To Kill a Beaver (2012) - full transcript

A man returns home after a long time. The house is in a bad shape, ruined with graffiti on walls, but it doesn't stop him from staying in. The man has an aim that requires complex preparations. The house has however already a new inhabitants that start to influence the man's performance and to mingle with silhouettes from the character's recent past, spent at the Central Asia border. Are the war prolonged tension and the man's shattered emotionality possible to overcome, so that he may really re-locate in a peaceful surroundings of his home-village?


A Film by Jan Jakub Kolski

to my mother



Silence in this place
always pissed me off.

It just drove me... crazy.

Nothing, but the singing of birds,

the murmuring of the brooklet,
and the soughing of the wind.

And, finally,

the barking of dogs,

though even they would bark
fucking softly,

as if they were afraid of something.

After all they were
afraid of something.

Just like me.

Now I'm returning
to this fucking silence,

luckily just for a while.

For a couple of days.


Drive on, fuck you!


Costume designer

Art Directors

Edited by


Production Manager


Oh, fuck it...

Director of Photography


Written and Directed by


I'll kill you.

I'll kill you all.

I'm here waiting.

PS. Thanks for the beaver trap.

I could use it.

Eryk speaking.

I'm calling.

I hearyou.

I've sent two pictures.
You figure it out...


How are you?

I'm keeping fine.

And the war against beavers?
Who's winning?

Got any other questions?

European beaver - castor fiber.

An endangered species.

And you?

An endangered species too,

or want your ass belted?

Will you beat me?

I'll catch you.

But I'm not going
to run away.

Do you know

you're on my turf,

like that castor something?

I do.

And what?

Well, I count on your
being a hospitable individual.

Not very.

Got that? Beat it!

I get it.

Why don't you move
your little ass

- and drift toward your junior high?
- I'm in senior high already.

You must have straight As
in the beaver class.

I have straight As only.

I know, for instance, that you'll
go to jail for what you're doing.

Even faster for murdering
a high school student.

Do you have a name?

I do.


And you?

I don't.

Don't tell me
you're calling.

I don't.

What is it'?

Have you collected pebbles?

What's the hurry'?

I thought
you were in a hurry.

Not yet.

I'm sending a clue.

I don't need any fucking clue!

Don't be scared to look
into a woman's eyes.

So I gotcha.

You moron. You blockhead.


You've flipped out, friend?

Has anybody fired?

An idiot, but certainly
not you.

The beavers pissed me off.

Eryk, we are no more.

Nobody will acknowledge
us just in case.

I'm no more.

You vanish off the face
of the earth and... dead silence.

I said I'm no more.

What're you fucking doing?

You enter my life,
as if it were a john.

As if to take a dump,

wash your hands and leave.

But I'm a complex... man.

I have my various secrets and
want them to remain my own.

This is my only real property.

Do you understand
what I'm saying to you?

Uh-huh. You got a gun.

I do.

- You kill people?
- I don't kill anybody.

- I have various secrets too.
- Yeah, right.

Barbie doll room upstairs,

books, panties, socks.

Uh-huh. I have my little
room here,

- penetrate the wall, living in it.
- No.

It's me who has
this little house here.

I lock the door
and want to be alone.


- So I can drop by once in a while.
- No.

Don't come here. OK?

And the beavers? Who'll help you
take a shine to them?

I won't.

Why, they're nice, furry
and touching. Just like cuddly toys.

I won't ever like them.

- Won't you get away?
- No.

Aren't you scared?

I am.

So what's the point?
You got me confused.

I've fallen in love.

- With me?
- With you.

A fucking awful
investment of your feelings.

- You couldn't have done worse.
- One can.

You don't even know how many morons
walk the face of the earth.

All right.

You've convinced me.

Pick up snails.

What for?

For dinner.

What am I to do with it'?

Smash up the dam.

What're you waiting for?

Destroy it.


- Smash it to fucking pieces.
- No.


must be able to make sacrifices.

- Smash it up!
- No.

At once!

Let those cuddly critters
see how much you're in love.

- Smash it!
- No!

- Do it!
- No.

To fucking pieces.


You love me so much, huh?


Thai Shrimp... hot.

Roast Chicken... mild.

Crabmeat... hot.

Chicken Curry.

Roast chicken is OK.

- For sure?
- For sure.


Still in love?


You know how
I love you is in Russian?

I do.

Five hundred in the kisser,
a grand into the twat.

Ya lyublyoo tebya.


What for?

Repeat... Please.

Ya lyublyoo tebya.

You see?

You must really love me.

- I falter less around you.
- You don't falter at all.


"Milenkiy moy, shchastye mayo,

dusha grustit za toboy.

Milenkiy moy, shchastye moye...


Milenkiy moy, shchastye mayo,
dusha grustit za toboy.

Very beautiful.


Something broke
in the car?

No. I'm looking for my daughter.
A short one, dyed hair.

- Hasn't she roamed here?
- No.

You... the owner?

Aha. The owner.

- Anything else?
- That's all.

If she'd wander here, smack her
on the ass. May I oblige you?


So that's all.

Still in love?


Ya lyublyoo tebya?


Ya lyublyoo tebya.

Ya lyublyoo tebya.

Milenkiy moy, shchastye mayo,

dusha grustit za toboy.

Milenkiy moy, shchastye mayo,

dusha grustit za toboy.

Milenkiy moy.

All in order.

I took money from the drawer,
as you'd disappeared somewhere.

And I've bought some things.

Don't worry nobody knows a thing.
Zero information outside.

I've caught on that the less
and quieter with you the more I get.

Oh, how I've concluded
it beautifully.


Nastoyashchiy obyed...


Hmmm. Haven't you
grown fond of Russian?

A beautiful language.

Does lyubov suit you?

Can we call it love?


We cannot.

Kuriniy bulion.

Adbivnaya kotleta...

z kartoshkoy.

Salat iz ogurtsev.

Ma rkovka

Chicken noodle

- delicious.


Flour, eggs.

A good Polish carrot.

Parsley... dill leaves.

This is a pork chop

of a swine.

Thank you for the dinner.

I got some work to do.

Wash up and beat it.

Zero third - report. How many pieces?

Five pieces sir. A woman and four males.

All of them caucasian?

Woman from Chechnya,
three lngushes and Ukrainian.

Have you interrogated them?

The chief exams that woman.

Okay. Confirmed.


Eryk speaking.

I've been calling for 2 weeks.
What happened?

Why the hell you didn't tell me it's
about her. That she is the point.

I was not allowed to.

Because of what? That I could
screw up something? Run away?

I thought she was gone.
I almost have left her behind.

I repeat: I was not allowed to tell you.

But fucking why?

I don't know.
I do not deal the cards.

I can't make it. I'm in a bad shape.

I was supposed to get a job,
but this one is too hard.

Set up the trial and practice.
It's your fucking profession.

I can't make it.

Yes, you can.

She is very important for us.

You know no limits.

You don't know where your
world ends and mine begins.

Get the fuck out of here
if you wanna live at all.

We have a problem, Eryk.

None whatsoever.

You know what happened?

Nothing did.

You know the rules.
No witnesses.

She hasn't seen a thing.

She has.
I can't pretend I don't know.

You can. I saved your life.

I can't. You must make amends.
Do you hear?

I do.

You know what to do?

I do.

- Who is he?
- I don't know him.

Get the fuck out of here.


Cool it.

- What? Another uncle?
- Shut up!

- Isn't daddy enough, whore?
- Shut up, fuck it.

Blow your nose.



That's a good gal.

There's a silencer
behind the mattress.

Screw it on,

or shoot through the pillow.

Not to make noise.

Move the barrel away
from the head.

The brain could bounce off
the skull and fly.

You kill people?

I kill monsters.

You should shoot me, right?

Are you a flying dragon?

I'm someone who's seen
more than she should have.

You've seen shit.

Just in case
I can have you swear.


"I won't tell anybody

Come on. Swear.

I won't tell anybody

That's good now.

Tell me...

what's that line
with uncle and daddy?'

My father makes passes at me.

Ever since I can remember.

A sexual violence victim in the family,
as the papers call it.

All right. Do we
have to talk about it'?

No, we don't.

There was my big sister at home,

but she got married.

When we were the two of us,

we could sometimes defend ourselves.

Now it's more difficult.

Now you will swear
you won't tell anybody.

Say, "I won't tell anybody

"I won't tell anybody

That's good now.

The village is on
the other side of the wood.

I like walking through the wood.
I'm not scared.

Sure thing.
The wood is cool.

- Hey, kid!
- What?

- Come here.
- Why?

Come here.

Do you want a kiss?
I've never kissed you.

I do.

It's been not so bad.

So... beat it now.

This is my turf!

My turf!

Frigging beavers.
Get out of here!

Get out of here!
Or I'll kill you.

I'll kill you all.

I know you hate these
frigging beavers.

I'll whip them into line.

Just don't throw me out, please.
I have no place to go.

I can't go back home.

I'll whip them into line.

I'll chase them away to
the fucking kingdom come.

Just don't you throw me
out, I beg you.

Come to me.

Come on.

You don't have to
chase them away.

Let them stay here.
I don't mind them.

I've even grown a liking for them.
Let them dive.

They swim breaststroke,

free style, even backstroke.

Fuck them.

I'll show them to you.

I got an idea.
Do you want to see?

What if they don't come?

They sure will.

They must repair the dam.

They'll feel fucking
awful without it.

One has a burrow
right by the dam. Their guard.

When he decides the time has come,
he'll signal to the rest of the company.

Fucking informer!

- You swear like a trooper.
- I'm sorry.

How do you know
so much about them?

You need to cull knowledge
about your opponent.

Do you know as much
about love?

I don't know a thing.

- Hush.
- What?

- They've come.
- Didn't I tell you?

Are they supposed
to be beavers?

They are.

Where do they have teeth,
tails covered with scales

and all the rest?

The tail at the back,
the teeth up front.

How else can I show them to you?
Sprinkle their pelts with salt?

- Do what?
- Sprinkle their pelts with salt.

Yeah. It'd be super.

- What's that?
- Baby beavers.

A boy and a girl.

- For me?
- Who else?

A girl.

I don't want! No!


They were there! Indeed!
Did you see?

Beavers! Real beavers!

The bigger one
even looked at me

and almost swam to me
and brushed against me.

- Did you see?
- I did!

They were there for real.
Indeed! There were two.

One smaller and the other bigger
and they were beautiful.

- Don't lie or I'll shoot you.
- Really! Honest to God!

- I'll shoot you.
- Abso-bloody-lutely.

I will shoot you.

I have a second life...

and a third...

a fourth...

and a fifth.

Hey, have I shot you?


I have only one life.

But it'll suffice

if I spend it with you.

You... you said, "With you?"

I... I did.

Don't parrot me or I'll
fucking shoot you.

I love you.

Come on.

Someone like me?

The dam...

is very important.

It stops the water

and makes

it deeper.

So the beavers

can carry branches
and logs an easy way.

No, this is for kids.

Can we switch to people
for a while?

We can.

You love her very much?


The dark-haired in
the photos on the targets.

She is Russian, right?

N... not true.

End of talking about people.

I was there.

Close to you.

In Iraq, Afghanistan

A mine exploded
under my humvee.

I lost two men
and I was a little...

I was relegated
to this border.

I'm here to guard Poland.

To catch fugitives like you.

Russians, Chechnyans

What is your name?

Kak tebya zavoot?





Humvee is a car.

Eryk speaking.

I've been calling
for a week. How goes it'?

I'm training.

Eric, we are watching you.

I know. And what do you see?
Everything is under control.

You didn't make it with the teenie.

I will. I only have to talk to her father.

Well, troubles, huh?
I said give her a spanking.

It can't be this fucking way.

I have a heart condition,
I take medicines.

Put this on. What are
you fucking waiting for?

Listen to me, bandit.

I'll cut off your genitals and
sew them on in your mouth.

I can do it before
I shoot you or later.

This is your choice.
No other.

I'd choose the other variant.

Which do you choose?

Good choice.

I'm calling.

I hearyou.

The job is cancelled.

It exceeds us.

What now?

I don't know.
They put me away.

I had a contract.
I met the conditions.

I know nothing.
I am only a mediator.

- Where is she?
- Who?

The kid with beavers.

See? You don't even
know her name.

- I know.
- Well?

She knows nothing.
Where have you taken her?



Eryk here.

Yes, I'm listening.

Is the agreement still on'?

Sure, major, like we established.

Can we meet tomorrow?

Closer to you or to me?

Not far away from here.

Eryk here.
Leave the message after the beep.

She lived in Blakhan, Dagestan.

She escaped from Chechnya,
next studied in Machachkale...

for three years.

That's where they must've
recruited her; she was an easy target,

as the Russians had killed her husband.

I'm telling
what you know already.

The rest is just details.

They killed her parents.

Mother's name was Esila.

Father's Karim.

She has a brother Ramzad
and three sisters.

My wife Hadishka...

She worked for us.

You're out of your mind.
She never worked for us

and was never your wife.

You've been retired for 3 years.

A mine exploded under you
a km away from Ghazni.

She worked for us,
so we should rescue her.

It features in intel data
that she's detained

on the Chechen-Dagestan
border... in a village.

There have been no
intel data whatsoever.

- Eryk, I'm scared.
- Why have you gone in there?

That woman blew herself up
in a bus in the south of Russia.

There were 29 dead,
mostly children.

We had an agreement.

We had an agreement

that you'd come round
and forget about her.

You were an excellent soldier.
We worried about you and

would drop by here often.

Everything looked roses.

- You don't leave people just like that.
- That woman is dead, major.

She blew herself up in a bus
over half a year ago.

Ever been in love with
someone colonel?

I'm calling.

Good news.

Back to the original plan. The high brass
have recovered their senses.

You aren't changing anything.
Details - tomorrow.

The same.

One thing in private:

I remember you saved my life.

I remember
that you saved my life.

I remember...

I remember...

I remember...

I remember...

I remember...

I remember
that you saved my life.

I'm calling. Good news.

I have enough of bad news.

Back to the plan. The high brass have
recovered their senses.

Do I change the location?

You aren't changing

The same way?

The same.

Anything else?

One thing in private.


I remember
that you saved my life.

Forget it.

We're squared now.
