Tobruk (1967) - full transcript
September 1942 - With Erwin Rommel's Afrika Korps on the march through Egypt, a British special forces unit, composed of German Jews who serve with the British despite the mutual resentment between both, kidnap a Canadian officer who is an expert topographer and who is held prisoner by the Vichy French in Algeria. The officer, Donald Craig, must negotiate a company of British and German-Jewish commandos through 800 miles of the Sahara to aide a pending amphibious landing against Tobruk's massive fuel storage base - a mission that sees one impediment after another, and which discovers an undetected German armored force ready to win the battle of Egypt.
North Africa, September 1942
A darkest hour...
The world watches as Adolf Hitler
high stepping Africa Corps sweeps
onwards to Egypt and the Suez Canal while
the British, our strength dissipated by defeat
make a desperate regroup at El Alamein.
Two years had passed since the fall of France.
France now officially neutral
lives under Nazi domination
and the French city of Algiers is a port of embarkation
for British, Italian and German soldiers caught
and interned by the French.
Prisoners for deportation.
Well, Leftenan... bring them aboard.
- A Canadian, 5 Italians.
- Come quickly.
Faster, come on.
- All in order, Captain.
- Very good, Lieutenant.
- Have a Good Night.
- Thank You.
- Beware !
- Fire !
Extinguishers !
Stop !
Back or be shot.
- That one.
- Join us, Commander.
Ain't you forgetting this is neutral territory.
Sorry, we have no tea.
Perhaps you will settle for chocolate ?
Not even name, rank and serial number ?
Very well.
Name: Donald Craig.
Rank: Major, long range desert group.
Serial numbers 762513.
Born... Montreal.
Studied topography... Quebec, London.
Graduated work... School of Mines Kensington.
Worked three years for Standard Oil.
Shall I continue... Major ?
- What's my mother name ?
- Elizabeth.
Father, John Foster Craig, retired and lives in Vancouver.
Your reluctants to talk is understandable.
If I have been force to escape across
300 miles of enemy held desert,
and if after all of that...
I've been captured by French authorities,
I too would be embarassed.
Captian Bergman.
Very British of you, Major.
Before you go any further, take a look at your escort.
I'm sure you can recognised
an English fighter when you see one.
Who are you ?
Special Identification group.
The G. E. I.
- I thought they were all...
- Jews, Major.
Yes, we are.
German Jews serving with the British.
However as German's, we still have our uses.
French will think this is a Nazi raid.
Have more respect for the enemy, Major.
What's all these ? Haven't you
seen a bloody airplane before ?
Go away !
Lieutenant Boyden, signals.
Welcome to Kufra, Major... such as it is.
- Colonel Harker is expecting you.
- I would hope so, Lieutenant...
I would certainly hope so.
Yes but of course.
Come along... man. The Colonel's waiting.
Colonel Harker, Sir !
Major Craig and Captain Bergman reporting.
Oh... Thank You, Boyden.
Captain Bergman. Hello Craig ! Glad you could come.
I'll get right to it.
Sometimes ago you submitted a plan to staff...
hardlining a proposed raid on the
German fuel bunkers at Tobruk.
In his infinite wisdom, staff turned my plan down.
Things do have a way of changing, don't they... Major ?
Rommel is 90 miles from Suez.
Every shell, every gallon of petrol he gets
has to come 300 miles from Tobruk.
The RAF is doing its best but
still too much is getting through.
So we're gonna have a go at Rommel source of supplies.
Didn't I said something to...
provoke humour ?
Staff has a genius for sitting on it's brain and coming
up with perfect hindsight.
Would you cared to expand on that ?
When I submitted the plan we could have
blown up their fuel bunkers with a handful of men.
How in the hell are we supposed
to get through their defences now ?
Drive through, Major.
Disguised as prisoner of war guarded by
Captain Bergman personal African Corps.
The plan is still basically yours
but now it will be maximum effort land, sea and earth.
Colonel, could you direct me to the nearest bus stop ?
We are here...
Tobruk, here.
Your primarily responsibilities is to
route our convoy through 800 miles of
the west desert the Sahara has to offer
right into the back door of Tobruk.
That's why we went to so much trouble and it was no
lark, you know... Major,
to bring you halfway across North Africa.
I didn't ask for the trip, Colonel.
- I've been here before.
- Precisely.
Staff believed that your practical
knowledge of the terrain is
essential on the success of our mission.
That is your job, Major.
Ours begin when we get there.
After we've knocked out their harbour guns installation,
we linked up with naval assault troops, destroyed the fuel
bunkers and evacuate by sea.
Their heavy guns are here, Mersa Cove...
- It's suicide.
- It's orders.
- How many days do we have ?
- Eight.
Impossible or not,
it will be done and on schedule.
Do I make myself clear, Craig ?
Welcome aboard, Major Craig.
We don't get many volunteers.
Keep your eyes and ears open around the Jews,
little trust all right, there's no point in overdoing it.
Six years in Palestine taught me that.
And for your information,
I'm the genius with perfect hindsight.
Never doubted it, Colonel.
We leave in 1 hour, Lieutenant Boyden
will see to your needs.
Major Craig...
don't let personal differences of opinion
interfered with our operation.
I understand, Colonel.
I liked you to bear one thing in
mind when and if we reached Tobruk,
my mother didn't raise any heroes.
A bloody work of art, Matey but I do say so meself.
Save the Jerry the trouble of repainting if we are taken.
Now, that's a cheery thought.
Come on, get cracking.
Never get the Victoria Cross for admiring yourself.
It's chai cross we're after, Sir.
I think Dolan is a feeling a touch
of the sand and sun, Major.
You'll be feeling a touch of my boots if you don't hop to.
This is Libya, not London.
Well, damn bloody hell !
Soldiers, get off the vehicle !
Line up, hurry !
Attention, stand still !
Lieutenant, troops in formation.
Ooh... got a cold feeling down the
back of me neck just looking at 'em.
What kind of bleeding mission are we going on anyway, Sir ?
You know when you're supposed to and not before.
Maybe you don't know either, Sergeant Major.
All right... all right, what is this
going on with the lot of you ? Come on now.
Sergeant Major !
Sir !
Do you have your orders regarding my men ?
We'll have no dealings with you
as soldiers unless otherwise instructed, Sir.
See to those orders are complied with, Sergeant Major.
Sir !
Attention, break ranks !
Taking orders from a ruddy Kraut !
What's this bleeding war coming to ?
If my father in Tel Aviv could see me here now,
fighting for the British, he would
take back my Bar Mitzvah.
War and politics, Mohnfeld. They're always mix.
There are just the same if he ever
finds out. He'll give me an a bris.
Well, now we know how the Italians
must feel with their German allies.
And the English will throw us
to the wolves just as quick...
If we let them.
Get the men ready, Sergeant.
You got bullets in that thing, mate ?
- Talking to the blighty enemy.
- We're supposed to be prisoner...
...Alfie. You know the orders, no fraternizing.
No fraternizing, I just asked him if
he's got bullets in that chopper.
I don't want him to take his play acting too much to heart.
An opportunity, he says.
- Who says ?
- The judge.
I'm giving you the chance to serve your country
and to come back to society as a respectable citizen.
God bless him.
You wouldn't want to be back in London, Alfie...
not with all them bombs the Jerry are dropping.
Do us a favour, all they ever did.
It's always been hospitals and churches.
They couldn't hit Brixton prison in a 100 years.
God, it ain't half hot.
Just like being on a roller coaster.
Bruckner !
- Yes !
- Come here.
Enemy column, tanks !
Italian's, Sir.
No flanking scouts.
If we were an attack force, they'd have little chance.
They should cleared us by 1000 yards.
Unless they altered directions,
- Lieutenant Boyden.
- Yes, Sir.
- I want every man armed and ready.
- Sir !
You know when you come to think of it,
Brixton prison's really a nice place.
You're getting soft in the konk, Alfie.
All 8 feet thick of regular bleeding bomb shelter.
If I could get my hands on that judge...
- Sending innocent to the slaughter.
- Innocent ?
I will give something.
The whole damn Sahara and they have to stop here.
- So, Major ?
- More company, Sir.
Over there... on the other side.
They must be Germans.
The Italians are too fond of comfort to travel this late.
Their sentry hasn't seen them yet.
Take what man you need Bergman and make sure they don't.
Bruckner, come with me.
What do you estimate the range ?
2.000 yards, maybe even less.
Twice the reached range of our mortars.
I'll get the range finder.
And prepared mortars.
You all right ?
You, okay ?
Lieutenant Boyden, Sir. You don't mind me asking...
What's the old man up to now ?
A lovely scheme, Alfie. A lovely scheme.
He's going to start a bit of fighting
between the Italians and the Germans.
How's he going to do that, Sir ?
First we open fire on the Germans,
then our mortars hit the Italians.
Now the Italians see the German's column and vice-versa.
So both of them got to
thinking it's the British army on the
other side that's doing all the firing, you see.
And you got themselves a bloody battle going.
- Blimey, you think we'll make it Sir ?
- Know any good prayer, Alfie ?
Range ?
Eight hundreds.
- Sergeant Major...
- Sir.
- Tell Mr.Boyden to open fire.
- Sir.
it's time we're moving.
It's like a bloody furnace.
Cheer up, it could get worse.
What's the devil are you doing ?
We're making excellent time on
the flats, why head into this area ?
We leave our calling card back there in the wadi, Colonel,
the Germans bound to find.
Exactly why speed is our best advantage.
They know that too.
That's why they'll spending the major part of their times
guarding Kalafsho Flats while we cut through here.
Do you realised what you're suggesting, Major ?
Yes, Sir !
- That's a German minefield.
- That's right.
Where they're not likely to looks for us.
I don't like it. We're turning around.
Do that Colonel and you'll
reached Tobruk as a real prisoner.
It's out of the question.
Colonel Harker you went to an awful lot of trouble to
Shanghai me in on this mission.
If you're not going to follow my
advise, what the hell am I doing here ?
You can't take heavy transport
through that without mine detector.
Why are you telling me ? You brought me along to tell you.
All right... Major, tell me.
Thank You, Sir.
Bring up the half-track.
This time of the year, the wind is from the south.
It blows for months at a time forming a
sand cushion at the base of the slope.
By keeping to the slope the deep sand will act as
a pillow dispersing our weight.
Our heaviest pieces of half-track
can make it, the others can.
I know the lorries wheel will bogged
down but the half-track
with it's track can maneuver.
But how do you propose to get the lorries through ?
This is an old mine field, Colonel.
The sand covering the mines had plenty of times to settle.
By keeping to the slopes, I will be able to see
the depression over the mines.
So you intend to clear the way and Pied Piper us through ?
That's right.
- Sergeant Major Tyne !
- Sir !
Bring a drum from the lorries with branches and camouflage
- to wipe out our tracks.
- Sir.
It may not be so simple.
The Germans often set their mines at tandem.
Tried to move one and you could take out a dozen.
It's very effective. That's why the
rest of you will wait behind me.
Behind us, Major.
You can't drive and watch those depression of yours.
Suit yourself. You're the one who volunteer.
Go to the left.
Stay to the left. It's digging in.
Goes any deeper we're going to blow up your whole theory.
To the high side.
Stop !
- Wait here.
- My pleasure !
He looks so calm, you think he was planting daisies.
You know one wrong tickle with that bayonet
and we will be pushing up the daisies.
Does he expect to dig up the whole damn Sahara on his own ?
- Sergeant Major Tyne.
- Sir.
Get some men with bayonets and follow me, will you ?
What have you got your fingers in your ears for ?
What have you got your
- fingers in your ears for ?
- I can't stand the sight of blood.
Then why don't you put your hands over your eyes ?
Well, I want to see what's going on, don't I ?
- I've got some men coming up.
- That won't be necessary.
Give that first one a burst, Bergman.
Down !
It's just our luck to strike oil.
Next one.
- We can move on down, Colonel.
- Let me drive.
We can move on then.
They didn't teach us that at Sandhurst, Sir.
Look out the Bungalore torpedo, Boyden.
Yes, Sir. Thank You, Sir.
Get cracking, there's a schedule to keep.
All right, Boyle ?
Any complaints ?
How about some more sugar for the cocoa, Sergeant Major ?
You've had your rations that you need.
- Grub all right ?
- It's wonderful.
- Any complaints ?
- No, Sir.
- Grub all right ?
- Lovely.
- How's your arm ?
- Oh, fine.
- Make good use of it, boy.
- All right.
- Trouble ?
- Carburation's off.
I'll say one thing for the Germans,
they certainly know how to build an engine.
It doesn't cost much, either, when they use slave labor.
Two hundred Jew power, Major.
We all know what's going on in Europe.
Well, if you do,
if you really do,
there must be a little of the Jew in you.
They say there's a little of the Jew in everyone.
a little of the Nazi, too.
Your war's going to last a lot longer than mine, Captain.
It's 2000 years old now.
For the first time since Jesus,
you begin to think and feel as a people.
Days of the wandering Jew are coming to an end.
We're going home.
- Palestine ?
- Israel, Major.
It's where we begin.
Anyone looking for trouble in the future,
will know where to find us.
Good Evening, Major.
Take cover !
- You bleedy fool !
- We're British !
Open fire !
- Sergeant Major Tyne.
- Sir !
Formed burial party and see to the wounded.
Sir !
You four, over here... on the double ! Come on, move !
We be moving since the burial parties is finished.
Why waste the time ? A few bit of
sand won't make any difference.
- You heard the order.
- That smoke can be seen for miles.
Look Bergman, if you have any
complaints take them to the Colonel.
Or find yourself a rabbi.
It's no use, Sir. It's had it.
- The emergency transmitter ?
- It's dead, it was in lorry 3.
Our orders were not to break
silence except in an emergency.
Cairo will assumed we're proceeding as schedule.
Let's see that we do.
Hold your fire.
There's one there's more.
Wouldn't be the first time
- they attack a column.
- English column.
This column is currently listed as German.
I'll find out what he wants.
Sergeant... your tunic and cap.
They have 2 prisoners. They want guns.
Blast !
We've to go along. It wouldn't look right otherwise.
German's prisoners.. it's all we need.
Agreed !
Cover me.
Look at them.
Wish I had me rifle.
Cor, I wish I had me camera.
Trust an Arab to argue.
And if you are not interested, we will take your heads.
Peace be to you.
Well, what was that little display all about ?
A bargaining point, Colonel.
He'll settled for 10 rifles and some ammunitions.
The prisoners ?
British ?
Father and daughter.
They wanted to be taken to the Germans.
It's absolutely essential we reached
Cairo as quickly as possible.
If we don't this campaign as well as the war
itself would be vitally affected.
You expect me to believe this from someone
found wandering in the desert ?
Father and I left Von Hellstern's headquarter
in Benghazi three nights ago.
We would to be dropped outside
Cairo and met by a resident agent's.
Our plane had to make a force landing.
The pilot was killed.
Poor chap broke his neck when we hit.
The tribemen found us the following day.
Well, if you are to say who you are,
certainly you agent's had some means of identification.
There ! Signed by
Field Marshall Kesselring acting for the Führer himself.
That paper is an agreement between the Reich and
a group of important Egyptian army officers.
For certain considerations
they will arise against the British in a holy war... Jihad.
The signature and seal beared all
the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.
One of the most powerful men in the Muslim's world.
With Egypt on our side, we have
every reasons to believe the rest of
the Muslim's world would follow.
Captain, the Turks alone could put
4 millions men into the war against Russia.
Exactly, and once Rommel takes Cairo,
the army of the Grand Mufti will moved against the British.
If you'll only contact Benghazi, Captain...
they can have a plane here within hours.
Regrettably our radio was destroyed.
- By a British fighter.
- Then you must provide a vehicle.
And escort us immediately to the nearest base.
Are you presuming Herr Portman to
give orders to a German officer ?
- But I explained.
- That you did.
And now, you will leave the rest to me.
Our destination is Tobruk.
And that's our nearest base.
Make our guests comfortable, Mohnfeld.
Of course, Captain.
Odd name for a German officer ?
We can't all be named Schmidt, Fraulein Portman.
We've been awared of an anti-royalist faction
in the Egpytian military but this...
I'll do the honours, Gentlemen.
That uniform is a disguise, Bergman,
don't carry it too far.
Shooting the girl wouldn't trouble the Nazi's.
If that's what bother you, Colonel.
What bothers me is going into action with
officers who make rash and thoughtless move.
Portman's think this is a German column
transporting British prisoners. I want him
to continue in that believe.
When we reached Tobruk, Colonel, what then ?
This paper and the Portman's guarantee our entry.
Is that all, Colonel ?
No, Captain Bergman, that is not all.
While you served under me I'll expect you
to conduct youself as a British officer.
You'll at all times obey my orders no matter
how disagreeable it may seem to you.
That is all, Captain.
I can understand his feelings.
You flattered yourself, Major.
Their only emotions are based on percentages.
Eight men were killed today. Five of them were Bergman's.
How does that fit into your percentages ?
Craig !
Dismissed !
May I tell you something, Colonel ?
You may.
You're a real joy !
Come on then sit-up.
Good Evening, Corporal.
I think I'll take a short walk.
- Goodnight, Corporal.
- Goodnight.
At 13:00 tomorrow we move on Tobruk.
If all goes well,
we should be in position to take the
harbour defense guns by 20:00 hours.
Our attack coincides with the massive raid by the RAF.
At 21:30, naval units will shell the harbour,
while assault troops come ashore to link with us.
Our primary objectives,
- are the fuel bunkers here.
- Colonel...
If we can't reached the guns, how do we warn off the Navy ?
Jerry has a large transmitter here
in the central of the city.
Let's hope it won't be necessary.
And if it's necessary, where does that leave us ?
We revert to your original plan, Major.
Do what damage we can to Rommel's
fuel supply, make a run for it.
Well, I don't mind running but to where ?
If we're not rescue by sea, we don't get out.
I'm aware of that possibility, Major.
That's why we have an alternative
pick-up down the coast at Sollum.
It's a long way to go with the Germans on our back.
If we're capture it means a POW camp.
What about Bergman's men ? They
can't let themselves be taken alive.
I'm quite sure that Captain Bergman and his SIG gave that
a very careful consideration
before they volunteer.
Thank You, Gentlemen.
I thought you Jews were supposed to be smart.
Enemy propaganda, mate.
Why in the hell you didn't speak up in there ?
What reason ?
There's no Geneva Convention for us.
Begin thinking of death and
you're no longer sure of your life.
- It's a Hebrew proverb.
- A dead martyr's just another corpse !
What in God's name drive you people.
Perhaps his name is enough.
God and Colonel Harker.
Colonel is a soldier of the old school
and has old school attitudes.
He doesn't care much for us.
We don't care much for him.
But he'll be there when we need him.
Let's hope they both will.
Good Night, Major.
Don't turn your head.
Who are you ?
A friend.
Then why hide ?
Listen carefully,
my life as well as yours are at stake if we are discovered.
This column is not what you think, Herr Portman.
You mean Captain Bergman and the others are not German ?
Jews... SIG.
Their prisoners are commando's.
Member of the long range desert group.
The tobacco of that sentry was smoking.
Our troops haven't had anything to
light since the beginning of the war.
- Who the devil are you ?
- That is not important.
Your mission is and these men know about it.
- You must get word to Tobruk.
- But how ?
Two kilometres from here due west,
you'll will find a myriad of stones in the sand.
Buried in the sand 6 metres north of that marker is a
telephone cable connecting Jalo with Tobruk.
Turn carefully...
and look !
In the cistern you will find the field phone.
A pair of camouflage capes and a weapon.
Very well...
If all this has been arranged,
why haven't you send for help ?
I cannot miss leaving the camp.
Once you contact Tobruk, they can have
an armour column here within hours.
And if I refuse ?
The Iron Cross will still be yours.
Posthumously, Herr Portman.
Turn back to the wall.
Do not move for 30 seconds.
At ease !
A military phone.
An English revolver.
- Take her to the car.
- Yes, Lieutenant.
Wait !
Come forth !
Come on.
- How did they get that telephone ?
- It's very simple.
One among us is the enemy.
- Lieutenant.
- Sergeant.
Attention, stand still !
Order your men to unload their weapons.
I must refused to give that order, Colonel.
Sergeant Major Tyne.
Sir !
- Disarmed these men !
- Sir.
You, you and you, come with me.
That's more like it. I never did trust 'em.
Once a Jerry, always a Jerry.
Once a thief, always a thief. That right Alfie ?
Come off it now.
Who else you think let that damn spy escape ?
Captain Bergman,
you have 2 hours to deliver your traitor.
Try not to move, miss.
There's a plasma tube in your arm.
- Britwaite...
- Sergeant Major.
Get the Colonel. On the double !
I'll get the M.O !
The message... did you get through ?
Answer me !
- You left her alone ?
- Sir !
- It's bolted, Sir !
- Break it.
No one inside it seem.
Sergeant Major !
- Sir.
- Assistance !
Cyanide, I've seen it often enough.
You'll find your spy right down the shaft, Colonel.
Who is it ?
I don't know. It's very dark down there.
I found the sentry at the cistern... stabbed !
But the traitor was still in the tunnel.
He's dead !
Impossible, I have known him for 10 years.
You said yourself, the girl died from cyanide.
His suicide tablet gone.
Here... Sergeant Major, look at this !
Cor, what a mess. It's a diabolical liberty.
You know what they say, Britwaite...
Lightning never struck in the same place twice.
That tunic could be your lucky charm !
That guy can sure bleed, I can tell you that.
Well, Boyden... what do you think of that ?
- Pretty convincing, Sir.
- Thank You.
I'd like a word with you, Colonel.
- Excuse us please.
- Sir !
All right Major. Get it off your
chest and you'll feel better.
Do you realised what will happen if
your men are taken in those uniforms ?
They'll be executed.
And that doesn't bother you at all ?
It's a calculated and most necessary risks.
I've given orders to return ammunitions to the SIG.
I'm also assigning armed British troops
in German uniform to cover each lorry.
How does Bergman feel about that ?
This is not a popularity contest.
I don't give a damn what anybody thinks of my actions,
least of all a dozen odd Jews.
No Bruckner, when the chips are down.
You passed judgement on people quickly, don't you ?
Just like that and head's are supposed to roll.
Well, I 've never considered dying
for a cause no matter how noble.
- And I'm not about to begin now.
- Frightened, Major ?
You may have ice water running
through your veins, Colonel...
but I have blood and I need every drop of it.
The way I see it, we have 2 chances of coming out of this.
- A poor one and a slim one.
- Yes, Craig.
From the beginning your boundless
enthusiam has been an inspiration.
But I'm getting rather weary of
being the cross that you've to bear.
Don't flatter yourself, Colonel.
I've trunks full of crosses to bear.
Feeling better, Major ?
We leave in 10 minutes.
Head hunters !
Field police.
Is that necessary, Lieutenant ?
I hope not, Herr Oberleutnant.
Sorry mate... orders !
Keep pace with them... 50 yards back.
Colonel, this road takes us through
Tobruk and then it branches.
To the right is the prison compound,
to the left is Mersa Cove.
You're an officer, clear the way.
Move away !
Move away !
Congratulation !
Their radio towers behind us.
Colonel, I think I'd like to put in for a transfer.
Half the Africa Corps.
- The foxes done it again.
- While the British lion slept.
Gentlemen, the importance of our mission is
even graver than staff realised.
That's doesn't solved the problem, Colonel.
Our men are going to land expecting light opposition
and they're gonna run into Rommel's total reserve strength.
They must be stopped. We've to take that transmitter.
And alert Jerry, for all we know staff
may have scrubbed the mission already.
- So, we just sit back and wait.
- Exactly !
If it has been cancel, we won't have given ourselves away.
What can a handful of men do against 2 full divisions ?
We can try, Major.
If those tanks reach El Alamein, the Germans have Egypt.
They may have the lock, but we have the key.
Without fuel, Jerry goes nowhere !
You don't look too well, Major.
Not surprised to hear it.
We'll have to have a word with the Admiralty about this.
I thought Tobruk was the name of a blockade.
Someone forgot to tell the Germans.
There's our objective.
Rommel's underground fuel dumps.
Easy to see why aircraft had such little effect.
We've located the communications cable.
The bunker can be cut off from the city anytime.
While we go for the guns,
two detachments will take out those pillboxes.
Right on schedule.
Right into a meat grinder.
- Boyden, the air raid's your cover.
- Sir.
Take what men you need and go for the Jerry's transmitter.
Send an open signal to Cairo. Cancel
landing, repeat... cancel landing.
And advise staff of the Kesselring paper.
Yes, Sir.
Colonel Harker.
If Lieutenant Boyden should be
stopped, he doesn't speak German.
- Volunteering, Mohnfeld ?
- It would improve his chances, Sir.
To the air raid shelter. Stretchers. Make room.
Make way !
Come on, move... come !
Well done.
Harry, are you all right ?
Oh yeah, I'm lovely. Let's do it again.
That's more like it, my boy. Come on !
He's dead.
Hurry up, it will be all over us in a minute. Lift him up.
Pry open the door.
- Got him ?
- Yes.
Quick, in here !
Quick. Take cover.
Everyone, come on, quickly !
Leave him.
They have succesfully hit headquarters.
Cor, that was a whisker away.
- What do we do now, Alfie ?
- Good question, mate.
First of all, unload these Jerry uniforms.
My Mama didnt bring me up to be shot as a bloody spy.
Dear God !
What's the matter, you hurt ?
I'm dead and gone to heaven, tell her. Look in there !
Here look, English pound notes. Millions of them !
British paymaster wrappers, Alfie.
The Jerries must've grabbed it
when they took Tobruk from our boys.
Well, we better grab it back then.
Here now, wait a minute. You've got it wrong.
We weren't going to nick this money...
We're up next, Major.
It's 21:30. Do you think Boyden got through ?
We're under attack !
Quickly, to your posts !
Landing is still on, the buzzers are coming in.
- Sergeant Tyne.
- Sir !
Take the half-track and four men up the approach road.
Use the oil's lamp to turn those barges back.
Keep flashing as long as you can, Jack.
- It's our last chance.
- Sir.
- Come in, come in ?
- What's happening ?
- The line is dead.
- Try again.
It's not working.
Satchel charge.
- What's happening here ?
- Outside !
- Flare pistol.
- Sir.
Good try, Sir.
- Seems to lost the old magic wand.
- Regroup now.
Heil Hitler !
- Colonel Harker.
- Craig.
- They're coming in.
- Get down to the beach !
They're gonna need all the help they can get.
Take cover !
Jerries !
Half-track ! Open fire !
Get the bastards.
They're turning back.
- The Sergeant Major got through.
- Thank God.
Take cover under the cliffs !
Bloody tanks !
They would have chopped our barges to pieces.
Take a look !
We're just not going anywhere
with those damn tanks out there.
They've pinned us here until their infantry moves in.
I think I can get up there, Colonel.
Still determined to be a martyr, aren't you ?
I never did believe we'd get through this so long.
Besides, German hospitality does not appeal to me.
You pull those tanks...
and I'll give you the fuel bunkers as a going-away present.
Best job I've had all day.
I'll take three men.
The rest of you stay here with Major Craig.
Shalom !
Shalom, Captain.
I wish you luck, Bergman.
I mean it.
We're both going to need it, Colonel.
But don't steal any from mine.
I'm going back up !
Look !
They're coming down !
Watch out. Cover the rear !
All right lads, at the double !
- We gotta take that tank.
- My pleasure.
No, let me have that.
Need that tank operational.
Field knife.
- Grenade !
- Get out, get out !
Dig in !
Hard left, Sergeant ! Take her through !
- 88 on the left.
- Lieutenant.
Hub station, off to the right.
They're at an impasse.
We'll hit the top level first. Then work our way down.
Get us out of here, Sergeant, before we blow up with it !
Good lord !
They have blown the reserve.
With any luck...
We've seen the end of Rommel's push to the Suez.
Colonel Harker.
Your continued resistance will
only result in a futile loss of lives.
I ask you to surrender.
He knows your name, Sir.
And our situation.
We've done what we set out to do.
Hands up.
Come on, quick.
Nobody move.
Whoever moves, dies.
My compliments, Colonel.
I have your assurance that our wounded..
...will receive prompt medical care ?
The best we can provide.
As soon as you surrender the
Kesselring document, Colonel Harker.
The name is Von Kroeger.
Von Kroeger,
need I remind you of protocol ?
This is an intelligence matter.
And it wasn't Bruckner.
What I told you was the truth, with one slight alteration.
That you found me in the tunnel.
The paper please.
As soldiers, we have few saving graces.
Perhaps our willingness to die for what we believe...
is all that matters.