To Each Her Own (2008) - full transcript

Jess meets Casey, a very openly gay woman and quickly the girls form a strong romantic bond which forces Jess to come to terms with her true sexuality. Jess is captivated by Casey's lifestyle; meeting Casey's friends and accepting family sends Jess' life spinning out of control. She does not know what to do as she falls deeper in love with Casey and risks losing her loyal and kind-hearted husband. Casey's life is turned upside down as well; having been a very promiscuous woman and never feeling that true love was really her thing, until now! Ultimately Jess is forced to choose between Casey and Trevor. Risking stability, her family and all that she knows for the great unknown and her new found love. "To Each Her Own" goes deep into the feelings and emotions that people go through while undergoing the coming out process, in hopes of helping people understand how truly hard the struggle can be with both internalized and external homophobia.

MUSIC / Ian Ross & Kris Dzierzbicki

MUSIC / Clever Girls - Brilliant Liar

There was shit everywhere.
The whole toilet regurgitated everything.

When I say everywhere, I mean everywhere.
There was shit on the ceiling for Christ sakes.

You know plumbing isn't normally
all fun and games but this was unreal.

Oh and then to top it all off, your mom
called and I had to answer the phone because,

well you know how she gets when I don't
answer her calls, and the crap on my hands

ended up getting all over the phone
and even into the crevices of the keypad.

The reason your mom called today was
because she wanted to know if we were still on for

dinner tomorrow night. I told her yeah
just to call and confirm it with you.

Did she call you today?

Your mom, did she call you today?

Oh, ah no but I went out for a couple
hours so she could have called then.

A couple hours. I would have
thought you'd be at home working

on the website with the
new deadline coming up?

Well I couldn't get my head around it,
so I went for a walk.

You know I just thought that since you
didn't want me to call you today because

you'd be too busy that you know, you would've
at least been home when your mom called?

Well if you knew that I was busy
then why'd you tell her to call me?

I just thought maybe you'd want to talk to her.

You obviously weren't that busy
if you went out for a couple hours.

I got up earlier than I thought today & I ended
up getting everything done that I wanted to.

You see, you should take
your cell phone with you...

I told you that I hate cell phones.
If I'm out I don't want to be bothered.

You guys ready to order?

Ah... I'll have the seafood pasta dish.

Philly steak sandwich please.

You guys ok for drinks?

Yeah, I'll have another draft.

I'm alright.

MUSIC / Leighton Bain - Bedroom Biography

No it's not necessary,
it's just around the corner.

Awww come on let him drive you.
Make himself useful for a change.

Shannon: Yeah hun, make yourself useful.

No, I'm alright.
I need the air to sober me up anyways.

You know what days I'm off work, so call me ok?

Will do.

Bye everyone.

Shannon: Bye.
Matt: Later.

-Bye honey.

She's really young Case.

I think she's your youngest yet.

This week anyhow.

You're not actually gonna call her, are you?

This is what, the second time you
guys have hung out together?

Which makes it what, your third
longest relationship? (LAUGHS)

Hey now! No you're right.
I wasn't gonna call her.

(LAUGHS) Then can we?

Guys. Listen Case, I really like this one,
she's really sweet ok?

You like everybody.

Yeah seriously Damon, who don't you like?

Well I can't think of anyone off hand but
I'm sure that I can think of somebody.

What, just because I'm not a
bitter man-hating bull dyke?

(LAUGHS) Fuck off you faggot.
We're not man haters, we're women lovers.

So it's good that the colour
you wanted turned out ok?

Um hum.

You're a million miles away tonight babe.
Anything wrong?


Well what's the wine that your parents
like again? 'Cause I told your mom that we'd bring

some by for dinner tomorrow night.
It's the Australian one, Fillman something right?


I'll pick up some tomorrow on my break.
That way I'll have enough time to go pick up

your business cards before
I swing by the house and get you.

We're putting this on the visa right?
Not the master card?


Kyle Ord / Dance 'Til It Kills Us


Hey can we get a ride?


Damon. Damon.

Damon: Casey, hurry the fuck up.
We will leave you.

-You wanna come with?
-I can't I've got an early appointment tomorrow.


I guess I could if we set an alarm.

(LAUGHS) So you think there's
gonna be actual sleep happening?

-You gonna be long?

No reason.

Then why'd you ask then?

Well I thought maybe we could
fool around for a bit tonight.

But I'm tired and I've
gotta be up in like six hours.

So go to sleep then.

-Well I would but???
-But what?

You're ovulating.

Am I?
Alright just let me finish this chapter.

MUSIC / Shayan Mannan - Wrap Emotion

Hey honey.

Hey Mom. This is Riley.


-You girls have a good night?
-Yeah it was good.

There's still some beers left in the fridge.

Casey's Mom: Goodnight.

MUSIC / Sylvan - Afternoon

Is this you?


(Vacuum / Sports Game on TV)

Jake why are you eating?

'Cause I'm hungry.

You're gonna spoil your dinner.

I'll still be hungry.

We're gonna eat as soon as they get here.
And they're gonna be here in like half an hour.

Dinner's already made. My God I wish
you would think before you act sometimes.

Calm down, I'll still be hungry.
It's just a little snack, that's all.

Ralph, turn that down.

My God why do they
always have to be so early?


Hello, how's my favorite couple?

Hi Joan, nice to see you again.
Dinner smells great.

Thanks dear. What no hug for your Ma? You'll
have to excuse the mess, you guys were early.

Aw, Mom, the place looks great. Really.

Are we, I didn't realize,
well better early than late.

Hey Dad, how's it going,
she drive you crazy yet?

Don't you worry about our old man.
I can hold my own against your mother.

Joan: I hear that's where you young kids
shop for all your furniture these days?

Jess and I got all our stuff from Sears.
But that's because we still had credit left there.

If you guys were having money problems,
why didn't you come to us?

We'd be happy to help you out some.

We're not having money problems.
Don't worry about it.

Honestly Joan, we're fine.

We just put that stuff on the card so we'd have
some room left over for Jess' website company.

Jess: Who's winning?


You always bet Seattle, did you this time?

Ralph: Of course.

Did you see that trade that Boston made?
I feel like completely boycotting the game.

Um hum.

But I got you those tickets as a gift.
I thought you liked Boston?

I do. We'll still go.
I was just making a point.

Ralph: You know I miss watching you play.
You were really good.

I know. I don't know why I quit.
Maybe I'll play again next summer.

If you have time. Jess has been so busy
with the website company. It's really taking off.

That and you know preparations for
the baby take up a lot of free time.

Yeah, Trevor's already painting the
room and I'm not even pregnant yet.

Oh you should be happy to have a
husband so excited about having kids.

What colour did you paint the room?

Light green, you know that way it'll
be suitable for either a boy or a girl.

That sounds nice.
Do you have a preference on gender?

No. Just want the kid healthy and happy.

I wanted to paint the room baby blue. I like
blue and I doubt that the baby's gonna care.

Besides, people don't even do the
whole pink blue baby thing anymore.

I mean you know how many guys wear pink?

Trevor: I just thought that green
would be a nice colour for the child's room.

Trevor: It's supposed to have a calming effect,
that's why it's used in hospitals.

Hey man.

I doubt painting a room the colour
of snot will be calming my friend.

Jake! So how long you two been trying?

Not long a couple of weeks.

A month and a half.

Well I'm sure with Trevor,
you'll be cooked in no time.

Nice visual Mom.

He talked about having kids on like our third date.
It really freaked me out at the time.

But Matt's such a big kid himself,
I think he just wanted the company.

I'm just afraid I'd fuck em up,
have em end up like me or something.

Shannon: That's not such a bad thing.

I don't know, just the thought of having
something grow inside me just creeps me out.

Shannon: But it's the most natural thing
in the world. I think that's the point of it all.

It's like when you're pregnant you just get it.
Everything just comes together & makes sense.

All I'm saying is that we could at
least wait until I'm actually pregnant.

You know it took Joan and I two years
to become pregnant with Jess.

That long eh.
Maybe you were doing something wrong.

You know what, you're completely right.
I guess I got a little overzealous.

Enough baby talk. Jake how's school going?

It's alright, I guess.

Joan: Jake's actually doing very well.

Jake: Mom.

Ralph & I were at a parent teacher conference
last week, teacher had nothing but good

things to say about him. He's earned straight
A's on his report card. Well except for Math.

A plus in gym though right?

Of course. Hey you wanna go
toss the ball around after dinner?

Sweet, I haven't played catch in a while.

Actually you know I was
thinking maybe just me and Trevor,

you know it???s kinda tough to
play catch with three people.

Nah you should go play with your sister,
she's way better than I am.

I know, that's why I like playing with you.
You make me look good.

He cannot cum unless he is wearing a wig.

(LAUGHS) What colour is it?

Orange. With little ringlets.

It's fucking disgusting. I told him
to get that shit away from me right now.

You are turning me off. Lord bless him, he tried
but he just couldn't ???do??? anything without it.

He ended up putting the
God damn thing back on.

Wigs are so itchy.

I know. It's not like I
haven't worn a wig in my day.

But I am seriously concerned about
the psychological well-being of this boy.

The last time I wore a wig was in the fifth
grade for Halloween. I was wonder woman.

Wonder woman, you know she's a total
(SINGS) da da da dyke, wonder dyke, wonder dyke.

Come to think of it, fifth grade was
probably the last time I even wore a dress.

Fifth grade was probably the first time I
started sneaking my mother's evening gowns.

(LAUGHS) So ah,
does he wear this wig out all the time?

No, that's just it. He's a total suit and
tie man. I just don't understand it.

Well everyone's entitled to their own personal,
weird, fucked up shit.

Right everyone does have their own fetishes.
But if mine had been long hair,

I would have been with a woman. Okay.

I've just got to get this boy to kick his
wig habit that's for God damn sure.

Have you ever been with a woman?

Never, thank God, I'm a fucking gold star bitch.

You're missin' out.

Well, when I was 14, there was this
neighbour girl that I tried to hook up with but

she chickened out after we both got our
clothes off. I guess I've always been more than

enough man for any woman to handle.
What about you, you ever mess around in Boys Town?

Yeah, when I was 15, I dated a few boys,
when I was still trying to figure everything out.

But I never let them get very far.

Oh, you tease.

(LAUGHS) Fuck I still wish I
had that kind of will power.

Yeah, I'm sure if you were
still dating men you would.

Don't look, don't look but, don't look.
But there is a girl checking you out from up there.


Up on the balcony.

Who says she's looking at me,
she's probably looking at you.

(LAUGHS) Yeah, I'm sure, well why don't
we just clear that up. Excuse me sweetheart?

-Damon no.

-Are you checking out this fine young specimen

of a woman right here? Or are you staring at a fat,
middle aged and obviously gay man.

Juliet, she's ready for you.

Jess: Is she now?

Hey I'm Casey. Do you have a minute?
I was just about to go on my break.

We just took a break an hour ago,
if you think...

-I am not gonna spend all afternoon...

-20 bucks.


So how about it? I'll buy you coffee.

Cool. I'll be down in a minute.

Pussy hound.

MUSIC /Seth Logan - Through Young Eyes Part 1

So I don't even know your name?

Jessica, well Jess. You said Casey, right?


So landscaping seems like a cool job.

Yeah, I don't mind it. I'm not sure it's what
I want to be doing for the rest of my life

but it's alright for now.

The average person goes through something
like five career changes in a lifetime.

So I wouldn't worry if you're not exactly
where you wanna be at right now.

At least you get to spend
a whole day in the sun.

Ah, sun's overrated. People who work
outside can't wait to spend time indoors.

But I guess I get a good tan out of the deal.

And it keeps you in shape.

Think so? What about you? What do you do?

Well I went to school for cabinet making,
but I hated it.

So I'm actually right now in the process
of starting up my own website company.

That sounds cool. I'm not very good
with computers but there's definite money

to be made in it.
Did you go to school for that too?

Not really, I took a few business workshops
and a few courses but actually a friend taught me

everything I need to know. It's really not all
that hard once you learn a few basic principles.

Yeah having your own
business is a smart way to go.

I'm not a big fan of authority so
if I could be my own boss I would.

Problem is if you fail
you lose all your own money.

True but where's the fun if there's no risk?

So ah, you live in that apartment long?

Ah no, a couple years, it's kinda
small but it's all I can afford right now.

No, it's alright. I still live with my
mom if it makes you feel any better.

Hey if you get along with your mom why not?
My mom and I don't really see eye to eye

on anything. Anything at all actually.
So when I was old enough to leave home & get a job I did.

I'm just pocketing money right now,
so I can try to afford a down payment on a place.

That's smart. Renting, it's killer.
It's such a waste of money.

I have to say, I've never met someone
that puts six sugars in their coffee.

Yeah I know, I'm gonna get diabetes for sure.

Don't say that.

I have a big sweet tooth.

So you're a big fan of Valentine's Day then?

It's alright. I think Halloween's better.

I think you're a little old for trick-or-treating.

True but it gives me an excuse to buy hoards of candy.
I always buy way more than I need to &

then keep the left overs. One year, one year,
I bought all this candy but more people came

than I anticipated so I ended
up shutting the door at seven and

saying that I didn't have any candy left.

And did you?

Yeah but you know I wanted my own portion.

(LAUGHS) That's bad.

I know, I'm awful.

Were you really looking at me earlier?
Or was Damon out of line?

He's a good guy but he's not very
good at reading body language.

No, I was looking.

So you're...

I don't know. And you're ah...


Lesbian to the core.

Didn't wanna assume. So how long's your lunch?

Not that long.
I guess I should start heading back.

Actually I have to go get some groceries
anyways so I'll just walk back now.

Oh no I'll go with you so you don't have to walk.

No it's ok, I only have to get a few.
I don't want you to be late.

No really. I don't mind. I don't want you
to have to carry a bunch of groceries back.

It's ok, I don't have to get that many. Just get
your butt back to work, don't worry about me.

Alright. Thanks for having coffee with me.

Thanks for buying.

So am I gonna see you again?

For sure, what are you doing tomorrow night?
I don't work weekends.

Not too much.

Well I have to go bra shopping with my mom
in the afternoon but do you wanna do dinner?

For sure.

Okay. What's your apartment number?
I'll pick you up around 5:30?

Ah actually I have an appointment at 5:00.
So why don't we just pick a place and

then I'll meet you there?

Alright, do you know the
convenience store on Stewart Street?

We're having dinner at a convenience store?

Yeah, I figured I'd just buy you
a shit load of candy and call it dinner.


No it's a place near there.

Ok, so I guess I'll see you
tomorrow night then. Bye.


MUSIC / DC - Stalemate

Robyn: Holy Shit Case, I never thought I'd
see the day you arrange flowers for someone.

What how is this unlike me?

I think it's the whole you doing something
sweet for someone else that's throwing us.

You guys are suck dicks.
Ah, do you have any white Christmas lights?

White Christmas lights?

Yeah to string around the table.
I just want everything to be really special.


That's actually a decent idea.

See your mom can be a lot to handle.
I remember when I was asking your parent's

permission to marry you. Your Dad was like,
???well son does she love you????

that was all he wanted to know. But your Mom,
she interrogated the hell out of me.

You asked my parent's permission to marry me?
You never told me that.

Well I did.

That's so 60's of you.

It felt like the right thing to do.

I guess it's sweet but would you just not
have asked me if they had of said no because

ultimately it has nothing to do with them.

I just don't really understand
why you felt you needed to ask.

I was just trying to be polite.
I never gave any thought to

what I would have done if they said no.
I was just counting on them saying yes.

That's so cocky of you.

No it wasn't like that. I just didn't
want to think about them saying no.

So Nate was telling me that him and his
wife got pregnant on like their second try.

All she had to do was a handstand afterwards.

I don't know how to do a handstand.

Well you wouldn't have
to do a handstand exactly.

You know we could elevate
your legs when you're done.

You wanna try that?

Ahh... I guess so.

What do you mean like now?

I don't see why not.

MUSIC / Surface Rising - Goodbye

Ahhh... I gotta go.

Go? Go where?

Well I forgot my computer ran out of ink
so I've gotta get to the store before 6:00.

But the mall's open 'til 9:00.

I know but I like the prices better at Paperclips
and I'm pretty sure that it's open til 6:00.

Trevor: I'm pretty sure that they close at 8:00.
I can pick you up some ink on the way home

from work tomorrow just leave me
the box with the reference number.

No, I've gotta get the stuff tonight.
Can I have the car keys?

Trevor: Sure.

Wait I can drive you, we can go together.

No, I'm meeting Ann at 7:00. We're going out
for a movie tonight. Girl talk, don't wait up.

MUSIC / Dave Wright - I Cry For Her Heart

Food tastes amazing.

Good, glad you like it.

Casey: I don't even know how old you are?

The impending age question. I suppose it's
the necessary next question and it'll always be

asked but I just think that it's trivial
and pointless to ask someone's age.

Age is just a number. I know so many 20 year
olds who act 40 and so many 40 year olds who

act like they're 16. So really to me
I think it's more of a maturity level thing.

People should ask how old do you act?

I agree. It was just a question. I mean who am
I to judge someone that wants to date someone

a lot older or younger than they are when
I expect or hope people to accept the fact that

I want to make my life partner female.

Life partner. It's such a new-agey word.

Jess: But I'm glad that it's becoming
more a part of mainstream vocabulary.

So Casey...
You know I don't even know your last name?

Casey Zimmerman, 24 years of age.

Jessica Sutherland, 25.

So Casey Zimmerman,
how many life partners have you had?

None because in order to have a life partner,
they have to last your life.

And I'm single right now so that
would mean zero life partners for me.

Ok smart ass, how many serious
relationships have you been in?

I thought you weren't big on numbers.

Age is just a number,
so is the amount of people you've been with.

Hey I'm just making conversation, if it makes you uncomfortable you don't have to answer it.

While I'm in them,
I take all my relationships seriously.

So how many long term
relationships have you been in?

Define long term.

How long have you dated a girl
or a guy for longer than a month?

Well first of all I've never been with a guy.

Never, like you've never even kissed one?

Nope, well not with my mouth open.

So how do you know you don't like them then?

Have you ever kissed a cat?

-Then how do you know...

Ok, I get it, messed up analogy
but I guess I get your point.

Honestly the answer,
even with women is none.

So you've never had a
relationship longer than a month?


Wow, someone's got commitment issues.

Just haven't met the right girl yet.

Casey: I had a really good time tonight.
Jess: Me too.

(Man walking by)

I should get going.
I can't believe we've been talking 'til 2:00 am.

I can't believe we've just
been talking 'til 2:00 am.

I have work at 7:00 but
it's totally been worth it.

Casey: So when can I see you again?
Are you free on Thursday?

I'd like to but I...

But you're engaged and you just wanted to live
your childhood fantasy of being with a woman

before you went ahead and tied the knot.

No but sorta.

I saw the engagement ring.

You know the one you were wearing last time
that you conveniently took off for this date.

That ring. Look you've been totally honest with
me and it's only fair that I'm honest with you.

I'm pretty straight and well married.

You're straight?

MUSIC / Divine is Nothing - Say No More

So you're straight?

I'm not completely straight.

So you're married huh?


No wedding ring though?

The dumbass that he is bought an
engagement ring way out of his league,

so he couldn't afford proper wedding bands.
I still thought it was really cute though that

he wanted me to have
an amazing engagement ring.

How'd you afford the wedding?

We didn't, we eloped.

(SNICKERS) Romantic.

Casey: So what's his name?


Casey: Do you love him?

I like him. He's a really nice man.

So this is it. I don't get to see you again?
Normally I'd love such an easy out.

Have sex and then not have to come
up with an excuse of why I didn't call.

I guess I deserve it really. Karma.

You'll meet another girl.

I don't doubt I'll meet another girl.
I just don't want to.

This is great isn't it? Intense.

MUSIC / Fait Dormi - Let Go

If I can say something,
without sounding like an idiot?


This was the most profound,
surreal experience of my entire life.

Jess: Really?

Jess: I just can't keep my hands off you.

Casey: I'm not complaining.

you scared me I thought you'd be asleep.

Ann called.


Trevor: She wanted me to ask you
if you were free tomorrow night?

Because she misses you and
hasn't seen you in so long.

You lied to me.

I know. I'm sorry.

Where were you?


Where were you?

It's none of your business.

You're damn right it's my business.
I'm your husband,

where the fucking hell have you been all night?

Things have been so crazy what with getting
the website started and getting pregnant,

I just needed a night to myself so I went to
the park where I used to do all my studying in

college, only I guess it was a lot later than I
thought it was cause I ended up falling asleep

and when I woke up this is what time it was.


Yeah, sorry to keep you up worrying.

MUSIC / Sleep the Season - Miles Away

You know if you need some time in the
future just don't lie about it. I won't get upset,

I understand needing alone time. You should
call Ann for real though, she sounds lonely.

She seems like she could
really use a friend to talk to.

Even when you're upset you're
still concerned about other people.



Do you believe that ???love at first sight???
is just a myth?

I think it's entirely possible. Well not at first
sight per-say but at first lengthy conversation.

I think that two people can have such a
strong connection that they only need to spend

a little bit of time together to realize they
should definitely give each other a chance.

Is that how you felt about me?

(LAUGHS) I knew that you were the sexiest
person I'd seen in years but no it wasn't until

we were dating for a least a month
that I realized I was in love with you.

And it wasn't any particular moment,
it was gradual.

One day I just noticed that what I
was feeling towards you was love.

You know I'm still ovulating.

It seems you are.

You just lie down, relax.

All I know is that I've been attracted to
women for as long as I can remember.

Actually there was this one guy,
Toby Smart in the sixth grade.

He was my dance partner in gym class.
I remember being so envious of how good

he was, because I couldn't
dance to save my life. Still can't.

I thought it was ironic though
'cause Toby became a drag queen.

So even when you were liking a
guy you were still liking women.

When I was growing up I never
had any crushes boys or girls.

I just spent all my time focusing on my studies.

Aww that's so geeky. So what no
high school crush stories to tell me about?

Well Trevor and I met in high school.
He was a few grades ahead of me,

captain of the soccer team. All my friends
were so jealous. But other than him...

MUSIC / Clever Girls - Black Tea

Well ok there was a few girls.

Girls eh.

Well I was on the cheerleading team, it was
kinda hard not to develop crushes when you

spend four days a week jumping
around with the hottest girls in school.

Cheerleading eh. So you still got
that outfit you can model for me?

Maybe if you're lucky.

So what, did all that work and no play pay off?
Like web design, do you enjoy it?

Not really.

Then you should quit.

I can't quit. Trevor & I invested a lot of money
into this and it's been really lucrative so far.

Yeah but you don't enjoy it.

Well I don't not enjoy it.

Life is way too short to be doing
anything or anyone you don't enjoy.

Shut up jerk, nice dig.

And you should talk, I know for a
fact that you don't enjoy landscaping.

Yeah but that's temporary, I'm just doing
it to save up for what I really wanna do.

Well maybe my stuff's temporary too.



So what is it that you really wanna be doing?

Alright, I'll tell you but you
have to promise not to laugh.

I promise.

I wanna plan children's birthday parties.

(LAUGHS) You wanna be a party planner?

You said you wouldn't laugh.

I'm sorry party planning, I just can't see it.

Yeah well first of all I really love kids.
There's just something about the energy they exude on

their birthday. Plus I can't think of a job that's
any better to get paid for doing than making

a kid happy on one of their most favourite days
of the year. Not to mention can you imagine

the money that party planners make? I mean
think about it. The only people that can even

afford party planners are rich people.

And rich people are willing to pay
anything to make sure that their kid's happy.

Honestly I think that's an amazing idea. And I
think it's totally wicked that you wanna spend

time with kids and there aren't a lot of
companies out there that do that kind of thing.

So you like kids?
Would you wanna have one one day?

I'd love to have a kid. But not for a long while.
I've still got a lot of shit that I wanna sort out

for myself before I can
even think about raising a kid.

Plus I don't wanna be the
one that has to give birth.

Why not?

To be honest, the entire concept of
pregnancy and parenthood scares me shitless.

I'm a big chicken shit so I don't think I'd ever be

willing to put myself
through the pain of child birth.

Good thing you're gay, you can get
some other bitch to give birth for ya.



What are you meeting Ann again?


Where's she taking you this time?

Ten o'clock movie then we'll
probably go to Timmy's after to chat.

Ann has got herself one loyal friend.
I swear lately she gets to see you more than I do.

Well Ann needs me right now,
breakups are hard.

I'd ask you to come with us
but you know how it is, girl talk.

Well what are you doing
standing there? Get going.

You know you don't wanna
be any later than you already are.

Bye Trev.

MUSIC / Mike Tobin - Cheesy Love Song 2
Ten Dead Poets

MUSIC / Dave Wright - Slick

I feel like every second we spend together is
so special 'cause I don't know when she's finally

gonna say ok that's it,
I can't cheat on my husband anymore.

And I've been trying to
figure out why I'm so into her.

I mean she's married what's my fucking
problem you know? I know we shouldn't be dating.

I know we never even
should have started but

I feel like this,
what we're doing is the right thing.

Has she even mentioned leaving him for you?

It's complicated. I'm pretty sure
she's feeling everything I'm feeling but

I think she's struggling
with the whole gay thing.

MUSIC / Matthew A. Wilkinson
- Like An Innocent

I'm so excited to see this movie.

Tracey: She made me watch the trailers
on the computer every day this week.

Rob, I had no idea you were such a movie geek.

I'm not. I just think Stacey Main is yummy.

Casey: Yummy, you're such a nerd.

Nerds are in.

Casey: Jess, Jess, Jess...

Jess, you ok?

Yeah fine.

Casey: Are you sure?
Jess: Yeah.

I just suddenly felt like I was gonna be sick.

-Well do you wanna sit down?
-No, no, it's fine.

It's totally cool.

Tracey: I don't wanna go in just yet, 'cause
then I'll buy popcorn and I hate when

I've eaten it all before the trailers even start.

I usually put it on the ground until the
film actually starts. Out of sight out of mind.

I don't have that kind of will power.

Dykes (LAUGHS).

Jealous 'cause we've seen a
hell of a lot more pussy than you?

Boys: Fuck off.
Tracey: Fuck yourself.

Boys: Fucking dykes.

Fuck, I swear to God sometimes I
feel like we're still living in the 70's.

Nah, they don't care. They're just a bunch
of angry teenage boys who have a lot of

teenage angst they need to get rid of
and we're just a convenient target.

Just give us a second.

I think I'm gonna take the bus home,
I'm really not feeling well.

Casey: It gets easier.

No I just don't feel well.

'Kay well I'm coming with you.

Please don't I just, I feel like being alone.

Jess you're not feeling well
I should be with you.

Jess: I'm an adult I can take care of myself.

I know, I just thought.

Look I know that you were looking
forward to seeing this movie and

I don't want you to miss it
'cause I'm not feeling well.

Jess it's just a movie.

I just feel like being alone.


I'll call you.

Oh what's the problem, it's three against
two and Dad and I are still kicking your asses.

You are not kicking our asses
we're only three spots behind.

Hey hun did I tell you that I ordered a battery
operated car for the baby? It's really cool.

What does a baby want
with a battery operated car?

Especially one that's not even conceived yet.

Trevor: Hey it's the last thing I'll buy,
I promise, ok. It's really cool,

he can drive it around like a real car. And it
was 50 percent off. I got it in blue 'cause

you know even if it's a girl blue's really in
right now and it is your favourite colour.

Yeah blue's really in right now but I
mean when's the kid gonna use the car?

When he's like three right, so what's
gonna be in then, there's no way to know.

-You're such a tool.
-Well I'll take it back then.

No, don't.

Joan: I know I've asked before
but I can't remember the reason.

Joan: Why did you
decide to cut your hair dear?

No reason. I like my hair short
and I think it looks good.

And short hair's in for girls right now too.

Oh well I guess if it's the style.
I just thought long hair suited you.

MUSIC / Clever Girls - The Doctor

Casey: I'm so totally in love with you.

Casey: When are you gonna leave him?

Why do you have to bring him up?

Why can't we just be here in this
moment and enjoy each other's company?

I'm trying.

I'm going fucking crazy.

The thought of him touching you.

I told you we're not sleeping together.

I know but it doesn't matter,
you might as well be.

He gets to wake up with you every morning.
He gets to watch you fall asleep.

Listen to you snore.

I'm a loud snorer, you're not missing much.

Please don't joke when I'm
having a personal crisis.


I don't know if we're ready
to move in together yet.

I mean it's only been two months.

My head's saying one thing and
my heart's saying another thing and

I don't know if my heart's trustworthy or not.

I've been with Trevor forever and
it's just fucking confusing and

I just don't wanna make an irrational decision
without thinking it through from every angle.

Apparently this, us, is meaning a lot
more to me a lot quicker than it is for you.

You know that's not true. I just...

You just what?

I don't know I...

Why do all your fucking
actions have to be justifiable?

Why does everything have to make sense?

I didn't think it was even
close to possible to fall in love.

Let alone with someone
I've only know for a bit.

But if I were to sit back & be completely honest
with you, I've loved you ever since I met you.

I don't get it, I hate it. I did not plan on falling
in love with a homophobic married woman.

I am not homophobic.

Yes, sometimes you are.

You know I love you right?

Is it my sexual past that's concerning you?
???Cause you know I would never cheat on you.

I haven't even thought about
another woman since we met.

The fact that you have a very active
sexual history really doesn't bother me.

If it did, I would tell you.

I like the fact that you trust me enough
in order to tell me about your past.

Stop thinking that any of this has anything
to do with you. You're perfect, amazing.

You treat me like a goddess. I could not ask
for a more caring, sexy, wonderful girlfriend.

These might possibly be the most
beautiful flowers I've ever seen.

I love them.

I love that you got them for me.

I love touching your breasts,
I love making you cum.

I love going for walks with you,
playing football with you, watching you read.

Your eyes they do this sorta quiver thing
when you get to this really good part

and it's funny 'cause nine times out of ten
within a few minutes you're telling me about

the part you thought was so intriguing.

I really love you.

More than I've ever loved anything.

That's why you have to listen to me
when I tell you I just need some more time.

Everything happened just so quickly.
I just, I just don't wanna fuck it up.

Will you please just do me that one favour
and be patient, I just need a bit more time.


MUSIC / Clever Girls - The Doctor

Trevor: Well they shouldn't let two people
go on vacation at once in the first place.

Trevor: Besides he only let Sue go
because he wants to sleep with her sister.

Well regardless of his motives
you can't go calling in sick

especially when you've already taken time off.
He's gonna know that you're not sick.

And it's a lot worse if you lose your job.

Well I just wanted to be there
when we find out if you're pregnant.

Trev you've been with me at
all my doctor's appointments.

And if I'm pregnant and don't go counting
on that I am, then all that's gonna matter is

that the baby's healthy and provided for
and you can't do that if you don't have a job.

Shit I'm dead. K I'm gonna get dinner,
you wanna eat in here?


MUSIC / Shayan Mannan - The Abyss Remix

MUSIC / Ian Ross - Where Do You Stand?

Ann: Wow. Oh my God. Wow.

You've gotta be shitting me.

Ha, I wish I were.

Holy crap. Little Miss Perfect.
Adultery with a woman.

So you're cool with this?
You don't think less of me?

Hell no. I'm fucking jealous.

Ann: Exotic, lesbian affairs.

Ann: I bet the sex is good.

Are you kidding me? It's fucking amazing.

So anyways I thought I'd just tell you
in case you randomly ran into Trevor and

he mentioned to you how much
we've been hanging out lately.

I've got you covered. I'm bi-sexual.
Well at least this week.

Sexuality is constantly changing in everyone.
It's fluid.

Straight one year, gay the next, it's so exciting.
Well at least it is if you're willing to go with it.

The constant human need to rationalize every
thought & emotion severely brings us all down.

Ok back up. You, you're bi-sexual?

Very much so. Always been.

A shit load of people are, they're just
usually too chicken shit to admit it.

Even to themselves.

Are you too chicken shit to admit it?

Hell no. Everybody knows.
Even my grandmother knows.

Ok now I'm completely offended.
We've been best friends forever,

how is it that you've never
mentioned this to me before?

I didn't think you were ready to hear it.
You were always way too much of a homophobe.

And now I guess I know why. (LAUGHS)

Very funny.

It's not your fault. Millions of people
suffer from internalized homophobia.

Ok let's change the subject.
What you need now is a good lawyer.

Ann: Trevor makes a lot more money than you
do and I don't wanna see you getting ripped off.

Ann, I'm not leaving him.

Why the fuck not? You're not in love with him.

You married him out of convenience
and I should have never let you do it.

But you were always so stubborn, and I had
no way of stopping you without telling you

that I thought you were gay.
And that would have freaked you right out.

You thought I was gay?

Honey, I've know you were gay since grade ten
gym class & I caught you checking out my tits.

I did not.

Yeah you did. But who can blame you?

What ever happened to flowing sexuality?

Honey your river has got a dam in it
and you're all stuck up in gay town.

You know I haven't seen you this happy talking
about anything to do with you and Trevor, ever.

I love Trevor.

Of course you do. You've been
together a long time. He's your best friend.

I can't leave him. It would kill him.
I just can't hurt him like that.

It will hurt you way more
in the end if you don't.

And what about Casey? You're totally
in love with her. It's so obvious.

Do you wanna hurt her? She's not
gonna put up with sharing you forever.

She's wonderful.

And she's in love with you?


Ann: Well then...

I'm pregnant.


Total dykes.

Oh for sure. Ewe gross they're kissing.

Spread your legs baby so I can eat
your wet tight pussy. (LAUGHING)

I've gotta go.

Wait, what's your problem?
Do you know those girls?

Yeah, they're friends with Casey.

Ok and we're headed in the
opposite direction because?

We should be sticking up for them and
telling those cunty bitches where to shove it.

Frig they're gorgeous.
Do you think they're into threesomes?


Holy crap, slow down.
They totally didn't see you.

Why do you care what those cunts think
about you? Or your friends for that matter?

They're completely ignorant.

I don't know. I just, do.

MUSIC / Sleep the Season - Paper Plane

Matt: Oh he's so bluffing.
What do you think Rob?

Robyn: Of course he's bluffing, it's Damon.
He hasn't had a good hand in, let's think of it, ever.


All the more reason why
he's due for a good hand.

I'm not saying a word.

And how are you ever gonna
win a hand if you keep folding?

I'm not. I'm just waiting for all you fuckers to
blow your chips & then I'll make my come back.

You fuckers. You mean suckers
like me with only three chips left?


Robyn: One more round and you're toast.

Well I for one am glad that Casey's
decided to start playing it safe for a change.

And what's that supposed to mean?

Well you're going out with the same girl
for two months. STDs alone, that's safer.

You're such a prick.

Damon: Umhum.

I don't know how safe I'm playing it.
I am dating a married woman.

Matt: Ouch.

Tracey: Hey, you can't blame the
girl for wanting to take it slow.

Tracey: Casey doesn't exactly
have the best track record.


Bluff away man.

Alright, show us what you got?

Come on Damon, I know you're bluffing.

Shannon: Drum roll please.

I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that.

I have the tendency to say the first
thing that pops in my head when I'm drunk.

That was so uncalled for and
totally fucking embarrassing.

I know. I'm sorry.

I think I'm gonna go home.

Oh that's convenient.

What's that supposed to mean?

I just mean it must be nice for you to be able
to use our little fight as an excuse to leave.

That way you don't have to fake
being sick or come up with some other

lame reason why we can't
be seen in public together.

You know you can be a real fucking
asshole sometimes, you know that?

Alright then, tell me I'm wrong.

Tell me that I'm just being paranoid and
imagining that every time we're supposed to

hang out together in public,
you all of a sudden become unavailable.

I'm waiting.

I'm married.

I'm well aware.

Well did you ever stop to think about the
consequences if I were ever to be seen in

public by any of his friends or my parents?

Would it be that awful?

He's a good man, I don't wanna hurt him.

Case, um sorry to interrupted, we're gonna
head out and give you guys some privacy.

Hopefully we'll see you down there in a bit.

Ok, have fun.

I thought you were gonna
leave him in a couple months and

then we would consider moving in together?

Can you finish this for me?

I'm so totally at my limit and you
haven't had anything to drink all night.

I can't.

What you suddenly developed a
yeast allergy since yesterday?

Holy fuck, can you stop being
sarcastic for five fucking minutes?


I can't drink that because I
just found out that I'm pregnant.

Ok. So it's fucking over.

It's more than just me,
you and Trevor involved now.

And this, this little me-you thing,
it's fucking over,

I want my child to have a normal fucking life.

Whoa slow down.
Don't we even get to talk about this?

Who are you to decide what is fucking normal?

My mother raised me by herself
and she did an amazing job and

there was nothing abnormal about it.

Can't we even consider
raising this child together?

Listen to you. You don't even know
if we could handle living together,

let alone raising a child together. And you
already told me that you're not ready to have

kids and that you need time
to get your shit together.

And guess what seven months,
it's not a long time.

Ask me again if I'm ready for a kid. Your kid.

Jess I am ready for your child I know it.
I'd be an amazing mother.

I'd love it like it was my own.
Jess we'd be so good at it.

Living together, raising a kid, all of it.

Can we even consider this? We love
each other so how can we not be good at it?

This is not your decision.

I just thought.

Don't you love me?

You know I do.

Sometimes love isn't enough.

Such a fucking cop-out, you're just scared.

I love you so much that it hurts. And that's
why you have to listen to me when I tell you

leave me alone, don't contact me,
please, my heart can't handle it.

Can you please do that for me?



No fucking way Jess. I love you, do you
have any idea what that means for me?

This is fucking ridiculous,
how did this even happen,

I thought you two weren't sleeping together?

Jess: Please just drop it.

No please, enlighten me on how two
people can get each other pregnant when

they are not sleeping together.

Jess: We're not but we did.


It was the night after our first date.
I was feeling confused and guilty and

I don't know I guess just a
little revved up from our tryst.

That is fucking wonderful, you get
knocked up because I turned you on.

Don't you think that this is
driving me crazy too?

Don't you think that this is driving me
fucking insane that the one time that

I'm actually successful getting knocked
up with Trevor, is the one time that

I fucked his brains out thinking
of you every single second.

Maybe that means something.

Yeah that the world is cruel and cold.
I wanted this baby. I wanted it so much.

I thought that I'd actually have a
chance to have honest love in my life.

Everything in my life is so
fake and meaningless and

ahhh, I never thought that
I'd get what I have with you.

Fuck you, don't make nice.

MUSIC / Sylvan - Evening

If you leave now, everything good we have,
everything good you're feeling will be gone.

And that's something I don't think
we're ever gonna be able to get back.

Please don't go.

I don't have a choice.


Please don't go.

I love you but we can never be together.

MUSIC / Mike Tobin - Not What I Wanted To
Ten Dead Poets

Jess: (SIGHS)

Trevor: What's wrong?

Nothing keep going.

Hey Jess. Haven't seen you for a few days.


Oh, sorry.


-Leave now.
-Are you serious?

Fucking leave.

Nice flower. Where'd we get it?

Ann gave it to us actually, to congratulate us.

On what?

Honey we're pregnant.

Oh my God.

I'm so excited. Stop cooking,
there's no way we're staying in tonight.

We are going out to celebrate.

What's wrong?

Hey, smile, come on this is
the happiest day of our lives.


Casey's Voice Coming From Machine: Jess
you're making a horrible mistake. You love me.

Casey: You know it and I know it and
there's nothing you can do to fight it or stop it.

Casey: You might like Trevor.
And from what you told me I like Trevor.

Casey: But you don't love him and your
child needs parents who love each other.

Casey: Your child would want you to be happy.
I love you, you'll be happy with me.

I can explain.

I'm listening.

Her name is Casey.
We met about two months ago.

And we became really good friends.

The closest friend I've ever had.

And well she's a lesbian.
And she developed a crush on me.

And I don't know I guess I was just
curious to see what it was like to, you know,

to touch a woman.
So we started kissing from time to time.

Did you sleep with her?

We're women of course we didn't have sex,
that's a stupid question.

I'm not clueless. That is a total valid question.
Did you sleep with her?

Yes but just once and I was just
curious and it didn't mean anything.

Ok, then.

Ok, it's ok, really?



Hi this is the Sutherlands you know the drill.

(BEEP) (Casey's Voice coming from machine):
I just wanna talk ok?

Casey: I'm just so confused
I don't know what to do.

I'm so sorry.

Casey: I'm afraid I'm gonna feel
like this forever. It hurts so bad.

Jess: Hun, no she???ll stop eventually. Hun.

Hi there Ma???am, this is Trevor, Jess' husband.

Whatever you had with my wife, is completely
over now. Jess does not wanna talk to you.

Not now, not ever. And I'd really
appreciate it if you stop bothering my family.

MUSIC / Calum Murray-Lawson
A Song For Sameera

You remember the cold cellar incident?

Dad that was so long ago.

Your 16th birthday. Your cousin was
here with her South Asian friend,

ah Jasmine I think her name was.
Oh and the two of you.

Yeah I know, I remember.

It's just you were so scared when
I caught the two of you kissing.

You were afraid I was gonna
tell your mother and your cousin.

But you didn't, thank you.

You remember how you couldn't stop
talking about her for months afterwards?

When you talked about the two of you
hanging out or whatever, you'd talk so fast,

I couldn't understand a word you said.

And I remember your eyes, the way they
lit up, whenever you mentioned her name.

I miss those eyes.

I love you.

I love you too.

I love everything about you.
And I'm proud of you.

You're my baby girl.

Well I better go upstairs and make sure
that Trevor's not talking Mom's head off.

Jess, it was ok. What you and Jasmine did.
It's nothing to be ashamed of.

MUSIC / Surface Rising - Divided

That doesn't go there.

Trevor: It does now.

What's the point of us doing a puzzle
if we're not gonna do it properly?

The point is spending time together.

You know I don't even like puzzles anyway.
They seem totally redundant and pointless.

Let's just break something so we
can put it back together. I don't get it.

You're not supposed to get puzzles. They
just are. They pass time and they're relaxing.

But what's not relaxing is watching
you break my puzzle pieces,

so if you're gonna do it like that, don't help.

Sorry I was just trying to make you laugh.

Oh, not funny.


(Yelling through door) Casey:
Jess let me in. We need to talk.

Casey: Please open the door.

It's fucking midnight,
what is wrong with this girl?

Let me in, there's no way that this can be over.

She's gonna wake up the whole fucking apartment.
Do you want me to call the cops?

No of course not.

Well do you want me to get rid of her?

Casey: I'm ready, I'm ready for everything.


I don't know what to do.

This is insane.


Miss please,
I'm gonna have to ask you to leave.

Where's my girlfriend.

My wife, does not want to talk to you.

Jess, baby why won't you see me?
We can work this out, I know we can.

I love kids, I love you.
Why won't you let us work this out?

Casey please, you're drunk, this is crazy.

What's so crazy about
me wanting to be with you?

Miss, you're upsetting my wife.
I'm asking you to leave before I call the police.

I'll leave if Jess wants me to leave,
do you want me to leave?

Miss let's go.

Casey: Don't fucking touch me.


I'll leave if you tell me you don't love me.

Hun, just tell her and let's get her out of our house.
All this emotion isn't good for the baby.

Tell me you don't love me.

Please leave now.

Tell me you don't love me.

Say something.

Please leave now.

This is goodbye then.

I love you.

MUSIC / DC - Start

Trevor: Jess, honey wake up.


Trevor: You're still not dressed.

What does it matter?

Trevor: You know this is the third day
this week I've come home from work and

you weren't dressed. And I don't
think you got any work done today either.

How do you know I didn't get any work done?
I work at home, I can work in my pyjamas.

Well did you get anything
work-related done today?

Isn't the whole point of working from home
so you can pick and choose your own hours?

And I choose to not work for a few days,
what's the big deal?

There isn't one.
You just haven't been yourself lately.

I'm supposed to go through
mood swings it's normal.

You know I just figured at
least today you'd be dressed,

'cause you do realize we have to be at
your parent's in less than half an hour?

Why the fuck do we have to go to
their place every week for dinner?

I'm not even gonna have time to shower.

Trevor: Calm down.
We can be a little bit late.

Trevor: Your parents just
wanna see you every week.

I think it's nice.
I would kill for parents like yours.

You can have them.

Honey you're being unreasonable. Besides
we have to go. It's your brother's birthday.

Right and we didn't even get him anything.

I already got him that really rare hockey card
he wanted, plus a gift certificate to the mall.

Wait, what day is it?

Trevor: Wednesday.

No the date?

The 12th.

His party???s tomorrow.
Stress me out for nothing jerk.

Trevor: I'm sorry.

You know I could have swore
you told me it was on Wednesday.

MUSIC / The Printing Press - Day to Day

Matt: Shannon?

Jess: (LAUGHS)

Jess. How's it going?


You're pregnant. Very pregnant.

But hey it suits you well.
I mean, you look well.


So how are you and Shannon?

Good, they finally gave
me that promotion at work.

They made me supervisor
of the whole department.

Jess: Nice, congratulations.


So how's Casey?

She's well. She's seeing someone now.


She seems alright but I can tell she
was a lot happier when she was with you.



Hey Jess. Matt we've
gotta get going. Bye Jess.


See ya.

Nice seeing you guys again.

(TV, I Do? A documentary
profiling same-sex marriage)

TV: 1215, not earlier is
that homosexuality is sinful.

TV: Feelings on the wedding day
ranged from exhilaration to absolute terror.

TV: It's very, very intimidating to say to
your spouse the night before you're going to be

TV: married, ???Are you ready to die tomorrow????
You know, there were bomb threats,

TV: there were death threats,
the minister wore a bullet proof vest.

Trevor: My Aunt's gay.

You never told me that.

Well you never asked.

I think it's hard for them but it's getting better.

Being gay is becoming more
the norm and more acceptable.

I mean 40 years ago,
you couldn't get a job if you were openly gay.

TV: It was just amazing, it was amazing
and I never thought that that would happen.

What constitutes normal anyway? Who
gets to decide how a normal person should act?

And what is so damn great about being normal?
You know being normal means you're common

and common people are boring.

You know people will always be
scared of things they don't understand.

Trevor: People don't like
things that are different.

Look at racism for example.

Do you think our world will ever be
truly void of racism and bigotry? Never.

But the number of racist people has
significantly fallen with education & whatnot.

At the very least,
most racists hide the fact that they are.

I'm proud of my aunt May.
I was happy when she came out to me.

I remember she took me to the pride parade
and she put me up on her shoulders for what

seemed like the entire thing. And I was
around ten. It must have killed her back,

but she was so happy. And I didn't
care what kind of parade I was watching.

Honestly, straight, gay, bi, who the fuck cares?

Trevor: And the people that do,
aren't worth the time of day anyway.

TV: Whether they are dreaming about a
boy or a girl or whether they're a boy or a girl,

TV: every young child can now lie in bed
dreaming about a wedding that they might

TV: have, if they so desire.

Who the fuck cares?

ALL: (Singing) ...Birthday to you...

Mom, I'm a fucking lesbian, I'm gay.

I'm in love with a woman who probably
doesn't wanna have anything to do with me but

I'll be damned if I don't at
least try to get her back.

I'm not gonna spend one more second of my
life tryina hide it from you or anyone else.

Trevor, I love you but not in that way,
I'm sorry, I want a divorce.

How dare you talk such filth at
this table and in front of your brother?

Do you want your sickness rubbing off on him?

Get out,
get out of my house right now you queer.

You're a dyke?

Ralph: Jake don't speak to your sister like that.

I've gotta get out of here.

Damn right you do.

Dad I'll call you.

Ralph: Jessie wait.

Trevor: No wait, I'll talk to her.

You should be ashamed of yourself.
Our child's gonna have nothing to do with you.

MUSIC / Seth Logan - Trial and Trail



Go away.

You can't drive right now. You're too upset.

Get on the other side and
I'll take you wherever you need to go.

It'll be alright. I promise. Let me drive.


Trevor: Because I knew it was borrowed time.

Jess: I'm sorry.

It's not your fault. So don't feel guilty ok?
I'm so proud of you. For what you said in there.

It took a lot of courage and I am
so incredibly proud to be your friend.

You're ok with this?

I love you, so I want you to be happy.
Which means us not being together.

One of the biggest reasons
that I wanted this child,

was 'cause I thought it'd
make you love me more.

That was really wrong and I'm sorry for that.

Having this baby has made me love you more.

Jess: It's still yours and mine.
Ok? Joint custody 50/50.

It'll be kinda exciting to date someone
who loves me back completely the same way

that I love them.

Jess: She'll be the luckiest girl in the world.

Trevor: I never said it will be a girl.

Fuck off.

Made you laugh.

Let's go get her.




How are you?



Well, pregnant.

I can see that. You look good though.

Thanks, can I come in?

I don't think that's a good idea.

I told her. My mom I mean.
I came out to my whole family.

Feels wonderful, like this huge
fucking weight's been lifted off of me.

That's really great. I'm happy for you.


Why are you here?

I needed to see you.

I have so many things I want to say to you,
I just don't know where to begin.

I don't think you should. Begin I mean.

I'm seeing someone.

I know, Matt told me.

Well you should know I really like this girl.

She's beautiful and smart and funny.
She's got a good job.

She's been out like her whole life.

We're moving in together
at the end of the month so...

I love you.

You still love me right?
I'm out, I'm not ashamed.

I promise things will be different this time.
I'm so sorry for being so confused.

Don't be sorry.

It was amazing.

Jess, you taught me that being
with one person and truly loving them,

was the greatest feeling in the world.

Different people take different amounts of
time to be comfortable with their sexuality.

Don't apologize for needing to take it slow.

You were married for Christ???s sake.
Well you are and pregnant for that matter...

I'm leaving him. He knows all about us.
We're done. And I think it's gonna be ok.

Don't do that for me.

I don't know if I could ever be with
you again, even if I was single.

You really hurt me.

I know. I know and I'm so sorry.

But I'm not leaving him for you,
I'm leaving him for me and for him.

He deserves to be with someone that
loves him like, like the way that I love you.

And the way that I hope that you still love me.

I can't answer that right now.

I should go. Us talking isn't fair to her.

The baby's kicking.

Do you wanna feel?

That's incredible.

I know.

I gotta go.

Take care and good luck with everything.

Trevor: Hey our kids gonna be athletic,
with you as its mother.

Ah, well I think this is the only high one
and all these smaller ones are standard.

I like this one.

Jess: You're so stubborn.

Did you see her?

I most certainly did.

Trevor: Wait, should I bring this?

There's no fucking way you're videotaping this.

You're right. You're right. Ok, bad idea.

Can I talk to you? Alone?

Ann: What do you say we do the crossword?

I guess we can.

They asked me to leave.

I think there is something really
wrong but they won't tell me anything.

They said they don't know but as soon
as they did, they would come and get us.

Doctor: It appears that Jess had placenta previa.
So the placenta was lying low on the uterine wall

blocking part of the cervix. There was
severe hemorrhaging and we had to perform an

emergency C-section or Jess could have died.

The situation was very critical for both
her and the child and we lost the baby.

Is she alright? Can I see her?

Yeah, she's asked to see all of you but
I can only take two of you in at a time.

Casey: Thanks for calling me.

Well I love her,
and seeing you will make her happy.

Hmm, that's really decent of you.

I can see why Jess always
gave you such glowing reviews.

I wanted to ask your permission?

I want her to be my girlfriend.

I thought you had one?

No I ended it once Jess came to see me.

After seeing Jess, I realized
I was just rebounding with Amber.

I guess I always knew what I was doing but
seeing Jess made it impossible to keep lying to

myself and suddenly it didn't
seem fair to put Amber through that.

I get that.

So why'd you wait 'til now
before you came to see her?

I wanted to be 100 percent sure that
this is what I wanted for the rest of my life.

With Jess and I things are all or nothing and

that's the most fucking scary
and amazing thing in the world.

And are you?

100 percent sure I mean.

Yes, yes I am.



I'm still up Trev, come in.



Jess: Thanks.

Trevor called me.

He did?

I'm so sorry about what happened.
I really wish I could have been there for you.

My breath smells like puke,
I threw up three times in the past hour.

Aww, that's hot. (LAUGHS)

Casey: I love you.

Will you please be my girlfriend?

Are you sure?


MUSIC / Fait Dormi - Let Go