To Your Last Death (2019) - full transcript

In order to save her siblings, a young woman takes on her father and the powerful entity known as Gamemaster, who ensnares humans into diabolical plots while her species gambles on the outcome.

Lock the bets.


He killed them!

He killed my family!

He killed them all!

The vast void between stars...




Yet somewhere out there...

a game has begun.

Poor Miriam DeKalb.

Survivor of a horror

so dark and deep,

it ripped her world to shreds.

About to find out that the

only path back to the light...

may be to go even deeper

into the abyss.


you're alleging

that your estranged father...

Cyrus DeKalb...


he called us all together.





to kill us.

You realize of course

that some people

might consider your story

a bit farfetched.

He is...

he's twisted.


He abused all of us growing up.

He kills people for a living.

t's what DeKalb Industries does.

They design new ways to kill people

then sell it to the government.

So why did you go there?

Her baby brother is gone.

Killed in his crib.

Her parents gone as well.

And Nafisa

can't sew anymore, because...

because she's missing

both of her arms.

Ms. DeKalb,

we appreciate the efforts

of your organization,

but WorldReach isn't

in the lobbying business.

But you're in the business

of protecting children...

Frankly, Ms. DeKalb,

If you want to make a


I suggest you talk to your


Doesn't DeKalb Industries

make the damn drones?



How'd it go?

I'll live to fight another day.

That good, huh?

Well, Corinne's on hold for you.

I'll take it in my office.

Corinne! Hi!

Just got back from New York.

Lots of developments.

I think this will be the year


No, I know there are a lot of

deserving non-profits out there...

Please, Corinne, I wish you'd...


Jesus Christ.


Okay, you don't look

especially happy.

Corinne just bailed on us.


So the trophy wife

got bored with the cause?

She was half our budget last



We have a few weeks.

Too bad you can't

hit up you-know-who.

I'd sooner slash my own throat.

Did you see the announcement?

His new scholarship fund?

The what?

Today, billionaire industrialist

and former vice presidential

candidate Cyrus DeKalb,

whose own children

sank the Roberts/DeKalb

presidential bid five years ago,

announced the opening

of the new DeKalb Pavilion

at the USLA School of Business,

Along with a $70 million scholarship

for underprivileged students.

You've got to be shitting me.

I'm proud to be part of this,

to help enable children

of low-income families

to become tomorrow's leaders.

Okay... Okay, okay.

He just called me.

The bastard just called me.

What the hell did he want?


haven't listened to the message.

Hi, sorry I'm a bit early...


Hold on to your ass, girl.

I can't believe

he called us all together

or some bullshit family reunion.

I'm not going.

I can't.

, if he's really on his way out,

this might be your last chance...

Are you fucking kidding me?

I've told you

some of the things he did.

Yeah, I think you told the


but... think of what that could

mean for your non-profit.

Take his money

and then use it against him.

I mean, a massive peace


inadvertently funded

by everyone's favorite

war profiteer Cyrus DeKalb.

That's a beautiful thing.

Through that door:

the arena of your deepest fears.

Gut clenched tight...

the voice in your head

sounding dire warnings.

last chance to turn back,


Let me.

Um... hi, guys.

Sup, big sis?



I left...

a bunch of messages.

Are you okay?

I know.

I'm fine.


doing that anymore?


Let me see.

- What? No.

- Let me see.

Miriam, if you start with me...

For once, would you mind

your own goddamn business?

Kel, I'm...


You okay?

You know, guys,

I would have really appreciated

a return phone call

when I wanted to talk about...

well, this.

Hey, congrats. Um...

I downloaded your single.


We open for Meth Takes

a Holiday next week.

If you have time.


Sounds great. I'll be there.

How is Jerry?


What did you guys do for...

Miriam, relax.

There's nothing to fix here,

and none of us is especially

comfortable with this situation.

Let's just get this over with.

Cell phones

and all electronics, please.

There are trade secrets

in this building.

Greetings, everyone.

It's been too long.

I missed you, Daddy.

I'm sure.

Please, make yourselves at home.

Eat. Drink.

But don't be too merry.

Alright, then.

I must say I'm really pleased

that all of you could make it.


I believe I've met one of your,

er, former donors.


Lovely lady.

We're just trying to make



I hear Ms. Sheinbaum

is going back to teaching.

I guess she's gotten over her


I'm outta here, old man.


Forgive me.

That was uncalled for.

There's a lot at stake here.

A lot of money.

Kelsy, speaking of money,

I think Henry will be very

upset when you get home.

I just took a deal away

from him right under his nose.


With all due respect, Cyrus,

we're not here to play games.

What is this about?

All right, then.

let's cut the forced congeniality.

Yeah, 'cause our tribe

is usually really big on that.

I have an inoperable brain


It's called...

Glioblastoma Multiforme.

I've got maybe six months.

We need to discuss my legacy.

If it weren't for my dear


my legacy certainly

would be different.

For starters,

I'd be running this country.

"I coulda been a contender."

It would be somewhat

of an understatement to say

that all of you have

been disappointments.

My brood.

The loony,

the epileptic homo,

the auto-erotic asphyxiator,

and the whore.

What are you doing?

Pronouncing your sentences.


I could understand wanting

to screw Ms. Sheinbaum.

She was one MILFy bit of tail.

But what the hell

was that choking shit?

Plain old fucking

not good enough for you?

Your sentence:


Are you fucking nuts?!

You fucking psycho!

Cut the shit right now, Cyrus.


Tried so hard to follow

in my footsteps,

but of course that was


As if epilepsy isn't bad enough,

you had to embarrass me in front

of my political contributors

with your appalling sexuality.

And then, like all the others,

you turned on me.

Fucking turned!

On me!

Your sentence:





you've had

your little tasteless joke...

You, we'll get to last, Miriam.

I can't wait to discuss

the little matter

of my public humiliation

that you coordinated.

Now, Kelsy...

Trophy whore.

Your husband has been

a competitor of mine for years,

and you go and marry him?

What idiot marries a guy

more than twice her age?

Living the life

of a trophy wife while drowning

yourself in pain killers.

25 a day, I calculate,

based on the 5 doctors you're kiting.

You're a washout.

All this just to annoy me.

You're scaring her!

Your sentence:


And now you.

My dear Miriam...


Your sentence:


Such pretty eyes.

Like my Bethany.

Wanna see?



None of you had spoken to

your father in years, correct?

Since this...

In the interest of our nation,

we can't keep quiet any longer.

Our father Cyrus DeKalb

is a narcissist and a sociopath.

If he is elected Vice President,

this country will experience an

elevator ride straight to hell

while he lines his pockets

every step of the way.

You know what's interesting?

Your siblings were doing

a lot better than you.


Here's my problem.

We didn't find any dead merc

in the elevator shaft.

That can't be.

I spoke with your father.

He confirms parts of your story.

He did call everyone together...

then you sprang a trap...

with the help of two mercenaries

named Jurek Klar

and Aengus O'Callahan.

No way.

No way!

You can't possibly...

It was him!

I swear I'm telling the truth!

Ms. DeKalb.

I have to take into account the

incident from a few years ago.

I was...

that was...

I'm totally fine now.

It was because I grew up

in that hell hole.

Three months in Del Rey

Psychiatric Hospital.

Your doctor noted

persistent visions of...

Your father as some sort of


I have to ask:

Is all of this part of your


I want a lawyer.


You know what I want?

A bagel.

I'm gonna take a little walk

down to the cafeteria.

While I'm gone,

perhaps you might reconsider

your statement, Ms. DeKalb.

Revise a few things maybe.


Why is this happening to me?

Looks like I arrived

at just the right time.

Are you...

my lawyer?

Do I look like a lawyer?


One way or another,

I'd say you need all the help you can get.

I just need the cops to believe


Crying isn't going to help.

Let's face it,

if this was a horse race...

you probably wouldn't even

make the long shot list.

Your father would be

the 10-to-1 favorite

and nobody would bet on you.

Why are you being so mean to me?

Not mean, realistic.

Hoping to generate

some fighting spirit in you.

For a rematch.


With your father.

Run the same race

that you ran last night...


Are you fucking nuts?

I'd rather die.

Like your brothers and sister.

Not the attitude I was hoping


What if you knew then

what you know now?

You're insane.

And that is why you are nothing

and your father rules the world.

What the fuck does that mean?

Life is a game.

Aren't you tired of losing?

Aren't you tired of always





This lady is harassing me.


The detective

will be back soon, lady.

Oh, God!

Who sees me and who doesn't...

is my choice.

I'm not insane.

Who the hell are you?

You're assuming I'm a who.

What the hell did you just do to


That's a temporal morpheme.

A time warp rune.

It will dissolve in about two


You have that long to decide

if you want to be dealt back in.

We'll warp you back 24 hours,

and the game will begin again.

Only this time,

the odds will be even.

Because you'll have and edge.

You'll have...


To activate it, you just trace

the morpheme with your finger.

I don't understand.

This is crazy!

I have faith in you, Miriam.

That's one of the many reasons

we selected you.


the rules.

Rule number one:

You must and will provide


Rule number two:

My associates can stop the game

or ask for a replay at any time.

But the final call is mine.

Rule number three:

I may interfere at my own discretion

keep the game interesting,

but I don't take sides.


All outcomes are possible.


What the hell happened?!

Stop her! Arrest her!

You're only making it worse,



Everything okay?

Freakish much?

We need to get out of here.


We need to leave. Now!

We just got here.


I know you guys aren't going

to believe this, but...

we are going to die.

Okay, Miriam.

I have to ask...

are you off your meds?

No, listen! It's Cyrus. He...

Cell phones

and all electronics, please.

There are trade secrets

in this building.

Okay, everyone.

We're leaving.

You don't understand!

He wants to kill us!

He's going to... he has...

And you know this how?

Please, please listen to me!

Look, I'll explain later,

I am walking out that door right

and you guys must follow me.

Cuckoo, cuckoo.

What the...

The building locks at 8PM.


Come with me.

We can call you a doctor.


You've got to listen to me!


Greetings, everyone.

You fucking son of a bitch!

Get the hell offa me!

Not the reaction I anticipated.

Let me go!

You're not my prisoner, dear.

You can leave at any time.

After you hear me out.

Okay, here's the deal.

He called us here to kill us.

There are death traps

in there for every one of us.

I've seen it happen.

Miri, relax,

you also saw the four horsemen

and Slappy the Magic Chicken.

Ethan, your sister

is clearly not feeling well.

Please refrain from acting

like an asshole.

Did you know that growing up,

I thought my name was Asshole?

It would have been if we

had done the Indian thing.

You know, naming

someone for how they act.

Prancing Moose,

Sitting Duck, whatever.

It's Native American, dear.

I think we all got

off at the wrong foot here.

Why don't we start again?


Listen up.

He's going to tell us

he's got a brain tumor.

Multiform Blasto-something.

She's right?

Go on, tell 'em.


Glioblastoma Multiforme.

The reason for my headaches,

as it turns out.


So yes, I'm dying.

I've got six months maybe.

Wow. Did you call my doctor,


Oh, Daddy, I'm so sorry.

Could they be wrong?

No, don't worry, sweetie,

they couldn't.

You're making it sound

like all I care about is money.

My dear, of all of us,

you're the one who's

the least money-obsessed.

Living the life...

...of a trophy wife while

downing yourself in pain killers.


This is what's gonna happen,


His muscle here are going

to haul us away.

And he's going to watch us die.


Want to know what he has

in store for you?

Remember your little comment

to News National

about dad's handling

of the state budget?

Like a magician

who saws a lady in half

but has no idea how to put

her back together?

All right, that's quite

enough, young lady.

You're not gonna get us this


"This time"?

He asked us here

because he wants payback.

If it hadn't been for us,

he'd be Vice President.

The power behind the throne.

We took that from him.

is his final fatherly fuck you.

I think it's time you left.


Pavel, please make sure she receives

medical treatment she needs.

Sorry you won't be joining

us this evening, dear.


Don't listen to him! Please!

I'm telling you the truth!


Can't say I'm not upset.

Sorry, Daddy.

If you all don't mind...

I feel the need to freshen up.

Aengus and Jurek here

will take care of you.

Yo, what the fuck?!


My darling daughter.


It's that twerpy IT fag you



You got him to hack in?

No matter.

Not everything

was in the design document.

So, my dear, what we have here

is your common,

garden-variety elevator.

Remember that little remark of


About me taking the country on an

elevator ride straight to Hell?

Turns out a 3-ton elevator car

can be a very effective weapon.

This one in particular.

And forgive me this momentary

lack of class, but I must:

You screwed me.

So, screw you.

Such pretty eyes.

Like my Bethany.

Wanna see?





Feeling better?

Seriously, what's up with Miri?

Pretty crazy shit she was


We're having her checked out.

She's exhibiting signs

of a psychotic break.

Paranoia, hallucinations.

- Considering her history...

- Which is why you shouldn't even

think about making her your


Thank you for not being

a damn phony, Collin.

Avarice is strength.

Your'e the only person in this

family who understands that.

Oh, my God!

Where's your sister?

Popping some pills.


What? I'm not exposing

trade secrets here.

Never an iota of gratitude

for my damage control.

Like you give a crap about me.

It was about protecting your


Yes, my legacy...

About that...

What the fuck?!


No! No!


What the hell was that?

That's not how it happened.

That's not the way it happened!


And where do you see a foul?

She had way too much time

to get out of the elevator and...

The timeline shifted.

Last time around,

her siblings were first, then her.

Now her foreknowledge has gotten her

thrown into the trap much earlier.

Can we really expect the elevator

to be in the same position?

And she's leaving the arena!

I guess we all know

whom you didn't bet on.

I want a ruling!

And they don't even wear

those until 2153.


Game continues.

She's not leaving the arena.

Look at the clock.

I gotta get out of here.

And leave your siblings?

I'll call the cops

as soon as I'm out.

Do you want to know what'll

happen if you smash that door in?

Not again.

Not again!


Let me go!

Do you really think

that's a good idea?

Look at the clock.

I paused the game.

But as soon as the tick-tock

starts again,

Your siblings are as good as


How do I know

you're telling the truth?

You used to bottle-feed Ethan.

And braid Kelsy's hair.

Who are you?

You promised your Mom

you'd look after them.

You've seen what'll

happen in this scenario.

There is only one way for your

siblings to survive this,

and that's for you to go

back up there and save them.

The clock will start ticking

again soon as you enter the arena.



Miriam, help me!

Let me out!


Where is girl?

You lost one of the girls?

No. I mean...

She was right in front, but


You see nobody?

Nobody's been here but you.

You're sure she came this way?

Where else could she go?

I don't know, friend.

Weren't you the one chasing her?

You stay.

I go to old man.

Why doesn't he just kill them

quickly and be done with it?


I just wanna get paid and go



How did this happen?

Pavel? Pavel!


We find her.

Damn right you will.

Aengus, find fucking Pavel...

...and get after Miriam.

You see to the kids.

Start with Kelsy.

No more fuck-ups!

Lock everything down.

And lock everything down!

And I mean everything!



No... please...

Ah, my sweetie.



I'm sorry.

And what exactly

are you sorry for, my dear?


you want me to be sorry for.

As you know, I'm a bit

of a fan of medieval gadgets.

This particular contraption

that you're sitting on

is of my own design.

Much like yourself,

it wasn't born perfect,

I had so many opportunities iron

out its flaws in Abu Ghraib.

Sometimes I wished I had

the same opportunities with you.

Now, if you notice,

your arms are completely free.

That metal tray mounted in front

of you is attached to a scale,

which in turn

is connected to a timer.

I never understood

this bizarre affectation.

Cutting yourself.

Pain is something to be

dispensed to others.

but since you seem to enjoy


I'm giving you a chance

to revel in it.

When Jurek starts the timer,

you'll have 60 seconds

to fill the tray

with 10 ml of blood.

The scale will register,

and the blade will not

slice off your head.

The timer will then reset,

and you'll have 60 more seconds

to add another 10 ml to the tray.


Oh, sweetie.

You sound so plaintive.

You can lose almost 500 ml

before you even feel faint.

In theory,

you could stay alive for hours.


60 seconds has begun.


cut yourself.

Keep cutting and cutting and


Don't ever stop!


Fuck this!



No! Please!

Boring! Come on.


I was hoping for a good fight.

The sister's too much fun...

We should keep her around.

Untapped potential.

Explosive potential.



Replay! Replay!

Replay! Replay! Replay! Replay!

Aengus, find fucking Pavel.

You see to the kids.

Start with Kelsy.

No more fuck-ups!

Kill Collin first.

On second thought,

start with my oldest.

What the...?

I've done this.



It's gonna be okay.

I'm getting you out of here.

I think we're good here.

He's totally cut us off.

Still no sign of Pavel.

I've looked everywhere.

Apparently not.

Fucking find him!

This building will be swarming

with people come Monday morning.


They're fucking it up.



Okay, I think the coast is


We need to get Collin and Ethan,

and then we need to leave.

I'm leaving now.

Collin and Ethan...

We can call the cops

once we're outside.

They'll be dead by then.

And you know this how?

I just saved your life!

Why can't you trust me?

I wouldn't be here

if it wasn't for you.

Kel, what are...

Don't fucking call me that.

What is your problem?

You are my problem.

You're a fucking control freak who

always thinks she knows better.

You can never give

people what they need.

You give them what you

think they should have.

When I called you the night

before I got married...

scared, not wanting to go

through with it...

you gave me a lecture.

About how I need to see a shrink

and work through my issues

since clearly I'm

marrying my father...

What did you want me to say?

I wanted you to say, "I love


You don't need this guy."

You know what this is?

No, not what you think.

is is for my Loresta injections.

I inject myself every night.

That way I'm totally out of it

when my "husband" rapes

the DeKalb empire.

Yeah, that's what

my marriage is about.

Fucking Cyrus.

Hurting Cyrus.

Destroying Cyrus.

I'm his fucking stand-in.

Oh, my God.

I'm so...



Let me out of here

or I swear you will regret

the day you were born, old man.

Time to test your theory.

Let's see if I can

saw someone to pieces

and put them back together





For every question

you get wrong,

Jurek will remove a limb.

Let's begin.

Whatever he is paying you,

I'll double it.

Will you make sex?


Sure, yes, yes, I will.


What is an unconventional

monetary policy

used by central banks

to stimulate the economy

when standard monetary

policy becomes ineffective?

Quantitative easing.

How do you calculate

trailing P/E ratio?

Divide the recent price of the


by the last 12 months

of actual earnings.

What is... EBITDA?

Earnings before interest,

taxes, depreciation and...





shareholder's equity?

Well, I'm impressed.

Jurek, cut him in half.

But I answered all of your...




Dumb little girl.



No! Please!

The show's over, Houdini.


Jurek, finish her!

Back the fuck off.


Ax against saw.

Who will win?

Ax lose.

You scared?

I like scared.

See, it is your father

not understand.

I have power.

You are nothing.

I can do what I want.

Hurt, kill, fuck.

My choice.

I am God.

Yes, that is it.


Scream for Jurek.

What the fuck?!


Aengus? Report.

I'm on it, sir.

I'll deal with the boy now.

Want to hear story?

First real mission in the army.


I am 18.

We go to rebel village.

Donje Prekaz.

Some fighting.


My commander say to me,

"Come, I teach you."

He tell me bring a man

into empty house.

He asks man questions about


Man say he do not know anything.

My commander beat him.

Man talks.

Talk so much, I worry we forget.

So I write down everything man


Man is silent.

No more talk.

Commander shoot him.

I show my commander, look, I

say, I write everything down.

All man said.

Commander laughs

and laughs and laughs.

I confuse.

"Why are you laughing?"

Commander says

torture not about information,

torture about power.

I learn.

Your father enjoy from far.

I enjoy close.

We play game I like.

Miriam! Thank God.

We need to go.

Do you know how to get out?

We need to get Ethan first.


Got the trunk

from your dorm room.


Do you use them on others or

you like them being used on you?

Dad, what is this shit?

Since you were far busier doing

your 8th grade math teacher

than 8th grade math...

I was thinking perhaps

a little test is in order.

Factors! Yay!

I want some ROI for the dough

I spent on your "education."

This is fucked up!

Recognize that feeling?

I know you love it so.

The collar is connected to the


of course, you'll have to use

your tongue to key in the answers.

Hope that won't be a problem.

Besides 35 and 1,

what is one factor of 35?


Remember your divisibility


Is 52,462 divisible by 4?

Type Y for Yes and N for No.

Oh, come on.

This isn't going to be fun at all

if you're flunking on Question 2.

Add all the numbers together,

if the sum is divisible by four,

then the answer is yes.


I've always hated touchscreens.

But you kids seem to love them,


That is correct!


Where did you go?

We can't get out.

Elevators don't work,

and the staircase is off.

- Shit.

- Wait.

But that's not...

- That can't be.

- Not what?

how you and psycho dad planned


okay, seriously, what is going


It's the only thing that

makes sense. She's in on it.

What's going on is that we need

to get Ethan and then...

You have been acting weird

this entire time.

Like you knew what was coming.

How could you possibly know



I'm not insane.

But I've been here before and

everybody died and I got out.

Then somebody or something

sent me back, alright?

To save everyone.

It was supposed to be the


except everything's changed!


Do what you want.

I'm getting Ethan.

You're welcome!

Bob purchases lunch for his


He buys two submarine


One sandwich is 16 inches long

and the other sandwich

is 12 inches long.

He wants to cut servings of the

same length from both sandwiches,

without having

any sandwich left over.

What is the greatest

length serving Bob can cut?


Ethan! Oh, my God!

It's six! Six!

The hell it is!


So one of my kids

paid attention in school.

Jurek, Aengus, move!

Get them!

What the...?

This is a fire door!

You don't chain a fire door!

I won.

Do you hear me?

I won.

I played your game.

You kept changing the damn


but I still crossed

that finish line first.


They're still alive.

He failed; I succeeded.

Now let us the hell out of here!

Jurek! Aengus!

Check the west side fire stairs.

Check the west side fire stairs.


Fucking trapped.

I don't believe this shit!

We're in this together...

you, with your sanctimonious "It's

all okay, we're family" attitude.

you now what, Miriam? It's not


Nothing is okay.

one moment of unity five years

ago does not make us a family.

I'm sorry.

You've "seen all this before."

What do we do now?

We are way off-script here.

They keep moving

the goddamn goalposts.

Let me see the syringe.


You can kill someone

with an air embolism, right?


Let me out of here!

Please, somebody help me!



Oh! Did your family

serve you to wolf?

thinking wolf will be less


What are you doing?

No sense of fun. Go.

We don't...

I say go.

Do not come in again.

The boss said...

We are hired to hurt.

To have fun.






Somebody help me!

Don't shoot!

Aengus, right?

Listen to me.

can make you a very wealthy man.

As soon as you're dead,

I'm on a plane home,

to my wife and son,

with enough money to retire.

Forget that.

I'm talking partnership.

I want you to make scream.

Scream for Jurek.

Now stop.

Say, "Please, Jurek."

Say it!

Please, Jurek.

That is right.

You do not want to upset Jurek.

Say, "Sorry I upset you, Jurek."


Scream for Jur...

Sorry I upset you, Jurek.

I can't believe I let you

do that to me!

You're fucking crazy!

Shh! There's still one more.

Now the odds are even.


Wow, Ethan.

We need to talk.

We're taking

over this company.

We could use a man like you...

for special projects.

How much?

Two bucks, chump.

Drop it.


Okay, let's chain him up...

Die, motherfucker!


Die! Die!



Do you know how to use it?

Point and click, right?

I had problems with that...


See? Easy.


Jurek! Aengus!

Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!


Get to the chopper!

Get to the chopper!

The DeKalb family...

trapped in a nightmare

of their own making,

struggling to survive as the playing

d undulates beneath their feet.

A petri dish of mutually

assured destruction.

We're still fuckin' trapped.

Cyrus has the elevator key.

Into the lion's den then.

We go to see daddy dearest.


I just want to say...

I know I can be...


And act like I'm sitting

on a very high horse...

Amen to that.

I know how I can come off...

I just always want to try

so hard to make it all good.

You know, the shit we went


to make it not matter.

It matters.

It won't ever not matter.

It's part of who we are.

I'm sorry... for...

It's okay.

I love you guys.

I know we haven't

been to each other...

what we should have been.


when we get out of here...

I would really like things

to be different.

Because I...

I could really use a family.

You know, someone to cook dried-out

turkey with on Thanksgiving

and exchange lousy

presents on Christmas.

I don't eat meat anymore.

I make a halfway-decent

raisin walnut stuffing.

No, you don't.


I'm not really, like, into,

like firearms and stuff.

You're in a death metal band.

See, that is exactly

the kind of misconception

that society puts on us.

Take it!

Seems to suit you.

It's down here,

next to the conference room.

The elevator key.

But first, a proposition.

We decline.

Where are you?

You fucking bitch!

Language, please.

Screaming might not be the best


There are people hunting you.

I won.

We killed him.

I'm sorry, but that ending is...


Save your energy.

You'll need it.

Time to run.


I said run.

What are you doing?

Back-stabbing bitch!

You really need

to run when I tell you to.

What did you do?

I told you the rules.

I may intervene at any time in the

interest of a more satisfying game.

Remember rule number one?

Be amusing.

It's down here,

next to the conference room.

Congratulations, Miriam.

You've won.

Of course,

you had an unfair advantage,

since you already knew

what was going to happen.

What's going on?

The IT twerp your sister is

dating hacked into my computer

and got the design document

for this little adventure.

Sis, is that true?


Oh, please.

How else could she know

what would happen?

They'd never believe him.

Different timestream.


Never happened?

Never happened.

There was no unification.

There was just a truce.

We're still fuckin' trapped.

Cyrus has the elevator key.

Into the lion's den then.

We go to see daddy dearest.

And then you don't want

to see any of them ever again.

And then I don't want to see

any of you ever again.

And I want a fuckin' gun.



Game continues.

You knew!

You knew and you still

let us come here?

What? No!

Why don't you fill them in on

the rest of the design document?

Stop it, Cyrus!

All of a sudden,

everything makes sense.

Your crazy act,

having been through this before,

I thought you were

frickin' losing it again.

But you were just

milking it for cover.

Mirii, you didn't, like, just let us

walk into this nightmare, did you?

That's bullshit! You can't...

I knew it. Fuckin' knew it.

She set us up.

You see, in my design document,

it's winner-takes-all proposition...

my entire estate.

No one was really in danger.

It was a test of wills and


anway, your sister cooked the


Bribed my assistants.

My God,

can't you see what he's doing?

You knew! You said so yourself.

You couldn't have picked

up the goddamn phone?



Bitch! Bitch! Bitch!


Give us the elevator key.

All right.

You're welcome to leave.


you can have what you've

always dreamed of.


you can be free of the bastard

you're married to.

Heck, you can hire an army of


and tie him up in court

for years to come

and destroy his business

in the process.


think what all of these millions

could do for your music career.


as head of this firm,

you'll have what you've

always wanted...

complete control.

And free sharks.

And in return?

Tick tock, tick tock.

All alone now.

End of the line, bitch!

Guys, stop!




Miriam! Oh, my God.



Oh, my God.

Are you okay?


What are you doing here?

How did you get in?

Freight elevator.

All the other elevators

are out of order.

It's a bit, you know... stupid.

I know how freaked out you were

because of this meeting

with your father.

So I called...

a few times...

and when you didn't answer,

I had this really weird vibe.

So I came here...

Do you have your phone?

Uh, sure.

So I came here to...

What the hell is that?

Where's the freight elevator?

Um, I think it's... no, wait...

Come here.

Miriam, what is going...


What are you doing here?

I told you...

Are you real?


It's crazy.

That you're here.

How did you even get in?

Uh, through the loading dock.

Miriam, what the hell is going


And you got in here after we've

been trying all night to get out.

Okay, this is really messed up.

Obviously, you need help.

We'd better get out of here.

Look at me. Focus.

We can do this.

We're not gonna give up, okay?

Oh my God!

I didn't mean to...




Please don't!

I am done being

everyone's punching bag.

From now on,

I'm the one doing the punching.





I'm here!

Come and get me!

I'm done!

You hear me?

I am done!

Probably not

the smartest thing to do.


Oh, my God.

I thought we had agreed

on not giving up.

Oh, don't worry.

I'm fine.

ct, Walt never actually existed.


He was needed to give you

the final push to come here.

Without him, no game.

And when you refused to play the

game curled up in that hallway,

Walt came in handy... again.

Time to run.

Fuck you.

Kelsy's dead.

I killed her.

I had to kill our sister.

I'm sure that's what you'll say

about all of us...

that you had to.


Oh God!


Ethan, please stop!

Drop it, bitch.

Oh God.





You like close, Jurek?

Is this close enough for you?


I played your game.

Did I provide you with


The wagering was... acceptable.

But you haven't won yet.

Get going.

On my way.

ETA 90 seconds.

Hi there...

old man.

That's what Ethan used to call


He's dead.

Or did you prefer "Psycho Dad"?

Kelsy's dead, too.


They're all fucking dead.

That leaves you as my only heir.

I don't want anything from you!


Of course you don't,

my poor sweetheart.

You can't.

Because there's nothing to get,

and deep down...

you know it.

You've been having



Think about it.

This entire scenario.

You stopped taking your meds

weeks ago, Miriam.

I spoke to your doctor.

She also told me you've

been walking a tightrope

between reality and fantasy.

And that rope is fraying.


You've built me into this...

this monster in your mind.

None of this is real.

At this moment,

you're laying in a hospital bed.

In restraints.

None of this is real...

Hey, it's okay.

Everything is fine.

Another bad dream?

They're dead.

They're all dead.

That one again?

It's just a dream.

I don't think we need

these right now. Do you?


Because you have visitors.

Hey, looking good, sis.


Okay, so I've got a big

announcement to make.

I've finally decided:

it'll be law school.

Oh, please, by tomorrow she'll

be back to theater arts.

What's happening?

We talked to the doctor.

He said maybe you can come

home for Thanksgiving.

You don't eat meat anymore.

Why wouldn't I?

And she makes a decent

raisin walnut stuffing.


Makes a decent

raisin walnut stuffing?

This isn't real, is it?

Bring me back.

Bring me back!

You're no fun.




Real enough, bitch.

Real enough.

Game, set, match.

Happy about your handiwork?

We simply piggyback our games

on events already in motion.

We don't create things.

That being said...

nice work.

Who the hell are you?

You can call me...

the Gamemaster.

Poor Miriam DeKalb...

lone surviving member

of the DeKalb family...

Now keenly aware that the vast void

between the stars isn't empty...

...and when it comes to family

squabbles, it's better to...

bury the hatchet.

Well, that was certainly

an interesting one.

I must say, good call to warp

back after they shot the old man.

This ending was a lot

more satisfying.

I thought it was exciting how

she had to kill her siblings.

All right. Let's tally it up...

The odds for the girl

to win: 19 to 1.

Perhaps someone won

a lot of credits today.

Ladies and gentlemen, reveal,


So, we all know whom

I didn't bet on, do we?


Well-played indeed.

Now who do we have up next?

You're still here.

No doubt hoping I'd tell you

it was all a fever dream,

an hallucination.

That the game isn't rigged...

and it will all be okay.


but Hell is empty...

and the devils...

are here.