Til Death Do Us Part (2019) - full transcript

The series are 25 minute short stories. It's Alfred Hitchcock type stories. Stories with surprise and interesting endings.


[high-pitched sound]

[spooky music]

[high-pitched sound]

[spooky music intensifying]

[phone ringing]

[sound of insects crawling]

[insects buzzing]

[threatening music]

[music intensifying]

[spooky music and insects buzzing]

[haunting music]

[music intensifying]

[music stops]

[phone ringing]


[Jennifer] This is your landlord,

Hello, Jennifer.

[Jennifer] Have you found a job yet?
I haven't heard from you lately.

Well, I've been looking for one.

[Jennifer] The committee will be
inspecting the rooms in a few days.

You should clean up yours.

What do you mean?

Is this a new rule?

They will be there in two days.

The state of your room
affects your score...

especially you,

since your score is quite low.

If you don't pull yourself together...

you'll drag everyone else down.

Chu Ting, are you listening?

I'm giving you a heads-up
for your own good.



There's a stain on the wall.

A stain?

Just wipe it off, then.

[she hangs up]

[threatening music]

[water gurgling]

[water splashing and high-pitched sound]

[effort sounds]



[phone ringing and vibrating]

[phone keeps ringing then stops]

[wind blowing]

[phone ringing]


[mother] Why didn't you pick up
your phone yesterday?

I was cleaning my room.

-You could have called me back--
-I'm busy. I'll call you later.

Don't you hang up on me. I'm not done yet.

You should let go of the past.

What you can't see doesn't exist.

Everyone else has moved on. Why can't you?

Stop obsessing over...

I'll take all of these.

And this, too.

[clicking sound]

What you can't see doesn't exist!

What you can't see doesn't exist.
[waves crashing]

What you can't see doesn't exist.

What you can't see doesn't exist.

[shouts] What you can't see doesn't exist.

What you can't see doesn't exist.

[sound of steps and threatening music]

[music intensifying]

[groaning sounds]

[music and groaning intensifying]

[loud breathing and moaning sounds]

[crying sounds and loud breathing]

[phone ringing]


Chu Ting.

Is your room ready?

Pretty much. It's perfectly spotless.

Tomorrow afternoon at three o'clock,
I'll be there with the inspector.


[threatening music intensifying]

[music intensifying]

[haunting music]

What you can't see doesn't exist.

[haunting music intensifying]

[effort sounds
and scrubbing sounds intensifying]

[softer sounds]

[sigh of relief]


[wind blowing and waves crashing]

[voice] Run!

[distorted voice] Run!

[scary distorted voice] Run!

[cracking sounds]

[haunting sounds
and cracking intensifying]

[evil laughter]

[sudden sound]

[intensifying scary music]

[haunting sound and grunting]

[grunting intensifying]

[phone ringing]

[doorbell ringing]

Chu Ting, it's Jennifer.

The inspector is here.

[Jennifer] Open the door.

[phone ringing]

[scary music intensifying]

[phone ringing, knocking intensifying]

[phone ring intensifying, she screams]

[she coughs]

[soothing music]

[she sobs, panting sounds]

[sobs and panting sounds]

[Chu Ting] What you can't see
doesn't exist.

What you can't see doesn't exist.

What you can't see doesn't exist.

What you can't see doesn't exist.

[loud breathing]

[she laughs]

[phone ringing and vibrating]

[phone carries on ringing and vibrating]


[Jennifer] All our rooms
are newly renovated and clean.

You'll see for yourself.

You'll also have
everything you need around here.

Once you move in,

you'll never want to leave.

Come with me. I'll show you around.

[voice] Run!



[Jennifer] Miss Li?

See? You already love it.

It will be yours in a few days.


[girl] Filial piety
is the foundation of family discipline.

is the foundation of relationships.

Honesty is the foundation of a career.

[girl # 2] I was wrong.

[girl] Harmony
is the foundation of social interaction.

[girl #2] Provide your guidance.

[girl] Propriety
is the foundation of managing a business.

[girl # 2] I'm sorry. I was wrong.

-Diligence is the foundation of service.
-Please provide your guidance.

-Cleanliness is the foundation of health.
-Provide your guidance.

-Provide your guidance.
-Helping others brings happiness.

[sudden sound]

[waves crashing]

[soft music]

Subtitle translation: Sophie Chang