Tom Brown's School Days (1940) - full transcript

Thomas Arnold is hired to be the new headmaster at Rugby, whose students have acquired a reputation for being wild, disruptive, and dishonest. He institutes strict disciplinary policies, and expels numerous boys as a result. Many of the teachers, trustees, and parents turn against him. Squire Brown, his most vocal supporter, decides to send his own son Tom to Rugby as a demonstration of confidence. Tom soon learns that the school is plagued by bullies, and he is frequently targeted by them. He and the other boys are hindered, though, by an unwritten understanding that none of them will ever report the misdeeds of another to the authorities.

Oh, hello.

Tom, can't we be friends again?

He wanted it.

He always wanted it.

Tom, I... I hope he's
watching us and understands.

He always
understood, didn't he?

He was great man, Tom.

People didn't always think so,
but my father believed in him

from the very first
day he met him.

That was years ago.

But he still talks
of that day when

he drove to Dr. Arnold's home.

Dr. Arnold, please.

Yes, sir.

But he's teaching, sir.

I'll wait.

Please forgive
my husband, Mr...

Brown, ma'am.

My husband is a private
tutor, Mr. Brown.

He makes it a rule never
to interrupt a class.

A very proper man.

Now, Westcott, tell us
what you know about our war

with the United States.

Oh, that thing, sir.

DR. ARNOLD: Yes, that thing.

Well, sir, the colonists
didn't like our tea

and so there were a
lot of skirmishes.

Well, the colonists didn't
fight far and hid behind trees,

so our soldiers got
disgusted and sailed home.

That's very
patriotic, Westcott.

But inaccurate.

Are you eating in class, Baker?

What's the matter
with your face?

Toothache, sir.

Take that taffy
out of your mouth.

You told me an untruth, Baker.

Remind me to birch
you, afterwards.

Yes, sir.

Westcott, perhaps,
you had better

inform us about
the 2nd Punic War.

Oh, yes, sir.

Hannibal crossed the
Alps with his elephants

and the Romans came
out to meet him.

Does it strike you as odd
that you know so much more

about something that happened
in Italy hundreds of years ago?

No, sir, that's history.

And our war with
the United States?

That's just modern, sir.

And like an honest
English schoolboy,

you know nothing about it?

No, sir.

Westcott, why did
we learn history?

To find out what the
Greeks and Romans did.

Someday it may also be
thought useful to know

what the English
and Americans did.

Very well, boys.

DR. ARNOLD: Tea ready, Mary?

Mr. Brown has been
waiting to see you, Tom.

How do you do, sir.

Don't think I've
had the pleasure?

No, sir, you haven't.

Brown, sir.

Squire Brown, they
call me of Buffington,

in the Vale of White Horse.

We're a large family, we Browns.

Not very distinguished,
of course,

but in our humble way,
the backbone of England.

Pinch of snuff, sir?

No, thank you.


The cat will have it.


Pity it's dying out.

Mr. Brown, to what do we
owe the honor of this visit?

Oh, yes.

You've been very
successful here, Doctor.

The most successful
private tutor in England.

scope is so limited.

But it has
advantages, Mr. Brown.

Here in my own school
I have a free hand.

I can train boys in my own
way without interference.

Did you ever hear of
Rugby School, Doctor?


The trustees are looking
for a new headmaster.

So I've heard.

And wherever we go one
name is brought forward.


Yes, sir, yours.

Dr. Arnold, I've been
sent by the trustees

to ask you to
stand for election.

But that's impossible.

But try, dear.

The trustees would
never accept me.

My ideas are too revolutionary.

But that's just
what we want, Doctor.

You know our schools and
nurseries are iniquity of vice.

We want a revolution.

Nonsense, Mr. Brown.

Englishmen never
want a revolution.

Thomas, please.

That's right, ma'am.

Now you talk to him.

I'll step into the garden
and admire the azaleas.

Oh, Thomas!

Think of all you could do.

But we're happy here, Mary...
Our own ways, our own boys.

10 boys.

You're giving your
life to 10 boys.

And what would I do with 300.

All the things
we've talked about.

All your theories
and your plans.

But they're experimental.

They're right.

You know they're right.

I'd turn the whole
place upside down.

Of course you would.

If you were headmaster
of Rugby you would...

You would change the face
of education in England.

300 boys, Mary...
The youth of England.

To teach them to
govern themselves,

to teach them to
know what is right,

to mold them as courageous,
God-fearing gentlemen.

Please, sir.

What is it?

I was to remind
you to birch me.


The youth of England, Mary.

And it eats taffy in class.


STUDENT: Hello, Thomas.

Hello, sir.

What's he like?

Rum, sir, very rum.

Rummiest headmaster
I ever did see.

Isn't going to be
a nuisance, is he?

We can only hope, sir.

But when he opens his
mouth, we'll know the worst.

DR. ARNOLD: I come
to a great school

where all the brothers from
every association is splendid

and elevated.

But the schools of England
are being criticised.

They say that they are
corrupted and changed

from the likeness of God's
image to the likeness

of a den of thieves.

And it is for us,
for you and for me,

to remove that reproach.

And how can this be done?

You who are boys in
our schools today

may tomorrow govern
a great nation.

But those who are
to govern others

must first learn to
govern themselves.

Our schools must no longer
be based on tyranny.

The headmaster is
the chief tyrant

and the assistant master
are the lesser tyrants.

They must be based on the
determination of each of us.

All just and reasonable
beings to do what is right.

And in return for this freedom,
I require your confidence,

your confidence
and your honesty.

Lying and deceit I shall
never forgive you, for freedom

demands responsibility.

Those who are oldest and wisest
amongst you, the sixth form,

will have a special

Like officers in the army,
you will maintain discipline,

you'll encourage the weak,
and chastise the offenders.

man's a radical.

But each one of us belongs to
a great and a famous school,

the reputation of which
we are concerned to defend

and to improve.

And it is for us to show our
fellow men that Rugby is now no

longer a school of
savage barbarians,

but a school of courageous,
God-fearing gentlemen.

I'll give him a year.

I'll give him six months.

Moral principles!

What's a school boy got to
do with moral principles?

Feed in one end, beat the
other, that's education!

We are safe as houses.

With a headmaster
like that, huh!

You can get the lions,
I'll get the bait.

We're courageous
God-fearing gentleman

and we're hungry for ducks.


Hey, I got one!

(SINGING) We'll knock
him down and box his ears.

No more laughing, no more glee.

No more sitting on
a hardwood seat.

And the dear headmaster,
will interfere,

we'll knock him down,
and we'll box his ears!

Ha, ha.

Hey, you thieving,
young rascals, you!

And there they were,
as brazen as you please,

a-gorging themselves
on my fine ducks,

what I get four
shillings for at market.

That's not true, farmer.

Oh, yes it is.

You're new here, Doctor.

You don't know Rugby lads like I
do... liars and thieves who have

been stealing my ducks
and chickens for 20 years.

Yes, and a very good
thing you must of made out

of it at four shillings a piece.

You will be paid no
more than the market

price, two shillings.

That's all, thank
you, Mr. Jenkins.

Very good, sir.

Once more, and I beg you
to consider your answer very

seriously, did you
steal those ducks?

No, sir.

We were never near his place.


No, Sir.


Of course not, sir.

But you were all three
together this afternoon?

Yes, sir.

Very well.

This is your knife, I
believe, Barrington.

Your initials are on it.

Yes, sir.

You dropped it near
Farmer Jenkins' duck pond.


DR. ARNOLD: I told you that
it was my passionate desire

that the boys of Rugby should
learn to govern themselves.

But I also told you that I would
not tolerate lying or deceit.

For he who governs
himself must be honest

in thought, in
word, and in deed.

But you lied to me!

Expulsion is a serious
and a lasting disgrace.

It brings sorrow to your parents
and calamity to yourselves.

Rugby is greater than
any three of its boys.

And there is no longer an
place for you in this school.

You did what you thought right.

It was right, Mary.

It was.

Those boys were liars.

And liars will
poison and corrupt.

I cannot begin until
I got rid of them.

There will be more expulsions,
more suffering, more misery.

Better to have but 100 boys
here, Mary, 60, 30, as long

as the few are honest,
God-fearing, courageous.


If this is modern education,
huh, thank heaven I'm old


He'll have to stop soon, there
will be no one left to expel.

I thought as you had called
a meeting of the trustees,

you would like to see what
"The Times" says about you.

I have already read it,
thank you, Mr. Grimsby.

Very awkward, all these
letters about your expulsions.

Quite a storm of protest.

Why, some of them
might almost have

been written by
you, Mr. Grimsby.

On the contrary, I have
received letters of protest


So have I. McPhail's father,
Barrington left the country.

It appears I'm a heartless
villain who delights

in expelling boys,
ruining their future

and breaking their
parents heart.

Perhaps you would
care to read them.

But your methods are
revolutionary, sir.

They are intended
to be, Mr. Grimsby.

Yes, sir.

Some day, I'll throw
that man downstairs.

Old Grimey is the
least of it, Mary.

Mr. Brown, sir.

Good day to you, sir.

My respects to you, ma'am.

How do you do?

Are the other
trustees with you?

They are not, sir.

They express their
sentiment by staying away.

I'll go.

No, ma'am, I want you to
hear what I have to say.

Will you call the
meeting to order, Doctor.

Mr Brown, when I
accepted this appointment

it was on the condition that
I was to have a free hand.

I do not intend to
offer my resignation.

You are, aware, I suppose,
that public sentiment

is against you?

It is not my habit to
yield to public sentiment.

Do you him in that, ma'am?

I do.

In that case it's my
duty to inform you, sir,

that I'm with you
with all my heart.

I respect your methods.

I admire your courage.

I'll back you to the end.

That's a very brave
attitude, Mr. Brown.

Brave, sir?

No, stubborn.

We Brown's are stubborn
and proud of it.

And just to show you
how stubborn I am,

I'm going to send
my own son to Rugby.

Good bye, Charity.

Good bye, Master Tom.

Bye Jacob.

I had sent your
father off to school,

from this very spot I did.

Was he very brave?

Ha, ha, bawled like a cow.

Dashed if I'm going to cry.

Ha, ha.


This here pea shooter, made
it for you me-self, I did.

Hit the master's nose
at thirty paces, ha.

Thanks, Jacob.

Bye, Nanny.

For your cold feet, Master Tom.

Thanks, Nanny.

You may kiss me just once.

But no trimmings, mind.

Thanks for not
saying be a good boy,

wash behind your
ears, and all that.

But you will, though,
promise you won't forget.

SQUIRE BROWN: All right, Tom.

Come along.

Goodbye, everybody.


Goodbye, Tom.

Come back here.

Judy come back here.

I suppose the women
blubbered over you properly.

Ma... Maggie was an awful mess.

I don't see why... why people
can't have more self-control.

Your quite right, my boy.

When we meet the
Rugby coach, would you

mind very much if I don't
kiss you when we say goodbye?

There might be some other boys.

I know just how you feel.

I said the same thing to
my father when I went off.

No, we'll just shake hands
like two old gentlemen.

Thank you, sir.

The Rugby coach will
be here directly, sir.

Thank you.

Drink it up, Tom.

Nothing like starting off warm.


Yes, sir.

Got the key of your trunk?

Yes, sir.

Here's a sovereign for you.

You may find it useful.

Oh, thank you, sir.

Well, I suppose there's
no good giving you advice.

Boys, never take it.

I know I didn't.

But you stick to Dr. Arnold.

I don't understand
half he says, but bless

my soul if he isn't
on the right scent.

I'll do my best, sir.

I know you will.


Yes, sir?

I don't talk much about it,
but you mean a lot to me.


The Rugby coach is here, sir.

Here you are, Sam, the usual.

I'll rare tackle that
on a cold morning.


Goodbye, Father.

Goodbye, Tom, my boy.


Let them go, Nick.

Do you know Rugby
by any chance?

Goodness, Lord bless ya, sir.

I go to it every day of me life.

What sort of place
is it, please?

Slow place.

A very slow... only
three coaches a day.

And one of them a
two horse one, more

like a hearse than a coach.

The life of the school, sir.


Oh, that's to
say I'm a new boy.

Oh, I thought as much.

A nice, quiet
gentlemen like you.

Are the boys pretty wild?


Oh, we gets us all kinds
of rows along the road,

what, with their arguing
and their pea shooters

and so forth.

I've got a pea shooter.

Yes, I see you have.

I dare say you will be as big
of a varmint as the rest, ha.


Come on, Nellie.


Here we are, sir, Rugby.


I say, you, fellow.

Is your name, Brown?


My father knows
your father, and he

asked me to take you in charge.

My name is East.

How do you do?

Is this your trunk?

Shabby, isn't it?

Take it up to my room.

- Right, sir.
- Uh, give him six pence.

Six pence?

Look out about it or
no more jobs from me.

Thank you, sir.

Give him your coat.

We don't wear them here.

Oh, I'm sorry.

What's that on your head?

A cap.

Only louts wear caps here.

If any of my friends saw
you with that helmet,

you'd know not
what would happen.

A new boy, needs a hat.

I see that, sir.

Try that one.

Too small.

SHOPKEEPER: How about that fit?

Too big.


How much?

Oh no.

Chalk it up, T Brown.

And, uh, burn this.

With pleasure, sir.

Now the first thing
you've got to learn to do

is to hang on to your tin.




I say, you haven't got
any tin to spare, have you?

Well, my father
gave me a sovereign.

Splendid, we'll
have some murphies.


Potatoes, young'un, potatoes.

I say, you are
green, aren't you?

SALLY: Not a murphy we have till
I see the color of your money.

No money, no murphies.

That's been my
motto for 40 years,

and I'm not going
to change it now.

What do you want, Master East?

Murphies, Sally.


Your father still owes
me for when he was here.

We have a sovereign,
my good woman.

When I sees it I'll believe it.

Show here our money, young'un.



EAST: Don't swallow it.

Bring us some murphies.

Yes, sir.

- East?
- What is it, my boy.

Is this the new fellow?


Nice looking, isn't he?

What about introducing us?

If you like.

Brown, these are a
couple fourth form pests.

The tall one is Diggs and
the short one is Tadpole.

How do you do?

Very hungry, thank you.

There you are, sir.

There's your change, sir.

Very hungry.

Haven't you got any tin?

We're broke.

Temporarily embarrassed.

Gave my last
sovereign to a beggar.

Funny thing, my father
owns half of Yorkshire

and I can't afford a murphy.

Uh, that's a shame.

Isn't it?


EAST: What is it, young'un?

Would it be all right if I
got some more for your friends?

Would it be all right?


Well, young fellow,
that's not a thing

we generally let a new boy do.

But, uh, seeing that your
a friend of East... Sally,

three pairs of murphies.

DIGGS: Six pairs of murphies.
TADPOLE: Nine pairs of murphies.


Old Grimey!

Please, sir, it wasn't...

GRIMSBY: You can explain
that to the headmaster.

Great Teddy.

You may go up.

DR. ARNOLD: Come in.

Now what is this
disgraceful affair?

Who are you, boy?

Brown, sir.


I'm the new boy.

Oh, yes, of course.

Why didn't you report to me
before getting into mischief.

I didn't know, sir.

Do you realize that
you might have done

somebody a serious
injury with this?

That isn't mine, Sir.

I didn't shoot it.

Now, come now.

Don't begin by telling lies.

But I didn't, sir.

I tell you I didn't.

What happened?

Well, you see, sir.

There was a bird...


And someone aimed at
the bird, and suddenly

old Grimey just got in the way.

Old Grimey?

You mean, Mr. Grimsby?

Yes, sir.

Then... then everybody suddenly
disappeared, and, well,

there I was with...
With that in my hand.

I believe you, Brown, because
you are your father's son.

And because a liar
would have told

a much more plausible story.

Oh, thank you, sir.

You wouldn't like to tell me
who the someone is who aimed

at the bird and brought
down Mr. Grimsby?

No, sir.

I couldn't do that.

No, I thought not.

So you're the
Squire Brown's son?

Yes, sir.

This is an important
day for you.

Yes, sir.

An important day
for the school, too.

A new boy is always important.

He may be an influence
for good or for evil.

Your father once did a very
courageous thing, Brown.

I know that you won't fail him.

Now, run along.

See that the matron has
the keys for your trunk.

Yes, sir.


Yes, sir?

Remember, from
now on I trust you.

Never hurt me by
breaking that trust.

I promise, sir.

DR. ARNOLD: Very well.


The doctor let
you off all right?

Yes, thank you.

Tadpole's pretty
smart, isn't he?

Is he?

Of course, if Dr.
Arnold had known

it was Tadpole who did it, he
would have tanned his hide out.


Brown, you didn't say it was
Tadpole who did it, did you?

Oh, no, of course not.

Well, that's all right.

Remember, my boy,
never tell tales.

It isn't done.


Yes, my boy.

The doctor is
wonderful, isn't he?

Doctor, he's all right.

The fellas in the sixth form
think he's one of the best.

I don't take him seriously.

Is this your study?

Yes, what's wrong with it?

Oh, nothing, it's...
It's wonderful.

I'm going to let
you share it with me.

Uh, give me your key.

Oh, do you really mean it?

Yes, if you don't hang
around me all the time.

Don't forget, I can't be
seen with a new fellow much.

Oh, of course you can't.

I promise I won't bother you.

EAST: Mm, lot's of
food, all right.

Uh, strawberry or raspberry?


Looks good.

It's very decent of you
to put up with me at all.

Well, that's all
right, young'un.

I'm only doing it
to please my father.

He'll be good for
a five pound note

when I tell him how
decent I've been.


All right, East, your lot.


Why are you so late?

Oh, you're new, aren't you?

Yes, sir.

Well, it's not your fault.

But remember, when a
six former shouts fag,

you run as quickly as you can.

Yes, sir.

an old Rugby custom.

You lower schoolboys
have to clean our boots,

run our errands, and do
anything else we need.

Here, East, clean these.

All right.

Is that one of the masters?


Of course not.

That's old Brooke,
head of our house.

How wonderful.

Do you think I might
clean his boots some day?

Here, you can do them
now if you want to.

Anything to make you
happy there, old boy.

Oh, thank you.

Enjoying yourself, Flashman?


Hello, who's this?

Uh, a new fellow.

What's his name?

Uh, Brown.

Very unusual name.

Most distinguished.

Welcome to Rugby, Mr. Brown.


Anytime I can help
you, just let me know.

You know, that's my
food you're eating.

We're not complaining.

The cake is a bit
starchy, but it will do.

And remember, when your
family sends you more jam,

tell them to make
it black currant.

I don't like strawberry.

Oh, and by the
way, can you sing?

Not very well.

Mm, that's splendid.

Come on, kid.

Whatever did he mean?

Oh, that.

Tonight's singing in hall and we
get a double allowance of beer.

New boys have to sing
a song on their own.


EAST: If you stop they make
you drink salt and water.

Ever drunk salt and water?

You'll hate it.

(SINGING) In Scarlet
Town, where I was born,

there was a fair maid dwelling...


Made every youth
well rue the day,

and her name was Barbara Allen.

Oh, in the merry month of May,
when grief of fingers swelling,

young Jimmy Brow on his deathbed
lay for love of Barbara Allen.

He sent his man to the place
where... to the town where...

He stopped.

TOM BROWN: To the town
where she was dwelling,

you must come to my...

Come on, drink it up.

But I didn't stop.

Yes, you did.

Drink it up.

down, Flashman.

But he stopped.

I'll decide that.

Sit down!

Well done, young'un.

And now gentlemen
of the schoolhouse,

"The Poacher of Lincolnshire."

was bound apprentice

in famous Lincolnshire,
for well I

served my master for
nigh on seven years.

Till I took up to poaching
as you shall quickly hear.

Oh, 'tis my delight
on shiny night

in the season of the year.

As me and my companions were
setting out a snare, 'twas then

we spied the
gamekeeper, for him we

did not care, for we can
wrestle and fight, my boys,

and jump from anywhere.

Oh, 'tis my delight
on a shiny night

in the season of the year.


Well, you managed to
upset Flashy, all right.

But I didn't do anything.

Flashy likes
getting his own way.

Take my advice, young'un,
and don't irritate the boys.

It doesn't pay.


The night would
have been simpler

if you had drunk the salt water.

Where's Brown?

Ah, Mr. Brown, the
great vocalist.

Ever been tossed in a blanket?

I don't think so.

Splendid, cure
for obstinate boys.

Takes them down a peg or two.

Come on here we go, fellas.

Ashley, you take and end.

All right, Brown, in you go.

Keep your head down
for anything they have.

That's better.

Around the other way more.

- Go and keep a look out.
- All right.

I've got a grip on it.

I say, Mr. Brown,
are you coming?

Come on, here we go, fellas.

Grab the corners, fellas.

That's it.

Hurry up there.

Come on.

Think you're going to
enjoy it, Mr. Brown?


He thinks he's
going to enjoy it.


Now then, all together.

Once, twice, thrice.

GROUP: And away.

Still enjoying it, Mr. Brown?


Once again.

I'll do it for him.

We're not interested in you.

All right, a real one this time.


GROUP: Away.

And away.

And away.


then, all together.

Ceiling this time.

Ceiling you fellas.

One, twice, thrice.

GROUP: And away.

The Doctor!

Get up, and keep
your mouth shut.

Don't take that.


Come on.

I can't get up.

You'll walk on that
leg, even if it's broken.

What are you doing
out of your room?

I'm sorry, sir.

Well done, young'un.

You didn't do too badly.

Oh, thank you, East.

It's only just twisted.

It will be all
right in a minute.

See how we do things here?

Never tell tales and
never give anyone away.

Of course, I don't
care for Flashy either,

but telling tales just
isn't done, even with him.

Well, goodnight, young'un.

Goodnight, East.


Come in.

Good evening, Brooke.

May I come in?

Oh, I didn't know
it was you, sir.

I just came to bed.

Yeah, so was I. Sit down.

I don't suppose you would
care for a cup of tea?

I'd like some very much.


Schoolhouse match tomorrow, hm?

Yes, sir.

Are you going to beat
the rest of the school?

We've beat them for
the last six years.

Are you going to do it again?

I hope so, sir.

Thank you.

Brooke, tell me, do
you suppose there's

any bullying going on here?

Yes, sir, there is.

I can't put my finger on it, but
I'm sure it's starting again.

Well, I suppose it's
only to be expected.

Last year the sixth form wasn't
very... it wasn't very strong.

Now you're head of
the house, Brooke.

Yes, sir.

And if I catch anybody at it...

You'll give them a good
hiding and enjoy it, huh?

Yes, sir.

I'm afraid it goes
deeper than that, Brooke.

You and I must build school
opinion against bullying,

so that no boy will stand by
while another boy's tormented.

Who makes your tea?

Tadpole, sir.

Ah, that is Martin.

He makes the best
tea in the house.

I wish Tadpole would come and
give my wife a few lessons.

Bullying is a tradition
in our school.

But we must build
a new tradition.

And that's where I rely on
you fellas of the sixth.

Your authority rules
the school, and you're

influence sets its tone.

It's you who make traditions.

And that's a great
responsibility at 19, isn't it?

Yes, sir.

But we'll stand by you, sir.

Yes, I know you will.

Well, goodnight, Brooke.

Goodnight, sir.

Don't work too
hard tonight or you

won't be much use to
your side tomorrow.

I won't.

You know, Brooke, when I have
confidence in my sixth form

there's no post in England that
I would exchange for this one.

Thank you, sir.

Goodnight, Brooke.

Goodnight, sir.

Your foot still hurt?

No, it's much better,
thank you, East.

I say, you aren't going to
be homesick or anything awful?

Oh, no, thank you, East.

Then what's the matter?

I say, Rugby's
wonderful, isn't it?


ATHLETE: Look on
his borders there.

Look out.

Come on.

I've got it!


Say, Get on him, quick!

Put it down.


Come on, let's go!

Now, run, sir.

Jump, sir!


Well, gentlemen, we beat 'em.


Had a lot of charges there
that would have carried

away our house, but we beat 'em!


And why did we beat them?

Your play.


We beat them because we're
proud of the school house.

And we mean to keep it
the best house at Rugby.


Now, I'm as proud of
this house as any one,

but it's still a long way
from what I'd like to see it.

There's a deal of bullying
going on here, and depend on it,

there's nothing breaks
up a house like bullying.

Bullies are cowards.

And one coward makes many.

Now, I know a lot of you say,
standby the good old ways,

down with the Doctor.

Well, let me give
you a word of advice.

In the first place, they
weren't the good old ways,

they were the bad old ways.

And in the second, down
with the Doctor is easier

said than done.

You will find him pretty
tight on his perch

and an old British
custom with a handle.

He doesn't meddle with
anyone worth keeping,

but look out for squalls
if you go your own way

and that way isn't the Doctor's.

And bullying isn't his way.

And it isn't my way.

And isn't the way of any
decent fellow in the house.

So let's have an end to it.

Well, and now I've
done blowing you up

and I'll give you a toast.

We've drunk with three times
three and all the honors.

The toast that binds
us all together,

and those who have
been before here,

and those will come after,
to the dear old school house,

the finest house and the
finest school in England!

To the school house!

Oh, uh, hello, Flashman.

Oh, uh, hello, East.

Do these Latin verses for me.

If I must?

And just why didn't
you come when I called?

Because you're not in the sixth
form and you've got no right

thank us.

Oh, I haven't, haven't I?


TOM BROWN: You leave him alone.


And why must I leave
him alone, my little man?

Because it's bullying,
that's what it is.

And Mr. Brown doesn't
approve of bullying.

No, of course, I don't.

On second thought, you
had better do the versus.

A bright boy like you!

And do them at once.

Must turn them in
before third lesson.

I'm not going to do them.

Oh, don't be an idiot.

I'm not going to.

Why not?

Because old Brooke said we
should put down bullying.

Oh, that's it.

And if we give in to them
it just encourages them

and Brooke said about the
Doctor and everything.

Well, if you want to get
skinned alive, go ahead.



Do you mind if I don't do them?

Are you serious?

Yes, I am.

Then I've got a better idea.

Give me the verses.

If you must make a
fool of yourself,

at least do it properly.



Yes, sir.

Please come here.

Yes, sir.

This is capital,
Flashman, capital.

Thank you, sir.

In some of these lines, I
see a humility of character

I did not think you possessed.

Always try to be humble
about my work, sir.


You're only one year
behind the fifth.

This may alter your position.

Thank you, sir.

Uh, read the last
two lines, please.

Uh, yes, sir



I'm feeling.
Ill, sir.

Really I am.

Nothing of the sort.


Yes, sir.


These little versus I
did not compose them.


Go on, Flashman, go on.

Do not let the vulgar products
of the crowd distract you.

Yes, sir


Give me, Master...


Many lashes...


I implore.

It will be a pleasure to give
you the lashes you request.

Come and see me at 6:00.

I always feel
stronger after tea.

You may laugh out
loud, gentlemen.



Hello, Mr. Brown.


You're a great wit aren't
you? (SHOUTING) Aren't you?


That's right, you're not.

And you're going to
Old Grimey to tell him

it was just a rotten
joke, aren't you?


Do you know what
we do to new fellows

who get above themselves?


Is there a fire at the wall?

You bet there is.

Now Mr. Brown, are you
going to Old Grimey?


Are you going to Old Grimey?

No, I'm not.

Grab him by the heels.





FLASHMAN: Shut up!


FLASHMAN: You shut up.

Let me go.

Let me go.

EAST: Where's Brown?

It has nothing to do with you.

TOM BROWN: Let me go.


FLASHMAN: Now be quiet.

Let me go.

Let me go.

Let me go.

Now will you give in?

No I won't.

Hold him closer.


I'm burning!


Careful, Flashy, his
clothes are smoking.

Hold him closer.


It burns!

Let me go.

Why you, little...


Now will you
give... he's fainted.



Well, young'un,
feel better now?

Yes, thank you, East.


Next time, keep
out of Flashy's way.

He's brave enough.

Just a bit green that's all.

I don't think he is so green.

Why not?

Well, he's made me feel small.

Look at us.

We've always been scared of the
bullies and given in to them.

Now a new fellow comes and
stands up to them on his own.

Yes, and look what it got him.

But he didn't give
in, that's the point.

He didn't give in.

Listen, everyone,
if Brown can stand

up to the bullies, why can't we?


We can't.

But we've got too much sense.

Don't be a fool.

Why they would
kick us to pieces.

Not if we stick together.

We're five to one.

Besides, it would
be worth it, then

we can put down bullying,
just like old Brooke said.

We could put it down forever.

I wouldn't mind risking
a kicks for that.

Nor would I.

GROUP: Nor would I.

It's a fight to
the death, then.

Fighting is the only
thing they understand

and we've got to
give it to them.

- I'm with you.
GROUP: So am I.

Any one else?

Put up your hands.

What about you?

Are you afraid?

Who said, I was afraid?

I'm with the fourth form!

Down with tyrants!

Hurray for the revolution.





They're coming.

GROUP: Hee, haw.

Hee, haw.

Hee, haw.

Hee, haw.

Hee, haw.

So sorry, sir.

Oh, I beg your pardon.

Dash it, the rat.











Get out of here.

Well, gentlemen We've got
them on the run and all

we have to do is
finish them off.


But how are we going to do it?


Don't keep saying, easy.

It is easy.


Well, I'll tell you.

One of us has got
to fight Flashy,

single combat, regular rules.

That would stop him forever.

That's the right.

EAST: If we beat him it
would break his heart.

Diggs, you're a genius.

Yes, but who is going
to do the fighting.

Oh, you, of course.


But, why.


You're the biggest.

You're the only one who would
have a chance against Flashy.

Oh, I think it's a rotten idea.

Nonsense, it's wonderful.

All you have to do
is to insult him.

And then he challenges
you, regular rules,

and you knock him
into little pieces.

Did I hear someone
mention fisticuffs?

(WHISPERING) What do we do now?

it be better tomorrow?

(WHISPERING) No, go on.


Well, my young fellow?



Hello, Diggs.


Why didn't you do it?

Thought I might kill him.

We'll never beat them now.

TOM BROWN: Mr. Flashman...


You're a coward, and a bully,
and a toady and you smell.


Why you little rat.

Come on.

Fair fight, Flashy, fair fight.

Regular rules,
unless you're afraid.

Better do it, Flashy,
and teach them a lesson.

All right, you've asked
for it, you'll get it.


Fight, Brown and Flashy.


Come on, fellows.

Fight, Brown and Flashy.



DIGGS: Now come on you
fellas, make a ring.

Here Ashley, you're timekeeper.

Oh, right.

Come on, Brown.

Kill him.

Don't take too long about it.

I won't.


Good luck, Brown.

You'll need it.


Get him, Flashy.

Three to one, Brown.

Three to one, Brown.

Three to one...
Seven to two, Brown.

Seven to two, Brown.

Come on, get the
center of him, kill him.

I'm with you Brown.

Come on, old Brown,
Come on, I'm with you.

Come on, old Brown.

That's it, come on, Brown.


It's six to four, Flashman.

Come on.

Come on.


Come on, get up.

Get up!



Oh, they're waving.

Hit, him, Flashy, hit him.



Splendid round.

That's it, keep it up.

Brown the bomb.

You're taking a long time.

It's your one chance, make it
easy, and let him come to you.

Finish him off, Flashman,
he's making a fool out of you.


Steady, gentleman.

Go on, come on.


I'll murder him.

I'll murder him.

Let me at him.
I'll murder him.

Let me at him.

Let me at him.

Let him have it.

Come on, Brown.

And take...

Give it to him.





Don't go so fast.













Belt him, come on.

Give him one for the roasting.


So Flashman did it.

The Doctor!



I'm surprised to see you here.

The sixth form is expected
to stop all fights.

Yes, sir.

These boys must be punished.

Yes, sir.

Congratulations, Brooke,
the new tradition's

coming along nicely.


Tom, you were wonderful.

I didn't think so
when you first came,

but I've changed my mind now.


Look you, fellas, Diagones!

Splendid, we'll put it up.

Puts some hats on them.

All right.


Eternal friendship.

Eternal friendship.

WALKER BROOKE: Brown, the Doctor
wants to see you in his study.

DR. ARNOLD: Have either
of you anything to say?

Yes, sir.

I'm very sorry this happened,
but I didn't start it, sir.

Are you trying to
tell me that Brown did.

I'm only trying to be fair.

Did you give Brown
any provocation?

Oh, no, sir.

No tormenting or bullying.

No, sir.

Are you quite
certain, Flashman?


Very well, wait outside.

Thank you, sir.

Brown, I'm not going to ask
you why you were fighting.

I'm satisfied that
you would not fight

for a cause in which
you are ashamed.

But rules must be observed.

Yes, sir.

You knew the rules
against fighting.

Are you ready to
take your punishment.

Yes, sir.

Very well.

How many did he give you?

Six of the best,
but it was worth it.

Go on you're next.

Flashman, we have both failed.

I have failed to
influence your character.

You have failed to understand
that God does not give a man

strength to persecute the weak.

He who does so is a bully.

A bully, sir.

I'm not a bully.

I've never persecuted any one.

That's enough, Flashman!

You make the mistake
of thinking I do not

know what goes on
in this school.

No, sir, I don't, sir.

You tormented one of
your school fellows

who was weaker than yourself.

Now I'm not punishing
you for that, Flashman.

There have been bullies in every
school, in every community,

in every nation.

But sooner or later humble men
will rise and throw them down.

But I am punishing you
because you lied to me.

I'm sorry, sir.

I didn't mean...

You lied, Flashman.

And lying is a poison that
will corrupt any country.

You are a bully, a
coward, and a liar.

There's no longer any
place for you at Rugby.

You're not expelling me, sir.

Oh, no, sir.

I'll do anything, but
don't expel me, sir.

Don't expel me.

My father, It will
break his heart.

I'll kill myself.

I swear I will.

I couldn't stand it.

Don't expel me, sir.

I'll do anything, but
please don't expel me.

I didn't mean it,
honestly I didn't.

I won't be a bully
anymore, I won't.

You've got to let me stay.

You must!

You must!

Please, let me stay, please!

I can't believe it.

Nobody ever tells a tale.

Something is wrong.

It just isn't done.

Who else could have.

Two minutes after he talked
to Dr. Arnold I'm sacked.

I can't go home.

I can't face my father.

He'll disown me.

He'll disown me.

The most enormous
spread you ever cooked.

Murphies, sausages,
tea and everything.

Shall we have a celebration?

Of course, Auntie.

All the fourth form is coming.

SALLY: But who's going to pay?

I am.

Uh, Effie, I'll heat the
oven, bring on the murphies.

Master Brown, you and your
friends can eat till ya bust!

You've got a great
champion, haven't you?


Shut up!

He couldn't beat
Flashy in a fair fight,

but he got his
revenge all right.


Keep quiet, you fellows, quiet.

What are you getting at?

What would you think about
a fellow who told tales?

You know what we'd think.

But that's got nothing
to do with Brown.

Oh, yes it has.

Brown couldn't beat Flashy,
so he got even with him

by telling the Doctor
about the roasting.

That's not true.

Whatever you say.

All I know is that
your dear little.

Brown saw the Doctor first.

And when Flashy
went in the Doctor

knew all about the roasting.

I say you, fellas, Flashy's
been expelled for the roasting,

not for the fight.

Now perhaps you'll believe me.

SALLY: Here you
are, Master Brown.

Fit for a king, if
I says it myself.

Sally, you are marvellous.

And you, Effie.

Oh, thank you.

Thomas, run and tell
them it's all ready.

Yes, sir.

And don't tell them
about the sausages.

They're a surprise.

Great day for
you, Master Brown.

It's wonderful, isn't it?


I can't believe he'd
do a thing like that.

But he did and that's
all there is to it.

Facts are facts.

Come on, East, you
can't stick with him now.

Flashy got what
he deserved, but he

never told tales on anyone.

Well, let him stick
with him if he wants to.

They're cold, Sally, you'll
have to put them in the oven


Well, I can't keep putting
them in and taking them out.

Oh, of course, you can't.

Effie, cut off and
tell them to hurry up.

Yes, Master Brown.

Where are the others?

They aren't coming.

But why not?

Because you wouldn't
listen to good advise.

I tried to help you,
young'un, but you went

your own way and
now your in for it.

East, whatever has happened?

Remember I warned you
that we don't tell tales?


Well, now do you know
why they aren't coming?


You saw the Doctor
before Flashman.


And when you came out he
knew all about the roasting.

It isn't true.

Flashman's sacked,
that proves it.

The others don't think I told.

What else can they think?

They can't think
that, they can't.

You don't think that,
you don't, do you, East?

You don't!

This isn't much use
to me any longer.

Oh, what a waste
of good murphies.

I don't believe...

Aw, come on, cheer
up, Master Brown.

Eat 'em yourself.

We'll help you.

Won't we, Effie?

EFFIE: Of course, Sally.

It's a funny, It's the first
time I ever tasted one of me

own murphies.


Yes, Master Brown?

It's not that I don't
like you or nothing,

I just don't feel like it.

Effie, there's a
peck of cruel things

in this world but there is...


Go away.

What you up to?


Will you put this
letter on the coach?

Thomas Brown Esquire.

Yes, Master Brown.

They wrecked his room, ma'am.

And he seems uncommon
miserable about it.

He wouldn't try to run away?

Looks that way to me.

I've seen it happen
before, ma'am.

Thank you, Thomas.

Brown, have you seen
Dr. Arnold anywhere?

I know all about that, Tom.

Let's clear it up, shall we?

Yes, ma'am.

Poor Tom.

But this sort of thing has
happened before, you know.

There was a boy before you
came, who was ragged like this.

He ran away.

That wasn't very
brave of him, was it?

No, ma'am.

It would hurt Dr.
Arnold terribly.

Mrs. Arnold?

Yes, Tom.

Is it... is it being
a coward if you give

in when everyone is against you?

Dr. Arnold had everyone against
him, but he didn't give in.

And then your father
did a very brave thing.

And that helped him.

I expect the Browns have
always been pretty brave,

haven't they?

Yes, ma'am.

Tom, dear.

Dr. Arnold and your father are
very proud of you, you know.

And if you ever did
anything cowardly, well,

like that other boy did, it
would hurt them terribly,

wouldn't it?

I expect it would.

Dr. Arnold would think
that he failed your father.

Mrs. Arnold, he
mustn't feel like that.

I couldn't let him
feel like that.

No, of course you couldn't.

Everything's all
right now, isn't it?

Yes, ma'am.


Mrs. Arnold?

Yes, Tom?

You knew I was going
to runaway, didn't you?

Yes, I knew.

You don't mean to
tell Dr. Arnold?

No, dear, it'll
be just between us.

Thank you, ma'am.

I gave your letter to Sally,
she'll put it on the coach.

My letter?

My letter!

Has my letter gone?

Master, Brown.

Has my letter gone?

Of course, I put it on the
coach not five minutes ago.

Oh, Jiminy.

But didn't you want it to go?

Oh, of course, I
did but I don't now.

Why not?

Well, it was to my father and
there was something awful in it

about the Doctor, because I
was planning to do something,

but I've changed my mind and
I must get that letter back!


Oh, go after the
coach, of course.

But how?

Oh, I don't know.

Oh, yes I do.

But that's my aunty's cart.

I'm going to borrow it.

Master Brown.

It's a matter of
life and death.

Oh, I couldn't stand
by and see you take it.

But if I was to turn my back.

Thanks, Effie.

Two people saw a Rugby
boy drive my cart like mad,

and my poor mare
what will probably

never recover her wind.

Is that all?

Yes, Sir.

Very well.

Any damage will be paid in
full, of course, Mrs. Harowell.

Thank you, Sir.

DR. ARNOLD: That is if
it was one of our boys

who stole your cart.

Thomas, see if any boy is
missing from the dormitories.


You're going to search...

Thomas, uh, take Mrs.
Harowell with you.


He's locked out.

Very sad.

I suppose we had better get him.


Or for that matter, why?

It's too risky.

If it were one of us
it would be different.

Young gentleman!

You're telling me, after
stealing my cart and my horse.


If I had my way,
the villain would

have his head cut off
in the tower of London.

THOMAS: Don't keep
your pot boiling over.

I'll soon find out whether it
was one of my young gentlemen

or not.

Well, where on
earth have you. Been?

There was a letter and
I had to get it back,

so I took Sally's cart.

Sally's cart?

She doesn't know it's me,
but she's been to the Doctor

and she's furious.

So, I saved your hide.

It was jolly decent of
you, after everything.

After what?

After all the awful things
you thought about me.

Well, don't think
I've changed my mind.

I'm not interested in you
or anything about you.

I never want to see you again.

And if ever tell the others I
was fool enough to help you,

I'll bash your head in.









He thinks it was me.

I know he does.

Well, don't be
to calm about it.

He'll tell the Doctor
and I'll get the blame.

Then all you've got to
do is go to the Doctor

and tell him it was me.

But I can't do that.

You know I can't.

I'm afraid you've
got to because I'm

not going to own up.

We'll make you.

Oh, no you won't.

You'll have to tell tale.

Then they'll all turn against
you as they have against me.

And then you'll know
what that feels like.

You little swine.

It'll do you good.

But, East, please
remember the facts.

Last night you were
out of your dormitory.

Yes, sir.

DR. ARNOLD: Last night
a cart was stolen.

Yes, sir.

Last night a Rugby boy
was seen driving that cart.

Yes, sir.

Were you that boy?

No, sir.

You stole the cart, didn't you?


Then go to the Doctor
and tell him you did.

Let East tell him.

You know he won't.

None of us tell tales
here, except you.

Are you going to the Doctor?

No, I'm not.

You refuse to give
me an explanation.

Yes, sir.

You realize that
without an explanation

I am compelled to believe
that you are lying.

Yes, sir.

You know the
punishment for lying?

Yes, sir.

Very well.

You have courage, East.

And few liars have courage.

TOM BROWN: Oh, oh, No!

It's no good.

Better leave him alone.




He didn't tell.

Taking a cart.

That's something
that boys will do,

and a thrashing would be enough.

But a boy who let's his friend
be blamed for what he himself

has done, he's a mean,
despicable coward.

But East didn't do that.

No, Mary, it's worth than that.

I've seen Sally and
that girl of hers.

There is no possible doubt
that the boy I must expel

is Tom Brown.



So you thought you
could make him tell?

Now you know how
we do things here.


If only he'd had the
courage to own up.

Mary, I have prayed that
he might come to me.

It's not too late.

He may still come.

Not now, Mary, not now.


Come in.

All ready, sir.

Oh, very well, Thomas.

Of all my boys,
Squire Brown's son!

He was to be the
symbol of my success.

Now he's the symbol
of my failure.

Not your failure,
one boy's failure.

My failure, Mary.

He came to Rugby
with every promise.

Rugby has made him a coward.

If I've failed with
him, what of the others?

I cannot reach any of them.

It's no use, Mary.

I can't go.

I've deceived myself.

I shall apologize to
East and expel Brown,

then I must resign.

Please, sir, it was me.

Please, sir, it was me.

I stole the cart.

I thank you, Tom.

8, 9, 10, 11, 12.

It's a record.

And serves him
jolly-well right.

You don't like Brown, do you?

No, I don't.

I hear you think he
told about Flashy?

Everyone knows he did.

Well, you young fellas
jump to conclusions.

As a matter of fact,
it was you who told.

I did?

At the fight.

Give him one for the roasting.

I heard you, and
so did the Doctor.

Well, Master Brown, did
he hurt you very much?

Yes, he did.

Funny thing was, he was so
cheerful about everything.

Brown, we seemed to
have made a mistake.

I'm awful sorry.

So am I.

EAST: Well, I'm not.

You maybe all right, but
I very much doubt it.

This is a big school,
Brown, and the less we

see of each other for the
next four years, the better.

Sorry, young'un.

But I'd probably
feel the same if you

made me go through
all that torture.

Nearly getting expelled
is no joke you know.

But he'll get over it in time.

I wonder.



Oh, here, you're new aren't you?

Yes, sir.

Well, remember, when
the sixth formers shout

fag you come as quickly as
you can, another Rugby custom.

Yes, sir.

Here, clean these.

Very well.

Gentlemen of the school house.

When I first came
here, my father

told me to stick by the Doctor.

And let me tell you he had
a powerful lot of enemies

and it wasn't everyone
who understood him.

But I haven't got to tell
you to stick by the Doctor.


You're all with him.

The whole school's with him.

And there isn't anyone
who doesn't know that he's

the finest headmaster
in England.


And when you get to know
him, the finest friend.

He's strong and he's
wise and he's true.

And when I leave
Rugby tomorrow there's

one person I'll always remember.

Yes, and if I'm not mistaken,
the world will remember,

Arnold of Rugby.


Oh, hello, sir.

Oh, hello, Tom.

Won't you sit down?

Not in your chair.

I'll sit over here.

I hope you're
feeling better, sir.

A little tired, Tom.

End of term.

Did you finish your
packing for tomorrow?

Not quite, sir.

DR. ARNOLD: Sad at leaving, eh?

Of course, sir.

Oh, we all feel sadness
in the last night.

But you have to look forward,
Tom, Oxford next term.

You'll find Bradley at Oxford.

Remember Bradley?

And Fenton.

Ha, ha.

The number of thrashings
I gave that boy.

Here is Douglas.

He's in the Army now, in India.

And Brooke.

He was your hero, wasn't he Tom?

Yes, sir.

He would be very proud of you.

And Harris, poor old Harris.

He's doing quite well now.

And Petrie, he's in
the Foreign Office.

He'll make a fine statesman.

So many boys.

And now you're going
out into the world.

God bless you, Tom.

Oh, by the way, we just had
an attack of spring cleaning

and this turned up.

I think I can trust
you with it now.

Goodnight, Tom.

Goodnight, Sir.

Master Ashley, coach money to
Lincoln, one pound ten, sir.

Here you are, sir.

Master Tanner, coach money
to London, one pound five.

Is it true, Dr. Arnold's ill.

Don't you count on it, sir.

He'll be back here next year
beating you as hard as ever.

Goodbye, Jesse,
good holiday to you.

Goodbye, sir.


Come in.

The last coach will be
leaving directly, sir.

Yes, Thomas.

THOMAS: Will you
be saying, goodbye,

to the young gentlemen?

Of course.

Give me my cap and gown.

No, dear, please.

You're not well enough.

I've only been saying
goodbye to the boys, Mary,

since I came to Rugby.

I do wish you wouldn't go.

The boys are happy.

I don't want them to
know that I'm ill.

There's the Doctor.


Goodbye, sir.

Goodbye, Alexander.

Remember me to your father.

Goodbye, sir.

Well, that's the last of Rugby.

Oh, no it ain't.

You owe me six and six.

You owe me halfpence.

Goodbye, Ashley.

I hope you have a nice holiday.

Goodbye, sir.

Goodbye, East.

I'm sorry you're leaving us.

So am I, sir.

We didn't agree at
first, but now we

understand each other perfectly.

Yes, sir.

Going to Cambridge?

Yes, sir.

And Brown's going to Oxford?

Yes, sir.

Still distant from Brown?

Don't you think it would be a
good idea if you two fellows

shook hands before
you left Rugby?

Goodbye, sir.


Go on, me beauties.


Goodbye, boys.

Don't forget old Sally.

Goodbye, boys.

Goodbye, Sally!


Another year, sir?

Another year.

It's a funny thing, sir.

Boys come and boys go,
but we goes on forever.