To Protect and Serve (1992) - full transcript

A team of corrupt L.A. cops who thrive on brutality and extortion is being murdered one by one. Two young cops, Egan and McAllister, are put on the case. As the body count rises, evidence points to Egan as the suspect. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
[Indistinct radio chatter]

[Siren wailing]

9-1-1 emergency.

Man: Yeah, man.
Two guys just took off
in my car.

They stole it.

Um, please call
the local station...

Man: I'm calling!
What do you think this is?
I'm dialing.

[Glass breaking]

Listen, lieutenant.
How many times
do you want me to tell you?

Six, seven, a dozen...
It's not going
to change anything.

Man 1: Close the door!Man 2: All right.

Man 1:
Let's get this
damn thing out of here, now!

[Engine spluttering]

This is the police!

Come out with your hands up
and empty.


Man 2: Shit.

Get the hell out of here!

Come on.
Move, move, move!

I told you,
I was fired upon.

I returned fire.
I hit one of the suspects.

Two others fled the Van.

There's not much to see
in that 459 ringer.

One suspect down,
in close pursuit
of two others.

Both armed,
code 20.

Excuse me,
detective Amy.

[Sirens wailing]

Man: Split up!

[Sirens wailing]

In the parking lot
I apprehended
one of the suspects.

I cuffed him to the fence.


Interlock them.

Ow, man!

Hang around, ese.

I then proceeded
to join the other officers

who are now arriving
at the scene in the
other end of the alley.

[Helicopter hovering]

Officer: Stay down.[Man grunting]

Officer: Stay down!Man: Come on, man.

All right.
Which brings us
to the final suspect...

As you know,
we've taken statements

from the other officers
at the scene.

What did you see?

What did you hear?

I'd like to hear
your side of it.

When I arrived on the scene,
I was approached
by officer hall

who told me they had
the situation under control.

What did he mean by that?

When I arrived at the scene,
officer hall told me

that they had the situation
under control.
Now, to me,

that means that they had the suspect in custody.

Hey, egan.
Hey, we got your call, man.

Did you get the other perp?

Yeah.all right.

[Shouting indistinctly]

What's going on here?

Oh, we're just...
Reading the suspect
his rights.

You want a shot?

Was there a struggle
going on?

You know,
I saw a lot of things

There was a lot of bodies.
There was a lot of movement.

And there was a lot going on.

Did the suspect
put up a struggle?

[Man grunting]

Hey, hey, hey,
that's enough.

that's enough!

Hey, what's your
problem, man?

Take a break,

[Helicopter hovering]

He's dead.

[Indistinct radio chatter]

Did you see a weapon?


Hey, hey, hey, hey.
It's no problemo.

Right, bro?

A little present
from the midwatch, homie.

Excuse me,
detective egan.

What did you say?


I saw a weapon.

The man was armed.

[Glasses clattering]


What's the matter,



[Indistinct shouting
in distance]

[Shouting indistinctly]

[Shouting continues]

All right, here we go.
We've got two rabbits coming
right up the street, captain.

Trolls with bags,
waiting for
approaching vehicle.


Handsome pair,
aren't they?

Stay alert.

Station wagon.
License two, Kelly,

Jones, seven, seven, nine.

That's a copy.

Now?hit it.

[Tires screeching]

Man: Let's go.
Go, go, go!

[Sirens wailing]

[Indistinct shouting]

Man: Don't move!


You, come here.

Get down.[Grunts]

Get down.

Watch him, watch him!Cover for me.

Man: Get him!

[Woman shouting indistinctly]


The Bible tells me so...


You have the right
to remain silent.

If you give up that right
to remain silent,

anything you say can and will
be used against you
in a court of law.

You have the right
to speak with an attorney,
and to have the attorney...

Man: What have you got there?

[Indistinct police
radio chatter]

[Radio chatter continues]

I mean,
I can understand, right?

I mean,
a customer comes to you
with a craving.

Ain't that right,

What's that supposed to mean?

You know,
times are tough...

Little old ladies
to mug must be in
short supply

'cause of the
recession or something.

I mean,
you must be like Santa claus.

Hey, look.
You guys got no complains
with me.

I always come up
with the snaps.

Who do you think
you're talking to here,

Now, look.
You're coming up short,

I'm only a player.
That's all.

You guys gotta get it from
them high-rollers.

I do what I can
to make my bank.

Now this
says officer Stewart,
you understand that?

Man: [On radio]
43, come in.

if you're coming up short,

maybe you should get a job
moonlighting at McDonald's
or something.


You read me?

Like a fairy tale.

[Indistinct radio chatter]

[Chuckles softly]

Get outta here.

Let's go.

This is going to tell me why
I spent the last 30 minutes

getting my butt chewed out
by the chief?Captain, I was...

I don't want to hear about it.
We talked about this.
We had a deal.

You're supposed to work
by the sop's.

My standard operating procedure
is to have backup,

that's exactly what I did.Your job is homicide.

You let the uniforms take care
of the b and e's.

This is not a movie, egan,
and you're not robocop.
You got that?

Do you want a coffee?No.

You know,
I'm getting a little tired

of getting my standard
operating procedures
shit on around here.

Are you going to institute
a command discipline?No, but you've got more stuff

flying around in those files
than anybody in the
history of this department.

And all that
in the last six months.

Your last discipline is
just about cleared off
your sheet.

I'm gonna give you
a second chance.
I'm giving you a partner,

someone to keep you
under control.What?

you're gonna be amazed

how easy this transition's
gonna be.

[Telephone ringing]

Hello, Harriet.Hello, Phillip.

You look great.

This is a good one,

Oh, come on, Phil.
She's just what you need.

A little discipline.

Let me tell you something.
This is just
what I don't need.

She's exactly the reason I left
the southwest division, okay?

She's a great cop.

You're a good cop,
but you're a loose Cannon.
Pull it together.

Show some respect.
you're going to end up

in palookaville
writing parking tickets,
I promise you.

Now, please, please,
go back to work.

You're liking this,
aren't you?[Chuckles]

[Indistinct chattering]

isn't he?

Oh, he'll be okay.

I'll tell you this,
Keep a short leash on him.

He bites anybody,
it's your butt.

Oh... that was some
basket catch last night.

Me and Willie mays.

Egan: All right,
it looks like we're going to
be together for a little while.

Or at least until
I figure something out.

Why don't you apply
for another transfer?

You're really good
at running away.

I don't like this.You don't like this?

Let me tell you something,
I don't like partners,

and I'm not sure
how I feel about you

I think you don't like
the competition.

You're afraid I'm gonna
set the standards
too high for you.

Egan: Give me a break.Give you a break,

Hey, listen,
I'm not going to
feel bad about something

that went down
like 80 years ago either,
all right?

Oh, what,
you're not over that yet?What does that mean?

It means it's history.

Wait a minute...
What does that mean?

It's over with.

So what,
you got a boyfriend?

[Engine starts]

[Indistinct police
radio chatter]

[Radio chatter continues]

Did you see anybody
leave the house?

Phil.hey, George.

Who's the lady?

That's no lady.
That's my partner.

I'm sorry to hear that.That makes three of us.

What's the address here?

What do you got here?

That's Stewart in there,

Somebody walked in
and dropped Charlie Stewart
over his breakfast.

[Inaudible conversation]

So this is what I've got
to look forward to?

I dunno if it'll be
that good, egan.

Anybody check the vitals?

What vitals?
Three gunshot wounds
to the chest,

that's as dead as it gets.

He gets up
without any help

and you'd be the last one
out of the room, Phil,
believe me.

Don't leak the evidence.

he's been dead for less than
two hours, probably.

What do you got?Tigers lost.

Tigers lost.

That's a good one, egan.

You through
feeling up the place, egan?

What are you doing here, Bobby,
I thought you'd be down
at the morgue, sniffing.

Jealousy will get you nowhere.

It's all yours.

As soon as Bobby
and his boys get finished,

seal the place up,
all right?Gotcha.

Let's go,

Should I call a taxi
for myself?

Charles beacon Stewart,
born Ohio, 1946.

Joined the force
in 1966.

Did a couple of job acquittals
for on-the-job shootings,

did some suspension time
for excessive force charge
last year.

Oh, yeah,
I've got that right here.

What have we got?
Take a look at that.

Okay, where's my...

[Helicopter hovering]

Did you hear
what I was telling you?

Well hurry back,
I don't want to be here
till midnight!

Man: Hit the half,
hit the half,
hit the half!

[Men laughing]

Hey, egan.
Did you hear the department?

They don't want us
to book greasers anymore.

We're just supposed
to run them over.

That way we can save on ammo
and lube the car
at the same time!


I hear you got
the Stewart case.

You make anything yet?

Nah.too bad.

It's making
people nervous
around here.

All right.
New invention.

[Imitates chainsaw]

[Imitates chainsaw]

[All laughing]

[Engine starts]


The door was open.

[Harriet sighs]

Come on in.

I've been sitting
at my desk, what...
About, uh...

Three and a half hours now?
Thinking to myself,

"either this guy is taking
the longest piss in history,

"or something
with some paperwork."[Egan laughs]

you gonna have a drink?

When are you going to start
taking responsibility
for yourself?

You're not going to lay
the responsibility lecture
on me tonight, are you?

No, I'm not going to be
following you around,

blowing your nose for you,

That'll be a first,
won't it?

What does that mean, huh?

I'll tell you exactly
what that means.

That means that
for three years,
that's all you did,

was make sure that I was
a good little cop.

That I went to all
the right places
and said the right things

with the right people,
and all that.

Did you stop to think
for a second that maybe,

maybe I was just happy being
on the street,
being a regular cop,

doing my thing?

That maybe I wasn't the guy
to go around
fulfilling your ambitions?

My ambitions?

You self-centered,
egotistical bastard.

All I did was care about you.Oh, come on.

I thought we had a commitment.

we did have a commitment.

Is it my fault
you can't tell me when
something's bothering you?

I mean,
it's not my fault
you can't express yourself.


[Pop music playing][Woman laughing]

[Distant moaning]


Man: Beverly!

Beverly: They're towing my car!

Man: What's the matter?

Wait a minute!Beverly:
Don't go anywhere!

Hey, wait a minute!
Stay right there.

I don't believe this.


Come on,
it's not funny!

Beverly, come on!

[Man grunting][Thumping]

[Man groaning]


What kind of a weird
neighborhood is this?



Hey, you guys remember
when garver told a model
he thought he had crabs...

[Indistinct chattering]Officer: $1.69 a bottle.

[Woman speaking
over police radio]

Phil, baby,
how you be?

How you doing?

I'm 108 hours
without a drink.

Hey, look who's here, man.

If we make a living being cops,
we've gotta steal it
to make it work.

We do.Yes we do, man.

It's going good, baby.

Hey, damato,
don't spend it all in one place.

Thought you guys might
like to know your buddy
Franklin's dead.

What?i just heard it on the radio.

Hey, what's going on here?
I mean, first Stewart
and now Franklin?

You don't kill cops
'cause you don't like the price
of doing business.

Did you learn that
in the academy?

Take a quaalude or something,
will you?

I gotta get back on patrol.
We're losing money here.

You can't go anywhere.What?

We've got business
to talk about.What business?

Teddy b.
He's on the street

telling everybody
he's got cops in his pocket,

that he can buy anything
he wants.

Somebody's gotta talk to him.What good
is that gonna do?

Somebody needs to
thump that junkie.

You know
what kind of heat
that's gonna bring down?

You got a problem
with that, man?

Hey, hey, hey!Come on!

Come on! Come on!
You want a piece of me?

Come on! Come on!
You want a piece of me?

Come on.Hey.

Come on, you...

We're supposed
to be family here.

All right, man.
All right.

All I'm saying...

All I'm saying

is that Teddy b. Has
killed my livelihood.

Now somebody's
got to do Teddy b.
That's all I'm saying.

And I'm saying it's you.

[Indistinct radio chatter]

Is that what you want?

Is that what you want, hall?
You want me to
take care of him?

Works for me.

You want me
to take care of Teddy b.?

Yeah, that's what I want.

[Indistinct radio chatter]

Then it's a done deal.


You got a big mouth
and a lot of people
don't like you.

I didn't...

I want you to
find a place to hide

and don't you come out
till I come and get you.
You got that?

I can't do that.
I got business
to take care of.

If you don't,
you're a dead man.

'Cause I'll
kill you myself.

You got it?Yeah.

What?i said, yeah,
I got it.

[Gun clicks]

[Alarm ringing]



[Indistinct chatter]

Hey, egan!


Franklin's got about 10 grand
worth of designer suits
hanging in his closet.


They can Bury him in one.

Why don't you go outside
and canvas
the rest of the building, okay?

I'll wrap it up in here
and meet you
back at the car.

Yeah, go on.

Female dispatcher: The owner of the red corvette,

blond, Beverly Benson.

Possible booking
for solicitation.

We have an address
over on Hollywood.

1629 farm.

Harriet: Thanks. Over.

What have you got?

Well, I talked
to the landlady,

and she said that
there was a red corvette
blocking a tenant's space


So when the tow truck
got here,

the owner of the corvette
came out and moved it,

then went back up
into those apartments.

She thinks
it was Franklin's.

You follow?

That would explain this.

Ooh, these are nice.


Wait a second here.

I gotta ask you a question.

Are we cross-dressing
these days, Phil?

Are you kidding me?
You ever seen me
in a tube top?

It's good stuff.

I bet. Mmm.

Is this it here? 316?



Police department.
Open up.

[Gun cocking][Gunshot]

I'll call for backup.

Go around back.Okay.

[Door crashing]

[Gunshot][Vase shatters]


Drop it!

I said drop the gun.[Cocks gun]

[Egan grunts][Gunshot]

[Both grunting]

Put your hands
on your head.

My procedure was fine.

You wanna go by procedure,
fine, but you don't
do it around me.

Let's go.

You know, I can't afford
to be afraid that
something might happen.

I didn't know you cared.

Hey, this is bull--

Teddy b.: Ah!


All right, damn, man.
I'll tell you whatever
you want to know.

Come one, man.
Give me a break.

Come on, man.



You know what
a shooting gallery is,
don't you, Teddy?

Yes, home sweet home.

Listen... listen, man.

Look, I got some heavy--shut up!

Look, I mean it, man.

I could get you
all the money you need, man.

Just give me a chance to
talk to my girls, man.

They be comin' up short!

Look, I mean it.
I mean it.

Come on, man.
[Stammering] You can understand.

Look, I always come up
with the bank.
You know that, hall.

Come on, give me
a break, man.Hey, Teddy, b.

Lookee here.

You know what that is,
Teddy b.?

You... you crazy.
'Cause that ain't mine, man.

Tell him it don't belong
to me, man. Tell him
it don't belong to me.

Come on, hall.You know what that is,
don't you?

I'm filing charges
of police brutality.

I got your p.O. On the way
down here, Terrance.

Looks like you owe
a dime in Nevada.

I mean, you're gonna be
about 36 when you get out.

Now, if you help me out,
I might be
able to help you out.

You ain't gonna be
able to help.

You don't know nothing,
do you, pal?

We make interstate
fugitive deals all the time.

All you gotta do is
tell us where Beverly is.

We'll make sure
your p.O. Knows
you cooperated with us.

[Door opens]

You killed
officer Franklin, scumbag?

Are you guys whacked?
I didn't kill any cop.

You use this
on police officers?

Well, what's this?I am not a cop killer!

What is this, huh?

I tried to
help you out, Terrance.

You shot these officers
with this?

No. No.Huh?

You didn't
shoot these officers?

Who shot at them?
Santa claus?

We don't have to worry
about Teddy scumbag
no more.

Hey, would you
relax, man?

Now they couldn't
wait for you

because they
like it too much.

Egan. What do you got?

Some punk parole violator.

What's the matter with him?I don't know.

Parole violator?Yeah. Ex-boyfriend.

Thought we were
coming after him.

What about the girl?

Ah, that scumbag
wouldn've give her up
in a second.

I don't think he's seen her
for at least 24 hours.

So why is she hiding?Maybe she swings a mean bat.

Thank you.Or she saw who did.

Could be.[Elevator dings]

[Machinery whirring]

Kazinski: [Over recording] Somebody's got to do it.

And I'm saying it's you, egan.

Not good enough.

I want you to
pull him off the street.

And what do we get?

A couple of two-bit lowlifes.

No. I wanna
go higher than that.

Listen, if you wanna
go higher than that,
then go higher than that.

My elevator stops here.

Come on, for Christ's sake!

If we don't get to
the root of the corruption,

we've wasted our time.

Try telling that
to Teddy b.

We don't have time
to babysit the whole--

you were supposed to be
watching him.

This isn't bullet proof.

You got a problem, egan?

Is that what I smell
running down your leg, boy?

Fuck it.
Son of a...

You just gotta trust me
in this, Phil.

Can I count on you
to go through
with this investigation?

Phil![tires squealing]

[Slow music playing
in background]

Will that be all?

Egan: Uh, that's it.


So you think
Benson killed Franklin?


I don't know, you know.
It's hard for me to believe

the woman's gonna go in
and bash a guy's brains
all over the floor.

You know,
it's a little messy.

His wife might
disagree with that.

What's wrong with you?

What are you talking about?

Well, something's
bothering you.

Nothing's bothering me.
I'm sitting here,
I'm eating a sandwich.

I'm having a beer.
Nothing's bothering me.

Everything's fine.

You know, I mean, I act
like an idiot sometimes.

Yeah, you do.I know.

I wanna apologize for that.

Ah, it's the scotch.
You should know your limit.


You got a pretty nice
right hook there.

Well, you should
see my left.

No thanks.


You know, you should have
just told me what you wanted.

I really don't want
to get into it.

I don't want it to
turn ugly, you know?

If you'd just told me
what you wanted, maybe we...

I don't know.
Maybe things would have
been different.

You never listened.

I mean, maybe I should have
taken an ad out
on the sports page, you know.

Those little
box score sections.

Like, "the tigers lost"
in this column over here.

"Harriet wants this gentle,
open, honest relationship"

over in another column.

Wait. Where do you
think you're going?

I'm gonna walk you
up the stairs.

[Dog barking]

Well, move over,
prince charming.



[Unlocking door]

Oh, you're
still here, huh?

Come on, let me in.
I just want to
talk to you.

One drink.

Then you go.

[Indistinct chatter][Music playing in background]

Unlucky seven ball, right?

Right. Watch this.

Hey, kaz. Listen.Yes!

This whole thing
with Stuart and Franklin,

what do you think?
We okay with that?

They're just coincidence?

A coincidence.


You know, there's
this whole thing
with egan.

I told you
right at the beginning.

I don't trust him.

Everybody takes, ozzy.

The judges, the politicians,
the stock brokers.

Because everybody walks.

Rapists, pedophiles,

Even me and you, ozzy.

[Chuckles]See, that's the beauty
of the system.

It's the American way.

So I'm not sorry
for who I am.


Here's to you, Charlie.

And here's to your ponytail.


[Starts car engine]

[Muffled] Hey![Gunshots]

[Music continues]





[Phone ringing]


[Phone continues ringing]


Yeah, what's up?


[Indistinct chatter
over police radio]

Here you go, detective.

Looks like hall
and kazinski are
off the streets, huh?

You know, rid,
you talk too much.

They found kazinski first.

Some drunk comes out
of the bar,

he trips over him.

After I got here,
I noticed Billy's car.

You're the first officer
on scene?Yeah.

Where'd you
disappear to?

Do me a favor.
Go inside the bar.

Get some details
from the people, all right?

You got it.

Looks like the same mo
to me.

Better go jump
on the horn and get malouf
down here right away.

You got it.Hey.

How're you doing?

I'm all right.

I'm all right.


[Indistinct chatter]

You find any hacks
on the computer?

Got a better idea,

Try a little
investigative procedure.

That thing's a joke.

It might come out
with some 500-pound
buddy Holly impersonator.

Well, for your information,
wise guy,

I'm looking for
a common denominator,

not a gunman with a guitar.

Oh, before you get to
your coffee and donuts,

I want you to
take a look at these.

So what?

So at one time or another,
those guys were
under ia investigations.

Who the hell
hasn't been around here?

Half of these guys
had bad records

before they even
got out of the academy.

Yeah, but those guys
are coming up dead, egan.

You looking for
a conspiracy around here?

I don't know.

Well, I'm gonna do it
the old-fashioned way
and hit the streets.

Have fun.I will.

[Train rumbling]

[Train horn toots]

Yes, can I help you?

Uh, yeah,
two coffees, okay?

You want something to eat?
A donut?

No, I'll just have a coffee.

Just a coffee.[Waitress speaks indistinctly]

Wanna sit down?

What a guy.

Waitress: [Over radio]
Guess you guys
work around here, huh?

You guys need anything else,
just yell.

Egan: If I had a swing
like that, I'd put it
in my backyard.

Where's your partner?

I thought it was best
to keep you two apart
for a while.

You didn't make him
a very happy man
the other day.

He should learn
to keep his mouth shut.

You becoming a loose canon
on me, egan?

Is that what
I have to worry about?


Just remember,
you came to me
six months ago

and volunteered for this.

You know, I don't need to
put my short hands on the line

to come and deal with
a cheese head like riddley.

Oh, is that what you think
this is all about?

We're just
a bunch of rats?

Picking on
your fellow officers.

Let's get
one thing straight.

Bad guys work on
both sides of the street.

But a good cop

always finds a way
to get the job done.

Whatever it takes.Yeah.

That's what my old man
used to say
until he bought a bullet.

You know, I got a $50
moth-eaten flag
sitting in my closet.

That's all the mayor
gave my mother

before she died
of a broken heart.

Hey. Listen.

No, no, no, no.
You listen.

'Cause I like being a cop.

I like getting a paycheck

for catching the bad guys
and kickin' down doors.

See, somewhere along the line,
we built this wall.

I haven't quite
figured it out yet.

But you see,
you stop feeling things.

You don't care
about anything anymore.

Phil, what do
you care about?

Is that what you
brought me down here for?


Some of the cops
you've been investigating
are, uh...

Ending up dead.

You got any theories
on that?


Do you?

I mean, for all you know,
I could be
doing these guys.

I didn't say that,
did I?

[Chuckles] Oh.

I'm talking about
working with us
as a team.

Nothing's ever perfect.

And yes, sometimes
people do get hurt.

But we always watch out
for our own.

Yeah, I heard that before.

Do me a favor.

Don't do me any favors,
all right?

I watch my own cheeks.

[Car engine starts]

What'd I tell you?

All we did
was piss him off.

[Indistinct chatter
over police radio]

Diamond 83 to hq.

Yeah, I got a code 6.

Possible 459

near the corner
of Jace and 27th.

Code 4.

Woman over radio:
10-4. We'll send you backup.

[Indistinct chatter
over police radio]

[Door creaks]


Man: Becker.


[Police sirens approaching]

What happened?Took three shots
to the chest.

His body armor
saved him.

[Indistinct radio chatter]

Thank god I'm breathing.

You're gonna be fine.

Where's egan?I don't know.

I gotta see him.



[Siren wailing]


You home?



[Phone beeping]

Uh, yeah, this is Harriet.
Is this ed?

Uh, yeah, I'm over here
at Phil's house.

Could you see if he's there?

Okay, I'll wait.

[Printer whirring]

I'm gonna file
a warrant.

Are you freakin' crazy,

You expect me to buy this
meshugganah theory
that egan's our perp?

Well, I don't like it
any more than
you do, captain,

but I saw those files
and I know that he has
motive and opportunity.

You don't have a single shred
of sufficient conclusive
evidence here.

Where are these
scrapbooks and files
you keep talking about?

You got nothin'
to substantiate
this theory.

You know that
I can't take
those files, captain.

Not without
a search warrant.

So, give me a motive.

Motive, egan's father
was killed under
cloudy circumstances.

I knew his father.
He was my partner.

He was a good cop.

Yeah, well, some of those cops
who he worked with
are comin' up victims.

And at that time they were
under ia investigations...Man: Captain? possible suspects.

Nothing was found
to substantiate it, so no
further action was taken.

You're talkin' about
some very good cops here.

I mean, unable to
defend themselves.

Well, I think, that remains
to be seen.

Egan was ten years old
when his father died.


So, what are you
tryin' to tell me?

What I'm tryin'
to tell you is,

maybe egan held a grudge
against these cops
all these years.

He now has the perfect
opportunity to take
out his revenge.

[Scoffs] Well, that's...

That's very interesting,
but it's...

Somehow a little
far-fetched for me.

Suppose you hit the streets,

find me something
I can swallow better, huh?

There's one more thing, uh...

I think our suspect,
Benson, is a witness.


She's hiding 'cause
she's afraid.

I'm gonna go find her
before we find her
in a dumpster.


I really hope that
I'm wrong about this.

[Ship horn blowing]

[Gun cocks]



I got your message.

Somebody tried
to kill me, Phil.

I'm a little jumpy.

Comes with the territory.

Not this, it don't.

You don't look so good, man.
You want me to take you back?


I'm gonna lay low
till this thing
is cleared up.

Did you call anybody else?

There is nobody else.

I mean, who can I trust?

Somebody's doing
the whole damn team, man.

There's always been
a midwatch, Phil.

Long before you came around.

Yeah, and everybody
had an agenda.

Some of the guys were tired
of the useless system
we were bucking.

I mean, you'd run a hairbag in,
and he'd be back out on
the streets the next day.

And some of the guys
were just

crooks with badges.

Leanin' on drug dealers,

sellin' files and reports
to attorneys and scumbags,

gun dealing,
and shit like that.

Whatever happened
to doing your job?

To protect and serve?

What about it?

We take care of our own
out there on the streets, Phil.
We all alone.

Now, somebody's doing
the midwatch.

I mean, 20 years,
and nothin', and now this.

'Cause you in it now.


Help me.


There's a diary here.

It's got everything
we ever did,

and who we paid
kickbacks to.

Anything happens to me,

you know what to do.

Can I trust you?

[People speaking indistinctly]

[Rock music playing]

[Speaking indistinctly]

There you go.

Hi. So, are you
working here, too?

I'm misty.

And I'm Harriet.

Well, I just retired.Bartender:
What can I get you?

Beverly, let's go.


Am I under arrest?Depends.

Beverly: Where are you
taking me?

Man: You can't come in here.Beverly: 20 questions tour.
Come on.

Beverly: Look,

you've got your gun
and your badge and
the system behind you.

I've got my behind
and what I know
about the streets.

I don't need
any trouble.

I'm looking for a cop killer.
Are you a cop killer, Beverly?

What? Are you crazy?

I don't know anything.

Now, I know cinderella didn't
leave those pumps behind.

And there was
no prince charming.

When I left,
he was still alive.

I didn't see anything,
I don't know anything,

I don't wanna
talk to you or
any other cop.

Take a good look
at this man.

Don't call the police.

Listen to me.

You don't have to do that.

Maybe I can clear
this whole thing up.

You see, I...

I used to own your uncle.

Woman on TV: What?

[Knocking at door]Man on TV: I used to
live in your house.

We lived there for many years.

Woman on TV: Well, what
happened? Why did you move?

Man on TV: Well,
it wasn't by hard choice.

When my business
began to go downhill...

[Knocking at door]

[Chatter on TV continues]

Who is it?

[Indistinct chatter on radio][Helicopter hovering]

How'd it go down?

Three shots, back of the head.


Oh, my god, the infamous
camping trip.

Hey, you got any
pictures of us
trying to pull

cactus needles
out of your butt?

I gotta go, all right?

[Door opens]

[Car engine starts]

[Lock opens]

[Indistinct announcement
on pa system]

[Ship horn blowing]

Hey, Jimmy,
have you seen malouf?

I think he left.

[Telephone ringing]

Squad room.

Can I speak to
detective McCallister, please?

Uh, she's not here
right now. Can I take
a message for her?

This is Beverly Benson.

Beverly: I'm at the blackstone hotel.

Could you please tell her
that I need to speak with her?

Okay, I'll make sure
she gets it.

Oh, yeah.
That's what it was, yeah.

[Speaking indistinctly]

[Baby crying]

[Knocks on door]

Miss Benson?

[Knocks on door]

Beverly Benson?

[Knocks on door]

Egan: Miss Benson?

Egan: Beverly Benson?

Egan: Miss Benson?

[Woman yelling indistinctly]

[Telephone ringing]

I'm coming.


Somebody just tried
to get me.

Beverly, where are you?

Just listen to me.
Stay where you are

and don't move
until I get there.

[Siren wailing in the distance]

Miss Benson.

I'm a police officer.

I just wanna talk to you.

What are you doin' here?

Benson couldn't
identify you.

What are you talkin' about?
I came here to talk to her.

I just wanted to protect her.

Harriet: From who? You?

Egan: From me?Harriet: Yeah.

Harriet, what's the matter?
Are you all right?

Does cop killer
ring a bell to you?

What, you think
I'm doing these cops?

Harriet, what's the matter--

freeze it, egan!I got it, captain.

Ah, great.

All right, toss that gun
over in the corner
very slowly.

Do it.


Now, I want the diary.

I know you have it.

You're the last one
to see Becker alive
before I whacked him.

You killed Becker?

Yeah, he killed Becker.

He killed agui, he killed
Stewart, he killed Franklin,
he killed the whole crew.

Don' you know I'm lookin'
forward to a career
in politics when I retire?

Can't take any risk.

I hope you understand that
better than your old man did.


Or is it gonna be
like father, like son?

And then what, uh, we--

you expect us to just
walk out of here, right?

Why not?

Yeah, I don't think so.

The reports gonna read
there was a shootout,

you and I got killed,
the murder was solved.
Case closed.

[Malouf laughs]

Couldn't happen better.

I'm really sorry, Phil.

I told you, Harriet.
You never listened.

I'm really sorry.

Get over there.


You all right?Yeah.

Give it up, captain!

It doesn't have
to be this way, Phil.

You could be
a very rich man.

Or dead!

All you have to do
is get out of my way.

Not today, captain.

You wanna pass,
you gotta come through me.

You're not being reasonable.

Like father, like son,
you bastard!

Just like your old man.

He cried like
an old woman, you know.

Just before I put
the bullet in his head.

He was on his knees.

Shaking in his pants.

He begged me.
"Please," he said.

"Please, I got a wife
and I got a kid.

I got a kid."

That's all he kept saying.

So, I shut him up.

[Gun cocks]

[Gun cocks]

Let's go home.

I'd like that.

[Sirens approaching]