Tom and Jerry: Robin Hood and His Merry Mouse (2012) - full transcript

Robin Hood, a merry man who steals from the rich to give to the poor, has a new capable sidekick, Jerry. The evil king deduces, in his own words "brilliantly", that the best way to deal with this new threat is a cat, so he hires Tom.

Well done, Jerry Mouse.
Thanks for the rope.

I'll take it from here.


Don't move a muscle, friend.

Here now, I'd say that was a job well done.

Now, let's see. What have we here?

Ah, gold.

All this...

...taxed from the poor
so that the rich can get richer.

It simply will not do.

Oh, yes, it will.

The famous Robin Hood
caught in my little trap.

How pathetic.

Not as pathetic as you,
Sheriff of Nothingham.

It's Nottingham.

And you are my prisoner.

- Oh.
- Aah!

Is that a fact?

Aah! Aah! Ooh! Aah! OW!

You there, driver. Seize him.

Yes, you.

Grab Robin Hood.

I'm afraid he won't be doing that.
He's actually one of my men, Little John.


- He hijacked your wagon about, what...?
- Ooh, five miles back.

It's still 10 to 2.

Two and one-sixteenth.

I'd say more like 10 to 50.

No. Good grief.

Thanks to a wee bird,
or, rather, a tiny mouse...

...I knew you were planning a little trap for me
so I planned a little trap for you.

So nice of you to use
real gold as bait, my lord.

- Tie them up.
- Huh?

Not you, Jerry.
Let the men do that.

You and Little John can help me
roll these barrels of gold back home.

Perfect job for your tiny little feet.

This one's for you, little buddy.

Thanks again, sheriff.

Oh! I hate you, Robin Hood.

Oh, it's a rough life just trying to get by

The tax man comes and bleeds you dry

No matter how much you give
It's never enough

If you say you've nothing left
He'll say

That's tough

It's a rough life just trying to get by

The tax man comes and


He bleeds you dry

That's why we fight
We fight for Robin Hood

Robin stands for right
He fights for all that's good

That is why they stand

To join my merry band

We are merry men and that is grand

The good king's left on a long Crusade

While he's gone
He has been betrayed

His brother John is a greedy soul

- He'll tax your soup
- And he'll tax your bowl

But fear not, good folk

Listen and behold

Robin Hood will thwart him

With action brave and bold

That's why we fight
We fight for Robin Hood

Robin stands for right
He fights for all that's good

He takes from the rich
And to the poor he gives

And with his merry men
In Sherwood Forest lives


Whoo! Aah! Aah!

Whoo! Aah! Whoo! Aah!
Whoo! Aah! Whoo!

My dear sheriff...

...perhaps you have forgotten
one very important thing.

I not only love money,
love it, love it, love it...

...but I need it.

I'm going to be King John one day...

- ...not Prince John.
- Yes, my lord.

And a king needs to be rich. Mm!

Rich. Heh-heh-heh. Stinking rich!

Yes, my lord.

And I can't be stinking rich...

...unless you stop Robin Hood
from stealing all my taxes.

What does he do with my money?
Gives it to the poor?

What's up with that?
The poor don't need money.

They're poor.

Well, it's not my fault, sire.

I think... How do I put this?

Robin Hood is getting his information
from inside the castle.

A spy?

Prince John, if you will excuse me,
I'd like to retire.

You know how matters of state
are too much for my sweet little head.

Yes, yes, off you go.
Good night, Maid Marion.

Good night. Sweet dreams.

Close your mouth.
You're as bad as the wolves.

So we have a spy?

Yes, I believe Robin Hood
is smuggling information back and forth...

...via a very tiny courier.

And I have just the man to stop him.

- Him?
- No.

- Uh, him?
- No.

Silly sheriff, you're out of men.

May I introduce my cat-at-arms, Thomas.

You see, because Robin Hood
is using a mouse as his messenger...

...Tom is perfect.

Now off with you. Prepare for your mission.

A cat to catch a mouse.

Genius! Pure genius.

I love money!

Oh, the mouse is nothing, sire.

What matters is with its capture,
we'll find the traitor.

Yes. Find the traitor.

But if my brother, the good King Richard,
returns from the Crusades... will all be for nothing.

I'll never be king.

The nice part about Crusades
is they're extremely dangerous.

He may never return.

How long before
we cross the Channel for England?

Good King Richard, another two days
and the ship will be ready, uh, sire.

But how I miss my kingdom and my people.

The sooner we get home, the better.

Eh, my good bear?

Uh, oh, yeah.
Uh, what you just said, sire.

Two days. We gotta warn Prince John.

Yeah, so's he can definitely make a nice
reception for his big brother. Heh-heh.

It'll be a killer.

Shush! Come on.

Let's go.

We'll get ourselves a nice reward
for this juicy bit of news. Heh-heh.

Oh, boy.

Now, my fine lads, who wants to help me
hand out Prince John's money?

Huzzah! Huzzah!

Ha-ha! Grab your gear.

Ha-ha. Not you, my little friend.

- Youch!
- Oh, don't fret now.

I have an even more important
job for you.

Something that fits your size.

I need you to make another delivery.

It's a poem I've written for Maid Marion.

Could you please take it to her?

Now you mustn't let this fall
into the wrong hands...

...for her sake more than mine.

You see, son of mine,
your pops has a very important job.

This here log boat is vital
to our whole operation.

It's how we move around
without nobody being the wiser.

That's why I can't let nobody
take the log boat.

No way, no how.

Hm. Uh--

- Yoo-hoo
- H m?

Big fella, I got something for you.


Robin Hood!


Oh, Thomas, I am simply
all nerves this evening.

Would you play me a song?


Oh, Thomas, that was ever so lovely.

Please play another, won't you?

Hm. No encore?





Oh! Heh-heh.

What have we here, Sir Mouse?

A message?

From? My love.

Oh, Robin Hood.

Oh, dear. Oh-ho.
I can't quite make it out.

It's a poem.

My dearest Maid Marion
I love you more than spring flowers

And the summer breeze

And... cheese

Oh, my beloved Robin.
He so loves his cheese.

Here, take him this good luck charm
as a token of my affection.

It will keep him safe.

And I'll stay here inside the castle...

...and keep him informed of anything
that the sheriff and Prince John are up to.

Thank you, little mouse
for your brave service.


Careful now.


Whoo-hoo-hoo! Oof!

What if we had the peasants build
a giant statue of me holding money?

Your cat-at-arms is dampening the fire.

Isn't he supposed to be after that mouse?

Yes. So sorry, sire.

Problem is, Robin Hood has stolen
so much of the tax money...

...that I might not have enough
for my statue.

What are we going to do?

Sire, what is the perfect bait
for the perfect trap, hm?

- Ah!
- Besides money?

Well, for you, a beautiful woman
who shall remain nameless.

Maid Marion.

And, for someone like Robin Hood,
to be crowned best archer in all of England.

Perhaps we should offer him all three
at an archery tournament.

Oh, well, that is good.

Hey, you, that's royal property

Come back here.

Well, well, a royal archery contest.

The winner is given a purse of gold
and crowned best archer in all of England.

And he receives a kiss from Maid Marion.

Oh, here we go.

Gentlemen, I put it to you,
as the best archer in all of England...

...I should be crowned as such
and win this purse of gold for the poor.


And, of course, the grandest prize of all...

...will be the moment where Maid Marion
rests her ruby reds...

...resplendent with divine delights...

...against my own,
bespeaking love...

...without one word uttered.

I get to smooch with my girlfriend.

- Huzzah!
- Huzzah.

That's Middle English for "hooray."

You know it's probably a trap.

You think that will stop Robin?

They'll arrest you on sight, my boy.

Worry not, my good friar.

Lest you forget, I am a master of disguise.

I have got a bad feeling about this.

Keep it natural.

Just blend in.

Ah, what a beautiful day for a trap.

Oh, yes, it is. Heh.

Sire, you don't actually believe Robin Hood
would be foolish enough to show up today?

Oh, yes.

I think I know the mind of that scalawag
a little better than you, my dear.

I fear you're right.

Now let the games begin.

Here, Jerry. Give Maid Marion this.
It's my lucky charm...

...for her to replace the one she gave me.

No? How about this then?

That is a very lucky spoon.
It saved my life once.

No? Then what?

That is an excellent idea.
Well done, Jerry Mouse.

Anybody seen my helmet?


We have our two finalists!

- The Sheriff of Nottingham...
- Psst. Psst. Psst.

...and John of Smithtown.

You're so lovely.

Psst. Pss--

Lovely. Heh-heh-heh.

Hi. Heh-heh-heh.

- Heh...
- Whoever's arrow...

...comes closest to the bull's-eye...

...will win the competition.

After you.

Dead center!

Huh? Oh.

A miss. The sheriff wins.

- Wait a minute.
- Huh.

We have a winner.

- Huzzah!
- Heh-heh.

I've come to claim my prize.
Especially the kiss.

The only prize you'll be getting... the sharp edge
of the executioner's ax...

...Robin Hood.
- Oh!

Oh, no.

This way, men.

Oh, never mind.

Well, now, men, it's, um...
It's not as bad as it looks.

- It looks like we're all imprisoned.
- Being taken to the dungeon.

To be executed on the morrow.

When you say it like that,
I guess it is as bad as it looks.

Will, look. It's Jerry Mouse.

Here he comes.

And there he goes.

Ha-ha! Good fellow.

Jerry, the lock.

Can you open it'?

- Huh?
- Oh...

Well, third time's the charm.

You've got it this time, Jerry.

He's done it!

Gallant try, dear mouse. Gallant try.

Enjoy the slop, boys.

Even though you'll be dead
before it's digested.

- Right? Ha-ha-ha.
- Go on, have a laugh while you can.

You must not know who you're dealing with.

Isn't that right, Robin?



He's always been there to help in time of need.

Now who's gonna help Robin?

I'm afraid you'd need an army
to get in there, my dear.

It'll take a different sort of hero
to save Robin Hood.

I'm sorry, men.

Don't blame yourself, my son.

It's because of me that we're in here.
And it's because of me that she's...

...still up there instead of in my arms.

Oh, my darling Marion.

Oh, my dear, sweet Robin.

Gazing from my window

There you are

You're so very close and yet so far

When I see your face, dear
Then I know this much is true

There's no other one for me but you

No other love for me
No other one for me

No other love for me
I know deep in my heart

No other one for me

No other love for me, it's true

There's no other one for me but you

Chained within this cell

I dream of you

Thoughts of all the scrapes
That we've been through

Giving me the courage
For the fight that's sure to be

There's no other hope for me, you see

No other love for me

No other one for me

No other love for me

I know

- Deep in my heart
- Deep in my heart

- No other one for me
- No other one for me

- No other love for me, it's true
- No other love for me, it's true

- Nothing's ever keeping us
- Nothing's ever keeping us

- Apart
- Apart

Oh, Jerry, this is terrible.

Perhaps I should write Robin a note.

There must be something we can do.

Maid Marion.

As the default winner
of the archery contest...

...I believe I'm owed that kiss.

What do you have there?

Nothing, my lord.

A letter? To Robin Hood?

You're the SPY?

That's right, you blackguard.

Well, now you'll perish as a traitor.

Unless... Hm...

You know,
I could spare you from that fate...

...if you agree to be my wife.

I wouldn't marry you
if you were the last man on Earth...

...Sheriff of Nothingham.

It's-- It's Nottingham.
The Sheriff of Nottingham!

Get it? Nottingham.

Regardless, I would rather be finished off
by the executioner's ax...

...than become your wife.

That, fair maid, can and will be arranged.


Let no one in or out.
If she tries to escape, finish her.

Are you sure?
She's the only girl in this whole picture.

Sire, we need to talk.

In a moment.
My spies have just arrived from France.

What news have you of my brother?

Oh, it's terrible news, my liege.

Very bad, definitely very bad.

Yes, yes, not now, you stupid cat.

- The king, Richard the Lionheart, returns.
- Definitely coming back.

Even as we speak, he's on a ship
that lands in England tomorrow morn.

Yeah, crack of dawn, definitely very early.

The Crusades are over?

Well, that was fast.

Sire, if the king returns, we'll--

I mean, you will lose all your power.

And more importantly,
I'll have to move back into the guest castle...

...without any of my money.

Sire, perhaps my men and I
could meet the king at the shore...

...and make sure he never returns.

Oh. Heh. I would like to see that.

I only have one request.

When you have Robin Hood executed,
add Maid Marion to that list.

- She was our spy.
- Really?

Any who betray the throne
must be dealt with harshly.

I mean, my throne, not my brother's,
who we're going to kill, right?

Why, that's the signal from Jerry.

It's go time, boys.

Now, son of mine,
things might get scary in there.

You stick close to your old pops.

And if you need to defend yourself, use this.

Hm. That works too.

Open sesame.

Ha-ha! Ride hard, men. We must get there
before the king's ship makes land.

Won't my brother be surprised...

...when he doesn't make it back
to England alive after all.

I can't wait to see the look
on his cold, lifeless face.

Close sesame.

The castle sure seems empty.


Where were the sheriff and Prince John
riding off to so fast?

Something's going on.

We'll find out.

- I'm here to minister to Maid Marion.
- Hm?

I'm a friar, you know.



I have to get out of here.
I have to help save Robin. But how?

Oh, this could work.

Closed inside these walls

I think of you

Counting all the things that we could do

Hugging, kissing, spooning

But this crowd just makes me moan

I wish it were the two of us alone

Too many wolves I see
Too many mugs for me

Too many chaps to tea
'Cause you are all I need

Too many guys
Oh, gee, heh

Too many boys for me to phone

Wishing that we two could be alone

Too many wolves for me
Takes too much energy

Just do the math
And see that you are all I need

I only want one man

I'm not a girl you can co-own

- I'm glad that it's the two of us alone
- I'm glad that it's the two of us alone

Excuse me.

I've come to rescue you.

Well, thank you,
but I seem to have rescued myself.



Ah! Right on schedule. Heh.

- Marion.
- Robin.

- Oh, my darling.
- Oh, I was so worried.

You know, I haven't had my kiss yet.

- Mm...
- Woof.

- Huh?
- Woof, woof, woof.

Eh, we can't find nobody,
but we found this stuff in the prince's room.

Don't look, son.
I'll explain it when you're older.

Wait. This is it.

Plans for the ambush of King Richard
as he comes ashore from France at dawn.

We have to save him.

But how will we get there in time?

Hang on, my hearties!


It won't be long now, men.

On my command.

We're too late.

It's worth a try.





What in the name of heaven
is going on here?

We're saving your life, sire.
It's a rescue.

- Brace yourself!
- Oh...! Unh!

You men, come with me.
The rest, stop them.



Attack the king!

I hope you're an adequate swordsman,
my boy.

Oh, I dabble.


Take that. Ah, ha-ha-ha-ha.

- There you go. Watch your step.
- Oh!



It seems this is where your journey ends
Robin Hood.

And where I become king...

...upon my poor brother's
sudden and quite unexpected demise.

You may strike us down,
but other heroes will rise up.

Your days of tyranny are finished.

Say, isn't that your cat?

Not anymore. Aah!

Stay still, you ungrateful wretch!

Prepare to meet your maker,
Robin Hoo--!

Unh! Aah!
Take that, mouseketeer!

- Ha-ha! Where were we, brother?
- Grrrr.

Yeow! Ha!

En Qarde, pip-squeak.

- Is that cat and that mouse with you?
- Yes, actually.

I'm very glad they are.

Me too, sire.

You'll never beat me,
aah, you useless rodent. Hm.

Ha-ha-ha! Yah!


Ow! Ooh!

Stop, stop! Ha-ha-ha-ha!

Ooh-hoo-hoo! Stop, stop! Oh! Whoa!

Stop! Aah!

Oh, we don't have to bring mother
into this, do we?

You're out-manned, cat.

I'll take it from here.

Hm? Aah!


I suppose you're wondering
about this, uh, assassination thing.

Well, it's a funny story. Heh-heh.

Come back here. Ha!

Ready to cut your losses...

- ...Sheriff of Nothingham?
- Huh? Mah! Aah!

Oh! NO, no!

This is all your fault,
Sheriff of Nothingham.

- Idiot!
- Aah-ha-ha!

Bravo, Jerry!

You there, cat, mouse...

...take a knee.

For heroic service in the name
of justice, truth, honor and bravery...

...I dub thee
Sir Tom Cat and Sir Jerry Mouse.


So cheer our hero

Who joins legends of old

Raise a cup to Jerry
The mouse who's brave and bold

That is why we sing of little Jerry Mouse

Jerry saved our king
And beat that wretched louse

He takes from the rich
And to the poor he gives

And with us merry men
In Sherwood Forest lives

And with us merry men

- In Sherwood Forest lives
- Oh-hoo-hoo!

I believe I owe you something.

Ah, yes. Yes, you do.

Heh. Mm.

I just love a happy ending. Don't you?