Tom Thumb Meets Thumbelina (1996) - full transcript

Enter a thrillingly animated kingdom of mischievous fairies, wicked princes, and a pair of very little people caught up in a very big andventure. Join Thumbelina and Tom Thumbas save the Great Meadow! Produced by Golden Films/Directed by Diane Eskenazi.


THEME SONG: Hi dum deedle dee hi dum dee dum.

Hi dum deedle dee hi dum dee dum.

Hi dum deedle dee hi dum.

Hi deedlee deedlee dee.

As the first bright glimmers of sunshine bravely peek from

the horizon, there's an orchestration of creatures

that I always find surprising.

With the animals in unison, each cow and duck and bird,

there is music unlike anything you've heard.

[animal noises]

It's another typical morning in the meadow we abide in.

And the bees are busy a buzzing off to where the

honey's hiding.

And the birdies all are chirping with the crickets

every place.

And the soggy froggy chorus sings the bass.

[frog noises]

Hi dum deedle dee hi dum dee dum.

Hi dum deedle dee hi dum dee dum.

Hi dum deedle dee hi dum.

Hi deedlee deedlee dee.

Hi dum deedle dee hi dum dee dum.

Hi dum deedle dee hi dum dee dum.

Hi dum deedle dee hi dum.

Hi deedlee deedlee dee.

There is nothing nice as our field mice.

They practice many hours.

And they fill the air with a big fanfare on

fiddles made of flowers.

And the magic of the meadow is the music in the air.

Why, you never heard a symphony so rare.


Every day begins with an overture,

a serenade of pleasure.

In the big tree trunks are a few chipmunks that warble

every measure.

Every billy goat and nanny croon a tune as sweet as pies

while 100 humming birdies harmonize.

Hum, hum, hum, hum.

Hi dum deedle dee hi dum dee dum.

Hi dum deedle dee hi dum dee dum.

Hi dum deedle dee hi dum.

Hi deedlee deedlee dee.

Hi dum deedle dee hi dum dee dum.

Hi dum deedle dee hi dum dee dum.

Hi dum deedle dee hi dum.

Hi deedlee deedlee deedlee deedlee deedlee deedlee

deedlee dee.

Hi deedlee deedlee dee.

OAKLEY (VOICEOVER): A long, long time

ago, there was a meadow.

Now, this great meadow and the flower fairies and creatures

living in it were rules over by the tiny little princess,


There was supposed to be a meadow prince too, but he had

been kidnapped as a tiny baby, and his fate remained a


-The meadow meeting is now in session.


Excuse me.


(YELLING) Quiet!

That's better.

All yours, Princess Thumbelina.

-The first order of business will be issuing new work


Snapdragon, you've got to spruce up your flowers.

They look like they've been through a flood.

-I'll snap to it, Princess Thumbelina.

Right away.


Oh, oh, right.

Although much loved by her loyal subjects, Thumbelina had

her hands full trying to keep things running smoothly.

After all, it was really a two person job.

-Now I'd like to open the meeting to new business.


-The buzz around the hive is that a certain food addicted

frog's been eating my drones again.

-Now, just hold your hornets, Queenie.

I'm not interested in your stinging drones.

Do I look like I want my tongue pierced?


-I told you, you should stick to flies, Bud.

-I couldn't help it, Slocum.

Ah, how sweet it is.

Uh oh.

Here comes trouble.

-Oh, like, wow, that trip really blew my mind.

-We're going already.

Hey, Thumbelina, call off your bird, would ya?

-Daffodil, Bluebell, Impatiens, you fairies are in

big trouble.

Bluebell, you forgot to deposit your

dewdrops this morning.

Daffodil, you didn't feed the hummingbirds.

And Impatiens, you forgot to turn the fireflies on for the

third night in a row.

Now, what have you got to say for yourselves?


-My nuts, my nuts, oh, where are my nuts?

All my nuts, somebody stole my nuts.

They're gone, all my winter acorns.

-Hey, don't be a mental case, Nutley.

You probably just forgot where you buried them.

-Nope, don't think so.

I got records.

Oh, records, records, oh, oh, where'd I put my records?

Here they are.


It's those three.

I saw them.

I saw them digging around my tree.

Where's my nuts?

Where are they?

-Uh, but you said we were digging for treasure.

-That's nothing.

Someone's been painting graffiti on Slocum's shell.



I hate it when that happens.

-What makes you so sure it was fairies?

-Jeez, blue paint.

I wonder who did that, Bluebell.

-You got no proof.

-Oh, how'd that get there?

[nervous laugh]

-You gotta do something about these three, Thumbelina.

They're out of control.

-Well, at least we don't bury our food in the dirt or eat

drones like some other low life middle creatures I know.

-Low life?

Why I oughta--

to the moon, fairies, to the moon.

-Ah, we're scared.

Look, my wings are shaking.


-Hey, guys, we're trying for harmony here.


-Oh, I hate Mondays.


I'd better go see Oakley.

Maybe he can give me some pointers on how

to handle this crowd.

-Hey, Thumbelina.

-Nice of you to drop by.

-You know, you could visit more often.

-I've got a nice sapling I'd like you to meet.

-Hello, princess.

He was up all night playing cards.



-Wh-- what are you waking me--

oh, it's my little friend, Thumbelina.

Thumbelina, why the face?


Oh, Oakley, I don't know.

I guess I'm feeling a little overwhelmed.

-Well, that's only natural.

I remember when you were just a baby and the queen fairy

first brought you to the meadow.

-Here he goes again with the story.

-Don't needle me, you big sap.

Where was I?

Oh, yeah.



You've never seen a magic reflecting tree stump before?

-Each of these children is from the very

best of royal families.

Together, they will rule as prince and princess of the

great meadow.

When they are of age, we hope they may fall in love and

marry, bringing happiness to us and them.

see This is a symbol of your royal birth.

Only together will your kingdom be complete.

-But then came that terrible, terrible day.


-You've got a big job, princess, and a

very important one.

But don't despair.

Someday, you'll find your prince, and the two of you

will rule happily ever after.

I'd stake my acorns on it.

-I know.

I will find him someday.



You'll never catch me, Duke.




Bravo, Tom.


-Nice entrance, Tom.

-I've taken the liberty of drawing up some plans for the

castle expansion project.

-Medwin, you know my feelings about

building a bigger castle.

This one suits me fine.

Besides, these plans call for leveling the great meadow.

That meadow is as valuable to me as a dozen castles.

When will you learn to have some regard for nature?

-Oh, Forget nature, father.

Bigger is better.

This place is outdated.

We need to get with the times, install an indoor swimming

hole, a 12 carriage garage.

-I refuse to use my subjects' taxes on such frivolities.

-Then we'll use their muscle.

Look what a fine job the slaves in

Egypt did on the pyramids.

-Maybe we can--

-I will not enslave my loyal subjects to build a-- a



Greenville will stay in the dark while everybody else

moves into the middle ages.


We might as well just stick our head in the sand.

-I-- if you'd--

-That meadow and the creatures in it are just as important as

the peasants, knights, king, or king's son.

We will not forsake them for a--

uh, IHOG?

-International House of Gruel.

Oh, very well, Father.

After all, you're the king--

(MUTTERS) for now.

But I think you'll regret your decision soon.


Regret it.


I've got an idea.

-That boy is so headstrong.

-Good idea, Tom.

I think you may have something there, Tom.


It's not easy being small.

-Mm, I smell chocolate pudding.

-But I was just getting a few crumbs for the little ones.

I wasn't doing no harm.

Have pity, sir.


Oh, all right.

I'll be merciful.


I'll eat you in one bite rather than tearing you into

little pieces.

Why, if it isn't a pudding pop version of Tom Thumb.

I should have eaten you when I had the chance.

Too bad the king got to you first.

This mouse won't be so lucky.

-Leave her alone, Edgar.

-Pest, get that away from me.

Didn't anyone ever tell you it's not polite to point?


Nevermore, Tom Thumb, nevermore will you be safe in

this palace.

-Thank you, Master Tom.

Once again, you've saved my life.

-Any time, Fiona.

Tell that to King Richard.

Thinks it's too dangerous.

-Well, the king loves you very much, ever since he rescued

you when you was just a wee lad.

-I know he means well.

I just wish I could defend his honor against his Saxon

enemies like the rest of the knights.

-Well now, King Richard just hasn't seen how good you are

with a fork.

-I may be small, Fiona, but I know I'm meant for big things.

-Ah, get out of here.

You dirty bird, get out of my kitchen.


-La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la--

what is that?

Ah, Tom Thumb, what are you doing in there?

-Oh, hi, Cookie.

Just testing the batter.

Mm, delicious as usual.


You sweet talker.


Come on, Fiona.

We'd better make tracks before Edgar makes a return



-You're looking especially fiendish today.

Hello, Blackthorn.

-Why, thank you.

Coming from the lad who put the evil in medieval, I'll

take that as a compliment.


-I wish you'd take a bath instead.

-Do you have the money?

-Right here.

Half now and half when we deliver King

Richard to the Saxons.

They've had it out for him since he beat the pants off

them in the War of the Roses.

-Dear, dear, dear, just like my father to fight over a

bunch of flowers.

Let me have it.

-Give me the information first.

-Oh, all right.

The king will be taking his annual spring ride to Fern

Glen tomorrow morning at 10 with no guard.

It's when he communes with his precious nature, blah, blah,

blah, what a snore.

You'll be able to grab him on the glen path.

He'll be helpless, trapped, and put out of commission.


-Oh, you are truly rotten, selling your own father to his

enemies so that you can become the king.

You're like the son I never had.

-Oh, stop.

Soon, I'll be the king.

And you will be the captain of my army of black knights.

Money, power, and the kingdom--

oh, soon, I'll--

-We'll have it all.


-And that's a Winter Aspen.

What do you think, Tom?

Isn't it beautiful?

-Oh, it's wonderful, your highness.

Thank you for bringing me along.

-Who is that?

-Oh, and there's a Bare-breasted Nuthatch.

Oh, unusual to spot one around these parts.




-Who are you?

Do you live up there?


King Richard!


Go back.

-I don't think we'd better, princess.

You mustn't be put in any danger.

Remember your duty to your subjects.

-Giddyup, Stormy.

Back to the castle.

Come on, Duke.

Sound the alarm!

Sound the alarm!

The king's been kidnapped!

-Oh, I would really like to join you, but someone's got to

stay here and look after the castle.

Besides, I'm wearing white, and it soils so easily.

-Oh, yeah, you're so pure.

Just noticing.

-Giddyup, Stormy.

Let's go!

-Whoa, girl.

-I've got to come with you.

I want to help find King Richard.

-Sorry, Tom.

I'm afraid this trip would be too dangerous for you.

Besides, the king would want someone he could trust to stay

here and keep and eye on Medwin.


Very well.

-Good luck.


Now we can finally get things done the

right way around here.

-You mean our way.


-Medwin doesn't seem too broken up about his father

being kidnapped.

-Oh, this place is so 12th century.

It's time we got with the times.

Drab, drab, drab.

Everything must go.

-But King Richard never made us pay taxes like this.

-I have big plans for this kingdom, so

work with me people--

at least until I can make you my slaves.

-Hey, Bud, maybe you should try for something slower, like

snails or ants or something.

-Are you kidding me?

That's for old frogs.

I just need to get my tongue adjusted.

Hey, watch where you're putting those clodhoppers.


Marvin, I want the new throne room right here.

-Uh oh.




What's the idea tripping me?


it was just an accident.

-Oh, of course it was.

Hm, I'll bet you'd make some tasty turtle soup.

-Hey, what's the idea picking on a defenseless turtle?

-How would you like to be my next

science experiment, froggy?

-Oh, uh, uh, no offense, good sir.

We're just not used to strangers

in our little meadow.

-Well, you'd better get used to it.

This is where my new castle's going up.

Oh, it will be glorious, a tribute to my

power and good taste.

And there will be floor to ceiling tapestries woven with

my likeness, a sculpture garden with statues of, well,

me, and a special art gallery with--

-Let me guess, paintings of you?

-Fabulous idea.

-Hey, Bud, we gotta get away from this guy.


-I hear you, Slocum.

-Ahem, that's very nice, sire, and such a lovely view.

Why don't you tell us a little more about it?

-Oh, yes, yes, yes.

Over there will be the main castle, my castle, surrounded

by a 20-foot wide, alligator filled moat.

Or should I use crocodiles?

Oh, well, whatever.

Over here, we'll have a reflecting pool that I will be

able to gaze into.


-What's happening?

Is it an earthquake?

-Cave in!

Run for your lives!

-We'd better report this to Thumbelina right away.

-I'm very concerned about you three.

You've got to start taking your work seriously, or I

won't have any choice but to take your wings.

-Uh, but the work is so-- so boring.

Polish the leaves, clean the cobwebs, open the flowers,

close the flowers, carry the dew over here, carry the dew

over there.

Oh, I feel like a-- an ant.

-We want some fun.

-Yeah, we want some excitement.

-We want some action.

-Princess Thumbelina, quick!

You gotta come!

-Hey, watch where you're going, bug eyes.

-What is it?

Bud, slow down.

Slocum, what's going on?

-I-- invaders.

Humans in the meadow.

They're tearing it apart.

-We've lost half our tunnels to cave ins.

-Our stream's been dammed.

The pond looks like it's a goner.

-And I was almost [gulp]


-Who could these people be?

The humans have never bothered us before.

-Sounds like another case of big people

picking on little people.

-Why can't we all just get along?

-Well, I'm moving to another meadow.

-There's only one way to find out what's going on.

I'll have to go to the castle and take

this up with the king.

[sounds of dissent]

It's the only way to nip this crisis in the bud.


-Take me to the Castle Greenville, Flicker.

-Well, it was nice knowing her.

-Uh, excuse me, sirs.


-Well, look at you.

Hey, Mo, get a load of this.

-What have we got here, a shrinky dink?

-I'm here on business.

I need to see the king.


Who doesn't?

-It's an emergency.

-Yeah right.

That's what they all say.

-But the great meadow is being destroyed.

I have to tell the king what's happening.

Only he can stop it.

-Meadow shmeadow.

Orders from the top.

No one gets in.

So scream.


Who says we have to go in the front door?

Down there, Flicker.

-These flies are really bugging me.

Why don't they just stay put?


-All right, where's the king?

-You're looking at him.

-You're not King Richard.

-Oh, very perceptive.

Unfortunately, King Richard's been [sigh]


I'm his son Medwin, the new king.

You may call me your majesty.

-King Richard's been kidnapped?

Oh, no.

Well, someone is tearing up the great meadow, and you must

put a stop to it.

-What are you?

Some kind of bug?

-I'm Princess Thumbelina, and I rule the great meadow.

-Oh, I don't think so, princess.

I rule everything around here, including the great meadow,

which is soon to be the home of my new,

improved castle complex.

In fact, you're standing on the plans.

-But this is huge.

What about all the creatures that need

the meadow to survive?

And if you destroy the meadow, the forest could be next and

then the river and--

-Oh, cry me a river.

Do I look like I care?

-Apparently, you don't.

-Look, I'm not completely heartless.

Construction doesn't begin for a week.

We'll be happy to relocate you.

How do you feel about the swamp?

-You have to stop the destruction.

-La, la, la, la, la, la.

I'm not hearing you.

You'd better get out there before I set Edgar on you.

Blah, la, la, la, la.

-Let me at them, boss.

-You won't get away with this, Medwin.

-King Medwin.


-I have to find out what Medwin's up to and

put a stop to it.


-Hey, where'd you learn to fly?

I beg your pardon?

I think you're the one who needs lessons.


It seems that everyone in this castle is rude.

-It's you, from the forest.

Hey, wait a minute.


I'm rude because you weren't watching where you were going?

-Come on, Flicker.

I've had enough of this place.

-No, wait, wait.

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to be rude.

I just--


I mean--

who are you?

-I'm Thumbelina.

Who are you?

You're not a fairy.

-Uh, no.


I'm not.

At-- at least I don't think I am.

I'm Tom Thumb.

I live here at the castle.

Do you live in the forest?


I live in the great meadow.

And if we don't get back there soon, there won't be any

meadow left.

-What do you Mean

-As if you didn't know.

I'd think castle was plenty big enough for you people and

that you wouldn't have to come barging in and

destroying our meadow.


I don't know what you're talking about.


I meet the most beautiful girl in the world, and she's my

size, and she thinks I'm a creep.

-I won't wait any longer, Marvin.

We start construction tomorrow morning.

Oh, just look at it--


From now on, time will be recorded as BM or AM--

before Medwinville and after Medwinville.

-Quite a piece of real estate, your landlordliness.

-(SINGING) Construction, it starts with destruction.

You do demolition with no intermission.

It may be a bummer, but not for a plumber, a building

technician, or an electrician.

-(SINGING) I want a castle that's good enough for me I

want to live like the king I'm gonna be.

What is all the meadow should be gone without a trace.

It's not important, 'cause I've got to have my space.

Bring on the shovels, the dozers, and the light.

I need construction.

I need it day and night.

I don't even care if any people think I'm mean.

Build me a palace like nobody's ever seen.

-(SINGING) Build it.

Build it.

Dig it all up and filled it.

After I chilled it, we're gonna build it.

Take it.

Take it.

Knock it all down and break it.

After I quake and shake it, I'm gonna take it.

-(SINGING) Got to have my castle.

I've got to have it bad.

No one better spoil my super royal pad.

If I can't have my castle, I'll be sad and unfulfilled.

Recess is over, boys.

We've got a monument to build.

Tear down the meadow.

It's only in my way.

It's not my problem.

Just let it go away.

I need my expansion, and I want it very much.

Forget the meadow and ecology and such.

I'll get respect.

I'll get gold because my palace is stunning to behold.

When they see my castle, ever mister and madame knows from

my castle just how great a king I am.

-(SINGING) Build it.

Build it.

Dig it all up and filled it.

After I chilled it, I'm gonna build it.

Take it.

Take it.

Knock it all down and break it.

After I quake it, I'm gonna take it.

Construction, it starts with destruction.

You do demolition with no intermission.

It may be a bummer, but not for a plumber, a building

technician, or an electrician.

It may be a bummer, but not for a plumber, a building

technician, or an electrician.

-(SINGING) I've got to have my castle.

-(SINGING) He's got to have his castle.

He's got to have his castle now.




Thumbelina, twice in one week, you come to visit me.

-Oakley, there's trouble in the meadow.


Let me tell you about trouble.

My roots are aching, I got birds pecking

at me, and the squirrels.

Don't even get me started on the squirrels.


What is it?

Tell me the trouble.

-The meadow is in danger.

I'm afraid it's going to be destroyed by the humans.

-Oh, I'm afraid that's always a danger, Thumbelina.

You just have to do your best to keep everyone safe.

-But I feel so helpless.

Flicker, post all the birds as sentries.

I'll send the flower fairies out to guard the perimeters.

I want plenty of warning before they come.

Maybe that'll give us enough time to think of

a way to stop them.

-Hey, just hold on there.

Where do you think you're going.


What are you?

Are those wings on your back?

-Oh, we got a real rocket scientist here.

-You must be fairies.

I've never seen one up close and personal.

-All right.

That's cool.

-Are you always this suspicious of strangers?

-So you admit you're a stranger.

-Enough talk, intruders.

Let's take him to Princess Thumbelina.

She'll know what to do with him.


Y-- yeah.

Yeah, you better take us to this Thumbelina.

-I see you're spying on us now.

-Ha, I knew it.

-I'm not a spy.

-Then what are you doing here?

-I've come to warn you about Medwin.

He's starting his castle tomorrow.

He's going to pave the meadow and-- and put up a carriage

house and an-- an IHOG, whatever that is.

-So why do you want to help?

Aren't you putting yourself in danger?

-I serve King Richard, not Medwin.

King Richard isn't here to stop the destruction, so I'm

taking matters into my own hands.

-Do you know how to stop Medwin?

-I know where Medwin's equipment is being kept.

All I need are a few good fairies that will throw a

wrench into the works until King Richard returns.

-All right.

You heard him.

We need to able-bodied fairies to, uh, throw some wrenches.

-Well, something like that.

-Bu the humans are so big.

We wouldn't stand a chance.

-Uh, if vandalism is involved, we'd like to volunteer.

-We're perfect for the job.

-Choose us.

Choose us.

-OK, but I'm going too.

This is a dangerous mission, and I don't want you three to

get carried away.

-We won't.

We promise.

-Hey, what about me?


Come on.

You can ride with me.

-Uh, well, I've never actually--

(YELLS) flown before!

Hey, this is kind of fun.

-This is the last party I plan.

They're paying me peanuts-- peanuts I tell ya.

And they know I prefer walnuts.

-I think somebody spiked the nectar.

-Why do you care so much about our meadow?

It's our home, but I think it wouldn't matter much to you,

living up there in your big castle.

-Well, it matters to the king, so it matters to me.

He cares for every creature in his kingdom.

But there's more to it than that.

It might sound kinda weird, but I--

I feel kind alike I belong here.

-This may sound even weirder, but I sort of feel the same


-I have some strange attachment to this meadow.

-Like, you know, like, like you belong here.

-(SINGING) Come take my hand as we try to understand it.

How far our love goes, oh, no one could have planned it.

-(SINGING) Beyond tomorrow and past the furthest rainbows is

only half the distance to where our love goes.

-(SINGING) Although the world seems oh so vast around us,

it's just enormous that love so great has found us.

-(SINGING) Beyond the highest mountain.

-(SINGING) Farther than the deep river flows.

-(SINGING) Beyond the moonlight, beyond forever,

that's how far it goes.

That's how far it goes.

-(SINGING) Our love.

-(SINGING) That's how far.

It's so astounding it's past our whole dimension, how far

our loves goes beyond our comprehension.

-(SINGING) Beyond the planets, and past the edge of evening,

and farther than the moon glows, that's

where our love goes.

-(SINGING) Beyond the ocean that's shimmering below us, as

far as winds of imagination blow us.

-(SINGING) I know I truly love you.

-(SINGING) Farther than the end of the snows.

-(SINGING) Always ascending, it's never ending.

That's how far it goes.

That's how far it goes.

-Oh, isn't it romantic?

-Bleh, gross me out.

-Ew, cooties.

-What do you mean construction has been delayed?

-I told you, it's fairies.

They sabotaged the equipment.

If they keep gumming up the works, putting me behind

schedule, I'll have to drop the whole job.

I got a big castle to work on down in Guntherberg.

-Oh, I don't believe it.

Those pesky little gnats.

How do you get rid of them?

-Look, I'm a contractor, not an exterminator.

-Father used to tell me you could catch more flies with

honey than with vinegar.

-I'm not so sure, boss.

-Don't worry.

I'll take care of those little flies--

I mean fairies, and you can get right back on schedule.

-I need to get back to the castle.

I've got to stop Medwin.

It's the only way to save the meadow.

-I know.

Please be careful.

I would like to see you again.

-You would?

I was hoping you'd say that.



-Right here, Master Tom.


I know a way to speed your journey.


The sooner you get there, the sooner you can return.

-Uh, but I've--

I've never piloted a bird before.

-I've flown dangling from the beak of an owl once, but it

was not a flight I'd care to remember.

-Oh, there's nothing to it.


-For now.

Just hold on, and don't look down.


-So, uh, what's your favorite dinner?

-I'd have to say house flies.

-Uh, what about fruit flies?

They're less filling.

-No, they taste great.

-Less filling.

-Taste great.


OK, OK, less filling.

Oh, it's you again.

-I need a decoy.

And you, froggy, are going to be it.

-Uh, if you're interested in a decoy, might

I suggest the duck.


And for you, my slow footed friend, it's time to fly the

not so friendly skies of Medwin Air.



When those fairies come to save you, I'll be ready.

They won't know what hit them.



That was some mondo happening, man.

Let's party again tonight.


We have to be ready in case Medwin strikes again.

-What the--

u-- u-- unidentified flying turtle.

Everybody duck!

-Slocum, what's going on?

-Uh, uh, Medwin's got Bud.

We have to save him.

-That pond scum has gone too far this time, attacking

innocent creatures.

-You know, it might be kind of nice without that loud mouth

frog around.


-OK, OK, let's go save him.

-Take us to Medwin, Slocum.

-Hurry up.

I think I smell frog legs cooking.

Had you going.

-Give us a lift.

There's no time to lose.

-Oh, geez.

Your shell weighs a ton, Slocum.

I think my arms are about a foot longer.

-I-- it was around here somewhere.

[muffled shouting]

-There he is.

-Hey, what did they do to you, buddy?

-Ew, it looks like they tried to make a macrame hanger out

of his tongue.

[muffled shouting]


We can't understand you.

Let's untie him.

[muffled shouting]

-What are you trying to say?

-I said, it's a trap, and you're standing on fly paper.

-Uh oh!

-Gotcha, fairies.

-You won't get away with this, you-- you bully!


Won't I?

This will teach you amateurs to mess with me.

Let's get back to the castle, Edgar.

We can fatten these little bugs up.

They'll make a tasty snack for you.

-Can I have one now, boss?

I'm so hungry.

I haven't caught any food since Tom

Thumb broke my glasses.

-Oh, that reminds me.

We have unfinished business with Master Thumb.

I would say it's about time we took care of him for good.

-I've never been to Medwin's room.

This whole wing's off limits.

I think that's it.

Thanks for the ride, Flicker.

-It was an honor, Master Tom.

-Oh, my.

From here on out, this tail is staying put on the ground.

-Come on.

Let's see what we can find out.

No wonder Medwin wants a new castle.

He needs a whole wing just to hold his ego.

-Now I can start building Medwinville without your

annoying interruptions.

There, Edgar.

Any time you need a snack, just help yourself.

Oh, you bird brain, I guess you'll just have to starve.

-You'll never get away with this, Medwin.

-And who's going to stop me?

The fairies?

I don't think so.

Oh, it's soon to be a reality, Edgar.

Those stupid knights will never find their king.

They've spread out to the four corners of the earth, not

realizing the king was (SING SONGS) right under their nose.

Oh, and when Blackthorn and his soldiers come tomorrow,

they'll take the king to the Saxons, leaving me with my own

army of black knights.

Then the kingdom will be mine once and for all.





You're here.

-Don't worry, I'll get you out.

-He doesn't have wings.

What's he going to do, pole vault up here?

-Whoa, thanks, Tom.

Those bars were totally freaking out my free spirit.


Down here.

-Come on.

We'll have to climb down.

-That was close.

We were in real trouble there for a minute.

-We're still in trouble unless we find King Richard.

Medwin said he was right under our noses.

That means he must be held prisoner

somewhere in the castle.

-Well, these mouse tunnels go all this wing of the castle.

-I think you're onto something, Fiona.

We'll split up.

That way we'll have a better chance of finding him

-Let's go already.

-You and the fairies go that way.

Thumbelina and I will take this tunnel.

We'll meet back in my room.



-King Richard!



-Oh, what is it, Duke?


How did you get in here?

-We crawled through the mouse tunnels.


Ah, who is your enchanting friend?

-This is Princess Thumbelina.

She rules over the great meadow.

Thumbelina, meet King Richard.

-It's a pleasure to meet you, your majesty.

-Oh, the pleasure is all mine, princess.

-Tom, you've got to tell my knights where I am.

Only they can overcome Medwin and free me.

-But your knights are gone.

They're scattered throughout the land looking for you.

Medwin's ransoming you to the Saxons.

Blackthorn and his soldiers are coming in the

morning to get you.

Medwin's going to take over the kingdom.

-And his first plan is to destroy our meadow to build

his new castle.

-Oh, just this once, I wish I was as small as you, Tom.

Then I could leave the same way you got in.

Oh, but I'm afraid it looks hopeless.

-It's not hopeless, sire.

I'll fight the Saxons with my bare hands if I have to.

-Me too.

-I know your intentions are good, but Blackthorn and his

soldiers are a fierce lot.

And even if you could defeat them, you'll still have to get

past Medwin.

And he has the only key to this chamber.

-I know.

We'll get help from the animals and flower fairies.

-Don't worry, your majesty.

We'll get you out.

-What's so important about saving this king person?

-Yeah, yeah.

As far as I know, he's never given me any nuts.

-If We don't save the king from Medwin and the Saxons,

your meadow will be destroyed.

-Ah, this is a fairy problem.

I'm going back to my hive.

Any humans come near us, and they'll be

wearing a few new stingers.

-Let's just go to a new meadow.

-Look, everyone, if Medwin becomes king, no

place will be safe.

You know Medwin won't stop at the meadow.

Nutley, your forest will be next.

Where are you going to get nuts if your

trees are all gone?

And Bud, Slocum, your pond will be filled in.

There won't be any place for you to swim or get food.

And it's not just a fairy problem.

If there's no flowers, you can't father nectar for honey.

And most of all, we can't move to a new meadow.

This is our home.

It's where we belong.

If it's ruined, it will affect all your lives.

Now, are you gonna help us or not?

-You can count us in, Princess Thumbelina.

-Hey, let's quit twiddling our thumbs.

-I guess it's time we stood our ground.


We have a lot of work to do.

Bluebell, Impatiens, Daffodil, we could

use your help planning.

-I see them.

They're coming.

-Oh, finally, the end of Greenville, the beginning of



Greenville, nevermore.

-Not yet.

Not yet.

All right.


-What's going on?


Tom Thumb and Thumbelina.

I should have gotten rid of them when I had the chance.

-Major foul up, boss.

-I haven't forgotten that you let them get away.

You'd better hope they don't get past the guards.


I'm hoping, I'm hoping.

-Follow him.

We've got to get that key.

[sounds of confusion]

-What are you doing?

Get back in your ranks.


Neat trick, Slocum.


-Hey, any time.

-Come on, Daffodil.

We need you.

-Make peace, not war.


OK, I changed me mind.

Get ready to see some real flower power.

-Hang on.

-I'm not gonna let a bunch of fairies stop me.

-I think it's time to bring out the secret weapon.

-Oh, what are you going to do?

Tongue me to death?

Give me warts?

-Uh, no, I can't do anything to you.

That's why I brought my friend.

Teddy here is very affectionate and likes to give

great big hugs.

-Mud suits you, Daffodil.


It's 100% natural, you know, and good for the complexion.

-I wonder what happened to Tom and Thumbelina.

-Maybe we'd better go see if they need help.

Come on, everyone.

-Y-- you're not going to leave me alone with--

with him, are you?


-Fie on you, Tom Thumb.


-Edgar, take care of those pests.



Hole in one, Flicker.

Go back inside.

We have to find Tom.

-Hey, ouch!

Ooh, ah, stop it, please!

Ah, ooh, ah!

Hey, ouch!

Ooh, ah, stop it!


Drop the key, thumb boy, or I'll put the squeeze on your

little princess and her bird.

-Don't do it, Tom.

Save the king.

-Push it down here.

Well, what are you waiting for?

[muffled screaming]

-King Richard.

Down here.

I told you we'd get you out.

Now let's see if we can do the hardest part of all.

This key weighs a ton.

-Can we help?

-Hey, this teamwork thing works pretty good.

-Choose us.

Choose us.

-Let's quit twiddling our thumbs and get moving.

-Come on.

This guy's gotta be itching to get out.

-Oh, you don't know how good it feels to

be out of that prison.


I don't believe it.

How did you get by Medwin?

-Uh, we got by with a little help from our friends.

-Thanks to you all, this kingdom has been saved.

-And the meadow.

-Yes, and the meadow.

-Tom, please step forward.

You have been a brave and loyal soldier, and

I owe you my life.

You have proven it's not the size of the man that matters,

but the bravery of his deeds.

I dub thee Sir Thomas Thumb, knight of the realm.

-It is an honor to serve you, your majesty.

-Thanks to you and your flower fairies and the animals of the

great meadow, our kingdom will remain a beautiful place to


-I must return to the meadow soon.

-I know.

But I wish you didn't have to go.

-You could come with me.

-I'd give anything to say yes.

But all my life, I've known I had a purpose, that I was

meant for big things even though I was small.

Now finally, I'm a knight.

But along with that comes duty.

And I can't desert the king, not when I've waited this long

to prove myself.

-I understand.

I have my duties too.

-Oh, man.

What a bummer.

-I'd like to give you something before you go,

something for you to remember me by.

-Where did you get this?

-I don't know.


I've always had it.

I don't think it's valuable or anything.

-At last, we have found you.


-Yes, Tom Thumb.

You are the lost prince of the meadow.

-I am?

-He is?

-He is?

-Of course.

It all makes sense now.

-Princess Thumbelina, you have served me well.

It is time you were made queen of the meadow.

And with King Richard's permission, Tom Thumb will be

your king.

-Of course.

Of course.

I always knew that boy had it in him.

-Tom, Thumbelina, together you will rule the meadow side by

side, that is if it's all right with you both.

-I guess it's all right.

-Far out.


-As for you three, I'm taking your wings--

and giving you new ones in honor of your bravery in the

face of danger.


These are awesome, you know, if a little pretentious.


We'll really be able to make the scene in these.

-I can't wait to give them a spin.

-But with these wings comes more responsibility.

You'll need to work extra hard to keep them, so I don't want

to hear any more bad reports.

-Your majesty, what is to be done with the prisoner?

Medwin, you deserve severe punishment for your actions.

But you are still my son.

-May I make a suggestion.

-Of course.

-He wanted to live in Medwinville.

I say we let him.

-I think that's a splendid idea.

-What do you think you're doing?

Hey, hey, I don't like this.

I don't like this one bit.


-Nevermore, Master Edgar.


-Mm, I've tasted deer flies and horse flies, but never

bird flies.

-I pronounce you husband and wife, and king and queen.


OAKLEY (VOICEOVER): From then on, the people of the castle

and the creatures of the meadow

lived in perfect harmony.

And the two kingdoms became one.

FIONA (VOICEOVER): Oh, my, that was beautiful.

A regular fairy tale wedding.

DAFFODIL (VOICEOVER): Why do they call them fairy tales?

We don't have tails.


Say goodbye, Daffodil.

DAFFODIL (VOICEOVER): Goodbye, Daffodil.

THEME SONG: Hi dum deedle dee hi dum dee dum.

Hi dum deedle dee hi dum dee dum.

Hi dum deedle dee hi dum.

Hi deedlee deedlee dee.

As the first bright glimmers of sunshine bravely peek from

the horizon, there's an orchestration of creatures

that I always find surprising.

With the animals in unison, each cow and duck and bird,

there is music unlike anything you've heard.

[animal sounds]

It's another typical morning in the meadow we abide in.

And the bees are busy a buzzing off to where the

honey's hiding.

And the birdies all are chirping with the crickets

every place.

And the soggy froggy chorus sings the bass.

[frog sounds]

Hi dum deedle dee hi dum dee dum.

Hi dum deedle dee hi dum dee dum.

Hi dum deedle dee hi dum.

Hi deedlee deedlee dee.

Hi dum deedle dee hi dum dee dum.

Hi dum deedle dee hi dum dee dum.

Hi dum deedle dee hi dum.

Hi deedlee deedlee dee.

There is nothing nice as our field mice.

They practice many hours.

And they fill the air with a big fanfare on

fiddles made of flowers.

And the magic of the meadow is the music in the air.

Why, you never heard a symphony so rare.


Every day begins with an overture,

a serenade of pleasure.

In the big tree trunks are a few chipmunks that warble

every measure.

Every billy goat and nanny croon a tune as sweet as pies

while 100 humming birdies harmonize.

Hum, hum, hum, hum, Hi dum deedle dee hi dum dee dum.

Hi dum deedle dee hi dum dee dum.

Hi dum deedle dee hi dum.

Hi deedlee deedlee dee.

Hi dum deedle dee hi dum dee dum.

Hi dum deedle dee hi dum dee dum.

Hi dum deedle dee hi dum.

Hi deedlee deedlee deedlee deedlee deedlee deedlee dee.

Hi deedlee deedlee dee.