Till the End of the Night (1995) - full transcript

A woman is stalked and eventually kidnapped by her psychotic ex-husband. Her present husband, who wasn't even aware that his wife had been previously married, is initially caught in a scheme that gets him accused of murder. Then when he tries to convince the police that his wife is in trouble, no one believes him. This forces him to take the law into his own hands to rescue his wife. David Keith appears as an ex-con who initially convinces the couple that he is a parole officer searching for the ex-husband, but is in fact a co-conspirator.

[ Dog barks in distance ]

[ Computer beeps ]

Girl: When we move, am I
going to get my own room?

Of course you will,

He talks in his sleep.

So? You fart.

Myles, you're supposed
to be sleeping.

You see,
I need my privacy.

I know you do,

Can't dad
just build US one?
He will.

We're going to sell this place

and build a house
big enough for all of US.

Are you going to have
another baby?

Would you like that?

Steven at school says
babies grow out of
rotten meat.

A sister might be nice.

[ Chuckles ]

Good night, mom.

Love you.
Good night.

Can I interest you
in a little r & r?

What'd you have in mind?

Our daughter's
put in a request.


She thinks we're due for
a little family expansion.

Hmm. Well, we're kind of
bursting at the seams already.

Yeah, well...

She has some opinions
about that, too.

[ Wind whistling ]

[ Revs motor ]

[ Heavy metal blares ]

[ Phone ringing ]

Hey, sahib.

You know this stuff's got
enough chemicals in it
to embalm you?

My name isn't sahib.

[ Gunshot ]

As long as
I got this in my hand,

your name's
whatever I say it is.

I don't anticipate
our relationship
being a long one,

but I like people
to know where I stand.

Take what you want.

Never offer a man
what's already his.

Hey, please
don't kill me.

Get the fuck
on the floor!

Get down with
your face on the floor!

Don't move.

[ Opens cash register ]


[ Softly speaking
in a foreign language ]

All anyone can ever
ask of a man in life

is for just a little bit
of fucking self-respect.

[ Shell hits floor ]

[ Click ]
Ha ha ha!

[ Mumbling ]

[ Both moaning
and panting ]



I've lost track.
Is it my turn?

Just hold
that last thought.


It's all right,

It was just a bad dream.
Lie back down.

There were big dogs--

And you and daddy
were gone.

It was just a dream,
just a dream.

Could a wolf
eat a person?

A wolf couldn't
get into your bedroom,

because mommy and daddy
are right next door.

Go back to sleep.

[ Hard rock blares
on radio ]

[ Changes channel ]

Woman on radio:
How can I get my husband

to pay more attention to me,
Dr. Norris?

He just doesn't
seem interested anymore.

Dr. Norris:
First of all, marcia,

you have to
take control of things.

Buy that new dress,
try that new perfu--

Here's the latest
on apple valley.

Great, Fran.
Just put 'em anywhere.

What have I got
before lunch?

Uh, the conference call
at eleven-thirty,

and the guy from
warm Springs development
at noon.

Warm Springs?

Yeah, you remember?
He called a couple of times
last week.

Oh, right.
Shit, I forgot about him.

Just have to
squeeze him in.


[ Tires squeal ]

[ Water running ]

[ Cash register beeping ]

Canned chili on sale
for $1.79 a can...

Uh, I'm not
buying that.

Oh, it was in your cart.

I didn't put it there.
It's not mine.


[ Intercom beeps ]

Yes, Fran?

Your 12 o'clock is here.

Show him in.

Mr. D'arcy.
Mr. Davenport.

I've been looking forward
to meeting you.

Now, Mr. D'arcy,
on the phone you said--

oh, please, John,
call me drew.


You had mentioned that
the company you represent

is interested in
the northgate area.

Yeah, northgate.
I'm crazy about malls.

I really think that
that's where america
is headed.

You know,
the convenience of it all.

Where else can you go get
a designer haircut

and a brand-new
pair of bowling shoes
all within 30 feet?

I don't think
I've ever heard of
your company before.

Are you new to the area?
Yeah, we're, uh...

Actually, we're
just a small company.

Kind of a family-run
operation, you might say.

This is great.

You know, it's really amazing
how all of these small pieces

fit together.

Uh, Mr. D'arcy,
that's very fragile.

You know, it's a shame
that things in life

don't fit together
so neatly.

You know, I guess I never
thought about it that way.

Oh, that's just me.

My ex-wife always said that
I thought too damn much.

Just couldn't
let go of things.

Mind if I smoke?

I'd prefer if--

[ sighs ]

I pulled some charts on the area
that you're interested in.

Did you ever have
that problem, John?

Just thinking things
till they just burn
right through your brain?

No, I can't really say
that I have, Mr. D'arcy.

You're a fortunate man.

Did you ever think
about how much of life
is just chance?

I mean, being in the right place
at the right time?

You know, one man
has a nice family,
a nice home,

another man ends up spending
half his life in jail.

You ever think about that?

I think people are pretty much
responsible for what happens
in their lives.

[ Chuckles ]
That's very good.
Sartre, isn't it?


Now, you had mentioned
the northgate area--

are those your kids?


Look, Mr. D'arcy,
the point is we're not getting
any work done here.

No, you're right.

Here we are wasting time
when we've got a mall to build,

we got yogurt stands to erect,
burgers to fry...

You know what
I was thinking?
A desert theme.

A lot of cactus and maybe those
plastic Texas longhorn bones.

What do you think?

Well, I really don't
have an opinion on--

you know, I just love
the hell out of cactus.

What are your kids' names?

Marissa and Myles.

Marissa and Myles.
Yeah, that's great.

I just love alliteration.
It helps you remember.

Mr. D'arcy--

you have a very beautiful wife.

Don't you think
your wife's beautiful?

What does that
have to do with--

come on, John,
get with the program!

This is the fucking '90s.
The family unit
joined at the hip.

Come on, I'll bet you don't
make a move without her.

I don't think we'll be
doing business, Mr. D'arcy.

We're already doing business.

You know, you've made yourself
quite a life here.

I mean, you're in
the fucking slot, John.

But you ever think about
what might have happened

had you made a wrong turn

Have you ever thought of
what the view might be like

at ground level,
over a hundred square yards
of concrete?

[ Hits intercom ]
Fran, please show
Mr. D'arcy out.

Oh, John, you're really
disappointing me--

having a woman
do your work for you.

Would you rather
that I call building security?

Haven't you got
the word yet?

Don't you get
basic cable, John?

There is
no fucking security.

It's all right, Fran,
I was just finding my way out.

I'll see you around, John.

[ Birds chirping ]

Man on radio:
--Kept thinking these thoughts
are, you know, unnatural.

Dr. Norris:
Who's to say
what's natural?

Like the other day
when I was watching c-span

on that judicial
confirmation hearing...
Aà[ Starts car ]

[ Motor revs in distance ]

[ Tires squeal ]

[ Jukebox blares
rock music ]

See, this is the thing.

If the bullet
that went through Kennedy

didn't hit connelly,
where did it go?

Let it go, girl.

I'm just sayin',
nothing else in the car was hit.

It had to be
the same round.

Look, you let me know
when you figure it all out,
okay, hope?

I'm beginning to think
the single bullet theory works.

I've gotta go
to the John.

Mind if I get
the next round?

Well, if it ain't
the lone fuckin' ranger.

Old silver threw a shoe
about a mile back out of town,

and you're lookin'
for a fresh ride.

Actually, old red's
parked right outside.
I'm drivin'.

So, what's for sale?

Oh, it's all for sale,

I just love
an honest woman.

Well, you gotta be
with a name like "faith."

Faith. [ Chuckles ]

You don't know
how perfect that is.

Why don't you tell me?

Listen, uh, I got
a little place down the road.

What do you say
you and I just take a ride?

Unh-unh. I don't play
house calls.

I provide the room,
you pay the rent.

Money talks.

I got an old man.

[ Chuckles ]

You hadan old man.

You okay?

Yeah. I'm fine.

You seem
a little distracted.

No, it's just
dealing with the house
all day, you know.

Well, Mel said the cleavers
will be ready to go into escrow

just after
one more walk-through.


even crazy people have
reasons, they just have
crazy reasons.

You believe people are going
to have their bodies
or their brains frozen?

--A report
inarchitectural journal,

the newest fad in older homes

is the conversion
of '50s bomb shelters

into jacuzzis and hot tubs.

It may be a sign
of the times since
the end of the cold war--

[ changes channel ]
So you do the sides
and the back,

at an inch and a half,
and you keep it vertical.

And then I take
the angle spacer,
this one here,

and I go directly--


[ Doorbell rings ]

Hey! Here it is.

Oh, thanks, jan.

And I used
low-fat Mayo.

I'll see you
around two.

Okay, bye.

Well, honey,
I thought I'd been fucked

before I met you.

But I ain't
never been fucked

Well, don't forget it--

you ain't never been touched
by another man.

Hey, man, lighten up.
You're hurting me.

Get some clothes on, let's just
get out of this shithole.

[ Party-goers chatter ]

Sure will be nice
not to have that power pole
in my back yard anymore...

[ Indistinct chatter ]

[ Laughter ]

The other end attaches
to your vacuum cleaner.


Hi, Sheila.

Diana, I really think
these people are ready
to close on the house.

Oh, Mel, that would be
so great.

Yeah, but you'll miss
my potato salad.

If I can get you
out of here by the 15th,

you can just close on
the vanderman property
in time.

No, we don't
want her to go!

You'll love
the new neighbors,
they're terrific.

[ Doorbell ]
I gotta get that.

We haven't met.
I'm Mel Davis.
Rubenstein realty.

Mrs. Davenport?

I'm Garrett hill.
I'm a parole officer.

This is about drew d'arcy,
isn't it?

Well, yes, ma'am, it is.

Uh, I don't know
if you're aware of this,

but he was released
from prison two weeks ago.

Oh, jeez.

Has he tried
to contact you?

No, it's just...

[ Heavy sigh ]

What did he do this time?

Well, he failed to report
last Monday,

and I followed him
through two states.

You followed him out here
on a parole violation?

No, ma'am, not just that.

There's some folks
who'd like to talk to him

about a couple
of liquor store robberies.

He's been a busy boy.

He spent all that time in prison

just learning new ways
to tear things down
and blow 'em up.


Look, all I want
is for my family

to be as far away from
drew d'arcy as possible.

My number is on
this piece of paper.

I'd like you to call me
if he contacts you.

Nice meetin' you.

[ Sighs ]

[ Hyperventilating ]

[ Gasps ]


[ Gasping ]

Diana, what's going on?

Hey, great party,

What the hell
are you doing here?!

You know
this man?

To the innermost
recesses of my soul.

He was in my office

I want you out of here.

Hey, I'm cool.
Even brought
my own brand.

I left you a six-pack
in the fridge, too.

Yeah, excuse me.
Could we take this inside?

I could use
another cold one.

I don't want
any fucking part
of you, drew.

And I thought
the fucking part was
the part that you liked best.

who the hell are you?

Do you want
to do the honors
or shall I?

He's my ex-husband.

Drew: Oh, ho ho ho!

There's a curveball, huh?
Ha ha ha!

Drew, I want you
out of this house.

Well, how do you
stand on this, John?

I don't know who you are
or what you want,

and frankly,
I don't give a shit.

I just want you
out of my house.

I thought we could have
been civilized about this.

No, that we cannot be.

You know what
it was like, Diana? Hmm?

Not knowing where you were,
what happened to you?

I mean,
if you died, at least
then it would be over.

But not knowing and having
all the time in the world
to think about it...

Some things
are lower than bottom.

Look, I want you
out of my house.

Okay, I guess
it wasn't such a good idea
coming here.

But I figured, hey,
what the fuck,
it's the '90s, right?

I even brought my current.

Get up
to your room.

But faith was showing--
I said go
to your room.

I want the two of you
out of here

or I'm calling
the police.

And I don't want to
see you here ever again.

You embarrassed me
back there, man.

Just how do you
embarrass a whore?

Don't call me that.

Well, you're a real
piece of work.

So, who is that chick,

None of
your goddamn business.

All right.

So, why don't you
just let me out right here?

Just shut up!

[ Tires squeal ]

Don't you ever fucking
do that to me, man!

Nobody hits me!

Not my old man,
and definitely not some John!

Hey, is that
all I am to you, baby?

Well, you're the one
with the money, aren't you?

All right, look,
I'm sorry I hit you.



Fucking touch me again,
and I'll rip your heart out

and show it to you
before you die.

Look, I'm trying to find
something I lost.

Can't you understand that?

There's a missed step,
a broken vow,

in everybody's life,

a point where
things could have gone
one way or another.

I only want what's mine.

What can she do for you
that I can't, baby?

I can be anybody you want.

Mmm...just close your eyes.

I can be your virgin...
I can be your first love.

Just close your eyes, baby.

We all look alike
in the dark.

I was very young.

I thought you could
live life that way--
no tomorrows.

I don't know,
maybe I just did it
to get back at my parents.

There were crimes?

No! No, not at first.

There was just
this crazy, romantic guy.

You know, the secret dream
at the center of
every girl's heart,

the man that
comes out of nowhere

with strong hands
and no past--

a silhouette in black.

My life was so controlled.

He was the only thing
that couldn'tbe controlled.

And then he'd disappear
for days at a time.

One day there were
all these cops

all over the place.

Hard lights, angry shouts...

And I remember
the way he was looking at me
when they took him away.

With that sly little smile
and that soft voice...

"This is only temporary,

You and me are till
the end of the night."

I don't remember
what they were saying--

something about a gas station,
accessory after the fact.

They arrested you?

Yeah. Yeah, I ended up in jail

with these women
with dead, empty eyes

and I thought, "oh, my god,
I'm one of them now,

I've crossed the line
and I can never go back."

But a lawyer pushed a piece
of paper in front of my face

and said, "sign it
and you can get out of here."

Your father?

Yeah, my father.

Made a call, like usual,

and, like usual,
I accepted his offer.

He made another call
and I wasn't married anymore.

It was like it never happened--

a kid's nightmare.

Talk about
your curveballs.


You and the kids
are the most important things
in my life.

From the moment I met you,
I knew that you were
something solid,

something I could count on.
You should have told me.

I know, I know, and I tried,
I don't know how many times.

But I kept looking at you
and I kept thinking,

"I can't let anything
blow this."

So I just kept
putting it off

until I half-convinced myself
that it never happened.

It was wrong,
I know that now.

It wouldn't have mattered.
You know?

I've gotta go
apologize to my daughter.

Pimp: All right, man,
you got somethin'
for me?

Don't hurt him, man,
he's cool.

Cool with my bitch,
I see.

Tell me, do you like
the taste of free meat, man?

He's running a tab,
man, I was gonna
catch up with you.

Shut the fuck up,

Easy with that piece,

You better not
be a cop,

that's all
I can say, man.
You dig?

Listen, take--
take what I owe you.

I take what I want!

[ Chuckles ]

Stop it.

Drew, stop it!

Stop it--drew--

stop it!

[ Groaning ]
Drew, stop it!

Get up in the room.

I just did you a favor.

Just promise me that
you won't kill him.

All right,
I won't kill him.

[ Pimp moaning ]

[ Starts car ]


What are you gonna
do with him?

I'm gonna take him down
to the bus station,

buy him a ticket,
stick it in his hand,

and let him figure it out
from there.

[ Tires squeal,
car pulls away ]

Are the guys
all tucked in?


You ready for tomorrow?

Mel thinks this couple
will be ready to go into escrow

as early as Monday.

That'll be great.
To finally sell this place

and build a home
of our own.

It's time to move--

I know that now
more than ever.

It's all behind US, honey.

I should have told you.
You had a right to know.


What you did before you met me
is your business.

I only know
the person you are now,

and that's the person
I love.

I'll never bring it up again.

[ Sighs ]

Mel: Hi, Diana.
Diana: Hello.

As I told you,
reverend and Mrs. Cleaver

just needed
another look at the house.

Yes, of course.

Now, about that
electrical tower
in your back yard--

it's really not that big.
You'll get used to it
in no time.

Yes, we hardly
notice it anymore.

This house
is just perfect
for you.

Well, if I didn't think it
was right, we wouldn't be here.

This is a quiet

Oh, yes,
it's practically boring.

My husband
has a heart condition.

Oh...i see.
[ Phone ringing ]

I'll just be a minute.

Why don't we have
a look at the kitchen
and the view?

Ah, yes.

These are
really good people,

took excellent care
of the place...


Hi, honey. Just checking
to see if Mel showed.

Yes, they're here
right now.

We are a heartbeat away
from the new property.

We need this so much
right now.

I know we do.

Well, I'd better
get back to the guided tour.

Okay. Call me
as soon as it's over.

I will.


My wife just
really loves that--

reverend cleaver?
Is something wrong?

There's a man
parked on your lawn.

[ Honking horn ]
Drew: Diana!

Diana! Yo!

Come on out!

Come on out
or I'm coming in!

I-I'm sure we'll get this
all straightened out.


What the hell
are you doing here?!

Are we having a party?

I'm warning you,

I'm terribly sorry
about this, reverend cleaver.
Maybe we should--

did you say "cleaver"?

[ Sternly ]
Why, yes.

I bet that came as one
fucking hell of a surprise

to Wally and the beav!

Henry, maybe
we should--

hey, are you really
a preacher?

'Cause, you see,
I'm in a desperate
need of saving.

Isn't that right,

Hey, padre,
you know about
me and Diana?

She tell you how
we went before man and god

and said those words?

"Bone of my bone,
flesh of my flesh,

till death do US part."

I got news for you, honey--
I ain't dead yet. Are you?

Maybe that's it.

Maybe you're
just dead inside.

Maybe the new hubby
doesn't do it for you
the way that I used to.

Mel, call the police.

Do you really
think we need to?

All right, Mel!
Party animal!

Get the hell
out of my house

and out of my life!

Look, I, uh...


Good day, miss Davenport.

This is--
I mean--


Man: John, I'll tell ya,
in this kind of structure,

I'd suggest an amortization of--

[ intercom buzzes ]
Yeah, Fran?

Oh, Jesus, John!

Diana, what is it?
He came over here
when the cleavers--

who came over there?
Just come home!

Oh, Christ!


Diana, are you upstairs?

Remember when
I wanted to paint?

Remember the plan?

Have two kids,
then go back to school
for my m.F.A.?

A neatly parceled life.

I wasn't very good, was I?

Yes, you were.
You just stopped.

Yeah. That happens.

When we move,
you can go back to school.

No, don't say it.
You know it'll never happen.

Everyone's entitled
to a mistake, aren't they?

We'll work through this,

All I want is a normal life
with normal desires.

I'm never going to be
a great painter,

I'm never going to
go back to school
for my masters.

I just want
a little peace in my life.

You know what
he once told me?

He said that
the bond between US
would never break

until the day we died.

And I thought
that was romantic.

What an idiot I was.

No. No, no.
You were young.

What are we going to do, John?

Look, this guy is a criminal,
he's dangerous.

You said he hasn't actually
broken into your house?

No, he's just--

he keeps showing up.
He is terrorizing my wife.

Isn't there some law
against harassment?

It's a tricky area
of the law.

You need to get the court
to Grant you a restraining--

all right,
how long does that take?

Could be done
in a couple of weeks--
[ Hangs up ]

--Suffering from baldness,

now you can spray on
a full head of luxuriant hair

[ phone rings ]
Withscalp magic...


This is Diana Davenport.

[ Intercom buzzes ]

Yeah, Fran?

John, I've got that guy
on the line for you.

That weirdo
from the other day.

Want me to
get rid of him?

Put him on.

Drew: John, hey.
How are you doing?

What the fuck do you
want with my family?

What makes you think
that I want anything?

Maybe I want to give you
something, ever think of that?

I've called the police.

Oh, let me guess.
There isn't shit they can do.

They probably told you to
take out a restraining order.

Not bad for your average
jailhouse lawyer, huh?

Why don't you just
get to the point?

You see, John,
sharing the same pussy

binds US together
in a special way.

Don't tell me you never
thought about it before, John,

all the guys that have
been there before you--

all the men that
have seen her back arch,

her eyes close,

felt her hands reaching
for their cocks.

It's only natural.

Does she tell you
to fuck her harder, John?

Does she scream it to god,

or is she afraid
to wake the kids?

Does she still rise up
off the bed

like a bucking mare
when she comes?

Or is she
a little too settled
for that kind of riot?

We've touched
the same core, John.

We share a secret.

That makes US
brothers of a sort.

[ Chuckles ]

Now try to imagine her
from a prison cell.

Eight by eight,

cries in the night

by some fresh meat
being turned out.

And all the while...

All the while
your wife's out there,

eyes closing
at the pressure
of another man's cock.

And there's not a fucking
thing you can do about it.

Don't you want to know
what I know, John?

[ Chuckles ]

You didn't think
she was a virgin,
did you?

Ha ha!

[ Hangs up ]

John, you're an architect,
you build things.

He's got a thing
for dynamite.

His game is control.

If he can get to you,
he wins.

You keep your cool,
sooner or later he's
gonna screw up,

he always does.

He acts on pure impulse.

Or am I telling you something
you already know?

You said
you can arrest him.

I can, on a parole violation.
But I gotta find him first.

I want to go with you
when you do.

This is not gonna be
amateur night.

Listen to me.

This son of a bitch
has threatened my family.

John, don't do this.

I want to be there.

Well, we'll have to
think about that, partner.

Gotta find him first.

This is personal
for you, isn't it?

Let's just say
we go back a ways.

We both owe him,
Mrs. Davenport.

[ Door opens, closes ]

John, if you think
this is some sort
of macho game,

you're going to lose.
I know him.

Diana, I will
protect my family.

I know, I understand
what you're trying to do, but--

oh, my god!

Oh, my god.

What is it?
He's in the house!


Diana, will you listen to me?!

Diana, calm down!

Diana, I drank that beer.

It was me. They were still
in the refrigerator.

He must have left them here
the day of the barbecue.

[ Gasping ]

[ Glass breaking ]

[ Groans ]

[ Gasping ]

Unh! Unh!

Uhn! Unh!

Uhn! Unh!

What are you doing?!

Damnit, Diana!

What is it?

They could
have been killed.

Jesus Christ,
you and your goddamn...

[ Sighs ]

Myles: Why are going
to grandma and grandpa's
on a Tuesday?

Why won't anybody
tell US anything?

Come on, you guys.

Who wants
fresh brownies?

Myles: I do.

They can stay here
as long as you feel

Thanks, dad.

I only hope that bastard--

Look, I want you two
to mind grandma and grandpa
while you're here, okay?

What about

There won't be school
for a few days,
okay, buddy?

Oh, boy.

What are you and daddy
so afraid of?

Come on, Rita.

Here, take this.
Bye, sweetie.

[ Phone ringing ]

Garrett: Bingo.

Tell me.

He had a little
boxing match

with some prostitute
over on the row.

She put the word out
on the street he's bad news.

Well, where is he?

A little fleabag over on 3rd
called the starlight.


I can be there
in twenty minutes.

This is his game,
not ours.

You don't have
to prove anything to me.

[ Sighs ]

He's in room 17.

Now, let's keep this simple.

No cowboy bullshit,
all right?

You just back me up.

Come on, it goes with
the price of admission.


You sure you can handle this,
whatever goes down?

Well, well, well.

It I'd known
it was girls night out,
I woulda brought pretzels.

[ Gasping ]

Well, ain't that a bitch.

You know, it's amazing

how much one of those things
looks like a gun in the dark.

Is he dead?

Yeah, I'd say so, yeah.

Oh, Jesus.

Hey, don't fade on me
now, brother.

Oh, Christ, you weren't
supposed to shoot him.

Hey. Don't play that with me.

We both knew
what this was about.

No. No, I didn't come here
to kill anybody.

Oh, no? No?

Listen, the only way
this thing was gonna end up

was with one of you dead.

Now, he accepted that.
Why can't you?


Now, I'll take care
of things here.

I'm gonna get his prints on it,
say he drew down on me.

A guy like that,
nobody's gonna ask
too many questions.

You were never here.

Run on home to your wife.

Go on. Go ahead.

Go on.

It's over, man.

It's gonna
take some time.


We have too much


If I ever thought--

no. Shh.

You have nothing
to apologize for.

[ Floorboards creak ]

Diana, he's dead.

You can't get spooked every time
this old house creaks.

No, wait, wait.
I thought I heard something.

[ Banging on door ]

[ Loud banging ]

Police! Freeze!

Get down on the ground!

Don't move!
Lace 'em up!

Mr. Davenport,
you are under arrest.

Face forward, asshole.

Frank: Jeez, John,

what in the hell
were you doing in
that motel room?

I was set up, frank.

Set up? By whom?

A parole officer
named Garrett hill.

I don't know
what kind of game
he's playing, but--

parole officer?

John, it was your
fingerprints on the gun.

Yeah, I was in the room, frank,
but I didn't shoot anyone!

Hey. Hey. I'm just
a real estate lawyer.

Look, frank, I know that.
Come on, I need your help.


Why don't you tell me
what's going on here?

Garrett hill
killed drew d'arcy!

Drew d'arcy?
Who in the hell is drew d'arcy?

He was Diana's
first husband.

The dead guy
was married to Diana?

Yes, frank,
long before she met me.

Something here
doesn't make sense.

What are you
talking about?

I mean,
the stiff they've got

is some skinny pimp
from the strip

named peaches Monroe.

[ Noise in distance ]

In this past weekend's
super lottery draw,

the pair came forward to claim
their $11 million prize

this morning
and face the media.

Tom banks is an electrician
and says, for the time being,

his plans are to keep...

[ TV continues,

[ Phone rings ]

People are discovering
just how quick and easy it is

to groom their pet
with the new--

[ channel changes,
phone ringing ]

[ Phone ringing ]

[ Ringing ]

[ Ringing ]

[ Ringing ]

[ Ringing ]

[ Ringing ]

So, Diana.

What did you think when
he told you that I was dead?

Bonus points
if you tell the truth.

[ Ringing ]
Come on, buddy,
keep the line movin'.

You didn't really think
that it would be that simple,
did you?

In case you're wondering,

he's not really
a parole officer.

But he did kill one once.

The bonds of friendship
formed inside of prison

are really underrated.

What do you want
from me, drew?

You made me a promise,

I'm not
that same person

That's funny--
you look like
the same person.

I have a life now.

You had a life with me!

Please don't
hurt my kids.

Just think of Garrett as...

Their guardian angel.

So long as I'm okay...

Then they're okay.

Let's go for a ride.


[ Footsteps approach ]

[ Footsteps approach,
keys jangling ]

Let's get out of here, John.

Medical examiner
determined the guy
had been dead 36 hours,

so he couldn't
have been shot last night.

Some prostie showed up,
claimed the guy had
had a fight with d'arcy.

Son of a bitch
was only buying time.



Easy, partner,
you're gonna make me
spill my French fries.

You son of a bitch.
You set me up!

Don't take it personally.
Just repaying an old buddy.

Give me your gun.

It's against policy,

[ Grunts ]
All right, all right.

So, uh, when'd you
grow a second ball?

You should have
never involved my kids.

Lean forward.

Lean forward!

Unh! The buckle,
the buckle!

Whoa, that really
cuts into you.

Shut up and drive.

Look, uh...

It was never
about the kids, okay?

[ Starts car ]

Soon as I got word
that he was clear,
I was goin'.


Get over there.

So, you got a plan, hoss,
or we just gonna wing it?

Just get over there
and take out your cuffs.

My cuffs.

Put it on your wrist.

No, no, no, no--
right wrist.

My right wrist.

Now toss me the keys.

Other end on the fence.


Do it.

[ Clears throat ]

Okay, now tell me
where he's taken her.

You think he
woulda told me?

Gonna be
an awful long night
if he didn't.

[ Sighs ] Look,
he said something
about the desert,

like he's got a place
out there or something.

Come on,
the desert's a big place.

That's all
he told me, man.

Gee, that's too bad.
Oh, fuck.

One last chance.
I don't know shit.

Now, I'm gonna go to the cops
and tell them where you are,

and you better pray to god
that my wife's okay.

[ Starts car ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Talk radio on ]

[ Turns radio off ]

No. No, listen to me, frank.
I know he's taken her.

John, you're still
not totally in the clear
on that murder investigation.

In 48 hours, they can take
a missing persons report.

48 hours? Jesus Christ.

He can cover
three states in that time!

All you've got
is a tape of kids
playing on a lawn

and a guy handcuffed
to a parking sign

who says
he doesn't know shit.

Are you listening to me?
Yeah, I'm listening to you.

What are you
planning to do?
Keep me prisoner forever?

That's an
interesting word,

It'll all come back
to you, Diana.

You can't be tamed
any more than I can.

I've changed, drew.

Yeah? You've changed?
Let's see how much.

Hey, hop sing.
These pork rinds
come in spicy?

We have wheat rinds
in spicy.

I didn't ask you
if you had wheat rinds!

Put your hands down.
This ain't TV.

I don't have
any large bills.

That's all right,
I'm just trying
to make a point.

Honey, go get me
a six-pack.

Move, or I'll
blow his fucking brains
all over this wall.

The tie that binds.

Shit, he was tellin'
the truth.

Come on, let's go!

I'm looking for faith.

Well, honey,
you've found hope.

Look, this is an emergency.

You don't look so hard up.

Listen, I haven't got time
to explain this to you.

Now, please, I need
to find this girl faith.

I was told she works
the streets around here.

Who you figure
killed Kennedy?

You know,
lone gunman
or conspiracy?

I don't know, lone gunman.

Please, I need
to find this girl.

Try the carousel.
It's over on 3rd.

All comin' back to you?

You just killed a man
to prove something to me?

No, I killed him
because if I didn't,
he woulda killed me.

And that's the way
you see it all, isn't it?

Actually, yeah.

You just take
what you want,

and then when
somebody stands up to you,

you--you think
whatever happens to them
is their responsibility.

You think that's
all I'm about?

Huh? Taking things?

You think this shit
means anything to me? Huh?

You think
it's about the money?

You think it's
about the money?!

[ Bills flutter ]

Oh, is that
supposed to impress me?
Like threatening my kids?

Your kids'll be fine.

Old hubby'll be
out of the joint

as soon as they start
putting the pieces together.

He'll enjoy
the single father routine.

He's that house-husband type
anyway, isn't he?

[ Jukebox plays
rock music ]

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Excuse me, damnit!

I'm looking for
a girl named faith.

I heard she
works around here.

She might have
been here.

[ Bills rustling ]

[ Bills rustling ]

You're not a cop,
are ya?


She's, uh...

Just down the hall,

You're faith, aren't you?

For the right price
I'll be whoever
you want me to be.


what did he do to you?

Nothing that
hasn't been done before.

I need your help,


Do I know you?

You came to my house
with drew d'arcy.
I'm John Davenport.

Oh, yeah, right.

I need your help, faith.
He's taken my wife.

Why don't you
just fuck off, man?

No. Why don't you
just fuck off?

Oh, man, we don't
have to be doin' that.

Listen to me, faith.

He's threatened my children.

He's kidnapped my wife.

Yeah, you had
a nice family.


Nice kids.
I--i like kids.

I need to find out
where he's taken her.

He never told me anything.

Did he ever talk to you
about a hideout,

maybe somewhere
out in the desert?

The desert?


He talked about
this place out past



He said it was
the world of the future.

He said he could
disappear into the desert
like an Indian

and become part of the sky
and the sand.


are you gonna be
all right?

I always am.

No, you--you don't--
you don't owe me anything.

Here. Here.

[ Crickets chirping ]

I always knew
I'd end up out here.

He doesn't have
the staying power, Diana.

Oh, he'll try for a while,
but he'll give up.

You don't know him.

I'm gonna take you deep
into the disappearing place.

To find you,
he'd have to endure the heat
of the midday sun,

the cold of the deep night.

He'd have to pass
through fever sweats,
like a warrior shaman.

You think he'd do that
for you, Diana?

Do you know anybody but me with
that level of...Commitment?

He's not going to give up.

He'll find you,
and he'll kill you
if he has to.


Then if he's willing
to do all that,

I guess he deserves
to get you back.

Now get the fuck
in the car.

[ Starts car ]

What is this place?

Drew: Well, they started
building it back in the '50s,
during the boom.

You know, a prototype
for some kind of levittown
of the west.

In the middle
of nowhere?

No, they were supposed
to build a superhighway,

cut right through
the heart of
these mountains.

But, uh...

I don't know,
it was their idea
of taming the wilderness.

So what happened?

A couple of men got killed
during the first blast,

so they had to
reassess costs.

The highway never happened,
the idea died.

An old man I met in stir
told me about it.

He was working
the highway detail
at the time.

Come on, I want to
show you somethin'.

Now you can paint
all you want.

Don't tell me
you didn't quit, Diana.

You're drying up inside,
living that tame life.

Maybe I screwed up...

But when we were together,

you never doubted for a second
that you were alive.

When we were together,
I was scared to death
half the time.

We're all scared inside.

We're all scared, Diana.
If we're not scared,
we're not alive.

Tell me you've
forgotten the heat.

I can't do that, drew.

[ Siren blares ]

I'm just taking
a little rest, officer.

Had a little shooting
back in charro last night.

Market holdup.

A fellow who really likes
to get on the TV.

Sorry for
the inconvenience.

Could I see
your drivers license
and registration, please?

No, I...

Borrowed the car
from a friend,

I forgot to take
the registration.

Well, shouldn't do that.

Considering the guy
I got this car from,

there's probably a warrant
or a body attached.

Friend, you better
put that gun down.

Somebody kidnapped my wife,
and I'm the only chance
she's got.

I don't know if that's
true or not, but--

toss me the keys
to your car.

I can't do that.

[ Radiator hissing ]

You are buying into
a shitload more trouble

than you got right now.

Look, I'm real
sorry about this,

but I haven't got time
to convince you
I'm not the bad guy.

So give me your gun.

Give me your gun!

Get 'em up!

Give me the keys.

Come on!

[ Tire blows ]

[ Revving engine ]

[ Turns off motor ]

So, this is the plan?

The little woman
tends to the homestead

while you go out
and Rob gas stations
every now and then

to pay for
the canned goods?

I just love chili in a can.

You know, drew,
you're right about one thing.

For years I tried
to convince myself

that there was never
anything between US--

that it was just
a childhood thing,

a little girl's
attraction to the outlaw.

But I really did
love you once.

And I don't need to keep
making excuses for that.

Did you ever think it might
be the other way around?

That you spend years
putting on layers of bullshit

till you lose sight
of your own core?

I know who I am, Diana.
I never lost sight of that.

Not since the first time
I put a gun behind a man's ear

and let him know that
whether he lived or died
had nothin' to do with him.

All it had to do with was...

How I happened to be feeling
at that particular moment.

Mmm, that's good stuff.


[ Groans ]

[ Groaning ]

This is crazy, drew.

There's a reason
they didn't finish
this house.

Failure of will.

You're a deep hunger
for me, Diana.

You always have been.
Drew, don't.

You alwayshave been.

Tell me that part of it
wasn't good between US.

I don't have to
tell you anything.


Tell me how
you want it.


You can say it
as loud as you like.




That's my girl.

[ Drew moaning softly ]

And what are you
planning on doing
with that knife?

[ Car starts in distance ]

[ Tires squeal ]

Oh, my god!

Get the fuck
away from him!

Come on! Come on!

Fucking pussy!

So, John-boy, you are capable
of a little surprise,
aren't you?

You wrecked
my fuckin' house!

So, how long were you
out there, huh?

If you'd stayed out there
long enough,

you mighta got the answer
to that question of yours.

I'm not gonna
play this game with you.

[ Chambers round
in shotgun ]

It's easy for you to judge me
from your cold, dead heart
of suburbia.

But I wonder what would happen
if you woke up some morning

in a fucking jail cell,
some stinking cell

with a couple of niggers
trying to turn you out?!

Just lying there
thinking to yourself,

"god, if I ever
got out of this place,

I'd collect
on every fucking debt."

And then some morning
that you hear
out there somewhere

is another man
fucking your wife--

living your life,
fucking your woman.

She's my wife.

She's your wife?
Prove it! Come on!

Get the fuck down here!

Get on top of her.
Come on.

Get the fuck
on top of her. Now!

Get the fuck
on top of her.

Drew, don't!
There we go.

Come on, John.
Let's go! Come on.

There we go.
Oh, god, will you--

this is one demon
I'm gonna exorcise.

What's the matter, John?
Can't get it up?

Get up. Get up.
[ Groans ]

Get up.

Diana: Drew,
wait a minute!

I'll stay with you
if that's what you want.

You don't need
to hurt him.

[ Chuckles ]
You listening
to this, hoss?

I'm gonna Bury you
deeper than dead.

Drew, you're crazy.

Ha ha! I may be,

but at least I know
what's mine.

Now move!


Ha ha ha!

There's my girl.

Easy now, partner.

[ Chuckles ]

Well, well, John.

I see you found
my little insurance policy.

You're a crazy fuck.

You'd rather die with her
than give her up, wouldn't you?

But would you?

[ Click,
electronic humming ]

[ Laughing ]

How'd you know
about this place?

John: They all had
bomb shelters back then.

There you go.

[ Coughing ]