;
Carlos Rossimo, Samantha Fox.
- A pleasure, Mr. Rossimo.
(audience applauding)
Won't you join us?
- I'd like to,
\but I'm really in the mood for
some dancing, thanks anyway.
- So am I, come on, Domingo.
We're just getting
into high gear.
- Uh uh, I'd rather
watch you than dance.
Why don't you dance with Carlos?
He looks very good on the floor.
- Are you sure you won't mind?
- Not at all.
I'd better warn you, Carlos.
She's a killer on the dance
floor, watch yourself.
(groovy rock music)
- How's the murder business?
What's on your mind?
- Yep, it's never
far from it, why?
- Oh, most men talk
about what they do.
You, you're like a clam.
- You're not much
better yourself.
It's okay.
I'll give you a few details,
in return for a few.
Let's take Portman.
My theory says you met
him at the Tennis Club.
You parlayed your charms
into an invitation
for fun and games,
and then killed him.
- Interesting, but why me?
- Because unfortunately,
you're a contract pro, Sam,
who enjoys what she does.
Now there is talk, but
that one I'm convinced of.
We both know you were
posing as Melinda Burroughs.
And even money says you
came back a second time
disguised as a maid.
That leaves the good madam.
- So it does.
You wouldn't care to account
for a few missing days
in your life, would you?
- Oh I was alone at sea, it
was really rather boring.
That's why I came back.
- No matter.
The Stockwell and Ruanda
killings were related.
And I think I know
who's next on the list.
- Oh, there's a list?
- Stop playing naive!
Yeah, there is a list, it's
either your friend Calderon
or your dancing partner Rossimo.
Now then, you tell me.
- You don't really
expect me to, do you?
If you're so convinced, why
don't you just arrest me?
- Evidence is all
But you don't really
have to, tell me, I mean.
I have warned them both
there is a contract out.
And my boys are practically
living with them.
- Don't lie there sounding
so self-righteous.
It doesn't become you.
- No more than killing
people becomes you!
- Everybody you've mentioned
was or is a parasite
preying on decent society.
And Lord only knows how much
more blood they'd have drained
while you've built
an airtight case!
- What the hell is
that supposed to mean?
- Oh I know all about it, Dom.
My father was murdered 12
years ago because of it.
Oh yeah, he was an
honest businessman
trying to fight the
mob muscling in.
Police knew, but
they needed evidence.
They got it, all right,
my father's corpse.
And I may as well answer
your next question, Chief.
You see because the
guys that got my father,
they didn't take
their time about it.
They didn't do it up right.
So by accident they
got my mother too.
(gasps) Oh, and I know
all about you too, lover!
You're not a cop by choice.
You're a cop because your
parents were unlucky enough
to get out of some
banana country
with their lives
and their money.
And when they got here
safely and made a good life
for themselves, they
figured they owed.
So they paid back
by giving their son
to do his public service!
(Domingo sighs)
What are my alternatives?
- You can go ahead with it.
And I'll nail you
this time, Sam.
- Or?
- You can call it quits
while you're still ahead.
You said it yourself.
So far, you've done
the taxpayers a favor.
- And then what?
Spend the rest of my life
rotting beside the pool
of some country club?
- That's not exactly
the way I imagine
my wife's life would be.
- We'd never make it,
not with what you know.
Besides, I owe you a few.
- Sam.
- [Samantha] Sh.
I'm giving you a
chance to catch up.
One sportsman to another.
- Yeah.
- If you would like to know who
has the contract out on you,
Monsieur Rossimo,
I strongly urge you
to be on the third base
side of the Rizal Park
at precisely 6:30 this evening.
If you talk to anyone
regarding this call,
it's off, understood, monsieur?
- Who the hell is this?
Hello, hello!
(telephone ringing)
- Hello!
- Mr. Calderon.
- Yeah, this is Calderon.
- If you would like to find out
who has the contract out on you,
I strongly advise you to
be on the first base side
of the Rizal Stadium at
exactly 6:33 tonight.
Not a second earlier.
If you tell anyone
except your own men,
it's off, understood?
(light music)
- That looks good.
- Yes, ma'am.
(light music)
(horn blaring)
(comical music)
- [Sanchez] Domingo,
so far it's been
one long shopping trip,
my feet are killing me
from a forced march
through Chinatown.
She's leaving the Gallery
Bulacon in Air-mee-ta.
You better run and
check on this place.
She came out carrying one
hell of a large package,
and it didn't look like
any painting to me.
- [Domingo] Stick
with her, Sanchez.
But Christ, don't
ever take her granted.
- [Sanchez] Here I go again!
(groovy blues rock music)
(tires squealing)
- Yes?
- Bill's on the line.
- Put him through; Bill?
- I hate like hell
to tell you this,
but we just lost Rossimo.
(tires squealing)
- Lose the bastards,
lose the bastards.
(groovy blues rock music)
(tires squealing)
(tires squealing)
(engine rumbling)
(Sanchez yelling)
(explosion booming)
(groovy rock music)
(suspenseful music)
(gun clicks)
(dog barking)
(slow, suspenseful music)
(dog barking)
(tense, suspenseful music)
(gun clicks)
(dog barking)
(ricocheted gunshot whizzes)
(gunshots booming)
(people yelling)
(telephone ringing)
- Hello.
Oh hi, Domingo,
isn't it a great day?
Sure, I'll be here.
(soft music)
Poor baby.
A good man trapped in a bum job.
I wonder if a certain
part of you wants out.
Hell, I've even toyed
with the idea retiring.
Maybe the two of us.
- [Newsboy] Read all about
it, Rizal Stadium shootout.
Gang warfare on baseball
diamond, read all about it!
(bomb ticking)
(tires squealing)
(engine rumbling)
- Domingo, you look like
you've been up all night.
- I can see you weren't
bothered by insomnia.
- Come on in the
cabin and relax.
I saw the papers this morning.
Looks like you've got another
little puzzler on your hands.
They say it was gang warfare.
- That's what they're saying
all right, gang warfare.
- But you're not buying it?
- Right again.
No, the fight at the
stadium was more than just
two junk merchants
arguing about their turf.
But I'll tell you
what does puzzle me.
The death of one of my best
men, his name was Sanchez.
- You don't mean the
detective that was killed
in that automobile accident?
I read about that too.
- Level with me, Samantha,
how did Sanchez really die?
- The papers were right this
time, it was an accident.
- Let's play detective, hmm?
Assuming that what went
down at the stadium
was a hit or hits, and
not simply gang warfare,
I have just one
hypothetical question.
Whose feet did you shoot at?
- What's the difference?
The other man would react
irrationally anyway,
out of fear; he'll simply assume
that the bullets are coming
from the people he can see.
And he'll open fire.
But I'd shoot at Calderon.
He looked like such a nice man.
Which means that
poor Mr. Rossimo
would be the first to get it.
Are you going to arrest me, Dom?
- Not today,
Samantha, not today.
- Then come with me, all you've
got is a ball-busting DA,
some clever theories
and a warehouse full
of circumstantial evidence;
we both know that.
- We both know I
can't come with you.
But I might have to follow you.
- Well, if you're
going to follow me,
we better have our
farewell drink now.
I'm leaving for Rome today.
Red wine for saying
goodbye, my favorite color.
To us, Domingo, and to you.
You're a damned good cop.
And one hell of a man.
(chuckling) I don't
believe you, Domingo.
Did you really think I'd
put something in your drink?
Jesus Christ, I can
walk out of here.
Out of Manila right now.
You said it yourself.
- To you, Sam, safe journey.
And remember, I'll
be right behind you.
(Domingo thudding)
- Right behind me, Domingo?
I hope so, I really do.
(funky music)
My darling Domingo,
you are the best I've
run across in years.
And I love you, darling,
so I'm giving you a chance,
something I'm not noted
for in certain circles.
You have between five
and eight minutes
before a time bomb in
the hold detonates.
The yacht will go up
like a Roman candle.
So I suggest you get
to work on those knots.
They're Chinese.
If you're patient
and methodical,
two of your best strengths,
you'll be able to free yourself
with a few seconds to spare.
I hope you make it.
I can't think of anyone I'd
rather have follow me anywhere.
All my love, Melinda B.
(suspenseful rock music)
(airplane roaring)
(woman on loudspeaker
speaks faintly)
- [Woman On PA] Airline
flight (speaking faintly).
(explosion booming)
(sultry jazz rock music)
(orchestral music)
(Latin jazz music)
- Forgive me for
staring, Miss um--
- Fox, Samantha Fox.
- MacKenzie Portman here.
I couldn't help but notice
your strong interest
in the match, do
you have a favorite?
- (chuckling) The red.
The team in the blood-red
shirts will win.
Which do you favor, Mr. Portman?
- Please, call me MacKenzie.
The white, I'm afraid; shall
we indulge in a small wager?
- Oh, I never bet on
anything except a sure thing.
It makes life less complicated.
- Well put, tell me, does
your fondness for tennis
extend to other sports?
- That all depends on the
game, and the players involved.
What did you have in mind?
- Nothing quite so
ordinary as tennis.
I have, if I may say so,
a rather unique collection
of medieval sporting devices,
which I believe
might appeal to you.
Shall we say tonight at 10?
- I'm sorry, but tonight
is out of the question.
- Oh, well, tomorrow night?
Same time?
My address is in the book.
I promise you will
not be disappointed.
- I'm sure I won't, MacKenzie,
you're a very persuasive man.
I certainly hope we'll be alone.
- Absolutely.
I wouldn't dream of
sharing you with anybody.
There is one thing, would
you mind wearing black?
- That sounds rather ominous.
(whip cracking)
(MacKenzie laughs)
Excellent, MacKenzie,
just excellent.
- Would you care to try?
- You know, MacKenzie,
you were born
about 400 years too late.
- Yes, you're absolutely
right, of course.
Except I've managed to adjust
myself to the 20th century.
With a little help, mind you.
(whip cracks feebly)
Uh huh.
(Mackenzie chuckling)
No no no no no no no
no, let me show you.
Take a firm grip, and
then one-two and lash out!
One two!
(whip cracks loudly)
- Oh, this is fun.
- On form.
- Say, you really
are a good teacher.
- Lash out!
- Am I doing it right?
- Yes, perfectly.
(MacKenzie clears throat)
Um, now you must let me show
you my uh piece de resistance.
(soft music)
- Why MacKenzie, you did
have an ulterior motive
for inviting me here;
medieval sports, my eye.
And I suppose this
is the playing field.
Well, don't just stand there.
You know I had my
reasons for coming.
I can guess what these are for.
Really, MacKenzie, did you
think I'd be that difficult?
- (chuckling) Very
clever, Samantha.
If I say yes, it's an insult
to my irresistibility.
If I say no, you'd be
entitled to slap my face.
- Oh, I'd never do that,
but I might use your whip.
(groovy music)
♪ Ah ah
- More.
Thongs, darling.
First the maid must bind
the lord with the thongs.
- Are you sure you
want me to do that?
♪ La la la la
- I was just teasing.
Let me help you.
(soft music)
Let's see what this will do.
(mechanism clatters)
(Mackenzie groans)
(sultry music)
(soft music)
Would my lord like a most
unusual surprise from his maid?
Close your eyes.
Don't peek!
Now keep your eyes
closed. (chuckling)
There, are your eyes closed?
- Uh huh.
- Oh, good.
You're gonna love this surprise.
(dramatic music)
(MacKenzie laughing)
- [MacKenzie] What
are you doing?
What is it?
What are you doing, Samantha?
- How's that, Mr. Portman?
- What is this?
- Medieval enough
for your tastes?
- Take this off at once,
don't be ridiculous.
Take this thing
off me! (yelling)
(muttering) Get me out of here!
Take it off, Samantha,
what are you doing to me?
This is not funny
any- (wheezing)
Samantha, I can't get any air.
Please let me out, I beg of you.
Take this off, do you hear me?
Take it off this
instant. (wheezing)
Please, Samantha, take this off.
(suspenseful music)
(Domingo sighs)
(knocking at door)
- Come on in, Sanchez.
- Don't tell me,
Domingo, don't tell me.
You knew it was me at the door
just by looking at your watch.
I've been meaning
to change my routine
for a couple of weeks, I
guess now I'll have to.
- The prelims on
the Portman case?
The papers are playing
it for all it's worth.
Torture killing,
Manila's Marquis de Sade.
What have you got?
- Not much, it's a strange one,
Dom, no signs of a break-in.
And the guy had a pretty
sophisticated alarm system.
Portman's 16th-century
torture room
was complete with very modern
hor d'oeuvres and champagne.
The cook prepared
them before she left.
- Sounds like an
invited guest, go on.
- That's all, Dom.
No prints, no
cigarettes, no nothing.
- So on top of being an
invited guest, also pro.
What are you checking?
- Girls, mostly, he
had a book this thick.
- Don't waste your time.
Anybody this smooth wouldn't
leave anything as obvious
as a number in a book.
- Dom, didn't the DA
tell us the treasury boys
were onto Portman?
- That could figure, 'cause
the one thing we don't know
for sure is whether Portman
was iced by a contract pro
or whether he picked
a kook for a playmate.
- A pro, Dom; no
kook gets that lucky.
But so much for
what we don't know.
I wasn't aware we knew anything.
- Oh yes we do, we know he
was killed by an invited guest
who came specifically,
or so he thought,
to indulge his
sexual perversions.
We also know MacKenzie
Portman was killed
by someone he'd just met,
and that someone was a woman.
I'll bet a month's pay she
is an absolute knockout.
(church organ music)
(birds twittering)
(church organ music)
- There are three
plums to be plucked.
You shall find photographs
and all pertinent details
contained in this map.
Since this will be
our only contact,
might I suggest you
peruse the contents?
- That won't be necessary,
because I'm afraid it doesn't
contain all the details.
If that were the case,
you'd have no need of me.
We're both
sophisticates, Miss Chao.
We abhor anything as
commonplace as a gunshot.
I'll take what you've given me
and find the key to
disposing of these people
without disturbing so
much as a (chuckling)
speck of dust.
- I underestimate you again.
- My fee.
- As you instructed,
and in German marks.
You understand, of course,
this is a package contract.
No final disposition of your
fee till all three are dead.
I might also add that my people
will be most anxiously
awaiting news
that your labors
have borne fruit.
- If I am to pluck plums,
I cannot also be expected
to grow fruit.
In other words, don't
rush me, Lee Wa.
- She's a member
of the club, then.
- Uh huh, her name
is Samantha Fox.
(telephone ringing)
- Hello?
Hello, Strowitzer, how's
my favorite stockbroker?
Yes, I said sell.
We're doing fine, you
just keep on worrying
and I'll keep on
taking the risk.
That's my side of
the broker's table.
By the way, $150,000
will be deposited
in my Zurich account in
the next couple of days.
Disburse it in the usual way.
My best to Maria, Helene,
and the grandchildren.
Au revoir, (speaking
in foreign language).
(birds twittering)
- Miss Burroughs,
may I please ask
to see your press credentials?
- I suppose this is necessary
because of Mr. Stockwell's
art collection?
- That is quite correct; this
way please, Miss Burroughs.
Miss Melinda Burroughs, sir.
The lady from--
- Yes, I know.
Malayan Arts
Magazine, I subscribe.
A pleasure to meet
you, Miss Boroughs.
- Likewise, Mr. Stockwell.
It's wonderful to hear
you're a subscriber.
Shall we discuss your renewal?
The circulation's
dropped the past year.
- (chuckling) I can see
that it's going to be
an interesting interview and
possibly a bit rambunctious.
How would you like
to go about it?
Interview first and
pictures later, perhaps?
- If you don't mind, I'd prefer
to take the pictures now.
The light is absolutely perfect.
That is, if you're
not afraid of me
interviewing you in the dark.
- It is you who should
be afraid of the dark.
You can leave your tape
recorder here, if you'd like.
Take your camera and I'll show
you the Stockwell collection.
(horn honking)
- Ah, Sanchez, I thought
I might find you here.
- You mean you knew you would.
- Well, knowing your routine
comes in handy once in a while.
Now, this is one Samantha Fox.
- Appropriate name, Fox I mean.
- Yeah, well, but--
- No order, my boss.
(speaking in foreign language)
- That's why he's stayed at 32;
I'm going 44 and still climbing.
(police whistle shrills)
- Run a make on that
for the Miami PD.
- Got something, Dom?
- I don't know, well, oh
yeah, she lives on a yacht
tied up off the marina.
Get somebody on board
to check it out.
Shouldn't be difficult,
no crew, only her.
- Warrant or what?
- No warrant, and not
one of our boys, either.
- Private?
- You've got the picture.
- Tell me, Melinda.
What is your opinion of
the pre-dynastic Tahitian
sand sculptures discovered
by the Coxwell expedition?
- You mean the expedition
financed in 1964
by the Ramos Foundation,
a philanthropic division
of Stockwell International?
Frankly, it was a waste of time.
- (laughing) Melinda, you're
the most honest person
I've encountered
since my second wife.
You must come and visit
me again sometime.
I've enjoyed myself immensely.
- So have I; you know, Justin,
an old friend of my father's,
a lovely old Chinese man
with a long white beard,
used to tell me that the sadness
which accompanies the end
of an enjoyable experience
can be overcome,
by imagining that the
best is yet to come.
Isn't that a beautiful thought?
(camera clicks)
(slide projector clicks)
(suspenseful zither music)
(dramatic music)
(Samantha exclaiming)
(blows thudding)
(weapons whooshing)
(suspenseful music)
(weapons clacking)
(diver yelling)
(wind chimes tinkling)
- Lady Burroughs,
I always thought
when the pleasure of
drinking in the beauty
had been denied a smile
though for so many years.
- Lu Chang, you have
aged with a dignity
afforded to few men.
I am happy to see
you, very happy.
- I have been
studying the problem
ever since we talked
on the telephone.
It pose the question: Does
the most gently falling leaf
not leave some moderate
impression on the ground
upon which it falls?
Indeed, it does.
But only the ground
can feel the pain.
The naked eye or the
most powerful magnifier
can detect nothing.
I have found the
solution to your problem.
- How did you find it, Lu Chang?
- The past, all
answers lie in past.
The future holds
only more questions.
- You are too modest.
You held me as a child,
and you told me things.
You once told me
that to know the past
is to hold the
key to the future.
- Did I ever tell you that
the negatives of the past
cannot be paid for
with a song of the crow
but with the song
of the nightingale?
- (chuckles) You're a
wonderful old man, Lu Chang.
And I love you.
Take as much as you
need, to feed the birds.
- I have three sons,
I never hurt-ed them.
I was never in need of one.
- Samantha Fox, age 27,
early childhood,
educated in New England
and Switzerland.
Parents died
when she was 15.
Inherited and liquidated
the family estate.
Net worth estimated in excess
of three million.
Maintains condominium
here, travels extensively,
no known record or
underworld affiliation.
- Join the poor people now.
- Good night.
Who in the hell
is that new maid?
Where's Pina?
- The agency called
and said Pina was sick.
This woman was sent
as a substitute.
I instructed her fully
as to her duties.
Is there something
I can do, sir?
- Oh, never mind.
But dammit, you call that
agency in the morning
and chew their ass out.
- Yes, sir.
- Does she know about my bath?
- Yes, Mr. Stockwell, I
showed her everything.
Good night, sir.
(speaking in foreign language)
- Don't look so
goddamned shocked.
I'm sure you've
been called worse.
Now get me a towel.
(classical music)
(speaking in foreign language)
you stupid little whore.
Didn't the butler warn
you not to touch me?
Finish drawing the bath.
First the salts; the
powders come later.
(stereo clicks off)
- I know you speak
perfect English, Justin,
but you've got to learn
some nicer words in Tagalog.
(ominous music)
When I interviewed
you the other day,
you said the only
mysteries you liked
were the ones you could solve.
Let me help you out.
You're sitting here
like this simply because
someone called for
a contract on you.
I don't know who, (chuckling)
and frankly I don't care.
As to why you can't
move or speak,
I could say that a little
Chinese cat's got your tongue.
Actually, you're in the
grip of an ancient paralytic
which vanishes, as they
say, without a trace.
There, I think that clears just
about everything up for you.
- Morning, Domingo, sorry
to wake you up so early.
- Well, that's the
first lie of the day.
What does it look
like to you, Doctor?
- The man drowned.
There is no sign he had
a heart attack first.
But I'll know more after
completing the autopsy.
From what I could tell, there
were absolutely no indications
that he was physically
assaulted in any way.
But I am sure you think
it's more than that.
- Okay, give me the bad news.
- Unless the autopsy comes
up with a heart attack
or something else that
points to natural causes,
I'd say we have another
hell of a hit on our hands.
There was one other thing,
they found traces of paralysis.
But the coroner told me
they were totally compatible
with death by drowning.
- Find the the coroner and
tell him to rerun the tests
for poisons and any
other foreign matters.
Also tell him I want
Stockwell's body
to be cheeked and double
checked; anything else?
- Everything checks out
except this magazine writer.
According to the butler,
she was a tall blonde, slim,
wore her hair rolled up tight.
Ah yes, she wore
horn-rimmed glasses.
- So?
- Well,
there's a Melinda Burroughs
on staff at Malayan Arts,
but I'll be damned she
fits that description.
(guests chattering)
(soft jazz music)
(speaking faintly)
- Therefore we'll
eat, and drink.
(guests chattering)
(soft jazz music)
(speaking in foreign language)
- Police, excuse me, gentlemen.
I couldn't think of any other
way to painlessly extract you
from the wolf pack.
- That's all right,
I was telling them
I just got out of prison
for jewel robbery.
You came along and made
it totally believable.
I'm Samantha, Samantha Fox.
What's your name?
- Domingo De La Torres.
And the badge is real, I'm
the chief of detectives
for the Manila
Police Department.
- De La Torres.
Oh, this afternoon's paper.
You're working on the Portman
and Stockwell killings.
And if I remember correctly,
a reporter asked
you some questions
and your comment was no comment.
- No comment.
Feel like taking a walk
through the gardens?
It sure as hell beats
necking out here.
- Why not?
As long as you promise
if you rape me,
you'll work the case.
- It's a promise.
- You were pretty damn
polite out in the garden.
What's the problem, Chief,
all wind-up and no delivery?
- No, that's not it; you might
find this hard to swallow,
but when I was a little kid,
my mother would
take a strap to me
every time I came home
with dirty clothes.
As a result, when I grew up,
I never felt comfortable
in the bushes.
- Hmm.
I can understand.
why you bastard, you snowed me.
- And you just came out of
prison on a jewelry rap?
(Samantha laughs)
(insects chirring)
- [Samantha] Thank you.
- Excuse me, please.
Perhaps the lady would allow
me to do a quick sketch.
- I don't think she could
sit still long enough.
Some other time, thanks.
- It's for charity, Mister.
It will just take a
couple of minutes.
- Okay, you talked me into it.
It'll make a nice souvenir,
you like souvenirs, don't you?
(soft music)
(insects chirring)
You have made her too beautiful.
She's difficult enough as it is.
Do me a favor, throw
in a pair of glasses.
Horn-rimmed glasses.
That's it, great;
now, one other thing.
Make her hair look like she's
afraid to have a good time.
You know what I mean,
severe, like a librarian.
A bun or something like that.
Thank you.
- Point for you.
That makes us even.
That private dick you
sent to case my boat
should be home by now.
I left him in a dinghy
with a set of oars,
just beyond the 20-mile limit.
(gunshots booming)
You're a fine shot, Chief.
This hunting trip
was a great idea.
Lately I have been feeling
damned cooped up in the city.
- So far it's been more of a
horseback ride than a hunt.
How 'bout a little target
practice to warm up?
- Sure, why not?
(gunshots booming)
- I doubt our wild boar
would prove much of
a challenge for you.
- No animal ever does.
It's much more of a turn-on
to watch something die slowly.
Even then, the greater the
distance, the less the fun.
Come on, let's go back to
Manila and have some supper.
I'm really famished.
(clicks tongue to horse)
(hoofbeats echoing)
(Domingo clicks tongue)
(horn honking)
Oh, the dinner was
really fantastic.
- [Domingo] I've
been there too much.
And it's nice we have a
little fox to accompany.
- [Samantha] All right, I
guess I'll get home, it's dark.
(dog barking)
(orchestral music)
(horns honking)
- My car is just down here.
- No trouble, just
give your money.
- No money and no trouble
either; get out of my way.
(suspenseful music)
(blows thudding)
(zither music)
(comical music)
(soft music)
Nice of you to
stand there smoking
while I took on three of them.
Why didn't you move in sooner?
- Well you were doing fine,
until that little goon
came along with the 45.
Besides, you're the man,
and a man usually takes
the lead, doesn't he?
My hero, come on darlin',
I'll drive you home
and take care of
those little cuts.
- Little cuts?
I'm bleeding like a stuck pig.
- (chuckling) Poor baby.
♪ Lips like satin
♪ Eyes of crystal blue
♪ Her skin's like a rose
♪ Her kiss entrances you
♪ She's a woman
♪ Filled with mystery
♪ She knows how to love
♪ So sexy, warm, and free
♪ Lady Samantha
♪ He fell in love with you
♪ Can't ever say goodbye
♪ He's so in love with you
♪ Lady Samantha
♪ Oh so lovely
♪ Full of spice and charms
♪ He needs you to stay
♪ Forever in his arms
♪ Lady Samantha
♪ He fell in love with you
♪ Can't ever say goodbye
♪ He's so in love
♪ With you
♪ Lady Samantha
♪ Lady Samantha
- Morning, Dom; hard night?
Couple of things you
might find interesting.
Coroner's office sent final
results of second autopsy.
It's a tough one, it'll read
pretty much like the first.
- Go on.
- The stain on that towel
is make-up, dark brown.
- Theatrical?
- Negative,
a cheap brand, available in
just about any cosmetic store.
Dom, do you remember
the strands of material
the boys found in the
drain of the Jacuzzi?
They came from
Stockwell's bathtub.
- Come on, let's go.
How deep do you
suppose that Jacuzzi is
when he stands on it?
- I'd say about two and
a half feet, three feet,
not much more.
- That sounds right.
Then the killer would have had
to overpower Stockwell first,
or incapacitate him in some way
before stuffing the
drain with towels.
- Meaning what?
- The point of
stuffing the drain
was to make the water level
rise enough to drown him.
Afterwards, the
towels were removed
to make it look accidental.
Did Stockwell's butler
have a look at that sketch?
- Yes, he made a
positive identification.
It's that girl who's posing
as Melinda Burroughs.
- And now, 10 years later,
Madame Ruanda has made millions
with her cosmetological
clinic and health spa,
which has become
a mecca for women
in search of renewed beauty
and physical well being.
Tonight we have
invited Madame Ruanda
to demonstrate a new
technique, which she claims
actually reverses the
aging process of the skin.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Madame Ruanda.
- [Person] And one, two,
three, four, and one.
(whistle blows)
And one, two, three,
four, and five.
One two three four
five six seven eight.
One two three four
five six seven eight.
One two three four.
Five six seven eight.
(Ruanda snaps fingers)
One two three four
five six seven eight.
- Well now, my girlfriends.
Are the techniques as rewarding,
spiritually and physically,
as I said they would be?
- [All But Samantha]
Yes, Madame Ruanda.
- Splendid, girls, splendid.
Give it up, Madame R is
very proud of your progress.
- [People] One two three
four five six seven eight.
One two three four
five six seven eight.
(woman screaming)
(smacks resounding)
(woman sobbing)
(woman screaming)
(man laughing)
(woman screaming)
(knocking at door)
(insects chirring)
- Come in, it's not locked.
- Madame Ruanda would
like you to join her
for a drink in her cottage.
She apologizes for the
rather late invitation.
- That's all right,
I understand.
- Miss Van Houten, how
nice of you to come.
Thank you, Jeffrey,
that's all for tonight.
You may return to Number 22
and finish that
little situation.
Please, come in and make
yourself comfortable.
I will propose a little toast.
To your renewed vitality
and spiritual well being,
Solvang Van Houten.
Although the operation
was successful,
that pain, oh, that pain, it
comes and goes all the time.
That's why I have Jeffrey
on call 24 hours a day.
He's a highly skilled
masseur, you know.
Have you noticed the man's hand?
They're strong
and very powerful.
- Well, would you like
me to call him for you?
Unless there's something
I can do to help.
- It's nice of you to offer,
but look at your hands,
they're so delicate.
I'd better call Jeffrey. (sighs)
- See, I'm a lot stronger
than I look, aren't I?
- Mm-hmm.
(Ruanda gasping)
(telephone ringing)
- Three days, where
the hell is she?
- And now, 10 years later,
Madame Ruanda has made millions
with her cosmetological
clinic and health spa,
which has become
a mecca for women
in search of renewed beauty
and physical well being.
Tonight we have
invited Madame Ruanda
to demonstrate a new
technique, which she claims
actually reverses the
aging process of the skin.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Madame Ruanda.
- Thank you.
This is Selena, she will
aid me in the demonstration.
I have named my new
revolutionary process
It is a deceptively
simple process, and
relatively painless.
The results however (groans)
are quite startling.
Because we utilize a
small electrical current,
it is necessary to secure
the hands and arms.
(whimpers) So that we
will not move about.
What might look
like ordinary mud
is, in reality,
a patented compound,
in which certain chemical
and other ingredient
work together in a
synergistic manner
with dermatological tissues.
- For the prices you
charge, Madame Ruanda,
you could have at least given
this a more pleasant aroma.
But it shouldn't bother
you that much anyway.
(Ruanda speaks muffled-ly)
- What is very important is
that you have to apply the mud
following the muscles. (moaning)
So by the time the
electrical current's in,
(Ruanda speaks muffled-ly)
On the muscle. (moaning)
You stay awake 'cause
(moaning drowns out speech)
It's a miracle. (moaning)
(speaking urgently
and muffled-ly)
(sobbing muffled-ly)
(speaking urgently
and muffled-ly)
(sobbing muffled-ly)
It's ready. (yelling muffled-ly)
These tiny electrodes
provide the current
I spoke about earlier.
(whimpering loudly)
(speaking urgently
and muffled-ly)
The regulator controls the
amount of electricity (moans)
to which the subject is exposed.
- We've been building
a case on that woman's
white slavery operation
for almost a year.
And what have we got?
A dead Madame Ruanda, fried
in her own goddamn chair.
A missing bodyguard
named Jeffrey,
who will probably
turn up in Manila Bay.
And a list of three blondes
who checked out of Ruanda Land
on the day of the accident.
Great, just great,
now who's next?
- James, remember
that new syndicate
you mentioned might be
moving into the area?
Anything happen with that?
- Well, it's still sketchy.
But we've managed to fill
in a couple of blanks.
It's an American-Asian
We think they started
putting it together
about eight months ago,
for the main purpose
of moving in on the
action here in the islands
and Hong Kong and Indonesia.
(sighs) Why do you ask?
- It's just a thought, but see
if it makes any sense to you.
Stockwell is given a chance to
work with this new syndicate.
He refuses, they hit him.
They do the same
thing with Ruanda.
That takes care of
smuggling and white slavery.
Which leaves only--
- Drugs.
Sorry for interrupting you,
but the idea makes
a lot of sense.
Which means their next target,
assuming that your theory
is correct, will be either
Rossimo or Calderon.
- Or both, Jim, I'm going to pay
Rossimo and Calderon
a little visit.
- (chuckling) Are you going
to offer them protection?
- What choice do I have?
They'll probably
think I'm crazy.
But we have got to keep
those two bastards alive.
- Keep me posted.
Let me know how things go
with our two drug lords.
It's a goddamn shame we
can't just let them get hit.
- Hello, Domingo,
what can I do for you?
Fix a part in-di-ca,
break a case?
- I'll get right to it, Rossimo.
We think there is a
contract out on you,
bought by some playmates of
yours in Asia or the States.
- Now wait a minute--
- Shut up and listen.
Now, whether you like it or not,
my men are going to
stay close enough
to smell what you
had for breakfast.
So make sure your goons keep
the safeties on their Magnums.
They won't do you
any good anyway,
because if they use the same pro
that hit Stockwell and Ruanda,
well, you know how neat
those kills were, huh Carlos?
- Thanks for the
warning, De La Torres.
It's very nice of you guys
to take a special interest.
But why would anybody
want to murder
a simple canned good
importer like me?
And pay to have it
done? (chuckling)
- Let's say it's
a mercy warning.
To try and save you from
what a lot of people I know
consider it's a mercy killing.
Anyway, Calderon, try and
keep yourself in one piece
until we can get you legally.
- Remember, when you leave here,
this is a very bad neighborhood.
You can't be too
careful. (laughing)
Well, I guess that evens us up
in the unnecessary advice
department, eh, Domingo?
(Rossimo laughing)
(engine rumbling)
(men shouting)
(machinery clanking)
(phone buzzes)
- Hey!
- De La Torres.
- Fox on the line.
- Well hello.
Where the hell have you been?
- Is that a personal or
a professional question?
- Answer, though,
'cause I missed you.
- I thought you said those
killings were keeping you
so busy that you'd
forgotten where the bed was.
And then I read in the papers
about this Madame Boo-ganda.
- That's Ruanda, darling.
Anyway, when are we
getting together?
- I thought you
might like to take me
to the cock fights this weekend.
I've never been to one.
(crowd shouting)
(speaking in foreign language)
(roosters squawking)
(crowd roaring)
Come on! (sighs)
(audience applauding)
(whistle shrills)
Come on!
(Samantha moans)
(whistle shrills)
Come on, come on!
(crowd yelling)
(whistle shrills)
Come on! (moaning)
Come on! (gasping)
(Samantha moaning)
Good morning, darling.
- Good morning.
- Mm, ah, tie me, will you?
Thanks, and thanks
for yesterday, I
really enjoyed myself.
- So did I.
It was your idea, thanks
yourself; what's the rush?
- Oh, I've got things to do.
I've been away for a
few days, remember?
- Good morning, Miss.
What can I do for you?
- I'm Melinda
Burroughs, Mr. Bulacon.
Miss Chao said to
drop in and see you.
She said you might
have some pieces
I would be interested in.
- Shall we go this way?
You know, it is really
very nice Lee Wa,
sending me your business.
In fact, she helped me
get mine off the ground.
Oh, some exquisite new
pieces came in recently.
I keep 'em in here.
A private viewing.
(crowd roaring)
- Let's hit a few clubs,
there's a new one at the Atomic.
It's supposed to have
a great rock group.
- Kind of late, isn't it?
- Oh, come on, Domingo.
Don't be such a drag,
pop a few vitamins
or whatever you
do when you're 33.
- Okay.
(rock music)
(patrons chattering)
- Oh. (laughing)
- Slumming, Sherlock, or am
I getting special service?
- Ah, Carlos, I thought
you and the boys hung out
at the Sin Colitros?
- Colitros started going
down a couple of weeks ago.
I started looking
for some new action.
And this place has it.
I know I'm not family, Domingo,
but don't I even
rate an introduction?
- Of course you do, Carlos;
Carlos Rossimo, Samantha Fox.
- A pleasure, Mr. Rossimo.
(audience applauding)
Won't you join us?
- I'd like to,
\but I'm really in the mood for
some dancing, thanks anyway.
- So am I, come on, Domingo.
We're just getting
into high gear.
- Uh uh, I'd rather
watch you than dance.
Why don't you dance with Carlos?
He looks very good on the floor.
- Are you sure you won't mind?
- Not at all.
I'd better warn you, Carlos.
She's a killer on the dance
floor, watch yourself.
(groovy rock music)
- How's the murder business?
What's on your mind?
- Yep, it's never
far from it, why?
- Oh, most men talk
about what they do.
You, you're like a clam.
- You're not much
better yourself.
It's okay.
I'll give you a few details,
in return for a few.
Let's take Portman.
My theory says you met
him at the Tennis Club.
You parlayed your charms
into an invitation
for fun and games,
and then killed him.
- Interesting, but why me?
- Because unfortunately,
you're a contract pro, Sam,
who enjoys what she does.
Now there is talk, but
that one I'm convinced of.
We both know you were
posing as Melinda Burroughs.
And even money says you
came back a second time
disguised as a maid.
That leaves the good madam.
- So it does.
You wouldn't care to account
for a few missing days
in your life, would you?
- Oh I was alone at sea, it
was really rather boring.
That's why I came back.
- No matter.
The Stockwell and Ruanda
killings were related.
And I think I know
who's next on the list.
- Oh, there's a list?
- Stop playing naive!
Yeah, there is a list, it's
either your friend Calderon
or your dancing partner Rossimo.
Now then, you tell me.
- You don't really
expect me to, do you?
If you're so convinced, why
don't you just arrest me?
- Evidence is all
But you don't really
have to, tell me, I mean.
I have warned them both
there is a contract out.
And my boys are practically
living with them.
- Don't lie there sounding
so self-righteous.
It doesn't become you.
- No more than killing
people becomes you!
- Everybody you've mentioned
was or is a parasite
preying on decent society.
And Lord only knows how much
more blood they'd have drained
while you've built
an airtight case!
- What the hell is
that supposed to mean?
- Oh I know all about it, Dom.
My father was murdered 12
years ago because of it.
Oh yeah, he was an
honest businessman
trying to fight the
mob muscling in.
Police knew, but
they needed evidence.
They got it, all right,
my father's corpse.
And I may as well answer
your next question, Chief.
You see because the
guys that got my father,
they didn't take
their time about it.
They didn't do it up right.
So by accident they
got my mother too.
(gasps) Oh, and I know
all about you too, lover!
You're not a cop by choice.
You're a cop because your
parents were unlucky enough
to get out of some
banana country
with their lives
and their money.
And when they got here
safely and made a good life
for themselves, they
figured they owed.
So they paid back
by giving their son
to do his public service!
(Domingo sighs)
What are my alternatives?
- You can go ahead with it.
And I'll nail you
this time, Sam.
- Or?
- You can call it quits
while you're still ahead.
You said it yourself.
So far, you've done
the taxpayers a favor.
- And then what?
Spend the rest of my life
rotting beside the pool
of some country club?
- That's not exactly
the way I imagine
my wife's life would be.
- We'd never make it,
not with what you know.
Besides, I owe you a few.
- Sam.
- [Samantha] Sh.
I'm giving you a
chance to catch up.
One sportsman to another.
- Yeah.
- If you would like to know who
has the contract out on you,
Monsieur Rossimo,
I strongly urge you
to be on the third base
side of the Rizal Park
at precisely 6:30 this evening.
If you talk to anyone
regarding this call,
it's off, understood, monsieur?
- Who the hell is this?
Hello, hello!
(telephone ringing)
- Hello!
- Mr. Calderon.
- Yeah, this is Calderon.
- If you would like to find out
who has the contract out on you,
I strongly advise you to
be on the first base side
of the Rizal Stadium at
exactly 6:33 tonight.
Not a second earlier.
If you tell anyone
except your own men,
it's off, understood?
(light music)
- That looks good.
- Yes, ma'am.
(light music)
(horn blaring)
(comical music)
- [Sanchez] Domingo,
so far it's been
one long shopping trip,
my feet are killing me
from a forced march
through Chinatown.
She's leaving the Gallery
Bulacon in Air-mee-ta.
You better run and
check on this place.
She came out carrying one
hell of a large package,
and it didn't look like
any painting to me.
- [Domingo] Stick
with her, Sanchez.
But Christ, don't
ever take her granted.
- [Sanchez] Here I go again!
(groovy blues rock music)
(tires squealing)
- Yes?
- Bill's on the line.
- Put him through; Bill?
- I hate like hell
to tell you this,
but we just lost Rossimo.
(tires squealing)
- Lose the bastards,
lose the bastards.
(groovy blues rock music)
(tires squealing)
(tires squealing)
(engine rumbling)
(Sanchez yelling)
(explosion booming)
(groovy rock music)
(suspenseful music)
(gun clicks)
(dog barking)
(slow, suspenseful music)
(dog barking)
(tense, suspenseful music)
(gun clicks)
(dog barking)
(ricocheted gunshot whizzes)
(gunshots booming)
(people yelling)
(telephone ringing)
- Hello.
Oh hi, Domingo,
isn't it a great day?
Sure, I'll be here.
(soft music)
Poor baby.
A good man trapped in a bum job.
I wonder if a certain
part of you wants out.
Hell, I've even toyed
with the idea retiring.
Maybe the two of us.
- [Newsboy] Read all about
it, Rizal Stadium shootout.
Gang warfare on baseball
diamond, read all about it!
(bomb ticking)
(tires squealing)
(engine rumbling)
- Domingo, you look like
you've been up all night.
- I can see you weren't
bothered by insomnia.
- Come on in the
cabin and relax.
I saw the papers this morning.
Looks like you've got another
little puzzler on your hands.
They say it was gang warfare.
- That's what they're saying
all right, gang warfare.
- But you're not buying it?
- Right again.
No, the fight at the
stadium was more than just
two junk merchants
arguing about their turf.
But I'll tell you
what does puzzle me.
The death of one of my best
men, his name was Sanchez.
- You don't mean the
detective that was killed
in that automobile accident?
I read about that too.
- Level with me, Samantha,
how did Sanchez really die?
- The papers were right this
time, it was an accident.
- Let's play detective, hmm?
Assuming that what went
down at the stadium
was a hit or hits, and
not simply gang warfare,
I have just one
hypothetical question.
Whose feet did you shoot at?
- What's the difference?
The other man would react
irrationally anyway,
out of fear; he'll simply assume
that the bullets are coming
from the people he can see.
And he'll open fire.
But I'd shoot at Calderon.
He looked like such a nice man.
Which means that
poor Mr. Rossimo
would be the first to get it.
Are you going to arrest me, Dom?
- Not today,
Samantha, not today.
- Then come with me, all you've
got is a ball-busting DA,
some clever theories
and a warehouse full
of circumstantial evidence;
we both know that.
- We both know I
can't come with you.
But I might have to follow you.
- Well, if you're
going to follow me,
we better have our
farewell drink now.
I'm leaving for Rome today.
Red wine for saying
goodbye, my favorite color.
To us, Domingo, and to you.
You're a damned good cop.
And one hell of a man.
(chuckling) I don't
believe you, Domingo.
Did you really think I'd
put something in your drink?
Jesus Christ, I can
walk out of here.
Out of Manila right now.
You said it yourself.
- To you, Sam, safe journey.
And remember, I'll
be right behind you.
(Domingo thudding)
- Right behind me, Domingo?
I hope so, I really do.
(funky music)
My darling Domingo,
you are the best I've
run across in years.
And I love you, darling,
so I'm giving you a chance,
something I'm not noted
for in certain circles.
You have between five
and eight minutes
before a time bomb in
the hold detonates.
The yacht will go up
like a Roman candle.
So I suggest you get
to work on those knots.
They're Chinese.
If you're patient
and methodical,
two of your best strengths,
you'll be able to free yourself
with a few seconds to spare.
I hope you make it.
I can't think of anyone I'd
rather have follow me anywhere.
All my love, Melinda B.
(suspenseful rock music)
(airplane roaring)
(woman on loudspeaker
speaks faintly)
- [Woman On PA] Airline
flight (speaking faintly).
(explosion booming)
(sultry jazz rock music)